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Tall, Dark and Paranormal, September 2014
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Hearts of the Anemoi Bundle, May 2014
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One Night with a Hero, October 2012
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Her Forbidden Hero, May 2012
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In the Service of the King, February 2012
Hearts in Darkness, November 2011
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North of Need, November 2011
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Forever Freed, May 2011
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One Night with a Hero
Laura Kaye
She'll soothe this soldier's soul one night at a time...
Heroes #2
October 2012
On Sale: October 20, 2012
Featuring: Marco Vieri; Joss Daniels; Brady Scott
290 pages ISBN: 1622668030 EAN: 9781622668038 Kindle: B00BFQDEDI Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Contemporary | Romance Erotica Sensual
He wants just one night... After growing up with an abusive, alcoholic father, Army
Special Forces Sgt. Brady Scott vowed never to marry or have
kids. Sent stateside to get his head on straight—and
his anger in check—Brady's looking for a distraction.
He finds it in his beautiful new neighbor's
one–night–only offer for hot sex, but her
ability to make him forget is addictive. Suddenly, Brady's
not so sure he can stay away. ...what they need is each other. Orphaned as a child, community center director Joss
Daniels swore she'd never put herself in a position to be
left behind again, but she can't deny herself one sizzling
night with the sexy soldier who makes her laugh and kisses
her senseless. When Joss discovers she's pregnant, Brady's
rejection leaves her feeling abandoned. Now, they must
overcome their fears before they lose the love and security
they've found in each other, but can they let go of the past
to create a future together?
No awards found for this book. Discarded Heroes Laura Kaye's Heroes
60 comments posted.
Re: One Night with a Hero
I love that the "Hero" is normally quite good hearted while having that air of mystery. they are always alpha, mdsest, and full of emotion. Whats not to love? ...Plus they always need a good woman to complete them when all is said and done (Allie Motherway 11:13am October 27, 2012)
Military Heroes, have the qualities I find most appealing in a real life man. This makes it much easier to slip into the story when I need an escape.
Shelby S (Shelby S 11:21am October 27, 2012)
I really enjoy military heroes. They are the men who keep us all safe and able to enjoy our freedom. Also from a romance point of view they are Alfa males which are my favorites. Thanks for the chance to win such a great book and its the first in a series, even better. (Ann Sheiring 11:27am October 27, 2012)
Military heroes have those uniforms and such discipline that they tend to find someone more bendable to speak to their spirit. (Alyson Widen 11:29am October 27, 2012)
I love Military Heroes because they are ALWAYS ALPHA Males and they do lots of "UnderCover" work! (Tracy Fischer 11:33am October 27, 2012)
I like their strength, their honor and their compassion and willingness to give their lives to protect others. (Linda Henderson 11:36am October 27, 2012)
I love courage and strength. (Roxana Perez 11:39am October 27, 2012)
I love military heroes so much...I ended up marrying one! (Kellie Forthaus 11:41am October 27, 2012)
Gotta love the Alpha that is true to his country and beliefs. (Michel Reinhard 11:41am October 27, 2012)
I love Military Heroes because of their sense of Honour... (Kathleen O'Donnell 11:45am October 27, 2012)
It's in the uniform for me at the risk of sounding shallow! (May Pau 11:48am October 27, 2012)
Thank you for your post and giveaway, Laura. I can think of one more item for your list.
If men (or women) in the military are serving in a dangerous place, and most such characters in fiction are, they must often if not constantly face death. Therefore they must come to terms with their mortality any way they can.
This gives their lives a whole different meaning. They tend to seize what life has to offer with a passion not typically found among those who lead safe, comfortable lives.
This factors into their love lives, to their relationships with those they love. Not to mention the intensity of their love.
Good luck with the release of "One Night with a Hero"! (Mary Anne Landers 12:05pm October 27, 2012)
The self discipline that seens to go with the uniform. (Sheila True 12:06pm October 27, 2012)
Your list pretty comprehensive and think cover the things that immediately appeal to me about a military hero! (G. Bisbjerg 12:06pm October 27, 2012)
I'm not sure why, but I do enjoy the books about them. (Penny Mettert 12:17pm October 27, 2012)
___________________________________________________ @Allie - yes, I so agree! :)
@Shelby - I like the way you put that!
@Ann - aw, you're very welcome! :)
@Alyson - mmm...uniforms... LOL
@Tracy - yes, the alpha-ness is something I should've emphasized! Good thinking!
@Linda - that's a great list of their best qualities
@Roxana - right? What's not to love! :)
@Kellie - aw, love that!
@Michel - yes!
@Kathleen - yes, honor is a great one!
@May - LOL! I'm right there with you!
@Mary Anne - Oh, I really love what you said! Definitely, yes! Thank you!
@Sheila - yes, I agree!
@G.B. - Awesome!
Thanks so much for all the interesting comments everyone! And good luck! :) ___________________________________________________ (Laura Kaye 12:23pm October 27, 2012)
I love military heroes because they are hard working, loyal, courageous, caring, and they are fighting for our country, safety, and freedom. Most of them are also very hot. (Cathy Phillips 12:36pm October 27, 2012)
I love a certain amount of realism - the weaponry and logistics should be correct, whether Seals or Napoleonics. But that does not mean I want to see someone being killed in all the gory technicolour details. Because face it, that is what military men and women are there to do, should it be called for. (Clare O'Beara 12:38pm October 27, 2012)
Your list and some of the comments brought tears to my eyes. Right now in the news we hear about one of our militery heroes who lost his life to save others. Apparently he was ordered to stand down but continued to defend the embassy and get people out safely. (Kathleen Yohanna 12:40pm October 27, 2012)
I love this list! It is so true, love out military heroes :)and your book sounds so good! (Brandi Franklin 12:45pm October 27, 2012)
I agree with your list of ten reasons to read books with military heros, these are real men. Good luck on your new Hero Series!! (Sharon Extine 1:21pm October 27, 2012)
can't wait to read it! I love military heros!!! (Ashley C 1:33pm October 27, 2012)
Love your list... I truly enjoy military heroes... I want to see love come into their lives especially after all they have done and had to deal with. (Colleen Conklin 1:38pm October 27, 2012)
Living in a military town, I can appreciate the hero story and yours always make me laugh and cry...I love your books and love your characters. (Jean Bowden 1:58pm October 27, 2012)
I love reading about military heros-they are my hero's since I was 14-15 sent my cousin and his friends care packages to them for they were fighting the Viet Nam war, astill i'm still sending our soldiers care packages.they are real men and so brave to be fighting for our freedom. I've losted so many good friends too which their families need help too. Never have read your books so it sounds really good, will add your name to my list of new authors. (Carole Fiore 2:42pm October 27, 2012)
It takes a special type of man to become a military hero. They come in various sizes and have different personalities, but have the love of our country in common. I'm thankful for them. (Anna Speed 2:49pm October 27, 2012)
I love military heroes. So much so, that I married one for myself...Tsgt Lawrence Knapp, 21 years in the Air Force and 2 tours Vietnam. He is my hero and yours because while so many American wimps were running to Canada...my Canadian came to the U.S. and enlisted, volunteering to go to Vietnam. (Kelly Knapp 4:02pm October 27, 2012)
I love reading military romance. The men are alpha, hot, and courageous. (Patty Porter 4:28pm October 27, 2012)
I enjoy reading about military heroes and learning about some of what they experience while serving. They fight hard for our country and to protect us and our freedom. Also, they all look good in uniform (military or dress). One Night with a Hero sounds like a great book, I want to read! (Linda Luinstra 4:54pm October 27, 2012)
_____________________________________________________ @Penny - I'm glad you do! :)
@Cathy - that's a lot of good reasons! ;)
@Clare - totally agree!
@Kathleen - That's good to remember. There are real people behind these characters, and they're making real sacrifices.
@Brandi - yay! I'm so glad!
@Sharon - thank you so much!
@Ashley - yay! Hope you like it!
@Colleen - oh, yes, me too!
@Jean - xoxo!
@Carole - I really like what you had to say! Thank you so much!
@Anna and Shelly - Amen!
@Kelly - Thank you to your hubby! :)
@Patty - yes!
@Linda - Awesome! Thanks so much!
Enjoying reading all your comments everyone - thank you!
_____________________________________________________ (Laura Kaye 5:55pm October 27, 2012)
I started having crushes on military men when I was 9 or 10 years old. I suppose part of that is because I spent some of my formative years as an army brat. I just think there is something so amazing about a man that feels so strongly about his country that he's willing to risk his life for it. Military men have convictions and they have to be both physically and mentally strong. And the uniform doesn't hurt either. ;) (Jenny Yetman 6:11pm October 27, 2012)
The death before dishonor - I find men with integrity irresistible (Carla Carlson 6:19pm October 27, 2012)
I love that the military instills the old-school respect that modern age seems to have lost. The military instills respect, equality, and other great values. Military men value women, without thinking less of them, so they know how treat them. When they're used in books, it makes the heroic aspects more realistic and believable than other type of heroes. (Megan Bowie 6:26pm October 27, 2012)
Great list - I'd add the sacrifices they make to keep us safe. Loved Her Forbidden Hero - have One Night With A Hero waiting to be read on my reader - can't wait! (Mary C 6:46pm October 27, 2012)
I love that these heroic men (and the women too) sacrifice so much, including risking their own lives to protect others. (June A, Manning 6:50pm October 27, 2012)
great list and from what i read i really want to read the rest!!! (Jennifer Beck 7:26pm October 27, 2012)
I love military heroes. They are alpha males that aren't afraid to do what's needed at any moment. (Lori Meehan 7:46pm October 27, 2012)
___________________________________________________ @Jenny - Yes yes yes! :)
@Carla - oh, yes, that's a good one!
@Megan - Oh, I like this!
@Mary - Yay! Happy reading!
@June - I completely agree!
@Jennifer - Woot! So glad to hear that!
@Lori - yes, so true!
Great comments everyone! Thanks so much!
___________________________________________________ (Laura Kaye 8:49pm October 27, 2012)
I must confess that I've never read a book about military heroes. Now that I've thought back on it, I can't recall ever seeing a book about military heroes at the libraries I've frequented, and when I've gone to the bookstores, it wasn't the section I was looking at at the time. Now I would love to read your book. It sounds like a tender, yet sexy story, that's perfect to read this time of year. The circumstances in the story sort of struck a chord with me, and that makes me want to read your book even more. Congratulations on your book, and on the series as well. With the great reviews you got, I'm sure your books will do great!! (Peggy Roberson 8:55pm October 27, 2012)
I really enjoy military heroes. (Kathy Fowler 10:19pm October 27, 2012)
I love military heroes because the men are men. They are dedicated and loving. (Jennifer Beyer 10:20pm October 27, 2012)
I really enjoy reading about their strength and how they over came what they experienced while at war. (Kristin Bingham 10:20pm October 27, 2012)
_________________________________________________ @Peggy - Aw, Peggy, I hope you enjoy it if you give it a try! Thank you!
@Kathy - *nods* LOL!
@Jennifer - yes!
@Kristin - I like that, too!
Thanks so much for all the fun comments everyone!
_________________________________________________ (Laura Kaye 11:23pm October 27, 2012)
I love military heroes too because they are real and it makes you think about what our real life heroes go through. (Darci Paice 11:58pm October 27, 2012)
Oh I love all of the above about them :) I really like the fierce dedication and that once they set their mind to something they're going to make it happen :) (Anna Cade 12:33pm October 28, 2012)
___________________________________________________ @Darci - I agree!
@Anna - LOL! Yes!
I've really enjoyed reading all your comments today! Thank you! ___________________________________________________ (Laura Kaye 1:20am October 28, 2012)
Military heroes are confident, loyal, dedicated & honorable. (Mary Preston 6:01am October 28, 2012)
@Mary - yes, totally agree! :) (Laura Kaye 9:27am October 28, 2012)
Who can resist a man in uniform?? Their integrity and honor only makes the package that much more appeaing. (Rebecca Whitehead-Schwarz 12:29pm October 28, 2012)
Who doesn't love a hero? We cheer for them and want to emulate them. (Diane McMahon 12:39pm October 28, 2012)
Military heros are so good-looking. They are fit and damn they look so yummy in uniforms. (Kai Wong 10:42pm October 28, 2012)
I like all the action and romance! (Martha Lawson 11:00pm October 28, 2012)
_________________________________________________ @Rebecca - yes, that's so true!
@Diane - I agree!
@Kai - LOL! Yes!
@Martha - it's a great combination, isn't it?
Thanks so much for all the fun comments everyone! _________________________________________________ (Laura Kaye 11:13pm October 28, 2012)
All of the above! That is all. It's hard to not fall for military heroes. They represent honor, freedom, strength and hope. What's not to love? (Hai-Yen Huynh 11:32pm October 28, 2012)
I cant resist a man in uniform . For them wanting to fight for my freedom makes them that more appealing to me . (Danielle McDonald 12:02pm October 29, 2012)
This book sounds so sad -- and full of drama! I would love to read this series :) [email protected] (Brooklynn Gibbs 5:09pm November 2, 2012)
Thanks for the recipe Laura Kaye :) Pumpkin Rolls are one of my favorite holiday foods:) (Melvina Davis 9:18pm November 17, 2012)
I have enjoyed so many of Laura Kaye's novels, beginning with Hearts in Darkness, which I found to be exceptional. Reading One Night With a Hero only cemented my belief that she is a fantastic writer with great emotional depth and a true gift for characterization. I truly loved this book! Can't wait for the next.... (Mickey McCall 11:53pm November 18, 2012)
Rugby League operates an interchange system for reserve players with each team allowed to make up to 10 changes throughout the game. Rugby is different as players cannot return to the field once they come off, with two notable exceptions to this rule. rugby league (Fer Jenni426 7:55am September 16, 2014)
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