Sourcebooks Casablanca
September 2013
On Sale: September 3, 2013
320 pages ISBN: 1402270127 EAN: 9781402270123 Kindle: B00D2XA0YS Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical
Torn between his duty and his soul mate, what will this
Highland bad boy choose? In the third book of this fun,
action-packed Highland trilogy, Victoria Roberts introduces
her baddest bad boy yet. Laird Alexander MacDonnell must
choose between his duty or losing his heart forever to the
woman who betrayed him- his own wife. Lady Sybella MacKenzie
is forced to search for her clan's ancient seeing stone
under the roof of her father's enemy. When she finds the
precious artifact, will she choose the family who raised
her, or will she stand with the man who has captured her
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66 comments posted.
Re: To Wed A Wicked Highlander
I dread cleaning my teenage daughters room she never throws anything away so at the end of each summer I go through and get rid of old clothes and stuff she hasn't used in forever lol. Its my most dreaded task .I love Victoria's books thank you for the chance to win To Wed a Wicked Highlander it sounds like a great erad.Hope you have a fantastic weekend. (Wanda Flanagan 12:26pm September 20, 2013)
I dread going shopping for specific clothing. It takes forever to find something that fits or comes close to fitting and looks halfway decent on me. Most of the time I can't even find something that needs a little tailoring to work for me. All afternoon and I come home with two items. (Laura Gullickson 1:12am September 20, 2013)
I dread the oncoming winter with the endless cold weather chores. Even getting up early to plug in my van is a pain, but it's that long driveway and the heavy snow that covers it again and again that is my nemesis! I say we keep autumn for two seasons worth this year and skip winter altogether. (Diana Corlett 3:24am September 20, 2013)
Love that cover Victoria...I dread cleaning the oven! UGH next time it's a self cleaning oven for me!!! (Bonnie Capuano 4:21am September 20, 2013)
Great post! I don't have any kids yet but I sympathize and I definitely know the feeling you described. I helped getting my younger brother going with school. As for something, I dread.. I would say I dread shoveling the snow that is coming soon, right around the corner with the holidays. It's not that I don't mind exercise. But I live in Chicago, a packed city with neighbors on the sides of me that don't seem to have good manners. I shovel my snow, then they shovel their snow onto my nice clean sidewalks and garage front, then I end up shoveling again. It's just something I dread. More from losing my temper about it then anything else. Thanks for the giveaway! (April Harvey 6:55am September 20, 2013)
Wanda, oh yes. I forgot to mention my tweenie's bedroom. *sigh* How hard is it to close a drawer?
Laura, I know that feeling all too well.
Diana, fall is definitely my favorite time of year.
Bonnie, the dreaded oven. That's why I make my husband do it. ;-)
April, Chicago. Enough said. Again, that's why I make my husband do it. ;-) (Victoria Roberts 7:41am September 20, 2013)
Victoria thank you for sharing and for the giveaway
The thing I dread is mornings. I have an autistic 3 year old and he has to go to special ed pre-k. Let me tell you when he has not slept or needs more sleep it is like pulling eye teeth to get him ready and out the door to the bus.
The only good thing? The bus comes to our door. So the fight to get him to it is not much. (Cindy Thomason 7:45am September 20, 2013)
Hi Cindy. A friend of ours has an autistic child and pretty much tells us the same. I don't know any special secret to get any child ready when you want them to be. I wish they came with a manual. (Victoria Roberts 7:49am September 20, 2013)
I dread school supply and clothes shopping, too. The supplies list is ridiculous! Tissues, Clorox wipes, a ream of paper! AND, my kid doesn't even get to keep the stuff I buy! It's a "community" pile, basically. And, clothes, OMG. Our school have a dress code- solid colored shirts, with collars, and khaki pants. I have a 13 y.o. who wears misses' sizes. Do you know how hard it is to find solid colored shirts that she will wear besides polos??!! (Toni Schneidt 7:58am September 20, 2013)
Dread the change of seasons packing up the summer clothes and getting out the fall/winter and reorganizing the closet (Timothy Younger 8:13am September 20, 2013)
Since I live up North, I dread the thought of putting all the Summer clothes away, and putting out the Winter wardrobe. Since the weather has been so changeable out here, one day it's been extremely cold, then we go back to the warm weather again, thankfully, so I'm not sure how soon I should put the Winter weather clothes out yet!! Of course, the Summer clothes should be washed first, before they're packed away for the year, and that's another job in itself!! I'm also a knitter and picked up a few bargains over the past couple of months. If you're a knitter, you'd know what we mean by "stash." Anyway, I have to go into my "stash," when my Husband isn't paying attention, and get it sorted into containers, so I know precisely what I have for some upcoming projects. Then I can get down to business in between reading my books!! As the saying goes - there's no rest for the wicked!! LOL Can't wait to read your book!! Have a great weekend!! (Peggy Roberson 8:15am September 20, 2013)
I always dreaded having to have a schedule. My time was not my own and that was not a good feeling. Great post! Thank you for the chance. (Melanie Backus 8:17am September 20, 2013)
I dread a few things I hate to clean my youngest daughters room she is so messy and never cleans anything up so i have to go into the room and do it my self she is 10 there are alot more but this one is the top contender (Denise Smith 8:27am September 20, 2013)
I Dread Getting Up In The Morning ;) I Dread Going To The Doctor, Driving Long Distances, And HavingTo Wait To Buy A Book I Want . (Josette Schaber 8:44am September 20, 2013)
Loved your post today. I dread ... crowds. I hate being in crowded situations - but just have to deal whenever it happens. Your book sounds great. thanks for the chance to win. Best of luck with it!!! (Nancy Reynolds 9:31am September 20, 2013)
When our house flooded many things were hastily thrown into a back bedroom that stayed dry. The room is stuffed with basically who knows what and hopefully many things that I can't find. I am dreading even the thought of starting the sorting of that room. Seriously. But I am hopeful that my favorite New Balance sneakers will eventually emerge unscathed. :) (Paula Lewis 9:36am September 20, 2013)
I dreaded having a schedule. I taught school and about the time I got used to doing what I wanted to do and sleeping in August 19th would come and school would start. Now that I'm retired I just smile on that day. (Debbie Rudder 9:39am September 20, 2013)
Getting my kids to wake up on time and go to school on time! (May Pau 9:57am September 20, 2013)
I don't have to worry about kids and school anymore, but I remember what a chore it was to get 4 kids to school on time. Love the cover of your book! (Lisa Avila 10:29am September 20, 2013)
I dread "doing" the Christmas tree - if anything breaks my ancestors are turning in their graves, it has to be done, and it all goes back into boxes in 4 weeks time!! (Beth Elder 11:17am September 20, 2013)
OMG! I'm in love. The cover is awesome. I'm sure the story is even better. What I dread is cold weather. I can be outside, drenched in sweat, hauling bags of concrete, hammers, whatever, and be perfectly happy. I love sunshine and heat. Dreary cold weather is depressing and miserable. I need to move to the Caribbean. ;) (Shannon Leigh 11:37am September 20, 2013)
I dread.... cleaning the bathroom, especially the tub when it clogs up. yuck! (Colleen Conklin 12:38pm September 20, 2013)
I dread driving in the snow. (Maureen Emmons 1:07pm September 20, 2013)
I dread talking and reading out loud in front of people, I have since first grade and I still do. I look forward to reading your book it sounds exciting, a can't put down read I would love to win. Thank you for this chance to win. The Best to You and Your Family. (Esther Somorai 1:48pm September 20, 2013)
I dread changing the sheets on the bed. It seems like such a chore. I would love to win A Wicked Highlander. Thanks for the chance to enter. (Gayle Pace 1:49pm September 20, 2013)
I dread - being late to pick up my kids. My heart drops even if I'm on time. I rather sit in the car, waiting and reading. (Yonnetta Free 1:56pm September 20, 2013)
I dread winter - the days seem endless in the Northeast. I dread clothes shopping with my teenage daughter, because the days are long gone when I could pick her clothes for her. Lol. I REALLY don't like how quickly the time passes. My son and daughter were babies just yesterday. Congratulations on your book and thanks for the chance to win!!! (Linda Brennan 2:14pm September 20, 2013)
I dread the before school shopping. (Brenda Stewart 2:30pm September 20, 2013)
I dread winter -- I dread coming home from a business trip to a large pile of unopened, unsorted mail. I dread not succeeding in my new job (I start in 10 days, after 14 months of unemployment...) Thank goodness for anti-depressants! (Sandy Pochapin 2:41pm September 20, 2013)
I am in the middle of dreading job applications. Ugh! I'm too old for this crap! (Sharlene Wegner 2:55pm September 20, 2013)
I dread the fact that there is never enough time to read all of the books I want to read. (Tamara Ferguson 3:05pm September 20, 2013)
I dread all the upcoming ice and snow, which means being homebound for way too long. On the plus side it gives me all lot of time for more books. And due to that amazing cover I am really looking forward to reading To Wed a Wicked Highlander! (Amber Niebaum 3:05pm September 20, 2013)
Sounds like an amazing story! (Brandy Dorsch 3:13pm September 20, 2013)
Dread the winter months when the cold and snow are here (Donna Killian 3:14pm September 20, 2013)
Getting them ready for 3rd or 7th grade wasn't so bad. This year I moved daughter #1 (in her 3rd year of college) into an unfurnished apartment...fun...fun...fun! Oh, ya...next day moved daughter #2 for her 1st year of college. Getting daughter #3 ready for 11th grade was a piece of cake. By then it is just pens, pencils, loose paper and folders or binders. (Sue Galuska 3:27pm September 20, 2013)
I dread social events where I don't know many of the people (Diane Sallans 3:31pm September 20, 2013)
dread coming icy weather, ty (Debbi Shaw 3:34pm September 20, 2013)
I dread driving in the winter. (Wilma Frana 3:40pm September 20, 2013)
I dread the thought of another winter.... one where the Farmers Almanac says it will be colder than ever and more snow than ever! How is that possible? Oh why oh why did I leave the sunbelt????? LOL (C Culp 3:46pm September 20, 2013)
I am looking forward to winter, I love all the winter sports and sitting down with a good book, and watching the storms rage outside with a hot coco or some yummy tea. I enjoy your books and would love to read this one. (Vickie Hightower 3:55pm September 20, 2013)
I dread going to the Dentist. I know I have to but I swear he is a sadist. He loves pulling out that drill and pick. The sounds and the feeling of someone messing with my teeth grates on my nerves. (Stephanie Fredrick 4:48pm September 20, 2013)
wow sounds awesome love the high;lander books
I dreadgoing to the dentist and for job interviews as they make me nervous (and excited the job ones) Love reading and watching my fav shows :) (Rachael Kennedy 5:06pm September 20, 2013)
I dread the coming ice and snow. (Marcy Shuler 5:07pm September 20, 2013)
For a High School English/lit teacher the beginning of school means the excitement of meeting new students and new challenges but also the sadness of saying a final goodbye to last years students who gifted me with so many memories for a lifetime. Texas Fan (Theresa Henry 5:17pm September 20, 2013)
Only one thing I dread? I have lots---giving a speech, meeting new people, asking the boss for a raise, cleaning the oven, going to the doctor---need I go on and on?? (Sue Farrell 5:21pm September 20, 2013)
I dread speaking in front of group. (Janie McGaugh 5:25pm September 20, 2013)
As for the blingy jeans your daughter wants, tell her not to get to excited about them. I bought a pair and the studs and rhinestones were glued on and upon the second time being worn, they started coming loose and falling off. I saved a couple that I found and others starting to fall off...why, I don't know! How does one reattach these and make them stay on, if the manufacturers glue didn't even hold them? I've found I'm better off going to Goodwill and thrift stores for the designer jeans and pay between $4.99 to $7.99. Most are brand new from stores when they've been donated with all tags attached. Styles come and go so quickly that paying a huge price for one clothing item isn't wise. I used to waste a lot of money on clothes and wished I had it all back. I'm very thrifty now and get ten items for what I used to pay for one! I dread driving in snow storms with deep huge drifts or sleet in the winter, because it always terrifies me. I also hate going to the doctor or hospital for tests. Just can't stand blood tests. Had one last week, and now they want me to go in and do it again. They couldn't do it all at the same time (this is so lame)! I was relieved when it was over with the first time. This is enough to fry my nerves. That's why I need to relax with a good book, and get my focus elsewhere. My sister lived in Lancaster, PA. for many years, and then moved to FL. Glad my kids are grown. I don't have to give in to their wants and begging for things any longer (esp. when they're in high school)! (Linda Luinstra 5:29pm September 20, 2013)
I'm really dreading the coming winter. Yuck! (Rebecca Czankner 5:32pm September 20, 2013)
There are a lot of things I dread, like mopping floors and cleaning the bathroom. Those are small things compared to dreading another Christmas season. (Sheila True 5:35pm September 20, 2013)
I dread all of the extra school activities. My other responsiblilities don't go away and yet there is basketball practice and book fairs and PTO meetings. When do I get me time? (Jennifer McFalls 5:44pm September 20, 2013)
i dread packing for trips, knowing I'll forget something, writing lists..... (Teresa Roberts 5:56pm September 20, 2013)
Funny you should mention Back to School. I'm a school librarian and summer is NEVER long enough, especially when you stay several weeks at the end of the school year to finish shelving and cataloging books. I always think we should have a couple of more weeks before going back. But then...I see those sweet little faces and feel the little arms hug me as if I were the most special person in the world. And the year is on. (Marcia Berbeza 5:57pm September 20, 2013)
I dread the winter rains, I just love the sunshine! (Nancy Krueger 7:32pm September 20, 2013)
Folding clothes...I hate it! Don't mind washing them but hate folding them and putting them up. If there was a machine...no matter the cost..,I would buy it to fold clothes, at least. Lol! And scrubbing walls. Spring cleaning while working, taking care of kids, the rest of the house and usual cooking and cleaning is almost impossible! (Nicole Nobles 8:24pm September 20, 2013)
I dread going thru all my Mother's things, pictures, clothes, & etc. since she passed this Sept. 1st. It was hard picking out her clothes to be buried in & making all the arrangements. Your never forget you Mom. So, I curl up with your books & try to move on. (Lois Imel 8:54pm September 20, 2013)
I dread when my husband hands me all his mail to decide if we should consider different insurance, memberships, etc. I would love to just toss it all but inevitably he will ask me about it at a later date. I just wish he'd accept ownership and make his own decisions for his own mail. (Karen Blossom 9:35pm September 20, 2013)
Everyone has a dread, but as a more mature mother, the real dread is not having anyone left at home to do those 'dreaded' chores! (Judy Hendrix 9:38pm September 20, 2013)
I dread taking civil service exams but it is the only way to get an interview and promotion. (Kai Wong 9:44pm September 20, 2013)
I love Spring, Summer and Fall, but I dread Winter. It's cold and I'm not as young as I once was. The cold makes me ache all over. I can only hope we'll have a mild winter. Best of luck on your book. Keep writing!! (Sharon Extine 10:30pm September 20, 2013)
Wow, Congrats on your new book: TO WED A WICKED HIGHLANDER. I love the book cover too. I love Highlander stories. I love your book cover too. We are retired now so don't have to get the kids ready for school but what I dread the most is the changing of the seasons. I love the summer and wish we could keep it beautiful around 85 degrees year round without the winter and cold weather. I love having more hours of sunshine in the summer too. I would love to win and read your book this Fall. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 10:35pm September 20, 2013)
Cleaning. I'm the kind of person who has to throw it all on the floor and start over to clean. I can't just pick & choose. It makes for a long day. (Karin Anderson 11:05pm September 20, 2013)
I dread speaking both to new people and in front of large groups of people. (Carol Woodruff 11:33am September 21, 2013)
I dread the first day of a new job. It's scary & exciting, but more scary. (Mary Preston 5:28am September 22, 2013)
A real interesting book. Love to read of that time, the past and their ways. To win. (Joyce Yanney 2:58pm September 23, 2013)
No I would not like to go back to school... it was so boring and I had nothing in common with most girls. I did go to adult education a few years ago and got college qualifications, which was interesting and thrilling! I made some good friends. (Clare O'Beara 10:23am September 27, 2013)
I dread to tell my students if they dont pass the exam (Rina Darmayanti 1:29pm October 2, 2013)
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