Carina Press
April 2011
On Sale: April 11, 2011
Featuring: Lucy Jones; James Wright-Gordon
ISBN: 1426891466 EAN: 9781426891465 e-Book
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Romance Historical
Lucy Jones is a nobody. As an orphan she was reluctantly
taken in by her wealthy relatives, the Arringtons, on the
condition that she be silent and obedient, always. When her
lifelong infatuation with her cousin Sebastian is rewarded
by a proposal of marriage, she's happy and grateful, even
though the family finds excuses to keep the engagement a secret. James Wright-Gordon has always had the benefits of money and
a high station in society, but he is no snob. He's very
close to his sister, Anna, who quickly falls for the dashing
Sebastian when the families are brought together at a
wedding party. Meanwhile, James is struck by Lucy's quiet
intelligence, and drawn to her despite their different
circumstances in life. Lucy suspects that Sebastian has fallen for Anna, but before
she can set him free, a terrible secret is revealed that
shakes both families. Will James come to her rescue-or
abandon her to poverty?
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54 comments posted.
Re: A Marriage of Inconvenience
I am a control freak. I can't recall any characters with this particular bent. (Mary Preston 4:25am April 16, 2011)
I'm not so much a control freak as I am always in control lol. I haven't read any of your books yet but after reading the breif I will be looking into them soon. Thanks Tammy (Tammy Lim 6:20am April 16, 2011)
I'm not a total control freak but I do like my personal things to be in order, ie. computer desk, closet, bathroom. Chaos is usually the order of the day and I'm ok with that. Learning to adapt is good for us. Thanks for the blog. I'll look for your book the next time I buy. (Maude Allen 6:32am April 16, 2011)
I want to be in control of myself, but try to let others to their own thing. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 7:31am April 16, 2011)
My Husband likes to say that I'm a control freak, but I only seem to take control of a situation when something important needs to be done, something needs to be done that I don't need to do over, or I don't want to be embarassed by the results of whatever was done. I hope that made sense. I'm also the type of person that's cool under pressure, so I can think a little clearer if a clamity should arise. The one character who isn't really a "character" who gave me strength throughout my life is Helen Keller. She had her disabilities, yet managed to do great things with her life and help others. I try to pattern myself after her. (Peggy Roberson 7:34am April 16, 2011)
Control is important to me but only on a personal level; so that makes me reluctant to accept the controlling pressures of those around me. Not always an easy situation!LOL I think most Alpha heroes and their female counterparts are control freaks to some degree or another so any character in that group qualifies, I think. (Dolores Feagin 8:23am April 16, 2011)
CONTROL IS AN ISSUE FOR ME..I AM IN IT TO WIN IT! (Silvana Moscato 8:34am April 16, 2011)
My control freakness relates to my life more than the minutae of my surroundings. Heaven help someone who tries to make me do something against what I think is right. I can't wait to read this book. (Renee Brown 8:40am April 16, 2011)
Oh my yes...I am a control freak!! lol (Dawn Staniszeski 9:02am April 16, 2011)
I would probably be described as a control freak. I like order and hate chaos. I like to do things myself instead of delegating. (Stacie Deramo 9:09am April 16, 2011)
No, I'm not a control freak. (Wilma Frana 10:00am April 16, 2011)
I didn't think I am one but my husband says that Iam definitely one. :) lol (May Pau 10:06am April 16, 2011)
I don't think I am a control freak, but I know I do not like to be controlled. Your book sounds interesting. Thanks for visiting. (G S Moch 10:16am April 16, 2011)
I don't think I'm a control freak except when driving when my husband. He makes me drive when we are together. Book sounds great. Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.
Carrie (Carrie Larks 10:36am April 16, 2011)
I am only a control freak when I or mine feel threatened. For example my husband's quadruple by-pass surgery brought out my need for control big time. Most of the time I just ride with the tide as long as I can get things done. Can you hear my husband laughing?!? (Sandra Spilecki 10:41am April 16, 2011)
I'm not too freakish when it comes to my control, but I'm definitely the person in charge of my house. If I was "in control" my house would be a lot neater and cleaner! (MaryAnne Banks 11:32am April 16, 2011)
I've found most of the "Duke" character in HR tends to be control freak, rigid, or autocratic, and tightly control of their emotions. On a personal level, my mother is borderline control freak with a dictatorial blend!! And how do I cope w/ that!?!?! Keep at least a continent between us, is my advice. ;0 (Joy Johnson 11:40am April 16, 2011)
I'm definitely a control freak in day to day life. But I try to temper it for the most part. (Pam Howell 11:46am April 16, 2011)
I am a control freak definitely---I want to do everything myself or keep very close control of it---and I'm always the driver if there is more than one person in the car. (Sue Farrell 12:11pm April 16, 2011)
Oh I am such a control freak. Sometimes it drives my family nuts. (Beth Melito 12:15pm April 16, 2011)
yes, i admit i am a little bit of a control freak. I'm not so interested in controlling what others do, but do want control over things that effect "my little world" (d Kenney 12:38pm April 16, 2011)
I am a control freak on issues that I care about. (G. Bisbjerg 12:49pm April 16, 2011)
I have the tendency to be a control freak but it doesn't come into play all of the time because some of the people around me are even bigger control freaks that I have to accomodate. (Carol Drummond 12:56pm April 16, 2011)
Bit of a control freak on certain things, I am sure my husband would beg to differ though *L* (Jean Patton 12:59pm April 16, 2011)
I'm not a cotrol freak though sometimes I'd like to be. For characters, I thought of Christina Dodd's book Tongue in Chic. It's all about controlled/controlling man meets free-spirited woman. I'd like to read your take on the subject. (r w 1:10pm April 16, 2011)
I like to have some control over my life, but I don't consider myself a control freak. (Anna Speed 1:12pm April 16, 2011)
I like to plan things out... so I guess I need to control certain things. Not a control freak though... I know that you sometimes have to go with the flow of things... (Colleen Conklin 2:14pm April 16, 2011)
I'm married to a control freak and I think only one in a relationship will work. Your book sounds awesome and I love the cover! I hope you sell a lot of copies! (Renee Pajda 2:41pm April 16, 2011)
I like to feel like I have some control over certain issues in my life, but I am not a control freek...although I know people who are...drives me crazy! (Leanna Morris 2:44pm April 16, 2011)
Yeah, I probably am. So are most of the alpha males in romance stories, and many of the "strong, independent" heroines - takes the ability to control too I think! (Robin Daily 3:16pm April 16, 2011)
Yes Susanna, I am a control freak to a point. I know when to cool my jets and sit back and listen. I think Scarlet O'Hara was a control freak, she just knew how to use the men and women to her advantage. Shrewd and coy at the same time. (Rosemary Simm 3:44pm April 16, 2011)
I'm a bit of a control freak :) The first fictional character that comes to mind is Monk. (Leni Kaye 4:01pm April 16, 2011)
Who isn't a control freak, I want everything done my way! (Linda Pillow 4:11pm April 16, 2011)
I am not a control freak, but my husband has been trying for 40 yrs to be......lolol (Joanne Bozik 4:16pm April 16, 2011)
Yes I am a controfreak on somethings but not everything. (Cynthia Teer 4:21pm April 16, 2011)
No. Control is just a figment of your imagination. But if it makes you sleep better go for it. (Jason Young 4:23pm April 16, 2011)
Control freak? No, I just need balance in my life. (Sandra Greear 4:26pm April 16, 2011)
I AM NOT A CONTROL FREAK AT ALL. (Joe Bianchi 4:36pm April 16, 2011)
Oh Boy, you called me out on this. I am more of a control freak then I will admit, and I am trying very hard to not have that put upon my children. Luckily, I can admit this, try to simmer it down, AND laugh at myself about it too. (Debra Simning-Chapman 4:44pm April 16, 2011)
I'm not a control freak at all. I'm more a 50/50 kinda gal and look for that in a man. There are times when one partner should take the lead and the other defer control. But to live that way 24/7 would be too oppressive for me. (Joan Richard 5:09pm April 16, 2011)
I don't think I am a control freak usually. Unless someone is doing something wrong or taking way too long to do it, then I do tend to turn into one.
Your book sounds great. (June A, Manning 5:15pm April 16, 2011)
I use to be in control, somewhat, but had to learn to relax. (Deb Pelletier 5:44pm April 16, 2011)
I'm more anal than controlling, I just like to have the facts before making important decisions. Unimportant decisions, like where to go for dinner, I'm just as happy to leave to others. (Diane Sallans 6:48pm April 16, 2011)
I am a control freak but I'm trying to let loose a little now. It's hard on all the family so I've tried to let go some. (Diane Sadler 6:51pm April 16, 2011)
I am definitely not a control freak. Would you say that Rebecca, from Daphne du Maurier's book, of the same name, was a control freak? We only come to know her through the other characters, but she even "planned" her own murder. Now, that is control! :-) (Laurel Chevlen 6:59pm April 16, 2011)
I'm a control freak only to a certain point. I love the control freak hero in romance novels though, or ones that are kind of stuffy and become baffled by falling in love with a more free-spirited heroine. (Rosie Nguy 7:28pm April 16, 2011)
No, I don't think I'm a control freak though I wish I were more in control of what's going on in my life. I'm not necessarily controlled by other people, rather by health and other circumstances. (Sigrun Schulz 7:59pm April 16, 2011)
I take medication to keem my ocd under control. When my husband had cancer I was really bad, or so I was told, so they ended up putting me on some medication so I could sleep instead of staying up doing everything until it was perfect. It was a hard time. I have had several surgery's and have had to give up control of quite a bit and no longer worry about it. (Brenda Rupp 7:59pm April 16, 2011)
I am definitely a control freak and I am always organizing and re-organizing things. Yikes, maybe a little OCD too... Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 9:45pm April 16, 2011)
I am definitely a control freak but am mellowing out in my old age. (Lisa Garrett 11:17pm April 16, 2011)
I am a control freak Work and home (Lisa Kendall 1:14am April 17, 2011)
No, I am not a control freak but I need to be -- a liitle. (Mona Garg 8:54pm April 17, 2011)
I was a control freak in my early age. I have given it up later on. (Betty Miles 5:57pm April 18, 2011)
I'm not a control freak except when it comes to food which I partake of at least 3 times a day plus snacks. Well, that's a big plus. (Alyson Widen 8:30pm April 20, 2011)
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