Homefront, April 2015
It's Always Been You, April 2015
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Before I Fall, March 2015
All For You, December 2014
Paperback / e-Book
All I Want for Christmas is You, November 2014
Back To You, August 2014
Paperback / e-Book
It's Always Been You, March 2014
Back To You, January 2014
Anything for You, December 2013
I'll Be Home for Christmas, November 2013
Until There Was You, October 2012
Because Of You, November 2011
Coming Home #1
November 2011
On Sale: November 1, 2011
ISBN: 0345533860 EAN: 9780345533869 Kindle: B005GFBQWU e-Book
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From the war-torn streets of Baghdad to the bittersweet
comforts of the home front, two wounded hearts navigate the
battlefield of coming home from war in this explosive eBook
original from newcomer Jessica
Scott. Keeping his men alive is all that
matters to Sergeant First Class Shane Garrison. But meeting
Jen St. James the night before his latest deployment makes
Shane wonder if there’s more to life than war. He leaves for
Iraq remembering a single kiss with a woman he’ll never see
again—until a near fatal attack lands him back at home and
in her care. Jen has survived her own brush
with death and endured its scars. And yet there’s a fire in
Shane that makes Jen forget all about her past. He may be
her patient, but when this warrior looks her in the eyes,
she feels—for the first time in a long time—like a woman.
Shane is too proud to ask for help, but for Jen, caring for
him is more than a duty—it’s a need. And as Jen guides Shane
through the fires of healing, she finds something she never
expected—her deepest desire.
No awards found for this book. Coming Home
33 comments posted.
Re: Because Of You
I find it wonderful that authors are writing about our men and women in uniform and I want to read ALL of them. Thank You Soldiers for your service (Teresa Miller 10:25am November 14, 2011)
This sounds like such a wonderful, poignant, page-turner of a story, but unfortunately I don't own an e-reader, so I can't get in on the contest!! I'm so disappointed!! Congratulations on your book. It sounds like part of a great series. (Peggy Roberson 10:25am November 14, 2011)
This sounds like a great book, thank you for giving us the opportunity to win it. (Barbara Hanson 10:32am November 14, 2011)
Thanks for the offer - Love the Q&A (Beth Elder 10:41am November 14, 2011)
The military is a great place to find heroes. (Donna Antonio 10:47am November 14, 2011)
This book is now on my wish list...Thank you for writing!!!! (Leisa Prater 10:59am November 14, 2011)
This sounds like a great new idea for a novel. I am putting it on my wish list now! Winning it would be even better...:) (Patti Paonessa 11:23am November 14, 2011)
Learning to survive is a life skill -- thanks for the great story line! (Cate Sparks 11:33am November 14, 2011)
Your new book sounds so wonderfully touching. Thanks for talking about it. (Robin McKay 11:42am November 14, 2011)
I love stories where the heroes and heroines are soldiers fighting for a cause....looks like your book will be one of those. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. (Archana Ganju 11:47am November 14, 2011)
Just read of Because of You at Fresh Fiction. It sounds great - and I would LOVE to win a copy. Even if I don't win a copy, I'll get it to read. Best of luck with this book. Nancy (Nancy Reynolds 12:16pm November 14, 2011)
I enjoy reading about the heroes returning from the war zone. (Anna Speed 12:30pm November 14, 2011)
Sounds like a great book to read about a real hero. (Kathleen Bianchi 12:40pm November 14, 2011)
I never thought that I would be interested in military romance, but I love this one already! My thanks, as well, for the opportunity to win it! (Felicia Ciaudelli 12:57pm November 14, 2011)
have heard great things about this book and this author. I love this cover of this book. The tattoo is great, very sexy. Thanks for the chance to win. (Chris Bails 1:01pm November 14, 2011)
Your writing certainly makes one think of what is really important. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 1:14pm November 14, 2011)
the book sound great and t he guy on it wow were did you find him even from behind look like hunk (Desiree Reilly 1:44pm November 14, 2011)
This sounds like a really good book. I just wish this post had happened last Friday, on Veterans Day. It would have been so much more timely.
Lynn, the daughter of a vet. (Lynn Rettig 1:57pm November 14, 2011)
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for visiting. (G S Moch 2:00pm November 14, 2011)
Sounds wonderful... I am adding this book to my list! (Colleen Conklin 2:01pm November 14, 2011)
Stories with our military heroes have always been a favorite read of mine. (Diane Sadler 3:03pm November 14, 2011)
Thanks for writing about our heros! It means alot that someone thinks about them that much!! (Dawn Staniszeski 3:18pm November 14, 2011)
Love the cover, but if the hero is bald, should'nt the guy on the cover be also. (Elizabeth Rodriguez 4:24pm November 14, 2011)
A real sexy story about a military man. (Lorraine Rodriguez 4:58pm November 14, 2011)
My husband was in the service, is bald and is still my hero after 49 years. Hope all of you are as lucky as I am. This sounds so like MY book but I'll share!! Hee hee hee. (Sandra Spilecki 5:43pm November 14, 2011)
I have been hearing a lot of good things about this book and I really want to read it. Sounds wonderful! (Gail Hurt 6:19pm November 14, 2011)
Happy Release Day! This has been on my list since I first heard about it. (Mary C 7:11pm November 14, 2011)
Book sounds great, and I love the cover. Thanks for giving me a chance to win it. (Linda Hall 7:42pm November 14, 2011)
As a breast cancer survior and lover of good romances this sounds like a very good book!! (Pamela Dolen 9:06pm November 14, 2011)
I really want to read this book. I have seen it at many tour stops on the web. Thanks for the giveaway! (Jennifer Beyer 10:45pm November 14, 2011)
This sounds like a very indepth book, series, and I look forward to them all. (Lisa Kendall 12:17pm November 15, 2011)
What an accomplishment! Congratulation! (Carla Carlson 1:52am November 15, 2011)
India sounds so exotic and a war story is like having the pulse of the world right in your hand. It looks like an intriguing read. (Alyson Widen 8:41pm November 16, 2011)
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