Highland Spies #1
Sourcebooks Casablanca
September 2014
On Sale: September 2, 2014
320 pages ISBN: 1402292007 EAN: 9781402292002 Kindle: B00KM5F82S Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical
This Highland Laird won't bow to the Crown
Laird Ruairi Sutherland refuses to send his only son away to
be educated by the English. And he most definitely will not
appear in Edinburgh to pay homage to a liege who has no
respect for Scotland. So he does what any laird would do-he
lies to the king. The last thing Ruairi expects is a
beautiful English governess to appear on his doorstep. But this lady spy might make him...
Lady Ravenna Walsingham is a seasoned spy who is sent to the
savage Highlands to uncover a nefarious plot against the
Crown. Playing the part of an English governess—a job easier
said than done—she infiltrates the home of Laird Sutherland,
a suspected conspirator. If she doesn't betray him first
Ravenna soon discovers that the only real threat Sutherland
poses is to her heart. But will the proud Highland laird
ever forgive her when he discovers the woman he loves in an
English spy?
No awards found for this book. Highland Spies
49 comments posted.
Re: My Highland Spy
I believe that first impressions are very important, and they count for part of what I think about a person. After I talk to them for a bit, that counts for the other part. Of course you can't just look at a person and form an impression!! You have to know a little about them first. Everyone has a story about themselves, and you don't know what they're going through, until you've walked a mile in their shoes!! (Peggy Roberson 10:35am August 27, 2014)
Well said, Peggy. Well said. (Victoria Roberts 11:25am August 27, 2014)
PI will often pick up and look at a book that has caught my eye because of the title or the cover. That doesn't' mean that I'll buy it, but if I like the story premise I will. (Janet Breton 11:41am August 27, 2014)
As to first impressions, I find them valuable. If someone does not put forth a good first meeting, then what would you expect from future contacts? I know that someone could be having an off day, but in general, friendliness shows through on people who will be someone that I want to know better. Also, now that I have to be either in a wheelchair or using a mobility scooter, I find out very easily how nice people can be or NOT be when they slam a door in your face or won't bother to even ask if they can hold it open for you or help a handicapped person in any way. That to me shows what a person is like, most of the time. I am referring to those who rush ahead or you or push past you, fully well knowing that you are there and need help. Just my feeling on this I know but other handicapped people have related the same kind of stories to me too.
I am hoping to win this book for a dear friend who has very very limited funds and whose computer died and she cannot do any of the contests herself. So, as her friends, I am hoping to win this to send her or have it sent directly to her if I were lucky enough to be chosen. Thank you so much. Cynthia Blain Massachusetts ceblain(AT)tmlponline(DOT)net (Cynthia Blain 11:52am August 27, 2014)
Janet, I agree. The cover is what catches my eye, and then I read the back cover blurb. That's where I make my decision to buy or not to buy. (Victoria Roberts 11:53am August 27, 2014)
I honestly try to never judge on first impressions... (Amanda Ray 1:04pm August 27, 2014)
I will say that I give everyone a chance to show me who they are... but sometimes I get a feeling about someone right off the bat... and later down the line they show their true colors. (Colleen Conklin 1:25pm August 27, 2014)
As much as I don't want to judge someone, it is hard not to be affected by first impressions (appearance as well as actions). That said I like to think that I let subsequent interactions drive a relationship more than those initial ones. :-) (Glenda Martillotti 1:35pm August 27, 2014)
I don't think that you can help but judge to some degree right away, but you should be careful to continue to evaluate. I've had good impressions that proved wrong and poor impressions that were explained satisfactorily. (Diane Sallans 1:37pm August 27, 2014)
I started this book last night. It is wonderful. Not reading the excerpt since I have not gotten that far. However I love that Victoria used Celtic speak. This is what makes the book for me. Well and the men in kilts.
Thanks so much for sharing! (Suzie Welker 2:05pm August 27, 2014)
Cynthia, I believe that starts with the parents. We need to teach our kids to be respectful of others. If the parent isn't, how can we expect the kids to be, right?
Smart lass, Amanda.
Colleen, sometimes I agree. My gut is usually right.
Hi Glenda. Well said.
Diane, it is difficult to evaluate someone fairly after one meet. If they act like an arse after further meetings, so be it. You have your answer.
Aww... Thank you, Suzie. I'm glad you're enjoying the book. Yes, I use Gaelic in all my books. Translated, of course. ;- ) (Victoria Roberts 2:27pm August 27, 2014)
Of course I do...although I try NOT to. I do give people the chance to undue a first bad impression in all fairness. It depends on who it is and what situation. We all make judgments on what we see and hear. It's human nature. When we CHOOSE to re-evaluate is what shows what's in our hearts :) (Lenna Hendershott 2:51pm August 27, 2014)
It seems natural to judge a person by first impressions, but after a few youthful misconceptions on my part that caused me no end of trouble, I try very, very hard not to judge by first impressions. I ask questions and listen to answers and often "wait and watch" to see what will unfold in a given situation. What I call a "snap" judgment is often a mistaken one and I don't wish to get myself in hot water with such a rush to judgment. At least, I wouldn't want someone else to make a snap judgment about me! It's only fair that I return the consideration. Thanks for the very interesting question. [email protected] (Janice Hougland 9:08pm August 27, 2014)
I think everyone judges a bit on first impressions. You adjust your assessments as you get to know a person, but there is always that first meeting. (Karin Anderson 8:56am August 28, 2014)
I have judged people on my first impression by there attitude and dress but have learned that most time it's best to get to know them too. By the way I love this cover!!!! Thanks for the chance to win this book!!!! (Bonnie Capuano 3:29pm August 28, 2014)
ooh, love the teaser (Denise Holcomb 8:47pm August 28, 2014)
I try not to judge people, especially negatively, by my first impression, because I found, when I was much younger, how wrong I could be. (Janie McGaugh 10:55pm August 28, 2014)
right summer just hit (Kent Cook 11:49am August 29, 2014)
First meetings are important, but it's difficult to form a real opinion when you meet a person for the first time. It takes time to find out more about the person and to decide if you want him/her for a real friend or a casual acquaintance. Thanks for the sweepstakes. This sounds like a fun read. (Anna Speed 12:49pm August 29, 2014)
Yes, I have made a decision about someone based on my first impressions. I feel that a person's personality shows through at all times. I go with my gut instinct about someone. (Laurie Gommermann 4:31pm August 29, 2014)
Sometimes I do. I know I shouldn't but my gut is usually right! (Denise Austin 5:19pm August 29, 2014)
I try not to judge on first impressions. I once worked with two men and before I knew them, I would have chosen to stand next to one on an elevator and after I knew them, I chose the other one. This was discussed by some of us and we all had a change of mind. (Leona Olson 8:33pm August 29, 2014)
Looks like a winner! First impressions are hard to shake, that's for sure. (MaryAnne Banks 9:44pm August 29, 2014)
I love this cover! Great giveaway and I'd LOVE to read this book! It's on my list. (Bonnie Capuano 9:29am September 9, 2014)
I would love to read this book, highlanders have taken over the romance reads, I am so glad I started reading these. I think everyone should try reading a highlander book and see how great they are. (Donna Killian 9:50am September 9, 2014)
I have never been fortunate enough to go overseas, but my Father served part of his time in the service in Belgium during WWII. One of the coins that he gave me as a souvenir was from there. Unfortunately, before he passed away suddenly just a short time ago, he never spoke about what happened, so I have no History about what happened while he was there. I wish he would have told me, because we were so close, but it must have been too painful for him. I'm looking forward to reading your book. It will be a type of connection to him, in a weird sort of way. I'm so glad that you enjoyed your trip!! It sounds heavenly!! (Peggy Roberson 11:55am September 9, 2014)
Oh I never been on another continent, but I want to go so badly! Scotland and Ireland are on the top of my list. I'm terrified of going somewhere that doesn't speak English, but after reading this, maybe I'll give it a try sometime. I really want to go to those places that have a very big history. Sounds like you had an amazing experience! I can't even imagine being in a place that old. It is interesting just to think of how many people must have been there over all these years. (Heather Machel 2:31pm September 9, 2014)
Thanks for the chance to win. I've been to Italy, France, England, Norway and I feel like I'm forgetting something... (Sally Hannoush 4:31pm September 9, 2014)
No, never overseas...I've been to Hawaii, Victoria Canada and the Caribbean but never "across the pond" to Europe. Someday I hope to see the great cathedrals and castles and Scotland...Best wishes with your release! The cover is awesome, thank you Sourcebooks! (Lenna Hendershott 6:39pm September 9, 2014)
I have only been to Jamica, Mexico and the Cayman Islands. I would love to travel more. My oldest has been living in Germany for the past two years and has been to twenty different countries. (Phyllis Lamken 7:13pm September 9, 2014)
The only place I have travelled to was the Caribbean... have not been overseas yet. (Colleen Conklin 7:20pm September 9, 2014)
I would love to travel more and Scotland is the top of my list. However until my children are a little older the only way i can travel is through.books like yours. (Rachel Collings 9:10pm September 9, 2014)
I've been to Scotland and Spain. (Janie McGaugh 10:56pm September 9, 2014)
Hi Victoria! I have never been overseas. I would love to visit Scotland, Italy, France, England, and many other places. Thanks for the giveaway! (Cathy Phillips 11:31pm September 9, 2014)
I wouldn't call it overseas, but I did win a trip to Paradise Island in the Bahamas. It was my first time to fly, first time to be on a beach and swim in the sea. Such a grand adventure. It just happened to be our 15th wedding anniversary too. Would love to read this book. Highlanders have such spirit. (Brenda Rumsey 10:18am September 10, 2014)
Love the cover and cant wait to read this one (Julie Parrish 12:29pm September 10, 2014)
I've not read any of your books so would like a chance to do so. Your story sounds like one I would enjoy.Yes, when I was in college years ago I went on a study trip to Europe and really enjoyed it. Would love to go back again. (Jackie Wisherd 1:29pm September 10, 2014)
I've been to Japan (Angela Daffern 4:23pm September 10, 2014)
My husband and I were able to visit London, UK and Germany when our daughter spent a semester of college overseas. If not for that, we most likely would not have gone. Never miss an opportunity like this! And, by the way, I would love to read My Highland Spy-can't get enough of romantic suspense novels set in Scotland. (Lynne Mauro 9:16pm September 10, 2014)
I've been to Jamaica, Dublin, London and Italy. (Karin Anderson 11:00pm September 10, 2014)
Like you I would love to go to Europe and visit just about most of it. However, Belgium is on my list to visit. I have only been in the us and one trip (via work) to Mexico but did get to the Bahamas. My only bucket list is to go from one end of Europe to the other and Australia. (Tina Ullrich 1:40am September 11, 2014)
I have never been overseas (Susan Clickner 8:57am September 11, 2014)
I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Amsterstam, Russia and Canada but I would love to travel more that is for sure. (Denise Austin 1:45pm September 11, 2014)
Such a fun era and backdrop for a book! LOVE! (Michelle Brown 6:13pm September 11, 2014)
I liked the hand trivia. I've never left the US. I've never even gone to Canada or Mexico. (Laura Gullickson 8:31pm September 11, 2014)
I used to travel almost every year - my first trip overseas was to Ireland, my last was to Italy. (Diane Sallans 8:34pm September 11, 2014)
I love the cover and the book sounds great. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! (Sarah Bauman 10:18pm September 11, 2014)
would love to read this (Peggy Quidor 10:19pm September 11, 2014)
Japan and the Caribbean! Japan to visit a son studying there (and to see what we could in three weeks - and there's so much more to see!), and St. Kitts just because (and it was lovely and unspoiled). Same son is now in China, and we'll have to visit him there. (Beth Fuller 10:59pm September 11, 2014)
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