House of Haverstock #2
Harper & Appleton
April 2015
On Sale: April 7, 2015
Featuring: Lady Elizabeth Upton; Duke of Aldridge
306 pages ISBN: 0046586792 EAN: 2940046586794 Kindle: B00TBGU2AW e-Book Add to Wish List
Another of Cheryl Bolen's classic marriage-of-convenience
An innocent visit to the Duke of Aldridge's to request a
donation for her war widows puts Lady Elizabeth Upton in the
midst of a most shocking scandal. . .
The Duke of Aldridge offers for his best friend's sister,
Lady Elizabeth Upton, after a mix-up sends her to his
bedchamber—just as he's emerging from his bath. She most
certainly does not want to force the duke's hand, but how
can she bear the shame her scandalous behavior has cast upon
her dear brother, the Marquess of Haverstock?
Once she agrees to marry her childhood heartthrob, Elizabeth
realizes she wants nothing more than to win her husband's
love. But capturing his heart is no easy task when former
loves threaten to destroy the fragile bonds of their marriage.
Sometimes they might actually work more than most. (Marissa Yip-Young 5:45am April 22, 2015)
Thank you and I love your books. I love my husband of 32 years and he ask me to marry him after we lived together for a short time because I had 2 children and he was going to owe a lot on his taxes, I think it would work! (Sharon Sommer 9:51am April 22, 2015)
There are times when a marriage of convenience is snuck in by one party. Most times those never work. When both parties agree, for whatever reason, in time they may learn to actually love each other, for there is a reason that they chose the other party to begin with. I enjoy reading Historical Romance books, and this book will be no exception. The cover is stunning!! Congratulations on what I'm sure will be a winner, since I can't recall seeing a book with your story line before, or if I have, I can't recall seeing it in a while. (Peggy Roberson 10:59am April 22, 2015)
I kind of like marriage of convenience stories because the characters actually have to work at making their marriages work. that what marriages are work. (Angela Parrish 11:19am April 22, 2015)
I think it is a viable option, as long as it is entered with the knowledge of both parties. The goals and needs of both must be clear and fiction anything is possible, in real life, everything takes hard work, honesty and perserverance (Kimberley Coover 11:32am April 22, 2015)
I enjoy marriage of Convenience stories... love seeing them work things out to get to a HEA. (Colleen Conklin 1:47pm April 22, 2015)
I have enjoyed every story about "marriages of covenience," because it puts a romantic twist on the plots. It makes me a believer that we can have "soulmates." If it is to be, it will happen. I truly believe in karma and convenience of being in the right place at the right time. Thank you! (Katy Carkhuff 4:05pm April 22, 2015)
Oh my gosh! I love books like this! The innocent young woman accidentally walks in on the gorgeous Duke and BAM! They have to be married and the their relationship slowly builds till they realize that they truly love each other....Definitely looking forward to this :D (H J 5:30pm April 22, 2015)
happy reading friends (Emily Stemp 7:55pm April 22, 2015)
I don't have an opinion of "marriage of convenience" situations, but I believe many marriages were "arranged" (similar to modern day pre-nuptial agreements)during the Regency era. (Susan Jang 10:11pm April 22, 2015)
Marriage of convenience stories are interesting for the effort the couple has to put into making the relationship work. (Janie McGaugh 10:41pm April 22, 2015)
All relationships need a lot of work (Jean Benedict 11:27am April 23, 2015)
I love these stories. They fight against each other at first then at the end they find they are madly in love with the other . (Joan Thrasher 12:14pm April 23, 2015)
I like the marriage of convenience stories because usually the two tolerate each other and then grow to love each other. Great stories. (Linda Harrison 3:54pm April 23, 2015)
Could be interesting. Sounds like a great book though. Hope I win a copy. (Sarah Bauman 6:07pm April 23, 2015)
Congratulations on your new release! It sounds fascinating and the cover is lovely. I enjoy marriage of convenience stories, especially when there is a happy ever after ending. (Bonnie H 9:02pm April 23, 2015)
I love marriage of convenience stories. I am so glad that digital publishing exists so that we can easily get copies of older book. Thanks for writing your Regency romances! (Heather Rizzuti 7:54am April 24, 2015)
Romantic marriage of convenience stories are always fun. However, I don't think I'd accept a marriage of convenience, myself. I'd like to chose my own fate. (Irene Menge 2:12pm April 24, 2015)
i think marriages of convenience probably stand a better chance of lasting. There's no 'love' that will fade. Hopefully love will grow as the two parties grow to know each other better. (Joanne Schultz 3:30pm April 24, 2015)
I enjoy reading books where there is a marriage of convenience, but would not want to take that route in real life. (Anna Speed 4:02pm April 24, 2015)
i like to choose my own fate (Ann Unger 7:14pm April 24, 2015)
Relationships need help - fate can help with the right attitude. (Beth Elder 8:01pm April 24, 2015)
i like them as they generally end as head over heels in love stories. :)
I like these type of stories because it's interesting to see them fall in love. (Lesley Walsh 7:12am April 25, 2015)
I think marriage of convenience usually does not work, or at least not with a lot of fire and passion. Usually just resignation and boring. (Pam Howell 11:29am April 25, 2015)
I believe it more accurately reflects how the Nobility were actually paired off. In fiction, arranged or marriage of convenience can be a good starting off point. (Cecilia Rodriguez 12:40pm April 25, 2015)
I love your books. And these two are going to be particularly hilarious in parts, emotional and very staid. We have a lot of "arranged " marriages where I come from. And love does happen. Afterwards. But not always. But that's real life. And these are novels. You are writing what was probably true for that period of time. Thanks for your wonderful books. Kantu (Kantu Malhotra 1:35pm April 25, 2015)
I also entered your Facebook giveaway. (Suzanne Dye 2:21pm April 25, 2015)
I love these stories. Sometimes I wish they were socially acceptable now! (Denise Austin 2:38pm April 25, 2015)
These marriage seem to work out better than ones based on love alone. Cooler heads prevail in the practical world. (Janice Milliken 4:34pm April 25, 2015)
I like them it makes for a entreating story line. (Stacey Smith 9:01pm April 25, 2015)
I think most of us don't really 'get' a marriage of convenience since it isn't practiced to a great extent in the USA. I don't think I'd react well to being told who I was to marry and perhaps not even see the groom until the Wedding Ceremony. I picked my own groom. (Debra Wolsleben 9:02pm April 25, 2015)
Marriage of Convenience stories are wonderful. They have the best bantering back and forth between them and they usually work out because the couple has to work. They have to compromise and learn each other. (Tina Ullrich 11:41pm April 25, 2015)
I like them. Unique challenges crop up in them and the getting to know each other... (Laura Gullickson 11:57pm April 25, 2015)
I enjoy reading marriage-of-convenience stories, they are full of interesting challenges for the couples to face. (Catherine Maguire 3:04pm July 16, 2015)