Ellora's Cave
March 2011
On Sale: March 1, 2011
ISBN: 1419933574 EAN: 9781419933578 e-Book
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Romance Contemporary | Romance Erotica Sensual
Lily Hamilton had her quiet, predictable life all mapped
out, including a hot-shot attorney for a fiance. That is
until she catches him screwing around and takes off in his
prized Mercedes, for once not giving a damn where she’s
headed. How cliched is that? Gabriel Jackson is raw and disillusioned. Driving a tow
truck is a far cry from the dangerous career he turned his
back on, but when he finds the classy blonde in a dangerous
part of LA, he’s immediately back in the role of protector. Lily is hot and sweet and so out of his league it’s not
funny, yet Gabe can’t deny the sizzling heat between them.
He thinks he wants hard, fast and rough—until he gets his
hands on her. He knows he should stay the hell away, but
Lily makes him feel, really feel, for the first time in two
years. Is she just slumming or can she see beyond the harsh,
broken facade to the man beneath? A man who dreams of making
her his?
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57 comments posted.
Re: Play Me
I like the love scenes, but not when they seem the same as every other novel I read. But I agree they should move the plot along and not just be a gratuitous hot story. (Pam Howell 6:49am March 29, 2011)
I prefer my love scenes without the use of profane language. They can be done so tastefully without it, and can be expressed so well in other ways. We hear enough profanity on the streets and in movies that it's becoming an epidemic! Whatever happened to the scenes where you couldn't wait to be with each other, and used endearing terms, not just for each other, but for the act itself, as well as body parts? I'm not being prudish, either. Some books I've seen have just been overkill and a turnoff, without naming authors. (Peggy Roberson 7:06am March 29, 2011)
I appreciate love scenes, just don't devote too many pages to each encounter. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 7:14am March 29, 2011)
I agree about the language. It makes the love/sex scenes coarse & vulgar. Otherwise within the context of a story - why not? (Mary Preston 7:56am March 29, 2011)
I have not as yet, read any of your books but they sound like just my cup of tea! I don't like some words authors use in sex scenes, as you say they are just 'ick' words and totally repulse me. (Barbara Hanson 8:38am March 29, 2011)
I enjoy love scenes without all the profanity. I appreciate more of the soft gentle romance vs the coarse harsh sex scenes Thanks (Julie Parrish 9:16am March 29, 2011)
It may sound strange but bad pet names or overused pet names really pull me out of the scene. I don't mind profanity or vulgarity but if there is a silly or too frequently used pet name during the scene it makes me cringe. (Stacie Deramo 9:24am March 29, 2011)
I like love scenes without profanity, "naughty words", and too much detail..I prefer to "imagine" the scene rather than read about it in it's entirety! (Leanna Morris 9:29am March 29, 2011)
Even though I usually don't go for "hot" love scenes, I'm very interested in your book based on the excerpt. Good luck in your future endeavors! (Renee Pajda 9:42am March 29, 2011)
Couldn't agree more, Pam and variety is good ;). Peggy, yeah I think there is some overuse of words in books, perhaps for shock value, but if they're used too much the strength of them is diminished. Silvana, it has to all be in context! Marjorie, no 5 hour sessions, huh? Mary, yes it has to be true to the story first and foremost. Barbara, thank you. I think everyone has their 'ick' meter and it probably varies widely. Julie, I love the romance aspect as well. Stacie, I've never really thought about it before but I can recall books where I giggled over pet names during these scenes. Great comment! Leanna, I think there always needs to be something left to the reader to fill in whether it's a love scene or any other part of the book. Renee, thanks so much! (Kaily Hart 9:52am March 29, 2011)
I like the love scenes without the profanity. It makes it much more romantic! (Dawn Staniszeski 9:57am March 29, 2011)
I think it depends on the mood set in the story...if they are having a nice sweet date night you would expect nice sweet loving...but I don't mind if they are have a hot sweaty intense time together that rolls on over to the bedroom or kitchen etc...it all depends on the what the author is trying to convey at the moment...as long as it goes with the story (Chele Blades 10:04am March 29, 2011)
Thanks, Dawn. It seems to be a common theme. Well said, Chele. Consistency with the story I think as well :). (Kaily Hart 10:14am March 29, 2011)
I prefer the love scenes to leave something to the imagination---and not take up 50% of the book. A little bit of hot, steamy love can go a long way for me. (Sue Farrell 10:37am March 29, 2011)
KAILY is a welcome addition to my list of authors whose books I look forward to reading. RETIRED now with lots of reading time available. I am picky about authors but Kaily is a winner. (James Lynam 10:42am March 29, 2011)
I love love scenes and don't have a preference. What goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom! (Diane Sadler 10:50am March 29, 2011)
LOL, Sue. I hear you! James, wow. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that!! Diane, good one :). (Kaily Hart 11:05am March 29, 2011)
Hi Kaily !
What a awesome post really loved it ! The only thing that makes me go "ick" is noting so far , I am yet to find a book that involves a scene that I cant handle.
As for how I like my lovescene's I like then just like you write them scorcing hot !!
Payback was brilliant and for anyone who has not tried your books yet I strongly advise you to immediately go out and remedy your mistake and your severe loss your missing out !
Congratz all your success dont ever stop sharing your seriously stunning stories with us !
Play me sounds unbelievable ! Desere (Desere Steenberg 11:05am March 29, 2011)
Desere, you're so sweet. Thank you! (Kaily Hart 11:21am March 29, 2011)
I like love scenes that stress romance rather than just sex. (Wilma Frana 11:21am March 29, 2011)
hot and steamy can fill up any day! Keep it up. (MaryEllen Hanneman 11:46am March 29, 2011)
The language of the bedroom all depends on the characters. As long as it is within the scope of the story and the characters would use it, then I'm fine with it. Profanity in the bedroom does happen and it doesn't bother me. What really bothers me is the feeling of a disconnect between the H/h. That is a big turnoff! (Cynthia Netherton 11:58am March 29, 2011)
Your welcome ! (Desere Steenberg 12:10pm March 29, 2011)
I love my love scenes to be hot and steamy, the hotter the better. I'm really not turned off by anything and the more bedroom scenes the better. Most of the time we get one good hot sex scene when the characters come together and the rest are somewhat skipped over. That bugs me a little and usually I would like more. What bugs me even more are the story that lacks the love scene or skips over it. There are a few authors that go real mild in that department and I feel that if I am invested in these characters I want to be there when they make that important step and I feel it's important to the story. I love dirty talk too, bring it on :) (Jolene Allcock 12:16pm March 29, 2011)
Can't wait to read Play Me. It sounds great. I love the hot and steamy. To me, that's part of the romance. (Kelly Jacobs 12:22pm March 29, 2011)
Personally, I prefer the love scenes to leave something to the imagination. I agree with Wilda and like the love scenes to stress romance and not sex. Regardless of whether it's hot or not, it needs to add a special element to the story. (Anna Speed 12:28pm March 29, 2011)
I think love scenes can be wonderful in a romance so long as the book actually builds the relationship of the characters. (G. Bisbjerg 12:34pm March 29, 2011)
The hotter the better as long as there is a relationship between the Characters. (Annetta Stolpmann 12:56pm March 29, 2011)
What bothers me most in a sex scene is when there is no build up to it. All of a suddden the clothes are flying off. I want to ask if I missed something. (Beth Melito 1:43pm March 29, 2011)
Love hot in romances but mechanical is a real 'ick' for me as is anything that smacks of paid sex (no emotions involved). (Ilona Fenton 1:57pm March 29, 2011)
Romance is what I am looking for... if sex scenes are part of the characters journey then I enjoy reading it. (Colleen Conklin 1:57pm March 29, 2011)
I like love/sex scenes to be hot, hot, hot. There are things that can pull me out of the moment or are 'ick' factors and usually relate to something that is out of context with what is happening in the story or appears to be totally out of character.
I enjoyed your post and the book excerpt - can't wait to read Play Me. (Karen Cherubino 2:00pm March 29, 2011)
I have not read any of your books, but I love steamy love scenes, the steamier the better. But like so many others I could do with out the really bad language. I'm looking forward to reading you!! (Joyce Bruner 2:01pm March 29, 2011)
Thanks, Wilma. Although my books are hot, the romance for me is key. Great, MaryEllen! Cynthia, exactly!! Like the way you think, Jolene LOL. Thank you, Kelly. Anna, I agree about the special element. G.B I like that too. Annetta, I agree. Beth, yeah it has to make sense. Ilona, I'm with you on the mechanical. Colleen, I like your reference to 'journey'. Karen, thanks! Yes, the last thing a writer wants is for a reader to be pulled out of the story. Thank you, Joyce! (Kaily Hart 2:48pm March 29, 2011)
Hi, Kaily! You are a new author for me, but Play Me sounds like a good read. I would love to win it.
I like hot romance in or out of the bedroom, but it has to have it's place in the book and not be there for the sake of it. Profanity also turns me off. (Cathy Phillips 2:53pm March 29, 2011)
Romantic and not just for the sake of it, more for the ultimate connection of the characters. (Darci Paice 3:44pm March 29, 2011)
Love as much wording to describle what's happening in love scenes.......love erotic!!!!!!!!!!! Heck, I'm married 40 yrs and hey, the man slow down after a while, so I enjoy it in my reads!!!!!! lololol (Joanne Bozik 4:01pm March 29, 2011)
I can't stand it when a sex scene comes from left field, I definitely agree that there has to be some emotion involved. (Chantel Williams 4:28pm March 29, 2011)
OMG, the pages must be sizzling! Sounds good. Play Me is on my to read list that's for sure! (Angela Bartlett 4:47pm March 29, 2011)
I agree that the love scenes between the romantic leads should be consistent with their characters.
I don't like love scenes with a lot of profanity or crude descriptions. If I wanted to read/watch porn... (Mona Garg 5:55pm March 29, 2011)
It takes away from the story when the character's behavior isn't believable and seems forced. (Leni Kaye 6:13pm March 29, 2011)
Cathy, that seems to be very common feedback. Darci (great name!), yes! Joanne LOL. Happy reading! Chantel, emotion is key I agree. Angela, thank you :). Mona, got it. It has to feel like it's integral and important to the story. Leni, yes I agree. (Kaily Hart 7:31pm March 29, 2011)
Love and passion and plenty of romance....keeps the story alive (Barbara Ryan 8:26pm March 29, 2011)
I Like my love scenes passionate but not vulgar. Lots of romance but a good story line is always essential (Kathryn Windland 9:07pm March 29, 2011)
The couple must be attacted to each other & express that both verbally & physically; a variety of emotions are good - tenderness, sensuality, sweet, hot. As long as they are bothe enjoying it, just about anything goes! (Diane Sallans 9:29pm March 29, 2011)
The book sounds very interesting. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Amy Milne 9:36pm March 29, 2011)
Nice, Barbara. Kathy, yes a story line is always a good thing :). Diane, like how you think... (Kaily Hart 9:38pm March 29, 2011)
i like story that tell a story and then i seen some of you book and they are great do not let no one tell you they are not (Desiree Reilly 9:52pm March 29, 2011)
Profanity turns me off and if the love/sex scenes are the majority of the book, it will turns me off if the story and the plot stop moving. (Kai Wong 9:56pm March 29, 2011)
Cute bookcover. Like romance. (Deb Pelletier 10:15pm March 29, 2011)
I like soft, sexy love scenes that move the character or plot along and are not filled with profanity. (Sharon Mitchell 10:19pm March 29, 2011)
I'm more of a "closed" door girl. Soft and not too descriptive. (MaryAnne Banks 10:21pm March 29, 2011)
Desiree, thank you so much!! Kai, story again! Deb, thanks. I love that cover. Sharon, thanks. Again, some common themes coming out. MaryAnne, my books might not be for you :). (Kaily Hart 11:02pm March 29, 2011)
Love hot and steamy....ick...violence in any way. (June A, Manning 1:50am March 30, 2011)
Very little bothers me in a love scene. It all depends on if it fits the story and the characters. (Lindsey Ekland 5:57am March 30, 2011)
June, yes! Lindsey, I like the approach about fit and consistency with story & characters! (Kaily Hart 4:27pm March 30, 2011)
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