Christmas Kisses, October 2021
Mistletoe and Mayhem, November 2020
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The Duke of Danby's Holiday Hijinx, November 2018
Evading the Duke, June 2016
Once Upon a True Love's Kiss, January 2016
Secrets to a Gentleman's Heart, November 2015
The Best of Both Rogues, July 2015
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A Summons From Danby Castle, July 2015
In Bed with a Rogue, September 2014
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The Heart of a Duke, February 2014
One Rogue Too Many, January 2014
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Lady Vivian Defies A Duke, May 2013
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Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie, October 2012
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Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half, June 2012
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Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half
Samantha Grace
What's a little scandal between lovers
Beau Monde Bachelors #2
Sourcebooks Casablanca
June 2012
On Sale: June 1, 2012
Featuring: Jack Hillary; Ameilia Audley
384 pages ISBN: 1402258348 EAN: 9781402258343 Kindle: B007PUT72U Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical
Lady Amelia Audley and Jake Hillary have been in love with
each other for years; unfortunately, a cruel set of
circumstances and misunderstandings tore them apart. When
Amelia marries Jake's best friend, he vows to forget his
love for her. But when she returns to town newly widowed,
Jake must decide whether or not to let the beautiful lady
back into his heart before fate intervenes and tears them
apart forever.
No awards found for this book. Beau Monde Bachelors
73 comments posted.
Re: Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half
This is a book I would love to read...thanks so much for the chance to win it!!!! (Bonnie Capuano 10:29am June 28, 2012)
This book sounds great, and I would LOVE to win it. Thanks for the chance. Best of luck with this book and all that you do. (Nancy Reynolds 11:14am June 28, 2012)
Bonnie & Nancy, Thank you! Good luck to both of you in the drawing. I hope you enjoy the book. Jake and Amelia are near and dear to my heart. (Samantha Grace 11:22am June 28, 2012)
i would love to read this book. One of my favorite star crossed lovers are Cat and Bones, Jeanine Frost's characters. They eventually end up together after going through many dangerous situations. She is a vampire hunter and he is a vampire. (Susan Clickner 11:28am June 28, 2012)
Thanks for making it possible to win this book. I would love to read it. One of your favorite star crossed lovers (GHOST) is one of my favorites and, like you, the tears flowed. (Anna Speed 11:54am June 28, 2012)
I've heard so many people talking about Jeanine Frost lately. She must write great stories. The fact that the heroine is a vampire hunter and the hero is a vampire is one huge obstacle! Thanks so much for stopping by today and sharing. I'm going to check her out. (Samantha Grace 12:03pm June 28, 2012)
It's my pleasure to offer a chance to win Lady Amelia. :)
No matter how many times I watch "Ghost" I bawl. It's like I've never seen the movie before. LOL (Samantha Grace 12:05pm June 28, 2012)
Thanks for the fun column. I always find great star-crossed lovers in Kristan Higgins books, and yes, there are happy endings. (G S Moch 12:25pm June 28, 2012)
i have been reading a little about this book and heard people talking about it so im excited to read this (Denise Smith 12:49pm June 28, 2012)
The only star crossed lovers I can think are Romeo and Juliet. (Maureen Emmons 2:08pm June 28, 2012)
Rose and Jack... It's sad but I like that for once the heroine lives on and survives... :) Usually it's the heroine who dies prettily in the hero's arms... (May Pau 2:27pm June 28, 2012)
Oh, man, I *really* try and only watch movies with happy endings-- I hate being sad! :-) All of the movies you named-- ugh. Just ugh. I can't! ;-) (Chelsea Brooks 2:50pm June 28, 2012)
I can't help but think of Rhett Butler and Scarlet O'Hara, but that didn't turn out well at all. (Kathleen Bianchi 2:52pm June 28, 2012)
oh my fave has to be Aline and John from Kleypas' Again the Magic. A lady and a servant young and in love. The lady's family has plans for an advantageous marriage and threaten the servant's life if she doesn't follow their wishes. He gets sent away thinking she doesn't love him. He of course makes tons of money and a name for herself and comes back in to her life vengeful. Sort of reminds me of An Affair To Remember (Regency style). It's Lisa Kleypas, so of course they eventually get their happy ending after all the angst :P (Sharon D 2:53pm June 28, 2012)
Well, I like Jane Eyre and Jane Austen movies and they ultimately have a happy ending (which is what I like). (Michelle Fidler 5:04pm June 28, 2012)
G S Moch,
Thank you for the reminder! Kristan Higgins is great. That's one of the sources I need to turn to for a happy ending. (Samantha Grace 5:47pm June 28, 2012)
Thank you, Denise! :) (Samantha Grace 5:48pm June 28, 2012)
And wasn't that story a huge downer??? LOL. (Samantha Grace 5:50pm June 28, 2012)
May Pau,
I suppose if one of them had to go... ;-)
It was still a great movie, but I wish they could have both survived and had a great life together. (Samantha Grace 5:51pm June 28, 2012)
I'm with you. The first time I watched these movies I had no idea what to expect. I hate watching a sad movie, because it can make me feel awful for days. I usually stick with romantic comedies these days. :) (Samantha Grace 5:54pm June 28, 2012)
Kathleen, Do you think Rhett and Scarlet got back together in the future? I believe they did. They couldn't stay away from each other. (Samantha Grace 5:55pm June 28, 2012)
Sharon D, That sounds really good! I haven't read that one yet. (Samantha Grace 5:56pm June 28, 2012)
Michelle, I love Jane Eyre and anything by Jane Austen. I've read most of the stories over and over again when I rarely read a book more than once. :) (Samantha Grace 5:59pm June 28, 2012)
I loved the sequel to GWTW... I was so happy to see that Rhett & Scarlett get back together in the book SCARLETT. (Colleen Conklin 6:05pm June 28, 2012)
Nice cover!!!! Can't wait to read the book. (Ashley C 6:13pm June 28, 2012)
Enjoyed your blog, I cried through every movie mentioned,especially Ghost. (Sheila True 6:51pm June 28, 2012)
The only one that really comes to mind at the moment is "Hundreds of Years to Reform A Rake" By, Laurie Brown and it did have a happy ending. (Chelsea Knestrick 7:46pm June 28, 2012)
I just finished reading War Cloud's Passion by Karen Kay. The heroine is a white and the hero is an Indian. Their customs, beliefs, etc. are so different and the setting is at a time when Indians and whites were battling for territory. One learns a great deal about how life was at the time. The couple face what seems like unsurmountable obstacles, but it is an interesting picture of the times. (Gladys Paradowski 7:48pm June 28, 2012)
I bought this book because the cover was just so gorgeous. It's on top of my TBR pile! (Molly Wilsbacher 8:05pm June 28, 2012)
I can't think of any right now. This sounds like a great book, and I'd love to win it. (Wilma Frana 8:16pm June 28, 2012)
It just has to be a happy ending for me. I guess that's why I have seen PRETTY WOMAN at least ten times! Keep writing! Pat Pascale (Patricia (Pat) Pascale 8:21pm June 28, 2012)
Pretty Woman is a favorite of mine as well as Ghost. (Sue Farrell 8:33pm June 28, 2012)
Colleen, Oh, my gosh! How did I NOT know there was a sequel to GWTW??? I must have been living in a cave all this time. Okay. I totally have to check out SCARLETT! (Samantha Grace 9:09pm June 28, 2012)
Thanks, Ashley! Sourcebooks has given me some really great covers so far. I can't wait to see the latest one. It's one of my favorite parts of the process. (Samantha Grace 9:11pm June 28, 2012)
Thank you, Sheila! Ghost was a real tear-jerker. (Samantha Grace 9:13pm June 28, 2012)
Chelsea K, Yay for happy endings! A hundred years to reform a rake? Now I'm intrigued. (Samantha Grace 9:14pm June 28, 2012)
Gladys, That sounds like something I would really like. I love stories about people from different cultures and how they make their relationship work. (Samantha Grace 9:16pm June 28, 2012)
Thank you, Molly! I hope you enjoy it. I think the cover on the actual book is even lovelier than the computer image. I just love the colors, lighting, and the smoldering look. :) (Samantha Grace 9:20pm June 28, 2012)
Thank you, Wilma! Happy reading! (Samantha Grace 9:23pm June 28, 2012)
Sounds like a great book, thanks for the chance to win it. I, too, liked Ghost. (Mary Hay 9:26pm June 28, 2012)
Pat, I love Pretty Woman! The original story had a sad ending, but thank goodness Gary Marshall knows what women want from a romantic story. I'll keep writing. The universe needs me! ;D (Samantha Grace 9:26pm June 28, 2012)
Sue, Ditto! ;D (Samantha Grace 9:28pm June 28, 2012)
Your books sounds great and I love the cover! My favorite star crossed lover movie is Ever After with Drew Barrymore. There are certain scenes I watch over and over again and drive my whole family crazy! (Renee Pajda 9:45pm June 28, 2012)
My favorite book is Roses by Leila Meacham. I don't want to give away the ending, but once I started to read it, I couldn't pu the book down!! Be forewarned -- it's a long book!! As for movies, I would have to say they would be When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle on top of Ghost, and Casa Blanca. I love the storyline to your latest book, and can't wait to read it!! That's a real cutie on the cover, too!! (Peggy Roberson 9:49pm June 28, 2012)
Sounds like a fun read. Can't wait to read it. Thank you (Diane Castiglione 10:06pm June 28, 2012)
Funny Peggy should mention Casablanca. I just watch for the..I lost track how many times. That movie always kills me. WHY??!! Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 10:10pm June 28, 2012)
Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half sounds like a great read! One of my go-to movies is Time After Time. (Susan Jeffers 10:19pm June 28, 2012)
I would love to read this book sounds awesome. (Gail Hurt 10:34pm June 28, 2012)
I agree about Cat & Bones from Frost's Night Huntress books, Jane Eyre & Rochester, and Elizabeth & Darcy. Oh, and let's not forget Claire & Jamie from Gabaldon's Outlander books. I definitely want a HEA after all the travails the characters have gone through in this type of story! (Janie McGaugh 11:11pm June 28, 2012)
Congrats on the newest release!
I gotta go w/ the classics... Romeo and Juliet ;) (Erin Fender 11:42pm June 28, 2012)
I'm with you on 'Castaway'. Impossibly sad and such a good movie.
I'm intrigued by the title of your book - so unusual. For me, as a reader, anything unusual is promising, so I"m interested to see what else would be unusual besides the title! (Maya Missani 11:47pm June 28, 2012)
Book sounds great, and I like the cover. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Linda Hall 11:57pm June 28, 2012)
I can't remember the title anymore but there was a book that had me almost crying because the characters just could not seem to get thier hea. They really deserved it too. Thanks for the chance and this sounds really good. It is on my to read list. (Patti Paonessa 12:03pm June 29, 2012)
The earliest films I saw with star-crossed lovers must have been Lady and the Tramp, and The Aristocats in which a posh Persian cat meets an alley cat called O'Malley. Maybe you weren't thinking cartoons; my little nephew and niece are currently watching an animation called Gnomeo and Juliet about two sets of garden gnomes, the red and the blue. It is so funny. Books... in Phillippa Gregory's A Respectable Trade, the wife of a well-off Bristol trader falls for one of his 'servants' - a recently transported slave who was an educated man in his own country. Now that's set for trouble. Good luck with the book which sounds very interesting. (Clare O'Beara 6:54am June 29, 2012)
GONE WITH THE WIND would be mine & just like you I want Rhett to give a damn. (Mary Preston 8:55am June 29, 2012)
Renee, Ever After is one of my all-time favorites! Great example! (Samantha Grace 8:57am June 29, 2012)
Peggy, "When Harry Met Sally" is a perfect example of star-crossed lovers, but with a happy ending. I've never read "Roses", but I would love to get my hands on a book I can't put down.
Thanks! And the cutie on the cover gets compliments all the time. LOL. Kudos to Paul Marron for nailing Jake Hillary's character. (Samantha Grace 9:02am June 29, 2012)
Thank you, Mary Hay! :) (Samantha Grace 9:04am June 29, 2012)
Thank you, Diane! I hope you enjoy it. (Samantha Grace 9:06am June 29, 2012)
Tracie, I don't think I've ever watched the whole movie of Casablanca. It seems like every time I see it on TV it is halfway finished. I should try to find it on Netflix or rent it. (Samantha Grace 9:08am June 29, 2012)
Thank you, Susan! I've never seen Time After Time. Another movie for my list. :) (Samantha Grace 9:09am June 29, 2012)
Gail, Thank you! And happy reading. :) (Samantha Grace 9:10am June 29, 2012)
LL, And isn't Titanic heartbreaking??? Jack could have lived. It was unnecessary to the story for him to die, IMO. (Samantha Grace 9:23am June 29, 2012)
Janie, I love your examples! (Samantha Grace 9:25am June 29, 2012)
Erin F, Thanks! Yes, Romeo and Juliet is a classic rip-your-heart-out-and-stomp-on- it-repeatedly story. ;D (Samantha Grace 9:26am June 29, 2012)
Thank you, Maya! I hope you enjoy the story if you get a chance to read it. I like the unusual, too. Quirky is really up my alley, although I can't describe my writing as quirky. :-) (Samantha Grace 9:29am June 29, 2012)
Rhett and Scarlet from Gone With the Wind are some of my all time favorites! This book sounds really interesting. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. (Debbie Burdeen 9:47am June 29, 2012)
I love Gone With The Wind and Ghost (Rita Wray 12:38pm June 29, 2012)
Hi Samantha! One of my favorite movies is JUST LIKE HEAVEN. She is in a coma, he moves into her apartment, and she comes to haunt him. At the end they are reunited as a totally human couple. (Cathy Phillips 1:42pm June 29, 2012)
Wuthering Heights has star-crossed lovers that get under your skin with all that brooding and pacing. (Alyson Widen 8:00pm June 29, 2012)
You all mentioned some good books/movies. sounds like a great read (Barbara Studer 11:53pm June 29, 2012)
Wow, trying to find a star crossed lovers book/movie you have not mentioned is leaving me blank just now. I did find it great that you care enough to want to give characters a swift kick or a smack upside the head to remind them that if they TRY just a little harder, they can be together! Hello!
"Lady Amelia's Mess and a Half" sounds very intriguing and I love the title. It makes me smile! I'm very much looking forward to reading it! (Connie Fischer 1:43pm June 30, 2012)
My favorite star-crossed lovers in movies were Lancelot (trusted Knight of King Arthur's Round Table) and Guinevere (Queen of Camelot and wife of King Arthur) and also, Tristan and Isolde (similar tale) exceptionally, wonderful romantic movie, which I found on dvd at our library and watched twice but did not have a HEA ending (tissues needed)! (Linda Luinstra 4:36pm June 30, 2012)
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