Christmas Kisses, October 2021
Mistletoe and Mayhem, November 2020
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The Duke of Danby's Holiday Hijinx, November 2018
Evading the Duke, June 2016
Once Upon a True Love's Kiss, January 2016
Secrets to a Gentleman's Heart, November 2015
A Summons From Danby Castle, July 2015
The Best of Both Rogues, July 2015
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In Bed with a Rogue, September 2014
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Heart of a Duke, February 2014
One Rogue Too Many, January 2014
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Lady Vivian Defies A Duke, May 2013
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Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie, October 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half, June 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie
Samantha Grace
Beau Monde Bachelors #3
Sourcebooks Casablanca
October 2012
On Sale: October 1, 2012
416 pages ISBN: 1402258372 EAN: 9781402258374 Kindle: B007ZI07W6 Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical
Captain Daniel Hillary's ship is the only one sailing from
New Orleans to England, and Lisette Lavigne is bound and
determined to be on it! Desperate to save her brother from
being thrown into an asylum and to escape her devious
fiancé, Lisette offers to pay Daniel any price for safe
passage — even if it means warming his bed. Daniel never allows women on his ship, but Lisette's exotic
beauty and spirited nature convinces him that rules are made
to be broken. He had no idea that this decision would lead
to a hasty marriage, an enraged pursuit by the jilted
fiancé, or a dangerous blackmail scheme that could cost him
everyone he loves...
No awards found for this book. Beau Monde Bachelors
54 comments posted.
Re: Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie
I tend to trust first impressions --- but my mind can be changed. (Renee Grandinetti 12:24pm October 18, 2012)
First impressions are difficult as so many things can impact those impressions.....place, circumstances, occasion. I like to give people especially a second chance as many times other people have given me a second chance at a first impression. (Beth Charette 6:30am October 18, 2012)
This looks like a very good book!! (Margaret Yannucci 7:07am October 18, 2012)
I try to not rely too heavily on first impressions because it's impossible to really know someone that quickly. I give second chances, but in the end, first impressions are usually pretty accurate (unless there are extenuating circumstances). (LaQuita Parks 7:54am October 18, 2012)
First impressions are just that...FIRST impressions. You will never know everything there is to know about someone the first time you meet them. Some people seem shy and quiet but then turn out to be outrageously funny. Others seem rude and mean, but are just afraid. (Karin Anderson 7:55am October 18, 2012)
This sounds like a book I'd love to read!! (Bonnie Capuano 8:20am October 18, 2012)
First impressions can make the difference since in some situations you might never run into that person again. And if the impression is bad enough then you won't give them your number or a chance to get to meet you. But for friends of friends I tend to give more chances. After all, if my friends like them then there must be something about them that is good. (Pam Howell 8:53am October 18, 2012)
Hi A first impression is important however I can have my opinion changed. I have been wrong about both - a bad first impression and a good one - but then again I have been right also :)
Thanks (Pam Brewer 9:50am October 18, 2012)
I always "note to self" my first impressions - and then try to keep an open mind. But 9 times out of 10 ... those first impressions are almost always right. So I've learned to trust them BUT not rely only on them. Hope that makes sense. Your book sounds like a winner. Best of luck with it. (Nancy Reynolds 10:29am October 18, 2012)
I tend to trust my instincts - they have never failed. A couple times I got a sick feeling in my stomach after meeting someone only to have another person tell me what they have done in their life letting me know the feeling was not unfounded. I think that giving someone the benefit of the doubt (meeting in sweltering heat next to a grill - well, let's face it, would you be your best?) is something you know to do. There will be personalities that you can see over a mile away and either they will draw you in or repulse you and that tends to happen almost immediately. (Carla Carlson 11:04am October 18, 2012)
I like hystericals - er - historicals - PICK ME!! (Pamela Faye Howell 12:37pm October 18, 2012)
First impressions are usually pretty dependable. Very seldon have additional meetings with a person changed my mind but it has happened. I give people a second chance as I hope they would when I am having a bad day. (Kathleen Yohanna 1:05pm October 18, 2012)
I keep track of "feelings" I get when meeting someone... I will give them a second chance, but alot of time my initial feeling was true. (Colleen Conklin 1:09pm October 18, 2012)
I think I tend to go by first impressions but I know that first impressions are not always right so I can change my mind about someone as I get to know them better. (Chelsea Knestrick 2:14pm October 18, 2012)
I LIKE THE COVER! THANK YOU FOR THE GIVEAWAY! :D (Kyla Whitley 3:36pm October 18, 2012)
Renee, Thanks for stopping by today. I think being open to changing your opinion is admirable. :) (Samantha Grace 3:36pm October 18, 2012)
Hi, Beth. I'm much more open to giving second chances now, and you make a great point about having been given second chances, too. I know I'm not at my best all the time, although I try to be courteous. :) (Samantha Grace 3:40pm October 18, 2012)
La Quita, The more I've thought about it, the more I would agree sometimes first impressions are very accurate. There are some things that show a person's character that I don't think could be chalked up to a bad day. If someone is mean to a child or animal, for example, I would go with my instincts. (Samantha Grace 3:43pm October 18, 2012)
Karin, Good point about people often putting up defenses when we first meet someone. Sometimes it pays to get to know the person better. :) (Samantha Grace 3:45pm October 18, 2012)
Pam Howell, That seems like a good guideline. If our friends like someone, he or she may be worth a second chance. I like that. :) (Samantha Grace 3:46pm October 18, 2012)
Pam Brewer, I've certainly been wrong about both as well. And I've been right. It is interesting to me though that some of the people I didn't care for at first have turned out to be people I've become closest with over time. I wonder if that's because I have to make more of an effort to get to know and understand them to like them. (Samantha Grace 3:51pm October 18, 2012)
Nancy, That makes perfect sense to me. :) (Samantha Grace 3:52pm October 18, 2012)
Carla, That's an excellent point about instincts. I've had things I've thought about people and then things I've felt on a gut level. I think our gut reactions are there to protect us, so I always listen to those. In those situations, I don't feel I owe anyone anything. If I badly misjudge them, then so be it. I'd rather be wrong and safe. :) (Samantha Grace 3:55pm October 18, 2012)
Pamela, You're hysterical. In a good and funny way. LOL :) (Samantha Grace 3:57pm October 18, 2012)
Shelly, Thanks for sharing your viewpoint. There is likely some truth to your statement that first impressions are how people are. I think about meeting someone who is under a lot of stress. That is how they are under stress. Or if they've just received good news, we see how they are when happy. What complex creatures we are. :) (Samantha Grace 4:01pm October 18, 2012)
Hi, Kathleen. Too bad we don't have buttons we can put on saying "Having a bad day. Please don't hold it against me". :) (Samantha Grace 4:03pm October 18, 2012)
Colleen, That sounds like a reasonable way to approach meeting a new person. :) (Samantha Grace 4:04pm October 18, 2012)
Chelsea, I've found my opinion often changes, too, when I get to know the person. I think at a minimum if I can understand a person, I'm more tolerant. :) (Samantha Grace 4:06pm October 18, 2012)
Thank you, Margaret and Bonnie! I hope you enjoy the book if you get a chance to read it. :) (Samantha Grace 4:07pm October 18, 2012)
Thanks, Kyla! I do end up with some great covers, thanks to Sourcebooks. :) (Samantha Grace 4:07pm October 18, 2012)
First impresions can sometimes be decieving. This book looks like a great read. Thanks for the contest. (Laura Troxel 5:27pm October 18, 2012)
THANKS for the chance to read your book (Debbi Shaw 7:34pm October 18, 2012)
I rely on first impressions as they're ususally accurate, but will give a person a chance to change my mind. (Mary C 8:34pm October 18, 2012)
I usually rely on first impression. I do give some people the chance to prove me wrong, but it usually doesn't end up happening very often. (Tina Rucci 8:55pm October 18, 2012)
I have a pretty good "gut" so if the gut feelings are negative, it seem to be for a reason. I do try to keep an open mind tho. Your books sounds like a good read. thanks for the draw. (Barbara Studer 9:00pm October 18, 2012)
You always try to make a good first impression, might not get another chance to change someones mind about you. (Sheila True 9:06pm October 18, 2012)
I rely on first impression but I'm also the kind that want to believe not all people are bad. I do admit that I am a glutton for punishment since the instinct about the person is always right. (Kai Wong 9:13pm October 18, 2012)
Relying on first impressions leaves one open to trusting too easily. (Diana Corlett 9:18pm October 18, 2012)
I'm a first impression person all the way. (Sue Farrell 9:39pm October 18, 2012)
I always try to keep an open mind. (Janie McGaugh 9:43pm October 18, 2012)
Some people upon meeting me for the 1st time believe that I'm a very reserved person. Luckily, I've been given many second chances by others. Because I've been on the receiving end of 2nd chances, I highly endorse the principle of 2nd chances. (Joanne Hicks 9:43pm October 18, 2012)
Seems like a Great contest. (Kent Cook 9:51pm October 18, 2012)
As they say you only get one first impression, but I think your opinion can change after spending time with someone. People may not show their true self until they get to know you. (Ann Sheiring 9:51pm October 18, 2012)
I do trust first impressions, because the first time I laid eyes on my Husband, I knew that someday we would be married. That day came to pass, even though I never said a word about it to him. I just let nature take its' course. As for second chances, I usually give a person a second chance. It really would depend on the circumstances. There have only been a couple of times that I couldn't give the person a second chance, because what they did was too serious and hurtful to me personally. I enjoyed the excerpt of your book, and would love to read it. I truly was sorry to see that it broke off where it did. It left me wanting more!! Congratulatons on your latest book. The story is wonderful!! (Peggy Roberson 10:04pm October 18, 2012)
I'm a second, third and fourth chance kind of person. I normally give someone time when I meet them. We all have our good days and bad days and it takes awhile to truly see who people really are. Now if a person is rude, obnoxious, and down right nasty on the first meeting, there will be no more chances.
Thank you for the chance in the giveaway. :) (Leah Weller 10:29pm October 18, 2012)
I always trust my first impression. It hasn't failed me so although I probably do miss out, I go with my very large gut!! (Vicki Hancock 11:18pm October 18, 2012)
I take note of my first impression and then see what happens next. (Diane Sallans 11:34pm October 18, 2012)
I'm the type to take it all in stride and blow it off if I wasn't that interested in someone the first time I meet them. Thanks for the giveaway! (Karen Prentice 11:42pm October 18, 2012)
I do take on board first impressions but only ignore someone in an extreme incident - I have to REALLY not like them! Your books are great, I love them. (Barbara Hanson 8:20am October 19, 2012)
First impressions don't always work, but they give you something to take away or build on. Once I told a person that I tolerated her and that sure didn't go over well. (Alyson Widen 7:21pm October 19, 2012)
A first impression of someone as unpleasant or oily or rude - yes, I'll remember and trust that. A first impression of someone pleasant may be perfectly accurate or later I may have reason to revisit it, if something occurs. (Clare O'Beara 8:58am October 20, 2012)
I trust first impressions. I trust my inner voice. (Rita Wray 12:54pm October 20, 2012)
i trust first impressions (Danielle McDonald 6:33pm October 20, 2012)
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