February 14th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

At Hidden Falls by Barbara Freethy


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Also by Barbara Freethy:

Next Time I Fall, February 2023
Last One To Know, November 2022
Paperback / e-Book
Beautiful Storm, October 2015
Paperback / e-Book
A Sweet Life Boxed Set, May 2014
On a Night Like This, January 2013
The Way Back Home, July 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Garden Of Secrets, September 2011
Paperback / e-Book
At Hidden Falls, February 2011
Mass Market Paperback
In Shelter Cove, May 2010
Mass Market Paperback
On Shadow Beach, April 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Suddenly One Summer, July 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Silent Fall, April 2008
Silent Run, March 2008
Played, October 2006
Taken, June 2006
Don't Say A Word, October 2005
All She Ever Wanted, December 2004

At Hidden Falls
Barbara Freethy

Mysterious dreams draw costume designer Isabella Silviera to Angel?s Bay, the California coastal town where angels occasionally dance above the waves.

Angel's Bay #4
February 2011
On Sale: January 25, 2011
Featuring: Isabella Silviera; Nick Hartley
384 pages
ISBN: 1439176493
EAN: 9781439176498
Mass Market Paperback
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Women's Fiction Contemporary

Bestselling author Barbara Freethy enchants again in this emotional and compelling tale of family secrets, abiding friendships, and heart-touching romance.

Isabella’s drive to Angel’s Bay would have ended in tragedy when her car slid off a cliff if she hadn’t been rescued by Nick Hartley. As he helps her to safety, she realizes he is the man who has haunted her dreams. Nick, however, is committed to reconnecting with his estranged teenage daughter, refusing to respond to his powerful attraction to Isabella. And Isabella’s police chief brother has his hands full with a missing mother, an abandoned baby, and an unknown father.

What is Isabella’s role in the mysteries—both past and present— that swirl around the town?

When she starts helping at the Hartley family theater, all the pieces begin to link together. Loves found and lost, heartbreak and happiness, courage and betrayal are all part of the patchwork quilt of the community—and of life. Isabella’s gift is seeing the patterns. . . .


Romance Writers of America RITA Finalist, Contemporary Single Title, March 2012

Angel's Bay


61 comments posted.

Re: At Hidden Falls

I discovered books at a very young age. Even before I went to school, I bugged my Mum to get me the school readers so I could get a head start.

I've been reading ever since and ploughed through my local library. I have now, over 6,000 books at home which get added to monthly. I hope I live long enough to read them all!!! Hehe!!

in Germany
(Valerie Bongards 4:10am January 25, 2011)

Oh, I love your books- they are so emotional and moving. I've been reading all my life- all types of books- and I am glad to report that my young children also love to read..maybe readers breed readers!! hahaa
Clio Teixeira 4:53am January 25, 2011)

I discovered books in a manner quite like you. Had a difficult childhood and books were a total escape. I think that it is wonderful that you took your escape and made it something that you do so wonderfully.
Joanne Reynolds 6:15am January 25, 2011)

I don't know when I discovered books, as they were always a part of my childhood. But I do remember on my fifth birthday making my dad take me to the library so I could get my own card.
Pam Howell 7:09am January 25, 2011)

I can remember going to the library with my mother at a very young age. I used to love The Bobbsey Twins and The Five Little Peppers and then on to Nancy Drew. (I'm really dating myself)! To this day, I still love to escape in a book - no day is complete without reading for a few hours.
Karen Gervasi 7:38am January 25, 2011)

I started reading at a very young age. I distinctly recall going off in a
corner to read whatever even when we were visiting friends. I have
always read a variety of medias and genres. And my favorite places are
libraries and bookstores too.

Your books sound so good and have beautiful covers.
Mona Garg 8:15am January 25, 2011)

We are so alike because I feel like I'm addicted to reading and it started at an early age for me too. My Grandma used to pass on her Barbara Cartland's to me just like your Mom did. That's a very fond memory and how I got started in romances. Thanks for the nice article and have a great day!
Renee Pajda 9:20am January 25, 2011)

I grabbed my first romance book about 1.5 yrs ago due to my
sister-in-law basically telling me to. I was hooked from the
start. My first major books were Lora Leigh's Dangerous
Games and Shayla Black's Wicked Ties, then I went right to
Lorelei James' Rough Riders...it was basically down hill
from there, lol! I love every minute of it and am basically
addicted to reading.
Leagh Christensen 10:03am January 25, 2011)

Some of my earliest memories are of my Mother reading to me.
Marjorie Carmony 10:11am January 25, 2011)

This book is going to be heart warming read. I love books that connect people together. In this case this book has people looking to heal and try to help and make it work. Most situations do not have that same case. This is why i love books that do so in thier stories.
Anthonia Sharp 10:18am January 25, 2011)

Barbara -

Even though I already loved reading it was when I received The Secret Garden from my great-aunt that reading became not only my favorite thing to do but also my refuge.

I was in the 5th grade and shortly after receiving the book I had to go into the hospital. I ended being there for a month and reading hekoed me fill in those times I was alone - this was in the 1950's so no TVs in the room.

I think I ended up reading that book 5 times while I was there and I never felt alone. Reading is a passion of mine and it has encouraged me, given me strength and kept me company at different stages of my life. Fortunately my husband and children (and now grandchildren) all love to read and we love "sharing" our favorites and then debating them!
Jeanne Miro 10:34am January 25, 2011)

Jeanne - The Secret Garden -yes! I loved that book. And Karen, I also grew up
on the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew. Nancy Drew was a great heroine,
intrepid, daring, especially in a time when women were still fighting to be
Barbara Freethy 11:40am January 25, 2011)

Valerie - 6000 books - wow! I'd need a much bigger house!

Everyone - I love reading your memories. As I was writing this blog post, it
really reminded me of what reading does mean to me. And how books have
been so important in my life. I'm a little sad for people who don't read. They
don't think they're missing anything, but I think they might be ...
Barbara Freethy 11:41am January 25, 2011)

I discovered books when we lived in a very small apartment and I was always being told to "be quiet"----so I just decided to read and stay out of everyone's way. I can't say that any particular book transformed me--just last reading had always been my way of escaping the real world ever since then. I have gone through different periods of liking different types of books---now I read just about anything that just plain sounds interesting.
Sue Farrell 12:34pm January 25, 2011)

I fell in love with reading when I was in the second grade. The book was about a little boy and I could visualize him as he walked through the puddle of water. I probably giggled while I read it. That was the first day in a life time of adventures I found in books.
Anna Speed 12:35pm January 25, 2011)

I discovered books during the summers my sister and I spent with our dad. Summers were boring at his house in Woodinville, he worked and we didn't get along with our stepmom. We were only there in the summers and some holidays, so we didn't have any friends. We started taking trips to the library and would spend most of the day there. I love anything by Dean Koontz and Sweet Valley High. By the time I hit Highschool I loved V.C. Andrews, Dean Koontz and stephen King. I had also discovered romance and had picked up and loved The Thorn Birds and Bridges of Madison County. I read for classes in school but had an active social life with my mom, that I didn't devour books unless we visited my dad. I got married and started my family right after graduation H.S. and didn't pick up a book again (unless it was a kids book) for almost 7 years later. I was busy being a mom of three and felt like I lost pieces of myself along the way. Didn't know who I was outside of Mom and Honey. Remembering those summers I spent inside a book was a big deal for me. I went out and started buying books and discovered how much fun I was having taking my free time to get lost in a book and finally finding something that was mine and mine alone :)
Jolene Allcock 12:50pm January 25, 2011)

As a child, I hated reading. I always felt like it was something I had to do for reports and found no enjoyment in it. Then towards the end of high school I got my hands on a romance novel and have been hooked since...
Colleen Conklin 1:04pm January 25, 2011)

For the first 35 years of my life reading was a real chore for me because of
eye problems, problems for which they have relatively simple solutions now.
At 35 my eyes settled down and I began to read in earnest. I am never
without a book in my hand. You would be amazed how much you can get
done and still read at the same time. I will never catch up to what I missed in
those early years but I will definitely enjoy the effort.
Sandra Spilecki 1:10pm January 25, 2011)

I started reading at a young age and even though I had a great childhood reading was my favorite thing in the world to do. I even got my library card taken away so I would learn my multiplication . I learned it in a hurry and used to take my younger sisters to the library with me.
I would go through themes, all nancy drew, all earl stanley gardner, all medical books, all mysteries and so on. Now I still read all the time and pass my books on to my mom who at 84 still reads a lot, my sisters and my friends. I feel so sad for the multitudes who cannot read. I cannot imagine a life without reading.
Love your books .Can't wait to read the newest one.
Mary Branham 1:12pm January 25, 2011)

Reading is my one passion in life. Since beating small cell lung cancer, but losing my wonderful husband, reading is my one enjoyment. Thank you.
Georgia Barry 1:16pm January 25, 2011)

Reading is something I really like but need to make mre time to do !!
Joanne Mckeareany 1:24pm January 25, 2011)

takes me away from the everyday routine...i just received a copy of "All hidden Falls" today. got it from amazon,i love visiting angel bay.....thank you Barbara for taking me there
Natalie Kozaczka 1:54pm January 25, 2011)

I discovered the love of reading at a young age. I could fly away to differnet countries and discover so many things. I still love to read. I always have a book near. I have passed the love of reading on to my children
Diane Castiglione 2:13pm January 25, 2011)

I was into reading in my 20's and read mostly murder mystery/suspense. I lost touch with reading when my kids were younger. I have just gone back to it about 4yrs ago and as my husband/kids would say.. with a vengeance. I just love to read and always have a book with me. Now,I find there is nothing better than a good romance..either historical or contemp.
Christine Stack 2:23pm January 25, 2011)

Joanne - I loved the THORN BIRDS, all that forbidden love ...

Colleen - Believe it or not, my daughter felt like you. She had to read a lot of
boring depressing books for school, and I thought how could I have a
daughter who doesn't like to read? But finally after throwing many books her
way, I think I got her hooked.

Natalie - Thanks for getting the book- Hope you like it!
Barbara Freethy 2:24pm January 25, 2011)

For as long as I can recall I have loved to read. When I was a child, i would wake up early (long before my mother would come to wake us for school) and read by whatever light was available. I can probably blame my extremely poor vision now on all those reading sessions in less than perfect light!
Marguerite Guinn 2:29pm January 25, 2011)

I've always loved books and libraries. I can still remember sitting on Dad's lap as he taught me to read "Hop on Pop." Now I read Dr. Seuss books to my grandkids.
G S Moch 2:33pm January 25, 2011)

I had an abusive father growing up, so I would hide away and read lots of old Engligh Norman books and westerns. Later, I read all the romance and westerns I could get my hands on. At times, I thought I had read almost every one of those types of books in the library. When I was a bit older, I read most if not all of Barbara Cartland's books. I graduated to Kathleeen Woodiwess and other great authors. When I was in my 30's, I found Harlequin and have been reading them ever since. I also have a huge library that I keep adding to, and hope to read them all someday. LOL!
Cathy Phillips 2:47pm January 25, 2011)

My late grandmother, who had been a kindergarten/1st grade teacher, taught my brother and I how to read before we were even admitted to Kindergarten, and I've been reading ever since. I won't bore you by saying how long that has been, but I will say that outside of all the different fiction genres I read, history is probably my favourite subject!


Lynn Rettig 3:52pm January 25, 2011)

I come from a family of readers. I don't remember a time without books.
Shannon Scott 4:04pm January 25, 2011)

Congrats on the new release, Barbara. I remember the whole class heading over to the public library for the reading hour. My favorite book from childhood is "Where the
Wild Things Are."
Jane Cheung 4:16pm January 25, 2011)

I love seeing the different comments about people's reading habits and favorite authors as time advances. I read all the Phyllis Whitney books and got my daughters interested in her young adult books. I miss her style of writing, but then along came a new generation of free thinkers, and good reads.
Rosemary Simm 4:19pm January 25, 2011)

For reasons known only to the School Board, my school was not ready for all the kindergartners that started school in 1959. They didn't have enough toys and other stuff, so we learned to read. I am grateful - I can't imagine a world without books.
Patty Franz 4:19pm January 25, 2011)

I started reading at age four when I got my 1st library card. I won the best reader of my elementry school when I was in 2nd grade and won a copy of Heidi in beautiful color. I enjoy reading and I received a Kindle for Christmas and I am thrilled to learn your books are on Kindle and I can download them in 60 seconds.
Patty Cosgrove 4:21pm January 25, 2011)

My Sister taught me how to read at the age of 3. Her book of choice - a Physics book!! My Parents were overjoyed! That took me on a path of taking books out from the library on everything I could get my hands on about insects, birds, and butterflies. Anything to do with nature, I read about it. I also read about the Solar System. My Parents only read the newspaper, so I wasn't steered toward any books, and my Sisters weren't avid readers, so I was pretty much on my own. I also looked through our set of Funk and Wagnall's encyclopedias that my Sisters used for their homework. I also read Helen Keller's autobiography, which touched me greatly. It was much later when I discovered that there were "real" books out there for me to read and lose myself in the storylines. Now I read whenever I can get my hands on a book. I have a very busy life between being a caretaker where I live and doing a bit of volunteer work.
Peggy Roberson 4:22pm January 25, 2011)

Early books - Enid Blyton. I would lose myself with the pixies & with the Adventure series.
Mary Preston 4:49pm January 25, 2011)

My mother insisted we read from the time we were little and when I was older I started reading her Harlequins and found that I really liked romances. I enjoy both historicals and contemporaries since their settings are so different.
Maureen Emmons 4:59pm January 25, 2011)

I can't remember the first books that introduced me to reading, but romance novels are what increased my reading time. My favorites are contemporary,but there really isn't any particular genre that I shy away from.
Leni Kaye 5:19pm January 25, 2011)

I love to read for I then forget any problems I may have or all the tragic events happening in our world. Reading is like taking a tranquilizer to me. I live my life precariously through books......lol

When I read, I go places I dare not go in real life........so I read 3 -4 books per week..........
Joanne Bozik 5:32pm January 25, 2011)

I have always loved to read even at a very young age. When I was in school, I would always check out several books from the school library and read them within a few days. Then I would take them back and get more. I have quite a collection of books and I would love to add some of your books to my collection. Thanks for the opportunity.
Mary Christian 5:39pm January 25, 2011)

Oh, I've been since forever. My first book that had an impact on me that I can remember was "LIttle Women" and I still cherish this book. Would love to read your new book.
Clio Teixeira 5:53pm January 25, 2011)

I have loved reading books for as long as I remember. I love romances because no matters what happens, I can expect a HEA. :-)
Elaine Carlini-Davis 6:13pm January 25, 2011)

It's nice to know that not all people have a perfect life when you're a teenager. Books allowed me to escape to through miserable surgeries on my back and a year away from school where I thought at times I'd go insane with boredom. I guess most kids in 8th grade read YA books but I read anything my mom bought for herself. By the end of the year I had corrupted her reading to the racier stuff. Between reading and the radio and General Hospital (they year Luke and Laura were on the run and married) I managed to stay sane.
Christina Harrison 6:22pm January 25, 2011)

I think that my mom caused my love of reading. Even as she lay dying recently she was asking for her book. I couldn't believe she was that desperate for it, but she was. When questioned it wasn't because she wanted to read it, but because she had stashed money in it, and wanted to give me money for dinner.

Because of mom I try (not always successfully) to read at least a few pages every day, and like an American Express Card I don't leave home without my book.

Can't wait for your new book! I loved Silent Run and Silent Fall!
Sandi Shilhanek 6:22pm January 25, 2011)

I was the only child in my household growing up and I filled my time with reading. I can remember one of my favorite books being about Mythology. What an escape! At some point in my adult life I picked up a National Geographic Magazine and read an article on Tolstoy. I don't think I've been the same after reading "Anna Karenina", by Tolstoy. My reading has become very eclectic. There is not one particular genre I can say I love more than another. I just love to read!! Reading provides an escape, an education, a time to relax, excitement, suspense, etc. - I am so lucky to have a love for reading and what it adds to my life.
Linda Leonard 6:50pm January 25, 2011)

I am loving all the great stories. It's so nice to know how much reading has touched everyone's life.
Even when we get away from it for a while, when we come back, it's like seeing old friends!
Barbara Freethy 7:14pm January 25, 2011)

I can't remember a time when I wasn't without a book. I've always been a reader. I used to have a flashlight to read under the covers if I wanted to finish a book and didn't want to go to sleep! My Mom and Grandmother both encouraged us to read!
Brenda Rupp 7:36pm January 25, 2011)

Like so many others here, I started reading when I was young. The first thing that I can remember now was starting to read all of my father's Perry Mason books when I was ten years old. I remember reading a number of classics, such as Little Women and some series (anyone remember Elsie Dinsmore?)that my grandmother had. Also read archaeology books when I was 14. Still read a number of different thing, including romance.
Carol Drummond 7:44pm January 25, 2011)

I can't remember not being around books. My Mom took us to Library School as a preshool & she read to & with us. I was always spending what money I had at school book sales. I got books out of my grandparents attics, like the Cherry Ames Nurse books & the Bobbsey Twins. I can't imagine life without books. Even having cable TV, I find myself reading instead.
Diane Sallans 7:58pm January 25, 2011)

I think my love of books dates back to early childhood. My mother read to my sisters & me every night. I liked the stories where you did hand motions to go with the story. (I'm much older than the children's books with sound.) Then when I could read on my own, I loved my elementary school library. I liked biographies, myths, and Zane Grey. I wanted to read all the books in the library. The books were my journey away from my small rural community. I've never stopped my journeys through reading.
r w 8:11pm January 25, 2011)

I've loved books for as long as I can remember. I think the first book that really stuck with me was The Giver by Lois Lowry.
Raelena Pavey 8:27pm January 25, 2011)

Anyone who steps in my home or office knows immediately I am a reader.
As a child I had my books organized via the Dewey Decimal System. My
first job, at the tender age of 13, was in a library. Since being employed
outside the home co-workers always know I keep a lending library in my
office. Books have opened up the world for me allowing me to meet
readers all over world either on line Irvin person. My travels have had me
visiting the settings of many of my favorite books. Three cheers for books
and readers.
Maudeen Wachsmith 9:07pm January 25, 2011)

My very first book was the Dick and Jane series. I could still remembered some of the earliest sentences I read: "See Dick run. See Jane run. Run, Dick, Run. Run, Jane, Run."

As I grew older, I was reading Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, the Black Stallion series and several others books such as the biography of famous people (George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and so on and so forth) and then into science-fiction.

I just find anything I read fascinating especially in the world of make-believes.
Kai Wong 9:45pm January 25, 2011)

wow you got alot of post but i love to read and will blog on the book
Desiree Reilly 9:52pm January 25, 2011)

Ilove to read! My Mom and I would walk to the Library once a week and come home with 6 books each. I started out with the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries and love a good mystery to this day.
Teresa Ward 10:50pm January 25, 2011)

Mom read to her 4 kids at night one chapter by chapter at a time with Little Women. Because lights had to go out when parents said, we read by flashlight. I never lost my love of reading and in fact it's voracious. A book is always in my bag just in case.
Alyson Widen 11:44pm January 25, 2011)

I grew up with books and I have always loved to read. "Whrer the Wild Things Are" was my favorite children's book. Then came "Stuart Little" which I made my mom read over and over to me. Now I read everything.
Ginger Hinson 11:57pm January 25, 2011)

Your posts were all so much fun to read. And a lot of you, like me, found your
love of reading through your parents and all those fun trips to the library!
Thanks so much for sharing all your stories!
Barbara Freethy 12:48pm January 26, 2011)

Like you and some of the other posters, books were an escape from a very restricted and isolated childhood. I have never stopped reading, even a single day, although a very busy lifestyle has introduced me to the joys of audiobooks as an adjunct to the printed page. My life, no longer isolated and unhappy, is still enriched by my literary excursions.
Janet Martin 8:58am January 26, 2011)

I've always been a reader. I even taught myself to read before Kindergarten. My mother had noticed when we were at a fast food place that I was reading off the menu board. I am from a reading family, and I always loved going to the library. I was so happy when a library was built within walking distance for me. It was great when I could start reading books in the adult section (when I was 12). Of course I first read JANE EYRE when I was 11 years old.
Ann Garland 2:34pm January 28, 2011)

As a child I didn't enjoy reading, looked at it as a
punishment. But as an adult I LOVE to read. Its my quiet
time, my me time :) I picked out one of these books just by
the cover and loved it from the first page :) I then
proceeded to purchase many Barbara Freethy books. So far I
haven't found one I haven't loved :) - The only negative I
would say is the spelling and grammar mistakes - I am by far
not perfect just surprises me these errors would be
happening. I figured with these books coming from an editor
or a publishing company they would find all the mistakes?
Would not bothering mentioning it if it wasn't for the fact
of it not being one error in one book it was closer to 20
errors in one book?? And it continues basically in every
book I've read by B Freethy. Again, I'm not perfect. Just
saying. But please keep writing the stories have been amazing - once I start I can't put them down. :)
Lori Helmer 10:10am June 14, 2011)

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