They took her child, her family, and her freedom?but not her faith
Extreme Devotion #3
New Hope Publishers
October 2010
On Sale: October 1, 2010
Featuring: Zhou Chi; Yang Zhen-Li; Tai Tong
315 pages ISBN: 1596692790 EAN: 9781596692794 Paperback
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A young Chinese woman, Zhen-Li—raised to observe the party
line, including its one-child-per-family doctrine—falls in
love with and marries a Christian, and adopts his faith. Though the couple downplays their Christianity in an effort
to survive, Zhen-Li’s family is appalled, and she and her
husband are ostracized. When she becomes pregnant for the
second time and refuses to have an abortion, the persecution
begins in earnest. Zhen-Li’s parents, under pressure from
the government, pay to have Zhen-Li kidnapped and the baby
aborted. It is then Zhen-Li decides she must live up to her
name—"Truth"—and take a firm stand for her faith, regardless
of the consequences, and so she begins to regularly teach
children about Zhu Yesu ("Lord Jesus") and to distribute
Christian literature every chance she gets. Based loosely on
the life of Christian magazine editor Li Ying, currently
serving a ten-year prison sentence in China, the story of
Yang Zhen-Li tells the desperate tale of her incarceration
and separation from her family, as she continues to minister
to other prisoners, and even to her guards. The sub-plot
takes place in Southern California, where an elderly woman
who once served on the mission field in China feels called
to pray for a young woman in China who she believes is in
great danger. She also prays for the granddaughter of an
elderly acquaintance who is in danger of being caught up in
the human trafficking trade. The two stories intertwine to
bring about a surprising and redemptive ending.
No awards found for this book.
40 comments posted.
Re: Red Ink
Great advice, Kathi! As a novelist myself, I tend to rely on a mix of what I know and what I can research. I love that you bring authenticity to your writing through readers who advise you. My travels take me far, but I just can't overcome the fact that I never lived in the 13th century, when my new release is set. It thrills me when readers say they feel connected to the characters despite the centuries (and, well, make-believe) that separate them. :) (Caron Guillo 10:56am December 28, 2010)
That is great advice. I've been a writer since I was big enough to hold a pencil, but, in actuality, I've written next to nothing in the last 10 years or so. When I first started writing stories as an adult, I wrote what I knew, but what I knew at that time was messy and sinful and nothing ever came to anything and some of it I'm now disgusted by. It was all written by a too-young woman who was very lost.
But now I'm almost 40 and I have God. He has only recently begun to reveal to me His plan for my life. And that is to write. So I have begun blogging (thegozette.wordpress.com)to get back into the swing of writing (10 years makes one rusty) and have started a freelance writer's course that has so far been very helpful in getting me back to a writers mind. I look forward to learning from your Train of Thought Method book when I am able to purchase it.
I have never been anywhere myself, but my little area of Western Canada, and when I saw those stories of yours like Red Ink, I assumed that you must have visted those places and am very surprised to find that you hadn't. That gives me hope that someday, if God is directing me to write fiction (which I'm not really sure He is or isn't - He hasn't pointed that part out yet) I may be able to write stories like.
I haven't exactly read any of your books yet, Kathi, but I look forward to doing so (I got your free Kindle version of Valeria's Cross, but I haven't started it yet). From what I've seen and read of you from your website and blogs, I consider you a mentor (you and Dawn Wilson). I'm so grateful to God that He directed that I should happen across writers like you (and Dawn) that I can learn from.
I look forward to learning more and more.
God bless!! (Sharon E 12:17pm December 28, 2010)
I am not a writer, but it is wonderful advice! Starting out with what you know is a great base and then later on branching out or stretching your wings to try something new... that is like life... thanks for sharing your post! (Colleen Conklin 12:26pm December 28, 2010)
I'm one of a large group of people who enjoy reading novels written by talented authors. There are times I wish I had the imagination and talent to be one. The advice you have given sounds logical, a good stepping stone for a beginning novelist. (Anna Speed 2:42pm December 28, 2010)
This is great advice. Especially now that so many of us are thinking about the new year and setting new goals. (Leni Kaye 2:56pm December 28, 2010)
Very good advice. I've often heard that you should write what you know....but what do I know? hehe.
But I think, with good research and talking to the right people, a clever author can bring the reader into the plot and setting very well.
Thanks for this post.
Valerie in Germany (Valerie Bongards 3:19pm December 28, 2010)
I've always heard that "write what you know". But I also thinks if you don't know all about something you can learn about it. Learn the facts & then let your writers imagination fill in the rest. Your books sound fascinating - I'm always in awe of the writers imagination & skill that makes the read flow. Happy Holidays! (Diane Sallans 3:59pm December 28, 2010)
I agree with the comments. Write what you know is great, bt yet so limiting, why not our imagination go and with some research and talent, I think we can go anywhere in our minds. (Clio Teixeira 4:18pm December 28, 2010)
Great advice. I wish more authors would branch out!! (Maria Antunes 4:26pm December 28, 2010)
I wish more authors would go outside the box. I would think that unless one leads a very unusual, exciting, incredible changing life, it gets boring and repetitive to write only about what you know...what if you never venture outside of your own home state? I mean, I guess one could produce great works based on simple/mundane things bt I don't know. I want more... (Clicia Tremblay 4:33pm December 28, 2010)
I'm glad you took the leap into parts unknown. (Mary Preston 6:17pm December 28, 2010)
Wow, that is great advice for everyone. Please enter me in your fantastic contest and please let me know when I am a winner too! Happy New Year everyone. Thanks and God bless, Cecilia (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 6:26pm December 28, 2010)
Please enter me in your contest! Happy New Year! (Brenda Rupp 6:48pm December 28, 2010)
you have great book on your hands and would love to read and then blog on it happy new year and let your book go high (Desiree Reilly 7:04pm December 28, 2010)
Good for you and your adventurous spirit!!! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 7:13pm December 28, 2010)
Write what you know works for memoir, but lacks the integrity for historical fiction and fantasy. I like to make up words especially in poetry so they're almost a word, but stretch the imagination. Great titles and realistic book covers. (Alyson Widen 7:32pm December 28, 2010)
You took a great leap of faith and that is wonderful. Maybe more people writing should do it. It is wonderful to let our imagination take us where we can sometines not go ourself. You are blessed (Diane Castiglione 7:33pm December 28, 2010)
I'm glad your imagination is not limited to just what you know. (Pamela Stewart 8:03pm December 28, 2010)
Hi, Kathi! I really enjoyed your article.
It is nice to write about what is in your realm, but it can get boring after a while. So glad you decided to branch out. I know it is harder work, but it is worth it.
God bless! (Cathy Phillips 9:05pm December 28, 2010)
Thanks for giving me a chance to read your book. Happy New Year to everyone. (Linda Hall 9:12pm December 28, 2010)
There's one thing that you failed to mention. It takes a special talent to take the facts you were able to collect, and put them together in such a way as to make a reader actually believe that you were there at some point in your life and experienced that lifestyle. Not all authors have the flair to be able to do that. If a person reading your book can live, breathe, and smell the air of the country you are portraying, then you've succeeded. It sounds as if you have. I wish you the Happiest of New Years!! (Peggy Roberson 9:29pm December 28, 2010)
thanks for the chance i will love it i know (Debbi Shaw 10:45pm December 28, 2010)
I am really looking forward to reading this book. (Diane Steiger 11:00pm December 28, 2010)
That sounds like an amazing concept. Want to know how that turns out. (Christina Harrison 11:15pm December 28, 2010)
Your book sounds great. (Ginger Hinson 11:30pm December 28, 2010)
Thank you for the great advice. (Gayle Oreluk 12:25pm December 29, 2010)
How wonderful to pull yourself out of your comfort zone and venture into cultures and environs that are foreign to you and make yourself more comfortable with making it a part of what you are so good at. Learning is always a wonderful thing! (Joanne Reynolds 6:30am December 29, 2010)
Hello, Kathi.
I'm new to this series but it sounds quite wonderful. I look forward in reading it. (Tracey Dent 7:07am December 29, 2010)
I haven't read the series yet but look forward to it. I am glad you branched out of your comfort zone. I am even more glad that God showed the way. (Mary Shaw 8:18am December 29, 2010)
Kathi, I'm so glad to hear someone else say that! Yes, we can start with "Write what you know" but good writers should outgrow that admonition. I've loved your books and look forward to reading this one! (Vonda Skelton 9:33am December 29, 2010)
As you describe it, it's possible to move beyond "write what you know" with the judicious use of research and creative techniques. And the backstory makes me more excited about reading the book. Thanks for sharing! (Marti Pieper 1:42pm December 29, 2010)
Kathi, I'm so glad you've turned your heart toward Christian fiction. So many more people will read your stories who really need to know the TRUTH! I never thought I could write about another culture or country where I had not visited or lived, but with God all things are possible. I think the key is that He provides the way for us to do whatever He wants us to do. God bless. Ann (Ann Knowles 2:17pm December 29, 2010)
It sounds like I have found a new series for my daughter, an avid reader, to begin. (Shawna Mattes 2:53pm December 29, 2010)
Happy Holidays! I hope someone bans the Ugg Boots spammer soon too. Kind of sick of seeing it on every blog. (Michele Powell 3:26pm December 29, 2010)
the book sound great and would love to read it i have been avid reader up to 3 book week and i do blog (Desiree Reilly 4:09pm December 29, 2010)
The series sounds excellent. I've always wondered how authors branch beyond what they know & still make it "real". I enjoyed your blog post very much....I don't write but I'm a voracious reader...*S* (Ivy Truitt 5:04pm December 29, 2010)
I am trying to delete those Ugg Boot spammers but if you see any please send me the Author's name who's blog it is on to [email protected] and I will delete them. (Faye McMichael 7:48pm December 29, 2010)
There are so many legendary stories about love conquering all. When I was in China, I discovered two famous legendary love stories similar to Romeo and Juliet. The first story title is translated as the "Butterfly Lovers." The other famous story in China is called "The Legend of the White Snake."
I wondered what other famous stories in the other countries do have that are similar to Romeo and Juliet. It is quite interesting to find out. (Kai Wong 9:10pm December 29, 2010)
Great advice from an experienced author. It is a tough career and good books don't come easy but Kathi has paid her dues and it shows. Great Work! (Elizabeth Baker 2:02am December 30, 2010)
Great advice to new writers. (Lisa Richards 9:22pm December 30, 2010)
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