How to Kiss a Cowboy, May 2023
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
How to Handle a Cowboy, February 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Cowboy Crazy, December 2021
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Blue Sky Cowboy Christmas, October 2020
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Tall, Dark and Cowboy, May 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Cowboy Fever, January 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book / audiobook (reprint)
Cowboy Summer, July 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Cowboy Trouble, April 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
How To Wrangle A Cowboy, February 2016
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
How to Kiss a Cowboy, February 2015
Paperback / e-Book
How to Handle a Cowboy, April 2014
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Cowboy Tough, February 2013
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Cowboy Crazy, June 2012
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Tall, Dark And Cowboy, November 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Cowboy Fever, April 2011
One Fine Cowboy, September 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Cowboy Trouble, March 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Acquainted With the Night #2
Sourcebooks Casablanca
April 2011
On Sale: April 1, 2011
Featuring: Teague Treadwell; Jody Bryce
393 pages ISBN: 1402251416 EAN: 9781402251412 Paperback
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Romance Western | Romance Contemporary
She thought she had it all... until she found him
A modeling contract with Wrangler got this Miss Rodeo Wyoming a first-class ticket out of town, but somewhere along the way Jodi Brand lost her soul. When she returns to her hometown after six years back East, her childhood friend's rugged cowboy charm hits her like a ton of bricks...
Teague Treadwell is convinced Jodi's success lifted her out of his reach, but he's spent the past six years working to shed his bad boy image. Now that Jodi is back in town, he's determined to prove himself worthy of the girl next door...but whoever heard of a beauty queen settling for a down and dirty cowboy?
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55 comments posted.
Re: Cowboy Fever
Elizabeth Bennett is pretty good. :) So is Hyacinth from Julia Quinn's series. For guys, I really like Roarke from J.D. Robb. :) (May Pau 10:13am April 13, 2011)
You are so right—characters really make the book. I love that animals made your list of Cowboy Fever characters.
I don’t think I’d want to trade places (or heroes) with anyone from books. What I will leave you with are two very memorable couples from books I’ve recently read: Genevieve Eversea and Alex Moncrieffe (Julie Anne Long’s What I Did for a Duke) Margaret Dalrymple and Ash Turner (Courtney Milan’s Unveiled) (G S Moch 10:28am April 13, 2011)
I am a huge fan of Doris Egan's Gates of Ivory Trilogy (which no one really seems to know, but is a fantastic book) - so I'd love to be the main character Theodora and my hero would be Ran Cormallon of the same book. (Birgit Lehner 10:28am April 13, 2011)
I'm with May Pau and Roarke, whatta hero...yum!!
But I am always in love with my hero de jour and want to be his heroine!!! Hehe!!
Valerie in Germany (Valerie Bongards 11:06am April 13, 2011)
I am hooked by the cast of characters for this book. Teague sounds like a great hero.
Whenever I read a good story, I always fall a little in love with the hero, and of course, I am the heroine! ;-) (Cheryl Castings 11:55am April 13, 2011)
I am a Social Worker and I work with cognitively disabled children who are in the foster care system. I grew up in Texas, and horses and rodeo have always been very fun and appealing to me. This book sounds right up my alley. (Sandy Fielder 12:30pm April 13, 2011)
An altogether believable plot. I can't wait to read it. (Renee Brown 12:36pm April 13, 2011)
I always prefer the hero in the book I'm presently reading. (Anna Speed 1:28pm April 13, 2011)
As far as favorite romance couples go, I would have to go way back and say Romeo and Juliet. I'm a big Shakespeare fan, and always have been. As far as heroines and heroes go, there are so many books that I've read, as well as so many genres. Right now I'm doing a bit of catch up with the books that are out today. Rhett Butler is one that comes to mind for the hero, and Scarlett O'Hara for the heroine. You can't beat a classic, and they each have their strengths as well as weaknesses, as we all do. Rhett was also very attractive!! Because I didn't expect to be asked this question, I'm just thinking off of the top of my head. Congratulations on your new book. It sounds wonderful, and is definately on my TBR list!! (Peggy Roberson 2:06pm April 13, 2011)
We frequently settle for what we "want". That frequently proves to be much better than we "wanted". Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 2:12pm April 13, 2011)
Book sounds great,and love the cover.We always love the heros.Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Linda Hall 2:12pm April 13, 2011)
It sounds like an interesting group of characters! I have read so many great books... I do not know if I could really narrow down my favs... so many great heroes and heroines from different romance genres... I am undecided! (Colleen Conklin 2:14pm April 13, 2011)
Interesting cast of characters. Especially like that the animals figure into the integral part of the story. For me my favorite hero, probably is the one I happen to be reading about at the moment. (Jean Patton 2:28pm April 13, 2011)
Your book sounds great. I always had a thing for cowboys.
My favorite hero is probably Sir Nicholas Stafford from Jude Deveraux's A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR.
But, as other commenters said, I generally fall in love with the hero of the book I'm currently reading. (Mona Garg 2:50pm April 13, 2011)
I always love to see a book cover that has a cowboy on a horse, riding across the the big outdoors. I like to read of affection between animals & the characters in novels..a horse coming up behind & giving a playful nudge while looking for a treat. The love that a dog has for his master & vice/versa makes me think "they" will treat a woman or child well. And I'm like a lot of you all in that I "get the sighs" over the tall dark strong cowboy hero, so it is hard to pick, but Jodi Thomas, Linda Lael Miller, Diana Palmer, Leigh Greenwood, & even more, "plus you now" help me pretend to be the heroine! It's just hard to pick!! (Jean Merriott 3:47pm April 13, 2011)
My favorite?? All cowboys!! Love them all!!! (Dawn Staniszeski 4:04pm April 13, 2011)
John Thorton in The North and South was a really good hero I thought. (Sue Farrell 4:20pm April 13, 2011)
Who doesn't love cowboys? Cannot wait to read this one! (Sherie Lagarde 4:33pm April 13, 2011)
there is something about cowboys and horses.. HOT!!!!!!! (Jennifer Beck 5:28pm April 13, 2011)
Pau and Roarke for me!!! (Joanne Bozik 5:28pm April 13, 2011)
My favorite characters are always strong, have a sense of humor,smart, and are always discovering something. Great qualities to have. (Leni Kaye 5:36pm April 13, 2011)
I could quite easily get COWBOY FEVER. There is something rather wonderful. (Mary Preston 5:55pm April 13, 2011)
Thank you for your post, Joanne. I know this isn't exactly a fictional couple, but my favorite romantic pair is Tristan and Isolde.
I'm a sucker for lovers who must defy the most daunting odds, break the rules, rebel against authority, and think and act outside the box. The idea of "the world well lost for love" moves me deeply. And to note the obvious, I don't demand that a romance end happily, just meaningfully.
If only we readers were allowed to get tragic endings nowadays! But we're not, so those of us who enjoy a good cry must look somewhere other than romance fiction.
Good luck with your new release. (Mary Anne Landers 5:55pm April 13, 2011)
I like cowboys in books. (Wilma Frana 6:38pm April 13, 2011)
The first characters I think about are Beatrice and Benedict in Much Ado About Nothing. I find myself looking for the same opponents turned lovers and witty insults in romances today. (Carol Drummond 6:40pm April 13, 2011)
I would like to have Wyatt in my life from A Summer of Two Wishes and A Light A Winter's End.
My 2 characters that got their happy ending are Sarah and Rome from Sarah's Child. (Pat Lieberman 6:55pm April 13, 2011)
I've had a "thing" for Roarke from JD Robb's In Death series since the first book was published: Naked in Death. (Diane Sadler 7:02pm April 13, 2011)
I like a feisty heroine & a strong hero with a gentle side. The descriptions of the characters in this book look great! (Diane Sallans 7:47pm April 13, 2011)
i like the book cover and the cowboy is wow and would like to read and blog it (Desiree Reilly 8:26pm April 13, 2011)
I don't know if I would want to be a character from a book. Perhaps just for a day. I think I would like to meet Jamie from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. (Beth Melito 9:23pm April 13, 2011)
You are a new to me author. I really look forward to reading more of your writing. This sounds great! (Amy Rogers 9:30pm April 13, 2011)
I love anything cowboy! I guess I've always been a little Texan through reading! I love the book cover. (Brenda Rupp 9:31pm April 13, 2011)
Great cast of Characters. Cowboys are real Men. Really good book cover. I'm just ready to read! (Cheryl English 9:44pm April 13, 2011)
I'm in love with cowboys...must move to Montana! It's funny though, if I had to pick a couple from a book it would be Penelope and Colin from Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series. However my favorite hero is Sebastian from the same series. I guess I'm on a cowboy kick with a stop in England every now and then! (Pamela Stewart 9:44pm April 13, 2011)
My favorite romance characters is Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler. The heroine I would like to be is Eve Dallas and the hero I would like to have for my own is Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. (Kai Wong 10:44pm April 13, 2011)
I love J.D. Robb's Eve Dallas and Roarke - and I wouldn't mind having a hero like Roarke! I wish I could be like Eve Dallas too. (Robin Daily 11:00pm April 13, 2011)
I love romance, and there are just so many wonderful characters, I can't choose. I do love Western romances, and I'm interested in reading Cowboy Fever. It sounds like a wonderful story. (Barbara Elness 11:12pm April 13, 2011)
Ah romance and overcoming the odds... the characters sound like 'real' people who struggle and achieve. Thanks! (Cate Sparks 7:55am April 14, 2011)
I really can't think of a character at this exact moment but reading about Cowboy Fever, I know I must read this book. Any book that has a goat that causes devilment is a must read. As an owner of goats, I know what trouble they can cause and what laughter the evoke. I have a picture of my young buck with his head caught in a feeder. When I found him running around the pen with his head stuck in the feeder top, it was all I could do to take the picture with a steady hand. I was laughing so hard, I had tears running down my face. (Maude Allen 12:25pm April 14, 2011)
I always enjoy a sexy alpha cowboy...who redeems himself into something...loveable. I want one!!
and anything with a mischievous-not-on purpose goat has my vote for a good read...I really enjoy the fainting goat stories (Chele Blades 2:08pm April 14, 2011)
I would love to be married to Brett Butler (Clark Gable) from Gone with the Wind and continue the story as me being the herione. (Joanne Bozik 3:25pm April 14, 2011)
I need to get order these books, I love cowboys..And the stories sound really good! (Carole Fiore 4:18pm April 14, 2011)
I think that it's wonderful when an author can write about a cause, and make it as part of their story line. There are so many wonderful charities out there that people might be familiar with, yet not know the whole story about. Every author deserves a launch party. It's a way to let go of all the tension involved with making sure that the book made the deadline, and was written pretty much the way you wanted it to go. After it's gone to publication, the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders, and you've earned some time to celebrate before it's time to hunker down for the next book. Congratulations on your latest star attraction!! You've earned it!! (Peggy Roberson 9:40am April 20, 2011)
Thanks, Peggy! You're right, the launch party is like a big sigh of relief. And it was great to be able to share the celebration with CTEC. Story always comes first, but being able to include scenes from CTEC meant a lot to me. (Joanne Kennedy 11:25am April 20, 2011)
Sounds like a fun party! Your book sounds like a great read, I have always owned and loved horses and equine therapy is a wonderful cause.
This book will be a must read for me! (Jody Hollenbeck 12:01pm April 20, 2011)
Oh, you made me cry! I'm gonna have to pick this book up! (Kelli Jo Calvert 12:34pm April 20, 2011)
Jody, I think you'll enjoy it if you like horses - there's an elderly horse named Vegas in the book that I just love. (Joanne Kennedy 1:49pm April 20, 2011)
Kelli, you must be like me - my emotions are pretty close to the surface and I cry even at the previews to sad movies! I warn you, the book might do that a few more times - it has a lot of humor but there are some scenes with the kids that still make ME cry, and I wrote them! I hope you enjoy it through the tears:) (Joanne Kennedy 1:51pm April 20, 2011)
How wonderful that you were able to raise awareness and raise money for CTEC while celebrating the release and launch party - sounds like a win-win for for everyone involved!! Congratulations!!! (Karen Cherubino 4:26pm April 20, 2011)
Thanks, Karen. I felt the same way! And the people from the riding program made it so much fun. (Joanne Kennedy 5:03pm April 20, 2011)
Your book sounds good and I like how you incorporate animals to help give kids with challenging abilities confidence while mastering the art of riding horses. (Alyson Widen 8:12pm April 20, 2011)
I have a read a few books with horse therapy. VG reading. (Pat Lieberman 9:19pm April 20, 2011)
My niece goes for horse therapy for the muscles in her legs. (Brenda Rupp 9:38pm April 20, 2011)
I haven't read many from this time period. Sounds like something I need to check out. (Christina Harrison 2:04am May 5, 2011)
That didn't go where it was supposed to go. This one is more like I love her books and have been waiting on this hot couple. (Christina Harrison 2:07am May 5, 2011)
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