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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Murder for the Halibut by Liz Lipperman


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Also by Liz Lipperman:

Steak Through the Heart, November 2023
Enchi Lotta Bodies, September 2022
Paperback / e-Book
Chicken Caccia-Killer, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Murder for the Halibut, January 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Beef Stolen-Off, July 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Liver Let Die, October 2011

Murder for the Halibut
Liz Lipperman

Clueless Cook #3
Berkley Prime Crime
January 2013
On Sale: December 31, 2012
Featuring: Jordan McAllister
304 pages
ISBN: 0425251829
EAN: 9780425251829
Kindle: B0095ZMK1I
Paperback / e-Book
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Mystery Culinary | Mystery Cozy | Mystery Amateur Sleuth

A sports writing job would have been the perfect catch for Jordan McAllister, but in Ranchero, Texas, all she could reel in was the food column. Though she may not know her way around a kitchen, she has no trouble finding herself in a kettle of fish…

Tempted by the offer of a free Caribbean cruise, Jordan accepts a spot as a judge in a week-long big-time cooking competition aboard the Carnation Queen. She just better hope no one finds out that her famous palate is far from refined.

But there are bigger fish to fry when arrogant chef Stefano Mancini falls face first into his signature halibut dish during the first event. While evidence suggests that the handsome Italian chef’s death was an accident, Jordan thinks otherwise. But she’ll have to keep her wits about her—and the sea sickness pills handy—if she’s going to solve this one…

No awards found for this book.

Clueless Cooks


74 comments posted.

Re: Murder for the Halibut

I love your Top 10 reasons and I don't want to slap you. You scare me so I'd better plan on buying the book. lol
(Rita Wray 3:20pm January 27, 2013)

# 11..You share a name with my youngest and you do look cute
Cheryl Ricin 3:36pm January 27, 2013)

Ah, Rita, I'm just a big old pussycat. I will tell you that if you dis me, a character eerily similar to you will end up dead in my books!!

Just kidding..but you'd better buy the book. But first wait and find out to see if you won it. Nothing like a freebie!!
Liz Lipperman 3:50pm January 27, 2013)

No, I would not slap you. I love your books and want to read
this (win) one.
Mary Hay 3:51pm January 27, 2013)

Cheryl, thank you. I hate that picture, and it's a professional one. I need to send Fresh Fiction a new one. I think I am way cuter!!! And I love that I share a name with your kiddo. Thanks for commenting.
Liz Lipperman 3:55pm January 27, 2013)

I enjoyed reading your Top 10 and I just love your sense of humor. I enjoy mysteries and I will definitely be adding your Clueless Cook series to my reading list. Thanks for the giveaway.
Bonnie H 4:07pm January 27, 2013)

Liz, here's at least one friend you don't have to bribe/blackmail/threaten to buy your books! I enjoy this series and look forward to the new one!
Allison Collins 4:10pm January 27, 2013)

Fun list. I like how you pump it up and the positives you're already focussing on.
Alyson Widen 4:20pm January 27, 2013)

Your books are for me. I love a great read!!
Jean Benedict 4:38pm January 27, 2013)

Love the list. Can't wait to read the book.
Kiki Winn 4:38pm January 27, 2013)

Love Clueless Cooks!
Mary C 4:45pm January 27, 2013)

Such fun reading your top 10, especially #6: - If my children want to remain in my will, they'll get all their friends to spring for the paperback.
Shirley Younger 4:57pm January 27, 2013)

I'm very insecure about tax season, lol! Don't think I have to
explain that one.
Rebecca Whitehead-Schwarz 5:00pm January 27, 2013)

Absolutely love the title, but it sounds a little fishy to me.
Marjorie Carmony 5:08pm January 27, 2013)

Sounds like a good book and good luck with that list.
Theresa Norris 5:24pm January 27, 2013)

I love your list of the Top 10. Some of them are hilarious but "HEY", all's fair in books and publishing.
Kai Wong 5:53pm January 27, 2013)

I loved your top ten list---but I think you missed one---Murder for the Halibut is going to sell very well because the title is so catchy.
Sue Farrell 6:16pm January 27, 2013)

I am insecure about throwing parties. I always think that no one will show
up, that they will have something better to do. It is dumb because it has
never happened. I still invite people over, but the fear is there.
Ann Sheiring 7:17pm January 27, 2013)

love your list really love #6 cant wait to read book
Jennifer Beck 7:30pm January 27, 2013)

Enjoyed your blog. Love someone with an attitude.
Sheila True 7:44pm January 27, 2013)

After waiting to win Murder for the Halibut I broke down and bought it. :) Even
you whines are funny! I'm looking forward to bedtime tonight so I can get some
quiet reading time! Thanks for this fun series!
Nancy Roessner 8:12pm January 27, 2013)

another reason -- it's a really cute title :)
d Kenney 8:13pm January 27, 2013)

It will sell because it has a great title!
Janice Milliken 8:14pm January 27, 2013)

Your list brought a much needed smile to my face and the book
titles sound hysterical.
G. Bisbjerg 8:26pm January 27, 2013)

Hello Liz, I really love your top 10 reasons for why your
great book MURDER FOR THE HALIBUT should sell. I love that
catchy title on your book too. I would love to read it and
win it too. Thanks for the great contest and Happy New Year
everyone. God bless You with loads of success! Cecilia CECE
[email protected]
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:37pm January 27, 2013)

It should sell because you support other writers and because it is good!
Darci Paice 9:13pm January 27, 2013)

You asked, and here's my answer. I'm insecure about me in general. A little over 3 years ago, I fell in a parking lot and hit my head against the mirror of our truck. It was a pretty bad hit, and caused some memory loss, along with some other injuries. Right now, I'm insecure about myself. I can't carry on a conversation, without remembering a word I want to use, which is embarassing, so I prefer to stay home. I'm insecure in personal relationships. I'm insecure about a lot of things now, and they're making me very nervous. It's hard to pinpoint or talk about. There are some things that, thankfully don't bother me, and I try to dwell on those things when I can, but it does tend to get aggravating when your life revolves around talking and you can't remember a darn word that you'd like to insert, or perhaps a person or something that happened, and can't remember everything that happened. I'd give anything to get it all back, along with losing the pain that I have to endure daily. Anyway, I think you're a really funny lady, and I love the titles of your books!! I can't wait to read them, since I need a little more laughter in my life about now. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!! Your posting was great!!
Peggy Roberson 9:29pm January 27, 2013)

You're funny! That's reason enough for me to have to try your books! :)
Kelli Jo Calvert 9:34pm January 27, 2013)

@Mary Hay - thanks for not slapping me. Fingrs crossed that you'll win this one.

@Bonnie. Yay! She's buying my books!! With a little luck you;ll win this one. Thanks.

@Allison - remind me to kiss you the next time I see you.

@Alyson - I do love to pump things up!! Fingers crossed you'll be the lucky one.

@Jean - you are a silver-tongued devil, but I love it.
Liz Lipperman 9:35pm January 27, 2013)

I am looking forward to catching up with Jordan and the gang.
Susan Roberts 9:38pm January 27, 2013)

We all have insecurities. I think they make us try harder in those areas to overcome what we think is not good enough. When we do that, the end product is far better than it would otherwise be. (At least that's what my family says about things that I do that I'm insecure about.)
Sharon Mitchell 9:39pm January 27, 2013)

@Kiki - hope you win this. If I had my way, everyone would win. Of course, I'd had to eat beans and weanies for a long time!!

@Mary - Clueless Cooks love you back. Actually, I am a really good cook, but my eating habits are much like Jordan's. thanks for commenting.

@Shirley - I knew one day all those phone calls at midnight with broken down cars, crying teens etc., would pay off!! Thanks for commenting.

@Rebecca - I hate tax season, too. If you've ever been audited, it's a bear. Thanks for commenting.

@Marjorie - LOL. You need to help me with my next title!! Actually Boook 4 is already titled Chicken Caccia-Killer and Book 5 is Enchi-Lada Bodies.
Liz Lipperman 9:42pm January 27, 2013)

@Theresa - thanks. Good luck with the contest.

@Kai - all is mostly unfair in publishing!!!! Again, I'm whining!!! Thanks for commenting.

@Sue - Ah, what a nice thing to say. I take full credit for the titles!! Actually, I usually come up with a catchy one, then build the story around it.

@Ann - I'll bet your parties are fun. My daughter worried like you do, but me--I figure, "Oh, well!" BTW, invite me to your next one!!

@Jennifer - glad you liked the list. Fingers crossed you;ll win and won't have to wait long.

@Sheila - Attitude I have. That's what makes it so weird that I am so insecure about my writing. For so many years, I wouldn't let anyone read my stuff. It's a big step to share it with the world now.
Liz Lipperman 9:49pm January 27, 2013)

@Nancy - I love hearing that--not that you didn't win!! And if you do win here, I'll send you any one of my books that you want.

@d - Sending smooches for that. Hope you win.

@Janice - and you get some of those smooches, too. Thanks.

@G - I love hearing that I made you smile. And just for the record, there is another way for you to win a free book of mine. go to my facebook page where I am asking people to tell me what they LIKE about themselves-physically.

@Cecilia - that is so nice of you to say that. Fingers crossed you win, but this book is also in a lot of libraries, too. Check it out.

@Darci - I do support other writers and always download their books. However, I don't read when I'm on deadline as I find I get too involved in someone else's characters. Consequently, I have one hellacious TBR pile.Thanks for commenting.

@Peggy - I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Hopefully, it is just a temporary thing. A lot of writers got started because they found it easier to pen their thoughts than to actually say them. I hope you are getting therapy for this. Traumatic brain injury can be very debilitating but it is also something that can be worked on. I love that you are secure enough to write like you did, and I appreciate your sharing with us. Keep working at it.

Kelli - hell, if I had known all I had to do was be funny to get sales..... Thanks for commenting.
Liz Lipperman 10:02pm January 27, 2013)

Susan - Glad that you already know my characters. Fingers crossed you won't have to fork out cash for this one.
@Sharon - that is so true. And truth be told, most of us are insecure about things we really don't need to worry about. We women are especially hard on ourselves. I reference my Facebook page earlier where I'm trying to get everyone to actually say what they like about themselves. I'd love it is some of you went over and did that. There's a free book there, too.
Liz Lipperman 10:07pm January 27, 2013)

Love "cozy" mysteries. I buy a lot of them for my mother, who is 89.
Always glad to discover a new series like this one.
Shari Santella 10:22pm January 27, 2013)

Looking forward to reading this series. Mysteries are my favorite read. Thanks for the contest!
Teresa Ward 10:47pm January 27, 2013)

I am insecure about feeling like a failure. Since my daughter rebelled at 19, I have never gotten past it. She is now 33 and has two children and is fine. But I still cannot shed the feeling.
Please enter me to win.
Jane Squires 11:07pm January 27, 2013)

Would love to win it, to read it. Thanks
Amy Milne 12:00pm January 28, 2013)

Thanks for the giveaway! I love discovering new books by new authors.

[email protected]
Meghan Stith 12:10pm January 28, 2013)

love the story..love the cover...love to win
Kimberly Hoefs 12:13pm January 28, 2013)

@Shari - love cozy lovers. Tell your mom she would love me!! One of my characters is a seventy-ish psychic carrying on with a retired cop. They make me laugh.

@Theresa - Then let's hope you win this one to start you off. Thanks for commenting.

@Jane - first off, EVERY teenage girl rebels--some sooner than others. I did a lot of research on this when I was going through it with my own daughter and discovered that girls who are the closest with their mothers HAVE to rebel. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to pull away which they all have to do. Those that don't are the ones that end up in mid life crisis. So, pat yourself on the back that your daughter did what she had to do to blossom into a beautiful, repsonsible young woman.

@Amy - Fingers crossed ypu get your wish. Thanks.

@Meghan - Love the spelling of your name.
@Kimberly - My fingers are crossed for you. too. Geez! I hope everyone wins.
Liz Lipperman 12:27pm January 28, 2013)

No, I don't want to slap you and your Top Ten reasons are great.
Nina Bilik 1:06am January 28, 2013)

I'm insecure abut trying a completely new dish when I have family or friends
round for dinner but it always works out fine. The fact my husband is an
excellent chef helps of course ...
Liesl Lane 4:00am January 28, 2013)

Now this is a book I'd love to read!! Thanks so much! I love the title too!!
Bonnie Capuano 5:13am January 28, 2013)

i'm insecure that i will never keep up with reading all the great cozies written. This sounds like another to add to my list!!!
Lisa Fitzgibbons 7:09am January 28, 2013)

Love the top 10 list.
I'm not really insecure about much but I do have this fear of being late to things. So I always make ure i am early.
Pam Howell 7:49am January 28, 2013)

@Nina - you are so sweet. Thanks for commenting.

@Liesl - you definitely should try some of the recipes in the backs of the books. Although my heroine can't cook a lick, I can and most of the recipes are from my personal files.

@Bopnnie - And I'd love for you to read it. Fingers crossed you win.

@James - love cozy fans. I hope I can make a believer out of you.

@Pam = Aarg! I am always late. I read somewhere that it is a control issue. I wish I had a fear of being late. LOL Thanks for commenting.
Liz Lipperman 8:20am January 28, 2013)

Like the top 10 list, it is always good to encourage all of us to read and I especially love these types of books, you are a great author and look forward to more reading in the future.
Deana Connelly 8:52am January 28, 2013)

I have to say - like everyone else - that I LOVE your Top 10 List. I've been insecure all my life and am continually in the process of trying to "get over it" but ... Meanwhile, I lose myself in good books - like yours. Thanks for the chance to win this one!
Nancy Reynolds 9:28am January 28, 2013)

I am very insecure about a lot of things, but mostly about being perfect for my hubby. He doesn't pressure me but I put enough pressure on myself for both of us. Its nuts, but no matter how many times he says I make him happy or he likes a meal I make or whatever, I never feel that I am good enough to be with him.
Angie Lilly 10:52am January 28, 2013)

That is a great attitude!
Maureen Emmons 11:42am January 28, 2013)

So are so funny! I love your honesty! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sue Galuska 12:00pm January 28, 2013)

I love number 4 and number 6. Thanks for a chance to win.
Lori Yost 12:05pm January 28, 2013)

looks good and i want to read it too!
Debbi Shaw 12:23pm January 28, 2013)

While I haven't yet read any of your books I do read a lot of Berkely Prime Crime and so does another pal. They are quirky and interesting crime stories with quality production. So I am sure your tales are excellent and look forward to seeing them here in Ireland.
Over here the BPC tend not to be sold in the major chain bookstores but only in places like Murder Ink and Forbidden Planet. So they can be hard to come by and the smaller shops can't stock every author. Maybe you could ask Berkely to get the books into places like Easons and Hodges Figgis.
What makes me insecure is publishers who never ever return contact.
Clare O'Beara 1:05pm January 28, 2013)

@Deana - thanks. I work at it. Fingers crossed for a win for you.

@Nancy - I'm going to work on my insecurities, too. Maybe we can form a club!! Thanks for commenting.

@Angie - I feel your pain, Angie. I always compare myself t others and come up short. Know that he chose you, not someone else. Thanks for sharing that.

@Sue - Thanks for commenting. Fingers crossed.

@Lori - I had to go back and see what those were. I've sent more money to St. Jude''s hospital in the past few years than I ever had!!

@Debbi - here's hoping you win and can start ASAP.
Liz Lipperman 1:09pm January 28, 2013)

The title will help sell it too
Sandy Giden 1:42pm January 28, 2013)

Love your reasons - and St Jude (the Saint, the Hospital, and Danny Thomas) are in your corner and so am I -- enjoy rising to the top :)
Carla Carlson 1:49pm January 28, 2013)

Congrats on the new release! I love cozies especially ones with punny titles.
Anne Muller 1:50pm January 28, 2013)

.looks good .
Kent Cook 2:13pm January 28, 2013)

I am insecure about telling people about my faults. I, like you, support Saint Jude hospital. I think that they do good work and really help those kids and their families.
Kathleen Yohanna 2:24pm January 28, 2013)

@Sandy - thanks. I work hard on those titles. My editor jokingly said one day that the marketing department wanted to hire me to do their titles. I think it was jokingly!!!

@Carla - Love St. Jude. He's my "go-to guy" when I want something. Thanks for commenting.

@Anne - Thanks. This is definitely a punny title. My last book BEEF STOLEN-OFF was shown on The Chew because of the title.

@Kent - thanks, Kent. Sending good luck vibes for the contest.

@Kathleen - No doubt St. Jude's Hospital does excellent work. I would support it even if I wasn't always asking St. Jude for stuff.
Liz Lipperman 2:55pm January 28, 2013)

I love your top ten reasons and the titles you come up with for your books are so clever! Covers are fantastic too. The writing bug has really gotten you good, and readers won't have to wait long to get your next book(s). It's always frustrating when you find a good author and have to wait 6 to 12 mos. As for what I'm insecure about, I always feel like I'm having a bad hair day...I always seem to hate the way my hair looks, even if it probably isn't as bad as I think it is!
Linda Luinstra 6:58pm January 28, 2013)

When one one even wants to go for COFFEE with you, you become, indeed, insecure.
Susan Coster 7:44pm January 28, 2013)

My insecurities are based on the physical side effects of my PCOS and Diabetes. I try to teach my juvenile clients and my own kids to love themselves and to let rude coomments about them just slide off their backs and ignore them, but I'm far less successful at following my own advice.
Donna Holmberg 10:19pm January 28, 2013)

I love your titles!! The punny ones always tempt me to buy. :)

pmettert at yahoo.com
Penny Mettert 11:48pm January 28, 2013)

@Linda - Thanks for the nice words. I have bad hair, (baby fine and thin) so I get it. As for waiting so long for another book, here's the reason why. Most authors take 6-9 months to write a book. When we turn it in to an editor it takes about a year to come out in print. As much as I'd love to get books out sooner, my brain doesn't recharge that quickly. Two new books a year is all I can handle. I love that you want them quicker, though.

@Susan - I hope you work through that. I would love to have coffee with you.

@Donna - Isn't that always the way it is--we don't practice what we preach. I have learned to look people in the eye and simply say, "Now why would you say something like that to me?" It makes them stop and think about it.

@Penny - don't be tempted yet, Penny. You may win a copy. Good luck.
Liz Lipperman 9:14am January 29, 2013)

As always, it has been a blast with you guys and Fresh Fiction. I'll wait to hear who has won the copy of MURDER FOR THE HALIBUT. In the meantime, for those who enjoy thrillers with romance in them, I have a new one coming out in March titled SHATTERED.This is the first book I ever wrote and is still the book of my heart. And in May A Dead Sister Talking Mystery series debuts with HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE. This one is a humorous soft boiled mystery about 5 sisters, one of whom is a trash talking ghost who comes back to help solve her murder.

Until the next time I get to play here......
Liz Lipperman 9:19am January 29, 2013)

Sounds like a good book. I love mysteries.
Michelle Fidler 8:17pm January 29, 2013)

Boy, that is some family you have! If all their friends buy your books, you have it made. LOL
Gladys Paradowski 10:27pm January 29, 2013)

I already love the title so the book will be just as good! Would love to win!
Laura Albert 1:13pm January 30, 2013)

The sled dogs are just gorgeous and I love the plot of the story. I am amazed that you chose to go to such a territory to "get away from it all." I am sure you viewed some beautiful scenery. Congratulations on you choice of adventure.
Gladys Paradowski 10:32pm February 3, 2013)

Thanks for posting this info. I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. I can't wait to read lots of your posts。
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