Prometheus Books
July 2015
On Sale: July 7, 2015
Featuring: Juliet Townsend; Madeleine Bell
303 pages ISBN: 1633880044 EAN: 9781633880047 Kindle: B00OEW75SA Paperback / e-Book
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Mystery | Mystery Woman Sleuth
OLD RIVALRIES NEVER DIE. BUT SOME RIVALS DO. Juliet Townsend is used to losing. Back in high school,
lost every track team race to her best friend, Madeleine
Bell. Ten years later, she’s still running behind, stuck
a dead-end job cleaning rooms at the Mid-Night Inn, a
one-star motel that attracts only the cheap or the
desperate. But what life won’t provide, Juliet takes. Then one night, Maddy checks in. Well-dressed, flashing a
huge diamond ring, and as beautiful as ever, Maddy has it
all. By the next morning, though, Juliet is no longer
jealous of Maddy—she’s the chief suspect in her murder. To protect herself, Juliet investigates the circumstances
her friend’s death. But what she learns about Maddy’s life
might cost Juliet everything she didn’t realize she had.
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28 comments posted.
Re: Little Pretty Things
Library staff (Marissa Yip-Young 6:03am August 24, 2015)
This sounds like a good read! (Barbara Semeraro 9:00am August 24, 2015)
Just call me Juliet . I didn't get to do any of the sports are the extra things in school. I wanted to but it required you to stay after school and I couldn't do that . We lived so far out in the country , Mom couldn't drive and Daddy was too tired when he came in from work to take us or go get us at school. If the school bus didn't run ,we didn't go . When I grew up ,got married ,Dad said he would give us some land to build a house on , I told him "no thank you " .I want to live close to a school where I could take my children to whatever they want to do or join in school . And , so I did .My husband didn't always like me going or taking the kids to school events , but I said if it was a school event, book club , basketball game or whatever I would be behind the kids. I think it keeps them off the streets and out of trouble. Your book sounds real exciting and I'd love to read it . Thanks for this giveaway . (Joan Thrasher 11:30am August 24, 2015)
Tried sports, but I wasn't much good. Most of my extracurricular was outside of school - Guides and art lessons. (Deb Philippon 12:12pm August 24, 2015)
This looks like a terrific read! Thanks for the contest! (Susan Patterson 4:23pm August 24, 2015)
Neither! Library Club! (Sally Rader 8:06pm August 24, 2015)
I was a part of the thespians. I participated in the school musicals and talent shows. (Heidi Ingalls 8:52pm August 24, 2015)
If there was never another sports event, I wouldn't even notice. I think people go crazy making their babies train and taking drugs. That's nuts! So I don't watch any of it unless it's the special Olympics. (Dagmar Finch 4:33am August 25, 2015)
I was good in volleyball as a server. I worked so did go out for a sport. My 5 kids were all on the swim team. (Leona Olson 7:06am August 25, 2015)
Not a sporty person, but very much a book person. And rooting for the underdog. Yayyyyyyy. This book sounds verrrrrrrrry interesting. (Kantu Malhotra 9:07am August 25, 2015)
yearbook staff - really! (Beth Elder 12:20pm August 25, 2015)
When I was in high school in 1958-1961 (yes, I am ancient) school sports for women was not the norm. I did play softball however as that was "girl friendly" at the time. I was more into debating club, drama club, the year book staff and all the more inside activities but not by choice, just by the way things were. In college I played tennis every day however and also worked at the newspaper office of the school too. Thank you for the great sounding book contest. Sincerely, Cynthia (Cynthia Blain 3:11pm August 25, 2015)
I was never athletic. I tried a number of sports - baseball, volleyball and badminton. I was active in a youth group which I really enjoyed. I'm more of a social animal than a lady jock. (Judy van Ryn 4:16pm August 25, 2015)
I was on the yearbook staff,newspaper and dabbled in sports.I enjoyed them all. (Dixie Neitzel 5:14pm August 25, 2015)
Was on a swim team. (MaryEllen Hanneman 5:36pm August 25, 2015)
Only in gym class. I was in Choir, swing choir, honor society and took a lot of business classes like bookkeeping.So no I'm not the real sporty type either. (Nancy Luebke 7:32pm August 25, 2015)
Your book sounds very intriguing, it's been added to my TBR list. Thanks for the opportunity! (Jennifer Lessard 12:44pm August 26, 2015)
I am about the least coordinated person I know S so no sports playing go me. I also was pretty shy so I didn't join any clubs like yearbook. Just stuck to myself. (Maria Smith 8:50pm August 26, 2015)
I was definitely not in sports in high school. Even now getting on the elliptical is a major undertaking... I was in several clubs in school and in a German play. (Flora Presley 9:45pm August 26, 2015)
Neither, I was with drama club. (Fred Holmes 11:03pm August 26, 2015)
Yes I played basketball and was on the yearbook staff. (Virginia Clayton 7:12am August 27, 2015)
Sports, ahhhh, NO. I lettered being on the forensics team. A letter not so highly coveted in high school. I did however, learn to play a mean game of ping pong. (LaCinda Jameson 7:50am August 27, 2015)
I wasn't on either but I was on the school newspaper staff. It was a lot of fun! (Kristine Murphy 9:25am August 27, 2015)
Thanks for the contest (Becky Pollard 9:41am August 27, 2015)
I grew up at a different period of time. World War II had just ended when I graduated from high school. The school still had basketball girls and boys teams, and was trying to get a football team established again. At least we still had a glee club and I was a member of it. (Anna Speed 11:54am August 27, 2015)
I did not play sports in high school as there was only cheerleading for girls way back then. (Nadine Stacy 6:07pm August 27, 2015)
I played sports! (Denise Austin 6:28pm August 27, 2015)
I was on the track and field team because throwing things was a great stress relief! (Mary McCoy 8:55pm August 27, 2015)
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