February 6th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Far from Here by Nicole Baart


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Also by Nicole Baart:

The Long Way Back, June 2023
Trade Paperback / e-Book
Everything We Didn't Say, November 2021
Trade Size / e-Book
You Were Always Mine, October 2018
Hardcover / e-Book
The Beautiful Daughters, May 2015
Trade Size
Sleeping In Eden, June 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Far from Here, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Beneath The Night Tree, February 2011
Trade Size / e-Book
The Moment Between, April 2009
Summer Snow, April 2008
After The Leaves Fall, September 2007

Far from Here
Nicole Baart

How long do you hold on to hope?

Howard Books
February 2012
On Sale: February 7, 2012
Featuring: Danica Greene
352 pages
ISBN: 1439197334
EAN: 9781439197332
Kindle: B005FLOG86
Paperback / e-Book
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Women's Fiction Contemporary

Danica Greene has always hated flying, so it was almost laughable that the boy of her dreams was a pilot. She married him anyway and together, she and Etsell settled into a life where love really did seem to conquer all. Danica is firmly rooted on the ground in Blackhawk, the small town in northern Iowa where they grew up, and the wide slashes of sky that stretch endlessly across the prairie seem more than enough for Etsell. But when the opportunity to spend three weeks in Alaska helping a pilot friend presents itself, Etsell accepts and their idyllic world is turned upside down. It’s his dream, he reveals, and Danica knows that she can’t stand in the way. Ell is on his last flight before heading home when his plane mysteriously vanishes shortly after takeoff, leaving Danica in a free fall. Etsell is gone, but what exactly does gone mean? Is she a widow? An abandoned wife? Or will Etsell find his way home to her? Danica is forced to search for the truth in her marriage and treks to Alaska to grapple with the unanswerable questions about her husband’s mysterious disappearance. But when she learns that Ell wasn’t flying alone and that a woman is missing, too, the bits and pieces of the careful life that she had constructed for them in Iowa take to the wind. A story of love and loss, and ultimately starting over, Far From Here explores the dynamics of intimacy and the potentially devastating consequences of the little white lies we tell the ones we love.

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40 comments posted.

Re: Far from Here

I love to create short stories that come up in my dreams. They allow me to live
out fantasies while living in the reality. :)
(Hyunjin Jeon 3:19am February 4, 2012)

I am all over the place, I'm just one of those
people that have a drive to be creative in life.
Writing, decorating, painting, doing crafts like-
shadowboxes, flower arranging, making dried
flowers, photography, wreath making (and
swags), decoupage, crochet, I also love doing
makeovers (make up, clothes, shoes). The list
might seem exhausting but it allows my energy
I have redone furniture, finding a piece at
goodwill and seeing the diamond it can become,
making my image come out, stripping, painting,
stenciling, reeling the fabric - you would never
guess it was the same item.
Carla Carlson 8:41am February 4, 2012)

I tried drawing... wasn't very good at it.... decent enough but just not very good..

Does reading count? :)
May Pau 8:48am February 4, 2012)

I so much agree with you that I think we're all artists and We all create. I love to 'paint pictures of situations' in my mind and act them out in dreams
Shirley Younger 8:52am February 4, 2012)

I love making friendship bracelets. I like to think that I'm
showing how much I care with my handmade goodies but I'm
afraid they just scream I'm an overgrown 12 year old :D
Tawn Scotton 9:21am February 4, 2012)

I guess I am most creative when sewing. I love making little girl dresses..lots of lace, ribbon, and bows!
Dawn Staniszeski 10:21am February 4, 2012)

I'm not very creative. I crochet, but just scarves and blankets. But I play the flute and that is where I feel I have some artistic talent.
Pam Howell 11:27am February 4, 2012)

I make quilts but its been a while since I made one.
Gail Hurt 11:28am February 4, 2012)

I am not very crafty, can't draw a circle...but I love to cook! I love trying new recipies, and creating new foods! I love to feed people amazing foods and see the expressions on their faces as they eat them.
Stephanie Briggs 11:30am February 4, 2012)

At different stages of my life, I enjoyed different crafts such as knitting, crocheting and cross stiching. Lately, I've enjoyed taking and printing pictures of family members.
Anna Speed 12:05pm February 4, 2012)

i like to work with beads and i want to read your book too
Debbi Shaw 12:29pm February 4, 2012)

That is a loaded question. I love to cook and bake, and people enjoy what I make for them. I also enjoy my knitting and crocheting and love to send items, not only to my friends, but to charities. I have tweaked some patterns to make them my own, but this year would love to come up with my own patterns, since I've been doing this for so many years. As you said in your posting, I've always had a good sense of humor, and can make people laugh quite easily. I want them to feel comfortable around me, and at home when they enter my apartment. All of my creations say that I do things with love. There is time in between all of this, along with my duties to fit in some reading, and I would love to read your book. I used to refinish furniture, but had to give it up when we had to move out here. I love the cover of your book. It reminds me of the cornfields that surround the house that we live in. I have walked in between the rows many a time.
Peggy Roberson 1:10pm February 4, 2012)

My creations are of my mind, when I read the books of authors. My mind creates how I see and feel what the author writes........addicted to reading!!!!!!!!!
Joanne Bozik 3:24pm February 4, 2012)

Sadly I've been in a rut lately. I used to do a lot of crafts and cooking but I just can't find the time or energy to do it anymore. I hope that I can re-create the balance needed in order for me to get back on track because there was great satisfaction in knowing that I've created and completed something and sharing that with others. Fingers crossed.

Good luck and happy writing!
Tracie Travis 4:16pm February 4, 2012)

I've always enjoyed all types of crafts. Years ago, I spent countless hours teaching myself the old, time-consuming art of quilling. I'd put my baby to bed and spend hours with this tedious craft. Most who saw what I'd accomplished, had no idea of the time spent creating these projects, made with colored paper strips and curled and pinched into floral arrangements and designs and glued. Wedding invitations framed are gorgeous done with this overlay. My current creations and hobbies include silk/dried floral arrangements in baskets and wreaths, crocheting, cross-stitching (ornaments for X-Mas), painting and cooking and baking (which I love). In the near future, I want to get into jewelry-making and scrapbooking. I like decorating and coming up with ideas to make things.
I think it's fantastic that your mother took on the painstaking furniture refinishing projects and hours of her love put into it. Your book is one I definitely want to read, and I love the cover very much!
Linda Luinstra 4:33pm February 4, 2012)

One of my kids had a twin who tended to speak for her, so she turned to art to express herself. Her art is whimsical.
I write poetry and have been known to pursue needlearts.
Alyson Widen 5:20pm February 4, 2012)

I bake pies. I like to do things the old fashioned way.
My deep dish apple pie is baked in a brown paper bag and not opened until the time is up. It has never failed me.
Rosemary Simm 6:11pm February 4, 2012)

As a professional musician, I create pictures in music on my viola. As a semi-professional photographer, I create pictures in black & white film (mostly), and as a potter, I try to create the pots I see in my head, but I'm not as successful with that as I am with music and photography!!

I also love to bake, and create happy friends when I share the treats I make.

I totally agree that different types of furniture have their own personality. Otherwise, why would so many people love so many different styles?!? I wish I could do furniture restoration, but that isn't in the cards anytime soon, with everything else I've got going on!


Lynn Rettig 6:13pm February 4, 2012)

Yes, I have big dreams of making it big one day as a great
Writer and Realtor too. GOD Bless You always. Thanks, Cecilia
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 6:24pm February 4, 2012)

I've done a little furniture updating---I take old furniture and change the finish, maybe paint, maybe faux finish, maybe a little of both to create a new piece from something that has it's finish ruined.
Sue Farrell 6:27pm February 4, 2012)

i use yarn to make things that others can use or sell. local hospital i make hats and booties for newborns.
for local animal shelter i make animal blankets
for the local navy/marine corps relief society i make infant afghans for their seabags.
for local nursinghome i make hundreds of afghans, hats, wristers, pocket scarves, rosaries, shawls, etc for their annual christmas bazaar that benefits the residents.
i do work for plimouth plantation and old sturbridge village by making what they request: muffattees, 21' long stockings, ladies mittens, all made with 000 size knitting needles. the stockings took 34 hours to make in total.
i love a challenge and like to help others.my way of paying it frward. if the books i read are in kindle format i can knit at the same time. i avg 463 books a year. hope more this year.
thanks for the chance to win a copy,
Julie Barett 6:28pm February 4, 2012)

My creativity runs in the form of knitting, sewing crochet & embroidery. I think it says I listened to my Mother.
Mary Preston 7:04pm February 4, 2012)

I make Holiday Wreaths for people. All occasions. They tell me what they want and I make it to their liking. I just love working with their themes, but with my ideas to create a masterpiece.
Cheryl English 7:48pm February 4, 2012)

Love that description of "artist", for I am even one!!
Marjorie Carmony 7:50pm February 4, 2012)

I love to crossstich,also love to make quilts. I also love readind. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book.
Linda Hall 7:54pm February 4, 2012)

I like to do things like sequin art kits, latch hook rugs, etc. I do a lot of reading, and I'd love to win your book.
Wilma Frana 8:08pm February 4, 2012)

I'm definitely non-creative; I can't even cook. About as creative as I get is correcting spelling and grammar mistakes in other people's writing, i.e., copyediting.
Sigrun Schulz 9:13pm February 4, 2012)

I am not a very creative person, though I do like to try!! Right now, I'm busy creating scrpabooking pages. Lots of fun.
Martha Lawson 10:07pm February 4, 2012)

What do I create? Comfort and friendship. I'm a member of a breast cancer support group that meets weekly at a local hospital's cancer center. Though I have a shy personalty, I've stepped up to encourage and love our newest members throughout their journey. Facing cancer alone is a burden but knowledge and friends lighten cancer fears.Cancer has given me strength to fight for myself and others.
Joanne Hicks 10:37pm February 4, 2012)

My artistic expression is in my cooking. I get a soul deep satisfaction from feeding my family well and enjoy the lingering conversation around the dining table.
G. Bisbjerg 11:02pm February 4, 2012)

I love making the world I live in a prettier place so that encompasses a lot of artistic talents!
Janice Milliken 11:38pm February 4, 2012)

I love to bake & decorate the baking. I give a lot of it away to appreciative people in my life.
Christine Schultz 12:02pm February 5, 2012)

I enjoy cooking for family and friends.
Mary C 12:18pm February 5, 2012)

I write and take photos. My family even calls them artsy-fartsy pics! :) I also crochet. I used to do a lot of crafts and paint. I keep thinking I'll get back to that. My whole family is artsy. My daughter is an actor. My son is a musician. My mother did all kinds of sewing and crocheting and designed and made clothes for people (just as favors). My father made furniture and also invented and made parts for machines when the parts wore out. My sister and brother and their families are all creative & artistic too. But, I am the only writer...so far. :)
Penny Mettert 3:25am February 5, 2012)

I garden and cook and bake and I do agree that we all create something.
Maureen Emmons 7:28am February 5, 2012)

Linda Bass 3:57pm February 5, 2012)

Thank you so much for all the amazing comments! I had a ball reading
through them. You are a group of incredibly talented, witty women, and I wish
I could uncork a couple bottles of wine and sit down for a long chat with all of
you! I would love to hear more about your art and how you make the world

Nicole Baart 4:30pm February 5, 2012)

I have created some drawings and paintings but also crafty things and needlepoint or afgans etc. I guess it means I do like to create. I've done some poetry but never have attempted a book which I think is one of the greatest artforms.
Jeanne Sheats 11:06pm February 5, 2012)

I never thought of myself as having any artistic ability. But I sew and when I make baby clothes some of them are works of art. Heirloom style bonnets are my favorites. Now if I could just learn to smock well!
Linda Howell 8:59am February 6, 2012)

I do crochet. I love to do hats for everyone and chemo caps for people going through chemo. I try to be creative when doing them.
Diane Castiglione 3:02pm February 6, 2012)

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