July 2012
On Sale: July 3, 2012
Featuring: Lucas Santana; Jordan McAllister
304 pages ISBN: 042525142X EAN: 9780425251423 Kindle: B0072NWJ8O Paperback / e-Book
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Mystery | Mystery Cozy
As the food columnist for The Ranchero Globe, Jordan
McAllister catches the eye of cattle baron Lucas Santana,
who invites her to the Cattleman's Ball, hoping a positive
review from the ball might boost the county's sagging beef
sales. To ensure Jordan enjoys herself, Santana sets her up with
a prime cowboy companion for the event--Rusty Morales.
Jordan's delighted to go with him and two-step the night
away. But instead, she winds up in the emergency room where
her date is DOA. When Rusty's mother begs her for help, Jordan knows she
needs to grab the bull by the horns and get to ...
No awards found for this book. Clueless Cooks
25 comments posted.
Re: Beef Stolen-Off
What a great story, and well done! I think with small kids the secret is to stay around only other people who have small kids. I don't have a story quite like that but animals are also good for letting you know your place. Once I was playing a table board game with a bunch of friends - you answer questions correctly and move a piece on - and just as I was within reach of the finish line, ahead of the others, my cat leapt out from cover and pounced on my player's piece, ran off with it in her mouth! We laughed until we hurt. (Clare O'Beara 6:37am July 16, 2012)
HA HA...doesn't it open up a brand new world when you have a greandchild? This books sounds great and I'd love to read it! (Bonnie Capuano 9:13am July 16, 2012)
@Clare - What a fun story. I love animal antics.
@Bonnie - Thanks for those nice words, and yes, grandkids are the bomb. (Liz Lipperman 10:39am July 16, 2012)
I remember when I worked as an aide at a state institution called Denton State School. There was a sweet lady who had worked at the same job for many years. I was being grouchy and saying how hard the job was and how demeaning. She said, "Sweetheart, this job will teach you humility." It did. And, there were days when I would tell Irma, "I think I've had enough humility for one day, but the shift isn't over yet!" She would smile. (Sandy Fielder 11:46am July 16, 2012)
Sandy, small world. I live in Argyle and know the Denton State School well. I even taught a class there once. And yes, kids will definitely tell it like it is.
I picked up my 6 year old grandson from school one day, and on the way home we passed a cop who had pulled someone over. He proceeded to tell me that my daughter, his mother, had gotten pulled over the week before for going too fast and "they didn't even take us to jail!" My daughter knew I would holler at her for driving fast with the kids if I knew. Busted. (Liz Lipperman 12:02pm July 16, 2012)
Beef Stolen-Off - what a clever title. And I would love to win a copy. But even if I'm not a winner, I will just have to get your book to read. It sounds like a fun read. Best of luck with it. (Nancy Reynolds 12:27pm July 16, 2012)
I love your blog. My most amazing experience was holding my first grandchild shortly after she was born. There is no way to describe the feeling. Now I have four GRANDS and simple enjoy being with all of them. (Anna Speed 12:30pm July 16, 2012)
I don't think there's anyone better to teach humility than a child. Not only in embarrassing situations but also with their innocence and wide-eyed wonder. They can remind you what's important and it's many times the things adults have forgotten. Congratulations on living your dream, good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 12:39pm July 16, 2012)
pick me! pick me (Pamela Faye Howell 1:41pm July 16, 2012)
i think this sounds like a great summer read (Debbi Shaw 4:41pm July 16, 2012)
My 5-yr. od grandson came to spend the day with me while his parents went out of town. Since I knew he liked playing games, I asked him if he'd like to play Monopoly. I'd just gotten the Harley-Davidson version and he really liked the playing pieces which are motorcycles, helmets, etc. After going around the board only one time and getting ready to go around again, he announced, that I was playing the game wrong. He said, You're only supposed to go around one time and that's the winner. I was caught off guard! I asked him, why he thought it was played like that and he said, "Cause that's the way my Dad plays it with me." I told him, "That's the speedy version." He was pleased to find out there was a longer way to play the game. Unsure, if Dad will like it the next time he plays with him! Love the title of your new book and can't wait to read it! (Linda Luinstra 5:42pm July 16, 2012)
Humility can be taught to anyone who is around children for very long. When I was twenty-four, I met the man who would be my husband. He already had five children from his first marriage, the eldest , twins, 11 at the time.
We had been dating for a while and I was ready to move the relationship to the next level. I don't remember exactly how it started but we were in the kitchen and I had gotten out hot dogs to fix for dinner, his 5 and my 2, were due home on the school bus at about 4:45 and I didn't realize that that it was past that time. I started to use a hot dog as an inuendo (you understand, I hope) because I can still feel the heat in my cheeks as suddon laughter burst out from the doorway and two look-a-like boys began laughing so hard, they fell to their knees. I am positive that I would not have understood, back when I was their age, but they clearly knew exactly what I was suggesting to their father. I learned that I needed to be very careful not to assume that we were alone or that what I was doing would not understood by an eleven old. (Kelly Knapp 6:10pm July 16, 2012)
@Nancy - what a nice thing to say. Fingers crossed that you win. Just so you know, I have nothing to do with picking the winner!!
@Anna - grandkids are truly awesome. they look at you with such love. I only wish I could tell stories better!
@Tracie - thanks for the well wishes and for commenting.
@Pam - Fingers crossed for you, too. But if you don't win, check the libraries.
@Debbi - It is a good summer read. Nothing like Texas cowboys and BBQ while you lie around the pool.
@Shelley - OMG! I think I love you!
@Linda - love this story. Your son is in for a big surprise the next time he plays Monopoly with his son! Thanks for sharing that.
@Kelly - I am definitely going to use this in one of my books. My sister and hubby used to turn on the clothes dryer when they wanted an afternoon delight. Of course, her kids always snickered when they heard the dryer on. (Liz Lipperman 7:00pm July 16, 2012)
I have to say right off that the way I was raised, I never knew what it felt like to be "on cloud 9." My best Girlfriend is always after me when she gives me a compliment or says something nice, and I'm slow to accept it, or really don't see her remark as such. I also get my daily share of humility when I wake up in the morning to 8 kittens, 6 of which need to be adopted out, and have to feed them, as well as clean out their litter boxes!! Although they've been an unexpected joy coming from 2 stray mothers, it's also going to be heartbreak to see them go soon. I loved your posting today, and must admit that I wasn't aware of your books until today!! That means that I have some reading to put on my TBR list!! The cover of your latest book is amazing!! I love whomever did the artwork!! Most of all, I can't wait to read this book, either!! Congratulations on this book, and on your next endeavor!!! (Peggy Roberson 7:26pm July 16, 2012)
I was at an amusement park playing a game where one has to land a plane. I was having no success and my frustration level was increasing. A seven year old walked up and asked if he could play. I gave him the control - he landed the plane in less than a minute! (Mary C 7:34pm July 16, 2012)
well we were at a park for blue grss festival and they said they will give all kid under 12 a chance to win a real fiddle and then when they drew the name every one expected someone who played and then here come a little girl in shorts and diaper and said it me she only 15mo old omg every one said the mom and grand dad said i guess we got to teach her and then went about to show it off to every one at the show mostly all adults go and look at Brian Dietz on face book and look at his pictures (Desiree Reilly 10:04pm July 16, 2012)
i have 2 girls so i know what you mean 13 and 9 so i spend most of my days with them (Denise Smith 10:45pm July 16, 2012)
I am very excited and cannot wait to read your novel Beef Stolen-Off. I love cowboys and murder mysteries so to combine them will be a real pleasure to my reading list! Thanks so much! (Teresa Sullivan 9:44am July 17, 2012)
@Peggy - Someone told me a long time ago to learn how to just say thank you and smile when someone compliments you. Like you, I was always finding a reason to bring myself down. ""Oh this old dress? I got it on sale at Target" kind of thing. So practice in front of a mirror!! And the kitties sound adorable. Berkley did a great job with the artwork, I agree. The longhorn ice sculpture is actually from the opening chapters. And thanks for your kind words. (See I practice what I preach!!) (Liz Lipperman 10:07pm July 17, 2012)
@Mary - LOL on the 7 year old landing the plane. I have a 7 year old grandson and I am always amazed at what he downloads on my computer when he's over here. And the iPhone-both the 4 and 7 year olds are experts. I'm still trying to figure out to send a picture!!
@Desiree - amazing story. I will definitely check him out.
@Theresa - I love hearing those words. Thanks so much. (Liz Lipperman 10:12pm July 17, 2012)
Didn't know there was a Harley Monopoly set... (Clare O'Beara 9:00am July 18, 2012)
My humbling moments often come at the Pool Table... (Kelli Jo Calvert 12:22pm July 18, 2012)
I'm sitting for my first grandson who's three months old and when he goes past mirrors, the smile he flashes is broad. We play peek-a-boo with turning around and refinding him in the mirror. (Alyson Widen 1:28pm July 18, 2012)
Kids can be smarter than us grownups. (Shirley Nienkark 3:37pm July 18, 2012)
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