February 9th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Montana Wild by Roni Hall


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Also by Roni Hall:

Montana Wild, January 2016

Montana Wild
Roni Hall

Soul Mate Publishing
January 2016
On Sale: January 20, 2016
ISBN: 1682910202
EAN: 0000000000000
Kindle: B01AGSE7Y0
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Spiraling downward after losing two loved ones within one week, Jamie’s world was crashing down . . . till she grabs an unexpected lifeline and escapes. Knowing only New York City, Montana is another world and she is unprepared by how the land, the people and even the animals touch her.

After risking her life to save a child, Jamie shares an undeniable bond and the beginning ripples of deep emotions with her co-rescuer, Kevin. Her newfound paradise is shattered when her past follows her to Montana and threatens all that she loves there. Jamie has no choice but to hurt Kevin in order to save his life.

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54 comments posted.

Re: Montana Wild

Opportunity & the right man.
(S W 12:43pm January 20, 2016)

It would take a lot. Not sure what but something dramatic.
Pam Howell 6:30am January 20, 2016)

having the perfect man pursue you
Marissa Yip-Young 6:33am January 20, 2016)

Because you're from Michigan, you might understand my answer.
I also live there, and after living my whole life in the
city, circumstances arose that would take too long to go into
here. We finally packed up, and got out of the city, and
moved up North a bit, to a rural area, near one of the Great
Lakes. For me, being used to camping anyway, and loving it,
it was the best moves of our lives. The people are nicer,
the air is cleaner, the lifestyle is more laid back, and it
just has a charm that you don't find in the city. This
former city girl would have to be pulled out of here, kicking
and screaming now, because I've learned to love the lifestyle
of the farming community, as well as the people of the area.
Peggy Roberson 8:06am January 20, 2016)

My move was from a small West Texas town, Monahans, to
Minneapolis after my husband (who was from Minnesota) was out
of the Army. It was an experience with the size of the area
and also the weather. I still miss West Texas and especially
the weather.
Leona Olson 10:35am January 20, 2016)

Just seeing Montana would make you want to leave NY. It's one beautiful state!!!
Bonnie Capuano 11:56am January 20, 2016)

Leaving a large urban area where I lived all of my life I live
in the Southwest and in a medium sized town where I feel good
about the lifestyle and weather.
Sharon Berger 12:06pm January 20, 2016)

Once I did a big move to a whole new place... I wanted to be near family... surprised at how different everything was...
Colleen Conklin 12:12pm January 20, 2016)

Only a job change would have made us move, as we love our home, our neighbours, and our life. Thankfully, my husband is now retired and it is a moot point. In fact, our investment guy said to keep living in our own home as long as possible, as it appreciates in value and is a bigger nest egg for our latter years when we need more money for medical reasons, assisted living, etc. - so we're staying put, LOL!
Elaine Seymour 2:30pm January 20, 2016)

It would take the need to be somebody new...because you are
barely hanging on. A new start, new chances, new people...
when its just too little to be who, and where you are now.
Mandy Herr 3:57pm January 20, 2016)

If all my family moved to somewhere sunny, warm and on a beach, I would
be there in a heartbeat!!!
Jan H. 5:03pm January 20, 2016)

I spent some time in the Netherlands, and felt at home in
Rotterdam, but I don't think I would make such a big move
unless I had a good job waiting for me.
Deb Philippon 5:34pm January 20, 2016)

I like adventure and trying new things so that is why I would move from the city
to the country
Diane McMahon 6:01pm January 20, 2016)

If family needed me, I'm there, or any of my dearest friends...they all live in the lower 48 so it would be a shock since I'm in AK.
Kathleen Bylsma 7:50pm January 20, 2016)

I have done that before with my ex when he was looking for work. So I would say, now the only thing that would get me to do that again would be family.
Linda Henderson 7:52pm January 20, 2016)

My rational side says family would be the only reason, but after being swept away by your novel Montana Wild I think I'd do it for a guy like Kevin too!!! I'm only part way in and can't wait to see what happens next...
Heather Lockhart 8:04pm January 20, 2016)

I think I have already done it in a sense. I moved to Chicago all on my own
without knowing anyone in the big city. I didn't even have a stable job when
I moved. so to answer the question...... All it would take for me is knowing
that no matter what crazy thing I did or place I impulsively ventured to, that
if all hell broke lose, I have a family that would welcome me back home
Genna Hall 9:06pm January 20, 2016)

I have done it. I joined the Peace Corps fresh out of college. I had never been
far from home, I attended college in my home town and student taught about
5 hours away. As a sheltered girl in a small, dura, Northeastl town, I went to
San Francisco for training and then to the other side of the world for three
years. It was an incredible experience. When I returned, I married a high
school friend who was in the Air Force. We never were stationed overseas, but
we had some wonderful assignments. From northern Maine then New York,
we went to Colorado, then Sacramento, CA, and then Washington, DC. We
have been lucky enough to experience many different locales. I appreciate
what the big cities have to offer, but I need to be out in the country. We now
live in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I still enjoy visiting the cities and do it often.
However, my favorite trips are out in nature, the West being a favorite place to
explore. We have been to Montana and it is spectacular. Colorado, Wyoming,
and Montana have been our favorite trips.
Patricia Barraclough 10:37pm January 20, 2016)

When I was young, I moved on a whim. Nowadays, I would
likely move for work.
G. Bisbjerg 12:25pm January 21, 2016)

I may be leaving the country to live in the UK with my
current boyfriend unless he decides to move here with me.
Michaele Wendell 1:16am January 21, 2016)

Once my kids are grown and on their own, I am off to a nice little beach town in Costa Rica. Would love to spend my time volunteering at some orphanage and an animal shelter.
I have made similar moves before when I just felt like I needed a new start in life. Back when I started my travel nurse career, I went from a hospital that employed 10,000 people to a small town in Wyoming of 10,000. Best experience ever.
Jan Gaynor 2:56am January 21, 2016)

I would move anywhere my children moved to be near them.
Robbie Bauldree 4:16am January 21, 2016)

Because of a job offer, we mover from an old, rundown
steel mill city to a small, rural town where the backyard
is a corn field and I love it. I cringe whenever I have
to go to one of the bigger cities for something. I
really don't think I could ever go back to living in the
"city" now. I feel so much safer and at ease in my town.
I love it here. I love looking out my backdoor and
seeing a herd of deer, a fox, a coyote and the vermin
that goes with them.
Cindy Barton 10:06am January 21, 2016)

After 20 years in the Army going allover the world, just the chance to experience more new things
John Sweeney 11:57am January 21, 2016)

Ive done it once and it was a great adventure...now that I
am older I think it would take an HGTV dream home win for
me to pack it in and move......
Ken Justus 12:08pm January 21, 2016)

I did it when I was young. I was 19 when I married my DH. 2 months
later he was sent to Thailand. (This was during the Vietnam
war.)it took 6 months and after getting a passport, lots of shots,
and flying for the first time, I joined him. From small town USA
to Bangkok, Thailand. Big change. I did it for love then.
Nancy Luebke 1:35pm January 21, 2016)

In 2002 I had the chance to take what I thought was my dream job in a small rural town in Ohio leaving Columbus--the largest city in the state. Although not across the world it was a big change and it was not horrible. I moved back to Columbus in 2005 and probably won't go smaller again.
Shirley Cochran 4:29pm January 21, 2016)

It wouldn't take much for me to pick up and move I'm from New York and I
would love to move out west somewhere more country safer area for me
and my family and some cleaner air! I need a change!
Lisa Jagodzinski 5:41pm January 21, 2016)

I am moving now from the beach back to the big city!! We need to
downsize!! So many changes are going on and so much to do!!
Rita Spratlen 6:10pm January 21, 2016)

Thanks for the opportunity to win
Kathy Church 6:24pm January 21, 2016)

It would take a lot for me to move from my hometown , it's a small country town that I was raised-up in . Everyone knows you and you know them . You feel safe and if you need help with something all you have to do is ask . In a city I would not feel safe nor would I know my neighbors like I do here . Thanks for this chance to win .
Joan Thrasher 7:22pm January 21, 2016)

I'm not sure I would want to permanently move to Montana but I would be willing to try it for a few years. You make it sound refreshing.
Mary Songer 8:11pm January 21, 2016)

It was an opportunity at a better life and better jobs -
I was 4 and my parents but everything into our car and
moved two thousand miles not knowing anyone in our new
city or having jobs to go to. In 48 hours my dad had a
better paying job than he left and we lived in a newer,
bigger home too.
Janis Milford 8:15pm January 21, 2016)

I would move for work.
Gina Stevens 8:28pm January 21, 2016)

I've made my last move.
Wilma Frana 9:16pm January 21, 2016)

Most likely an unfortunate tragedy... :\
H J 9:18pm January 21, 2016)

I did just that i long distance dated then i thought it
was my time my kids were older and my son going in
another direction so i met a guy who worked for
underground pipelier and married him the nxt jan 1 st of
2003 and we are stil married. I wouldn't do it again i
miss my kids oh so much and my grandkids so so much and
all the things we used to do and i love it here in
eastern iowa and love our pups and am not really close to
my step kids but that is ok time will work it out.
Peggy Clayton 12:55pm January 22, 2016)

Wanting a change and moving away from the cold would be all the reason i need to make a big change
Nicole Bouchey 10:54am January 22, 2016)

The perfect man
Lily Shah 6:53pm January 22, 2016)

I love the ability to be able to adapt to new surroundings and if I had friends/family who needed me, I'd be there, wherever there is!
Kathleen Bylsma 7:02pm January 22, 2016)

The opportunity for a better life and the sense of adventure.
Vicki Hancock 7:36pm January 22, 2016)

When I was young, falling in love would have worked. Examples: Our oldest daughter lived in Aspen, Colorado and loved cold weather and outdoor sports; but, moved to sweltering Houston to marry the love of her life. And, our middle daughter fell in love with a man from Spain doing post-doctoral research for an oil company, resulting in her moving to Spain and getting married!) Also, my husband and I moved from Missouri to Texas after our first grandchild was born, as we didn't want to miss seeing him grow! I think we need to leap into the joy of relationships that foster our bliss!
Betsy Pauzauskie 1:14pm January 23, 2016)

I would have to be happy about my decision to move.
Cathy Garner 11:16pm January 23, 2016)

A new adventure, I'm always up for that
Cher Nelson 11:29am January 24, 2016)

Many years ago, my husband and I moved because of jobs and opportunities. It was exciting to make the changes. At this stage of my life, I think it would take an earthquake to make me move.
Anna Speed 12:51pm January 24, 2016)

At this point 56 Nothing would make me move. I moved to
Scotland in my 40's to marry a man. Didn't work but it was a
wonderful experience.
Denise Austin 12:52pm January 24, 2016)

I'd move for a job I really wanted, but not more than a day's drive from my family.
Joanne Schultz 2:16pm January 24, 2016)

My mother is in the early stages of dementia and has a lot
of hallucinations. If she calls me ONE more time today, I
might just pack up a suitcase and move to Timbuktu!
Barbara Wright 2:20pm January 24, 2016)

I would need more than just a new area to make me leave my
Mary Hay 2:50pm January 24, 2016)

the right opportunity to do something that interests me and/or
friends or family going too!
Diane Sallans 6:09pm January 24, 2016)

The right man and a great job. I would have a back up plan if it didn't work out.
Deb Pelletier 8:09pm January 24, 2016)

I'd do it for new opportunities, like a job or an amazing program for my son for
schooling. It would be a lot easier for me to move to a small town than a big city
though. I'm not a city person.
Melinda Stephens 12:08pm January 25, 2016)

I would always follow my husband. He makes wise choices
and I've already followed him in marriage and that was the
smartest move I've ever made. :)
Terrill Rosado 5:59pm January 26, 2016)

I actually did!! I left Pittsburgh PA and moved all the way
to Laredo Texas, with the man I loved, and my 3 girls. We
drove 2 and a half days (obviously we had to stop). It
changed my whole life, as I learned a whole new culture.
Joann Downie 12:13pm January 31, 2016)

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