February 6th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Lord of the Keep by Ann Lawrence


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Also by Ann Lawrence:

Christmas in Savage Bay, December 2013
Lord of Swords, October 2013
Virtual Warrior, October 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Virtual Desire, August 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Virtual Heaven, July 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Lord of the Hunt, June 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Lord of the Mist, May 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Lord of the Keep, March 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Do You Believe?, May 2005
Lord Of The Hunt, January 2003
Virtual Warrior, August 2002
Mass Market Paperback
Lord of the Mist, July 2001
Virtual Desire, August 2000
Mass Market Paperback
Paradise, August 1999
Virtual Heaven, May 1999
Mass Market Paperback

Lord of the Keep
Ann Lawrence

A tale of jealousy, greed, forgiveness and love.

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Ellora's Cave
March 2013
On Sale: March 7, 2013
Featuring: Lord Gilles d'Argent; Emma
395 pages
ISBN: 1419945173
EAN: 9781419945175
Kindle: B00BR070L4
e-Book (reprint)
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Romance Historical

When Lord Gilles invites Emma to join his weavers, she sees it as her salvation. Emma lives at the base of Hawkwatch Castle, barely making a living with her weaving for herself and her daughter. But when she comes to work for Gilles, she weaves far more for the Lord of the Keep than the finest fabric, she weaves a spell of love about him.

Lord Gilles cannot deny his love for Emma or the jealousy he feels that other men want her. And when her life is threatened, Gilles knows he has only one true gift to offer—his life for hers.

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39 comments posted.

Re: Lord of the Keep

Congrats on the "reprint"
I think a cover can grab my attention and admittedly at times I have bought strictly because I fell for the cover. But the thing that truly sells me is the blurb on the back, if I am unsure I will check out some reviews on different sites.
A half naked guy, where? Of course I enjoy a half naked guy..sorry, got lost in my thoughts. Congrats again.
(Carla Carlson 8:57am March 23, 2013)

I love this cover...he sounds like a good book to read and one that I added to my list.
Bonnie Capuano 9:36am March 23, 2013)

Would love to read this book it looks like a good read :)
Aimee Robison 9:40am March 23, 2013)

A cover of a book will grab me but after reading the blurb in the back, if that doesn't intrigue me I put it back. The covers on your books were interesting (to say the least :) but the words have me. I would love to read any one of them.
Annetta Sweetko 10:24am March 23, 2013)

Yeah, the cover grabs my interest but if the blurb isn't
sounding as good, I'll look for another.
Mary Hay 10:35am March 23, 2013)

A cover does make an impact but the plot is important and has
to interest me.
Sharon Berger 10:42am March 23, 2013)

i love covers. Some truly pull me in for the read. Some just fascinate me as i try to figure what was the thought going into making this cover and relating it to the book.
Lisa Fitzgibbons 11:05am March 23, 2013)

Sometimes a cover will grab my attention but if I have already heard about a book and am already interested then the cover doesn't really matter.
Pam Howell 11:22am March 23, 2013)

hum,great contest,nice cover
Kent Cook 11:31am March 23, 2013)

I own and love Lord of the Keep. Great Read!
Laura Gullickson 12:12pm March 23, 2013)

Many years ago, a cover would have gotten my attention. Now days, I go directly to the blurb to see if the book is one I would enjoy reading. Your description of LORD OF THE KEEP makes me want to discover the path that Gilles and Emma take to true love.
Anna Speed 12:37pm March 23, 2013)

I do look at the cover, and like books!
Marjorie Carmony 1:33pm March 23, 2013)

Covers do catch my attention, but I choose whether to buy the book based on if I like the blurb...
Colleen Conklin 2:05pm March 23, 2013)

Don't like ebooks - only print. Yes cover attracks a person to open book.
Jane Squires 3:03pm March 23, 2013)

If the cover does't attract my attention, might not pick up the book. I only read print, no e-books for me.
Sheila True 4:31pm March 23, 2013)

I always judge a book by its cover first!!
Susan Dyer 5:04pm March 23, 2013)

Love the LORD OF THE MIST cover---that is a man with some real muscles!
Shirley Younger 5:19pm March 23, 2013)

My favorite is Lord of the Keep. Beautiful covers!
Leah Weller 5:30pm March 23, 2013)

Love the cover for Lord of the Keep! Covers attract the readers attention and help a book stand out from the competition. But even with a great cover, a book must have a good story to keep my interest. Historical romance is my favorite and I would love to win a copy of your book.
Bonnie H 7:15pm March 23, 2013)

I love a half naked man but it doesn't sell me on a book. I read everything I can get my hands on. Looking forward to reading you work.
Good luck and happy writing!
Tracie Travis 7:21pm March 23, 2013)

Congrats On the reprint. The cover can grab my interest, but the plot is the most important thing.
Carol Woodruff 7:28pm March 23, 2013)

In a bookstore,the cover may attract my attention, but it's the book blurb that is the selling point. Reissues are wonderful - I'm able to read books I missed the first time around and fill in the gaps in my collection of an author's book list.
Mary C 7:38pm March 23, 2013)

The cover definitely can pull my attention to a book in a bookstore, and it tells me, generally, what type of book I'm picking up. After that, the blurb and reading a few pages tell me whether or not I want to buy the book. And, yeah, I love the half-naked guy on the cover!
Janie McGaugh 8:57pm March 23, 2013)

Sometimes a cover will catch my eye but I don't usually buy a book because of a cover.
Maureen Emmons 9:05pm March 23, 2013)

I like to look at the cover and sometimes I do pick up a book because the cover
interests me or gets my attention when I am just looking for something to read.
Rita Spratlen
Rita Spratlen 9:11pm March 23, 2013)

In answer to your question, let me start off by saying that I think the cover to the Lord of the Keep is stunning!! If I see a half-naked man on the front cover of the book, I wouldn't necessarily pick the book up, unless I was familiar with the Author, and liked their books!! That isn't saying that I'm a prude - it's just saying that the cover really has to reach out and grab me first. After that, I'll look the book over, and read what the book is about. If the story sounds like something that I'd be interested in, I'll buy it. If it's an Author that I like, I'll usually buy it, unless the story is really boring. As far as books being recommended by the "big boys" - I don't feel that they're always right, and I've been burned a couple of times, so I go by my own gut feelings, and feelings of friends who think the way I do. That way I'll never go wrong!!
Peggy Roberson 9:16pm March 23, 2013)

I love print better. I do joy an ereader every no and then, but I think the original is so much better. I amhappy for you for getting your books published. I hope you continue writing because itsounds really amazing Have a blessed day :)
Meghan Anderson 9:19pm March 23, 2013)

Covers do matter. They are the first point of interest often.
Mary Preston 9:35pm March 23, 2013)

Autograph! Autograph! I love a half naked man, well muscled of course, on the cover! Through on a kilt, piercing blue eyes and I'm done. I have a problem with the hair - these men are always done with long hair and I definately prefer short. I have bought a book because of the cover - Cinder. It shows a foot with a metal ankle inside, and I can relate I carry quite a bit of metal in mine also. So I bought the book to see what the story was like - now I'm waiting for book2.
Janis Milford 9:39pm March 23, 2013)

I love releases. I missed out on the first release of these books. Now I have a second chance to read them. Thanks for the giveaway.
Kai Wong 9:49pm March 23, 2013)

I prefer the cover of Lord if the Hunt. I do not have an e-reader, so do not read e-books. I love browsing in a bookstore and am definitely attracted by book covers.
Gladys Paradowski 10:28pm March 23, 2013)

cover may catch my eye, but it has to hold my interest
Michelle Schafer 10:30pm March 23, 2013)

Covers are very important to me when initially choosing a book to look at and read the blurb on. If I don't get drawn to the cover,I don't pick up the book.
Donna Holmberg 10:45pm March 23, 2013)

I don't have a e-reader. I like to roam around in book stores. I do like your cover on your book. Thanks for a chance to win.
Linda Hall 11:22pm March 23, 2013)

What a fantastic cover image, and I think it's great to re-release books so a second set of readers can have a chance to read them! Covers do make a difference.
Clare O'Beara 10:30am March 24, 2013)

Keep on writing great books and enjoy the cover with the
strength of the Lord's gaze and the peregrine falcon or eagle
at his shoulder.
Alyson Widen 4:38pm March 24, 2013)

I like the old covers. They are classic and the heroes look amazing! Congratz on the reprint
with the new cover! That also looks quite nice.
Lazydrag0n Puff 4:53pm March 24, 2013)

I like the half naked guys, but that usually doesn't get me to buy. Blurb and favorite authors.
Lisa Elwood 3:24pm March 25, 2013)

Thank you to everyone who commented on my blog. This was my first blog
and I was touched by the great responses, and I really enjoyed reading your
opinions on covers as well as rereleases. My daughter was teasing me when I
said I was sad about losing my Jon Paul Ferrara covers, and reminding me of
the Girl Scout song, "Make New Friends, But Keep the Old!" So, I'll be making
friends with the new covers and blogging is one way to make new friends as
well, and I hope you will all keep in touch! I'll be putting the new LORD OF
THE MIST cover up on Facebook (sigh...what a body!) and if you do the
Facebook thing, you'll be the first to see it!
Happy Reading!
Ann Lawrence 10:09am March 29, 2013)

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