February 17th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Lord of the Sea by Danelle Harmon


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Also by Danelle Harmon:

The Homecoming, February 2023
The Wayward One, March 2016
A Very Matchmaker Christmas, November 2015
Lord of the Sea, December 2013
My Lady Pirate, November 2012
e-Book (reprint)
Captain Of My Heart, September 2012
e-Book (reprint)
Wicked At Heart, July 2012
e-Book (reprint)
The Wicked One, June 2012
e-Book (reprint)
The Wild One, May 2012
e-Book (reprint)
The Defiant One, May 2012
e-Book (reprint)
The Beloved One, May 2012
e-Book (reprint)

Lord of the Sea
Danelle Harmon

Heroes of the Sea
Self Published
December 2013
On Sale: December 23, 2013
Featuring: Connor Merrick; Rhiannon Evans
400 pages
ISBN: 0148867944
EAN: 2940148867944
Kindle: B00GTH358M
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Romance Historical

A Sea Devil Who's Reckless At Heart. . .

Captain Connor Merrick's thirst for danger has brought him fame and fortune as one of the most brazenly successful privateers of the War of 1812. But deep beneath his swagger, derring-do and charm, the handsome American captain is hiding a devastating secret, and he'll go to any lengths to protect it . . .

A Beauty Who Gets More Than She Bargained For. . .

Rhiannon Evans has longed for an adventure -- and a mysterious, dangerous man to sweep her off her feet. While enroute to the tropical paradise of Barbados, she never dreams that her heart will be captured by the dashing American privateer who rescues her from bloodthirsty pirates. Only Rhiannon can see beneath Connor's reckless façade to the man beneath. But when tragedy strikes, can Rhiannon's love save Connor from himself? Or will the secret he guards so carefully, end up being the undoing of them both?

No awards found for this book.


43 comments posted.

Re: Lord of the Sea

haha So many variables. A sense of humor. Generosity. Fearlessness. Loyalty. And of course, he must be hotsy totsy!
(Lisa Hutson 2:12am February 19, 2014)

There is no perfect hero. The flaws make you appreciate the strengths better.
Pam Howell 7:40am February 19, 2014)

Oh my... I can fall for just about any alpha... I love the
tortured hero with a good heart even when he doesn't realize
it. Thanks for the contest! Both of these books sound
really good!
Linda Townsend 7:54am February 19, 2014)

i love the alpha men i dont think there is any man that dont
have a flaw in them we women have flaws so it is just a part
that we love about them but even though our hero have flaws
us women fall in love with them anyways
Denise Smith 7:58am February 19, 2014)

There is one perfect man for every woman, so in a way all men
are the perfect hero. Everyone has flaws that, to a certain
person, MAKE them perfect. I personally love the nerdy guys.
I love intelligence. ;-)
Karin Anderson 9:26am February 19, 2014)

Everyone has flaws but a true alpha man...well who could resist? Thanks for this great giveaway!!!
Bonnie Capuano 9:30am February 19, 2014)

A perfect Hero is a man who does everything right. He knows how to keep a Woman happy. He's good with children and family. He can cook and clean. He's strong when he needs to be, yet can be gentle at the drop of a hat. He has a great sense of humor!! He's also "easy on the eyes." He loves to dance, and goes for walks on the beach. He likes to do things on impulse. I hope that's enough ideas!! I love your take with your latest book, however, because we all know that everyone has their flaws, and I would love to read about a man who has flaws, and how he overcomes them!! Thank you for coming out of hiatus, and congratulations on your latest book!! I hope it's the start of another stab at writing books!! The cover isn't too shabby, either!! Simple, yet makes a statement!!
Peggy Roberson 10:28am February 19, 2014)

Looks like a good read
Celeste Gelinas 11:05am February 19, 2014)

I enjoy characters that have flaws... it is something that gives them personality and makes them come alive in the book.
Colleen Conklin 11:54am February 19, 2014)

No one is perfect. The flaws make the hero more interesting and appealing.
Anna Speed 11:57am February 19, 2014)

Someone who is caring, protective and likes his parents.
Leona Olson 12:36pm February 19, 2014)

Everyone has flaws, makes it more interesting to read about in a story, drawn to their weaknesses and their strengths.
Jean Patton 12:43pm February 19, 2014)

Can't wait to give this a read.
Tina Lechuga 1:29pm February 19, 2014)

Not sure there is a "perfect hero", I actually prefer the ones that have a few flaws. Makes them more interesting
Julie Parrish 1:54pm February 19, 2014)

Not perfect, but helps to be sexy with bedroom eyes, great physique, a bit of a rogue but still a gentleman, sense of humor, and most of all, a great kisser and lover! ;)
Sharon Fournier 2:12pm February 19, 2014)

A perfect hero doesn't know how brave he is. He goes into a bad situation only thinking of the other person and how that person needs to be rescued. A perfect hero is not self centered. He is a good person with a great, open, loving heart.
Sandy Fielder 2:48pm February 19, 2014)

Looks like a great book. Love the alpha males. what a fantastic cover. Thanks for a chance to win.
Linda Hall 2:55pm February 19, 2014)

The closest you can get to a perfect hero is someone who makes mistakes and truly learns from them. Who isn't afraid to take leaps of faith, not just leaps of courage. A perfect hero is as perfect as the ones who believe in him, or her.
Dorcas Zaghawski 3:03pm February 19, 2014)

I wouldn't want a perfect hero because in the real world, no one is. A flaw
can make the story even more interesting, and a lot depends on the
author's ability to make something out of that flaw and create a admirable
hero. I am excited to find out how Connor fares.
Maribelle De Guzman 3:22pm February 19, 2014)

Do you really believe love conquers all? I'd like to believe that but life is just so full of surprises. However, Alpha men are always the best type!
Vennie Martinisi 3:34pm February 19, 2014)

Would love to read this!
Denise Austin 4:55pm February 19, 2014)

No hero is perfect, but they can learn from their flaws and become a better person in the end.
Marcy Shuler 6:08pm February 19, 2014)

I like alpha men. Can't wait to read. Thanks for the giveaway.
Kathleen Beale 6:12pm February 19, 2014)

I can empathize with the imperfect hero and remember him long
after I've finished the book, which is so much better than
rolling my eyes at the Perfect Hero.
Lauren May 6:21pm February 19, 2014)

the book sound like great read and then i would love to read and blog on it for you ilove the way the good looking guy can come back and then try to get the right women
Desiree Reilly 6:41pm February 19, 2014)

A perfect hero isn't perfect, but he keeps
trying to be better and realizes that the love
of a good woman will help him tremendously!
Laurie Gray 7:13pm February 19, 2014)

sounds like a really good read...thanks for the giveaway!!
Barbara Studer 7:34pm February 19, 2014)

I really should at least learn to sail, I do so love stories with this theme!
Elizabeth Krentz-Wee 8:03pm February 19, 2014)

I love a hero with flaws from his past and that he is able to overcome them with the right heroine.
Kai Wong 8:53pm February 19, 2014)

The heroes I consider perfect actually have flaws but
overcome them.
G. Bisbjerg 9:03pm February 19, 2014)

No one is perfect so a perfect hero can't exist. Of course
there are people who are perfect for each other - if they
are lucky enough to find each other their lives can be close
to perfect. ;-)

I love that you've included a hero with a learning
disability and that you show it can be overcome! Thanks,
Glenda Martillotti 9:24pm February 19, 2014)

The perfect hero is kind (even if he hides it), honorable, confident, protective, smart, and has a sense of humor. Flaws are welcome!
Janie McGaugh 9:38pm February 19, 2014)

What great covers! IT's refreshing to see some gorgeous guys on the covers
without swooning girls.
MaryAnne Banks 9:57pm February 19, 2014)

WOW, Congrats on your 2 new books: LORD OF THE SEA and
CAPTAIN OF MY HEART. I love the book covers too! Yes, I agree
the only one Perfect is GOD. Both of your books sound
fantastic and I would love to win and read them in the New
Year 2014. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 11:54pm February 19, 2014)

Hero's are alot of things. General the typical buff,
handsome and a smile to die for. But also a hero is made of
kindness, tender hearted and give up his life to protect
you. Danelle, that is what you make your hero's! And a sexy
cover to boot!
Debbie McCreary 12:51pm February 20, 2014)

an alpha man with a heart--and a sense of humor
Denise Holcomb 10:05am February 20, 2014)

Hi Danelle!
I think if a man is "perfect" he's not really a hero! What makes him a hero is going against all odds to do what's right and not necessarily what he's told to do or that society says is right! I think with all the unrest going on in the world today that we are more in tune to what a true hero is and it's someone who is prepared to do the right thing, not the easy thing, to protect those who can't protect themselves.

My hero is one that sacrifices what he may want to do but instead does what has to done in good times and bad.
ove really does conquer all
Jeanne Miro 2:56pm February 20, 2014)

I've read many of your books and I think you've got the perfect hero down pat. I always love your hero's. Charles de Montforte is my favorite. Can't wait to read these books.
Keep Writing!!
Sharon Extine 5:22pm February 20, 2014)

I don't think that anyone is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes
and has flaws, but if a person learns from their
mistakes/flaws and becomes a better person because of them
that's all anyone can ask for.
Tina Rucci 10:19pm February 20, 2014)

I can't imagine any perfect hero. We all have flaws, even heroes.
Carol Woodruff 7:41pm February 21, 2014)

The perfect hero puts me first.
Mary Preston 10:53pm February 21, 2014)

A perfect hero is all about helping his lady grow into all
she can be...protecting and encouraging as letting her fly.
He's strong and is lets his lady help him grow too. Welcome
Back to the writer's world and thanks for the giveaway!
Lenna Hendershott 3:47pm February 22, 2014)

I like to find my heroes have qualities that are less than
perfect. The flaws bring them down to earth and off the
Alyson Widen 5:42pm February 25, 2014)

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