Sieve and Let Die, October 2023
Paperback / e-Book
Some Touch of Madness, November 2022
A Gentlewoman’s Guide to Murder, October 2022
A Calculated Whisk, October 2021
Trade Size / e-Book
Double or Muffin, February 2021
Paperback / e-Book
Cast Iron Alibi, October 2019
Paperback / e-Book
Muffin But Trouble, July 2019
Paperback / e-Book
A Gentlewoman's Guide to Murder, February 2019
Paperback / e-Book
Breaking the Mould, November 2018
Paperback / e-Book
No Grater Danger, June 2018
Paperback / e-Book
Muffin to Fear, August 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Leave It to Cleaver, July 2017
Paperback / e-Book
Much Ado About Muffin, August 2016
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
White Colander Crime, November 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Death Of An English Muffin, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
No Mallets Intended, November 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Muffin But Murder, July 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Freezer I'll Shoot, November 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Bran New Death, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Bowled Over, March 2013
Paperback / e-Book
A Deadly Grind, May 2012
Paperback / e-Book
A Vintage Kitchen Mystery #3
Berkley Prime Crime
November 2013
On Sale: November 5, 2013
304 pages ISBN: 042525237X EAN: 9780425252376 Kindle: B00BDQ3AP2 Paperback / e-Book
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Mystery Cozy
ICE COLD Trying to escape her overbearing mother, vintage kitchenware enthusiast and soon–to–be columnist Jaymie Leighton retreats to her family's cottage on Heartbreak Island. While there she hopes to write an article about the Ice House restaurant, owned by good friends and neighbors, siblings Ruby and Garnet Redmond. Once an actual icehouse, the restaurant is charmingly decorated with antique tools of the trade, including a collection of ice picks. One night, while working on her article, Jaymie overhears an argument and, ever the sleuth, sets out to explore. But when she stumbles upon a dead body her blood runs cold. It's Urban Dobrinskie, whose feud with the Redmonds is no secret, and he's got an ice pick through his heart. Now Jaymie's got to sharpen her sleuthing skills to chip away at the mystery and prove her neighbors' innocence—before someone else gets picked off...
No awards found for this book. Vintage Kitchen Mystery
70 comments posted.
Re: Freezer I'll Shoot
I'm terrible about New Year's Resolutions. I never end up making them because I just can't think of one. (Karin Anderson 12:57pm December 28, 2013)
I try making New Year's Resolutions, but it's really hard trying to keep them. (Kathy Morrison 1:35am December 28, 2013)
My New Year's Resolution is to read more books. (Teri Nelson 2:05am December 28, 2013)
I do make them but not the normal kind. Like yourself the losing weight and things just don't last. So when I had children and then grandchildren my resolutions changed to more simple ones.
1. Well behaved children, when out in public. 2. Make it through a day without going insane. (yet to happen) 3. Make sure my kids know I love them, even if it kills me. (LOL) 4. Enjoy my life, so far I have. 5. To not kill my kids for doing dumb things, so far so good.
These are just a few of the ones I do. I know it is not easy sometimes but then what in life is. (Tina Ullrich 5:19am December 28, 2013)
I don't know that they are resolutions but I do think about broad areas that I want to address such as exercising more or eating healthier. I do follow through to various degrees. (Maureen Emmons 6:35am December 28, 2013)
I don't do resolutions anymore as I never keep them. LOL. Cute book cover. Have a great New Year. (Sue Brandes 7:51am December 28, 2013)
I love your resolutions! I'm going to try that looking at the food one so that's mine too! LOL! Thanks for the giveaway! (Linda Townsend 8:16am December 28, 2013)
as an octogenarian i do not lie to myself and have stopped making resolutions...just take one day at a time.....and read good books! (Mal Kaplan 8:18am December 28, 2013)
I try making a new years resolution but I never seem to be able to keep it up! Thanks for the giveaway!!!! And Happy 2014 (Bonnie Capuano 9:42am December 28, 2013)
I don't make them. If I did they wouldn't make it a week. I love the cover of the book. (Cathy Thomas 9:43am December 28, 2013)
I just want to get through the next couple of months, find out what is wrong with my foot, have the surgery, and then I can finally be active again and get back on my weight loss track. (Vanessa Primer 9:46am December 28, 2013)
I have never been good making New Year's resolutions and keeping them. Why start now! Nice cover on the book. This one will probably keep one up till wee hours. (Barbara Wells 10:10am December 28, 2013)
i really dont make any only because i can never keep them (Denise Smith 10:11am December 28, 2013)
I don't make them because I feel bad when I don't keep them. (Rita Wray 10:18am December 28, 2013)
I use to make New Years Resolution . (Kiki Winn 10:40am December 28, 2013)
Normally I don't make New Year's resolutions, but this year I'm making an exception. I'm planning on not only organizing my time better, but organizing my apartment!! This past year has been such a whirlwind for me, that I had to let a lot of things go by the wayside, and now that I'm working on the time aspect, I have to work on organizing paperwork, and getting my knitting, crocheting, and reading materials in order, and things cleaned up better in general, so that I'll feel a bit better when I walk around here. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year, and I'll have to keep some of your ideas in mind!! I loved your posting!! I know I'll love your book, and your tote bag would come in handy to take some of my paperwork around from one place to another!! :-) (Peggy Roberson 10:41am December 28, 2013)
I've given up on new years resolutions as I never keep them. (Ann Martinisi 11:01am December 28, 2013)
To give to others when possible. To spend one special day with my husband every month. To make an effort to be healthier. (I try to set goals that I can achieve) Thank you for the giveaway. (fingers crossed) (Tonya Hundley 11:04am December 28, 2013)
I will be regular about setting money aside for retirement. (G. Bisbjerg 11:43am December 28, 2013)
My resolution is simply to do better and be better (Patricia Neely-Dorsey 12:27pm December 28, 2013)
I will be more patient, understanding and helpful. (Sharon Berger 12:38pm December 28, 2013)
I think my New Year's resolutions are just like yours. I'll try to keep them! (Roxana Perez 12:42pm December 28, 2013)
I will make a concerted effort to a more healthy lifestyle. (Betty Hamilton 12:47pm December 28, 2013)
New years resolutions are so sad when you cannot keep them. I prefer not to be sad. :) But, I do wish the very best to all of who do make resolutions. I wish you all a very happy new year. (Vennie Martinisi 1:35pm December 28, 2013)
Every year I resolve to lose weight and exercise more---HA HA HA. I've never been able to be successful. (Sue Farrell 2:02pm December 28, 2013)
Some times I make resolutions but not this year. I can't say I've ever stuck to one, probably the reason I'm not making one this year. :) (Theresa Norris 2:32pm December 28, 2013)
I don't make resolutions, because honestly, I never keep them. (Lisa Carr 2:45pm December 28, 2013)
I love your resolutions. You are my kind of girl! Once I made a resolution that I actually kept. I resolved to eat no sugar for three months. What was I thinking!!!! I went right back to sugar when the three months were up. (Melanie Backus 2:45pm December 28, 2013)
Oh Vicki, I do love your humor. If you lived near me, we would be the best of friends. I'm a happy, bubbly sort of person and I work on the resolutions every year to put a smile on a strangers face. I'm the one, who says hello to people I pass walking into stores, in aisles where we are shopping and strike up conversations while standing in line. I try to touch everyone and leave them with a smile on their face. It's easy, try it!! (Rosemary Simm 3:01pm December 28, 2013)
To read more and to write more reviews! (Laurie Gommermann 3:26pm December 28, 2013)
I can't be bothered with resolutions one day a year. I'll stick with one--To be the best "me" I have in me to be. (Elizabeth Dodd 3:26pm December 28, 2013)
Try hard to accept some things I really don't care for. (MaryEllen Hanneman 4:06pm December 28, 2013)
I know what you mean about the kids. I really love my kids. When they did something I didn't approve of I used to say to them "I love you but right now I don't like you. Think about it."
No resolutions for me--either I forget them or I just don't keep them. If I write them down I generally lose the list. (Sandra Spilecki 5:38pm December 28, 2013)
I try to make positive change in my life throughout the year instead of waiting for the New Year...not always successful but always hopeful! (Cynthia Hogue 6:16pm December 28, 2013)
I never do resolutions - don't work so not discouraged I would love to win - enter me pl (Jane Squires 6:24pm December 28, 2013)
I never make resolutions because I know I'll never keep them. (Carol Woodruff 6:45pm December 28, 2013)
No, I usually don't make resolutions. But Elizabeth Berg (author) posted something on Facebook today about writing letters ~ if only a brief note, a recipe sent, and it touched my heart, so maybe I'll try and make some wrongs, right, with a few heartfelt letters. (Susan Coster 6:58pm December 28, 2013)
Congrats Victoria on the book release! I do not make resolutions. I try to make small changes throughout the year and have a higher success rate at maintaining them. (Christine Arcidiacono 7:08pm December 28, 2013)
My resolution is to have the house furnished and no more putting money into the saving until the house is livable. (Kai Wong 7:28pm December 28, 2013)
Eat less. Read more. Do a little better housekeeping. (Lisa Hutson 7:52pm December 28, 2013)
Wow, Congrats on your new book: FREEZER I'LL SHOOT. I like the book cover too! Yes, I love making New Year's Resolutions. I need to lose a bunch of weight so that is my main goal this year. I want to exercise more and go to the gym more. I quit smoking in one day when I was young and have never gone back to it so I know what a person can do when they put their mind into doing new things. I quit drinking liquor too a long time ago and never gone back to it either. Also, I have become a Vegetarian since 2007 even though I was raised on a beef cattle farm in Kansas. So, if I can do these things then anyone can do it! Putting God First in my Life has helped out a bunch. Your new book sounds fantastic and I would love to win and read it in the New Year 2014. Thank You very much and Happy New Year too! Thanks, Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:58pm December 28, 2013)
to pay the 2 cards i have off!!! (Jennifer Beck 8:36pm December 28, 2013)
Love the resolutions! They sound like mine!! I never make them because I know that I will not keep them. Your books sound awesome, I look forward to reading them. Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year! (Martha Lawson 8:47pm December 28, 2013)
I make a resolution every year and follow it for about two weeks. (Susan Clickner 9:47pm December 28, 2013)
I generally don't make resolutions -- except when I resolve not to make any ones that I won't keep so I don't make any at all. ;-) (Glenda Martillotti 10:25pm December 28, 2013)
I used to try to make resolutions when I was a child, out of a sense that it was what I should do. Now I pull crackers and make Korean New Year's soup, instead. (Mary Ann Dimand 10:28pm December 28, 2013)
I don't make resolutions. (Sandy Giden 10:37am December 29, 2013)
If I make any resolutions this year they are going to be doable and fun like yours.Thanks (Catherine Myers 12:24pm December 29, 2013)
I make resolutions and usually keep them for at least a day or two. It is all in fun though! (Denise Austin 12:39pm December 29, 2013)
I never make resolutions. (Anna Speed 12:47pm December 29, 2013)
My resolve is to take time for me and read several chapters a day on my new kindle. (Judi Estrin 1:00pm December 29, 2013)
My resolutions for 2014 would be to be more receptive to others, and to be more compassionate towards them. And to be careful to not misjudge other people too fast. (Judith Venne 1:22pm December 29, 2013)
Thank you for the chance? Who is your favorite author to read? (Vickie Schultz 1:33pm December 29, 2013)
I always seem to make the same resolutions every year and have every intention of keeping them, but somewhere along the line I fail. This year my resolution is not to make one and to just decide to be happier with who I am right now. (Shawn Andree 3:32pm December 29, 2013)
I haven't made resolutions for years. I'm a procrastinator and I'd keep putting off doing it. Also I always felt like September was a new year...all those years of school. :) (Penny Mettert 3:41pm December 29, 2013)
Never make them; it's just like promises, I only make them if I know I'll be able to keep them! (Richard Proctor 4:15pm December 29, 2013)
The longest I've ever kept one was til the end of January, so I don't bother making them any more! (Maria Proctor 4:23pm December 29, 2013)
This year I plan to cook and bake some of the recipes I have collected over the years. Appreciate such a great giveaway. Happy Holidays. (Leona Olson 4:28pm December 29, 2013)
I agree with most of you about not keeping to resolutions thats why mine are just simple things that I can control easily sometimes... (Tina Ullrich 5:37pm December 29, 2013)
I haven't made too many resolutions in the past years, but this year I am. One of which is to get all my recipes that I've jotted onto slips of paper, written out onto nice recipe cards. I've put this off for way too long. Also, I want to make the effort to read even more. I have many books I want to read and hope to at least try to get 3 or more books per week read. I also love being organized, so I have a couple of projects to work on (I like everything in a certain place together and when I need it). My grandmother and father were both like that (neat freaks)! However, I seem to have more stuff than they had back in their day. I love the very cute and colorful book cover for Freezer I'll Shoot! Exercise, yeah...I need to do that more often, too! (Linda Luinstra 5:39pm December 29, 2013)
i will be making the same resolution-- don't make any!! oh wait, that wont work, how about make some and resolve not to keep them, yeah, that works better (Sue Hieber 7:34pm December 29, 2013)
I do make resolutions, but I ma not so good at keeping them! Hopefully this year will be different LOL (Lori Carson 8:53pm December 29, 2013)
I gave up making resolutions since I never seemed to keep them. Instead, I make small monthly goals that are usually easier to keep. (Lisa White 9:33pm December 29, 2013)
I try to make realistic resolutions, and this year I am going to try to lose just one pound a week and by next Christmas I hope to weigh at least 50 pounds less than I do know. I have really bad arthritis and a knee needing replacement which cannot be done for a variety of reasons. I hope that with 50 or more pounds less to struggle with that I will feel better all over, especially my knee/legs. Wish me luck; I am really going to try to do this for better health and less pain.
Would love to be entered into your giveaway; desperately want to read your latest book as I really enjoyed the first one in the Vintage Kitchen mystery series so much; and the tote is really neat too, so that is a great prize package. Thank you so much and Happy New Year to you.
Cynthia (Cynthia Blain 9:39pm December 29, 2013)
I've given up on making new year's resolutions. I just try to live every day the best I can. But i'd love to win your book. (Mary Hay 9:41pm December 29, 2013)
Great resolutions! I'd like to eat more healthily and exercise more often (at least twice a week). (MaryAnne Banks 9:45pm December 29, 2013)
I don't make resolutions for New Year either. I'm just letting myself in for a fail if I do. (Mary Preston 9:48pm December 29, 2013)
I never make New years resolutions any more, have never been able to keep them. (Carol Oddy 10:11pm December 29, 2013)
I haven't been in the habit of making resolutions. I do have goals for the year, though: be wiser with money, pay off a loan, and make healthier choices (exercise more, eat better, etc.). (Abby Thorne 11:34pm December 29, 2013)
I just wanted to thank each and every one who took the time to comment. What a wealth of wonderful resolutions! I especially like the one about putting on recipe cards all the stray recipes that are hanging around! I think I'll resolve to do that too!
I did spend this last year clearing some of the clutter, and I'm going to resolve to do that more this year! Happy 2014, everyone! (Victoria Hamilton 8:51am January 4, 2014)
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