February 7th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

The Werewolf Upstairs by Ashlyn Chase


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Also by Ashlyn Chase:

The Goddess Gets Her Guy, December 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Phoenix Is Forever, April 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
More Than a Phoenix, September 2018
Paperback / e-Book
Hooked on a Phoenix, March 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Never Dare a Dragon, August 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
My Wild Irish Dragon, September 2016
Paperback / e-Book
I Dream of Dragons, April 2016
Paperback / e-Book
The Cupcake Coven, June 2015
Kissing with Fangs, March 2014
Paperback / e-Book
How To Date A Dragon, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Flirting Under A Full Moon, April 2013
Paperback / e-Book
The Vampire Next Door, August 2011
Hard Hats, Hard Bodies, July 2011
Trade Size
The Werewolf Upstairs, February 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Immortally Yours, January 2011
Red Stilettos, August 2010
Trade Size
Strange Neighbors, June 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Dear Sexy Lexie, March 2010
Green Card, December 2009
Love Cuffs, September 2008
Paperback / e-Book
Death by Delilah, April 2008
Quivering Thighs, February 2008
Demolishing Mr. Perfect, August 2007
Vampire Vintage, March 2007
Heaving Bosoms, March 2007
Being Randy, March 2007
Wonder Witch, July 2006

The Werewolf Upstairs
Ashlyn Chase

Witches and werewolves and romance, oh my!

Strange Neighbors #2
February 2011
On Sale: February 1, 2011
Featuring: Roz Wells; Konrad Wolfensen
384 pages
ISBN: 140223662X
EAN: 9781402236624
Kindle: B004ISLNSS
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Paranormal

Petty crime never looked so good.
Konrad Wolfensen sees it as his duty to protect the citizens of Boston, even if it means breaking into their businesses just to prove their security systems don't work—then he sells them one that does. But when his unsolicited services land him in trouble with the law, he'll have to turn to his sexy new neighbor for help.

She should know better.
Attorney Roz Wells is bored. She used to have such a knack for attracting the weird and unexpected, but ever since she took a job as a Boston public defender, the quirky quotient of her life has taken a serious hit. Until her dangerously hot werewolf neighbor starts coming around.

No awards found for this book.

Strange Neighbors


38 comments posted.

Re: The Werewolf Upstairs

I Love Ashlyn Chase's books. This series is going to be even a bigger seller as more people find out about book 2!!! I have everyone one of her books and Can't wait for this one next. Go pre-order your copy today or buy the first one of the series, Strange Neighbors and start reading. I sure you love love it!

Ash's #1 fan, Christine
(Christine Hirth 6:57pm January 6, 2011)

Yes--a big thank you to all the authors that helped me keep my sanity during the bad times in my life---when I could escape the bad and live in their books for just a while.
Sue Farrell 2:17pm January 28, 2011)

To Sue Farrell,
Reading fiction is a wonderful way to slip into another level and place yourself into the story. You can be anyone
and do anything. The mind is a wonderful tool, and yes, the authors have great stories to take you away for awhile.
Keep reading and sooner than later everything will find it's balance.
Rosemary Simm 2:29pm January 28, 2011)

While we haven't had any power outages this year, our furnace has run out of oil once. Thank god for my heated mattress pad and books to read!! I was able to miss most of it by getting out of the house and going somewhere else, but on a weekend, those options are more limited than they are during the week.

And I totally agree with Sue Farrell above: A MEGA-Thanks to all the authors who help keep me sane and functioning and laughing and crying and dreaming, and, and, and ......


Lynn Rettig 2:31pm January 28, 2011)

Thank goodness for wonderful books and the authors that write them. I can remember when we had the bad snowstromes and riding it out with a good book. Love to read on rainy days cuddled in a chair. A great time for escaping for awhile.
Diane Castiglione 2:46pm January 28, 2011)

I like reading in all types of weather. I really appreciate authors for giving me such pleasue and new worlds to explore.
Kathleen Bianchi 2:51pm January 28, 2011)

Reading books - what would I, and so many others, do without them.
Marjorie Carmony 2:53pm January 28, 2011)

Not too many years ago, we had a hurricane that hit our coastline and left us without electricity for days and days. There was no break from the hot, humid weather, but that's when I learned how to hold a flashlight at night so I could read my book. Then to add insult to injury, a few months later we had ice and snow in this deep south state and more days without electricity. That's when I decided it was time to get a generator large enough to take care of all my energy needs.
Anna Speed 3:39pm January 28, 2011)

Entertainment gets you out of your own head and lets you enjoy someone else's for a bit - get away from your own stress and drama.
Kelli Jo Calvert 4:06pm January 28, 2011)

I'm so thrilled to see others feel as I do. Books have taken me through dark places and helped keep me sane too. I think it's one of the few healthy escapes.
Ashlyn Chase 4:07pm January 28, 2011)

I love reading books,thanks to all the authors. Also thanks for giving me a chance to win your book.
Linda Hall 4:23pm January 28, 2011)

Thank you, Linda. That means a lot!

Ashlyn Chase 4:43pm January 28, 2011)

Hi Ashlyn--Yes, books are and important part of entertainment. You need people to play cards (except for Solitaire), hold a conversation, many other things. With a book, you can escape to a different world, and "watch" the book characters while they live their lives. Thanks for the chance to win your book.

Ann Garland 4:47pm January 28, 2011)

I love to read, mostly cozy mysteries. It gets you wondering whodunnit and you analyze motives, etc.

Your book sounds interesting -- aaaaaoooooo (werewolf howl).
Michelle Fidler 5:00pm January 28, 2011)

Without authors we don't have books & stories and without books & stories I would go insane.
Mary Preston 5:07pm January 28, 2011)

A lot of authors are somewhat introverted (not me) but it's a good profession for those of us who'd be more comfortable playing solitare than getting up on stage and performing.
Ashlyn Chase 5:18pm January 28, 2011)

We have been lucky to keep our electricity but we have been hit constantly with snow storms and I do appreciate all the great books I have to read during the times we are stuck at home.
Maureen Emmons 5:33pm January 28, 2011)

There's nothing like curling up with a great book on a winter day.

Ashlyn Chase 5:41pm January 28, 2011)

Many thanks to you and all authors. I love to read and it is always a pleasure to find a new author. Your book sounds very interesting. Thanks for the chance to win.
Mary Christian 6:14pm January 28, 2011)

We didn't get hit by the snow that everyone else got hit by, at least not to the extent others got it!
Brenda Rupp 6:40pm January 28, 2011)

I've got to say reading kept me going thru my terrible teen years and even when it gets rough now. I would love to read your books. I'm always looking for new stories and new authors.
Tabitha Monroe 7:11pm January 28, 2011)

Reading has always been a constant in my life. I flucuate which genre (contemporary, history, suspense) but always romance. Takes me out of regular life & I even learn things that can be useful in conversation, Jeopardy & Trivial Pursuit.
Diane Sallans 7:29pm January 28, 2011)

I enjoy shape shifter stories; I've been reading for a long time and at first I went to the library. Once I was working I bought whatever I was interested in. And I've given my love of reading to both my children.
Diane Sadler 7:54pm January 28, 2011)

Hi Ashlyn! I just read some of the excerpts yesterday at the TRS party. I love your characters! Roz and Konrad are such a feisty couple!
Cindy Gilles 8:39pm January 28, 2011)

Reading is my passion and I never go anywhere without a book. What a wonderful way to escape when the weather is bad.I love to read just about every genre except westerns but mysteries/horror are my favorite. Thanks for the contest!
Teresa Ward 8:55pm January 28, 2011)

No matter the weather, I am always up for entertainment in the form of books... prefer reading over watching a movie...
Colleen Conklin 9:01pm January 28, 2011)

I learned the joy of reading at a young age. When you read, you are no longer lonely or alone. Thanks to authors, you can be scared spitless or be hopelessly in love; you can bask in the sunshine on the beach or freeze your butt off in the artic. You can forget a bad day when you get lost in a book; you can forget to fix dinner because you were so absorbed in that story, and you can still be awake at 3:00 AM because the story pulled you in and you just couldn't put it down! No matter what, thanks to authors, you can be entertained. Thanks to all of you for what you do.
Karen Cherubino 9:57pm January 28, 2011)

I feel that everyone has a story inside of them - be it the story of their life, or something that they may have experienced. The author, however, has the gift of taking an idea, and pulling you along on a wonderful ride for not just a few moments, but for the length of time it takes for you to read their book. Other books expand our minds to learn facts that we should know, so authors are a very important part of our lives.
Peggy Roberson 10:03pm January 28, 2011)

I love witches, werewolves and all things supernatural! The best thing about reading is living the fantasy.
Mary Lynn Hayes 10:07pm January 28, 2011)

The world would be a sad place without books.
Ginger Hinson 11:52pm January 28, 2011)

How true! Stories are the most entertaining aspect of life for most of us. I really don't know how I'd occupy myself a lot of the time if there weren't any books. And I can remember my mother's fulfilling that function when I was young: I still have a story that she wrote, illustrated and made into a little book for me more than 60 years ago. It was probably my very first book ever.
Sigrun Schulz 3:30am January 29, 2011)

I greatly value authors. Reading has been a hobby and source of
entertainment for me since I was very young.

[email protected]
Mona Garg 8:30am January 29, 2011)

I enjoy hearing about stories that are historical and have a hint of truth. Listening to a good storyteller is like losing track of time and being transported to a new arena, a new destination on life's journey if you can only imagine...
Alyson Widen 1:22pm January 29, 2011)

Books mean a lot to me. When my oldest sports minded daughter was chosen to
compete internationally in her sport and left the country with her coach I chose a
long, long fascinating book to help keep my mind from fretting while she was
gone. I finished the 800+ page book an hour before she walked back in the
door with medals and prizes and a glow on her face. Now I could breathe again.
Sandra Spilecki 5:09pm January 29, 2011)

I read a lot when I was younger, it was always an escape for me. I settle down and started my family when I was 19. About two years ago things started to get hectic. We made a move from Washington to California, I was away from all my family and friends, with my husbands promotion came longer working hours. I felt like a single mom of three and I was feeling stressed out and depressed. I didn't know who I was outside of mom and honey. Going to the store and deciding to pick up a book was a big step for me. The first book I had read in almost 8 years (well, the first one that wasn't a childrens book) brought me back to why I loved reading in the first place and gave me something that was mine and mine alone. Reading, movies, entertainment, let's us leave reality behind, if just for a little bit. Getting lost in a new world, laughing and crying can change my whole mood and help me get through the day. That's why I love my books :)
Jolene Allcock 6:46pm January 29, 2011)

Ashlyn - First I wanted to thank you for having the link to your website. You caught me interest with your "no power" story and I love the books I found on your site.

We live in Rhode Island so I know what your talking about with the feet and feet of snow this year. When we built our house we kept the weather in mind and besides the fireplace my husband built that includes a bake oven we also have a wood stove (and plenty of trees on our property to use to keep the fires and warmth going).

We never have to worry about keeping entertained when we lose power because with the fires going to keep warm and a few good books we are all set to keep toasty AND have a good time. Who needs TV as long as you a a supply of good books on hand - no eletricity needed!
Jeanne Miro 6:49pm January 29, 2011)

we live in RI and we have quite a bit of snow outside,good time to snuggle with one of my quilts on the couch and get lost in one of my books.....
Natalie Kozaczka 12:56pm January 30, 2011)

When hurricane season hits where I live it is a guarantee there will be power outages. We don't have a generator so that means reading with a flashlight for entertainment and trying not to have a heat stroke.
Raelena Pavey 7:29pm January 30, 2011)

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