Anna Speed
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794 comments posted.
Re: Burn For Me (1:05pm April 2, 2020):
I miss searching to find the books I want to read. It's never just one book for me. I usually end up with a small stack.
Re: Love Under Protection (1:11pm March 28, 2020):
I would visit my granddaughter and let her take me on a tour of the city.
Re: The Operator (1:26pm March 11, 2020):
I would be tempted, but not sure if I would or not. I guess it would depend upon whether the evil genie sitting on my shoulder wins or not.
Re: Calling on Quinn (3:31pm February 27, 2020):
I enjoy both, but if I was told I could only have one, I would select the salty snack.
Re: In Search of Truth (3:24pm February 27, 2020):
"A" Agreeable I wish I could use Awesome, but that's stretching the truth. Thank you for the contest.
Re: An Inconvenient Duke (3:04pm February 27, 2020):
I look for adventure, humor, romance and getting the feel of living in a period of time very different from the present.
Re: A SEAL Always Wins (2:57pm February 27, 2020):
Because of their love our country, they are willing to make many sacrifices and go to dangerous parts of the world. Some even make the ultimate sacrifice.
Re: Veiled in Smoke (12:05pm February 21, 2020):
I've never read much about the 1871 fire that destroyed the business district of Chicago. It sounds like a heartbreaking time for many and seems to be important to the plot. A Civil War veteran with problems adds another dimension. We hear many stories about the problems our veterans have nowadays, but there must have been many from the Civil War that were never told. This is a book I would enjoy reading. Thank you for the contest.
Re: Lady Hotspur (2:50pm February 18, 2020):
Blue Bell vanilla ice cream
Re: Storm from the East (1:08pm February 17, 2020):
Re: The Solid Grounds Coffee Company (1:05pm February 17, 2020):
I would love to share a cup with my husband and younger son. I've lost both of them and would love to have another moment with them.
Re: Beach Haven (1:02pm February 17, 2020):
I want to tour the Alpine regions of Austria.
Re: Once Upon a Sunset (12:45pm February 17, 2020):
Please take me to a seafood restaurant.
Re: The Winter Companion (1:12pm February 15, 2020):
Freshly baked Chocolate chip cookies.
Re: Highland Sword (1:09pm February 15, 2020):
Now that I'm living alone, I do less of both, but I guess I'm better at cooking.
Re: Fair Weather Enemies (5:01pm February 14, 2020):
I enjoy taking a journey into a time period completely different from the present.
Re: Defending Zara (4:08pm February 12, 2020):
Oh, my goodness! There are too many really good ones, so it's hard to choose just one. Hershey's Milk Chocolate and Elmer's Heavenly Hash are among my favorites.
Re: The Mail Order Bride's Secret (2:33pm February 8, 2020):
This sounds like a good book for me. Western romances have always appealed to me. There is something about the history that goes along with rugged cowboys and an exciting story that grabs my interest.
Re: Lucky Chance Cowboy (2:06pm February 1, 2020):
Lassie and Snoopy are among my top ones, but Buddy from Air Bud is my favorite. Not every dog can play basketball.
Re: Cold Nose, Warm Heart (1:43pm February 1, 2020):
Dogs are fun to have, but I prefer my cuddly cats.
Re: Whiteout (1:35pm February 1, 2020):
I'm from the deep south, so I have no idea how I would be able to live in a place that cold, but I do want some good books to read to pass the time.
Re: Secret Mountain Hideout (2:04pm January 24, 2020):
I need to connect with the characters, but the plot is extremely important. The two interact and make for a story I want to read.
Re: Murder at the Arts and Crafts Festival (1:33pm January 19, 2020):
I enjoy seeing the amazing crafts and visiting with the artists.
Re: A Cowboy Never Quits (1:35pm January 6, 2020):
Say the word COWBOY and I want to read the book. There always seems to be something special about a cowboy hero.
Re: Pathfinder (1:55pm January 2, 2020):
I guess my love of cowboy romances started when I was a child, probably first by reading books about horses and the cowboy owner, then watching movies and television with cowboy heroes. I'm much older now and especially enjoy good books with a cowboy hero.
Re: The One for You (6:02pm January 1, 2020):
Making new year resolutions was not something done among my family members when I was a child, and, as a result, it's never seemed important to me.
Re: Risk It All (5:13pm December 30, 2019):
It's the mountains for me. I love to see the beautiful trees and flowers, the sparkling streams, and even the wildlife.
Re: A Wedding in December (1:32pm December 10, 2019):
Christmas music gets me in the mood and I love to go Christmas shopping with my adult grandchildren.
Re: Wish Upon a Cowboy (2:00pm December 1, 2019):
I like the cover. It's the first thing I noticed and what made me want to find out more about the book. I enjoy books about cowboys and ranchers and find the storyline interesting. It's a book I want to read. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Virgin River (12:16pm November 25, 2019):
Congratulations! I hope I get a chance to watch it.
Re: The Goddess Gets Her Guy (9:21pm November 21, 2019):
Spring is definitely my favorite. The air seems fresher and suddenly, just like magic, beautiful flowers appear. Even the leaves on the trees seem to be a special green.
Re: Longing for a Cowboy Christmas (8:36pm November 15, 2019):
There are many things I enjoy about Christmas, but find music is the quickest way to get me into the holiday spirit. It doesn't matter whether it's coming from a television program, a school play, a shopping mall or a church, it gives me a lift.
Re: Puppy Christmas (4:22pm November 15, 2019):
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love for Santa to bring me a paperback copy of each of the books.
Re: The Reluctant Rake (3:36pm October 30, 2019):
I enjoy reading about past generations, but I definitely am thankful to live in the present one.
Re: A Christmas Home (8:10pm October 13, 2019):
I'm just learning how to use a slow cooker, so I want to try several recipe. At this moment, I'm interested in the ones for the ribs and beef stew.
Re: Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas (12:39pm October 10, 2019):
They may come in all sizes, but there's something about cowboys that appeal to me. Perhaps the image of a strong personality. Thanks for the recipe. I've been looking for some good recipes for a slow cooker.
Re: Always Look Twice (12:31pm October 10, 2019):
Thanks! I recently purchased a slow cooker and am looking for some good recipes.
Re: Heiress Gone Wild (12:09pm October 2, 2019):
This sounds like a fun book to read. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Capturing the Heart of a Rock Star (9:16pm September 11, 2019):
A small town make a lovely place for a second chance romance. Add a bad boy hero and it's the icing on the cake. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: I've Got You, Babe (8:33pm September 1, 2019):
This sounds interesting. I would love to read it. Thanks for the chance to win.
Re: How to Cross a Marquess (1:19pm August 31, 2019):
The friction that takes place for enemies to discover love
Re: Temptation (9:24pm August 30, 2019):
Thank for the giveaway.
Re: Moon Water (2:48pm August 24, 2019):
The setting in the Blue Ridge mountains drew my attention. I enjoyed a family trip in that area and would enjoy doing it again.
Re: Unbreak Me (2:57pm August 19, 2019):
You get an A+ for the 5 ways to win a lady who has been turned off of men. I would enjoy reading this book.
Re: The Time for Murder is Meow (8:10pm August 11, 2019):
I can relate to this book. I never intended to have house pets, but during the past few years, my son found two kittens that were homeless. Guess what! He brought them to me and I've ended up with two feline companions. One is now four years old but the other is less than a year old. It's been quite interesting to have indoor cats and to watch them interact.
Re: On the Market (9:46pm August 9, 2019):
My favorite gift was a birthstone ring received Christmas day when I was in the seventh grade. I wore it for many years. Just thinking about it brings back many wonderful memories of my family.
Re: The Book Charmer (9:40pm August 9, 2019):
Magic combined with books is fascinating to me. I love to read and I guess you can say finding the right one is magic. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Last Chance Rodeo (9:39pm August 2, 2019):
This is a book I would like to read. I enjoyed the information you gave about your life and feel like you added many details in the book that were taken from real life. Thank you for the giveaway.
Re: A SEAL Never Quits (2:54pm August 1, 2019):
I like the idea of a SEAL working undercover on a Texas ranch. Thank you for the giveaway.
Re: Love at First Bark (3:54pm July 31, 2019):
I enjoy stories that include dogs. The one I have gives me oodles of love.
Re: Fast Lane (11:50am July 25, 2019):
Thanks for the giveaway. This sounds like an interesting book and I like the idea that this is one of a series. It will be fun to find out about each one of the siblings.
Re: The Body in Griffith Park (3:22pm July 19, 2019):
I like the idea of humor in a mystery.
Re: Protect the Prince (4:40pm July 14, 2019):
You got my attention the moment you used the words MAGIC, IMAGINATION and ROMANCE.
Re: Accidentally in Love (1:22pm July 6, 2019):
You really touched on my reading style when you included read favorite books over and over.
Re: Where Dandelions Bloom (1:16pm July 6, 2019):
Something about the title appealed to me, so I was really interested in how it was selected. I love the idea of strength and beauty associated with the dandelion.
Re: Cold Aim (11:47am July 5, 2019):
Your paradise is everyone's dream, well, at least mine. I'm not sure I would want to live permanently in Hawaii, but I would enjoy a nice long visit. Thanks for the giveaway. It's appreciated.
Re: No Heartbreaker Required (10:37pm June 12, 2019):
I enjoyed the info about your thoughtful husband. He sounds like a very special man. Thank you for the sweepstakes.
Re: Wicked Highland Ways (3:35pm June 2, 2019):
Each season has it's own beauty, but my favorite is spring. I especially like the new leaves on the trees, flowers blooming, birds singing and even the air feels fresher. This makes me want to go outdoors and simply enjoy life.
Re: Love Under Construction (12:21pm May 23, 2019):
I am surprised you have time to write. It seems like having twins would be a full time job. One kept me busy. You are amazing.
Re: American Duchess (12:43pm April 19, 2019):
The life of Consuelo Vanderbilt is fascinating. It's sad that she was more or less forced into a loveless marriage, but at the same time, she managed to develop an inner strength.
Re: Foul Play on Words (12:16pm April 13, 2019):
The catchy title drew my interest immediately and I do enjoy reading a good mystery. Humor makes it a winner.
Re: Death Blow (1:46am April 10, 2019):
I enjoy a good mystery book. Thanks for the contest.
Re: A Shot of Murder (1:43am April 10, 2019):
Your blog is interesting.
Re: A Phoenix Is Forever (11:43am March 31, 2019):
It was many, many years ago, but I was slightly embarrassed when I first started reading romantic fiction. Then a lovely lady mentioned that there was always something new that could be learned from them, perhaps something about places in the United States, another country, customs, or just odd bits of information. Nowadays, I simply pick up my book and enjoy.
Re: The Summer Cottage (12:00pm March 28, 2019):
I'm looking forward to reading this book and finding all the details about how Adie rebuilt her life. The word COZY keeps coming into my mind while reading the description.
Re: A Lord Apart (11:48am March 28, 2019):
I enjoyed the information about your family history. Genealogy is fascinating. You never know who will show up in the family tree and it's amazing how many people in a community are related, maybe distantly, but there is a family connection.
Re: In Her Sights (1:59am March 26, 2019):
My heart began to beat a little faster while reading about the plot of this book. It sounds really exciting. Thanks for the contest.
Re: Chocolate a la Murder (2:32am March 12, 2019):
Mystery and paranormal --- That's a perfect combination
Re: Let Me Love You (12:58pm March 3, 2019):
That's a beautiful cover and the book sounds interesting.
Re: It's Getting Scot in Here (3:37pm February 27, 2019):
I would love to read this book. I don't remember reading a book written by you, but I'm adding your name to a list for the future. Thank you for the contest.
Re: A Bound Heart (1:43pm January 20, 2019):
I have wanted to travel to Holland every since I read about the country in my fifth grade Geography book about 80 years ago and my second choice would be Ireland, the home of some of my ancestors. I'm not sure either would look as good as my imagination.
Re: Just Once (1:33pm January 20, 2019):
I enjoyed reading your post and find the information about JUST ONE especially interesting. It does sound like I will need a hankie or Kleenex nearby while reading it.
Re: Texas Legacy (12:55pm January 17, 2019):
Yes, I enjoy finding a secondary character become the major one in another book. It's like finding out more about an old friend.
Re: One Night Gamble (12:51pm January 17, 2019):
I don't gamble, but I do enjoy watching others while they are trying to beat the odds.
Re: Decoy Date (11:44am December 13, 2018):
I'm always amazed when I enter a friend's house and see how neat and spotless everything is. I guess you can say my home is well lived in.
Re: Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish (11:34am December 13, 2018):
My favorite things are the excitement on the faces of young children and Christmas music.
Re: You Had Me at Cowboy (11:17pm December 5, 2018):
You drew my interest the moment I saw the word Cowboy and the more I read about the plot, the more I wanted to read this book.
Re: My Forever Home (10:17pm November 27, 2018):
I enjoyed the description of your workspace and pets. To me, your sunroom sounds like an ideal place to work or just relax. I especially want to thanks you for the chance to win a copy of My Forever Home. It sounds like one I would enjoy reading.
Re: Feels Like Falling (12:48pm November 21, 2018):
Their dark secrets draw my interest and, of course, I'm looking forward to a "they lived happily ever after" ending. Thanks for the sweepstakes.
Re: Distant Memory (1:20pm November 17, 2018):
I'm interested. It sounds like there is a lot of excitement taking place. Thank you for the sweep.
Re: The Silent Wife (9:08pm November 15, 2018):
My attention was caught the moment family secrets were mentioned. Now I want to find out about them. Thanks for offering us a chance to win a copy.
Re: Never Let Me Fall (1:12pm November 9, 2018):
Wow! What an intriguing story! It's one that I want to read.
Re: Cowboy Christmas Jubilee (5:06pm November 2, 2018):
Christmas miracles --- Just what is needed. It sounds like a good book for me to read. Thanks for the sweeps.
Re: Wild On My Mind (12:50pm October 4, 2018):
There is something about a second chance romance that appeals to me. I especially like the idea of the zoo animals helping to bring the couple together. I have wonderful memories of my dad taking me to the zoo and the many years later going with my grandchildren.
Re: More Than a Phoenix (12:31pm September 29, 2018):
I prefer books that end with the sense that "they lived happily ever after." Just listen to the world news and you hear too many sad stories. A romance book helps me to escape to a more upbeat side of life.
Re: A Billionaire Wolf for Christmas (12:21pm September 29, 2018):
I've never read a book with shifters, but I think it's time for me to try one. This one sounds interesting.
Re: Mistletoe in Texas (9:46pm September 26, 2018):
I like second chance books, especially when there is a cowboy involved. Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy.
Re: Rocky Mountain Cowboy Christmas (9:38pm September 26, 2018):
I'm still smiling over the ending to the excerpt and the plot draws my interest. This is the kind of book I enjoy reading.
Re: How the Earl Entices (11:19am September 13, 2018):
Wow! I just received an education about the Regency period and found it very interesting. Also, the plot makes me want to read How the Earl Entices. Thank you for the chance to win.
Re: Cowboy Charm School (3:26am September 8, 2018):
My best advice came from my parents. Go to college. I had originally wanted to do something differently. Thank goodness I listened to them.
Re: Do or Die Cowboy (3:12am September 2, 2018):
I'm curious, also, and want to know what has frightened Leah.
Re: Stalked (11:53am April 13, 2018):
If I had the talent, I think I would consider the big idea and the characters first. They are important to books I read and enjoy and I know I would not enjoy editing a book. That is a time consuming necessary task.
Re: A Kiss, a Dance & a Diamond (11:57am April 8, 2018):
Cowboys always are appealing to me.
Re: Last Chance Cowboys: The Rancher (1:27pm March 30, 2018):
I prefer the strong cowboy who can face many setbacks, work hard to overcome them, and always react with kindness. I doesn't matter if he is the most handsome man, but I do like for him to be appealing.
Re: Flight of the White Wolf (1:21pm March 30, 2018):
No, but I haven't been on a flight when there was turbulent weather. That might make me change my mind.
Re: Beneath the Surface (12:21pm March 10, 2018):
The German chocolate cake is my favorite and I bake one for my family each Thanksgiving and Christmas. I use the recipe that is included on the package of the Baker's German Sweet Chocolate. It takes time to mix and bake but it's worth the time and effort.
Re: Mister Tender's Girl (12:20pm March 8, 2018):
I loved your blog and the reaction your mom had. It left me with a huge smile on my face and thinking I might have asked my son the same question if he had written this book.
Re: Highland Conquest (12:52pm February 21, 2018):
I'd love to travel the beautiful countryside of Scotland with a man with a Scottish burr. It would be even better if he is wearing kilts.
Re: Betrayed (1:10pm February 16, 2018):
I am looking forward to reading new books by Melinda Leigh, Heather Graham and Sharon Sala.
Re: A Family for the Rancher (12:49pm February 9, 2018):
Yes, I love cowboys and have since I was a small child. You included a list that gives the reasons why cowboys are special.
Re: Secret Agent Surrender (1:07pm January 20, 2018):
Wonderful! Your offering the whole series is a real treat.
Re: The Lacemaker (12:10pm January 16, 2018):
The dresses are lovely, but I'm fascinated by the fans used by the ladies and the way they are used to create a mood.
Re: Cowboy SEAL Homecoming (4:54am January 13, 2018):
I would prefer to invite men and women who have led interesting lives and are good conversationalist.
Re: Earl Interrupted (11:38am January 8, 2018):
Do it the traditional way. Get down on one knee, tell her he loves her and ask her to marry him.
Re: Collision Course (12:26pm January 5, 2018):
Perfect! I especially like number 4.
Re: A Distant Heart (1:40pm December 31, 2017):
I'm thankful to not ever having to face this problem, but I have an idea boredom would be my greatest challenge. I would need to find ways to create an interesting life within the confines of one room.
Re: The Duke Knows Best (6:51pm December 10, 2017):
I like Verity. It sounds like she lets her tongue create problems and places her into exciting situations. This sounds like a fun book to read.
Re: The Power of a SEAL (11:38am December 6, 2017):
I love the beauty of sparkling clear water rushing down mountain streams.
Re: Believe in My Heart (12:28pm December 1, 2017):
I love spending the day with children and grandchildren.
Re: Etched in Tears (12:24pm December 1, 2017):
My favorite location is any place with mountains.
Re: Perfect Gravity (1:15pm November 21, 2017):
The weather is invigorating so I find excuses to walk around outdoors or do gardening chores. I envy those who live further northward and have colorful leaves on trees, but we have our own beauty in the southern part of our country.
Re: He Loves Me ... KNOT (7:58am November 20, 2017):
I love the catchy title and the cover of the book.
Re: To Marry a Texas Outlaw (7:53am November 20, 2017):
I've read the others in this series and have been waiting for Luke's story. It's time for him to be able to accept the name of Legend.
Re: Betrayed (2:15pm November 18, 2017):
I prefer to read the book. It can include much more than the movie and very often details are changed when the movie is produced.
Re: Ready for Wild (12:06pm October 31, 2017):
You have a great sense of humor. I loved your excerpt.
Re: The Girl Who Saved Ghosts (7:05am October 24, 2017):
Yes, I enjoy series because it gives me a chance to find out more about characters introduced in the previous book. Also, it gives me a peek into what is happening in the lives of main characters previously introduced. The difficult part is having to wait for the next book.
Re: Ghost on the Case (1:19pm October 15, 2017):
I haven't read any of your books, but this series sounds fascinating. I never would have thought about a ghost solving crimes. I plan on starting with the first one, Ghost at Work.
Re: A Room With a Brew (12:29pm October 14, 2017):
I love to read series and stand alone books.
Re: The Amish Christmas Candle (2:06pm October 1, 2017):
My mother's banana cake was delicious.
Re: Highland Flame (10:16pm September 27, 2017):
I enjoy reading books with Scottish heroes. They always seem so masculine and there is always plenty of action and romance.
Re: Whispers of Warning (11:53am September 23, 2017):
I've read some good ones, but right at this moment I can't think of the titles of any of them. Let's just blame this on age.
Re: Her Dark Half (9:49pm September 19, 2017):
Thanks for the description of a shifter. I would love to read your book. Up to now, I've never read a book with one as a character.
Re: Summoner (12:29pm September 19, 2017):
I love ghost stories, especially when there are crimes to be solved and oodles of mystery.
Re: The Last Outlaw (12:56pm September 18, 2017):
I've read and enjoyed the others in this series and am anxious to read THE LAST OUTLAW.
Re: On the Chase (2:22am September 17, 2017):
Yes, I definitely agree.
Re: Last Gentleman Standing (2:17am September 17, 2017):
Books on Kindle and easy access to information on the internet
Re: Wrong Side of the Paw (12:35pm September 1, 2017):
I've seen furniture and boxes that haven't been tied down properly and have even seen a light weight piece fall off while I was in a car not far behind it.
Re: Muffin to Fear (12:31pm September 1, 2017):
I like blueberry muffins.
Re: An Anchor on Her Heart (12:28pm September 1, 2017):
Even after reading some articles about autism, I still don't understand it. I would love to read your book. I have an idea you added insight into autism along with an interesting story.
Re: A Tangled Yarn (5:12pm August 26, 2017):
I love mysteries but you have added something quite intriguing. I've never heard of arm knitting. It sounds fascinating but I can't imagine how it is done.
Re: Addressed to Kill (5:07pm August 26, 2017):
This sound like a good mystery, just my type of book.
Re: Crowned and Dangerous (5:05pm August 26, 2017):
Murder and Royals! This sounds interesting. I love to read a good mystery.
Re: Dressed to Confess (5:01pm August 26, 2017):
Thanks for the chance to win. A good mystery is my way of ending a day.
Re: Freedom's Ring (1:14pm August 20, 2017):
I've read and enjoyed a few time-slip novels and am looking forward to reading Freedom's Ring. The cover is beautiful.
Re: On Her Majesty's Frightfully Secret Service (12:38pm August 12, 2017):
This sounds like a fun book to read. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Re: Chime and Punishment (12:35pm August 12, 2017):
I enjoy reading mysteries. Thanks for giving me a chance to win a copy.
Re: Indigo Lake (6:21am July 25, 2017):
You should consider yourself very fortunate if you find the right person. I consider myself one of the lucky ones.
Re: Scandalous Ever After (6:05am July 20, 2017):
Secret? It wouldn't be a secret if I told you.
Re: A New Leash on Love (12:26pm July 17, 2017):
Someone threw an adorable white dog away and she has become our neighborhood pet. At least five of us tend to her. One neighbor took her to the vet and had her spade. Another baths her and another neighbor and I provide food and water. She spends a good portion of the day visiting me. One elderly gentleman walks down the street each day and she follows him. She has been given at least two names and the little dog answers to both. Other than the five of us, this little dog stays away from other people. I think she knows we love her.
Re: Just The Thing (12:17pm July 17, 2017):
I think a small amount of angst in a romance can add to the story, but don't like it in my own life.
Re: Lord of Lies (1:02pm July 10, 2017):
The first historical spy I remember reading and hearing about while attending elementary school was the Revolutionary War American spy Nathan Hale, the man who made the famous quote "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
Re: Last Chance Cowboys: The Outlaw (12:41pm July 10, 2017):
I always marveled at the way the actor developed the character of Maxwell Smart, so he wins my vote. His bumbling ways were humorous and at the same time, while others in contact with him considered him stupid, the audience knew he was SMART.
Re: Brazilian Capture (6:58am May 27, 2017):
Usually the movie is a disappointment if I read the book first, but Gone With The Wind is an all time favorite.
Re: Killer Characters (6:52am May 27, 2017):
I enjoy reading a good mystery. This is just the right type for me to read while curled up in my bed.
Re: The Attraction of Adeline (5:55am April 19, 2017):
Sorry, but I don't have any idea who will be perfect.
Re: Doctor?s Dilemma (1:51pm March 26, 2017):
This sounds like my type of book and I would enjoy reading DOCTOR'S DILEMMA. Your blog is interesting and added to the reasons why I think this is a winner.
Re: Talk Cowboy to Me (5:33pm March 13, 2017):
This will really tell you something about my age. Gene Autry was my first favorite Texas cowboy. I enjoy movies and stories with a western background, so there have been many since.
Re: Stealing Mr. Right (11:52am March 13, 2017):
Unfortunately, I can't think of a perfect heist book at this moment, but I'm interested in finding out how a jewel thief and FBI agent are going to make a perfect match. This is a fascinating combination.
Re: For Deader or Worse (11:47am March 13, 2017):
Yes, I enjoy reading after marriage stories. In fact, I sometimes wonder what happens to some of the "they lived happily ever after" couples. This couple seems to have some exciting events happening around them and I'd love to read the book.
Re: Girl in Disguise (1:41pm March 12, 2017):
For me, it was when the first American, John Glenn, orbited the earth.
Re: Chain Reaction (12:18pm March 3, 2017):
This would be a difficult situation for an author to write about. Being strong is important for the heroine so she can not only be a survivor but to have a happy future.
Re: When Water Was Everywhere (1:09pm March 2, 2017):
It's fascinating to discover the past, to find out how different the landscape was a hundred or more years ago. The area where I live had huge long leaf pine trees. All of that changed when lumber companies arrived with their saws during the latter part of the 1800's and then a hurricane finished changing the landscape completely around 1909.
Re: War and Peach (12:58pm March 2, 2017):
When I was in the second grade, I discovered reading was fun. Since then, I've read many books and enjoy a good mystery.
Re: Sleigh Bells Ring (11:52am December 21, 2016):
Christmas can be a magical time of the year, especially for young children. I love to watch the wonder on their faces on Christmas morning. Merry Christmas!
Re: Restoring Christmas (12:37pm November 25, 2016):
Your blog was very interesting. Truthfully, I enjoy seeing the results of a restored old home, but don't want to do it myself.
Re: Snowbound with Mr. Wrong (11:34am November 23, 2016):
My favorite memory is of my sons standing at the window while waiting for their grandfather to arrive. They were allowed to open their presents after he joined the our family celebration.
Re: Picture Perfect Wedding (11:57am November 20, 2016):
I enjoyed the background information. This sounds like a heart warming book.
Re: A Sure Thing (12:07pm November 14, 2016):
I enjoy a cup of hot tea, a banana and a good book. If a book is very good, I will pull it off the shelf at a later date and read it again. Nothing beats having my family around me.
Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (12:34pm November 4, 2016):
My mother baked fruit cakes for Christmas. I've never enjoyed the ones baked by others as much as hers. I guess it's the love she added to them.
Re: Torrents of Destruction (12:28pm October 26, 2016):
A spunky heroine is one who is self reliant and can face new experiences with confidence in her own ability. Also, I think she might have a sense of humor.
Re: From a Paris Balcony (12:56pm October 19, 2016):
I haven't read about the abandoned apartment in Paris, but something extremely tragic must have happened for it to remain empty.
Re: Can't Help Falling (12:49pm October 19, 2016):
The pressure to complete the second novel must have been nerve wracking. The main thing is you did it and it sounds interesting.
Re: Race the Darkness (12:01pm October 17, 2016):
My worst nightmare is having cancer.
Re: Putting on the Witch (12:32pm October 16, 2016):
I enjoy decorating for Halloween and especially enjoy greeting the little ones when they come to trick or treat. The smallest ones are usually so wide eyed with amazement.
Re: The Witch and the Dead (12:29pm October 16, 2016):
What fun that would be! I think I would like for my pets to be able to talk with me.
Re: A Very Jaguar Christmas (12:18pm October 12, 2016):
You are going to have a terrific family Christmas. I found your plans fascinating.
Re: Silent Night Shadows (12:11pm October 12, 2016):
Sometimes I wish I was more daring, but I'm a real play it say person.
Re: Every Bride Needs a Groom (12:08pm October 12, 2016):
I have friends who know I enjoy a funny story, so they include them among my e-mail. It seems to make my day brighter.
Re: Saving Jake (11:57am October 10, 2016):
Gee! You do ask tough questions. If this series is anything like the numerous others of yours, I will treasure a copy.
Re: Only Her (1:42pm October 2, 2016):
I have a very inquisitive cat named Smokey. She was originally found outside an office building when she was about a month old and has ruled my home since.
Re: Love's Sweet Revenge (12:50pm September 22, 2016):
I've read and enjoy the first two books in the Outlaw Hearts series and am anxious to read Love's Sweet Revenge. All your ideas for celebrating should bring oodles of excellent exposure and lots of good experiences. You are going to be very busy.
Re: The Darkest Link (5:02pm September 15, 2016):
I enjoy reading and rereading Sharon Sala books. I'm usually turned off by a hero with oodles of tattoos, but this sounds like the exception to the rule. Your description makes me want to read the entire series, but especially The Darkest Link.
Re: A Cowboy Christmas Miracle (12:04pm September 12, 2016):
As far as I'm concerned, a book with romance and cowboys, even if it's a holiday book, can be read at any time of the year.
Re: The Rebel Heir (12:00pm September 12, 2016):
I celebrate with my family, usually with a meal and lots of conversation and fun.
Re: Roadside Assistance (11:57am September 12, 2016):
This is a new series for me, but this book sounds like something I would enjoy reading.
Re: What the Duke Doesn't Know (11:52am September 12, 2016):
I look for human interest stories but never leave comments.
Re: Break Every Chain (1:15pm August 26, 2016):
Yes, I enjoy blended genres. It makes the plot more interesting.
Re: Reckless in Texas (12:32pm August 22, 2016):
I think Joe will find home is not a place. It's where your loved ones live.
Re: Every Time with a Highlander (12:22pm August 16, 2016):
My perfect week-end includes time with my family.
Re: For Love or Money (2:02pm August 14, 2016):
My family, a beautiful sunny day, my cat Smokey, and reading an interesting book are some of the things that bring me joy. Sometimes JOY unexpectedly appears out of nowhere.
Re: Trouble Walks In (4:52am August 9, 2016):
Oh my goodness! It's hard to choose. I have some new and a lot of good old ones on my kindle, so I guess it will depend upon my mood as to which ones I will read.
Re: Gone Too Deep (12:06pm August 8, 2016):
All of these make George a unique hero. Ellie is very fortunate to have found him. I just hope she appreciates the love he has for her and doesn't take advantage of him.
Re: A Scandalous Adventure (4:27pm August 7, 2016):
My favorite thing to do on Saturday is to curl up on my bed and read a good book.
Re: His Prairie Sweetheart (1:34pm August 4, 2016):
Both make great heroes, but I prefer John Wayne. Also, I enjoy reading a book with a cowboy hero.
Re: Fire Danger (11:34am July 26, 2016):
I think it would be interesting to read a book that includes a banshee.
Re: Racing To You (11:27am July 26, 2016):
I do fine if those on your list are not in my house, but if any or all are near by, I want to eat them, especially vanilla ice cream and Barq's root beer. I try to avoid temptation by not buying a lot of goodies.
Re: In The Line Of Fire (2:04pm July 24, 2016):
My dream vacation is a few weeks in Alaska.
Re: Cowboy Player (11:50am July 23, 2016):
I prefer my steaks medium and tender.
Re: Daughters of the Bride (11:35am July 19, 2016):
Wow! Three daughters having serious problems of their own and mom's wedding makes for interesting reading.
Re: Rose Bride (11:31am July 19, 2016):
Intelligent, sexy but kind men are appealing to me.
Re: If the Earl Only Knew (12:20pm July 12, 2016):
I do not have a favorite moment. It depends upon the situation as to the type of kiss.
Re: The Courtship Basket (12:42pm July 6, 2016):
Yes, we are a good match. I enjoy reading a good romance.
Re: The Sea Keeper's Daughters (12:38pm July 6, 2016):
I've enjoyed finding out about my ancestors and wonder about the reason why they finally settled in the rural section of Louisiana. They must have encountered many hardships but remained strong.
Re: Almost Like Being in Love (1:07pm July 4, 2016):
Romantic moments can take place anywhere if the right two people are together.
Re: Miss Darcy's New Companion (7:36pm July 3, 2016):
I do not have a favorite Miss Austen book, but would like to read Miss Darcy's New Companion. It's always interesting to find out how and why the hero changes his mind and decide the poor, hardworking lady is the right one.
Re: Soul's Prisoner (2:56pm June 30, 2016):
I love reading a combination of suspense and romance. This type keeps me turning pages as rapidly as possible to find out what is going to happen next.
Re: Title Wave (12:21pm June 27, 2016):
I've been reading mysteries for many years and truly enjoyed reading the interview.
Re: Fan The Flames (1:13pm June 22, 2016):
I prefer to read a good book or newspaper, work a crossword puzzle, go on the internet, check and answer e-mail or watch television instead of doing boring housework.
Re: Kill Devil (1:03pm June 22, 2016):
I think there are people who do evil deeds. I wonder if they are born with that mentality or is it developed by environment or a combination of the two.
Re: Driven to Temptation (12:58pm June 22, 2016):
A good book and taking my grandchildren shopping
Re: The Bones Will Speak (12:43pm June 15, 2016):
This is a thriller. It's amazing to me that you took your first book, one that had never been published, reworked it and had a winner.
Re: Jordan's Return (12:32pm June 14, 2016):
I live in the deep south, so I find the mountains a favorite spot for a vacation. By the way, I love stories about second chances.
Re: Into the Whirlwind (12:02pm June 13, 2016):
I've enjoyed reading many of the other books you have written and would love to read this one. It's the type that makes it hard for me to put down until I finish it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Vendetta (12:51pm June 11, 2016):
I truly enjoy books of this type, ones that I can't wait to find out what happens next. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: The Firefighter's Refrain (1:32pm June 9, 2016):
I love the cover. I have an idea the book is just as good as Sam looks.
Re: Irish Stewed (11:15am June 9, 2016):
That's an interesting interview.
Re: Devil and the Deep (1:20pm June 6, 2016):
This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading, one so interesting, I would hate to put it down until I finished it.
Re: Into the Whirlwind (7:38pm May 25, 2016):
I'm looking forward to reading INTO THE WHIRLWIND.
Re: Murder at Lambswool Farm (12:05pm May 16, 2016):
Cancer is my greatest fear. I lost a very close family member to the Big C.
Re: Murder in Morningside Heights (8:12pm May 9, 2016):
What I do may be boring to others but I do the things I enjoy like reading, doing crossword puzzles, working on the computer, gardening, taking care of my cats, occasionally going shopping with granddaughters and daughter-in-law.
Re: Hold Your Breath (12:04pm April 25, 2016):
It would have to be Barq's Root Beer and a cup of hot tea with plenty of sugar.
Re: Love Walks In (12:05pm April 20, 2016):
If I was much, much younger, I would like to ride a horse.
Re: The House by the Lake (12:52pm April 5, 2016):
I would like to find out how and why one of my ancestors moved to rural Louisiana.
Re: Bride of a Distant Isle (12:34pm April 3, 2016):
I enjoy the mysterious atmosphere, the romance, the feeling of something horrible is right around the corner, but love will win in the end.
Re: The Infamous Heir (12:06pm March 28, 2016):
I have the tendency to be a people pleaser, but I've worked on learning to say NO if it's something I really don't want to do. Yes, I enjoy books in series and anxiously await the next one in the series to be published.
Re: Romancing the Ranger (1:13pm March 25, 2016):
Certain types of music makes housework easier, but I want silence while driving.
Re: The Real Thing (12:42pm March 24, 2016):
Two of my heroes (my dad and my husband) are no longer with me. In recent years, my son has become my hero. I am thankful to for my three heroes.
Re: Miriam (11:55am March 22, 2016):
I know some ladies in my church that I would consider to be Miriam. These elderly ladies are the backbone of the church and seem to work circles around most of us. I am amazed by their energy.
Re: Shadowed By Grace (1:21pm March 15, 2016):
Both have a place in my life. I prefer to read most books with my e-reader, but there are some extra specials ones I want as a paper copy. These are the ones I read more than one time and enjoy them just as much as if it was the first time.
Re: A Father's Second Chance (12:24pm March 9, 2016):
Yes, I enjoy reading sweet romances.
Re: My Tempting Highlander (12:20pm March 9, 2016):
I enjoy reading about the past, but am thankful I live in the present.
Re: Her Fierce Warror (5:37pm March 7, 2016):
I would probably have a family style barbecue or crayfish boil with my husband or son doing the outdoor cooking.
Re: MacLaren's Bride (12:56pm March 6, 2016):
I enjoyed reading about your research in England, Scotland and Ireland. It makes me wish I could join you on the trips.
Re: Jump Cut (12:15pm March 4, 2016):
Your information is interesting. I am amazed at the amount of background work you do to create a character. I had always wondered how an author managed to make one believable.
Re: To the Stars (11:43am February 29, 2016):
I enjoy finding new authors and you are new to me. This book sounds like something I would love to read. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Re: Chicken Soup & Homicide (12:23pm February 27, 2016):
A relative served alligator at a meal as a treat. Strangely, I don't remember much about the taste.
Re: The Bride Wore Starlight (11:59am February 21, 2016):
That's an eye-catching title and cover. I enjoy reading about animals in books, especially those that are interwoven into the plot and are a important part of the story.
Re: Forever Dusk (12:03pm February 16, 2016):
Love is the best weapon.
Re: The Cowboy's Bride Collection (12:00pm February 16, 2016):
My dad was my hero. As far as I was concerned, he could do no wrong. When I was young, Gene Autry and Roy Rogers were my movie cowboy heroes. They always wore a white hat and fought against evil.
Re: How To Wrangle A Cowboy (12:36pm February 14, 2016):
Oh, my goodness! I never asked my parents how they met, and now it's too late. They were living in the same area, so I guess they met at church or a friend introduced them.
Re: Love Walks In (1:01pm February 7, 2016):
You've left us with a big question mark. What is in the suitcase? This sound like a fun read. Thanks for the contest.
Re: Will's True Wish (11:29am February 6, 2016):
Dogs are fun to be around and, if you show them love and kindness, they love and trust you.
Re: Remaking Ryan (1:27pm January 24, 2016):
We live in a beautiful country. I love the road trips, a chance to see the beauty and areas that are different from where I live. The worst part is when the trip ends and I have to return to normal.
Re: Enchantment of a Highlander (1:15pm January 24, 2016):
I was impressed with the amount of time and work you spent learning to write a book that was ready to be published. Now, if only I could get my mind set on it, I would like to get rid of a lot of junk that has accumulated in my house over many years.
Re: Heir To The Duke (1:09pm January 24, 2016):
I don't play tricks on friends and neighbors, but enjoy reading about people who do.
Re: Montana Wild (12:51pm January 24, 2016):
Many years ago, my husband and I moved because of jobs and opportunities. It was exciting to make the changes. At this stage of my life, I think it would take an earthquake to make me move.
Re: Kingdom Come (11:45am January 20, 2016):
I found your blog very interesting. This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading. I'll have to remember to look for books written under the name of Jane Jensen.
Re: Taken by the Highlander (11:34am January 4, 2016):
I stayed home and even went to bed earlier than usual. I did hear some of my neighbors shooting off their fireworks.
Re: Justified (12:02pm December 24, 2015):
I usually make a German chocolate cake for my family. All seem to enjoy it.
Re: A Skeleton in the Family (11:24am December 21, 2015):
Audio is a blessing for some people, but I prefer books. There are times I like to look back at something I've read, perhaps to refresh myself as to a certain event or a name. Have a merry Christmas.
Re: Pouncing on Murder (1:48pm December 20, 2015):
I enjoy mysteries and sometimes paranormal and always wonder how the author manages to come up with such intriguing plots.
Re: Carry Me Home (7:23pm December 16, 2015):
I do not have a favorite Aussie hero, but would love to visit Australia. I find stories about the unusual animals found there that cannot be found in any other part of the world and then there are the desert regions, opals, Aboriginal natives, and a fascinating history.
Re: Somewhere in Time (2:14pm December 6, 2015):
This sounds like a book I will enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: One Rogue at a Time (12:28pm December 4, 2015):
Interesting blurb
Re: Here Today, Gone Tamale (11:46am December 3, 2015):
This sounds like a fun book to read. Thanks for the chance to win.
Re: Lucky Shot (3:00pm November 26, 2015):
I like to make the turkey sandwich with mayo, lettuce and tomatoes. Happy Thanksgiving!
Re: What Lies Behind (2:49pm November 26, 2015):
Paperbacks have taken me to so many interesting places and, through the background given in them, I've learned about many things that I had never thought about before. It amazing how much the authors include that extends my knowledge of the world.
Re: Katie in Waiting (12:15pm November 23, 2015):
I rarely make cookies, but when I do, I use star and round cookie cutters.
Re: Soul's Prisoner (12:13pm November 23, 2015):
My family expects me to provide turkey, dressing, sweet potato casserole and a German chocolate cake.
Re: Easton's Everything (12:04pm November 20, 2015):
I like both types, but am often anxious to locate the next in a series.
Re: Murder Under the Mistletoe (12:58pm November 19, 2015):
I crawl into bed and read a good book to relieve my stress. This takes me into other places and situations and away from whatever was bothering me.
Re: Dark Turns (12:52pm November 19, 2015):
I've never thought about it before, but, yes, there have been times I've pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Speaking in front of an audience is tops on the list.
Re: The Courtship of Utopia Miner (12:31pm November 17, 2015):
I enjoy a variety of genre, but always want something that ends happily ever after.
Re: A Gentleman for All Seasons (11:53am November 14, 2015):
I enjoy the history and the way the couples interact with each other. It's very different from the present.
Re: Dangerous Tidings (12:00pm November 6, 2015):
The best place for me is home with my children and grandchildren.
Re: Hidden Impact (11:57am November 6, 2015):
Delicious fried chicken makes me think about my mother.
Re: Beyond The Cherokee Trail (12:36pm November 2, 2015):
I love to hear family stories, both on my side and those on my husband's side of the family.
Re: Promise to Keep (12:18pm October 27, 2015):
I enjoy reading about the Amish because they march to their own drummer.
Re: Deadlock (11:55am October 24, 2015):
I always said I would never have an indoor pet, but I found a tiny kitten that was abandoned. Well, to make a long story short, I now have an indoor cat named Smokey.
Re: Duke of Scandal (7:33pm October 23, 2015):
The bad boys make fascinating reading, but in real life, I prefer the good one.
Re: The Girl in the River (11:44am October 23, 2015):
A walk along the river Thames? How fascinating! I just wish I had the opportunity.
Re: The Survivors (12:17pm October 15, 2015):
A psychologist could be an interesting main character.
Re: Dark Before the Rising Sun (11:10am October 9, 2015):
This books sounds like an interesting historical romance. I don't remember reading any books written by you, but I would love to read this one.
Re: Thunder On The Plains (11:01am October 9, 2015):
I've always had problems with confidence, but age has helped some.
Re: Smart, But Dead (4:52pm September 30, 2015):
What I consider normal, others might think is weird. I love to read, don't have to have lots of company, and really don't like for others to put pressure on me to do things they want done.
Re: Love Somebody Like You (4:46pm September 30, 2015):
I enjoy a variety of types of music and it depends upon my mood as to what I want to hear.
Re: Flames (12:01pm September 28, 2015):
What a loaded question!!! I guess it's the family values and morals taught to me as a child that gives me the strength to face problems. Also, I can rely on my family.
Re: The Thorn Bearer (12:40pm August 31, 2015):
It's difficult to answer this one. The characters and intriguing plot are part of what keeps me interested and of course, for me, it needs to have a happy ending to be a true romance.
Re: A Ghostly Demise (12:41pm August 30, 2015):
I am retired and enjoy not having deadlines.
Re: A Remarkable Kindness (1:02pm August 29, 2015):
It depends upon the story. It doesn't matter as long as I feel like I'm with them when it happens.
Re: Little Pretty Things (11:54am August 27, 2015):
I grew up at a different period of time. World War II had just ended when I graduated from high school. The school still had basketball girls and boys teams, and was trying to get a football team established again. At least we still had a glee club and I was a member of it.
Re: Cold as Ice (12:34pm August 24, 2015):
That's difficult to answer. It's not just one particular one. I become connected to a character in whichever book I'm reading.
Re: Falling for the P.I. (12:32pm August 21, 2015):
I enjoy book with and without children. It's the plot that is important to me. The information about your new book makes me want to read it.
Re: Island Dreams (12:09pm August 18, 2015):
Sorry, but I don't have an island retreat. I think I would enjoy Hawaii and it's beauty.
Re: Darkest Misery (1:02pm August 16, 2015):
She is able to take care of herself and has a sexy boyfriend.
Re: Merger of the Heart (12:37pm August 14, 2015):
Thankfully, there are no picky eaters in my family.
Re: The Wiregrass (12:44pm August 13, 2015):
I prefer to write about happy memories, both past and present.
Re: Falling for Texas (1:34pm August 10, 2015):
I need a plot that keeps me rushing to find out what is going to happen next.
Re: Agent N6: Dylan (2:26pm August 9, 2015):
I prefer to use my own imagination.
Re: A Radical Arrangement (1:12pm August 8, 2015):
I have two, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank.
Re: A Peach of a Pair (1:04pm August 8, 2015):
I'm a southerner who prefers to have a steamy cup of hot tea, even in the summer but with the air conditioner putting out cool air. It's soothing.
Re: Midnight on the Mississippi (1:05pm August 6, 2015):
I've already retired in my hometown, but, if I had an opportunity, I would love to spend the summers in a beautiful mountainous region.
Re: Fudging the Books (1:01pm August 6, 2015):
I especially enjoyed the beauty of Yellowstone National Park and the enormous redwood trees in California. Frankly, there is beauty in all area of our country and it's difficult to choose one spot.
Re: Where the Moon Shines Brightest (1:27pm August 3, 2015):
I don't have to travel very far from home to locate places in books I've read. I'm always excited when a novel takes place in New Orleans, Lafayette and other places in south Louisiana. Once I was annoyed because an author used county instead of parish and seemed to have a sheriff in each town.
Re: Torrents of Destruction (12:48pm August 3, 2015):
I like many different types, but I guess murder mysteries with romantic interest is my favorite. I've read some Christian novels lately and have enjoyed them.
Re: A Rancher of Her Own (12:15pm August 1, 2015):
A romance takes me to various places, many situations and the ending leaves me with a feeling of happiness.
Re: Do Not Forsake Me (12:08pm August 1, 2015):
We had 54 years of marriage and he loved me in spite of my flaws.
Re: Calamity Jayne and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Lawn Gnome (3:00pm July 30, 2015):
I enjoy reading, but at the stage of my life (mid 80's), I'm passionate about helping my granddaughters complete their college education.
Re: Lone Rider (2:48pm July 30, 2015):
Chocolate chip cookies are my favorites. If your cookies are anything like your books, they're very good. Thanks for sharing the recipe with us.
Re: No Safe Harbor (12:14pm July 27, 2015):
I've read about handfasting in books but have never been to one.
Re: Nowhere to Hide (1:36pm July 25, 2015):
Thankfully, I have never had to face this situation. I'm not sure how I would handle it, but I hope I would eventually learn to accept the change in my life. Only after acceptance do I feel like I would be able to live my life as it was meant to be.
Re: School's Out for Murder (12:01pm July 23, 2015):
I always turned in my homework. My parents expected me to do my best and that meant getting homework to the teacher on time.
Re: Once And Again (1:21pm July 18, 2015):
I've never had a secret hiding place, not even when my children were young.
Re: Center of Gravity (1:24pm July 16, 2015):
Yes, I'm a book nerd and have been every since I fell in love with reading as a child. I usually read several hours each night before going to sleep and sometimes have trouble putting an exciting one down.
Re: (1:20pm July 16, 2015):
I enjoy reading mysteries, but can't think of any special couple to recommend.
Re: Hope Harbor (12:43pm July 13, 2015):
There are many characters that I want to find out what happened next in their lives. That's when I search to see if it is one of a series. I'm truly disappointed if I have to say "good-bye" without finding out more about them.
Re: Countess by Coincidence (12:04pm July 11, 2015):
Wow! What a situation! I'll bet there are a lot of exciting events in A Marriage of Convenience.
Re: Merger of the Heart (7:04pm July 10, 2015):
My down town is spent reading novels, those with a happy ending.
Re: Butter Off Dead (7:00pm July 10, 2015):
I enjoy reading, so it logical that I collect books. Also, I collect family pictures, past and present generations. It's fun.
Re: The Curiosity Keeper (12:47pm July 9, 2015):
I never check to see what type of book I'm reading. I select one because of the plot. As a result, I read various types, including Regency. The Curiosity Keeper appeals to me.
Re: Her Greek Doctor's Proposal (1:39pm July 4, 2015):
It's been hot and rainy this summer. I haven't had to water the vegetable or flower gardens.
Re: Murder Under the Desert Moon (1:10pm July 1, 2015):
Denver, Colorado
Re: The Ticket (1:32pm June 29, 2015):
None as an adult. I'm always looking forward to reading another book. Gone With the Wind bothered me as a teenager. I kept trying to imagine a more satisfying ending. That was many, many years ago, which lets you know something about my age.
Re: Bushel Full Of Murder (12:36pm June 26, 2015):
I look for fruits and vegetables but always check out other interesting items.
Re: The Spring Bride (4:24pm June 23, 2015):
I like to have romance in books I read for pleasure. They take me to many places, many situations occur until the couple see they are fated for each other and, most important, the book has a happy ending. Frankly, I get involved in their lives and enjoy being with them.
Re: Justified (5:13pm June 20, 2015):
Favorite memories? Playing with my younger brother, going to the creek and trying to catch crawfish, collecting violets and other flowers in the woods for my mother, playing on the swing my dad attached to a large oak tree are among my favorites. Those were the quiet, peaceful, happy days of my childhood.
Re: Outlaw Hearts (12:07pm June 20, 2015):
I enjoy books with a western background, but do not have a favorite. In fact, I've been searching for a book like Outlaw Heart to add to those I've been reading lately. This series sounds like a winner.
Re: Night Tremors (12:50pm June 18, 2015):
I like all kind of mysteries. This one sounds exciting.
Re: Murder on Amsterdam Avenue (12:47pm June 18, 2015):
I prefer having romance mixed in with a good mystery. It make the book more interesting. Thanks for the chance to win MURDER ON AMSTERDAM AVENUE.
Re: Daughter of Valor (1:47pm June 14, 2015):
My heroes are the men and women who served our country in various war zones, especially my brother and husband.
Re: Never Resist A Rake (12:24pm June 13, 2015):
Age makes a difference. At this stage of my life, I prefer to spend a quiet evening at home with my husband.
Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (3:11pm June 9, 2015):
2,000 words a day! Amazing! I'm really impressed. Now that I've reached the age called getting older, I allow myself to do chores whenever I feel like it.
Re: Reunion of Souls (12:18pm June 8, 2015):
Usually I read fiction to relax but there are occasions I read non-fiction.
Re: Shadowed By Grace (12:32pm May 25, 2015):
It's difficult for me to say exactly what gives me hope. Something unexpected happens and suddenly there is great hope for the future. Just being around my grandchildren gives me a wonderful outlook on life.
Re: SEAL My Home (12:36pm May 23, 2015):
The SEALS are a well trained, proud group, and deserve all the praise they receive. A group of former SEALS would be a big help to our government in locating and arresting misguided men and women who do not realize what a wonderful county we live in and are finding ways to terrorize American citizens.
Re: The Artisans (12:19pm May 23, 2015):
Potato chips! Tasty, tasty potato chips!
Re: The Thorn Bearer (1:25pm May 11, 2015):
I enjoy reading historical books. As of this date, I haven't read many that took place during World War I. The Thorn Bearer has a fascinating plot and I feel like I will learn much about the period of time, probably Google to find out more.
Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (1:08pm May 8, 2015):
I've enjoyed reading your books and would love to win this one. Happy birthday! Have a wonderful time.
Re: Cupcakes and Crushes (12:52pm April 25, 2015):
I've been fortunate and have had a loving family.
Re: Duchess By Mistake (4:02pm April 24, 2015):
I enjoy reading books where there is a marriage of convenience, but would not want to take that route in real life.
Re: The Last Heiress (3:56pm April 24, 2015):
If I had a chance, I'd love to travel to Ireland and Holland. I enjoy seeing beautiful scenery.
Re: The Wood's Edge (3:44pm April 24, 2015):
The Wood's Edge sounds like a winner. Thank you for giving us a chance to win a copy.
Re: Double Cross (1:36pm April 20, 2015):
I enjoyed your message and would love to read D0UBLE CROSS. Thanks for sweeps.
Re: Remember Me (11:47am April 13, 2015):
I keep it simple. I love to read, so I keep a list of books I want to purchase. I've never thought about a playlist of music.
Re: SWAT Secret Admirer (12:11pm April 2, 2015):
I like the idea that Maggie refused to let the past define her. It took a lot of courage. This sounds like a great read, one that I would enjoy.
Re: SEAL My Home (1:03pm March 24, 2015):
All the covers are appealing, but my favorite is #7 Seal of My Heart. Something about the brightness of the American flag seems to form a frame and make the seal stand out, at least in my eyes.
Re: One Step Too Far (3:23pm March 19, 2015):
I'd really like to know Cat's secret. Thanks for the chance to win ONE STEP TOO FAR.
Re: The Vigil (1:43pm March 9, 2015):
Oh, my goodness! I've had to eat my words on various occasions. Thanks for the contest. I would love to win The Vigil. Louisiana and an intriguing plot are winners for me.
Re: Assault And Pepper (12:13pm March 5, 2015):
I like to watch television while in my husband's old chair, but whenever I want to read a book, regardless of whether it's afternoon or night, I crawl into my bed.
Re: Forever in My Heart (11:48am February 27, 2015):
Both Vicky and Jamie have much to overcome but are so appealing. Jamie is smart to try to win Mom over to his side. The plot makes me want to read this book.
Re: Past Crimes (12:41pm February 25, 2015):
Maybe I shouldn't say this, but, as a rule, I prefer books written by women authors. I guess it's the outlook given, but I'm changing my mind. Past Crimes sounds like a fascinating read and I think I would enjoy it.
Re: Disarming Detective (12:32pm February 25, 2015):
I knew a LADY who seemed so very nice, yet I noticed no one ever tried to take advantage of her. She had a strength of character and we all knew where the line was drawn. I like characters with that type of strength.
Re: Fortune's Horizon (12:08pm February 19, 2015):
In real life, I prefer the one with honor, but I enjoy reading about either type. Both can add excitement and adventure.
Re: Dominic: The Prince (12:01pm February 19, 2015):
I'm not searching for a real hero, but I would love to read about the heroes in your books.
Re: A Killer Retreat (11:35am February 18, 2015):
You lucky lady! You did your research in a beautiful area.
Re: Once a Wallflower, At Last His Love (12:00pm February 13, 2015):
My last hero was my husband. I met him after he returned from WWII. I would enjoy reading about the interesting wallflower in your book. I hope I'm a winner.
Re: Finding Mercy (11:21am February 9, 2015):
I find something to do that I enjoy such as reading a good book, gardening or work on a crossword puzzle while drinking hot tea.
Re: Beyond Limits (12:38pm January 29, 2015):
Wow! Thanks for this sweeps. I enjoy your books and would love to win this one.
Re: How to Plan a Wedding for a Royal Spy (1:28pm January 16, 2015):
Having a beautiful cover and an intriguing story makes this book a winner. Thanks for the sweepstakes.
Re: More Than A Duke (1:24pm January 16, 2015):
I like the flaws in a hero but, in the long run, I want him to be faithful.
Re: The Thornless Rose (1:17pm January 9, 2015):
This theme gives me a shivery feeling, but I would love to read the book and find out what happened.
Re: Make Me, Take Me (1:21pm December 19, 2014):
At the top of my list of what I hope to never be without is my family. Next would be books and my computer. Whenever something happens to my computer, I feel like I'm having withdrawals until it's repaired.
Re: Wind in the Wires (12:59pm December 17, 2014):
I really enjoyed the information you gave about how the story gradually evolved. It sounds like a book I would enjoy reading.
Re: The Gentleman Jewel Thief (1:56pm December 12, 2014):
Thanks for the contest. The Gentleman Jewel Thief sounds like a delightful combination of history and romance.
Re: Waking Up Joy (1:06pm December 7, 2014):
I am addicted to reading novels, romance and anything that includes romance. I'm a little groggy today because I didn't stop reading until 4 a.m. At that time, I had to force myself to put the book aside and I plan on finishing it today.
Re: Twice Tempted (2:39pm December 5, 2014):
I love series. I enjoy finding out what happened in the lives of other characters and am always anxious for the next one in the series to be published. I haven't read any of the Rake books, but I think I would enjoy reading Twice Tempted. If it's a good as it sounds, I'll probably have to go back and read the others in the series.
Re: Hard to Come By (3:49pm November 27, 2014):
Three of my friends had a leg amputated and they went on to lead good lives. I've often wondered what types of challenges they faced before accepting the loss. I've read at least one book with an amputate as the hero and the effect it had on his life, but strangely, I can't remember the title of the book. My excuse is it's been a number of years since I read it. Hard to Come By sounds like my type of book --- romance and lots of exciting action. The hero being an amputate adds another element to the story.
Re: If the Shoe Kills (1:03pm November 19, 2014):
I'm going to my son's house for a family Thanksgiving. It' wonderful when all of us can be together and the food will be delicious.
Re: A Spy Unmasked (1:34pm November 14, 2014):
A spy always brings so much excitement, intrigue and of course romance to keep a reader on edge while reading the story. It's a fun type of read.
Re: Madeleine?s Christmas Wish (12:21pm October 30, 2014):
Thanks for the sweeps. This sounds like a fun book.
Re: No Ordinary Home (12:34pm October 16, 2014):
I feel sorry for those who become famous at an early age. They gain adoring fans and money but lose privacy. I'm sure they no longer know which ones are true friends and which ones are friends because of their fame.
Re: Soul Painter (2:27pm October 5, 2014):
Very Interesting! The idea of a soul painter appeals to me.
Re: How Sweet The Sound (3:33pm September 21, 2014):
I'm not in a hook club. I'm not even sure we have one in my small town.
Re: Always a Rogue, Forever Her Love (8:20pm September 18, 2014):
Thanks! I would love to win it.
Re: Driftwood Tides (1:29pm September 7, 2014):
This book has a lovely cover and a story I would enjoy reading. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Re: A Winter Wedding (1:37pm September 6, 2014):
Most of the time I'm too sensible, but there are times when I say things without enough thought. That's when I realize I've put my foot in my mouth --- again. A Winter Wedding sounds like a great read and reminds me I married in winter.
Re: A Duke's Wicked Kiss (12:47pm September 4, 2014):
Thanks for the sweepstakes. This sounds like a terrific read. It sounds like one that would make me forget the present and lose myself in the past.
Re: My Highland Spy (12:49pm August 29, 2014):
First meetings are important, but it's difficult to form a real opinion when you meet a person for the first time. It takes time to find out more about the person and to decide if you want him/her for a real friend or a casual acquaintance. Thanks for the sweepstakes. This sounds like a fun read.
Re: Thief of Glory (12:56pm August 24, 2014):
I usually dodge novels about World War II, especially those about the Japanese and the way they treated prisoners, but this book sound intriguing. I would love to read it.
Re: Strand of Deception (2:18pm August 10, 2014):
Now that you called my attention to it, there are a lot of "what ifs" in life.
Re: Night Child (4:10pm August 1, 2014):
I guess you would classify me as a binge reader. I prefer to read an interesting series in order without having to wait for months or a year for the next one. What really happens is I will buy a book and then realize it's part of a series, and then have to search for the others or wait for the next one.
Re: The Tenth Chamber (4:03pm August 1, 2014):
A chance to win a copy of TENTH CHAMBER is a great way to start a new month. The more I read about the plot, the more I wanted to read it.
Re: Her Secret, His Surprise (12:55pm July 31, 2014):
This sounds like my type of book. Thank you for the sweep.
Re: The Longest Night (6:20pm July 16, 2014):
I'm retired, so this sounds like a good read any time of the year.
Re: Firewall (12:24pm July 10, 2014):
I am reading FIREWALL and having trouble putting it down. It is soooo very interesting. Using Brainstorm seems to be a great recipe for creating a winner.
Re: Shenandoah Dreams (12:33pm July 5, 2014):
That would a frightening experience, so I imagine I would run home.
Re: A Doctor for Keeps (1:06pm July 3, 2014):
I try not to get in a big conversation with a friend or an acquaintance while shopping. Usually, I'm in a hurry and simply say hello, it's good to see you. I smile and keep moving on.
Re: Montana Bride (6:30pm June 25, 2014):
Thanks for the chance to win this book. It sounds like a fun read.
Re: Dream Huntress (1:20pm June 24, 2014):
I use to enjoy watching Ghost Whisperer and would enjoy reading about Jordan. I guess a lot of interesting things happen before she and Tyler find they are on the same side of the law.
Re: Words Of Conviction (1:29pm June 17, 2014):
This book sounds fascinating. Also, I found the information interesting about body language and certain phrases used when trying to conceal information. I need to remember some of this the next time a politician is declaring his innocence.
Re: Saving Amelie (1:45pm June 14, 2014):
Saving Amelie sounds like an exciting. Some horrible events took place during that period of time and there are some wonderful stories about unexpected heroes. Even though Saving Amelie is fiction, it sounds like something that could have happened.
Re: All My Belongings (5:29pm June 9, 2014):
I loved your stories about the kindness of people to the old and ill. This confirms my feelings that there are many good people in the world and they are all around us. Your incorporating scenes and memories of this type into ALL MY BELONGINGS make me want to read about Becca.
Re: Rules of Survival (12:10pm June 4, 2014):
Cute! No, green hair won't let you blend in a crowd.
Re: Shadowed By Grace (1:52pm May 24, 2014):
Thanks for the history lesson. Tomorrow I plan on going to Port Hudson National Cemetery to lay flowers on my brother's grave. So many young men have fought for our country and we need to honor them.
Re: Meet the Earl at Midnight (11:53am May 23, 2014):
No, I can't remember making any big sacrifices, maybe little one but not big ones. Perhaps in the long run, I didn't consider them important.
Re: To Charm a Naughty Countess (11:48am May 23, 2014):
A sincere "I love you" would win me over.
Re: By Any Means (12:35pm May 20, 2014):
Congratulations! You are so fortunate to be a writer and have a chance to be with your son. Yes, a little one takes lots of time and can be tiring, but it's worth it.
Re: Lady Gone Bad (12:22pm May 19, 2014):
No thank you! I enjoy reading books about that period of time but prefer the present.
Re: Everything to Lose (12:19pm May 19, 2014):
This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading. Thanks for the sweepstakes.
Re: The Duke's Obsession (12:58pm May 18, 2014):
I'm not sure why but I enjoy fragrances on someone else but not on myself. I find it fascinating you use fragrances for an inspiration.
Re: Somebody Like You (12:52pm May 18, 2014):
What a shock for Haley! This sounds like a fascinating story.
Re: Hell for Leather (12:48pm May 18, 2014):
This sounds like a good read. Thanks for the sweeps.
Re: Risky Game (12:03pm May 14, 2014):
I can't remember reading a sports romance, but this one sounds interesting.
Re: Jailhouse Glock (12:14pm May 13, 2014):
No, I've been fortunate and haven't had to defend any of my loved ones.
Re: Rise And Shine (3:48pm May 11, 2014):
This sounds like a good book and the cover is really cute. There is something about the heroine and the dog that is so appealing.
Re: The Memory Garden (11:45am May 7, 2014):
The beauty of a perfect garden seems to say "Welcome" to visitors. I just wish I could create one.
Re: My Not So Super Sweet Life (12:41pm April 27, 2014):
Books and sweepstakes! Quite a combination, isn't it?
Re: A Broken Kind Of Beautiful (12:21pm April 25, 2014):
A grandchild giving a grandparent a hug or a kiss is beautiful.
Re: Rustler's Heart (12:56pm April 24, 2014):
To me a person who is described as "salt of the earth" is hard working, trustworthy, and someone you can rely upon in times of stress.
Re: The Miracle Thief (12:46pm April 24, 2014):
Yes, miracles do happen and more often than we realize. We are usually aware of the more obvious.
Re: Small Town Spin (12:08pm April 15, 2014):
Gee whiz! I watch the news daily and enjoy the whacky stories, but right now, I'm as blank as a sheet of paper. Happy Easter!
Re: How to Handle a Cowboy (12:25pm April 4, 2014):
What a great combination! I enjoy series, cowboys, and please, let's not forget romance.
Re: A Promise In Pieces (12:15pm April 4, 2014):
What an amazing story! You overcame so many odds to become the person you are today. Thanks for sweepstakes.
Re: The Winter Bride (12:09pm April 3, 2014):
Freddie sounds like he will make this a fun romance to read.
Re: Mad About You (12:09pm April 2, 2014):
I always considered my husband to be my best friend.
Re: A Killing Notion (12:06pm April 2, 2014):
I enjoy various types of books, but especially like to settle down with a good mystery.
Re: Dyed and Gone (1:29pm March 30, 2014):
What good ideas! I never thought about using bobby pins in any way except holding hair in place. The flower ones are lovely.
Re: Winter in Full Bloom (12:30pm March 29, 2014):
This sounds like a fascinating story. There must have been an unusual circumstance for a mother to give up one twin for adoption and keep the other.
Re: Home to Stay (12:06pm March 27, 2014):
In The Wizard of Oz, the movements of the scarecrow when he gets off of the post are fantastic.
Re: Pretty Reckless (11:38am March 25, 2014):
I have no favorites. Cowboys always make it more exciting.
Re: In the Dark (12:26pm March 23, 2014):
Trust is most important in any relationship.
Re: Stealing the Groom (12:23pm March 19, 2014):
STEALING THE GROOM sounds like a fun read.
Re: Eyes Closed Tight (11:37am March 10, 2014):
I like a good mystery and this one appeals to me.
Re: The Trouble With Honor (12:17pm February 26, 2014):
Honor sounds like a smart cookie. I'd love to read the entire story.
Re: Mint Juleps and Justice (1:40pm February 23, 2014):
I'm truly sorry for your loss. You are an amazing lady. Even though this is a time of adjustment, you managed to stay upbeat. As for the hero, I like both types.
Re: Full Measures (12:28pm February 22, 2014):
Thanks for the giveaway and for giving us an insight into the life of a military family. It sounds like a close knit community within a community.
Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (11:36am February 20, 2014):
How interesting! I had a great-uncle who got a mail order bride. It used to be by mail, but nowadays it's by the internet, or so I have been lead to believe.
Re: Lord of the Sea (11:57am February 19, 2014):
No one is perfect. The flaws make the hero more interesting and appealing.
Re: High-Heeled Wonder (12:47pm February 18, 2014):
I enjoy reading a good romantic mystery. I used to love wearing high heels, but age has made me more cautious. Now I have to admire them on others.
Re: Once In A Lifetime (11:50am February 18, 2014):
It's so romantic, such a tender moment.
Re: What The Groom Wants (6:00pm February 13, 2014):
It's a good thing you explained it. I was going to guess option B.
Re: Deep in My Heart (11:51am February 12, 2014):
Interesting! No wonder my sister-in-law and her family moved to San Antonio.
Re: Breakaway Hearts (11:53am February 6, 2014):
I'm looking forward to watching parts of the Olympics --- especially the skating.
Re: Miss Molly Robbins Designs A Seduction (11:48am February 6, 2014):
This sounds like a fun read. Thanks for the chance to win.
Re: Teacup Turbulence (11:32am January 28, 2014):
Both books sound interesting.
Re: Wishing On Buttercups (12:40pm January 24, 2014):
You've chosen an interesting title and I especially like the plot. As for insecurities, I have my share. In many ways I am a strong person, but there are those other times.
Re: Scent Of Butterflies (2:32pm January 23, 2014):
Wow! This sounds like a powerhouse book, one I would enjoy reading. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Sadie's Secret (12:33pm January 19, 2014):
I see a number of readers agree with me. This sounds like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Between A Rake And A Hard Place (12:13pm January 17, 2014):
I prefer the romantic balls with all the beautiful gowns and intrigue.
Re: One Rogue Too Many (12:08pm January 17, 2014):
No, I don't remember my first crush. It's been a long, long time ago and many things have happened since.
Re: Compromising Willa (1:08pm January 8, 2014):
It's difficult to select one favorite author. There are so many I enjoy such as Sharon Sala and Catherine Anderson. Right now I'm reading and enjoying one by Sabrina Jeffries.
Re: What the Heart Wants (1:32pm January 5, 2014):
I'm anxious to read this book and I do have a Kindle. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.
Re: The Groom's Gamble (1:20pm January 5, 2014):
That's a good selection, but the Groom's Gamble wins my vote.
Re: The Temptation of Lady Serena (11:16am January 3, 2014):
Interesting! I'd love to win a copy of the book. Thanks for giving us a chance.
Re: The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (11:35am December 31, 2013):
This sounds like a good read. Thanks for the sweeps.
Happy New Year!
Re: Freezer I'll Shoot (12:47pm December 29, 2013):
I never make resolutions.
Re: Needing Her (12:31pm December 25, 2013):
I can't remember pulling any pranks.
Merry Christmas!
Re: Welcome Back To Apple Grove (12:10pm December 20, 2013):
Chocolate chip cookies may not be a Christmas type, but they are always a favorite among the members of my family.
Re: Gentlemen Prefer Mischief (12:47pm December 13, 2013):
Thanks for the giveaway. This sounds like a fun book to read.
Re: Wicked Little Secrets (12:43pm December 13, 2013):
I'd like to read this book. Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy.
Re: Billionaire Blend (12:06pm December 9, 2013):
This sounds like a good read.
Re: Rugged Hearts (12:46pm December 6, 2013):
I am fortunate to have a wonderful family and some good friends. They brighten my part of the world.
Re: Down Range (12:11pm December 2, 2013):
You seem to have led such an interesting life and it seems to have carried over into your books. Have a merry Christmas.
Re: A Change of Heart (4:00pm November 28, 2013):
I think a person has to be born with a certain talent, but then it takes a lot of work to develop it. I hope you've had a happy Thanksgiving.
Re: Aloha Rose (2:06pm November 25, 2013):
I would enjoy a trip to Hawaii, but my next best option is to travel through the eyes of characters in a good book.
Re: A Song At Twilight (11:31am November 18, 2013):
Your introduction to the characters makes me want to read this book. Thanks for giving us a chance to win it.
Re: The Namesake (11:07am November 16, 2013):
I don't usually read books with a teenage boy as the main character, but this one sounds like an exception. Thanks for the sweepstakes.
Re: Shenandoah Crossings (11:48am November 14, 2013):
I'm happy to live in the present, but I enjoy reading about a person who did travel and live in the past. I can just imagine the confusion of lifestyles.
Re: How To Handle A Highlander (3:15pm November 10, 2013):
Corset? I didn't realize anyone wore corsets now days, but at the same time, I can see where one would make a dress fit better.
Re: Upon a Winter's Night (5:25pm November 7, 2013):
I love the excitement of searching for gifts and Christmas music, but being with my family is my favorite part of Christmas.
Re: A Cadence Creek Christmas (5:21pm November 7, 2013):
Christmas, a wedding and a brooding rancher make a winning combination.
Re: Born Wild (1:33pm November 3, 2013):
This sounds like my type of book. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of it.
Re: A Midsummer Bride (12:30pm October 31, 2013):
I like the idea of an unconventional heroine, especially being as she is smart. This sounds like a fun read.
Re: Once a Rake (11:37am October 30, 2013):
I like an interesting story regardless of the time period and ONCE A RAKE sounds like a good one. The characters appeal to me. Thanks for the sweeps.
Re: The Wicked Wallflower (11:06am October 25, 2013):
Goodness! Any that I had took place many, many years ago and are not remembered.
Re: The Sweetest Hallelujah (11:25am October 22, 2013):
This is a very sensitive subject and sounds like a terrific read.
Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon (2:36pm October 20, 2013):
I have to be in the mood, but I recently started reading historical romances again. Yes, I do like suspense and intrigue to spice up the romance. Thanks for the chance to win.
Re: Behind the Shattered Glass (11:17am October 17, 2013):
Gee! This is a tough choice. None sound good to me, but I definitely don't want to be trapped by factory work or a loveless marriage. I guess my best choice is laying fires at 5 a.m.
Re: Run The Risk (12:35pm October 16, 2013):
Wow! Run the Risk sounds exciting. Thanks for the chance to win.
Re: Severed Trust (1:48pm September 22, 2013):
This sounds like my type of book. After reading the description, I decided I want to read all the books in the series.
Re: Traces Of Mercy (11:43am September 12, 2013):
The book has a great story to tell. I can't imagine not remembering my loved ones and the many events that have taken place in my life.
Re: Bad Nights (12:44pm September 6, 2013):
I love the way you are doing research for this book. It must be scary, exciting and uplifting.
Re: Unforeseeable (3:50pm September 1, 2013):
Romance, mystery, suspense! That's the right combination for me.
Re: What the Bride Wore (1:22pm August 29, 2013):
I enjoy a variety of types of books, but do not want to read one about a vampire. Something about it turns me off.
Re: Love Him or Leave Him (11:51am August 28, 2013):
I enjoyed your journey as an author.
Re: A Rancher's Christmas (11:28am August 26, 2013):
I live in a small town and think good neighbors are most important.
Re: Surrender To Sultry (11:22am August 22, 2013):
This book sounds interesting. Thanks for offering it in the sweepstakes.
Re: Last Chance Reunion (6:33pm August 21, 2013):
Oh yes! I enjoy romance with a touch of suspense. To me, it's a great combination.
Re: Pattern for Romance (1:50pm August 7, 2013):
I enjoyed reading about the way you go about creating a book. Pattern for Romance sounds interesting, but I guess I'll have to read it to find out what part the china cup and box of cinnamon play in it.
Re: A Brew to a Kill (12:23pm August 6, 2013):
I would love to win A Brew to a Kill and the coffee mug. This sounds like all the ingredients I need to relax and enjoy life.
Re: What the Bride Wore (12:14pm August 6, 2013):
Have fun! This is one time I wish I did Twitter or Facebook. That way I could keep up with your adventures.
Re: Death Al Dente (11:14am August 2, 2013):
My husband and I moved away for a few years because of job opportunities, but were thankful when it was possible to move back home.
Re: Traveling Light (1:29pm July 28, 2013):
The plot is fascinating and makes me want to travel the journey of discovery with Paula. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.
Re: Second Ride Cowboy (1:23pm July 28, 2013):
It depends upon the people involved, but second chances are possible.
Re: Reckless (12:20pm July 25, 2013):
The stuntmen are amazing and I'm glad to hear they have the Taurus World Stunt Awards to honor some of the best. I didn't realize this until now.
Re: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir (11:51am July 23, 2013):
What an exciting change! I have never been to Ireland but have always felt like it would be a place I would love to visit.
Re: Merger to Marriage (7:25pm July 14, 2013):
Each week there was always another I Love Lucy hilarious show, but I have trouble identifying a favorite one. All I remember is laughing until tears rolled down my face. I haven't watched one in recent years, but the actors created magic.
Re: Jungle Fire (11:53am July 11, 2013):
The setting doesn't matter to me as long as it's an interesting story.
Re: Winning a Bride (1:48pm July 7, 2013):
I'm so glad you doubled the size. I usually prefer a longer story than in a normal novella.
Re: Paradise Valley (11:50am July 4, 2013):
American western history and an interesting plot!!! This is a book I would love to read.
Re: Wish You Were Here (2:48pm June 29, 2013):
My love of reading began when I picked up a book that was amusing while in the second grade and I haven't stopped since.
Re: Act Like You Love Me (11:28am June 26, 2013):
I have had my share of those moments and have to remind myself that by tomorrow, it will be old news.
Re: Exposed (11:26am June 26, 2013):
Thanks for giving us a chance to win SCORCHED. I always enjoy your books.
Re: Just Beyond the Garden Gate (1:16pm June 24, 2013):
I don't usually read this type of book, but this sounds interesting.
Re: Rescuing Dawn (11:44am June 18, 2013):
I'm thankful to say I have a friend and a son and his family who always have been there for me.
Re: One Day in Apple Grove (3:33pm June 13, 2013):
No, I've never attended a Reader's Event, but it would be nice to have the opportunity.
Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (3:27pm June 13, 2013):
A great big YES, she is doing the right thing. Now I need to read the book to find out how our millionaire cowboy managed to change her mind.
Re: The Fireman's Homecoming (1:27pm June 12, 2013):
Reading is my main way to relax, but I also enjoy doing puzzles each day and playing games on the computer.
Re: Summer at Mustang Ridge (11:40am June 11, 2013):
We have a family reunion each year with all the siblings and their families. Many live in various parts of our country and this gives us a chance to reconnect.
Re: Lord of the Hunt (12:54pm June 7, 2013):
I enjoy finding out what happens next with characters from a previous book. In fact, there are times when I search to find out if the author has another book featuring a special one.
Re: Tainted Angel (11:59am June 6, 2013):
Thanks for the contest. I usually don't read spy stories, but this one sounds intriguing.
Re: It Had To Be You (11:30am June 5, 2013):
If the book is very interesting, I can block out other sounds, but I prefer to read in a quiet place.
Re: Sweet Revenge (12:36pm June 4, 2013):
Jack may be the direct opposite of Lord Rockley, but he sounds like a terrific hero.
Re: Dead, White, And Blue (11:34am May 30, 2013):
I know I have changed during the years, so I believe characters do the same. Also, each adventure is different and other characters are introduced.
Re: The Secret Life of Lady Julia (2:16pm May 26, 2013):
Oil paintings fascinate me. I would like to be able to paint beautiful outdoor scenes. Also, I would love to win this book.
Re: Yesterday's Echo (12:08pm May 21, 2013):
Congratulations! This books sounds like one I would enjoy reading. I guess fear of making a fool of myself and procrastination are the main things holding me back.
Re: Last Chance For Justice (11:29am May 20, 2013):
It depends upon my mood as to what type I want to read. On certain days, a slower paced one is fine as long as the story is interesting.
Re: Seducing Charlotte (12:26pm May 19, 2013):
It's not a problem as long as the story is fascinating and this one sounds like it is.
Re: Fearless Heart (12:48pm May 5, 2013):
Those of us who lived during those years or heard the stories from our parents were changed. I know I am careful about how money is spent and only spend what I have. Also, I try not to be wasteful.
Re: Honorable Rancher (12:01pm April 27, 2013):
It doesn't matter to me if the hero is a beta or an alpha as long as the story is interesting.
Re: The Last Telegram (11:38am April 25, 2013):
How fortunate you are to be able to go back 300 years and know something about the rich history of your family!
Re: Thrill Ride (12:24pm April 21, 2013):
I do like those Cajuns.
Re: Speak No Evil (11:59am April 17, 2013):
This sounds like the type of book I enjoy. Thanks for giving me a chance to win it.
Re: A Method to Madness (11:46am April 16, 2013):
Purple Gang??? I've never heard of it.
Re: Night Demon (12:33pm April 14, 2013):
Definitely! Heroes have to be intelligent to win my approval.
Re: Sweet Madness (11:17am April 5, 2013):
At my age, I find pink is kinder to me, so I'll have to go with pink as my favorite. Also, I like the description you gave for pink.
Re: Darius (11:43am April 4, 2013):
It depends upon the situation. Sometimes I spend time trying to find the best solution and other times I react or ask for advice from my son.
Re: Identity Crisis (11:57am April 1, 2013):
I use to wonder why such great forgers didn't create their own art. It's sad, but I guess they can earn a fortune copying great art work.
Re: Sins of a Ruthless Rogue (11:26am March 26, 2013):
What an exciting experience you had getting out of Russia!
Re: Lord of the Keep (12:37pm March 23, 2013):
Many years ago, a cover would have gotten my attention. Now days, I go directly to the blurb to see if the book is one I would enjoy reading. Your description of LORD OF THE KEEP makes me want to discover the path that Gilles and Emma take to true love.
Re: If You Give A Rake A Ruby (12:34pm March 21, 2013):
Sexy has to be at the top of the list, but add a sense of humor, intelligence,and faithfulness.
Re: When She Was Gone (12:15pm March 20, 2013):
My home is quiet now that my children are grown, but it's filled with wonderful memories.
Re: Buried In A Bog (12:23pm March 18, 2013):
I've never been to Ireland, but have formed a picture in my mind of a beautiful land. It's a place I would enjoy visiting, but so far, I've had to do it through books.
Re: The Geek Girl And The Scandous Earl (12:35pm March 14, 2013):
This sound like a fun book to read.
Re: The Survivor (12:47pm March 10, 2013):
Thank goodness for good neighbors who keep an eye out for anything unusual happening when I am out of town. I live in a small town and didn't have to worry about crime until more recent years. Now days, I lock car doors and at night, I lock the doors to my house and set the alarm.
Re: A Risk Worth Taking (12:34pm March 10, 2013):
It just depends upon my mood as to what I enjoy reading. Regardless, each book takes me into the lives of the characters.
Re: Stranger on Raven's Ridge (12:29pm March 10, 2013):
Wow! I'd love to read STRANGER ON RAVEN'S RIDGE.
Re: The Turncoat (11:07am March 6, 2013):
I would find it difficult to be attracted to a known enemy of my country, but I think the story interesting.
Re: The Chieftain (12:22pm February 28, 2013):
This sounds like a great story. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Re: Jake (1:38pm February 26, 2013):
I enjoy books with a western man like Jake as the hero.
Re: Scorned Justice (12:41pm February 23, 2013):
My mind goes blank when it comes time to think of a special book or movie with revenge as a key factor. I guess that's the process of getting older, but I really like books of this type.
Re: Checkmate, My Lord (3:12pm February 22, 2013):
Some of the secondary characters have left me wanting to know more and more. That's when I start searching to see if the author felt as I did and gave them the lead in a second in a series.
Re: In From The Cold (2:02pm February 3, 2013):
What a wonderful, exciting life changing experience! I loved your description and pictures. Personally, this southern girl would have difficulty staying in a tent in extreme cold, but I loved to read about it.
Re: The Autumn Bride (12:03pm January 31, 2013):
I read for fun and would find it distracting to analyze or discuss a book.
Re: Cupid?s Shaft (8:16pm January 25, 2013):
I was fascinated by your journey to become an author.
Re: Falling for her Fiance (12:46pm January 23, 2013):
I like the guy to have a great sense of humor, be loyal and caring.
Re: The Wicked Wedding Of Miss Ellie Vyne (12:29pm January 18, 2013):
Wow! This sounds like a fun book to read.
Re: Thread On Arrival (11:46am January 16, 2013):
I'd love read this book. If I win, please send it to my Kindle.
Re: Finding Home (12:13pm January 14, 2013):
This sounds like a fun book to read. Thank you for the chance to win.
Re: Birthright (12:42pm January 12, 2013):
My husband and I researched my dad's family background the hard way (no Internet) and had it printed in book form to share with all relatives. Family stories, relatives, cemeteries, and the local courthouse provided a wealth of information. It was fun reconnecting or getting to know members of various branches of the family.
Re: Waking Up With A Rake (12:26pm January 10, 2013):
Sounds great! He's a real rascal and hopefully he has met his match.
Re: In His Brother's Place (12:39pm January 6, 2013):
It doesn't matter to me as long as there is a terrific story to be told.
Re: Seven Days Normal (12:37pm January 6, 2013):
I'm glad you followed your dream.
Re: The Missing Manuscript Of Jane Austen (12:32pm January 6, 2013):
I didn't realize how many times you had to revise your work. This makes me appreciate your books even more.
Re: Fallen Angel (12:26pm December 29, 2012):
2012 has been a rough year for my sons. I'm grateful they received excellent medical care and the future looks brighter. Happy New Year!!!
Re: A Little Bit Wicked (12:23pm December 29, 2012):
I'm going to relax, not put too much pressure on myself. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Re: Live And Let Love (1:01pm December 28, 2012):
This is my type of book. Thanks for giving me a chance to win it.
Re: Waltz With A Stranger (1:39pm December 21, 2012):
Please enter me into the contest. I would love to win WALTZ WITH A STRANGER.
Re: Captive Of The Border Lord (5:16pm December 20, 2012):
I loved sitting around and listening to my husband and his siblings. He was one of a huge family and they always had amusing stories to tell about their childhood. Merry Christmas!
Re: Against The Odds (1:00pm December 19, 2012):
I look forward to a visit from my children and grandchildren. Merry Christmas!!!
Re: Deadly Patterns (5:38pm December 15, 2012):
I usually make a sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows for our family Christmas dinner.
Re: Jane's Gift (1:44pm December 8, 2012):
I haven't thought about this before, but Jane's Gift seems a good place to start. Merry Christmas!
Re: Holiday Buzz (1:11pm December 7, 2012):
Thank you for giving me a chance to win. This sounds like my type of book.
Merry Christmas!
Re: The Bridegroom Wore Plaid (1:04pm December 7, 2012):
I'm fascinated by the unusual information you located about the Victorian era. I especially wanted to give Queen Victoria a big hug for her contribution to women giving birth during that period of time. Thanks for sharing with us and especially a big thanks for giving us a chance to win THE BRIDEGROOM WORE PLAID.
Re: Rancher's Son (1:11pm December 6, 2012):
That's interesting! I've never heard of a cattle drive across Florida. I usually think of beautiful beaches, oranges, Disney World, and hurricanes, but not cattle. We never get too old to learn.
Re: Too Close For Comfort (12:56pm December 5, 2012):
I've never used a pistol, but my dad tried to teach me to shoot a rifle. The key word is TRIED and as you can guess, I couldn't shoot my way out of a paper bag. I just don't feel comfortable using guns of any type.
Re: Wish Upon A Christmas Star (8:49pm December 2, 2012):
I hope all my family can be together for Christmas, and that good health is in their future.
Re: Heart Of A Texan (1:04pm November 30, 2012):
I'm so glad to see this contest. It's been a while since I've read one of your books and this is a reminder to put your name on my list of authors. I enjoy good cowboy romances.
Re: How I Came To Sparkle Again (12:59pm November 29, 2012):
I live in a small town and use to have to give directions to my house. I can relate to the ones you gave. Anyway, time has passed and, thank goodness, we now have a 911 address that makes it simpler.
Re: Christmas Confidential (1:53pm November 28, 2012):
For many years, we celebrated Christmas at my house. We had a special meal, opened presents and enjoyed being together. Now that I'm older, I've passed the torch to my daughter-in-law.
Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (2:35pm November 27, 2012):
This sound like a good way to start the Christmas season. I hope I'm the lucky winner.
Re: Taming the Outback (12:21pm November 25, 2012):
Yes, I like a feisty heroine. They add a touch of spice to a book.
Re: Holiday in Crimson (12:49pm November 24, 2012):
My special memories are of watching the excitement and happiness on the faces of my young sons on Christmas morning.
Re: How To Tame A Willful Wife (1:04pm November 16, 2012):
I love the rules for taming a willful wife. It sounds like a whole lot of love is going to be needed to have a meeting of minds.
Re: Texas Wide Open (12:23pm November 14, 2012):
This sounds like an interesting book. I hope I'm fortunate enough to win it.
Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (11:52am November 8, 2012):
This is a heart warming story. It's just right for any time of the year, but especially for Christmas.
Re: The Snow White Christmas Cookie (1:34pm November 4, 2012):
What a beautiful, peaceful cover! I guess looks can be deceiving. It sounds like a crime wave struck this lovely town. I would love to have a copy of the book and find out for myself.
Re: The Warrior (2:25pm November 1, 2012):
I love to read about people who live in castles, but I don't want to actually live in one. They might have been the tops in residences in the years past, but I like my air conditioner and central heating.
Re: Death In The Floating City (3:31pm October 30, 2012):
I've done most of my traveling though books. This sounds like a fantastic journey.
Re: Midnight Exposure (3:10pm October 29, 2012):
I would love to win Midnight Exposure. It sounds like my type of book.
Re: Iced Chiffon (8:40pm October 28, 2012):
I like to read cozy mysteries and would enjoy finding out who killed the blond cupcake. You seem to have added a touch of humor to make it more interesting.
Re: One Night with a Hero (2:49pm October 27, 2012):
It takes a special type of man to become a military hero. They come in various sizes and have different personalities, but have the love of our country in common. I'm thankful for them.
Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (1:14pm October 26, 2012):
Christmas stories are special. They seem to have a touch of magic and leaves the reader with a feeling that the world is a wonderful place.
Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (1:07pm October 26, 2012):
Oh yes, the characters come to life. I can visualize them in my head and laugh and cry with them.
Re: Abigail And Mistletoe (3:02pm October 22, 2012):
I hope I win Abigail and Mistletoe. I like to read about people who makes a difference and Abigail seems to be doing her part. Also, I would love to know her secret.
Re: Sultry With A Twist (3:42pm October 19, 2012):
Oh, my goodness! Do people actually ask questions of that type? I can't imagine anyone being so brazen. I'll bet it's hard to keep a smile on your face when that happens.
Re: Rev It Up (3:37pm October 19, 2012):
Yes, let's bend the rules and make the story more intriguing.
Re: Return Of The Border Warrior (12:44pm October 17, 2012):
Thanks for the chance to win.
Re: Death, Taxes, and a Sequined Clutch (8:51pm October 16, 2012):
Revenge would be very sweet.
Re: Against His Will (3:39pm October 15, 2012):
I enjoy books with a touch of humor and this one sounds like it may have that special ingredient.
Re: Born To Be Wild (3:34pm October 15, 2012):
Your book sounds like one I would enjoy reading. Now as to your question, I have a problem with speaking before a crowd of people. Thanks goodness that's not required much at this stage of my life.
Re: Shattered Silence (2:53pm October 14, 2012):
It takes a special person to be a Texas Ranger. I always enjoy reading about a hero who is one.
Re: Run The Risk (1:43pm October 11, 2012):
Oh my goodness! My mind is blank. At this moment in time, I can't think of a hero who did something dishonorable, but I would like to win your book.
Re: In The Barrister's Bed (1:29pm October 9, 2012):
Of course a lawyer can be sexy. They come in all sizes, shapes, and with varied personalities. Lady Evelyn Darlington as a lawyer during the Regency period of time is a real surprise.
Re: Lady X's Cowboy (12:49pm October 8, 2012):
No, I haven't had any reason to hide my enjoyment of romance novels.
Re: Wild Encounter (12:09pm October 7, 2012):
I hope I'm never in a situation where it's a life saving decision. I think I would make a huge effort to save myself, but none of us know how we will react until we are in a life or death situation.
Re: Contract For Marriage (2:19pm October 4, 2012):
I'm usually a quiet person, but, if that had happened to me, I would have screamed to the high heavens and probably pounded on the shoulder of the driver to make sure I had his attention. I guess that could be called a panic attack.
Re: Secrets Of A Wedding Night (1:12pm September 28, 2012):
Thanks for the contest. Secrets of A Wedding Night sounds like a winner. "What a tangled web we weave" kept going through my mind as I read the description of the book.
Re: A Home For Nobody's Princess (12:59pm September 25, 2012):
No matter where we lived, home has always been any place with my family.
Re: Enemies at the Altar (12:43pm September 20, 2012):
Love and hate may be two sides of a coin, but I can't imagine myself loving someone I hate. Hate is a strong, negative word, much stronger than dislike.
Re: Finding Sarah (12:57pm September 15, 2012):
I enjoy a combination of romance and suspense, the type that keeps me on edge and wanting to find out what is going to happen next. Usually there is a mystery factor added.
Re: A Lady And Her Magic (12:35pm September 14, 2012):
This sounds like a fun book to read. Also, I fell in love with Jeffy. It's amazing you still have him after all these years.
Re: One Wrong Move (7:57pm September 12, 2012):
This sounds like one I would enjoy reading. I'd love to win it.
Re: Chasing a Dream (1:07pm September 11, 2012):
I love the plot and would love to win CHASING A DREAM. I don't remember much about anyone telling me you CAN'T do something but I do remember my parents telling me DON'T do certain things. They were wise.
Re: Temptation In A Kilt (12:54pm September 8, 2012):
i like to read about the Bad Boys but really wouldn't want to be married to one.
Re: When You Give A Duke A Diamond (12:50pm September 8, 2012):
I prefer the strong, more adventurous type of heroine, one with a sense of humor. The spoiled ones irritate me.
Re: In Rides Trouble (1:10pm September 7, 2012):
Two strong characters! That's bound to bring a huge amount of friction and exciting moments. Thanks for a chance to win this book.
Re: A Cup Full Of Midnight (2:38pm September 6, 2012):
I like the idea of using actual places to make the story more realistic and the plot is intriguing. Just reading about it brought a shivery feeling.
Re: Treacherous Toys (1:43pm September 5, 2012):
I'm amazed whenever two authors work together and write a book. There must be a secret as to how the work is divided. Regardless, this sounds like a winner.
Re: Death on a Longship (1:14pm September 5, 2012):
Thanks for the sweep. This sounds like my type of book.
Re: Every Breath She Takes (1:17pm September 3, 2012):
Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to read the Serve and Protect Series.
Re: Death Where The Bad Rocks Live (1:14pm September 3, 2012):
This sounds like an interesting book.
Re: Fool For Love (6:58pm August 29, 2012):
This sounds like a fun series. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Blame It On Texas (1:18pm August 26, 2012):
The plot thickens and now I want to read Blame It On Texas. Also, I like the idea of humor. I don't know if I've read any of your books, but I'll be sure to add you to my list for future ones.
Re: In the Line of Duty (1:09pm August 26, 2012):
I like the idea of Kendra being a strong, independent cop and Jack makes a great love interest.
Re: Not the Marrying Kind (2:32pm August 25, 2012):
This sounds like a fun read.
Re: Bruja Brouhaha (1:14pm August 24, 2012):
Interesting!Please enter me in your contest.
Re: Relentless Pursuit (1:11pm August 20, 2012):
I'm glad Billy has his own book. He's likeable. In fact, I had a smile on my face by the time I finished the excerpt.
Re: Allergic To Death (1:38pm August 18, 2012):
I like mysteries and death by food sounds fascinating.
Re: Deep Blue (11:51am August 14, 2012):
I've never gone on a cruise ship, but think it would be a wonderful adventure.Happy a wonderful trip, Kat.
Re: Sweet Deception (1:25pm August 13, 2012):
I'm usually easy going, but can be very stubborn when someone decides to pressure me into doing something I am not comfortable with or do not want to do.
Re: The Bull Rider's Brother (3:27pm August 12, 2012):
This sounds like a fun read. Thanks for giving us a chance to win it.
Re: Hell On Wheels (12:55pm August 10, 2012):
Interesting!!! Thanks for giving someone, hopefully ME, a chance to win it.
Re: The Last Victim (11:24am August 7, 2012):
This is definitely my type of book.
Re: Wild Texas Rose (1:16pm August 6, 2012):
I'm delighted you are giving someone a chance to win Wild Texas Rose. I've enjoyed other books you have written and expect this one to be just as interesting.
Re: Going To The Bad (1:41pm August 5, 2012):
I don't like to read about the death of a favorite character. It's like losing a friend.
Re: Creating Fate (3:23pm July 23, 2012):
I've always regretted the times when I didn't listen to may gut.
This may be off the subject, but I've wondered about the adjustment a serviceman's wife has to make after her loved one returns home, especially the transition from being the one in control to taking a back seat. Thanks for the insight.
Re: Luscious (1:02pm July 19, 2012):
My family and friends are horrified, but, I'm one of those who checks the end of a book to make sure it has a "they lived happily ever after" ending.
Re: Beef Stolen-Off (12:30pm July 16, 2012):
I love your blog. My most amazing experience was holding my first grandchild shortly after she was born. There is no way to describe the feeling. Now I have four GRANDS and simple enjoy being with all of them.
Re: Jesse (11:27am July 13, 2012):
Sounds interesting!!! Jesse seems to have found just what he needed by the side of the road.
Re: Gwen's Ghost (1:35pm July 12, 2012):
Both books sound interesting. Writing together sounds challenging, but the two of you seem to know the secret of doing it successfully.
Re: The Princess and the Outlaw (2:03pm July 1, 2012):
I enjoy reading, spending time on the computer, and gardening. Unfortunately, I'm having to water the garden and lawn because of the hot, dry weather we are having.
Re: Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half (11:54am June 28, 2012):
Thanks for making it possible to win this book. I would love to read it. One of your favorite star crossed lovers (GHOST) is one of my favorites and, like you, the tears flowed.
Re: Into The Darkest Corner (1:07pm June 24, 2012):
I don't belong to a book club, but love to read.
Re: The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine (11:30am June 22, 2012):
I like the characters. You've combined two very interesting people for your book. I have an idea the different backgrounds won't make any difference by the time the story is complete.
Re: Honorable Rancher (1:26pm June 20, 2012):
I'm sure my parents influenced me because of their love of reading, but I really fell in love with reading in the first grade, the day I read a book and could visualize what was happening. I was in the classroom and tried to keep from giggling our loud at the amusing parts.
Re: A Fatal Fleece (3:18pm June 11, 2012):
This sounds like my kind of book. Thank you for giving us a chance to win it.
Re: Diamonds Are Truly Forever (4:02pm June 4, 2012):
I'm terrible at not being truthful In fact, my face usually reveals too much, so I usually stick to the truth or try to avoid an answer.
Re: The Homesteader's Sweetheart (12:26pm May 29, 2012):
I've read books with the hero as a single dad, but never one about a single dad with such a large number of adopted children. He must extra special.
Re: The Rebel Rancher (1:32pm May 26, 2012):
Interesting! Tyson is a hero I would enjoy finding out more about.
Re: A Gentleman Says "I Do" (11:30am May 25, 2012):
Oh my! Catalina seems to be in trouble or maybe she will be trouble for the hero. I love the plot.
Re: The Taming Of A Scottish Princess (12:40pm May 23, 2012):
I'm not particular about the type of hero. It depends upon the plot as to which type is needed. Once I start reading a book, I block out everything that is going on around me.
Re: Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies (12:02pm May 18, 2012):
This is my type of book. I would love to win it.
Re: The Courtesan's Lover (1:13pm May 17, 2012):
I would enjoy finding out more about Francesca and the mysterious man.
Re: Pretty Amy (11:59am May 10, 2012):
This sounds like a fun book to read.
Re: Karma (12:09pm May 8, 2012):
It depends upon my mood as to which type I prefer.
Re: The Proposal (11:52am May 4, 2012):
I'm from the US, but I think it is so very gracious of you to offer fans from other countries a chance to win a copy of The Proposal.
Re: Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal (11:45am May 4, 2012):
Thank goodness I haven't had the impossible decisions to make, but I enjoy reading about them.
Re: Beauty and The Best (1:01pm April 30, 2012):
Interesting! I hope I win it.
Re: Somebody To Love (12:38pm April 24, 2012):
During the early years of my marriage, my husband and I moved a number of times due to job opportunities. I'm thankful to say we haven't had to do that in many years.
Re: Blackmailed by the Italian Billionaire (12:11pm April 22, 2012):
Romance and suspense make a great combination --- just my cup of tea. It sound like a wonderful book.
Re: The Zen Man (4:10pm April 18, 2012):
It's been years since I've watched Columbo, but I enjoyed watching the rumpled looking detective solve the crimes while everyone thought he was clueless.
Re: Illicit Intuitions (1:36pm April 10, 2012):
The book looks interesting, just my type. I hope I win it.
Re: Trouble Me (12:38pm April 9, 2012):
I would love to win this book, and it sounds like I need to get the others in the Rosewood trilogy.
Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (2:06pm April 8, 2012):
Oh, what cute story! Of course, the cowboy hero is all of the above. Happy Easter!
Re: The Devil and Miss Jones (2:00pm April 8, 2012):
What a cute story! I had never thought about it before, but the title draws my attention to a book. Happy Easter!
Re: Woodrose Mountain (12:46pm April 5, 2012):
Thanks for giving us a chance to win. It sounds like a tender, loving story.
Re: Wedded In Scandal (10:00pm April 3, 2012):
Very good! I enjoyed your post and the books sounds interesting.
Re: In Search of Lucy (6:39pm March 31, 2012):
It sounds like this is a fun road trip and just what Lucy needs.
Re: A Light On The Veranda (1:14pm March 30, 2012):
I like your description and pictures of Natchez, Mississippi. Years ago, a lovely lady said we learn much from each book, regardless of the type. I have taken journeys to many places through the books I've read and appreciate the accuracy in the description.
Re: Vicki's Key (3:08pm March 28, 2012):
I have a couple of Irish ancestors, so an Irish hero appeals to me. I love to listen to the Irish lilt in movies.
Re: Texas Baby Sanctuary (1:53pm March 28, 2012):
I love books about heroes who live in Texas and it doesn't matter what period of time. Usually the hero is bigger than life.
Re: The Chase (1:49pm March 28, 2012):
I enjoy watching Unforgettable and The Mentalist, but actually prefer to read mysteries with romance. More details are in the books than in a television show.
Re: Sticks and Stones (12:12pm March 23, 2012):
I would choose my granddaughter. She enjoys reading as much as I do and, also, has a better grasp of the English language.
Re: Against The Night (12:55pm March 9, 2012):
My all time favorite is The Sound of Music. The music, scenery, and story are terrific and it always leaves me with the feeling that the future is going to be better than the past.
Re: Texas Pride (12:31pm March 8, 2012):
Thanks for giving your fans a chance to win Texas Pride. I've read and enjoyed other books you've written.
Re: Sweet Enemy (12:10pm March 6, 2012):
It sounds like you stirred the pot or maybe I should say plot and got a good chemistry mix in SWEET ENEMY.
Re: The Rodeo Man's Daughter (12:51pm March 1, 2012):
Class and family reunions can be fun. It's a time to get together with people you haven't seen in a long time and discover some exciting things that have taken place in their lives. RANCHER'S PRIDE sounds interesting.
Re: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (11:44am February 28, 2012):
Schools today teach so much more than during my period of time, but some things never change. Some children reach for the stars and others are content to get by with the least amount of work. That's life.
Re: Donovan's Bed (1:20pm February 26, 2012):
Wow! Jack has a lot to learn. This sounds like a fun book to read.
Re: The Rogue Pirate's Bride (3:26pm February 24, 2012):
I prefer the positive instead of the negative outlook on life. Romantic fiction takes me on a trip into a different and more exciting place and, most important, there is a happy ending.
Re: Courting His Favorite Nurse (1:12pm February 21, 2012):
I haven't, but have an idea it would be a terrific experience. The view must be breathtaking.
Re: A Scandalous Countess (1:20pm February 17, 2012):
I've read both but, at the time, I wasn't aware of the difference. I simple enjoyed the story.
Re: The Night Is Mine (1:09pm February 16, 2012):
Very interesting! Your trip to becoming a writer is fascinating.
Re: Far from Here (12:05pm February 4, 2012):
At different stages of my life, I enjoyed different crafts such as knitting, crocheting and cross stiching. Lately, I've enjoyed taking and printing pictures of family members.
Re: Lure of Song and Magic (1:11pm January 18, 2012):
This book sounds exciting. You always come up with a fascinating slant.
Re: Dylan (1:53pm January 15, 2012):
Wow! Our hero is going to have a rough time now that he's met his boss in such a sizzling manner. This sounds like a fun book to read.
Re: Risking Trust (12:15pm January 13, 2012):
I recently read IN CLOSE by Brenda Novak and DEADLY INTENT by Kylie Brant. On those nights while I was reading them, I finally had to force myself to put them down around four o'clock in the morning. It's a good thing I'm retired and don't have a set schedule.
Re: Bride By Mistake (11:33am January 10, 2012):
Fascinating! Now I am anxious to get a copy of BRIDE BY MISTAKE to discover how Isabelle and Luke made this into a real marriage.
Re: Pretty Persuasion (1:46pm January 9, 2012):
I don't rate books, but if I read one that is extra interesting, I add the author to my list so I can locate more books by him/her.
Re: Hot Rain (12:23pm January 4, 2012):
Some people may have had success with online dating, but personally, I would find it too risky.
Re: Sweet Reward (11:18am January 2, 2012):
I found your description interesting. I appreciate having this chance to win your book.
Re: A Promise Of Safekeeping (12:28pm January 1, 2012):
I collect books, special cards and other items given by my sons and grandchildren, and pictures of family members. The books bring hours and hours of pleasure and the others items bring back special memories.
Re: The Angel Of Blythe Hall (1:43pm December 30, 2011):
My most prized gift is the love given to me by children and grandchildren.
Re: Lover's Leap (11:07am December 29, 2011):
I don't know how I've missed reading some of your books, but now I'll add you to my list of authors. Lover's Leap sounds like one I would enjoy. I like reading about the bad boy having a second chance in life.
Re: Sleight Of Paw (3:20pm December 18, 2011):
I'm usually behind the camera and most of the time manage to avoid having my picture taken. Now that I'm in my "getting older" stage of life, I definitely try to avoid having mine taken. Unfortunately at family reunions, there is always someone else with a camera, and the pictures I dislike the most are taken of my profile. Ugh!!!
Re: The King's Mistress (4:12pm December 17, 2011):
Your information about mistletoe is fascinating. Live and learn! Also, I think I will enjoy reading THE KING'S MISTRESS. The Scottish seem to have such a colorful history.
Re: Mistletoe and Margaritas (1:10pm December 10, 2011):
The comments made by GS Moch could have been written by me. I agree completely with them, even to the section about being from southern Louisiana.
Re: Wild Thing (1:43pm December 5, 2011):
There may be some obvious ways a couple are opposites, but somehow they compliment each other. They probably have the same basic values.
Re: Hunter Of Shadows (12:20pm December 2, 2011):
I enjoy surprises in novels and would like to win HUNTER OF SHADOWS.
Re: The Earl's Mistaken Bride (2:58pm November 30, 2011):
Most of the time I am a lemonade type of person, and prefer to see the good in people and events happening around me. Of course, there are some occasions when life offers a cup of lemon into my life.
Re: She Can Run (4:23pm November 29, 2011):
I definitely prefer a mixture of genres, especially a mix of romance and mystery. Oh, and add some suspense, also. SHE CAN RUN sounds like my type of fiction. I love your description.
Re: Miss Darcy Falls in Love (12:52pm November 28, 2011):
It's strange. Recently I was wondering if a talented lady of the nobility during that period of time was allowed to use her gift in a public way. I decided it would take a strong willed and wealthy lady to do so. MISS DARCY FALLS IN LOVE sounds like a fun book to read.
Re: Learning To Trust (12:38pm November 27, 2011):
Your description has left me wanting to find out more about Lina and Jonathan. LEARNING TO TRUST sounds like a winner.
Re: The Spy Who Left Me (2:30pm November 25, 2011):
It's always difficult to select the right gifts for my adult grandchildren, so I do it the easy way. We go shopping together and they find what they want. We usually end the trip by going to a bookstore and all of us stocking up on reading materials. It's always a fun day for me. Spending time with them is the highlight of the Christmas holidays.
Re: A Crimson Warning (9:53am November 24, 2011):
I am thankful for a loving family, friends and good health.
Re: The Storm That Is Sterling (11:50am November 23, 2011):
My favorite way to spend Thanksgiving is as a guest with all my family around me. I love to spend time with my sons and their families. Happy Thanksgiving!
Re: White Dawn (1:18pm November 21, 2011):
I loved your description of how your first book came into existance. It takes a wonderful imagination and oodles of drive to complete and get a book published.
Re: The Return Of The Stranger (12:42pm November 20, 2011):
Thanks for offering us a chance to win The Return of the Stranger. Someone in our group will have an enjoyable time reading it.
Re: Fortune's Son (1:40pm November 18, 2011):
Philip sounds like a lovable rascal.
Re: Until There Was You (4:31pm November 16, 2011):
I had such a sad feeling after reading about Posey and her prom, but like the idea of her having a second chance. Time can make a big difference in a person.
Re: The Highlander's Heart (4:22pm November 16, 2011):
Very good! I like the part you revealed about THE HIGHLANDER'S HEART and want to know more.
Re: Knight of Runes (12:35pm November 14, 2011):
I don't usually read time travel stories, but this one sounds fascinating. Thanks for giving me a chance to win a copy of your book.
Re: Because Of You (12:30pm November 14, 2011):
I enjoy reading about the heroes returning from the war zone.
Re: Risking Trust (5:11pm November 8, 2011):
I don't believe there are any perfect people. Perhaps some managed to keep the flaws hidden better than others. The flaws in a character seem to make the plot more interesting.
Re: Tall, Dark And Cowboy (1:13pm November 7, 2011):
Thankfully, I've never had to move to start over. I would find it difficult to leave a supportive family and friends.
Re: Engaged in Sin (2:44pm November 6, 2011):
What an interesting title and plot! I hope I'm fortunate enough to win it.
Re: Liver Let Die (2:09pm November 5, 2011):
I know you had oodles of fun with your little ones. I enjoy being around children and can relate to experience. Yes, names are important and seem to identify a person.
Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (12:30pm November 4, 2011):
I would ask for Santa to bring continued good health and help my grandchildren find their niche in life.
Re: The Virtuoso (4:09pm November 2, 2011):
This sounds like a good book to add to my reading list.
Re: A Maverick For Christmas (2:34pm October 30, 2011):
I'm very fortunate. I have a terrific family to listen and encourage me.
Re: His Last Duchess (12:57pm October 28, 2011):
The description of your desk is also a description of mine. The only thing is I don't have the excuse of writing a book. Regardless, I can usually find what I need. Your book sounds interesting. I hope I win it.
Re: Romancing The Countess (12:33pm October 28, 2011):
I am amazed at how well you handled writing the book while pregnant. As far as I know, novels haven't influenced my outward actions, but they have influenced my interest in other parts of our country and in foreign lands.
Re: Dire Threads (11:58am October 23, 2011):
My mom is the one who encouraged and helped me develop the creative skills that I have. She was the one who listened to me read while I was young and taught me how to sew, crochet and do embroidery. She was very patient, a wonderful mother.
Re: Flawless (3:20pm October 20, 2011):
It's fun to read about a bad boy changing because of the love of a good woman. It may be difficult in real life, but I think anyone can change if they have a good reason and truly want to do so.
Re: Attracted to Fire (3:40pm October 18, 2011):
Sorry, but I've never visited the hill country of west Texas. It sounds fascinating. Most of my travels through Texas have been through novels and they are usually jam packed with adventures and romance.
Re: Against The Storm (1:31pm October 17, 2011):
I have always wondered how an author got started getting a book published. The description of your struggles was fascinating to me. I've enjoyed your books and am looking forward to reading Against the Storm.
Re: The Rose Garden (2:06pm October 12, 2011):
The supporting cast can make a story so much more interesting. In fact, there are time I find one so fascinating that I hope the author will write another book with him or her as the main character.
Re: Roommates (1:12pm October 4, 2011):
I like what I consider old family names. John, William, James, Edward and Clifton are among my favorite names.
Re: The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest (12:01pm September 26, 2011):
I read various types of books, also, but all have to end happily ever after. I hope Sophie chose the hero instead of that scoundrel of a father.
Re: The Rake And The Recluse (4:51pm September 18, 2011):
I've never seen an illustrated novel. This makes it unique.
Re: To Sketch A Thief (11:32am September 17, 2011):
I prefer simple, easy to read names. I struggle with the pronunciation of certain foreign ones and end up giving them a similar name.
Re: Lord and Lady Spy (4:55pm September 8, 2011):
How interesting! I like the idea of the husband and wife leading a double life. This is a book I would enjoy reading.
Re: Bel Air (2:56pm September 6, 2011):
Golden vanilla ice cream seems very dull in comparison to the types selected by others, but that's what I prefer.
Re: The Wedding Affair (2:46pm September 6, 2011):
Wow! Your husband did a fabulous job building the dollhouse.
Re: Sweet Justice (3:42pm September 3, 2011):
I know you are thinking about a villain in a book but whenever I think about being frightened, I remember seeing the movie The Picture of Dorian Gray. I guess I was too young and it horrified me.
Re: Serendipity (10:14pm September 1, 2011):
This is the kind of hero I enjoy reading about. I'll bet there's a lot of exciting times between the hero and heroine.
Re: Claim Of Innocence (2:49pm August 29, 2011):
There are two type of e-mail I dislike --- political hate mail and the kind that tries to make me feel terrible if I don't send it to others. I dread receiving e-mail from relatives telling about a serious illness in the family, but am thankful they let me know.
Re: The Bone House (2:30pm August 22, 2011):
This sounds like a very exciting thriller, just the type I would enjoy reading. I've now added your name to the list of authors I use when I go to the bookstore.
Re: Deadly Obsession (3:33pm August 16, 2011):
Congratulations on the birth of your first child and double congratulations on having a supportive husband. That's the best kind of hero.
Re: Fezariu's Epiphany (10:28pm August 14, 2011):
I think everyone who reads novels like to use their imagination to visit other places. Your imaginary kingdom is the next step. It would be fun to visit it.
Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (3:41pm August 10, 2011):
I guess it cheating, but I always check the ending of a book to make sure it has a happy ending. It doesn't spoil the story for me and that way I know it's something I want to read.
Re: Midnight Fear (5:36pm August 7, 2011):
This sound like a great book to read.
Re: Pleating for Mercy (8:58pm August 5, 2011):
That's an easy one. I love to read and this book is just the type I enjoy. I sure hope I win one of the copies.
Re: Lie for Me (4:08pm August 2, 2011):
It put Lauren between the rock and a hard place when Tucker asked her to lie for him. Telling the truth was the right thing to do, but I imagine she worried about what happened to Tucker as a result. The book sounds interesting.
Re: The Genesis Key (3:37pm July 28, 2011):
It's a fascinating concept. I would like to extend my time on earth if I have both excellent physical and mental health and if my family and friends have the same option. Being the last leaf on the tree would be sad.
Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (3:47pm July 25, 2011):
They may have been embarrassing for you, but the description of your previous mistakes gave me a good laugh. I know I've seen a few minor errors in books but nothing major. It's good to know I'm not the only one who makes mistakes.
Re: A Spark of Death (4:23pm July 15, 2011):
How interesting! Your excerpt makes me want to read more about Professor Bradshaw.
Re: Magnificent Passage (1:08pm July 12, 2011):
I've read your more recent romances and think it will be fun to read the first one you wrote. It sounds interesting.
Re: Just One Season In London (2:57pm July 11, 2011):
Sophie is an interesting character. I would like to find out how she went about finding Mr. Right and helping her family.
Re: Night Veil (2:30pm July 1, 2011):
I prefer Superman to Batman. I've always enjoyed the story of his birth and his arrival on Earth. Also, the mild mannered Clark Kent becoming a superhero appeals to me.
Re: Wild and Unruly (2:28pm June 30, 2011):
Anything is possible, including time travel, in our imagination and dreams. Isn't life wonderful!
Re: Fallen (2:50pm June 29, 2011):
I hope I win this one. It sounds like a terrific thriller.
Re: The Dark Enquiry (4:57pm June 28, 2011):
You've really surprised me. I had a completely different idea about the morals of the ladies during that generation.
Re: Dying For Justice (4:52pm June 28, 2011):
I have a fear of having alzheimer's disease and anything that would cause me to be a burden to my family.
Re: Missing Persons (12:51pm June 25, 2011):
What a fascinating story! I enjoy mysteries of this type.
Re: Under a Desert Sky (10:05pm June 19, 2011):
Happiness means finding the right person who loves you in spite of your flaws.
Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress (12:55pm June 15, 2011):
I never would have expected an author to use a person like Louisa Mae Alcott as a character in a book. That's unique! At the same time, I have to admit there have been books where I tried to imagine what happened next in the lives of the character. You have just taken it to the next level.
Re: Money Shot (5:59pm June 10, 2011):
I had never given it much thought before, but I am drawn to books with certain settings. At the same time, I consider the characters and story more important.
Re: Forced to Kill (12:58pm June 5, 2011):
I know some of my friends have audio books, but I've never listened to one before. Your thriller sounds like a good one to be my first.
Re: Cover of Darkness (12:46pm June 5, 2011):
I just finished reading Sealed Forever by Mary Margret Daughtridge and enjoyed it so much, I want to locate the others in the series. I think I would enjoy reading about the Seal hero in your book, also .
Re: A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man (12:34pm May 26, 2011):
I guess all of us have committed some of these seven sins. I especially want to have the opportunity to commit number 3 while reading your book.
Re: Dirty (2:38pm May 22, 2011):
You are brave. Publishing your own book is a big step to take and lots of work. DIRTY sounds like a good one to use to start the process. I think it's one I would enjoy reading.
Re: SEALed Forever (12:50pm May 20, 2011):
Sealed Forever sounds like a winner. The delightful story about our dad left me smiling. Isn't this a wonderful country?
Re: Deadly Promises (12:38pm May 10, 2011):
It's difficult to imagine anyone surviving the training the Navy Seals receive. Thank goodness we have such strong, brave men. Also, I'm thankful for all the young men and women who are serving in our military.
Re: A Family Affair (12:25pm May 6, 2011):
I have a terrific family. They are the ones who love me and are there when I need them.
Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (2:09pm May 4, 2011):
It's too late for me. I've now reached the never say old, just growing older stage of live and need lower heels. I want to add, your book sounds like a fun one to read.
Re: The Legend Of Michael (12:34pm May 2, 2011):
My perfect hero is strong but lovable.
Re: Heart of Deception (2:16pm April 29, 2011):
I never did like to wear a hat, but enjoy seeing them on other ladies.
Re: The Devil in Disguise (2:17pm April 23, 2011):
I like to read something about the plot of a book and I always enjoy entering contests. Happy Easter!
Re: Hidden Embers (12:25pm April 22, 2011):
I enjoy the freshness of spring, all the beautiful flowers blooming and the birds singing.
Re: It Happened On Maple Street (2:07pm April 19, 2011):
What a terrific story! It's one I want to read.
Re: The Beauty Chorus (7:08pm April 17, 2011):
It's wonderful that after all those changes recommended by the various people associated with the production and the numerous hours you spent writing and rewriting it, you could sit down with your book and enjoy it. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised. After all, I like to read a good book more than one time.
Re: A Marriage of Inconvenience (1:12pm April 16, 2011):
I like to have some control over my life, but I don't consider myself a control freak.
Re: Cowboy Fever (1:28pm April 13, 2011):
I always prefer the hero in the book I'm presently reading.
Re: Deadly Ties (2:37pm April 10, 2011):
All of us have had to make decisions in our life and just hoped and prayed we made the right one. This book sounds like a winner.
Re: A Song For My Mother (12:06pm April 9, 2011):
I read one of your books last year, and since then, I've been searching for others in the bookstore. I'm looking forward to reading A Song For My Mother. The conflict between mother and daughter sounds intriguing and I know you will find a special way for them to resolve the problem.
Re: The Return Of Black Douglas (12:17pm April 1, 2011):
What fascinating information! This makes me realize how little I know about the history of Scotland.
Re: Play Me (12:28pm March 29, 2011):
Personally, I prefer the love scenes to leave something to the imagination. I agree with Wilda and like the love scenes to stress romance and not sex. Regardless of whether it's hot or not, it needs to add a special element to the story.
Re: Sink or Swim (11:47am March 25, 2011):
This sounds like a good mystery, one I would enjoy reading.
Re: A Lot Like Love (12:18pm March 24, 2011):
It doesn't matter if it's a "slow burn" or "instant attraction" if the story keeps me anxious to find out what is going to happen next and I definitely need a quiet house to enjoy the book.
Re: Hummingbird Lake (2:42pm March 22, 2011):
Now I'm wondering why I've never read one of your books. This one sounds like a winner.
Re: Highland Heat (12:39pm March 21, 2011):
This sounds like romance and adventure wrapped into a fascinating story.
Re: An Unlikely Countess (12:39pm March 19, 2011):
Prudence must have had a lot going for her, such as intelligence, beauty and good manners. She didn't have the opportunities we have today and a good marriage was her only way of improving her lot in life. I like to read about ladies who find a way to improve their way of life, and more important, it sounds like she found love.
Re: Angel Sister (12:54pm March 18, 2011):
It must be a gift to you that your mother recognized her stories made Angel Sister possible. This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading and letting others know about.
Re: Tyler (4:34pm March 17, 2011):
The feisty little redhead sounds appealing, but you surprised me with the cowboy being the stripper. Winning this book would be a wonderful way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
Re: So Close The Hand Of Death (12:47pm March 15, 2011):
None of us know until we are actually faced with such a situation, but I hope I would defend my loved ones.
Re: Angel's Rest (12:31pm March 12, 2011):
This sounds like an interesting book, one I will enjoy reading.
Re: A Taste of Seduction (11:59am March 11, 2011):
I don't see how you managed to come up with such an interesting plot while going through such a trying time in your life. You are one very strong lady.
Re: What I Did For A Duke (3:27pm March 10, 2011):
The spider is Susan. It looks like I'm not the first to answer this one, but just wanted you to know your book sounds like a sizzler.
Re: Seducing The Governess (12:44pm March 8, 2011):
Many years ago, a lovely lady told me it didn't matter what kind of book you read, that you learn something from each one. The books I've read have taken me to many places and have bits of information I've never heard before.
Re: Staying At Daisy's (5:56pm March 7, 2011):
The real life stories about hotel life are amazing. I have an idea Staying at Daisies is even more fascinating.
Re: Animal Magnetism (11:44am March 5, 2011):
What a unique way to come up with a story!
Re: Scandal of the Year (11:39am March 4, 2011):
This is fascinating. I've always wondered how a "veteran author" manages to come up with fresh ideas for books, but I never thought about it changing the authors outlook and lifestyle.
Re: Treasure Me (12:30pm March 3, 2011):
I enjoyed reading your comments about the creative process of writing your books. Desire Me has just what I like --- an exciting adventure, a mystery with romance as an added spice.
Re: Against the Law (12:31pm March 1, 2011):
I enjoy your books. I read Against the Wind on my Kindle, but want to find it in book form to add to my bookcase, the place where I keep those I enjoy the most. Now I'm anxious to read the others in the series.
Re: RiverTime (2:25pm February 16, 2011):
Your debut novel sounds interesting. Lots of exciting things can happen while they are stranded on the isolated river bank. Good luck!!!
Re: Breaking the Rules (12:43pm February 13, 2011):
My favorite is a cup of hot orange spice black tea.
Re: True Colors (12:40pm February 13, 2011):
True Colors sounds like a interesting book.
Re: Dangerous Secrets (1:52pm February 11, 2011):
A combination of romance and suspense are the ingredients I enjoy in a good book.
Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (11:55am February 9, 2011):
Ooooh! This bad boy sounds interesting.
Re: Deadly Ties (12:17pm February 7, 2011):
This books has a fascinating story to tell. I want to find out what happens to Lisa and Anne.
Re: The Mysterious Lady Law (12:40pm February 4, 2011):
This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading.
Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (11:49am February 2, 2011):
We will never know how we will react until we are faced with a crucial situation.
Re: The Irish Princess (3:18pm February 1, 2011):
What an exceptionally strong woman! Gera sounds like a fascinating lady who lived through turbulent times. This is a book I will enjoy reading.
Re: Haunting Jasmine (1:22pm January 30, 2011):
This story sounds fascinating, one I am going to enjoy reading.
Re: Wild Man Creek (1:04pm January 29, 2011):
This series sounds interesting.
Re: The Werewolf Upstairs (3:39pm January 28, 2011):
Not too many years ago, we had a hurricane that hit our coastline and left us without electricity for days and days. There was no break from the hot, humid weather, but that's when I learned how to hold a flashlight at night so I could read my book. Then to add insult to injury, a few months later we had ice and snow in this deep south state and more days without electricity. That's when I decided it was time to get a generator large enough to take care of all my energy needs.
Re: At Hidden Falls (12:35pm January 25, 2011):
I fell in love with reading when I was in the second grade. The book was about a little boy and I could visualize him as he walked through the puddle of water. I probably giggled while I read it. That was the first day in a life time of adventures I found in books.
Re: Deadly Heat (12:29pm January 22, 2011):
It depends upon my mood. Sometimes I prefer humor added as an ingredient and other times I enjoy one with the darker edge. It depends upon the story as to what is needed. Just let me have a combination of mystery and romance.
Re: Yours For The Taking (2:41pm January 19, 2011):
I enjoy beautiful spring weather with flowers in bloom and birds singing, but it becomes a perfect day when my children and grandchildren come to visit.
Re: Wicked Seduction (12:09pm January 11, 2011):
I loved your description of your work day and relationship with your family. It's left a smile on my face.
Re: The Fire In Ember (10:23am January 10, 2011):
I enjoy reading historical romance. It's fascinating to find out about people and the type of lives they may have lived at a different period of time. I especially like the plot in THE FIRE IN EMBER.
Re: Fatal Justice (1:14pm January 6, 2011):
Both mystery and romance are ingredients that I like in a book. Fatal Justice sounds like a winner.
Re: Against The Wind (6:32pm January 3, 2011):
I enjoy reading trilogies and finding out what happened in the lives of secondary characters. The hard part is waiting until the next book is on the book store shelves. I think I will enjoy reading about the Raines brothers.
Re: Deadly Identity (12:09pm December 30, 2010):
I think I will enjoy Deadly Identity. In fact, I just added it to my list of books I want to read.
Re: Red Ink (2:42pm December 28, 2010):
I'm one of a large group of people who enjoy reading novels written by talented authors. There are times I wish I had the imagination and talent to be one. The advice you have given sounds logical, a good stepping stone for a beginning novelist.
Re: Pay Up (2:52pm December 23, 2010):
I like mystery and humor added into the plot and the heroine to be spunky, ready to take the unbeaten path, and lovable.
Re: The Winter Sea (4:30pm December 20, 2010):
This sounds like an interesting book. It's amazing how much research you have to do. Just locating the documents you need would be a huge job. The information you gave makes me appreciate the work an author does to complete a good story. Merry Christmas!
Re: Murder In Plain Sight (4:28pm December 18, 2010):
The Amish lifestyle is fascinating to the average American because it is very different from the way most of us live. Much has been written about the Amish religious and moral values, about the close knit family units, yet, like all families, things are not always perfect. There can be problems just like in our own society, problems that are usually solved by the leaders in the Amish community. The murder in your book brings in others from outside the community and sounds fascinating.
Re: The Heir (1:07pm December 16, 2010):
This novel sounds intriguing.
Re: Icecapade (1:13pm December 13, 2010):
Mystery and romance, just the right kind of book for me.
Re: Unguarded (12:28pm December 11, 2010):
I'm glad to find I'm not the only one locating new authors recently, well, at least new authors to me. By the way, your book sounds like one I will enjoy reading.
Re: Sparks (12:38pm December 3, 2010):
What a fascinating story! Now I want to find out what happens next.
Re: Outrageously Yours (3:14pm December 2, 2010):
This sounds like a fascinating story, one that I will enjoy.
Re: Twins Under His Tree (2:52pm December 2, 2010):
I got a choked up feeling when I read your comments. My husband was a World War II veteran and also served under Patton. So many of that generation served their country during war and then came home and contributed in many other ways.
Re: Gemini Night (1:22pm November 27, 2010):
How interesting! I'll bet it's difficult to have to "kill your darling" after the hours you spent creating the story. I admire those who have the imagination and writing skills.
Re: Holiday Sparks (2:17pm November 24, 2010):
This is my kind of book, one that ends happily ever after. Friends laugh at me when I check the end of a book before buying it.
Re: Her Kind of Hero (1:56pm November 23, 2010):
It was approximately 60 years ago when I met my future husband while walking with a friend to a geography class. That is a day that stands out in my memory.
Re: Dating Mr. December (7:08pm November 22, 2010):
I admire people who have the imagination and skills to write books. I don't have that ability, but enjoy reading the stories written by others. Dating Mr. December sounds like an interesting book.
Re: The Forever Queen (3:34pm November 11, 2010):
How fascinating!!! I've never heard of Emma, but I think I will enjoy reading about her.
Re: Deadly Intent (1:32pm November 10, 2010):
This book sounds interesting, one I would enjoy reading.
Re: Casting About (3:14pm November 9, 2010):
Sometimes truth sounds like fiction. I don't care which it is as long as the story is interesting.
Re: Pinned for Murder (2:05pm October 28, 2010):
I enjoy reading a good mystery--- the kind where I can't wait to find out what happens next.