Worth the Wait, December 2018
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No Strings Attached, March 2016
Rugged Hearts, July 2015
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Renegade Hearts, July 2015
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Rustler's Heart, July 2015
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Tides of Autumn, November 2014
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The Dark Seduction of Miss Jane, July 2014
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Rustler's Heart, March 2014
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Undercover Temptation, August 2013
Wish You Were Here, June 2013
Rugged Hearts, April 2013
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Unfinished Dreams, January 2013
Fallen Angel, December 2012
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Dark Pleasures, October 2012
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Wild and Unruly, September 2011
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The Pleasure Garden, April 2011
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Naughty Bits 3, March 2011
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A Christmas Promise, December 2010
Forbidden Pleasures, September 2010
The Master & the Muses, June 2010
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The Master & the Muses, June 2010
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Private Party, April 2010
Winter's Desire, November 2009
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Winter's Desire, November 2009
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Tortured, August 2009
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Tortured, August 2009
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The Diary of Cozette, October 2008
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The Diary of Cozette, October 2008
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Mirror, Mirror, September 2008
Faery Song, August 2008
Postcards from paradise
Author Self-Published
June 2013
On Sale: June 6, 2013
ISBN: B00D9D3F0W Kindle: B00D9D3F0W e-Book
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Romance Erotica Sensual
A broken engagement. Two BFF’s stuck in a tropical storm in the Keys. There’s bound to be thunder and lightning. But what happens after the storm passes?
Ever since certifiably geek Maggie saved the hide of Josh from a mean dog, the two were destined to be best friends. Social barriers kept them closet friends as Josh became popular and Maggie remained the brains that kept the brawn in academic good standing. Maggie carried her secret crush, only to be devastated when given the chance, Josh walks away, leaving her to suffer her unrequited fantasy of being with him.
Maturity reveals to Josh how badly he once treated Maggie. When she calls him then, to tell him of her engagement being cut off, it’s hard for him to be happy about his own wedding plans feeling guilty that Maggie is walking this road alone. Challenged by his bride to be that he may harbor unresolved feelings about his friend, she calls a break in their relationship, challenging him to find out and be sure of what he wants. Determined to prove her wrong, that he only cares for Maggie as a friend, he pays her a surprise visit where she’s gone to relax and recuperate.
He soon realizes that while the choices he’d made long ago were noble, the feelings he had for Maggie then were very real. One afternoon spent catching up with each other’s lives reveals what neither expected--that the embers once thought dead between them are still smoldering.
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109 comments posted.
Re: Wish You Were Here
When I was a kid, what got me interested in reading was a readers are winners program at the local library. I have been an avid reader of not only books but magazines ever since. I hope i get a chance to read your book. It sounds great. And if i win, preference is a Barnes&Noble gift card. (Sarah Bauman 1:45pm June 27, 2013)
I got my first library card when I about seven years old. I think the first book I checked out was a Basil of Baker Street book.
I love mysteries. I also like the Alfred Hitchcock stories and years ago I picked up a bunch of the paperbacks at a flea market for a quarter each. One of the Alfred Hitchcock books for kids got me hooked on British mysteries like Agatha Christie and Ngaio Marsh. I also read the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, and the Three Investigators (they also had a Hitchcock connection). (Michelle Fidler 1:47pm June 27, 2013)
I loved reading about your trips to the library, Amanda. I remember loving trips to the library & I would always check out the limit I was allowed & have them all read by the time my dad would take me on my weekly trip to the library. The summer before I was in junior high, I read so much the library gave me access to the adult books as well & I was so thrilled! That particular summer it was the Cat Who mysteries that held my attention most of all. I'm thankful to my parents for encouraging my reading as a child, so that I'd be a life-long reader. Happy to report at 55, I still love to read! (Kay Martinez 1:54pm June 27, 2013)
I learned the love of reading from school. Nancy Drew then Stephen King. Now Romance is my thing!! Love you and your books Ms. Amanda!! (Lorie Wolfenbarger 2:44pm June 27, 2013)
I love this blog. Romance has always been my thing to read but I hated reading until I was about 24. Now I hate being with out something to read. (Cathy Thomas 3:09pm June 27, 2013)
Thanks for the great interview and excerpt Amanda. I am a huge history buff and reading allowed me to go to other places in time and see and learn how other people lived. My love of reading allows me to journey to far away places and see the world through others eyes. (Tammy Sommervold 4:05pm June 27, 2013)
My Mom used to take me to the public library for reading time when I was a little girl. I enjoyed it, but I couldn't wait to read books by myself. The "readers" never went fast enough for me! (Linda Brennan 4:38pm June 27, 2013)
Definitely sounds like fun summers. Reading was very much encouraged in my family. From little on, we looked forward to winter--that's when my Dad would have time to read to us. The classics--I'm meaning then complete unabridged version of Little Women. (Patty Harrison 4:43pm June 27, 2013)
When I was a kid, I was inspired by my 8th grade teacher, Miss McKenna to read. With her wonderful in-room library, we were given the opportunity to explore the classics, both in English class and on our own. I have never lost the spell that was cast over me in her class. (Susan Coster 5:05pm June 27, 2013)
I remember reading many comic books as a kid in the summers, going to the library, fishing, and hiking. Enjoyed reading about all your fond memories of summertime, Amanda. (Rich Cook 5:27pm June 27, 2013)
When I was a kid, I started reading very early & have never stopped! I remember getting signed permission from my parents so that I could rent adult books from the public library--read all the Zane Grays, all the Earl Stanley Gardner, etc. This excerpt reminds me of a high school classmate that I have developed on crush on... (Nancy Ludvik 6:07pm June 27, 2013)
I have many summertime childhood memories. I enjoyed playing hopscotch, marbles, badmitton in our big yard, croquet, rollerskating, going swimming, fishing, and biking everywhere including running to the store for penny candy that filled a bag! We usually spent Sat. going to a movie and the library afterwards getting books and viewing those trays of postcard-type double-printed cards through those heavy wooden adjustable view finders. Those were the days! I can't wait to read your new book! (Linda Luinstra 6:14pm June 27, 2013)
I got interested in reading listening to teachers reading at reading time. I'd want to read the rest of the books in the series. (Cheryl McEwen 7:32pm June 27, 2013)
Thanks to all the great memories of summer and where you developed a love of reading! Rich, I still have the stacks of comic books I used to read in the summertime! Linda, I can't swing a golf club to save my soul, but I'm addicted to croquet. It's like missing the sound of wood bats at a baseball game! ;) (Amanda McIntyre 7:41pm June 27, 2013)
I remember hiding under the sheet reading "Gone With The Wind" as a child of about 10. My Grandmother had taken me to see the movie and I wanted to read the book to see if it was the same. (Betty Hamilton 7:53pm June 27, 2013)
I love the best friends turned lovers story line, Nancy;) I think many of us can remember that special crush on someone! Patty, its awesome that your dad read to you all--and Little Women is one of my favs;) Susan, its truly amazing how teachers can leave an impression, isn't it? I credit my Art teacher with helping me discover the artistic creativity in me and encouraging me to nurture it! (Amanda McIntyre 8:00pm June 27, 2013)
Summer meant the reading club at the library - reading eight books and writing a short report on each merited a silver star certificate - 16 was a gold star certificate. (Mary C 8:01pm June 27, 2013)
I still haven't tackled Gone With the Wind yet, Betty! But its on my bucket list;) did you also read the sequel? Tammy, I think that's why I love researching almost as much as the writing;) Lorie, my fav book is The Shining!;) (Amanda McIntyre 8:15pm June 27, 2013)
Many of you mention going to the library. Do you still have libraries where you live? Ours still holds a summer reading program for kids. Does anyone remember the Pizza Hut Reading program they had for a while? My kids did that as well. When my twins were small, I'd build them a "reading raft" on the floor and they would have to read for thirty minutes while I wrote;) (Amanda McIntyre 8:18pm June 27, 2013)
Thank you so much for the excerpt! I must read this book! I, too remember reading all summer. I used to be able to walk to the library & we could take out 10 books at a time! We also used to have a cabin on a lake that we went to for a couple of weeks every summer. My mother hated the mess, but we loved being able to walk out the door & go swimming. I also had my first kiss up there! (Sharlene Wegner 8:41pm June 27, 2013)
I always read, and my parents encouraged reading and made a point of taking me to the library. (Janie McGaugh 8:54pm June 27, 2013)
I loved to read ever since I learned how at about age 5. (Terri Quick 9:36pm June 27, 2013)
Yes, when I was young we would go to our cabin on Cedar Bluff Lake in KS and I loved reading since I was young during the summer. Wow, your book: WISH YOU WERE HERE with Maggie and Josh sounds like a hot and steamy book to read and win too. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 10:13pm June 27, 2013)
I used to save my money so I could stop at the bookstore on my way home from school (the library didn't carry every books after all). The way kids are today with video games and computers is the way I was about books. Can you imagine parents saying 'will you get your nose out of that book and do something!'?! (Diane Sallans 10:35pm June 27, 2013)
My mom used to take me to the library quite often when I was a child. It sure helped inspire a lifelong love of reading for me. I still love libraries and use the one near me quite often. And, when I'm back in my hometown, I take mom to her library. Thanks for visiting. (G S Moch 11:56pm June 27, 2013)
Hello Amanda, My chilhood until pre-teen summers were somehow similar to you in the sense that my mother and I would go and spend two weeks alone with my grandmother, keeping her company while the other members of the family, (aunts, uncles), went to Old Orchard Beach. And what a great time did we have! It was in a small town too, like yours, but not in the same area.:) It was a town called Princeville,(of about 3000 citizens). And did I read! My aunt had bull boxes of Harlequin Presents under the Guest bed. But there was a problem for me, with these Harlequins: They were all in English! And I didn't know how to read in English at that time. Loving Harlequins in my native language,(French), I found it a little upsetting seeing these huge boxes of Harlequins and not being able to read them! (I was a teen then). My mother, seeing my frustration then told me: "Start reading, don't fret about the words you don't understand, ask me if you need help,(she was billingual), and gradually, you will understand better". So I started with "The Warm Wind of Farik" by Rebecca Stratton,(love it), (and yes indeed, very gradually, in my case anyway), did I finally learned to read in English which is for me the treasure of a lifetime. It's like opening myself to a whole new world. Now, I read about 99.5% in English, lol.
Those were great summers, and at nighttime, grandma, mom and I would play cards each evenings. It was so much fun, I do miss those times. But at least I cand treasure these precious moments in my memory, and share them with my mother!
I also remember going camping in the wood with my little friend, Pascale, behind her parents' house, and we brought books with us and read until darkness came.
Thank you for sharing your summers memories, and give us the opportunity to share ours too. Judith (Judith Venne 12:02pm June 28, 2013)
It seems like I have always loved reading. One of the most excited moments of my life was when I was finally able to scrawl my name. One needed to be able to do so in order to get a library card. There weren't many books in the house so the library was like a treasure chest to me. (G. Bisbjerg 12:16pm June 28, 2013)
reading is my way to escape real life...thanks (Kimberly Hoefs 12:25pm June 28, 2013)
My love of reading is visiting places that I don't have a chance to travel to and open a doorways to imaginary worlds. Most of all, reading was my solitude back when I didn't have any friends. (Kai Wong 1:03am June 28, 2013)
Summertime meant climbing the apple tree with my book, so I could read for hours without my brothers bothering me. I made so many trips to the library that they gave me adult privileges. I could take out 10 books instead of three. I think they got tired of seeing me every other day. It was so wonderful to be able to read uninterrupted for hours. I still do that, but now there are no little ones at home except in the summer, when my grandchildren visit. Now I read to them. (Sharon Mitchell 2:42am June 28, 2013)
My father actually inspired me to read. He would read the comic strips to me at first and then golden books. But he often worked late and didn't have the energy to read every night with me so I worked hard to learn to read myself. Both my parents were supportive and my mom always made sure I had plenty of books to read thanks to the library and book stores. I'm really grateful that my parents supported me to love books as they are my biggest enjoyment now-a-days. Congratulations on your latest release. I look forward to reading "Wish You Were Here" soon. (April Harvey 4:28am June 28, 2013)
My sister and I used to load up on books at the library. Christopher Pike and R.L Stine were 2 of our favorites. I also had an obsession with the Clue mysteries :) (Lizz Comer 7:06am June 28, 2013)
I have been reading for so long, I can't remember what inspired me or my love of reading. I just always have had a book in my hand and a story in my heart. (Margay Roberge 7:37am June 28, 2013)
I have always loved reading; loved to go to the school library, got interested in so many authors/books - Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Beverly Cleary. With romance got started with Sandra Brown's Exclusive which was more a rom susp, but from there I got into all her romance books, then Deb Macomber and it just grew and grew to lots of fav authors. (Pat Lieberman 8:11am June 28, 2013)
I grew up in a family of readers, so I worked hard to teach myself how to read ASAP! We lived further than a child'swalk from the public library, so that wasn't a major feature of reading life for me, early one. And I find that whenever I think of children going to the library, I think of Edward Eager's _Seven-Day Magic_-- which I did originally read in a library copy. (Mary Ann Dimand 8:39am June 28, 2013)
My mom didn't read much, other than recipes. My dad read lots of newspapers and magazines (like Reader's Digest), but only read books that his children bought him (he loved Bill Cosby's "Fatherhood" book). The man across the street used to sit on his porch after work, put his feet up on the railing, and read Harlequins. I picked up one of his books around 1972 (at 13 years of age) and enjoyed it (probably Violet Winspear), having been a lover of books all my life. He started taking me to the used-book store with him when he stocked up, which kept my fuel burning, so to speak. As an aside, when I was 39 and both my parents and the neighbour had died years before, I learned that the neighbour was my (and my brother's) biological father, so perhaps I got my love of reading from him long before I started reading his Harlequins. (Elaine Seymour 8:45am June 28, 2013)
I was "the geeky kid" - funny hair, funny clothes, too smart ... books were my refuge when I was growing up. Now, as a grownup, my love of reading has not abated, but I don't have anything to escape from! :) (Julie Smith 8:58am June 28, 2013)
We did not have a Library where I grew up, but my Mother had a friend who gave me sacks of paper back books. Perry Mason was my friend for the summer & no A/C. (Pat Wilson 9:09am June 28, 2013)
Pat, isn't it amazing how we survived the summers once without AC? Julie,I can relate;) I escaped into my art and books. I love quotes,one of my favorite ones is "Be glad today of what makes you truly good." We raised four smart band geeks in this house-loud and proud;)(a lot on the loud- -we housed my sons rock band n the basement for 2.5 years!) But they too, all love to read whatever they can get their hands on!;) (Amanda McIntyre 9:25am June 28, 2013)
You know Elaine, we received a R.D subscription from my in- laws, along with National Geographic from a grandparent when we were first married.And what a remarkable story you and your brother share, wow! I'm glad that you were able to spend such quality time with him.
Mary Ann(now Gilligan's Island theme is playing in my head;) actually there are a number of songs written from your namesake..lucky you! I'll have to check that book out.
Pat, do you remember Macomber's Midnight Sons? One of the first "romance" series I ever read.Love Sandra Brown! Think I spent one summer systematically reading every one of the titles our library carried;) (Amanda McIntyre 9:37am June 28, 2013)
That's simply wonderful, Margay! Have you ever written down those stories in your heart?;)
Lizz, those are familiar authors at one time in this house! ;)
Thank you,April and I hope you enjoy reading Wish You Were Here;)It's interesting you mention Golden Books. I still have many of those we read to our kids and now I pick up similar titles to build a library for my grandchildren--Dr. Suess books as well and Shel Silverstein! (and no Id no't even have grandchildren...yet! LOL)
Sharon, that sounds like such a wonderful place to read! Even more wonderful is that you're taking that time to pass on reading to your grandkids! Love it!!
Kai,I share your joy of feeding your imagination;) Another quote I have had taped to my computer for quite awhile is from Emily Dickenson, "The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience." I think books provide that venue!
Kim, thanks for stopping by! I share your comment! ;)
G. Bisberg,reading your comment made me think how excited I was the day I was able to get my own library card! It was like getting my drivers license! LOL
Thank you all for stopping by! I love reading your memories of reading and summertime! (Amanda McIntyre 9:53am June 28, 2013)
Reading was my escape which allowed me to travel and learn. I spent hours at the library, rode my bike there everyday and books were memorable and still are. (Sharon Berger 10:02am June 28, 2013)
When I was younger, I hated reading. Who cares if "The duck is in the pond." ? Then my Fourth Grade teacher gave me Nancy Drew and told me I would love it...I did! I have never stopped reading since that day. (Karin Anderson 10:06am June 28, 2013)
Judith, what wonderful memories you have! Thank you to each of you for sharing your thoughts and memories. How amazing that it is that some are similar, while others are very different--and yet,to the same end of a love of reading! That's just cool;)
GS, I'm glad to hear your library is going strong!Even in my small town, our library now offers the e-books as well as print to patrons. I know everyone has preferences between the two, but I think that there is room for all types of reading formats. I see a resurgence in reading interest-- what do you all think?
Diane, I think I can actually remember hearing my mother say that to me! LOL
Cecilia, I would like a cabin on a lake...lol.Besides, a hammock, I can't imagine a more peaceful place to read...or write!
Terri, that is awesome! Does anyone have these reading days at your grade schools where they have people come in and read to the kids?
Janie, we've always encouraged reading as well. Books, newspapers, magazines. Whenever we'd take our kids shopping, we often said no to toys, but never to a book--whether that was a book store, museum, Walgreens or garage sale, LOL...our house is very reading oriented;)
Sharlene, fabulous memories of yet another cabin by the lake *pouting just a little* first kiss?? That sounds like a story in the making!!;)
Thank you all for stopping by! (Amanda McIntyre 10:12am June 28, 2013)
I think I saw my parents reading a lot when I was a little girl and that's how I got into it. (May Pau 10:14am June 28, 2013)
I got my love of reading in grade school. There wasn't anything else to do in those years. (Wilma Frana 10:51am June 28, 2013)
I grew up in a house with no TV. As a result you either played outside or read. My brothers and I all loved to read. In reality I would still prefer to read an actual book, but storage is an issue. I wouldn't give up my Kindle, but I miss the feel of a book. (Susan Falkler 11:01am June 28, 2013)
My Sister taught me how to read at the age of 3, and I was reading whatever I could get my hands on, including my Dad's physics books!! From there, I would walk down to the local library when I was old enough, and bring home as many books as I could carry, on a wide array of subjects - from bugs to birds, to the planets. As I got a little older, I learned about the Bobbsey twins, as well as Nancy Drew, and Edgar Allan Poe. My favorite book besides Poe and Shakespeare was reading Helen Keller's autobiography. She touched me deeply, and I tried to pattern my life after her. Learning to read at such an early age gave me a love of the English language, and all through school I got A's on my report card. I wanted to go to College and be an English major, but got discouraged by my Mother, so decided not to go at all, which was a foolish mistake. If I had been smart, I would have talked it over with my Dad, who would have changed my mind, since he was paying for my education. I had wanted to be a writer, or at least see what avenues were available to me in the English field, because I always loved the language. I still do, but it's a bit late for me. Anyway, as they say, spilt milk. I would love to read your book. I loved the excerpt that you provided in your posting, and would love to see how the story panned out. The whole story line sounds interesting, and a bit amusing, if I might say so myself, so it sounds like the perfect read for this Summer!! Congratulations on your book!! This is definately one to put on the TBR list!! (Peggy Roberson 11:06am June 28, 2013)
I have always loved to read - and make trips to the library. I remember feeling special each and every time I walked through the doors of our local library in Oyster Bay, New York (Long Island). That feeling remains today - in Virginia or wherever I go to a library. And book stores or anywhere I can get a book. I'm what I term as a book-aholic. I love books and reading. I can't imagine NOT being a reader. Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories and making us all think and share ours, too. Your book sounds great - best of luck with it. Thanks for a chance to win. (Nancy Reynolds 11:09am June 28, 2013)
Horse books were a fantastic way for me to learn about other countries and ways of life. I read anything with animas in it - nature stories, dog tales - and thought school stories were so boring by contrast. We didn't have a lot of choice when I was growing up so I read my mother's fifties school tales which never featured any boys or men, and read my own books over and over. (Clare O'Beara 11:11am June 28, 2013)
I was the baby of the family...When I started school my oldest brother was graduating high school, my middle brother was starting high school. I was the spoiled baby girl of a career US Marine. So being the youngest and moving frequently - my Mama introduced me to friends that I would be able to take with me where ever I went...books! I fell in love with reading anything..Aesop's Fables where a favorite..Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew...the list goes on. I have never lost the love of reading. I am never without a book(really books)! (Kimberley Coover 11:28am June 28, 2013)
Reading is and always has been my place to escape to. As an only child of a divorced mother, I was often left with devices as to entertain myself. I read so many books and stories that I could almost imagine myself part of the people in the stories. I still love to read to this day, its my recreation of sorts, while many other people golf, play tennis, etc., my get out my kindle and read, never having to leave my most comfy chair or sit on the porch on the glider. Thank you for your books and stories, I don't know which one I will become today..... (C Culp 11:31am June 28, 2013)
This summer we get to have our 13 yr old grand daughter for 3 weeks and we are so happy. Beach here we come! She can swim and I can sit and read. There is always a book in my hand...I read all the time and love it. Thanks so much for your great books. I really enjoy them!!! (Bonnie Capuano 11:52am June 28, 2013)
My parents encouraged us to read at a very early age. And we were fortunate to only live 1 block from the local library!! (Cate Sparks 1:08pm June 28, 2013)
I did not enjoy reading when I was younger... hated doing reports for school... it was not until the end of high school that things changed... I found a historical romance by Catherine Coulter that caught my eye... from that moment on I was hooked and branched out into different romance genres... now I am rarely ever without a book nearby. (Colleen Conklin 1:31pm June 28, 2013)
When I was a kid I used to sit in our treehouse and read during the summer. (Sandy Giden 2:03pm June 28, 2013)
When I was a kid I would go to the local library and read all the books I could get my hands on all summer long. (Jean Benedict 2:08pm June 28, 2013)
I read as much as I can. Love these books (Jeri Dickinson 2:26pm June 28, 2013)
Love to read when ever and where ever I am. (Jeri Dickinson 2:27pm June 28, 2013)
I used to HATE reading...mainly I think it was do to what I was required to read in school. However, I started travelling and plane rides are horrid. I picked up one book that looked like it was going to funny. And that's where it took off. I finished that book and had to read every single one of her books. Then I went for another simular author and did the same. Soon I found I loved reading and now I try to read at least a few books a week. (Billie Gaskill 3:07pm June 28, 2013)
The summer reading program at the library got me started on my love of reading. It was so much fun to walk out of the library with an armload of books. What a treasure! (Cheryl Castings 4:48pm June 28, 2013)
Hi Amanda, I took a Saturday position in the Children's Room at the library nearest our home because I wanted to tell the stories to children. My boss was an ogre but I kept at it until I graduated because I loved the children and the books. Now I tell stories to my 9 year old grandson. He loves reading and books as much as I do. Keep writing! Patricia Pascale (Patricia (Pat) Pascale 5:11pm June 28, 2013)
When I was a preteen I came upon my grandmother's box of romances one summer while visiting. That's what hooked me. LOL (Marcy Shuler 5:24pm June 28, 2013)
When I was younger, we moved around a lot. Everytime we moved, I had to make new friends. Sometimes there weren't any other girls in the neighborhood and it would take time before school started and I could find new ones. For this period of time, books were my best friends. I will say, depending on the part of the country we moved to, the libraries all had vastly different collections. What do I remember the most about living in Florida? I got to discover all of the Oz books. From the 14 originally published by Frank Baum to the ones written by Ruth Plumly Thompson, they started a life long love affair with fantasy!! But the pictures? That is where I got my first feeling for romance. They had an Art Nouveau feel to them, very romantic and dreamy. (Marcia Berbeza 5:33pm June 28, 2013)
When I was a child, the Bookmobile was my best friend. I entered kindergarten as the only one in my class who could read. Nancy Drew was my first long term relationship with a series and an author. And Little Women was the first time I realized romance was absolutely wonderful. (Annette Naish 5:40pm June 28, 2013)
Hi i think my mom and my aunt inspired me to read ,i would always see them reading,and i guess it looked fun . (Raeline Peterson 6:04pm June 28, 2013)
I always read a lot, ever since I learned how - I always had to choose among the many when it was time to do a book report. I loved the summer reading program at the library too, it was fun to see my results go off the charts as I read book after book. :D I still read as much as possible and I usually have at least two books going - one on my iPhone and one print book. (Barbara Elness 6:06pm June 28, 2013)
a book can take you any where, i always loved to read.. (Jennifer Beck 6:34pm June 28, 2013)
Our family moved when I was ten--right at the beginning of summer--so I didn't know any other kids at our new location and I spent the whole summer at the library reading. I've been reading ever since. (Sue Farrell 7:34pm June 28, 2013)
I was the only girl in the "Bluebird" reading group in 1st grade. The four boys in my slow reading group struggled like me; but by Thanksgiving we were READERS! Phonics taught by Sister Mary Edwards made ME a reader. Miss Catherine at the nearby branch libary nutured my love of summer reading during my elementary years. I still have my summer reading certificates. (Joanne Hicks 7:34pm June 28, 2013)
Summertime to me means going to the library with my grandkids and enrolling them in the summer reading club. They love books just like I do. (Linda Henderson 8:34pm June 28, 2013)
this sounds like a wonderful beach read, bringsback memories of lazy summer days (Debbi Shaw 8:41pm June 28, 2013)
Summer is great. (Kent Cook 8:55pm June 28, 2013)
Looking forward to reading your book! (Charlene Fraley 9:03pm June 28, 2013)
My love of reading developed in grade school. The nuns required a book a week from our library. Soon I found that one book was not enough. I especially liked historical biographys. (Nina Wright 9:30pm June 28, 2013)
I grew up in Australia and I remember falling in love with reading after I read The Secret Seven Series by Enid Blyton. I can't even imagine a life without books. My son and daughter are both avid readers now too. (Rita Wray 10:30pm June 28, 2013)
Looking forward to reading your books! (Joan Richard 11:48pm June 28, 2013)
I practically grew up in the library. I enjoyed the excerpt thank you. (Mary Preston 12:03pm June 29, 2013)
I can remember during summer riding my bike to the library and taking a tote bag to fill with books. I have loved reading for as long as I can remember and when memory fails my moms tells the story of me in the crib when I was an infant "reading" books in baby chatter. Hoping that Maggie and Josh pass the time hunkered down waiting for the storm as creatively as possible. Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 12:44pm June 29, 2013)
Looking forward to adding this to my Tbr list. My love of reading didn't start til my early 20'S (Shirley Thomas 12:46pm June 29, 2013)
I attended a very small elementary country school. Once a month, we took a field trip to the public library. I loved all those books. (Jodi Kegebein 1:50am June 29, 2013)
Thanks for the excerpt, Amanda! This book seems very interesting. My love of reading did not start until I was in my mid-thirties. My husband's grandmother was living with us at the time, and she would watch talk shows for most of the day. I was so tired of listening to them that I asked my sister to bring me a box of her books, and I've been reading romance ever since. (Tina Rucci 4:06am June 29, 2013)
My fifth grade reading teacher inspired my love of reading. She was amazing and thanks to her my world has expanded beyond doors, worlds and far into a life that I might never have known if not for her. (Kirsten Kimball 6:41am June 29, 2013)
The Pizza Hut Book-It program inspired me to read as a child. Also, living out in the country there wasn't much else to do in the summers but read! (Shelley Pierce 6:51am June 29, 2013)
Both my mother and sister read a lot so I just picked up on. I think I'm worse then them now...I can't put a book down once I start it. HA (Bonnie Capuano 8:52am June 29, 2013)
I was raised and cared for by and older generation. I did as I was told, I worked outside, I help clean, cook, but me time came in the quiet of a book. I have always had a book in my hand. My grandmother took a picture of me at 3/4 years old surrounded with books and I fell asleep with one open on my lap, she knew I was a reader at that moment. (Carla Carlson 10:54am June 29, 2013)
I don't really have one experience that made me enjoy reading, I just remember on my 5th birthday I made my dad take me to the library so I could get my own library card. I have always loved books. (Pam Howell 11:07am June 29, 2013)
My comment is about your book. I am astounded, yet pleased, by the maturity shown by the bride-to-be in recognizing the possibility of love elsewhere, and then being selfless by sending her groom-to-be to check it out! There are so many examples of love out there, both in books and in the world today, if we'd only recognize them for what they are.... (Elaine Seymour 11:35am June 29, 2013)
Our parents always read to us ever since I can remember, so I loved reading early! (Diane Pollock 12:27pm June 29, 2013)
I remember my grandmother taking me by the hand to see a re-release of Gone With The Wind. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 years old. It was so awesome. Years later I bought a copy of the book, I must have been all of 11 by then. I took a flask light and read the book under my bed covers late at night. This was the start of my devotion reading. (Betty Hamilton 1:05pm June 29, 2013)
As a child and young adult I never read. It was after becoming a Mom that I started to enjoy reading and was able to pass this love of books to my daughter and son. (Sheila True 2:04pm June 29, 2013)
My love of reading began when I picked up a book that was amusing while in the second grade and I haven't stopped since. (Anna Speed 2:48pm June 29, 2013)
Congrats on your new release! I started reading passionately when I was 15 years after abdominal surgery and I was cooped up in bed for 3 months. Been hooked ever since! (MaryAnne Banks 4:09pm June 29, 2013)
My sister got me reading historical novels when I was in my early twenties. Now 50 years later I'm still reading, although I've branched out to include contemporary romances also. (Carol Woodruff 4:25pm June 29, 2013)
I have always loved reading, as far back as I can remember. I became a romance reader at the age of 18. I love contemporaries and historicals.
Your book sounds like a must read. (Cathy Phillips 6:20pm June 29, 2013)
I always loved reading books! I iscovered Scotland's history and fell in love for socttish stories by reading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. The moment I started to read this fascinating series, I got hooked. Now, reading books is part of my daily life! Congrats Amanda for your new release Wish You were here! [email protected] (Nicole Laverdure 6:48pm June 29, 2013)
In kindergarten, I hated to read. I just couldn't understand how the letters fit together. No one realized that I couldn't see the big book up in the front of the class. "See John Run". My mother brought home the Sears catalog and I read it for hours, especially the toy section. My love of reading increased when I got my first pair of glasses and has grown ever since. (Kathleen Yohanna 7:38pm June 29, 2013)
My fifth grade teacher , my mother and friends loved to read. So just talking about books , and lending books to me ,I caught the bug. :-} (Deb Pelletier 8:21pm June 29, 2013)
I've always loved to read. I got a book when I was about 8 years old for Christmas and it had 365 bedtime stories. I've forgotten many Christmas presents but I still remember that book and how much I enjoyed it. (Jane Kriebel 10:35pm June 29, 2013)
I read by flashlight growing up, because we had to turn out the lights at a certain time of night. Riding my bike and having a basket that held a lot of books if you packed them in right, my hunger for reading started as a youngun' Mom read chapter books, like Little Women and Little Men, to me and 3 siblings at night with our doors open. (Alyson Widen 4:46pm June 30, 2013)
My older sister and I have always been readers. (I don't know what happened to our younger sister!) We read everything we could get our hands on starting with children's books right up through romances. Many books we re-read so many times that they began to fall apart. (Mary Hay 10:23am July 1, 2013)
my fave way to relax is to curl up with a good book & still enjoy those occasional nights were I stay up till till near dawn cause I just couldn't put the book down :) (d Kenney 7:32pm July 1, 2013)
My mother always brought us to the library in the summer for the reading program and I did the same for my kids. (Maureen Emmons 9:12pm July 1, 2013)
I fall in love with contemporary romance and Lauren Sharman had a series out called the McCassey series. These men were to die for and I loved each and every one of them. I reread them often. I always remember reading ever since I was a little girl. My daughters are now the same. You can often find me reading books every day. (Val Pearson 9:45pm July 1, 2013)
I love romance, starting to find the paranormal pretty entertaining too! (Darci Paice 3:49am July 2, 2013)
I have always been a reader, so long as it wasn't for a school assignment. As a teen I was introduced to gothic romances or as my husband calls them ... the women running on the cover... now I am very eclectic. I always took my children to the library letting them pick out books and spending reading time, especially in the summer, together. I always have a book in my hand and they are the same. My husband promises that when my time comes ... he'll slip a couple of my favorites in with me to read on the way. (Annetta Sweetko 8:52pm July 2, 2013)
While I, too, loved having reading time in the summer when I was a child, summer reading is harder now. As an adult, summer ends up being almost as busy a time as the winter holiday period. So I turn to lighter reads, and a short romance is perfect. (Janet Martin 8:13am July 3, 2013)
I have always loved to read as far back as I can remember but my passion really grew when I was 14 yrs old. I had had an accident & was bed-ridden - books helped me escape from the pain & it helped the time pass more quickly. (QuenKne M 11:30pm July 3, 2013)
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