New York Times bestselling author Katherine Stone's
bestselling novel Roommates is available for the first time
in e-book and trade paperback formats. This new edition
preserves the story, emotion, and romance of the original
but improves on the beloved classic with expanded character
development and extensive rewriting.
Stanford University, California... Carrie was a wide-eyed
freshman when she arrived at the university she had been
hearing about all her life. She believed she knew what to
expect. And her big brother, her strong and handsome brother
Stephen, was there to lean on if she needed help. But she
was unprepared for the monumental changes—and monumental
emotions—she would experience. She was also unprepared for
Gorgeous, seductive, and deadly, Jake was a man of dark
secrets and hidden dreams. He was all wrong for the innocent
and optimistic Carrie, but she became part of his secrets
and his dreams. But would he ever permit her into the
deepest places of his badly wounded heart?
Megan was Carrie's roommate. Golden and beautiful, the
gifted actress could dazzle and pretend even as her heart
was breaking and her world was falling apart. The decision
she made would result in a crisis that would reunite them
all—and open unhealed wounds and smoldering passions. Once
entwined, the lives and the loves of the roommates would be
forever entwined. And they would be a turbulent and
courageous and shimmering as the extraordinary world in
which they lived.
Katherine Stone is the New York Times bestselling author of
twenty-one novels, including Roommates, Twins, Bed of Roses,
Happy Endings, and Pearl Moon. Her books have been
translated into twenty languages and are sold worldwide. A
physician who now writes full-time, she lives in the Pacific
Northwest with her husband, physician and novelist Jack
Chase (Fatal Analysis, Mortality Rate, The Magruder
Transplant) and their three dogs, all spaniels, two cockers
and a springer. Both she and Jack are releasing their
previously published novels in new ebook and trade paperback
I like the name Jonathan. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 10:08am October 4, 2011)
Hello, Katherine - great questions - for the record, I LOVE NCIS, also - and Alphas, The Glades, Breakout Kings - I could go on and on and as far as unexpected hooks, I find myself engrossed in the "Real Housewives" shows - go figure!I definitely watch WAY too much television. And as far as heroic names....I start with his appearance (shallow, I know!) and then his name just seems to follow! (Felicia Ciaudelli 10:24am October 4, 2011)
The only masculine names that I can think of would be Anton, William or Will, Matt, Ned, Nathan, or Gary, which I know would be more of a neutral name. I hope that helps. As far as tv goes, I only get Canadian channels where I live, and there's not much to choose from, so I listen to the radio more. I can't help you there. Have a great day!! (Peggy Roberson 11:01am October 4, 2011)
I love hero names like James, Edward, Royce, William. Love the older names, like from my historical romances that I read. I love Hawaii 5-0 and Alex O'Laughlin-gorgeous. I also like Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, and love True Blood(even though over know). I also like some of the reality shows like Auction Hunters, Storage Wars, and Pawn Stars. (Chris Bails 11:22am October 4, 2011)
Joe is my favorite hero because that is my husband's(of nearly 55 years)name and he definitely is my hero.Other heroic names to me are Eric,Alexander & Christopher. I've forgotten the particular author, but I read of one who goes to cemeterys to look for character names.
In adition to the mystery shows previously mentioned, I watch Blue Bloods. (Linda Howell 11:34am October 4, 2011)
I love Irish/Scottish names- Roarke, Trevor. Your book sounds great Katherine. Congrats. (Christine Arcidiacono 11:52am October 4, 2011)
I like what I consider old family names. John, William, James, Edward and Clifton are among my favorite names. (Anna Speed 1:12pm October 4, 2011)
I've always been partial to Ian and Simon...Alexander.. (Cate Sparks 1:24pm October 4, 2011)
Damain, Dominic, Alex, Shane, Tom, Jack, and Malcolm are fav. Currently, I am watching mostly comedy on tv. I like the show, The New Girl. (Phyllis Lamken 1:26pm October 4, 2011)
Jake, Devlin, Mac, etc... are some of the names I like... (Colleen Conklin 1:42pm October 4, 2011)
I've always liked the names Matthew and Zachary. (G S Moch 2:00pm October 4, 2011)
Hi Katherine!
I like the names Robert, James, Michael, Steven or Stephen, Sean or Shawn, William, Christopher, Aiden, Alexander, Matthew, Clark, and Cary. (Cathy Phillips 2:04pm October 4, 2011)
I like Ethan, Adrian and Oliver... I'll name my boy one of these names if I ever have a boy... (May Pau 2:42pm October 4, 2011)
I like these names Ian, Julian & Adrian. The show I like as crazy as it may seem, it Criminal Minds. It is way out there, but it makes you think and it does end with the bad guy killed or prison. It is not the same old stuff. Best wishs on the book and all that follows. (Cynthia Plaza-Harney 2:59pm October 4, 2011)
Personally, I'm partial to the Celtic names, whether it's Scots, Irish, Cornish, Welsh, or Breton doesn't matter. They just resonate well with me.
And since I don't watch TV, I can't help out with any of those!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 3:01pm October 4, 2011)
Love the Mentalist! (Tatiana Hill 3:17pm October 4, 2011)
I love the name Matt. Of course, that could be why I named my son Matt! It's such a strong name but one that promises a gentle, kind and loving man.
Connie Fischer [email protected] (Connie Fischer 3:51pm October 4, 2011)
I'm a sucker for the older names. Edward, Henry, Jonathon, David... I've really gotten into Falling Skies w/ Noah Wylie and the Walking Dead. I like how differnt they each were.
Have a wonderful day! (Erin Fender 4:03pm October 4, 2011)
I really like the name Logan, it just sounds manly. (MaryEllen Hanneman 4:59pm October 4, 2011)
micheal is my favorite name (Ann Unger 5:01pm October 4, 2011)
I love the names Ian, Michael, Anthony, Jamie, and Justin. But having just returned from Romanticon my new alpha male names include Angelo, Alex, Cole, Nick, Giorgio, and a few more. If you doubt the name Angelo go look on you tube for Romanticon 2011 cavemen dance. He is the hunkalishous one that starts the whole thing. YUM!!! (Patti Paonessa 5:19pm October 4, 2011)
Robert (funny how 'Bob' completely changes the picture, doesn't it?); Emerson; Saul; Emory; Raul; oh my - some names just have connections based on whom one might have known in grade school! (Beth Fuller 5:30pm October 4, 2011)
Love NCIS! I've also been enjoying A Gifted Man - it's about a surgron who starts seeing his ex-wife's ghost. (Mary C 5:32pm October 4, 2011)
I really like Against the Wall and also just started watching Prime Suspect. I don't like the commercials for it at all and they are misleading because Jane is not some hothead cop like I thought. (Maureen Emmons 5:37pm October 4, 2011)
I really like the names Steele, Xander, Chandler, Brevan, Rory, and Landon (just a few of my favorite male names)! I love, love, love Hawaii 5-0, also, and the reality shows--Storage Wars, Auction Hunters, American Pickers, Picker Sisters, Operation Repo and any of the Real Housewives. I hate commercials (such a waste of time) so I read books during them, especially since they seem to be lasting longer all the time and so many are repeated. I can get some good reading in. Thanks for the contest and hope you find more names to choose from. (Linda Luinstra 6:23pm October 4, 2011)
I love your books. I am currently reading Roommates. (Robin McKay 6:46pm October 4, 2011)
I kind of like the name Joseph! (Gail Hurt 7:56pm October 4, 2011)
I like Irish names, Rafe, Liam, Connor- very masculine. (Brenda Jann 8:48pm October 4, 2011)
ditto on all of your TV choices & so many of the others mentioned by other commentors. Names: Andrew, Alexander (Diane Sallans 9:51pm October 4, 2011)
James, Matthew, Luke, Zachary...I do like the classics! (Jennifer Beyer 10:13pm October 4, 2011)
Drake , William, Zachary (Patricia Kasner 10:20pm October 4, 2011)
I like the name Brock,a good strong name. (Sheila True 10:20pm October 4, 2011)
Cameron (Cam), Garth, Jules, Jack, Karl, Liam, Patrick, Rob.....but these names are only as good as the character and appearance of the owners. (Carla Schuller 10:24pm October 4, 2011)
I have always loved the name Duncan. (Deb Pelletier 10:38pm October 4, 2011)
MARK is an extremely strong and to the point name...... (Susan Coster 11:17pm October 4, 2011)
For names: Sebastian, Jack (Jake), Geoff.
TV shows: Unforgettable, Amazing Race, Glee, The Closer, Covert Affairs, Inspector Lewis Mysteries (PBS). (Sue Peterson 12:25pm October 5, 2011)
How about Luke, Nate or Ben? Short and to the point (Sandra Spilecki 11:55am October 5, 2011)
I am totally surprised that both my husband and I are enjoying Terra Nova and Pan Am---we inititally thought they would not be good at all. For names--how about Benton? (Sue Farrell 3:42pm October 5, 2011)
I like the first name Broderick and Merrit, but Merrit could be one of those names that's either female or male. (Alyson Widen 3:45pm October 5, 2011)
I love names like Joseph, William, Charles, Anthony, and Michael but there is that part that wistfully glances at Giovanni and Vincezzo (even Montgomery) - names that create an image that I picture irrestible, versus putting a name to the image. Naming your characters is like a little of both, I suppose - kind of like naming your real children, afterall they will be stuck with it. (Carla Carlson 5:52pm October 5, 2011)
Heath is my favorite family name but I like earthy names, Stone, Steel, Brick and for tv shows I like a lot of new ones. Terra Nova, Revenge, Ringer, The Gifted Man, and Falling Skies are among my favorites. (Christina Harrison 7:59pm October 5, 2011)
I love the classic names: Charles, Thomas, Edward, George etc. (Mary Preston 8:17pm October 5, 2011)
My favorite name has to be Lucien for the rake/bad boy/rascal hero. For the charmer/nice guy/strong silent guys, I like Scottish names--Ian is my fav there. (Dolores Feagin 8:28pm October 5, 2011)
Hey Katherine, I'm hooked on anything paranormal, like Ghost Hunters, and Paranormal Witness, but I also like things like Auction Hunters, and Storage Wars. When I was little I played with a little boy called Rex, I always thought that was kind of a cool name. I've always like the name Aaron as well. :^) (Heidi Durham 3:54am October 6, 2011)
Thank you all so much for the terrific names (many of which I have never used -- and now will, thanks to you!). I also loved reading what everyone's watching, most of I love, too, but didn't mention on my already long list, and the rest of which I am now going to try (like last month's favorite ice creams suggestions!). There weren't ANY that I've already tried and aren't my cup of tea. Aren't we a compatible group??? Fun and thank you!
Katherine (Katherine Stone 4:07pm October 7, 2011)
a hero evoking name for me is Eric or Troy.
I also love the X Factor and Desperate Housewives. (Grace Irelan 1:38pm October 11, 2011)