February 17th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

A Lady And Her Magic by Tammy Falkner


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Also by Tammy Falkner:

The Perfect Date, November 2014
The Magic Between Us, February 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Tall, Tatted and Tempting, June 2013
Paperback / e-Book
The Magic Of "I Do", June 2013
Paperback / e-Book
A Lady And Her Magic, September 2012
Paperback / e-Book

A Lady And Her Magic
Tammy Falkner

Sourcebooks Casablanca
September 2012
On Sale: September 1, 2012
Featuring: Sophia Thorne
384 pages
ISBN: 1402268122
EAN: 9781402268120
Kindle: B007ZI01VI
Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Paranormal

Rules Are Made to be Disobeyed...

Sophia Thorne is new to the Regency's glittering high society, which resembles her magical homeland only insofar as both places are filled with ridiculous rules. Which means no matter where she goes, she's bound for trouble...

And Scandals Are Meant to be Shocking...

The Duke of Robinsworth has flaunted and shocked society for years. In a moment of fateful mischief, Robinsworth encounters the enchanting and distinctly scandalous Sophia. Between her streak of magical mischief and his penchant for scandal, they're about to take rule-breaking to a whole new level...

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41 comments posted.

Re: A Lady And Her Magic

i cannot tell,initials were ml, but your book sounds great
(Debbi Shaw 12:22pm September 14, 2012)

This sounds like a fun book to read. Also, I fell in love with Jeffy. It's amazing you still have him after all these years.
Anna Speed 12:35pm September 14, 2012)

If you're referring to loves similar to Jeffy, my memory doesn't go back quite that far. I do remember receiving her for my Birthday from my Godmother, though, and falling deeply in love with her. She had red hair, just like my Godmother did, and green eyes, and I took her with her everywhere. As for a baby like Jeffy, I was in a toy store with my Husband, when I spotted a display of Chinese Cabbage Patch Dolls. They looked similar to yours, but they were made completely out of cloth, and were dressed in Chinese outfits. Being the Chinese collector that I am, I HAD to have one!! She is still in the original box, and it's all sealed up, along with her passport, so I can't give you her name. The box is slightly squished from moving around, but she is one of my loves, and I'll always cherish her. Your book sounds like the perfect read, and it has a beautiful cover. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Peggy Roberson 12:40pm September 14, 2012)

I don't want to talk about first loves but your book sounds great.
Rita Wray 12:50pm September 14, 2012)

My first love...I can't remeber wanting anything as badly as you describe like you wanted Jeffy. And truth be told I think it is more a trick of my memory than lack of such an experience. On a happier note, I remember a person I felt that way about and I married him.
G. Bisbjerg 1:22pm September 14, 2012)

Oh wow I think I remember Jeffy. My First love was a puppy.
Her name was FeFe. I begged my mom for hours to let me have
her I promised to feed her, walk her, love her, and be her
mommy. She was my faithful companion until she passed away
when I was 18. Still miss her sometimes but will never
forget. She was my first real love.
Regena Hamrick 1:50pm September 14, 2012)

My aunt gave me a little tool box when I was very little. I "fixed" everything with that. What wonderful memories.
Marjorie Carmony 1:50pm September 14, 2012)

Kent Cook 2:00pm September 14, 2012)

One time I went to work with my dad. He let me play in the stockroom. There were some old toys back there that were damaged or could not be sold. But I found a treasure. He had a shy smile, and he was a jester doll. He had on the pointed cap and jingle bells of a jester. I called him Jingles. He became my best friend. He always knew all my secrets. He was a true and steadfast friend! he was probably my first love. :)
Sandy Fielder 2:12pm September 14, 2012)

I can't think of anything like that.I was always moving on to the next thing that interested me.
Kathleen Conner 2:24pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was a pooh bear... I still have my Cabbage Patch doll...
Colleen Conklin 2:34pm September 14, 2012)

My first toy love was my hugh stuffed dog with a scottish plaid body. He was called Scottie, of course.
Kathleen Bianchi 2:47pm September 14, 2012)

It was 1977, and my first love was approximately 7in wide
and a little over two feet long, red plastic with black
translucent polyurethane wheels and axles that could spin
almost a complete 360. It was my first skateboard and man
did that thing go everywhere with me. I wouldn't let it out
of my sight. I almost forgot how to walk. As long as I was
not in the house, why walk when you could roll.
Kamla Layne 3:05pm September 14, 2012)

I can't remember having a strong attachment to any toy, but I did like my paper doll collection.
Sheila True 3:28pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was my cat Ariri when I was little. We were inseparable. She was my shadow. Wherever I went, she followed. We would be talking meow with each other that drove my parents crazy. When she passed away, I went looking for another cat like her. I don't think there is another cat that is her.
Kai Wong 3:34pm September 14, 2012)

Shelly Caggiano 4:09pm September 14, 2012)

I didn't have Cabbage Patch Kids. I was about 10 or so when they were popular. When I was younger than that I had Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Raggedy Ann and Andy and Pooh Bear, of course. Some of them got torn up. I still like stuffed animals, especially Beanie Buddies.
Michelle Fidler 4:31pm September 14, 2012)

The book sounds real good, I'd love to win it.
Wilma Frana 4:42pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was my dog, Duchess. My parents got her when I was a baby and we were inseparable. She passed away from what we thought was a heart attack at the age of 14.
Cathy Phillips 5:11pm September 14, 2012)

I had a Shirley Temple doll - not quite as cuddly as your
Jeffy. I love this idea of a magical Sophia in Regency
Engalnd - sounds like fun!
Diane Sallans 5:16pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was a big black dog that would let me do anything to me---I just loved to stroke his ears while I sucked my thumb.
Sue Farrell 5:32pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was a teddy bear who I carried around with me
everywhere until it fell apart.
Sharon Berger 5:47pm September 14, 2012)

We always had dogs, but when my mom let me get a guinea pig, I fell in love. At one point, I cared for 26 of them at one time, but I'll never forget my first one which was a silver aguti guinea pig.
Jane Mccarthy 6:05pm September 14, 2012)

if the story is as good as the cover looks i can't wait to read it
Kimberly Hoefs 6:08pm September 14, 2012)

I remember my Toni doll; I think you were suppose to give her hair a perm. Love, love the regency romance books; will have to give yours a read. thanks for the draw.
Barbara Studer 6:14pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was Timmy. We rode on the seesaw constantly.
Janet Gould 6:51pm September 14, 2012)

I had a Belle PVC when I was little that I used to carry with me everywhere. I also got a TY Beanie Baby when I was little named Hoppity that was in a basket that was mysteriously left on the porch when I was little. As for a person I have not anyone that has made me feel the way you described.
Chelsea Knestrick 8:22pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was my cat, Murphy. He was a big orange cat and I loved him. Based on your great book cover, this looks like a great book which I hope I win because I'd love to read it.
Carol Woodruff 8:37pm September 14, 2012)

Mine was named Timmy. He was a stuffed monkey with a striped shirt and sneakers. He was my love monkey!
Catherine Lee 8:41pm September 14, 2012)

My first love? I would have to say no to the yellow box and baby powder. I had a teddy bear (I still have him) and a pillow. Both were repaired many times. The pillow finally died about 10 years ago after my son inherited it and just beat it to death.
Jennifer Beyer 9:48pm September 14, 2012)

My first love was my grandfather's dog.
Mary C 10:19pm September 14, 2012)

My first crush was when I was in Elementary school on one of my friends but that was when I was in the 3rd/4th grade and nothing serious. We played together at recess.
Chelsea Knestrick 10:43pm September 14, 2012)

Sounds like a fun read. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book.
Linda Hall 11:11pm September 14, 2012)

*waving* from a little rural part of NC too :)

My first love was a Siamese cat named Scooter. My parents got him when I was 4 months old and we grew up together. When we were 18, we had to put him to sleep and that was my first real heartbreak also. I loved that cat dearly and still to this day cry over him. He would let me dress him up in my baby doll clothes and cover him up in my baby carriage and stroll him around when we were young. When I got older and started having crushes and then boyfriends and those breakups happened, he knew when I was sad and would come find me. It's as if he sensed my sadness. He would lay beside me and lick my tears away. I've had pets since then, I have a dog and two cats now, and although I love them with all my heart Scooter was my first love and will always remain the strongest.

I can't wait to read A Lady And Her Magic. Thank you for the chance in the giveaway! :)
Leah Weller 11:46pm September 14, 2012)

I have a vague memory of a Raggedy Ann doll that I had when I was three. Knowing how I was from the time I was a toddler, I'd say that my first love was probably the first cat I got my hands on!

Tammie, I want you to know that that I've read all your (Lydia's) lycan books so far and am in the process of getting hold of the vampire books. So far, I've loved them all! I look forward to your new book (and Lydia's, too!).
Janie McGaugh 12:23pm September 15, 2012)

My first love was an old teddy I got at the school fete for 2p. He is stuffed with sawdust and has jointed limbs. I put a ribbon around his neck and never let him go. He is still with me kept in a box to keep him nice. None of my children got to him, they had their own which as adults they still have too!
Barbara Hanson 4:52am September 15, 2012)

My first love was an old teddy I got at the school fete for 2p. He is stuffed with sawdust and has jointed limbs. I put a ribbon around his neck and never let him go. He is still with me kept in a box to keep him nice. None of my children got to him, they had their own which as adults they still have too!
Barbara Hanson 4:52am September 15, 2012)

I remember it like it was yesterday. I would knee on a chair
at the kitchen table and my mom would be making noodle dough
by hand.She would start to roll it out n say "Flour" n I
would reach my hand into the flour bag and grab some flour n
sprinkle/throw it on the table.She would roll some more and
say "Flour".I would repeat my "amazing flouring ability",
she called it. We would work together to get the dough just
the right thickness.Then she would hold my hand in hers an
cut the dough into thin strips.Then we would lay them neatly
on a towel place them at the window to dry for dinner.As you
can see my first "love" wasn't a doll or an animal..it was
my mom and her love for cooking. About 5 months later my mom
past away to a better place with no pain.I was 4yrs.old..its
the only memory I have of her.I went on to graduate H.S and
then college and graduated with n A.O.S in Culinary Arts...A
Certified Chef.I thank my mom for that.Now as a mom of 3
girls.I am lucky to be able to leave more then just 1 memory
of cooking with my girls...I thank you Tammy for allowing me
to share my first love with you.
Regina Hill 10:20am September 15, 2012)

My first love was my dog Charlie that I got for christmas when I was 5. He was my best friend. I had him until I was almost 20 years old when he passed away. I never got another dog after that.
Sheryl Nyary 7:52pm September 15, 2012)

Loved the humorous story about Jeffy. My first love was Michael Scruggs, who sat behind me in 7th grade Geometry. My hair then was down to my butt and he used to sit behind me and tie knots in my hair. Alas, our young romance was awkward and short-lived.
Dana Wong 9:49pm September 15, 2012)

My first love was mor of a high school crush when my eyes finally came off books and looked around.
Alyson Widen 1:45pm September 29, 2012)

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