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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

On Shadow Beach by Barbara Freethy


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Also by Barbara Freethy:

Next Time I Fall, February 2023
Last One To Know, November 2022
Paperback / e-Book
Beautiful Storm, October 2015
Paperback / e-Book
A Sweet Life Boxed Set, May 2014
On a Night Like This, January 2013
The Way Back Home, July 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Garden Of Secrets, September 2011
Paperback / e-Book
At Hidden Falls, February 2011
Mass Market Paperback
In Shelter Cove, May 2010
Mass Market Paperback
On Shadow Beach, April 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Suddenly One Summer, July 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Silent Fall, April 2008
Silent Run, March 2008
Played, October 2006
Taken, June 2006
Don't Say A Word, October 2005
All She Ever Wanted, December 2004

On Shadow Beach
Barbara Freethy

The second book in a heart-tugging contemporary romance series from bestselling author Barbara Freethy, set in the California town of Angel's Bay.

Angel's Bay #2
Pocket Star
April 2010
On Sale: March 30, 2010
Featuring: Lauren Jamison; Shane Murray
384 pages
ISBN: 1439101574
EAN: 9781439101575
Mass Market Paperback
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Romance Contemporary

The California coastal town of Angel's Bay has had its share of troubles: from the long-unsolved murder of a teenage girl to the young police officer recently left in a coma after being shot. But miracles also have a way of happening ... as if angels really do keep a watchful eye there. In this touch and suspenseful novel, bestselling author Barbara Freethy returns to the setting of her acclaimed Suddenly One Summer

Lauren Jamison hasn't been back to Angel's Bay since she was a teenager ... when her sister Abby was murdered and Lauren's boyfriend, Shane Murray, was accused of the crime. When Lauren reluctantly returns home to assist her ailing father, the old attraction again flares between Lauren and Shane. But the terrible days after Abby's murder still stand between them, as well as the secrets Shane has yet to unveil. Finding the truth could bring closure ... but at a cost. For there are people who don't want old mysteries brought to light -- people whose fear makes them very dangerous

Read An Excerpt

No awards found for this book.

Angel's Bay


44 comments posted.

Re: On Shadow Beach

.....take me away! The covers are beautiful!
(Danelle Drake 12:16pm April 6, 2010)

I love beautiful covers. There aren't particular elements that draw me to a cover, it just has to grab my attention is one way or another. I don't believe there should be any one standardized cover element. I think your covers are lovely and draw the eye to the book and the mind to the story inside.

Kimberly Bartlett 1:59am April 6, 2010)

Thank you for your post, Barbara. Now I've just got to check out your books!

Yes, covers matter to me. I select reading material based on what the publication is about rather than who wrote it or how the reviewers rate it. Therefore the most crucial element of a cover is the description on the back cover of a paperback, or the inner flap of a hardback.

But it's the art on the front cover that first draws my eye. There I prefer what I call real art to cartoons; I'm sure there must be an industry term for it.

The art on your covers is lovely; they should attract plenty of readers. If only all writers were so lucky!

I realize that from the standpoint of the publishers, the purpose of the art and all other cover elements is to sell the book. But from the standpoint of the readers, the purpose is to give us an idea of what the book is about, so that we can decide whether or not to buy it.

And it helps if the covers rely this information accurately and adequately. The first description means the cover gives a true, honest idea of what's inside, with no misleading information designed solely to sell the book. The second means we get enough information so that we can make up our minds, but not so much that there's too much. We don't need spoilers.

Good luck with your new and upcoming books. Keep up the good work!
Mary Anne Landers 2:01am April 6, 2010)

Covers are great, but to me, you can't judge a book by its cover.
Joanne Reynolds 6:23am April 6, 2010)


i just finished on shadow beach last night. bravo!!! i actually cried during a few sections. my heart was wrenching 4 kara. the love was felt all through this book! please keep angel bay going & alive. i cant wait 4 the 3rd book. & horray 4 faiths ending!
Paulette Dubois 7:42am April 6, 2010)

I love that you hit so many notes in your writing. So do I. I have had a hard time categorizing my latest manuscript... adventure/ religious fiction/ romance??? Life doesn't just hit one note... nor should our writing... Bravo!
Rachel Turner 8:12am April 6, 2010)

Great cover always catch my eye.
Sherry Russell 10:07am April 6, 2010)

I don't have a fav type of
cover; but I do look to covers
to give me a 10 sec clue as to
what's inside the book.
Tanja Haack 10:47am April 6, 2010)

It is a mix of all of the above when I choose a book. I will decide to buy a book before I see the cover if I've read or heard something interesting about the book. On the other hand, if I'm browsing a store a book cover might get my attention. If it's an author I like I will get it based on that.
Leni Kaye 11:09am April 6, 2010)

I don't choose a book by it's cover but it doesn't hurt looking though; sometimes when all I've seen is the cover then I'll start leafing through the book and get hooked.
Diane Sadler 11:17am April 6, 2010)

Hi Everyone - It's so nice to be here at
Fresh Fiction today. Thanks for the
warm welcome. I'm happy to hear that
my covers are getting good reviews. I
really love the mix of the small town
look with the coast and the colors that
imply there's a little something going
on in Angel's Bay - LOL - I didn't want
anything too quiet.

Paulette - Yay - So happy you enjoyed
On Shadow Beach. I love writing the
series and hope it can go on for a
while! But there are definitely two
more books coming, one next month!

Rachel - I always have a hard time
categorizing my writing. Don't you
want to say sometimes - it's a novel.
It's funny how publishing has become
so divided into niches and genres.
When most readers just want a really
good book and don't really care if it's
called one thing or another on the

If there are people on a cover - what
do you think draws you in more, a
hunky hero with the bare chest or the
heroine with the gown falling off her
back -- or is it just the pose? Or do I
even have to ask
Barbara Freethy 11:20am April 6, 2010)

I'm usually drawn to my favorite authors. Sometimes it's the title on someone I haven't read before, sometimes it's the cover. I hate covers that show the main character as completely different, like they either didn't care about how the character was written or didn't get any info about what the book was about.
Lena Lee 11:40am April 6, 2010)

Lena - I know some publishers will not
put a red-haired hero on a cover -- isn't
that funny? But then would you be drawn
to a red-haired hero - it begs the
question ...
Barbara Freethy 11:57am April 6, 2010)

Don't enter my name in the drawing because I had the pleasure of reading SUDDENLY ONE SUMMER last weekend! It is a wonderful story, and I am so happy that the next 2 books are available this month. I am not a patient reader!
Cheryl Castings 12:02pm April 6, 2010)

Barbara: In response to your question about people in cover artwork, I'm all for it. IMHO, two are better than one. If a novel is about two people in love, what could be more fitting than a picture of two people in love?

But I have one BIG problem with the way cover models appear nowadays. Judging by other readers' reactions on blogs, websites, social nets, etc., there are a great many readers with the same complaint.

You guessed it: these hunky shirtless guys and women with elegant gowns falling off are displayed with their heads or the top halves of their faces cut off by the top margin. I call it "The Invasion of the Headless Romance Heroes and Heroines".

I think it's unsightly and absurd. If we can't see the models' eyes, we can't tell their emotions---thus defeating much of the purpose of portraiture. This cropping ruins what might otherwise be a fine piece of cover art.

The publishing companies must think such a practice sells books. Just how is beyond me.

At any rate, someday this fad will go the way of the tedious floral covers of the 90s. And I can hardly wait!
Mary Anne Landers 12:34pm April 6, 2010)

I have a love-hate relationship with covers because while some are intriguing and make me pick up a book ("The Spellman Files" springs to mind) when I had never heard of the book or author and I am then eternally grateful, or they are insipid or misleading. I am so glad the cartoony ones are fading and enough with the bad supernatural books. I like the genre, but there is such a demand that some truly bad stuff is being published and getting good covers.

Oh, and Mary Anne Landers, I could not agree more. What is up with the headless people?
Michelle St. James 12:41pm April 6, 2010)

Hi Cheryl - So glad you liked Suddenly One Summer - you'll be immersed in Angel's Bay the next few weeks!

Mary Anne -- So agree on the headless look - I don't quite get that ... I'm okay with just the legs but somehow when it's the whole body except the
head it's weird!

Michelle -- That's what always happens with trends ... the market gets flooded as every publisher is looking to jump on the bandwagon and it starts to
get more difficult to really figure out which books are good and fit the cover or are just being sold that way to pick up those avid readers ... Right now
it's all about the vamps
Barbara Freethy 1:20pm April 6, 2010)

I agree with Joanne. You can't tell a book by its cover any more. Hero dark hair, cover blond, etc. So, bottom line, I look at the cover, then read the inside and/or back blurb and THEN decide if I want the book!
Karin Tillotson 1:34pm April 6, 2010)

I have to admit that some covers have really grabbed my attention... but I will read the blurb to see if it is a book that I want to read.
Colleen Conklin 1:41pm April 6, 2010)

While I notice the covers, I'm a blurb reader or skim the first chapter to decide.
Cate Sparks 2:37pm April 6, 2010)

I think a good cover pulls you into the book. I then will read a bit to see if the cover is right for the content.
Cindy Rader 2:51pm April 6, 2010)

Whenever I'm at store looking for a great (fill in the blank) I use the old maxim to try it first. I enjoy a cover that gives me just a hint of the story or characters. Like husbands (I've been married for 40 years) sometimes the "old" way can shine the brightest -just a "hint" of what's to come can tempt the most!
Jeanne Miro 2:53pm April 6, 2010)

The cover may entice me to
pick it up, turn it over, and
read the blurb. But I don't
care how cute, or pretty, or exciting the cover is, if
there's not a good story
between these covers, no one's
going to give them a second
look. As I live in a small
town and live miles and miles
from a decent bookstore, most
of my purchases are made on-
line. With the help of
numerous bloggers who help me
decide which books are going
to get my hard earned dollars
plunked down for them, I read
as many reviews as possible
before purchasing my books.
Lisa Richards 3:52pm April 6, 2010)

Sometimes a beautiful or interesting cover may draw my attention to pick up a book but I always read the blurb to see if the story is interesting as well.
Teresa Ward 4:00pm April 6, 2010)

It's not just the cover that catches my eye but the picture (if any) on the spine. Love your books!!!
Lori Roche 4:05pm April 6, 2010)

Although some covers really grab your attention, I personally love reading what other authors had to say about the book, usually found on the back.
Christine Schultz 4:49pm April 6, 2010)

Interesting how many people like to read the cover blurb and any author quotes. I always, always read the blurb, too. I know how important those can be.
It's also interesting that no one has pointed out any cover elements that instantly turn them off. I think we're an open minded bunch!
Barbara Freethy 4:54pm April 6, 2010)

I actually will pick nice looking books over books with half naked men. I have small children who often want to know what I am reading. I love a good romance but today some of the covers are a little to revealing. It is a good title more than a cover that gets my attention. I love all of your books I have read so far. My mother discovered your books last year and she got me addicted. She and I have been haunting used book stores to catch up on all of your books. I can not wait to read your up coming releases.
Annetta Stolpmann 5:31pm April 6, 2010)

Congrats on the new release, Barbara. I'm a fan of scenic covers, but I've never bought a book solely based on its cover.
Jane Cheung 6:08pm April 6, 2010)

An enticing or interesting cover will certainly draw me in. The title will add to this.
Mary Preston 6:48pm April 6, 2010)

they are great and wih you the best in the coming year and hope you stay at the top for while
Desiree Reilly 6:53pm April 6, 2010)

A gorgeous cover will usually grab me and then I'm either reading the first few pages or the back blurb. I love covers that match the story. My least fav are ones that have absolutely nothing to do with the story. My all time least favorite is from a few years ago. It was the running man & woman. It seems that every book had that same couple either running from or to on their books. I really glad that stopped.
Maude Allen 7:05pm April 6, 2010)

First I pick a book by it's title, then the cover and finally I skim a few pages at the beginning and flip to the middle and see where it takes me. If the book passes "The Test", I carry it away.
Alyson Widen 7:27pm April 6, 2010)

Hello Barbara,
Please enter me in your fantastic contest and I must say that you have a pretty Smile in your picture too! I love Winning FreshFiction.com Contests. Thanks, Cecilia
[email protected]
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:46pm April 6, 2010)

I have often wondered why, since females buy most of the romance books, so many covers have females pictured with extremely low-cut necklines of their gowns. Males might gawk at the covers, but I doubt if many buy them.

I like scenic covers. The colors just attract my eye. They also portray an idea of the setting for the book. Legs don't attract me, since I am not a male. Cartoonish covers attract my attention because I like humor and expect it when the cover has that slant.

Unshaved guys turn me off in person or on book covers.
Gladys Paradowski 8:48pm April 6, 2010)

The book cover is always important. That's how I find new authors. The cover attracts attention.
Kai Wong 9:18pm April 6, 2010)

It was fun chatting with you all today. Hope you'll check out my Angel's Bay Series. Have a great rest of the week!
Barbara Freethy 10:19pm April 6, 2010)

I've been so conditioned not to expect
the cover to tell me anything about the
book that I just appreciate covers on their
own merits like art.
Jung Ja Ahn 10:43pm April 6, 2010)

For my part, I've never been a great fan of the comic cover, probably because I'm mostly a serious kind of person. The humor I like is also more subtle--certainly not the slapstick kind. That doesn't mean that I don't have any comic covers on books by authors that I particularly like. But I do prefer the landscape or more "real person" kind of covers. With those, you can hide a multitude of plots. Of course then the synopsis of the cover should indicate that the plot is about a gruesome murder. But then, I always buy by author and I'll even try a gruesome murder plot by one of my favorites.
Sigrun Schulz 11:56pm April 6, 2010)

The "bodice ripper" covers never
appealed. I don't mind couples, but
lets keep their clothes on. Landscape
covers like yours are good, as are
covers that have items that pertain to
the story. I don't know why, but I like
the current trend of not showing full
heads/faces. I think it is the eyes say
much about a person and I still like to
create what the characters look like in
my head.
Patricia Barraclough 9:05am April 7, 2010)

I agree that the cover does entice me to look at the book. I also notice that the colors ont he cover matter to me besides the picture itself. I am more drawn to the serene covers than to the ones with live models in skanty clothes or in black leather. Cartoon ones I can give or take. Cute dogs and cats catch my eye too.
Patricia Reed 2:40pm April 7, 2010)

I love covers that evoke a mood or feeling.
Shannon Scott 4:27pm April 7, 2010)

Congrats on your new books!
Historical romance is usually what
draws me to a book. I'm not really into
the contemporary easy reading books.
I like things a little more challenging.
As far as cover art is concerned, pics
of Fabio is a definite turn off! Your
cover art looks really good and I've
bought books that look very similar.
Molly Wilsbacher 9:02pm April 7, 2010)

I look at the covers but my favorite authors, I always look for their next book. I love Fresh Fiction for this & the e-mails fr. the authors themselves.
Pat Wilson 10:46am April 12, 2010)

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