Colton Nelson was 28 when he won the Texas Lottery and went
from ranch hand to ranch owner overnight. When people
started lining up wanting some of his millions, he hired a
friend, Andy Joe, to handle his affairs and find him a bride
and buy her, no matter what the cost.
Laura Baker and her sister, Emily, had been raised in foster
homes. Though she was the younger of the two, Laura was
always bailing Emily out of trouble. So when Andy Joe slid
into her booth at a diner one night and made a proposition
to Laura, it seemed the perfect solution...until Laura met
Colton and realized she didn't give a damn about his money
and that her love was not for sale.
I would want to read the whole book I'm pretty sure Carolyn was bamboozled by the sexy eyes. Thanks. (Dianne McVetty 2:53am June 13, 2013)
Carolyn did the right thing by writing about these cowboys. (Maureen Emmons 6:15am June 13, 2013)
Good mornin' Miz Dianne, Colton is blushing but you are so right. His eyes are downright sexy. (Carolyn Brown 7:19am June 13, 2013)
Hi Maureen, thank you. They were sure a fun bunch of cowboys to write about. (Carolyn Brown 7:20am June 13, 2013)
I think she was bamboozled by his beautiful eyes. Now I can't wait to read this book. I also like the cover of your Billion Dollar Cowboy book. (Bonnie Capuano 7:33am June 13, 2013)
Good mornin' Bonnie, Laura says to tell you that Colton is even sexier than the picture on the cover. (Carolyn Brown 7:37am June 13, 2013)
I am reading it right this moment and I love it! I'm sure she was bamboozled! Who wouldn't be! Thanks for having Carolyn here on my Fresh Fiction she is an awesome author! (Kim Cornwell 8:20am June 13, 2013)
Hi, Kim! So so glad that you stopped by. And doing the happy dance that you are liking Colton and Laura's story! (Carolyn Brown 8:27am June 13, 2013)
Holy Cow! I am fanning myself! The line about the twins climbing a glass wall in the rain made me laugh out loud! Can't wait to read it! (Tracey Reid 8:42am June 13, 2013)
Carolyn did the right thing AND was bamboozled by sexy eyes... but we've all been there, what's a girl to do? (Jamie Fortney 9:16am June 13, 2013)
I need to read the entire book to say, but my gut says yes she was bamboozled. (Pat Lieberman 9:42am June 13, 2013)
Sexy eyes will always get you in trouble! ;) I can't wait to read it. (Nicole Caroen 9:51am June 13, 2013)
Carolyn was bamboozled but who could resist sexy eyes. (Sharon Berger 9:52am June 13, 2013)
Definitely the right thing. Who can resist sexy eyes? (May Pau 10:10am June 13, 2013)
i will have to read it before i would make a decision on that (Denise Smith 10:16am June 13, 2013)
I too would have to read it to judge, but those eyes probably did do it.
Love your books, Carolyn. (Karen Triolo 10:29am June 13, 2013)
His eyes cut right thru you - Cannot wait to read this book. And I am sure she was bamboozled - looking forward to finding out. Thank you so much for your wonderful cowboy books. (Helen Livermore 10:40am June 13, 2013)
I have a strong feeling Carolyn was. And need to read to see for sure. LOL. (Pat Brennan 10:55am June 13, 2013)
Oh yes, how could you not tell their stories, Carolyn? Those mesmerizing eyes had me at first glance! Colton is gorgeous and with that cover and back copy and you telling the story, how could I resist buying it? I cannot wait to read the Billion Dollar Cowboy and the rest in the series. Happy Reading and Writing~ Cheers~ Elizabeth MacGregor (Elizabeth MacGregor 11:33am June 13, 2013)
Carolyn - Every time I read one of your postings, you make my day!! You could practically write a book of just your postings alone!! As for the first paragraph, to sort of quote you, "hell yeah!!" I'd buy your book in a heartbeat!! Any book that you've written tells me that it will not only give me a good story, but I'm sure that there's bound to be some of your old-fashioned fun thrown in for good measure!! You picked a good-lookin' cowboy for the cover, but he could be uglier than dirt, and you'd still make him handsome by the end of the book!! Congratulations on your latest book, and I can't wait to start my Summer off on the right foot - with you!! (Peggy Roberson 11:41am June 13, 2013)
I would do anything for those eyes. Love the premise of the story, I can't wait to read it. (Carla Carlson 11:45am June 13, 2013)
Hmmmm...I do think she was bamboozled into it...however she is TOTALLY doing the right thing...I think it was just an added little push she needed...I mean really one could melt with those eyes!! (Billie Gaskill 12:13pm June 13, 2013)
Oh definitely the right thing... your characters sound wonderful! ;) (Colleen Conklin 12:34pm June 13, 2013)
Ooh, I'd feel like she did and want to find out how things turned out for her!! Love Carolyn!! :) (Kelli Jo Calvert 1:08pm June 13, 2013)
I think she was bamboozled. Sounds like a great story, putting it on my list. (Jean Patton 1:51pm June 13, 2013)
Sounds like a marvelous read. Wish someone would make me an offer like that. (Irene Menge 2:23pm June 13, 2013)
A great big YES, she is doing the right thing. Now I need to read the book to find out how our millionaire cowboy managed to change her mind. (Anna Speed 3:27pm June 13, 2013)
I just walked in the door from a two week trip and all y'all's comments made my day and gave me an ego trip that will last for weeks and weeks. LOVE the love you're showing me today. Now it's off to unpack and get ready to polish up Mason Harper's story (he's the cowboy with those fiesty little girls and it's been a real hoot to write)! After three days of sitting in a carI'm just so glad to be home that I could do the happy dance. But believe me I can get a lot of plotting done while going down the highway at 70...well maybe it was closer to 80...miles an hour! (Carolyn Brown 4:03pm June 13, 2013)
Ah nothing like a sexy cowboy.....yee haw. Love the characters and stories you write about! (C Culp 4:35pm June 13, 2013)
I love a good cowboy romance. I read historicals and contemporaries. (Cheryl Castings 5:24pm June 13, 2013)
Hell yeah,'re doing the right thing everytime you get going on a new cowboy story and series. I love reading them all and don't even need to read the back copy. I see a new book cover with the Carolyn Brown and I'm all over it! I have truly enjoyed every book you write, and always look forward to the next one. You're one of my most favorite authors!! (Linda Luinstra 6:34pm June 13, 2013)
Carletta, Cheryl and Linda, I'm loving your comments... (Carolyn Brown 7:06pm June 13, 2013)
Yes, it seems like Carolyn didthe right stuff. WTG on your writing skills too. (Dayle Butler 7:18pm June 13, 2013)
Of course Carolyn is doing the right thing. She is sticking to her guns and set down ground rules for her cowboys. I always try to read Carolyn's books, I even own a few of them. I try to make sure the local library has them too. I love the purchase suggestion page. (Laura Gullickson 8:40pm June 13, 2013)
Carolyn did the right thing in picking the women for the cowboys. If the cowboys were picking their women, the story wouldn't come out right. (Kai Wong 9:55pm June 13, 2013)
She was definitely taken in by the sexy eyes! (Betty Hamilton 10:04pm June 13, 2013)
Oh, I think she was bamboozled for sure but that's ok because it's a community service to tell all of us the stories of these sexy, super rich cowboys!! (Jennifer Beyer 10:12pm June 13, 2013)
Yes, Carolyn did the right thing in writing these sexy cowboy romance books and yes they are such sexy men too. What a great challenge and great book cover too. I am a farmer's daughter from Kansas and now living in Austin, TX so I cannot wait to read and would love to win your book: BILLION DOLLAR COWBOY. I can really relate to cowboy stories and congrats on writing over 60 books too. Thank You. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 10:29pm June 13, 2013)
She was definitely bamboozled (Steve Pierce 10:40pm June 13, 2013)
Y'all are making this a great party! And thank you for the comments on the number of books I've published. Someone asked me in an interview a while back why I wrote all the time and I said, "Because it keeps me out of jail. I tend to get into trouble when I get bored and who can be bored with all those cowboys taking up residence in your head." (Carolyn Brown 10:58pm June 13, 2013)
Nothing better than reading about a sexy cowboy, except maybe meeting him! Can't wait to read this... (Sandie White 11:02pm June 13, 2013)
You had me at Carolyn Brown, an auto-buy author for me. I love the Honky Tonk and I am always looking for my cowboy in shiny boots. Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 11:55pm June 13, 2013)
She was definitely bamboozed. Story sounds great. Thanks for a chance to win. (Linda Hall 12:05pm June 14, 2013)
Can't wait to read Colton's and Laura's story. (Mary C 1:10am June 14, 2013)
That much of an excerpt would make me interested in reading further, but not enough to buy the book without having read some more or checked out a review. If this girl is going to be stuck as a kitchen assistant all book, maybe it's not for me. I don't know what she does yet. (Clare O'Beara 4:00am June 14, 2013)
I see that a few more have joined the party and left comments. Welcome to north central Texas where the cowboys are sexy and the ladies are sassy. And Clare, Miz Laura, shows how much she really is by the end of the book! (Carolyn Brown 7:45am June 14, 2013)
Can't wait to read. Love cowboy books. (Susan Falkler 10:58am June 14, 2013)
Another great looking cowboy book for sure. Always love great cowboy stories and Carolyn does a wonderful job on every one she writes! Would be so great to win this one. (Rich Cook 5:19pm June 14, 2013)
Carolyn did the right thing, but I'm sure those eyes had a bit to do with it. LOL Who can resist a cowboy? (Marcy Shuler 4:41pm June 15, 2013)
Yes. I do want to read the book. I have a thing about cowboys anyway. (Penny Mettert 5:27am June 16, 2013)