In this battle of the sexes, the ultimate prize is love.
Calhoun Sisters
Samhain Publishing
February 2012
On Sale: February 21, 2012
Featuring: Sarah Calhoun; Jack Donovan
ISBN: 160928982X EAN: 9781609289829 Kindle: B0071DJKX2 e-Book (reprint)
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Romance Historical
Sarah Calhoun is bound and determined to restore honor to
the family name the only way she knows how-make her late
father's newspaper, the Burr Chronicle, the most successful
in the Wyoming Territory. Haunted by past scandal,
she knows one misstep, one misunderstanding, could bring
disgrace back down on her head. Yet that doesn't stop her
from running an article about the insulting Jack Donovan.
The blasted man is shopping for a wife as he would a horse!
Jack finally has the house in the kind of town he's
always dreamed about. Now all that's missing is a wife. At
first, he thinks Sarah's scathing article about his quest is
a good thing-until he finds himself hounded by hordes of
young girls, spinsters and widows. Still, he can't stop
thinking about the sassy newspaper editor who started it
all. Sarah is as determined to ignore her impossible
attraction to Donovan as she is to uncover his mysterious
past. But the harder she digs for his secrets, the deeper he
hides them. Until there's only one rock left unturned. His
heart. Originally published in February 2000 by
Avon Books Warning: Contains sensual love scenes
and enough barn-burning passion to heat the coldest winter
No awards found for this book.
33 comments posted.
Re: Donovan's Bed
Donovan sounds like most men I know, they have blinders to all that gets done, as if it was a magic wand that cleaned the house, did the clothes, got groceries, made trips and errands, and cooked dinner..I believe in ripping those blinders off when they act up, I went on strike. It is in those moments that they, just as you said are one task at a time mentality, will stay up and try to prove you wrong, but can't. (Carla Carlson 9:12am February 26, 2012)
Typical M.A.N!! lol...This sounds like a wonderful book. Thank you for sharing... (Dawn Staniszeski 11:05am February 26, 2012)
Too funny. Men say really stupid things all the time. It's a great thing we women are forgiving. (Pam Howell 11:19am February 26, 2012)
Lol sounds like a great read... (Colleen Conklin 12:07pm February 26, 2012)
I love books that can put a smile on your face and lighten your mood. Sounds like a good read. (Tabitha Monroe 12:20pm February 26, 2012)
Sounds like yet another man that really knows how to stick his foot in his mouth----I love to read about them. (Sue Farrell 1:02pm February 26, 2012)
Wow! Jack has a lot to learn. This sounds like a fun book to read. (Anna Speed 1:20pm February 26, 2012)
This sounds like a wonderful story. I wanna read how his "honesty" bites him in the butt. :) (Patti Paonessa 1:34pm February 26, 2012)
I want to read the story to find out more! (Cheryl McEwen 1:59pm February 26, 2012)
This sounds like a great book! The characters sound interesting and like the relationship between them will be a lot of fun to read about. (Chelsea Knestrick 2:28pm February 26, 2012)
HI DEBRA! I'M NEW TO YOUR WRITING AND WOULD LOVE TO READ IT! (Linda Bass 3:34pm February 26, 2012)
The book sounds like a wonderful read, and I'm sure it has its' hilarious parts as well. I would love to read it, but I hope it's not going to be a downloaded copy, since I don't own a Kindle!! I think the cover is striking, and this is the first time you have come to my attention. It looks like this has been my loss- but not for long!! You are definately on my TBR list. (Peggy Roberson 3:57pm February 26, 2012)
You made me laugh with the details of the newspaper blab. It's got to be a funny story to read with lines like that to follow. (Alyson Widen 4:25pm February 26, 2012)
This book sounds great! I'll have to put it on my 'to read' list! I could use some laughter! (Joanne Schultz 4:34pm February 26, 2012)
Definitely a typical male. Open mouth, insert foot (or feet, as the case may be!), chew vigorously up to knee (or higher, if needed), see the light, apologize, repeat ad nauseam.
It kind of makes you wonder if they'll ever learn!
But it does sound like there may be a bit of hope for Jack. A very small bit, but a bit, nonetheless.
Cheers and whistles go to Sarah!!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 4:48pm February 26, 2012)
Sounds like a fun read! (Mary C 4:51pm February 26, 2012)
I would like to read the rest of the story. (Mary Hay 5:09pm February 26, 2012)
I think that Jack is in for a surprise! What fun! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 5:37pm February 26, 2012)
hmmm - another one of those ideas which 'sounded so good on paper', and somehow, fail in the execution - but oh boy, bet the interviewing for a wife was fun to watch! hope they sold tickets! (Beth Fuller 6:59pm February 26, 2012)
I definitely need to say Jack is in for a big surprise. Come on, women has been balancing between family and career since we have join the work force. We still do today. There is still hope for Jack. After all, we did challenge men to wear high heels to know what it's like. Unfortunately, we can't make them have children and have them experience labor pains. (Kai Wong 7:25pm February 26, 2012)
This sounds like a book I'd love to read. (Wilma Frana 8:40pm February 26, 2012)
Why is men never worry about balancing a career with being a husband? Just saying.. (Dolores Feagin 9:02pm February 26, 2012)
Wow, I love the premise of this book - excellent! Jack, how COULD you? Well, you will certainly be in for a few lessons and surprises! (Felicia Ciaudelli 9:13pm February 26, 2012)
I love historicals. Haven't quite gotten into the digital book age though. I cherish my paperbacks too much. (MaryAnne Banks 9:23pm February 26, 2012)
Oh, thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book. It sounds really interesting. (Jennifer Beyer 9:27pm February 26, 2012)
Men and their mouths! Appears that Donovan has met his match in Sarah. Can't wait to read how Donovan is "fetched up" and learns how to treat a woman. (Joanne Hicks 9:53pm February 26, 2012)
Sounds like a great book! Multi-tasking is second nature for women and we always seem to get everything done and keep everyone happy while doing it. Superheroes if I've ever heard of one. Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 10:29pm February 26, 2012)
Poor Sarah. She's still living down a past scandal and then this guy comes along... Maybe he hasn't lived in a small town before, though at that time(?) it was probably not that common to have affairs either. But then, some men are just thick-headed, can't think beyond the end of their nose(?). I'd certainly love to read about his comeuppance. (Sigrun Schulz 2:34am February 27, 2012)
Thank you for all the great comments on Donovan's Bed! Yes, Jack does have to learn to play well with others, and of course the only one he really wants to play with is Sarah. for those of you entering to win a copy, please be aware the book is currently only available in electronic format, including PDF. For an excerpt from the book, you can check out samhainpublishing.com. (Debra Mullins 1:51pm February 27, 2012)
I love that old releases are being re-issued. It gives me a chance to discover books I never would have otherwise, or at least been able to get. This sounds like a great Western historical story with its lively characters. Thank you for the chance to read it. (Na S 3:12pm February 27, 2012)
I SURE COULD USE A LAUGH RIGHT NOW! (Linda Bass 4:51pm February 27, 2012)
I love that Sarah printed the stats on Jack. Well played. (Lisa Kendall 9:00pm February 27, 2012)
Well, no one ever thought that men could process new ideas easily... They usually only have a one track mind... and I don't mean the obvious track... but if they've not experienced something new... they usually can't imagine anything beyond what they 'know' !! Sounds like a really funny read.. I can imagine... every women in the area now thinking that she's in the 'running for his wife'... enough baked goods for him to open his own bakery.. (Cate Sparks 7:04am February 28, 2012)
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