Dragon's Heat #2
April 2011
On Sale: April 5, 2011
Featuring: Quinn; Jasmine
320 pages ISBN: 0451232631 EAN: 9780451232632 Kindle: B004ELAAS8 Paperback / e-Book
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Dive into the latest Dragon's Heat novel. In the New Mexico desert there is a secret race on the brink of extinction-the pure-blood shapeshifters of the Dragonstar clan. Their last hope for survival lies in the hands of Quinn Maguire, the desperate clan healer lost in love with a human female.
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67 comments posted.
Re: Hidden Embers
Spring is definately my favorite season. After being stuck in the house most of the winter due to snow and ice, it is nice to be able to spend more time outside. I love being able to open windows and air out the house, seeing new flowers bloom, and the smell of fresh cut grass. I also love being able to wear capris and sandals instead of snowboots. (June A, Manning 2:34am April 22, 2011)
Spring is my favorite season, I like the mild temperatures, the longer days, and all the new greenery sprouting up. Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 3:10am April 22, 2011)
I love Autumn. The cool nights & mornings & warm sunny days. Just wonderful. (Mary Preston 8:04am April 22, 2011)
I love spring; it's a sign of new life. (Mary Smith 8:06am April 22, 2011)
I love Fall the most. I like the cooler air so it is perfect sweater weather. I also like the Fall colors. Halloween is my favorite holiday so that is a plus too.
I don't know how you keep up with 3 pen names. I would be so confused. Congrats on all of your new releases! (Stacie Deramo 8:28am April 22, 2011)
Spring is a time of re-awaking. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 8:39am April 22, 2011)
I love Spring too because it's when my twins were born! It hasn't felt much like Spring here in the Midwest though. Congrats on your books, I'm impressed that you can do so much and still be an involved Mom. Keep up the good work! (Renee Pajda 8:51am April 22, 2011)
I LOVE THE SUMMER..SUN, SWIMMING AND BAR-B-QUES! (Silvana Moscato 8:59am April 22, 2011)
I love spring also...the brightness of colors in nature, the smell in the air, the warmth of sun after cold winter, but I also love summer and fall. Winter is my least favorite season, except that spring follows! (Leanna Morris 9:10am April 22, 2011)
Spring is a beautiful season, but I have to say that I prefer Summer. The Hummingbirds (my favorite) and Baltimore Orioles are back, and I can start feeding and watching them again. My Lavender, Hibiscus, and other flowers are in bloom, and the scent is intoxicating!! When you have serious health problems as I do, the hot weather eases the pain some as well, so it gives me a chance to sit outside and take in some sun. I look forward to the hot, sultry days that everyone dreads so that I am able to move around like a human being!! lol Congratulations on your latest books!! I'm sure they'll all do well, as will your touring. I have no idea how you fit all of that in with that lifestyle of yours!! Two boys to boot! That's a handful!! (Peggy Roberson 9:12am April 22, 2011)
Spring is my fav season...I love watching everything grow and get green again... (Dawn Staniszeski 9:21am April 22, 2011)
Spring is really in the air, and it feels great. (Frances Namuth 9:25am April 22, 2011)
I really enjoy Fall. The changing of the leaves and cooler nights. I'm not a huge air conditioner fan and I like to sleep with the windows open, which in the summer is too hot. Plus, there are some flowers that bloom in the Fall and are strikenly beautiful. (Molly Wilsbacher 10:17am April 22, 2011)
Summer, that is when majority of our trips to place. My family owns property on the beach in south louisiana so we many weekends hanging out together enjoys the sand and surf. I love the weather during that time as well. Hot and muggy but it gives us great food and many memories. Oh and my birthday is in the summer!! (Sherie Lagarde 10:18am April 22, 2011)
I like Spring, it finally warms up after a long winter. (Wilma Frana 10:31am April 22, 2011)
Spring is a welcome sight after a hard winter..budding of the trees..fresh new flowers getting awake after sleeping in the soil all winter. Our birds who took a winter vacation returns so we can enjoy them again. I had two sons born in the spring which was special times for me WAY BACK THEN. ha ha I think the most remembered thing is when I open the windows and allow all the stale and winter air to leave and all the fresh new spring air comes in. As a kid I loved it when I came home from school and my mom would have AIRED THE HOUSE OUT as she called it. I could go on and on but I just love so much about spring. susan Leech [email protected] (Susan Leech 10:55am April 22, 2011)
I love the warmer weather. My favorite part of spring is when the trees are just beginning to bud and have the unusual color of green. The azaleas are blooming as are the forsythia. That particular stage is always my favorite! (Renee Brown 10:59am April 22, 2011)
Spring is my favorite season--all the expectations of warmth and sun and blooming plants. Now if winter would just let go---this has been the winter of no end! (Sue Farrell 10:59am April 22, 2011)
I love Spring and Fall. Cool with lovely breezes before it gets really hot or really cold. I hope you are not being affected by the wild fires and that you and yours are safe and healthy. (Sandra Spilecki 11:19am April 22, 2011)
Living in the south makes spring and fall the better climates. We GRITS don't like the bitter winds and dark skies of winter and the heat saps our energy in summer with the high humidity we have. Once that particular shade of green shoots up from the soil signaling warmer weather is here I head out in my yard to watch my part of the world "sping" to life with tulips, daffodils, irises, and hyacinth along with dogwoods. Also during magnolia time the scent of lemon fills the air from these fragrant blooming trees. (Marcelle Cole 11:39am April 22, 2011)
I love them all! Each one has it's own unique beauty to offer. The quite solitude of winter offers up a time for reflection. The returning life of spring brings hope. Summer is full of action as everything is a-buzz with activity. And fall, when it's time to settle down, take stock of yourself.
Yep, I love them all! (Cynthia Netherton 12:01pm April 22, 2011)
I enjoy autumn. I love the way the leaves change colours. I like it that the weather is getting cooler after the heat of Summer. I love blowy, windy days too.
Valerie in Germany (Valerie Bongards 12:23pm April 22, 2011)
I enjoy the freshness of spring, all the beautiful flowers blooming and the birds singing. (Anna Speed 12:25pm April 22, 2011)
Spring in Upstate NY is something special. Because we know summer is on it's way. This winter was terrible. Seeing flowers starting to bloom is such a beautiful sight. The little things in life are so moving. (Cheryl English 12:28pm April 22, 2011)
i love spring. i love the way the earth is being reborn after the long winter,all the trees and flowers coming back to life. all of the people seem to be coming back to life too. they are happier and friendly. the air is fresh and brisk. and i don't think anything smells as good as the earth after it rains. i really miss these things during the long winters. (Tammy Ramey 12:36pm April 22, 2011)
I love summer and fall. Summer for its warmth, flowers and outdoor activities and fall for its changing leaves,my birthday, high school football and Halloween. (Cheryl Lynne 12:54pm April 22, 2011)
My favorite is autumn. Warm but not too hot. Leaves changing colour. Fresh beginnings (I consider Labour Day to be the real beginning of a new year) (Carol Drummond 12:57pm April 22, 2011)
My favorite season is Autumn. Comfortable temps, colorful displays by nature, and harvest are all favorite things of mine. (G. Bisbjerg 1:14pm April 22, 2011)
spring is best and the book sounds great! (Debbi Shaw 1:32pm April 22, 2011)
My fav season is Autumn... the colors, the cooler weather, Halloween, My b-day... :) Love it! (Colleen Conklin 1:43pm April 22, 2011)
My favourite season has to be Autumn. I love the colours and the brisk winds (Not the rain though) but that's probably because I was born in Autumn :D (Ilona Fenton 1:50pm April 22, 2011)
Summer, definitely. If you live in Canada, you'll hate winters.... (May Pau 1:57pm April 22, 2011)
I have two favorite seasons: Spring and Autumn.
I love spring because it is the time for new beginnings and the weather is neither hot nor cold.
I love autumn because it's when the leaves start changing colors and drop from the trees and crops are harvested. The weather also is nice: neither hot nor cold. (Cathy Phillips 2:01pm April 22, 2011)
My favorite season is early summer before it gets so hot! I live in Michigan and always get sick in the spring and in the late summer until the first frost! (Brenda Rupp 2:25pm April 22, 2011)
I enjoy spring and waiting to see what will bloom next. (Lindsey Ekland 3:05pm April 22, 2011)
I love the fall. The cooler days are such a relief from the hot summer. (Tabitha Monroe 3:26pm April 22, 2011)
I love spring because of flowers blooming and warmer temperatures. (Mary Christian 3:31pm April 22, 2011)
Fall,the scent of the wood burning stoves, and the colorful falling leaves. (Deb Pelletier 3:34pm April 22, 2011)
It's a toss up between autumn and spring. This is because of the temperatures that aren't too harsh and there are plenty of activities to enjoy. (Leni Kaye 4:01pm April 22, 2011)
Ms Wolff yours is an extraordinary talent, a "God" given gift! you are one of the very few writers with the ability of drawing your readers (be they male or female) into the story and into the very essence of your characters. I myself, especially in these trobuled times in which we live look forward to some "other" distraction that helps to ease my mind. Your writings do exactly that for me, they take me away to a surreal place, a place I do enjoy being. So from my heart I want to thank you for giving me and others like me, something else to focus on and Thank You for sharing a bit of your self, your mind with the world! (Ronald Riedel 4:18pm April 22, 2011)
My favorite season is fall. I don't like extreme heat or cold and it tends to be drier than spring. The changing leaves are nice too. (Anne Muller 5:20pm April 22, 2011)
Fall is my favorite season. It's in between weather where it's not too hot and not too cold. It's the season where nature paints itself in all sorts of stunning colors like it's on display. Summer may have colorful flowers but fall has a canvas of different color leaves that decorate nearly every tree. All seasons are beautiful in their way but fall just happens to be my favorite. Congratulations on all your releases. And I wish your tour was coming my way. The school's your visiting are in for a treat. (April Harvey 5:25pm April 22, 2011)
the flowers,cool night and the rain (Jennifer Beck 5:40pm April 22, 2011)
Spring is my favorite season, due to the fact that my only son was born in April and I in Early June. I enjoy the beginning blooms and the fresh mornings, and how the birds chirp and just how everything seems to look like a fresh start from cold harsh winter. excuse mywording I suffer from a brain tumor and I am losing some memory. thank you for the opportunity. [email protected] (Lisette Reyes 6:18pm April 22, 2011)
That sexy sexy cover definately SPRINGS life into the darkes embers of my heart - yummy - reading this will certainly be a sweet treat! (Tammy Ryan 6:39pm April 22, 2011)
I love the summer. My family has a house on a lake and summer means swimming, boating and waterskiing. There's always a trip to the beach. Summer also reminds me of childhood - no school, playing outside every day and only wearing shoes on Sunday. (r w 6:48pm April 22, 2011)
Spring is also my favorite, it is nice out but not yet hot and the smell of new beginnings is exciting. (Jane Thompson 6:48pm April 22, 2011)
I always look forward to fall, there seems to be a little excitment in the air. (Sheila True 7:23pm April 22, 2011)
Fall is my favorite season. There is just something about the crisp air, the fall colors, the smell of leaves and smoke in the air. That being said, I do love Spring. I am still amazed by the number of different greens this time of year. New grass, new leaves, plants coming up, dark evergreens all make for a wonderful Spring patchwork when I look out my window. (Patricia Barraclough 8:08pm April 22, 2011)
me i love all seasons and then i would love to read and blog on your book added to my face book and then twittere (Desiree Reilly 8:21pm April 22, 2011)
I love things about every season. Yes - even winter - a fresh snowfall with the sun glittering on the ice branches canbe beautiful, but it is also the season your really ready to be over by the end. Which leads to Spring! Seems like we've been teased for the last month and are still waiting for it really arrive. Summer brings the fresh local fruits & veggies (love our Jersey Tomatoes!). Then those clear crisp fall days with the changing leaves. So I can't pick just one! (Diane Sallans 8:21pm April 22, 2011)
love a good read (Brenda Hook 8:55pm April 22, 2011)
I love fall. Weather wise it isn't to hot or cold. The kids are back in school (only one now!) and I start thinking about family things like how time is passing and the upcoming holidays. At the same time it's stress free. Sort of the calm before the storm of the holidays.
I already have Dark Embers but wanted to tell you how beautiful your covers are. I like to read two or more books in a series back to back so I've held off on Dark Embers until I get Hidden Embers. (Lynda Smith 9:55pm April 22, 2011)
I love the spring,it's so beautiful when all the spring flowers are blooming. It's a wonderful time the year all the flowers are reborn. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Linda Hall 10:28pm April 22, 2011)
Early Spring when we have some cool weather here in Nevada. (Kathleen Bianchi 10:34pm April 22, 2011)
Spring is my favorite time of year. The weather is wonderful. (Amy Milne 11:10pm April 22, 2011)
I love spring, love the fresh smell in the air, love the blooming flowers! Think Spring! (Jan Terry 11:56pm April 22, 2011)
Wow, you sound terribly busy! Congratulations on the books coming out! I love spring. It brings hope, flowers, birds, sunlight, breaking free after winter. And my birthday. :-) (Robin Daily 12:48pm April 23, 2011)
Summer is my favorite season and after this year's particulary cold winter, I can't wait! I love the sun, hate the a/c and argue with everyone else in the house all summer long about whether or not it's cool enough to shut the ac off. You're going to Salem? One of my favorite places! I can't wait til I can go back! (Amy Conley 1:47am April 23, 2011)
Fall is my favorite season. I love the change in weather, the turning leaves and fresh locally grown apples and cider. (Debbie Penny 7:17am April 23, 2011)
Spring is my favorite with everything coming to life after the darkness of winter. (Maureen Emmons 9:38am April 23, 2011)
I have to agree that Spring is my favorite season. I love seeing the glimpses of green heralding the beautiful flowers or yummy fruit that is still to come. It's so wonderful to be able to open the windows and air out all of the stuffy smells left over from winter! (E Felder 4:26pm April 23, 2011)
I would love to read one of your books,they look like a real fun read. We all look forward to Spring and the flowers, (Jean Benedict 5:19pm April 23, 2011)
Spring is my favorite. No more snow and ice keeping me indoors,flowers blooming, trees budding. But best of all, long days with lots of sunshine. (Shirley Nienkark 10:06pm April 23, 2011)
It's funny- there once was a study done that tried to compare the time of year people were born and that to being their favorite season.. strangely, it was. I love all seasons, all that they bring, the deep frost of winter, the dew of spring awaking, the heat of summer with green and bright colors, but my favorite is fall- when you taste the air..apples, the crunch of leaves, the bright blue of the sky, the spices of the earth's soil in every breath.. and the colors bright and burnt - burning without flame. (Carla Carlson 4:54pm April 24, 2011)
Autumn. Not to cold, not to hot.... Sigh. (Chelsea Brooks 6:20pm April 24, 2011)
i love spring because that is when everything starts new. the flowers all start popping out of the ground. the animals start coming out. i love deer as long as i don't hit them. i love the birds. i don't love the severe storms, but i do like nice rainy days. i do also like when the trees start to bud.
would love to win your book so please choose me. thanks for the great giveaway and keep on writing the great books.
[email protected] (Chris Bails 1:02pm April 26, 2011)
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