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Angel Sister by Ann H. Gabhart


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Also by Ann H. Gabhart:

The Song of Sourwood Mountain, May 2024
Paperback / e-Book
In the Shadow of the River, May 2023
Paperback / e-Book
When the Meadow Blooms, May 2022
Paperback / e-Book
Along a Storied Trail, June 2021
Paperback / e-Book
An Appalachian Summer, July 2020
Paperback / e-Book
The Refuge, May 2019
River to Redemption, July 2018
Paperback / e-Book
These Healing Hills, September 2017
Paperback / e-Book
The Innocent, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Love Comes Home, July 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Small Town Girl, July 2013
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The Gifted, July 2012
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Words Spoken True, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Blessed, July 2011
Angel Sister, February 2011
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The Seeker, July 2010
The Believer, August 2009
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The Outsider, August 2008
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Summer of Joy, February 2008
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Orchard of Hope, March 2007
Paperback / e-Book
Scent of Lilacs, June 2005
Paperback / e-Book

Angel Sister
Ann H. Gabhart

Rosey Corner #1
February 2011
On Sale: February 1, 2011
Featuring: Kate Merritt
416 pages
ISBN: 0800733819
EAN: 9780800733810
Kindle: B004FV4XUS
Trade Size / e-Book
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Inspirational Historical | Inspirational

It is 1936 and Kate Merritt, the middle child of Victor and Nadine, works hard to keep her family together. Her father slowly slips into alcoholism and his business suffers during the Great Depression. As her mother tries to come to grips with their situation and her sisters seem to remain blissfully oblivious to it, it is Kate who must shoulder the emotional load. Who could imagine that a dirty, abandoned little girl named Lorena Birdsong would be just what the Merritts need? In this richly textured novel, award-winning author Ann H. Gabhart reveals the power of true love, the freedom of forgiveness, and the strength to persevere through troubled times. Multidimensional characters face real and trenchant problems while maintaining their family bonds, all against the backdrop of a sultry Kentucky summer. Readers will be drawn into the story and find themselves lingering there long after they've finished the book.

No awards found for this book.

Rosey Corner


68 comments posted.

Re: Angel Sister

It is interesting how childhood memories that we forget as teens mean so much to us in out adult lives. There are so many sweet moments that we can remember when....
(Darci Paice 12:51pm March 18, 2011)

21 books is impressive. I look forward to reading ANGEL SISTER very much. My childhood memories are all good. They make me smile just thinking about them.
Mary Preston 2:31am March 18, 2011)

This sounds like a wonderful read! For some reason, this time frame never fails to intrigue me.
Karen Gervasi 6:18am March 18, 2011)

Childhood memories is something that very important our my life. So many sweet moment in our childhood and it's always interesting to read a story about childhood memories. I'm lokking forward to read your book.
Dinda Lestarini 6:23am March 18, 2011)

In todays hard and troubled times we really do need "something" to believe in. In this world in which we live faith, and believing in such is becoming a fast and fleeting memory. Your stories are such stories to give us pause to stop and truly think and believe in something again! you've said that "you worry at times that your story well might run dry" I think not. Yours is a God Given talent and that which is product of God cannot easily go assunder. So please, keep writing and believing in yourself because you have many faithful followers. I know I for one need something to believe in, and I am thankful that it's people like you who continue to give me what I need with each stroke of your pen. Thank You!
Ronald Riedel 6:53am March 18, 2011)

Since I was born in February, 1929, my brother always said that I caused the depression. Thank goodness he was smiling when he said that. Your book sounds wonderful!
Marjorie Carmony 6:58am March 18, 2011)

Silvana Moscato 7:53am March 18, 2011)

That was a wonderful time period when you made your own fun with your imagination. Today, it's hard to imagine life being so simple in so many ways.
Cate Sparks 7:59am March 18, 2011)

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate those of you who think you'd enjoy reading Angel Sister.

Memories of good times when we're growing up should make us smile, Darci, Mary & Dinda. My mom does a lot of smiling thinking back to her good days as a kid. I'm glad I could work that into the background of my book even though the story is completely fiction and not anything that happened to Mom. The time period made for many challenges for my fictional family, Karen, but that can add to a story.

Marjorie, my mom was born in 1920, so maybe she should get the blame. LOL.

And Ronald, what a encouraging comment to leave for me. That will make the work go better today for sure.
Ann Gabhart 8:08am March 18, 2011)

Yous book sounds great. I have never been a fan of Depression era books after the grapes of wrath depressed me. Yours sound much more interesting.
Pam Howell 8:34am March 18, 2011)

What a great tribute to your Mom! My Mom's oldest sister lived through the Depression and they used to have to eat mustard and sugar sandwiches. She liked them so much she ate them for the rest of her life much to her neices and nephews dismay!!!
Renee Pajda 9:16am March 18, 2011)

This sounds like such a sweet book and can't wait to read. So glad your Mom knows Angel Sister is based on her life. Thanks for this opportunity to enter.
Brenda Hill 9:22am March 18, 2011)

The book cover and title draws you into wanting to read your book.
Kathleen Bianchi 9:22am March 18, 2011)

Childhood memories about family are the greatest gift. Thanks for sharing with us!
Dawn Staniszeski 9:31am March 18, 2011)

This is a win win book and I would like to wish you the best
on it.
Cynthia Plaza-Harney 9:50am March 18, 2011)

Oh Ann, Please pick me!!! My friend cheryl says you are a wonderful person. I love your books.
Nancy D'Oporto 10:06am March 18, 2011)

I'm with you, Pam, about Grapes of Wrath. A powerful story, but depressing. My mom's family never went hungry so they didn't face the same challenges and the story is more character oriented with issues that families might have to deal with in any era.

That's a great story, Renee. Some people might have never wanted to see those mustard sandwiches again, but perhaps your aunt remembered the love that went with them. Now I ate salad dressing sandwiches when I was a kid, but I don't know about mustard. The sugar part sounds good.
Ann Gabhart 10:42am March 18, 2011)

I'm glad Mom got to see the story in book form too, Brenda. She knows it's fiction but enjoys the background being like her family knew.

It is a great book cover, Kathleen. If the cover designers had been able to lift my little Lorena out of the book and have her model for the cover, the girl wouldn't have been any more perfect. She looks just like I imagined Lorena!

You're right, Dawn. What better gift than knowing your family stories, but then I think that my own children don't know mine. They know the ones I've made up perhaps, but there are so many things to share.

Thanks for the good wishes, Cynthia and Nancy. And good luck in the drawing for the book. If you don't win this time, there will be other blog giveaways you can try. Just check on my website from time to time.
Ann Gabhart 10:47am March 18, 2011)

Love ya cover!! We have a lot of readers here at the library were I work in Camden Co, GA that read inspirational novels, and I'm sure they are looking forward to reading it. I hope I win so I can donate it to the library,and add it to inspiration novels for circulation.
I found it interesting how you included family memories in your book, all of us unique memories...wouldn't it be neat if we shared these more often? Thanks!

[email protected]
Renee Howell 11:14am March 18, 2011)

I was hoping that at some point, you were going to be a guest blogger!! I felt and immediate attraction to your book, and knowing what your Mother is going through, the attraction is even stronger. My Mother passed away from Alzheimer's disease 9 years ago, but it feels like only yesterday. I remember the stories from her childhood, then remember having to basically revert to taking care of a child. I can't wait to read your book, because my Parents also grew up in the depression, and I know that your story will strike a chord with me. Congratulations, and best of luck in the future. I think the time will come for your manuscripts on the shelf, too!!
Peggy Roberson 11:19am March 18, 2011)

I have not read any of your books, but I do enjoy books written about the time when my mother was a child growing up in this country.
Joyce Bruner 11:25am March 18, 2011)

My mother had two sisters (though they were much older) and when they were together they also told wonderful stories of growing up in a small (very small) rural town in Oklahoma. I can see how stories like theirs could be an inspiration for an author. I will be adding this book to my list of "to reads".
Marguerite Guinn 11:26am March 18, 2011)

My husband grew up in the Depression. He only had oatmeal twice a day to live
on. His father dies when he was two and he had to spend a year in an orphanage
because he was too young to work and his brothers stayed home because they
could work. I can really appreciate a book that is more uplifting about those
Sandra Spilecki 11:30am March 18, 2011)

My mom and dad were raised during the Great Depression. My dad used to say, "There was really nothing 'great' about it." I can't even imagine the deprevation that families went through. I am very grateful that I was born in these times and not those times. I remember hearing that there is an old curse that says, "May you live during interesting times." I'd much rather live during easy times myself. No matter how much we all complain about the economy now, we are in great shape as compared to the less fortunate times our country has seen.
Sandy Fielder 12:39pm March 18, 2011)

As my Mom gets older (she's over 70), she has been reminiscing in the past about her childhood during WWII and lot of other past memories. From time to time, she almost connected back to the present but then revert back to the past. I can't blame her since being in Japanese's occupied territories can be a traumatic experience for a child.

I can't complain either. I'm getting some background stories that people don't hear of what had happens during the War from a direct source.
Kai Wong 12:48pm March 18, 2011)

It must be a gift to you that your mother recognized her stories made Angel Sister possible. This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading and letting others know about.
Anna Speed 12:54pm March 18, 2011)

It is said that truth is stranger than fiction. I personally find that books
adapted from an author's real-life experiences to be more compelling.
Mona Garg 1:28pm March 18, 2011)

I love libraries, Renee. That's where I found books that opened up all sorts of possibilities to me. Hope your readers in GA will enjoy my stories.

Thanks, Peggy for looking forward to my guest post! I'm glad the cover spoke to you. It makes me smile every time I look at it and I've looked at it a lot. :) Thanks also for sharing about your mother. Dementia robs our loved ones and robs us too.

Thanks, Joyce & Marguerite & Sandra for your interest in Angel Sister. Sandra, it sounds as if your father had some hard times. Life wasn't easy for many of our parents but they were an amazing generation of people, perhaps made stronger by their hard times.
Ann Gabhart 1:59pm March 18, 2011)

I am the middle of 3 sisters, and I am too young for that era, but I would love to read this!
Debra Simning-Chapman 2:02pm March 18, 2011)

Sandy, your father had a point. Back when I was a kid and somebody said this or that person was "lucky" not to have been hurt in an accident or whatever, my dad would disagree. He'd say if they were lucky they wouldn't have had the accident to begin with. So your dad wanting to throw out the "great" is certainly understandable. Easy times sound like the greater blessing.

Kai, what a treasure to get to hear your mother's stories. She must have some very dramatic ones. Sometimes those are the stories that people are least likely to tell just because the memories are so hard for them.

I am very glad Mom was able to hold my book in her hands and read it, Anna, even if the words don't hold in her mind. And, Mona, sometimes it's easier to think up a completely fictional situation than it is to try to incorporate real-life stories into your book. I had to separate myself from my mom's stories in order to finally get my Angel Sister story told.
Ann Gabhart 2:06pm March 18, 2011)

looks like a winner!
Debbi Shaw 2:11pm March 18, 2011)

Love this author's books..can hardly wait to read this one!
Leanna Morris 2:13pm March 18, 2011)

It is interesting that as we get older the wonderful memories of as a child come back to us. They seem to mean much more to us at this time of life.
Diane Castiglione 2:29pm March 18, 2011)

Ann, I have not read any of your books, but that is about to change. A flood of memories came flying at me when I read your narrative. Thank you.
Rosemary Simm 2:55pm March 18, 2011)

I am the "book lady"(represent the local library) for a Sr. housing facility. I know many of my readers will relate to this story and enjoy reading it.(As would I)
Mildred Mayo 3:28pm March 18, 2011)

I think childhood memories make for some of the best stories!
Laura Henderson 4:03pm March 18, 2011)

Your book AND it's cover bring back memories of my family. My mother told me stories of riding a freight car with her parents & sharing Hobo meals with Hobos & other families along side the train tracks. I can imagine the fun & trials you have in composing a novel. I'm trying to find the time & the words to write about mother's life as well as the rest of our family without getting all mired in the telling! You have a wonderful talent, keep writing & we will keep reading!
Jean Merriott 4:10pm March 18, 2011)

Thanks, Debbi. The story has been a winner for me just because of how I loved my characters.

Aww, Leanna. How nice to hear that you like my books. I'm smiling now.

And Rosemary, it's great to know you're going to give my book a try. I hope you will enjoy Angel Sister and that it will add to your flood a good memories.

Diane, borrowing my mom's memories for the background of the story did draw me closer to her and Laura, I'm hoping setting the scene with my mom's stories did make the story better.

Mildred, what a great job - to be the "book lady." I hope the people you share my book with will be encouraged and enjoy my Merritt family's story. And that you will too!!

Jean, thank you so much for sharing a few of your mother's memories. My mom didn't have to ride any freight cars, but that sounds like it would add some excitement to a story. I hope you will find the right words to write your family's story. I wrote my mom's real memories down just for me. Then I made up my own story from the seed of her story. It didn't happen that way for her, but then I'm writing fiction. And I do hope you will keep reading!
Ann Gabhart 5:19pm March 18, 2011)

My almost 92yr old Mother has a similar background and history.I would love to have her read your book.
Joanne Hicks 5:19pm March 18, 2011)

This sounds like a very good book. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Holly Caulfield 5:45pm March 18, 2011)

that good book you can use family meemiors and that all it count you can put them in the books your write i lov e to win the book
Desiree Reilly 5:57pm March 18, 2011)

Like Peggy Roberson above, my mother died of Alzheimer's about 3 1/2 years ago. And like your grandfather, both of mine were involved in WWI. Both of my parents grew up during the Depression, so this book feels almost eeriely familiar to me. It also sounds like a great read!

Ann, I apologize for hijacking your comments here for a second, but I'd like to say to Kai Wong, that if you aren't already doing this, PLEASE start recording the stories your mother tells about her life in WWII IMMEDIATELY!! Such a source of information is literally priceless! If you don't wish to keep the recordings after she has passed, then donate them to your State Historical Society (most likely connected to the flagship University in your state). Your doing this would provide historical researchers an unimaginably fantastic asset in telling the stories of what happened during that period.


Lynn Rettig 6:43pm March 18, 2011)

I enjoyed this wonderful post today. My mother would recount her depression stories which we still remember. This novel, the characters and ths beauty is compelling. best wishes, Sharon
Sharon Berger 7:08pm March 18, 2011)

Looks amazing! Thanks for sharing with us!
Joelle Beebe 7:43pm March 18, 2011)

It seems a lot of us share parents who have memories of the Depression years, Joanne & Sharon & Lynn too. If your mother reads the book, I hope she will find it uplifting, Joanne.

Go right ahead and hijack my comments, Lynn. This is a good place to have a conversation and those memories of our families are priceless and as you say, important to history.

Alzheimer's is one of those hard illnesses none of us would choose if we had a choice, but we have to deal with what comes our way. My sympathy to both you, Lynn and to Peggy too. I hope you both have good memories of your precious mothers.

Holly & Joelle & Desiree, thanks for your comments and I hope you will enjoy Angel Sister if you get a chance to read my story. Good luck in the drawing.
Ann Gabhart 8:01pm March 18, 2011)

saw the post in the newsletter
Bina Edwards 8:53pm March 18, 2011)

The book sounds really interesting. I would love to check it out! :)
Amber Hall 9:28pm March 18, 2011)

I am looking forward to reading this book
Tabatha Cook 9:41pm March 18, 2011)

I can't wait to read this incredible book.
Connie Rowe 9:59pm March 18, 2011)

This book sounds wonderful. Have just been learning about past grandparentsand their stories So would like to read this book and also some of your other books.
Kathryn Clark 10:00pm March 18, 2011)

Thanks for reading my post, Bina & Amber & Tabatha & Connie. So glad you think Angel Sister is a story you might like to read. And I do hope you will live the story with the characters while reading their adventures as I did while writing about them.

It's good that you are taking time to learn about your family history, Kathryn. If you like stories with history mixed with some romance you might like my Shaker books. The Shakers didn't believe in romance so it is sometimes hard to mix that romance into those stories. Not so hard with Angel Sister since I flash back to the WW I romance of the parents in the story. Victor was very romantic.
Ann Gabhart 10:19pm March 18, 2011)

Sounds good!!
Michele Powell 10:23pm March 18, 2011)

I wold love to win this my mom and i share books and are always looking for new reads
Pamela Hansen 10:48pm March 18, 2011)

My childhood memories that are pleasant are the only times I was allowed to stay at my Grandmothers. I had an alcoholic stepfather so home was pretty unpleasant.
The book sounds great!
Brenda Rupp 10:50pm March 18, 2011)

This Looks & sounds like a wonderful book! I wish everybody ( including Myself) Good Luck!!
Maria Cole 11:11pm March 18, 2011)

I loved my childhood it was a wonderful time in my life.Thank for giving me a chance to win your book,it sounds good.
Linda Hall 11:24pm March 18, 2011)

This sounds like a great book!
Robin Daily 12:53pm March 19, 2011)

I'm very happy to add a new book and new (to me) author to my list of "to reads". The excerpt from this book touched my heart, and I would love to have an opportunity to win a copy and read the entire book.
Deborah Cox 5:52am March 19, 2011)

Your 21st book and I haven't even read one *hangs her head in shame* but now I'd sure love to!!
Birgit Lehner 12:22pm March 19, 2011)

Interesting for my father served in the US Army in World War II as a cook............amazing.....I must say that I've read your Historical Romance books, but not the others........well I'm in it to win it!!!!!!!
Joanne Bozik 1:01pm March 19, 2011)

Hi, Michele, Robin, & Maria. So glad to see your comments here. Good luck in the drawing.

Pamela, it's fun to share books with our family and then get to talk about the stories. I always have a great time talking books with my sisters.

Linda, so glad you have those good grandmother memories and so sorry you had a difficult home life. Hope your life is much better now.

Hi, Deborah & Birgit. I'm always glad to meet new reading friends. If I were you, I'd start with Angel Sister. :) Maybe you'll win a copy.

Hi, Joanne. Sometimes it's good to be doing the cooking for the soldiers instead of being on the front lines. I put my character in Angel Sister in the front trenches in France. Soldiers endure so much in wars. We should always remember and celebrate their willingness to stand up for freedom and country.

Welcome all of who read about my book and my post here in the newsletter.
Ann Gabhart 1:23pm March 19, 2011)

Thank you for the background for this story. It will bring the story more to life for me. The excerpt certainly makes me want to go out and buy it today.
Angela Bartlett 1:27pm March 19, 2011)

Thanks, Angela. I'm glad the excerpt pulled you into the story and made you want to read mroe.
Ann Gabhart 3:03pm March 19, 2011)

Great book and written with wonderful memories of Mom. This book is rich. Thank you
Barbara Ryan 5:18pm March 19, 2011)

I love stories with close-knitted families. They are always interesting....
May Pau 8:10pm March 19, 2011)

Sounds like a wonderfully compelling book. Looking forward to reading it!
Gina Borkowski 8:37pm March 19, 2011)

Thanks so much for your kind words, Barbara. I appreciate your comment.

May, I like stories about families too. Hope you'll think Angel Sister is interesting when you read it.

Gina, hope you like it too. I like sharing my stories with readers.
Ann Gabhart 10:38pm March 19, 2011)

As I grow older, I understand more about the world my parents and relatives were living in . Their values and worries are a product of the times and I love hearing the stories and reasons why they did things like that.
Alyson Widen 4:43pm March 20, 2011)

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