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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Home to Stay by Terri Osburn


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Also by Terri Osburn:

Once Upon a Friendship, February 2022
Ask Me to Stay, March 2019
Trade Size / e-Book
Cowboys For Christmas, November 2018
Falling Star, April 2018
Trade Size / e-Book
Rising Star, September 2017
The Last in Love, June 2017
Paperback / e-Book
Her Hopes and Dreams, November 2016
Paperback / e-Book
My One and Only, May 2016
Paperback / e-Book
The Sutherlands, March 2016
Our Now and Forever, November 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Small Town Summer, July 2015
His First and Last, May 2015
Paperback / e-Book
More to Give, November 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Cowboys for Christmas, November 2014
Home to Stay, April 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Up to the Challenge, October 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Meant To Be, May 2013
Paperback / e-Book

Home to Stay
Terri Osburn

Anchor Island #3
April 2014
On Sale: April 15, 2014
Featuring: Randy Navarro; Willow Parson
291 pages
ISBN: 1477818367
EAN: 9781477818367
Kindle: B00FEVBUPE
Paperback / e-Book
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Women's Fiction Contemporary | Romance Contemporary

Willow Parsons’s two new best friends are getting married, putting her squarely on the sidelines of romance—which suits her just fine. After the nightmarish situation she escaped from, featuring the ultimate Mr. Wrong, she is more than happy to spend her days slinging drinks in Dempsey’s Bar & Grill, and her nights alone. But her Anchor Island refuge has just one catch: muscle-bound charmer Randy Navarro.

Everyone in town knows that Randy, owner of the local fitness club, is a giant teddy bear. Everyone, it seems, except for Willow. He’s convinced that her avoidance is more than just playing hard to get, and is determined to uncover the secrets that shadow her lovely eyes. But when old fears are dragged into the light, can Randy get Willow to stay and fight for their love…or will she take flight, leaving him and Anchor Island behind?

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Anchor Island


55 comments posted.

Re: Home to Stay

(Anne Barringer 2:52pm March 26, 2014)

This isn't a recent movie, but this scene still stands out to me - in The Next Three Days, when Russell Crowe visits his wife in jail and she's lamenting about spending the rest of her life behind bars, and he gets all intense and tells her he's not gonna let that happen...it's an action movie but it was one of the most romantic scenes I've ever watched.
Robin Mayerhoefer 3:53pm March 26, 2014)

This book sounds like one of my favorite stories
Jeri Dickinson 6:18pm March 26, 2014)

In Catherine Anderson's Baby Love Rafe Kendrick goes to the pawn shop and pawns his wedding ring. The emotion in that scene is unbelievable.
Cindy Olp 9:24pm March 26, 2014)

Les Miserables, when Anne Hathaway has fallen. That song. If she never acted again. If she never did another movie. That song.....Amazing.
Lisa Hutson 9:47pm March 26, 2014)

At the end of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Sydney Carton exchanges places with Charles Darnay in order to save Charles from the guillotine. Sydney's final words are most memorable - "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known".
Bonnie H 9:53pm March 26, 2014)

In Wizard of Oz when Scarecrow realizes he was smart all along and didn't need a diploma...and when Dorothy realized she'd always had the power to go back home.
Marcy Shuler 10:17pm March 26, 2014)

I love the scene from My Best Friend's Wedding where Michael and Kimmie's family were having a wedding luncheon and George started singing I Say a Little Prayer for You. I just love this scene.
Kai Wong 10:31pm March 26, 2014)

I really enjoyed the movie Enchanted and I liked the part when Giselle sang the song That's How You Know.
Kathy Morrison 11:16pm March 26, 2014)

I really want to read it
Ina Darmayanti 5:47am March 27, 2014)

My most favorite is in Les Miz when he sings "Bring Him Home". I cry every time I hear that song. I remember when my son was in Desert Storm and I was so scared. I prayed God would bring him home safely. This song just tells it all.
Bonnie Capuano 7:55am March 27, 2014)

i am a jane austen fan so there are so many in the books that
are my favorite i think it was the first person that said
what darcy said to elizabeth but i also like it when he
confessed his love to her the second time after the aunt came
to visit elizabeth at her home
Denise Smith 8:24am March 27, 2014)

The one scene that spoke to me goes way back. It's in the movie The Miracle Worker, when Annie Sullivan finally gets through to Helen Keller, and teaches her to talk. Helen starts to run, and they get to the pump outside. Annie starts pumping, and she says "water." This movie in particular motivated me to learn more about Helen Keller, and I read her Autobiography. I was just a young girl at the time, and after reading it, I was so moved, that I decided to pattern my life after her. She was truly an amazing Woman, who accomplished much with her life.
Peggy Roberson 8:49am March 27, 2014)

The ballroom scene from Beauty and the Beast has always been that cinema moment where I thought it was perfect.
Pam Howell 9:12am March 27, 2014)

In The Wizard of Oz, the movements of the scarecrow when he gets off of the post are fantastic.
Anna Speed 12:06pm March 27, 2014)

looks good
Tina Lechuga 1:30pm March 27, 2014)

L.O.V.E. your 1st book mucho.. mucho...Terri. Am getting the
rest of this series. :)
Jk Vaid 7:10pm March 27, 2014)

Read your "Meant To Be" and love it instantly! Will get the
other two books soon.
Joy Johnson 8:09pm March 27, 2014)

Two come to mind, Brothers and The Next Three Days. These were both very good and had very heart-pumping moment scenes in them (unforgettable).
Rich Cook 5:03pm March 29, 2014)

From Parfume: story of a murderer the end scene where he puts
every last bit of the perfect fragrance on him and gets eaten
alive from the people around him. amazing book, and the movie
did not ruin it at all.
Sarah Hansrote 10:29pm March 31, 2014)

i live in a small town so where ever my family is is home
sounds really good thanks for the chance
Denise Smith 5:36am April 16, 2014)

We live on a lovely, large lake. It is quiet now but soon the boats will be out fishing, or just exploring the shores.
We winter in FL but ALWAYS return to home with open hearts because it is truly welcoming, peaceful and warm. It is true "There is NO place like home."
Patricia (Pat) Pascale 7:34am April 16, 2014)

We live in a small town and I love it. Our church is a little mission church and like a small family. It's great! Thanks for the chance to win this book, it looks like a great read!!
Bonnie Capuano 8:16am April 16, 2014)

I really believe you can make a home anywhere as long as your loved ones are near. As the saying goes, Home is where the heart is. Your book sounds delightful, so win or lose, I'll be getting it to read. Thanks for this chance. Good luck with the book!!!
Nancy Reynolds 9:40am April 16, 2014)

I used to think that life for me was the big city, until my
Husband and I lost our house a few years ago. Now we're
living out in the country, in a small town, and you'd have
to drag me out of here, kicking and screaming!! This is the
place where I always wanted to live someday, and now that
I'm here, I could never even think of living in the city
again!! Life here is simpler, happier, more quiet, and the
people are friendlier. You also can't beat the scenery!!
It's the perfect place to curl up with a good book!! I
loved your excerpt, and can't wait to read the rest of the
story, to see how it unfolds!!
Peggy Roberson 10:15am April 16, 2014)

You know the say "Home is where the heart is or Home is where
you hang your hat." To some point those are true. Home is
where you feel you love the most and are the most comfortable.
Where you know your life is right and your family is happy.
Tina Ullrich 10:35am April 16, 2014)

Small town says home to me. I live just outside a big city and I still call home the small town where I grew up.
Pam Howell 10:37am April 16, 2014)

Thank you, Terri. For me, home is the small town in Arkansas
where I've lived for most of my life. And that's the reason it
feels like home.

Good luck with the release of "Home to Stay"!
Mary Anne Landers 10:47am April 16, 2014)

Home means family to me. My heart is home when I am with them.
Terri, I loved the first 2 books in this series!
Cheryl Castings 11:06am April 16, 2014)

Home is where my family is. I have lived in the same house
since 1995, but it isn't where I want to call "home" it is
where I have ended up due to many circumstances. I like
small towns where everyone looks after one another and still
waves as you go by. This book sounds fantastic thanks for
the opportunity to win it.
Robin Driscoll 11:14am April 16, 2014)

What lovely comments! I grew up in the subburbs, then lived in
big cities, and eventually a really small town. I'm in a
moderate metropolis now, but I think I'll end up in a tiny
town again eventually. There is something to be said for the
quieter way of life.
Terri Osburn 11:17am April 16, 2014)

I love the town I grew up in! It's not really a small town, more mid-sized I
would say.. but there was always a lot to do. Roller skating rink, small
water park, various athletic fields.. etc. :-) also, just wanted to say I
absolutely loved the first 2 books! I can't wait to finally get my hands on
the latest!
Krysten Michelsen 11:50am April 16, 2014)

I love small towns. Home is the warm confortable place around family and friends.
Barbara Wells 12:15pm April 16, 2014)

Our town is divided into three sections (Not on a map but by the way you
want to live. Our section is eclectic and we are accepted as we are with all our
idiosyncracies. We are not lawn perfect and we don't dress just fit in. We are
what we are. Our section is considered a village with it's own stores, banks
It's a great way to live.
Sandra Spilecki 12:15pm April 16, 2014)

Our town is divided into three sections (Not on a map but by the way you want to
live). Our section is eclectic and we are accepted as we are with all our
idiosyncracies. We are not lawn perfect and we don't dress just fit in. We are
what we are. Our section is considered a village with it's own stores, banks etc.
It's a great way to live.
Sandra Spilecki 12:17pm April 16, 2014)

Home is where my family lives--no matter if a small town or a large city.
Sue Farrell 12:38pm April 16, 2014)

Sounds like such a great book. I have lived in both and I would say I prefer a medium sized city.
Denise Austin 1:49pm April 16, 2014)

Home is a small town with all of my family and friends.
Emily Baucom 2:03pm April 16, 2014)

I would love to read this book.
Jamie Steadman 2:22pm April 16, 2014)

I always thought I wanted the big city until I went to college in one and the small town life called me back. LIving around family and friends has been my life and made me very happy - so I guess I like to visit the big city bur come home to my small town roots. The book sounds wonderful and I can't wait to read it. Have a wonderfl Spring!
Suzanne Walker 2:56pm April 16, 2014)

Home, for me, is definitely where my friends and family are. I live in a mid-size city, that has the "vibe" I need to be happy and comfortable, and where most of my friends and friends I call family also live.

I love to travel, but I honestly can't envision myself living somewhere else, for any reason.


Lynn Rettig 3:28pm April 16, 2014)

I was born and grew up in a small town. After getting married I still lived in a small town and loved it. Since getting older and the cold weather up North we moved to the sunny South. We now live in a bigger city and have wonderful weather all year. Florida is where we now call home.
Rebecca Rankin 3:55pm April 16, 2014)

Family and friends nearby makes a place feel like home to me. Also I like a smallish town, say 10,000 people.
Carol Woodruff 7:35pm April 16, 2014)

sound like me ilive in a smal town here and then
they do not do alot here
Desiree Reilly 7:46pm April 16, 2014)

i love small towns sounds so good
Debbi Shaw 8:58pm April 16, 2014)

I live in the suburbs of a rapidly growing town outside of a
city. It is home,, but it is my family and friends that make
it so.
Glenda Martillotti 12:04pm April 17, 2014)

I really enjoy small town living. We lived in rural Kansas for seven years.
Such a great place to raise your family.
Shari Bartholomew 12:13pm April 17, 2014)

I love the name of this book....I live in a small town and love it! But then it doesn't matter where you live...there is nothing like coming home!!! It's where the heart is!!
Bonnie Capuano 8:25am April 17, 2014)

Home is wherever my wife is!
Richard Proctor 11:05am April 17, 2014)

Home is wherever my wonderful hubby, Rich, is! I had to
suffer through a lot of Mr. Wrongs before I met him!
Maria Proctor 11:23am April 17, 2014)

Mr. & Mrs. Proctor just made me smile. Thank you everyone for
chiming in. I love all the small town stories.
Terri Osburn 1:20pm April 17, 2014)

I used to live in a small town, and when I married, we built a home across from a beautiful view of the MN. bluffs. I would stand in my front picture window and just love the beautiful, peaceful view. When we relocated for my husband's job to WI. to a town more than double the size of the one I came from, it was a bit of an adjustment for me. More traffic and people everywhere. I miss my hometown, but I love it here now. I had a much more relaxing life in the smaller town and seemed to have more hours for everything including my crafts, and all my neighbors there were fellow classmates I graduated with. I miss seeing them all like I used to on a daily basis.
Linda Luinstra 5:56pm April 17, 2014)

Family and really good friends are home, whether big city or town. Just having them near makes all the difference when coming home to them at the end of a day.
Gloria Shaw 9:37pm April 17, 2014)

My 4 children have moved out and 3/4 are married. My husband and I live in a condo in Florida half of the year on Hutchinson Island. We spend our summers on a small lake in rural, central Wisconsin. So every year we experience a little of city and country life. Our family is spread out over several states so home is where ever we can be together. I appreciate all the moments when this happens.
Laurie Gommermann 6:52am April 18, 2014)

my family
Denise Holcomb 12:58pm April 18, 2014)

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