Christmas Kisses, October 2021
Mistletoe and Mayhem, November 2020
Paperback / e-Book
The Duke of Danby's Holiday Hijinx, November 2018
Evading the Duke, June 2016
Once Upon a True Love's Kiss, January 2016
Secrets to a Gentleman's Heart, November 2015
A Summons From Danby Castle, July 2015
The Best of Both Rogues, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
In Bed with a Rogue, September 2014
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Heart of a Duke, February 2014
One Rogue Too Many, January 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Lady Vivian Defies A Duke, May 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie, October 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half, June 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
How far will she go to drive him mad?
Beau Monde Bachelor #4
Sourcebooks Casablanca
May 2013
On Sale: May 1, 2013
Featuring: Luke Forest; Lady Vivian Worth
384 pages ISBN: 1402258402 EAN: 9781402258404 Kindle: B00B2AO724 Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical
The Naked Truth Lady Vivian Worth knows perfectly well how to behave like a
lady. But observing proper manners when no one is around to
impress is just plain silly. Why shouldn't she strip down to
her chemise for a swim? When her betrothed arrives to
finally meet her, Vivi will act every inch the
lady—demure, polite, compliant. Everything her brother
has promised the man. But until then, she's going to enjoy
her freedom... A revealing discovery Luke Forest, the newly named Duke of Foxhaven, wants nothing
to do with his inheritance —or the bride who comes
with it. He wants adventure and excitement, like the
enchanting water nymph he's just stumbled across. When he
discovers the skinny-dipping minx is his intended, he
reconsiders his plan to find Lady Vivian another husband.
Because the idea of this vivacious woman in the arms of
another man might be enough to drive him insane—or to
the altar.
No awards found for this book. Beau Monde Bachelors
61 comments posted.
Re: Lady Vivian Defies A Duke
Sounds like a great series. Hope I win a copy! (Sarah Bauman 4:11pm May 23, 2013)
Love when books bring in characters from a previous book... it is always wonderful to see how they are doing and what is new since we the readers last "saw" them... thanks for the chance to win your book! (Colleen Conklin 4:36pm May 23, 2013)
I enjoy books that are in a series and characters pop in from previous books. My favorites are Nora Roberts and Julia Quinn. (Michele Hayes 5:11pm May 23, 2013)
Thank you, Sarah! Good luck to everyone! :) (Samantha Grace 6:11pm May 23, 2013)
Colleen, I agree 100%! I love to see how characters I've gotten to know are doing after their story has ended. :) (Samantha Grace 6:12pm May 23, 2013)
Michele, I think it's so fun to see past characters pop in too. :) (Samantha Grace 6:13pm May 23, 2013)
When characters pop up in stories that I'm reading, that I'm already familiar with, they usually end up being quite a surprise to me. I do recall reading a book this one time where the Author brought back this awful character. I don't know why they did, and the name of the book escapes me at the moment, but it put a damper on the story itself. There are times, though, where you wonder how other characters have done over time, and when they turn up in a book, it's like visiting with an old friend. Your latest book sounds like the perfect way to kick back this Summer, and I'm looking forward to reading it very much. That's quite a hot cover, too!! (Peggy Roberson 7:00pm May 23, 2013)
Thank you, Peggy! Ooh, I don't think I'd like to see a character I didn't like show up again. Unless the author is really good a redeeming the person. It's not easy, though, because their past isn't easily forgotten. :) (Samantha Grace 7:35pm May 23, 2013)
I read a lot of series books & I do like to see reappearances of characters in previous books. There are a few that have sisters - like Jill Shalvis' first 3 in the Lucky Harbor series & Christie Ridgway's Three Kisses series. Robyn Carr's Virgin River series & Carolyn Brown's Spikes & Spurs series are great, too! And I have really been loving your series too! Can't wait to read this book! (Sharlene Wegner 10:02pm May 23, 2013)
I do love series and finding out what characters from the early books are up to. Here's a few I've read and enjoyed: - Emily March - Eternity Springs - Nora Roberts - Bride Quartet + Boonesboro Inn - Janet Chapman - Highlanders + Spellbound Falls - Mary Balogh - read The Proposal which starts her newest series (Diane Sallans 10:18pm May 23, 2013)
There are several I can think of Valerie Bowman's Secrets of A Wedding Night and Secrets of A Runaway Bride. (Theresa Norris 10:41pm May 23, 2013)
Oh, my, one might say once I find a series I am addicted to them - did it start with Julie Garwood when I was a teen, Jo Beverley, Julia Quinn, Amanda Quick, Megan McKinney, who knows I know it is there though. I love finding characters in new books that make an appearance, let you know HEA does not mean saying goodbye to them in their book. (Carla Carlson 10:45pm May 23, 2013)
Yes, I do enjoy reading about familiar characters but have not read any series lately. We have been so busy caring for sick Mother in law with 2 hip and back surgery. I would love to read and win Lady Vivian Defies a Duke because it sounds so interesting. Congrats on your new books. Thanks, Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 10:46pm May 23, 2013)
Lady Vivian Defies a Duke sounds intriguing! She must show a lot of nerve! LOL (Gladys Paradowski 10:48pm May 23, 2013)
Sounds awesome!! (Vicki Hancock 10:49pm May 23, 2013)
I love series where interconnected characters appear. Julia Quinn's Bridgertons and Julie Anne Long's Pennyroyal Green series are among my favorites. (G S Moch 10:57pm May 23, 2013)
I do love series. It is nice to revisit those friends you made in earlier books. There have been so many series I have enjoyed, it is hard to remember. The most recent I finished was Jennifer Blake's Masters At Arms. It did a great job of portraying the setting, 1840's New Orleans, to the point that if you were even a little familiar with NOLA, you knew right where they were standing in some of the scenes. She also did a nice job of following up on characters in previous books. (Patricia Barraclough 12:18pm May 24, 2013)
I love Susan Mallery's Bakery Sister series and the Fools Gold series. I love when the familiar characters show up and then each of them have their stories told. Another series I love is the De Burgh series by Deborah Simmons. (Kai Wong 12:26pm May 24, 2013)
Hi Samantha!
I've loved reading the first three books in the Beau Monde Bachelors series and can't wait to read Lady Vivian Defies a Duke! I must admit while I hate to see the series come to an end that I can't wait to find out even more about Rival Rogues series and was thrilled to find out we'll only have to wait until January for the first book to be released!
I love for characters to reappear in books and must admit that I some times fall in love with a secondary character and then get upset when they don't get a book of their own. I really don't have a favorite but then Cervantes was the first "historical romance" author I ever read and that was back in the 1960's and there have been to many "series" I've read since to pick just one! (Jeanne Miro 12:30pm May 24, 2013)
I usually read stand alone books. It is just too hard for me to keep up with a series. Sometimes important information is in a previous book and it makes the new one confusing. But, most of my friends love series so I know that they have a large following. (Kathleen Yohanna 4:54am May 24, 2013)
I think this may just be the book I've been looking for. The reluctant male that finds the woman he can't seem to forget. Thanks for the great excerpt and can't wait to read! (Sandie White 6:38am May 24, 2013)
I love little cameos from other characters! Delilah Marvelle has some good ones (they appear, but don't take over). (Karin Anderson 7:17am May 24, 2013)
Sharlene, Thank you! It's great to see you here today. Sisters would be fun! Some day I want to write a trilogy about sisters. I've been developing an idea. If only there were more hours in the day. ;) (Samantha Grace 8:07am May 24, 2013)
Hi, Diane! I've never read Emily March or Janet Chapman. I'll have to check them out. I was thinking I might try Audible (I think that's what it's called) for my phone so I can listen to audio books. That seems to be the best time for me to catch up on my "reading". :) (Samantha Grace 8:09am May 24, 2013)
Theresa, Valerie Bowman is fun, isn't she? And she's such a sweet person too. I love humorous stories. I haven't had a chance to read her newest book, but I enjoyed her debut, Secrets of a Wedding Night. :) (Samantha Grace 8:11am May 24, 2013)
Carla, I love Amanda Quick's books. I also like that she takes chances. I really liked the books with the recurring couple, Tobias and Lavinia. (I think that was her name.) To me the HEA is just the beginning of the story, so I like seeing how couples are doing too. :) (Samantha Grace 8:22am May 24, 2013)
Cece, That's so great of you to take care of your mother-in-law. It's a big job and I can understand why you don't have time to read right now. I wish her a speedy recovery and good health for you and the rest of your family. Thanks so much for stopping by today. :) (Samantha Grace 8:26am May 24, 2013)
Gladys, I love heroines with a lot of nerve! There are very few shrinking violets in my books. :) (Samantha Grace 8:28am May 24, 2013)
Thank you, Vicki! (Samantha Grace 8:28am May 24, 2013)
love to win a copy of this. lady vivi is a very intesting lady and the duke is so hot (Denise Smith 9:11am May 24, 2013)
I've not started this series, on my tbr bookshelf. Can't wait though. Historicals are my favorite. Looking forward to the commical arguing among the couples. (Tina Meissinger 9:27am May 24, 2013)
I love books where familiar characters make a reappearance. One of my favorites is The Hellions of Hallstead Hall. I also enjoy your books very much along with Jill Shalvis and Susan Mallory. Thanks so much for this giveaway! (Cathy Phillips 9:46am May 24, 2013)
Oh definitely... I love Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series... :)
Your book sounds great! (May Pau 9:58am May 24, 2013)
You book sounds great ... and I confess I've never read any of your books so ... I feel like I've discovered a new author today... so I'm already a winner, even if I don't win the free copy of your book today. THANKS. I can't wait to get started. Best of luck with this one and all you do. (Nancy Reynolds 10:02am May 24, 2013)
I love to read series. Stephanie Plum, Miss Julia, Alex Cross snd the list goes on and on. (Sheila True 12:29pm May 24, 2013)
Your book sounds, so very interesting and just what makes a great beach read! (C Culp 2:43pm May 24, 2013)
I love series! Although I must admit, I'm one of those who likes to read them in order, and sometimes that's really the only way to read them!!
Some of my favourites: Stephanie Laurens: The Cynsters; Black Cobra Quartet; The Bastion Club; and the Lester trio are all inter-related with charactors coming and going throughout.
The various Nora Roberts series are also favourites, along with Diana Gabaldon's Outlander and Sir John Grey series.
Outside of romance, I also love most everything by Anne McCaffrey, but especially her "Dragonriders of Pern" series, now being written by her son Todd (unfortunately, she died a couple of years ago, but he is doing quite a good job of keeping the flame held high).
This set sounds like one I will have to investigate further on, for sure!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 4:05pm May 24, 2013)
Your book look great with great story I hope I will get a copy to read. (Shohaz Baloch 4:45pm May 24, 2013)
NORA ROBERTS AND JANET CHAPMAN AND YES. (Shelley Summers 5:20pm May 24, 2013)
This book (and series) sounds like so much fun!
I love series and having characters pop up. Some of my favorites are the Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis and the Highland Pleasure (Mackenzie) series by Jennifer Ashley. (Marcy Shuler 5:33pm May 24, 2013)
I love series boooks where the characters come back - they seem like friends you know about. Thanks. (Dianne McVetty 5:47pm May 24, 2013)
Sounds like a really good series :) Would love to read it. Thank you for hosting a giveaway :) (Aimee Robison 6:14pm May 24, 2013)
I haven't read too many series books, though I did enjoy the ones I did read. The most important thing to me is reading a good book, and your book sounds great. (Carol Woodruff 6:51pm May 24, 2013)
G S, I love that Julia Quinn's Bridgertons follows a large family. I love family series! :) (Samantha Grace 7:07pm May 24, 2013)
Patricia, I LOVE New Orleans, so Jennifer Blake's series sounds like something I would enjoy. Thanks so much for stopping by and mentioning this series. :) (Samantha Grace 7:24pm May 24, 2013)
Hi, Kai! The Bakery Sisters sounds fascinating. The title alone pulls me in. :) (Samantha Grace 7:27pm May 24, 2013)
Aw thank you, Jeanne! You're like a professional historical romance reader! That's awesome that you've been reading this genre for that long. :) (Samantha Grace 7:29pm May 24, 2013)
Hi, Kathleen. I definitely have trouble with a series if there's important information in a previous book that I need to understand the one I'm reading. Fortunately I rarely run into that situation in romance, but the one time I did, I was so confused. Plus, there were about 20 characters mentioned in one scene and I couldn't keep everyone straight. That's the reason I try to make each story stand alone. Much easier for me and the reader. ;) (Samantha Grace 7:32pm May 24, 2013)
Thanks, Sandie! I hope you enjoy it if you get a chance to read it. I had so much fun writing this book. :) (Samantha Grace 7:34pm May 24, 2013)
Hi, Karin! That's not nice when a character comes back and takes over. They already had their moment in the spotlight. ;)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. (Samantha Grace 7:35pm May 24, 2013)
Thanks, Denise! A hot duke is a must! ;D (Samantha Grace 7:36pm May 24, 2013)
Tina, I love books where there's comical arguing. You might really like Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie. Daniel Hillary is a bit difficult in a funny way, and Lisette Lavigne is pretty good at putting him in his place. :) (Samantha Grace 7:37pm May 24, 2013)
Lady Vivian sounds like a firecracker!
I love catching up with heroes and heroines of earlier books. Right now I'm in the middle of Sarah McCarthy's The Shadow Wranglers and I love watching the Johnson brothers fall. I am always at a loss when I am on the spot to come up with titles and/or authors. I can remember a book and it's characters clear as day but the rest eludes me. There was a series I read with a secondary character that wasn't very likeable through the books and the last one it was discovered that he was a dirty rotten slime bucket and he got his in the end. Justice for all! Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 7:46pm May 24, 2013)
Yes. I do like recurring characters in a series. I like too many to pick just one!!! :) (Penny Mettert 10:00pm May 24, 2013)
I would love to win this book! (Lisa Langcake 10:54pm May 24, 2013)
I do enjoy characters that show up several times as secondary characters before getting their own book (Carin Walker 11:06pm May 24, 2013)
You know, I do enjoy reading a series and watching the characters grow with time and experience - I love Mary Balogh's books love getting inside a character's mind, and after getting to love each one, having each finally get to a happy ending. It's also fun to read one series from an author and then have some of the characters pop up again in other books - Susan Elizabeth Philips has that happen. It's great to catch up with old friends! (Beth Fuller 11:16pm May 24, 2013)
i would really love to win have a safe and happy holiday (Bonita English 11:17pm May 24, 2013)
Dukes do tend to own a lot of land so I imagine the area would be as important as the family for him. (Clare O'Beara 7:31am May 25, 2013)
I love interconnecting series romance. To be able to visit with old friends is awesome. I read series in order and usually one right after the last to saturate in the characters and world. Two authors come to mind that have written interconnected series' are Karen Hawkins and Sabrina Jeffries. One series characters will flow into or spur the next =) (Lenna Hendershott 6:01pm May 26, 2013)
I have not read any of your books, but I love historical romance and will be putting this title on my TBR list. (Bonnie H 10:48am May 29, 2013)
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