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Erotic Escapes #3
Ellora's Cave
October 2010
On Sale: October 15, 2010
Featuring: Carly Wagner; Rio Reyes
ISBN: 1419931199 EAN: 9781419931192 e-Book
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At least that’s what Carly Wagner wanted Rio Reyes to be.
She’d settled for two out of three for almost a year and
it just wasn’t enough. Not anymore. When Rio proposes a
shockingly sexual bet, she knows it’s out of character and
he’s not really serious, yet she can’t resist. The pay off
could be finally getting her hands on the gorgeous
firefighter she’s drooled over since she moved in next
door. The timing had never seemed right for him and Carly, but
that hadn’t stopped Rio from imagining wild and wicked
things about her. It had been a joke—sort of, but Rio’s
shocked when she takes him up on the dumbass bet. Now he’s
in a world of hurt, because regardless of who wins, he
might be crossing a line he never thought he would and
jeopardize a friendship that means more to him than
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69 comments posted.
Re: Pay Up
I have not read one your books,so Thank You for giving me a chance to win it so I can. Happy Holidays to everyone. (Linda Hall 1:15am December 23, 2010)
I like my Heroines to be unpredictable,exciting, secretive and mysterious! [email protected] (Julie Derakis 2:04am December 23, 2010)
I like strong heroines who make the occasional mistake - they can't be perfect because who of us are? (Barbara Hanson 4:30am December 23, 2010)
I like a heroine who is feisty and doesn't take crap from anyone, but is still vulnerable to the hero and the little things that make us human. (Joanne Reynolds 6:24am December 23, 2010)
Linda, thanks for stopping by! Julie, unpredictable is always good! Barbara, totally agree. I think if a character is perfect, they're impossible to relate to. Joanne, the vulnerability is key too I think! (Kaily Hart 9:03am December 23, 2010)
Heroines should be sensitive and caring, and of course sexy! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 9:06am December 23, 2010)
Oh boy! I just recently finished reading a new release where the heroine was "A Total B"! She was hateful to everyone including the hero. I felt so sorry for him. No matter what he tried to do or say, she would rip him a new one. No wonder he sniped back at her. She even treated her friends the same way. But, I did finish the book because it is part of a series that I enjoy. I'm hoping the next one is better.
I want the heroine to have some backbone, to know what she wants, to but also be vulnerable. (Cynthia Netherton 9:13am December 23, 2010)
Hey Marjorie, sexy is a must ;)
Cynthia, I'd find it hard to get through a book like that as well. Backbone is good! (Kaily Hart 9:21am December 23, 2010)
A contest like that can be a lot of fun! (Diane Sadler 10:11am December 23, 2010)
This book is going to rock and it is very compelling (Anthonia Sharp 10:16am December 23, 2010)
I like a heroine and hero to have some vulnerability and to make mistakes once in a while. I think that is what makes them real. The true heros we see in real life are the ones that are often unsure and even afraid when doing something heroic and actually that is one of the qualities that does make them a hero.
This is one book that I definately have to read. (Jeanne Miro 10:28am December 23, 2010)
Making a mistake with a neighbor and a friend could turn out to be diasterous. (Kathleen Bianchi 11:41am December 23, 2010)
I love a heroine that is a spunky. I dislike a heroine who thinks she knows everything and proves that she does not one time too many for my taste. That just makes me want to throw down the book in disgust. Sounds like a really good plot. (Cherie Japp 12:37pm December 23, 2010)
I don't like heroines that are just plain dumb--vulnerablity is fine, but heroines that don't have a clue bore me. (Sue Farrell 12:45pm December 23, 2010)
I like my heroine sassy, fun, and willful. (Kai Wong 12:53pm December 23, 2010)
I want her to be strong but learning to accept help when necessary (Shirley Nienkark 12:54pm December 23, 2010)
Diane, yep :)! Thanks so much, Anthonia! Jeanne, overcoming ones fear to do what's right is certainly a heroic quality. Thank you! Kathleen, unless said friend has been harboring some secret feelings of his own :). Cherie, yes characters have to 'fee' real for reader identification I think. Of course, not annoying the reader helps :). Sue, yes, you don't want to incite the reader to want to shake sense into your heroine LOL. (Kaily Hart 12:54pm December 23, 2010)
Kai, I like your take on heroines! Shirley, strength comes in many forms I think and accepting help when it might not be in your nature can show that. (Kaily Hart 12:55pm December 23, 2010)
Do not care for perfect... I like them to have flaws! (Colleen Conklin 1:29pm December 23, 2010)
Sounds like a great book. I would love the chance to win. Have a great holiday! (Jan Capstick 1:46pm December 23, 2010)
Kaily, you are so right! If the heroine has a cringe worthy moment or two, we find her more relatable. I'll want to stop reading if she's perfect--the best at EVERYTHING she does, wimpy, whiny, or just plain selfish. (Micheline Koop 1:59pm December 23, 2010)
Book sounds great and I would love to read it!! (Edwina Cowgill 2:11pm December 23, 2010)
Colleen, I love me some flaws, too! Jan, thanks and best wishes to you :). Micheline, I love the 'cringe-worthy' moments myself when I'm reading... (Kaily Hart 2:13pm December 23, 2010)
Thanks so much, Edwina. Good luck! (Kaily Hart 2:14pm December 23, 2010)
Hi, Kaily! Your book sounds like a fun read!
I like a heroine that is smart, thoughtful, vulnerable, caring, and feisty. Usually she needs to find herself in a pickle that only the hero can help her out of.
The qualities of a heroine that turn me off are if she is dull, selfish, hateful, and uncaring to all around her. (Cathy Phillips 2:50pm December 23, 2010)
I like mystery and humor added into the plot and the heroine to be spunky, ready to take the unbeaten path, and lovable. (Anna Speed 2:52pm December 23, 2010)
Thank you for your post, Kaily. Your novel sounds intriguing. I'm always on the lookout for romances that push the envelope.
To answer your question: Many readers and writers, and just about every editor, have a list of traits a romance heroine must have. They also have another list, usually longer, of traits she must NOT have.
I have only one requirement. She must be deeply involved in a situation I find interesting---or better yet, fascinating.
The situation should enable me to relate to the heroine, and usually to identify with her. What she goes through to resolve it, or (if she's passive) as it plays itself out, should seem to the reader like the next best thing to being there.
Good luck with your new release. Keep up the good work! (Mary Anne Landers 2:54pm December 23, 2010)
I need my heroines to be strong. They don't need the man to rescue them, though that is fun to read. (Mary Preston 2:57pm December 23, 2010)
Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your books, I haven't read anything of yours yet. Happy Holidays! (Brenda Rupp 3:06pm December 23, 2010)
I have never read any of your books so far. Now I can have the chance to do so if I win. It's nice to know that heroines can also make mistakes some times. (Diane Castiglione 3:07pm December 23, 2010)
One thing that drives me crazy about a heroine is if she whines the entire story. I can't finish it. And that's really difficult for me, because I hate to not finish a book. (Cindy Lacey 3:09pm December 23, 2010)
I want to love my hero and like my heroine as you state. I like the heroine to be more down to earth and have failings as we do. I don't like a heroine who is perfect or a hero that is perfect. The flaws are what make the character and the story more human and not a fairy tale. I of course love HEA endings. Thanks for this opportunity to enter your giveaway. (Brenda Hill 3:10pm December 23, 2010)
A flawed heroine is definitely more realistic and more relatable than a perfect one who always does and says the right things. (Jane Cheung 3:17pm December 23, 2010)
I like my heroines innocent but feisty. Sometimes not knowing what you don't know is all the fun. Of course, when you have a handsome hero to teach you, even more fun! (Pamela Stewart 3:24pm December 23, 2010)
humor, spunk and flaws (Lisa Garrett 3:25pm December 23, 2010)
I like them to be intelligent and strong willed. I don't mind a flaw, even an irrational fear makes them human. I don't like the ones that have to have a man, or they just can't live. (Debbie Penny 3:28pm December 23, 2010)
I enjoy stubborn, tough intelligent heroines who are independent. (Vikki Parman 3:39pm December 23, 2010)
This sounds like a good read and I'm looking forward to reading it. (Joyce Bruner 4:05pm December 23, 2010)
I don't consider the heroine flawed just wonderfully human. (MaryEllen Hanneman 4:07pm December 23, 2010)
Cathy, loved your summary! Anna, spunky sounds like a popular attribute. Thanks so much, Mary Anne! Mary, strong is good! Thanks, Brenda. Happy Holidays! Thanks, Diane & good luck :). Cindy, I'll also stop reading if there's too much whining... Brenda, you said it exactly. That's what I aim to deliver. Jane, perfect is a bit boring. Pamela, those stories are fun ;) Lisa, sounds like my kind of heroine. Debbie, yes! I think a heroine should be independent as well. Vikki, I like stubborn too. Makes for some interesting scenes. Joyce, thank you! MaryEllen, you're right, flawed is just human and wonderfully so. (Kaily Hart 4:29pm December 23, 2010)
OMG...does that book sound hot, hot hot...I want it!! I live in a very cold part of the country so I need some warming up. I like the whole developed background for the hero/heroine bc that makes me sympathise with them more. I like my heroines independent, who can take care of themselves, who kick ass bt who are vulnerable enough to give up or put up with non-sense...I like a sense of humour and intelligence!! (Clio Teixeira 4:33pm December 23, 2010)
I like independent women who can be very sensitive, too.. (Sara Brockunier 4:53pm December 23, 2010)
sounds like fun. (Deb Pelletier 4:58pm December 23, 2010)
strong (Brenda Hook 5:09pm December 23, 2010)
I like a realistic heroine yet with a past, conflicted, damaged somehow bt who can overcome her past and rise above her "damage" to become whole and strong. I like feisty and smart-ass women!! Oh, that cover is enough to make want to buy the book!! (Maria Antunes 5:12pm December 23, 2010)
This sounds good! I haven't read any of your work yet, but I am now planning on it! (Marilu Turillo 5:14pm December 23, 2010)
Angelina Jolie in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" is my ideal heroine!! Great story. (Clicia Tremblay 5:15pm December 23, 2010)
I like the heroine who is able to discover something about herself and work through whatever she is up against. (Leni Kaye 6:04pm December 23, 2010)
TSTL heroines are my absolute deal breaker. I'll quite reading those. I love reading women who are strong, confident and know what they want. (Maude Allen 6:59pm December 23, 2010)
I like a kickass, no holds woman who can also be tender and use common sense. (Lisa Richards 7:17pm December 23, 2010)
Clio, PAY UP would certainly warm you up ;). Great traits. Sara, great combination! Thanks, Deb. Brenda, strong seems to be a common one :). Maria, I've just written a book where the heroine describes herself as a smart ass :). The 'damage' premise is also a good one to explore. Marilu, thank you so much! Clicia, love your name. I like Angie :). Leni, yes, yes, yes!! Maude, I like the confident ones myself. They can be insecure to start with, but they're going to define their own destiny eventually. Lisa, agree!! (Kaily Hart 7:25pm December 23, 2010)
Why, thank you Kaily and lots of great ideas. I will have to check Pay Up. (Clicia Tremblay 8:20pm December 23, 2010)
I love my heros quite passionate with a dash of comic relief. There is nothing like a little bit of funny to make a strong woman crumble! (Amanda Daghli 9:13pm December 23, 2010)
I think she should be independent and able to stand on her own two feet and a bit mysterious to keep him guessing. Thanks for the contest and Merry Christmas! (Teresa Ward 9:19pm December 23, 2010)
I like heroines to be smart, funny, good at something unexpected (martial arts, auto mechanics, caarpentry, computers, sports, archery etc). I hate it when the heroine & hero are constantly at odds because they don't communicate well - they need to be honest & talk to each other, but still have the things they need to overcome together. (Diane Sallans 9:31pm December 23, 2010)
Clicia, you're welcome. Amanda, one of my last reviews cited humor in my books. It was a bit of a surprise, but I can see how I include that without really thinking abou it. Teresa, I like a bit of mystery as well. Merry Christmas to you! Diane, oh, I LOVE the unexpected angle and I also hate the lack of communication. A bit too 'convenient'. (Kaily Hart 9:39pm December 23, 2010)
I like the heroine to be smart and strong. She should also have a good heart. (Ginger Hinson 10:17pm December 23, 2010)
I don't like a heroine that knows everything and comes on too strong. I prefer the old-fashioned type - soft and smart, but knows how and when to use her intelligence. She should also have a sense of humor and adventure. (Peggy Roberson 11:57pm December 23, 2010)
Ginger, smart and strong seem to be very popular attributes. Peggy, oh, I like the sense of adventure! (Kaily Hart 11:25am December 24, 2010)
I like all kinds of heroines, it just depends on my mood!lol If I'm feeling a little hurt and dejected over a new breakup I tend to pick up novels with softer,possibly more sterotypical heroines because it feels safe and I know I'll get a HEA when I need it. But if I'm feeling cynical or like I hate dating I opt towards tougher heroines with more spice,lol It makes it easy to relate:) (Bella Franco 12:48pm December 25, 2010)
I like heroines that are strong with a quirky sense of human, a person who allows herself not to be a cookie-cutter copy but enjoys her personal differences but is also willing to go the extra mile to achieve her goals or help someone in need. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!! (Sandra Spilecki 6:37am December 25, 2010)
I think pretty well all has been said here. A trait that I believe all women should have is kindness and understanding for those who may be weaker and less able to do what she can. The popular saying "If I did it, so can you" has its limits. We are not all created equal as far as health, mental abilities and certain other factors go. I believe we are all created equal before God, but we are not cookie-cutter images of each other in any way. We should be equals before the law as well--until we actually commit a crime. Women and men must have a sensitivity towards others, but women most of all. Women with "power" kicking and kneeing prisoners, e.g., for me and most people is a horrible image. Let's all show kindness and at least some empathy towards others, not just at Christmas but throughout the year. (Sigrun Schulz 3:11pm December 25, 2010)
Bella, what a great perspective. I've not thought too much about changing preferances! Thanks... Sandra, Happy Holidays to you and thanks for stopping by. Sigrun, great sentiments :). (Kaily Hart 7:09pm December 25, 2010)
I like my Heroines to be exciting, bold, romantic and determined to make their way in the World as best as they can. Thanks and Happy Holidays too. Cecilia (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 9:35pm December 25, 2010)
I like a heroine with a great sense of humor and sharp mind, yet able to handle herself with grace and strength. Hope your holidays are lots of fun! (Connie Fischer 12:50pm December 26, 2010)
Cecilia, hope you're having a wonderful holiday season and thanks! Connie, sounds like a great heroine. Happy Holidays! (Kaily Hart 5:14pm December 26, 2010)
I like my heroine to have backbone or develop it and show what steps she's finally taking to work out a problem. (Alyson Widen 7:10pm December 27, 2010)
I like strong, independent heroines. (Jacquelyn Lane 10:40pm December 27, 2010)
Alyson & Jacquelyn, great attributes!! (Kaily Hart 10:47pm December 27, 2010)
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