Nexus Trilogy #3
Sourcebooks Casablanca
October 2013
On Sale: October 1, 2013
384 pages ISBN: 1402258283 EAN: 9781402258282 Kindle: B00DDWIT2I Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical
Seduction is His Duty to King and
Country Ethan deBeau has charmed his way
into the beds of countless women, enticing them to whisper
all kinds of state secrets in his ear. But his latest
assignment is completely different: find a missing young
boy. It's practically child's play for a master spy such as
Ethan. Until Miss Sydney Hunt threatens to unravel all his
carefully laid plans. Who is the world is this woman?
But Tempting Her is All for Pleasure
Sydney has worked hard to maintain a facade of
respectability—all while keeping a network of contacts among
London's underground world. When she hears of strange
activities at a local home for orphans, she's determined to
find out what's really going on. Until she runs headlong
into a notorious rake eager to expose every inch of her...
No awards found for this book. Nexus Trilogy
72 comments posted.
Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon
I haven' read this genre in many, many years. I used to devour Barbara Cartland books in my youth. I should try reading them again! Thanks for the opportunity. (Lucy Pinto 10:35am October 18, 2013)
I don't read this type of book often, but this one sounds very good. (Wilma Frana 10:57am October 18, 2013)
Lately I've been reading the lighter side of Romance, but I'll take it any way I can get it!! I love to be whisked away, if only for a while, to the wonderful world of Romance, where I can put myself in the place of the main character, and live my life through their eyes for the duration of the book. When you add mystery to the mix, it makes it a bit more exciting. Your book sounds quite spicy, and I'm anxious to add it to my TBR pile for this Fall, when I can put my knitting aside, grab a cup of hot chocolate, along with a kitten or two, and start to dream!! (Peggy Roberson 11:08am October 18, 2013)
I only read romance stories that have some intrigue or mystery. danger is an added bonus! :) (Sandy Fielder 11:59am October 18, 2013)
I love historicals but I especially like the ones that have a good mystery and action. Many of my favorite authors do this very well. I really like the sound of your new book and I am going to check out the firt two in the series. Thanks for the info! (Diane Reinheimer 12:28pm October 18, 2013)
I love historical fiction. Esp if it has some added thing!!! (Vicki Hancock 12:34pm October 18, 2013)
I enjoy a variety in my historical romance reading... all depends on the author and their characters... seeing what makes them come to life... whether danger, comedy, etc. (Colleen Conklin 1:09pm October 18, 2013)
love historical fiction thanks for the giveaway (Patricia Lambert 1:41pm October 18, 2013)
Lol you read like i do . I like dangerous stories but i also mix it up with some wit. (Raeline Peterson 1:48pm October 18, 2013)
This sounds like a wonderful story. I like a combination of intrigue and romance. (Cheryl Castings 1:59pm October 18, 2013)
This sounds like a marvelous read. Not the typical historical romance. I love the thought of espionage and romance. Sounds like fun! (Irene Menge 2:13pm October 18, 2013)
I like both sides, enjoy reading a combination of romance and danger. This sounds like a fun read. (Jean Patton 2:29pm October 18, 2013)
Sounds like a really great story, I will have to pick it up and put it on my rather large TBR pile. (Earlene Gillespie 2:50pm October 18, 2013)
I love historicals all of them (Jaclyn Tonyan 3:03pm October 18, 2013)
Have enjoyed all your other books. (Doris Losey 3:14pm October 18, 2013)
I loved all of the authors that you listed but can't believe that you missed Kathleen Woodiwiss! She certainly started the genre with the Wolf and the Dove and no one ever looked back after that! While I love historicals, I also like to mix it up. So I have fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi, murder mystery, contemporary...all in the mix on my kindle. I kept the mix going so that I don't stagnate. :-) (Marcia Berbeza 3:26pm October 18, 2013)
Lucy - can you believe I've never read a Barbara Cartland book?! So bad!
Wilma - hope you give one a try!
Peggy - sounds like a great way to spend the fall/winter--especially the kitty part. :)
Sandy - danger IS a bonus!
Vicki - thanks for stopping by
Colleen - agreed--it's all about the quality of writing and the engaging characters
Patricia - you're welcome!
Raeline - glad I'm not the only one LOL
Cheryl - Thank you!
Irene - As my friend Nancy Naigle says, "this ain't your momma's historical romance" :)
Jean - glad you like the combination, too.
Earlene - how do our TBR's get so large?!
Jaclyn - music to my ears. ;)
Doris - So glad - thanks much!
Marcia - Kathleen Woodiwiss wasn't the only awesome author I left out! Way too many to name them all. :) (Tracey Devlyn 3:53pm October 18, 2013)
Hi Tracey!
While I read a little bit of all genres my favorite are historical romance. One reason I love your stories so much is that I've learned to expect the unexpected! I love a dash of danger and the unexpected and that's one of the things that keeps me coming back for more! (Jeanne Miro 4:17pm October 18, 2013)
I love the dash of danger as well as some fun and wit with romance. It's 46 degrees here today, and I'm cuddling up with a good book tonight. I do a lot of reading in the fall and winter months. Looking forward to reading your book. Is your favorite color purple? I noticed all your attractive book covers have that color in them (it looks regal and romantic)...love them! (Linda Luinstra 5:24pm October 18, 2013)
I like both with my historicals---sometimes a little danger, sometimes a little light humor. (Sue Farrell 6:32pm October 18, 2013)
I love reading historical romances, especially ones in the Scottish highlands (Julie Parrish 6:53pm October 18, 2013)
Wow, Congrats on your new book: A LADY'S SECRET WEAPON. I love the book cover too! Yes, I love a dash of danger with my historical romance. I would love to win and read your book this Fall. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 6:54pm October 18, 2013)
I am a fan of Romance - I am a fan of Mysteries. Your books would be stories I would love. Congratulations on your new release. (Annette Naish 7:09pm October 18, 2013)
I love historicals period. I love them with danger as well as funny and light. (Cathy Phillips 7:14pm October 18, 2013)
I like both! It depends on my mood.... (May Pau 7:16pm October 18, 2013)
A little danger is ok, but I really love books with romance and humor in them. (Carol Woodruff 7:16pm October 18, 2013)
Hi, Tracey! I love a bit of both- a fun and witty historical romance with just a dash of danger and mystery is right up my alley! I'll have to add your Nexus Trilogy to my TBR pile, they sound like good reads to me! :-) (Anita H 7:20pm October 18, 2013)
I am a fan of romance, especially romance with the added spice of some drama/suspense. I particularly fond of historical romance, but love those stories that have more out of the ordinary story lines. Your latest book sounds just the ticket. I'll look out for it next time I'm shopping. (Chris Coulson 7:22pm October 18, 2013)
I prefer a dash of danger with my romance, though I do like an occasional light romp, too. (Janie McGaugh 7:32pm October 18, 2013)
I like both! (Sharlene Wegner 7:56pm October 18, 2013)
I am a fan of historicals. Elizabeth Hoyt currently writes histoical romances with a bit of mystery and suspense. (Susan Jang 9:23pm October 18, 2013)
I definitely enjoy a dash of danger. Can't wait to read A LADY'S SECRET WEAPON. (Jennifer Richardson 9:31pm October 18, 2013)
Jeanne - So glad you like the unexpected in my stories. In every story, I try to get readers to say, "No, the author wouldn't go THERE!" :)
Linda - my favorite color is purple! Unfortunately (or fortunately!), I didn't have any input on my covers. Sourcebooks has an amazing art department.
Sue - thanks for stopping by!
Julie - love me some Highlander!
Cecilia - thank you!
Annette - thanks for sharing!
Cathy - Music to my ears :)
May - you got it!
Carol - humorous romances are wonderful
Anita - thanks so much!!
Chris - thanks for sharing!
Janie - thanks for stopping by
Sharlene - thanks
Susan - thanks for bringing up Elizabeth Hoyt - she's an amazing author (Tracey Devlyn 9:37pm October 18, 2013)
Sounda like a great book. Thanks for a chance to win your book. (Amy Milne 10:41pm October 18, 2013)
I have a soft spot in my heart for historical romances. It all started for me with an abridged version of A Rose in Winter by Kathleen Woodiwiss that was featured in Good Housekeeping magazine. I loved the story so much that I purchased the novel. I read many different types of books now, including historical romances. I love it if they have intrigue, romance AND humor. Congratulations on A Lady's Secret Weapon, and thanks for the chance to win!!! (Linda Brennan 11:07pm October 18, 2013)
I definitely like both kinds of historicals, it really depends on my mood. Sometimes I just want to laugh, other times I want to walk on the dangerous side and try to solve a mystery. Sabrina Jeffries and Gaelen Foley are two of my all-time favorites!! Can't wait to read your books, I always enjoy learning more about the authors behind the books! (Ada H. 11:09pm October 18, 2013)
I bounced between danger and fun and witty. I like to be well-round. (Kai Wong 11:42pm October 18, 2013)
I think that every woman knows what that secret weapon is. :) (Callie Stuck 12:28pm October 19, 2013)
I love to read a book that makes me feel really good. Some love, laughter & even the sad parts that lead to the happy ever after. I hate when a book ends, which is why I love getting caught up in a series. I can follow the characters further development. Thanks for the opportunity to win A Lady's Secret Weapon. (Kathleen Giannone 1:14am October 19, 2013)
Sounds like a great read. Can't wait. (Sharon Cook 5:17am October 19, 2013)
I enjoy the same things in my novels. I can also read and ignore all else. (Debra Guyette 7:46am October 19, 2013)
Amy - thanks for stopping by
Linda - intrigue, romance and humor are the best combination. Many of my readers have loved Ethan deBeau in the previous books because of his "interesting" perspective on things. :)
Ada - Sabrina and Gaelen are awesome authors!
Kai - thanks for sharing
Callie - LOL you might be surprised in Sydney's case
Kathleen - series are great in that they allow us to see so many different sides of the characters that we couldn't get from a standalone novel.
Sharon - thanks
Debra - thanks for sharing (Tracey Devlyn 8:28am October 19, 2013)
Hi Tracy, like you I used to read stacks of historical romance books and read late into the early morning hours. I started around the age of 17 reading romance, when A friend loaned me her copy of Bertrice Smalls Skye O'Malley. Now,at the age of 50 I have slowed up a bit on the reading(I fall a sleep earlier). With kids, aging parents and the long list of things to do I have slowed down to one book a week if I am lucky. I have never tried your books but I think I will have to look for them now they sound just like what I enjoy. (Gigi Hicks 9:09am October 19, 2013)
I, too, began with Regencies and other historicals but Regencies were my favorites. I began reading rather late in my life as I had eye problems until everything settled down at thirty-five. I am still trying to catch up on my favorite authors while finding new favorites. What an adventure! (Sandra Spilecki 9:41am October 19, 2013)
I love a bit of danger in a historical romance. (Pam Howell 9:50am October 19, 2013)
Gosh, Tracey you sounded like me....I read constantly like you did...3-4 books a week. I can't seem to stop and my favorite is historical romances...I can't wait to read this book also. Thanks (Bonnie Capuano 10:02am October 19, 2013)
I definitely go between both. I love to mix it up. (Karin Anderson 11:21am October 19, 2013)
I'm eager to read this authors books. This is a great site to find authors I haven't read before. (Barbara Wells 11:31am October 19, 2013)
I bounce between both. I tend to read a series all at once from start to current without other books interrupting. I get saturated in the world the author has created -- love it =)I love any genre of romance as long as I get my HEA. I have to admit I like lots of story threads to keep me guessing. Not so fond of multiple stories jumping from chapter to chapter though. (Lenna Hendershott 4:02pm October 19, 2013)
A bit of suspense and danger adds so much to a book. Keeping my fingers crossed ! (Melanie Backus 5:37pm October 19, 2013)
Pat C. (Patricia Cochran 6:40pm October 19, 2013)
love the cover (Mary Mckee 7:23pm October 19, 2013)
Y KIND OF MAN (Garry Sussman 7:47pm October 19, 2013)
Hi Tracey, Like you I love historicals, after I read a book or two of another genre I have to get in a few regencys, they tend to be my favorite. I really love some comedy mixed in with suspense; making me a huge fan of Amanda Quick. Johanna Lindsey, Jo Beverley and Catherine Coulter's historicals are also some of my favorites. I just like a strong heroine and a resistant hero; it usually makes for good entertainment. (Michelle Whitwam 8:43pm October 19, 2013)
I just love books. Lean heavily toward the romance books, all types, but just to mix it up a bit I'll grab a mystery/thriller now and then. (Deb Diem 9:36pm October 19, 2013)
I like a touch of intrigue and danger in the books I read. Humor is also a favorite. Every once in a while, I like something that is light and humorous, but most of my reading has the suspense and danger elements. (Patricia Barraclough 1:52am October 20, 2013)
It sounds like a great book . (Shanann Moening 6:36am October 20, 2013)
I love it all. I like the light hearted read & the suspenseful darker read. (Mary Preston 7:34am October 20, 2013)
Romance takes me away to another place...A happy place :) (Jayne Cameron 9:53am October 20, 2013)
I used to read historical romance books, but haven't for some years now. Your book makes it sound as though I should be getting back to that style of book. (Christine Schultz 11:11am October 20, 2013)
I love historicals also they are my favorite books to read i always pick them out before i pick out a book that is modern day romance (Denise Smith 11:12am October 20, 2013)
I love it when you can have a dash of both - sometimes a bit of humor can be extra special when in the midst of danger. (Diane Sallans 1:32pm October 20, 2013)
My favorites are full of witty dialogue, snarky heroines and dashing rakes. (Judith Cauthan 1:52pm October 20, 2013)
I have to be in the mood, but I recently started reading historical romances again. Yes, I do like suspense and intrigue to spice up the romance. Thanks for the chance to win. (Anna Speed 2:36pm October 20, 2013)
I love variety in my regencies. But it's best when there are elements of both. Not overpowering comedy but some LOL moments. I haven't had the pleasure of reading one of your books before. Even though they are a trilogy, could they be read as stand alones or out of order? (Lynda Smith 3:00pm October 20, 2013)
I bounce between both funny and dangerous. Thanks for the contest. (Laura Gullickson 5:43pm October 20, 2013)
Historical romance was my first love, and I don't really care which type it is--although my tastes have broadened, they are still a mainstay of my reading pile (which is absolutely huge!) (Carol Gowett 3:19pm October 21, 2013)
I love historicals, especially if they have a touch of humor and suspense. I'll try your books now that I know about them. Thanks. (Carolyn Smith 8:08pm October 21, 2013)
I love all types of historical romance and look forward to reading your books. Thanks for the great giveaway! (Bonnie H 1:14am October 22, 2013)
Sounds interesting (Patricia Lambert 1:52pm October 22, 2013)
Danger, delight and humor combine to make the best books. I do love historical romances and learn a lot about the period from them. (Alyson Widen 7:11pm October 31, 2013)
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