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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Romancing The Countess by Ashley March


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Also by Ashley March:

My Lady Rival, May 2012
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Romancing The Countess, September 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Seducing The Duchess, October 2010

Romancing The Countess
Ashley March

Signet Eclipse
September 2011
On Sale: September 6, 2011
Featuring: Sebastian Madinger, the Earl of Wriothesly; Leah George
320 pages
ISBN: 0451234510
EAN: 9780451234513
Kindle: B0054TVO52
Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical

Sebastian Madinger, the Earl of Wriothesly, thought he'd married the perfect woman-until a fatal accident revealed her betrayal with his best friend. After their deaths, Sebastian is determined to avoid a scandal for the sake of his son. But his best friend's widow is just as determined to cast her mourning veil aside by hosting a party that will surely destroy both their reputations and expose all of his carefully kept secrets...

Leah George has carried the painful knowledge of her husband's affair for almost a year. All she wants now is to enjoy her independence and make a new life for herself-even if that means being ostracized by the Society whose rules she was raised to obey. Now that the rumors are flying, there's only one thing left for Sebastian to do: silence the scandal by enticing the improper widow into becoming a proper wife. But when it comes to matters of the heart, neither Sebastian nor Leah is prepared for the passion they discover in each other's arms....

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76 comments posted.

Re: Romancing The Countess

I am certain that I enjoyed my visits to the wonderful British countries even more because of my love of British historical romances.
You could surely write comedy after your pregnancy and book due dates conflicts.
(Marjorie Carmony 7:23am October 28, 2011)

No reading the romance novels have not impired me (yet) to do anything interesting but there is always time!
Shirley Younger 7:38am October 28, 2011)

Well- that sounds like my first pregnancy. Actually, my second was worse than the first- so I feel your pain. Glad all turned out great and the book is finished! I can't wait to read it Ashley. I would say that they thing from romance novels that I try to do that I did not is be more spontaneous and more flirty ;-)
Christine Arcidiacono 7:38am October 28, 2011)

I am sorry to say I have not been inspired to do something from the books I read, however that may be due to the fact that I love my life the way it is and would not change anything.
Loved to read about you being pregnant, can totally relate!
Barbara Hanson 8:12am October 28, 2011)

I cannot say that I have been inspired to do something particular by reading a
novel, however, the more novels I read, the more I want to read! Is that some
type of inspiration in that more begets more? I adore British romance novels.
I lived in Paris for a number of years and was able to visit the UK several times
but only saw London, Bath and Bristol. While there, I tried to absorb all of the
English atmosphere I could and "hit up" every bookstore buying as many
books as I could stuff in the car to take home. My dream is to return and see
other areas of the UK. My husband and I are great BBC fans and watch every
British Acorn DVD we can get our hands on. The mystery series are the best!
I love your books and wish you continued success!
Connie Fischer 8:45am October 28, 2011)

I have a yearning to visit Scotland, England, France and Tuscany, which I plan to do in the future. Because of some of the books that I have read, there are places that I want to visit in those countries. I did name my daughters after 2 characters from 2 different books by Phyllis A. Whitney.
Beverly Beltz 9:11am October 28, 2011)

In re-reading my comment, it has hit me that my love of everything British:
books, DVD's and cities has made me want to learn and see more of the UK.
Early on, I fell in love with historical English novels, especially those that
featured moors and castles. It has made me want to see an actual moor and
see and tour some castles. In addition, I want to see the rolling hills and cliffs
of Cornwell. How awesome that would be! I want to see a field of heather
growing and on and on. Sorry to ramble on but I guess my reading romance
novels was what started my love of the UK. I will go back one day soon!
Connie Fischer 10:03am October 28, 2011)

I can't say that I have been inspired to do something that I didn't already have planned.
G. Bisbjerg 10:04am October 28, 2011)

I wouldn't say that reading novels have inspired me to do anything. The only thing that I can think of is that it got me more interested in seeing historical places...

But wow... what a story about your pregnancy. I had a really tough time with morning sickness but I didn't have to worry about writing a book at the same time....
May Pau 10:06am October 28, 2011)

The heroine in 'Hot Stuff' by Flo Fitzpatrick inspired me to
learn new languages. Too bad I don't learn them as easily as
she did!
Tara Smith 10:27am October 28, 2011)

I am very impressed with your ability to accomplish anything with a difficult pregnancy and a toddler. I would say that historical romance has definitely given me an interest in history that I never had before so I will watch History Channel shows to see what life was like for people during the time periods that I enjoy stories set in.
Maureen Emmons 11:21am October 28, 2011)

A lot of romances are about bad boys finally getting it right.
Someone that loved them gave them yet another chance. Well, me
and my bad boy just celebrated 30 years so yea I guess those
HEA were definitely an influence.
Lisa Richards 11:34am October 28, 2011)

I only wish that my life were more like a romance novel!!
Dawn Staniszeski 11:40am October 28, 2011)

Like others here, reading romance novels set in England, especially in the Regency period, inspired me to visit some of those places when I got the chance to travel in Great Britain.


Lynn Rettig 12:18pm October 28, 2011)

Quite often historical romances have prompted me to
investigate more on a particular historic subject or location.
Books also make me want to travel more to see the locations in
Diane Sallans 12:24pm October 28, 2011)

I guess I'm just too practical to let a romance novel inspire me to do something. I read them simply to escape my reality.
Sue Farrell 12:31pm October 28, 2011)

I am amazed at how well you handled writing the book while pregnant. As far as I know, novels haven't influenced my outward actions, but they have influenced my interest in other parts of our country and in foreign lands.
Anna Speed 12:33pm October 28, 2011)

I don't think a romance novel inspired me to do something,
learn something new, etc ... though what it always does is to
give me confidence that my own Mr Darcy is somewhere out there
:-) 1
Birgit Lehner 1:36pm October 28, 2011)

Congrats on finishing your book... One day I would love to see some of the amazing places mentioned in books...
Colleen Conklin 1:43pm October 28, 2011)

Congrats on completing your book! I can't wait to read it! Romance novels inspired me to write my own book. My current works-in-progress include two Medieval romances and a Scottish paranormal novella.
Jennifer Langford 2:19pm October 28, 2011)

Oh gosh! I can't imagine writing a romance when you're feeling awful. I would think it would be more of a man-hater novel :) As for what a romance inspired me to do was (this is really no exciting thing) to get married to a romantic but manly kind of man.
Theresa Dunlap 2:40pm October 28, 2011)

I can't say that romance novels have influenced my life yet, because I'm actually new to reading this particular genre. I have to say that I'm really out of the loop on this one, too!! I got stuck in the rut of general fiction, as well as other genres, not knowing what was between the covers of these books until a couple of months ago. I'm hoping to find the right book (hopefully yours), that will give me the added oomph to get up and do something "special" again. I can sympathize with what you went through with your pregnancy. I have health problems that have symptoms very close to what you went through, and I know what that pain is like. Fortunately, I can take medication to help combat it to a degree. Anyway, congratulations on your new book as well as Emily. I love the cover. I love the revealing back to the dress, and hope I can reveal a new life with your book!!
Peggy Roberson 2:43pm October 28, 2011)

Thanks for a lovely post! I've heard such wonderful things about this book and I can't wait to read it. I sorry to hear about the troubles you experienced while pregnant. At least it gives you that great mom blackmail material for later in life. I haven't really inspiration to change my life from a book. Often I escape into a book for a break form real life but haven't had a lightning bolt experience... yet. Thanks again!
Erin Fender 3:06pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I'm with the kids right now and unable to respond to everyone, but I will definitely be doing so later tonight after they're in bed. Thanks so much for visiting with me! =)
Ashley March 3:40pm October 28, 2011)

I love More babies equals less books. It is so true. I wondered sometimes why so many writers were older like me, your phrase tells why.

Thank you for putting my name in the diaper bag for your contest :)
Gayle Oreluk 4:02pm October 28, 2011)

I always wanted to go to England - but I love going to the ocean with a little bit of touring thrown in - we love Williamsburg!
Beth Elder 4:10pm October 28, 2011)

Congratulations on the new baby and the new book releases! Now it's onto the joys of a baby's cuteness and the perils of their tears. It sounds like men in historical romances have it too easy. They need to be put in the role of father or at least babysitter a bit more ;)
Na S 4:36pm October 28, 2011)

Loved reading your post. Ashley, I'm sorry your pregnancy was so difficult and painful for you at a time you were trying to accomplish your writing for your book. Guess the saying, "No pain, no gain" comes to mind! As for historical romance novels, I think it gives me more insight into past history. I love old castles, their countryside and history of them and who lived in them (even though I've never seen any in person, only on TV). I love the elegance of the attire worn in those days. Congratulations on your latest book and thanks for the contest.
Linda Luinstra 4:45pm October 28, 2011)

All of Eloisa James' novels prompted me to get to know her thru emails etc- and I followed her nearly daily posts about her year in Paris. I'd lived in Paris 30 years ago and reading her posts inspired me to waste hours and hours on Google maps revisiting all my old haunts- loving seeing the ones that are the same, grieving over the ones that have changed...
The other thing that romances that are parts of series do force me to do is get all the rest of them to read. In fact after my frustration at not always being able to remember from book to book, I started a spread sheet where I catalogue every book I read, the setting, main characters etc so I can remind myself where we were when my favourite authors get around to publishing the next book(s) in their series!
I've not read anything of yours yet but reading the blurb on your latest am out to get started 8^)
happy weekend,
Maribeth Curry
Maribeth Curry 5:42pm October 28, 2011)

Romance novels inspirer me to travel,maybe Scotland and England.
Deb Pelletier 7:18pm October 28, 2011)

My reading has inspired me to READ MORE! Oh, well, housework will keep until the book is finished. Only grandchildren can safely interrupt - everyone else knows better!
Sharon Mitchell 9:38pm October 28, 2011)

New author Sandy Williams linked to your blog. She went through a very
similar story!! Hope I win your book. Sandy got me into historical
romances as well.
Shelli Richard 11:07pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Marjorie! Oh, I do envy you! I would very much like to visit Britain myself. I have to admit, though--I'm not sure if it's because of all the sights to see as much as the hot guys with British accents. ;)
Ashley March 11:12pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Shirley! Thanks for visiting with me today! =) Romance novels inspire me to stay true to myself. Sounds corny, but it's true. I think my husband wishes they inspired me to cook more often. ;)
Ashley March 11:13pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Christine! =) Thank you, and I'm glad to hear you made it through yours fine, too! I didn't mention this in the post, but due to a pre-existing medical condition I can't get epidurals. For some reason I didn't have as much of an issue with this with my first baby, but with the second I was the stereotypical woman SCREAMING and shouting for people to help me, that I was going to die, that I couldn't do it anymore. Lol. Have I mentioned that my husband and I are thinking about adopting future children? ;)
Ashley March 11:15pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Barbara! I have to admit that most of my romance novels (which are usually historicals) just make me want to travel. Or really, to buy more romances and spend more money. It's a vicious cycle. ;) Glad you enjoyed the post! =)
Ashley March 11:17pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Connie! You are one lucky, lucky woman. =) (And thank you so much for the kind comment re my books!!) I do watch Downton Abbey, but I have to admit that I like the BBC version of Sherlock Holmes much more. Seriously, I could watch it all the time--I just hope they continue the series! Here's to hoping that we're *both* able to visit England soon. =)
Ashley March 11:19pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Beverly! Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one who developed an affinity for certain names after reading romance novels. I swear I'll always have a crush on the name Lucien after reading him as a hero in a Gaelen Foley novel. I hope you'll take plenty of pictures to share when you do go visit all of those places. =)
Ashley March 11:22pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Connie--I really do feel the same way. I think that if I had grown up reading Italian historicals I'd probably be as much in love with Italy. The other thing, though, is that I really enjoy British humor. That and the accent and the history are all just plain sexy to me. =)
Ashley March 11:24pm October 28, 2011)

Hi G. Bisbjerg! Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting with me today! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. =)
Ashley March 11:25pm October 28, 2011)

Hi May! *waves wildly* I honestly don't know which is worse--morning sickness or everything else in the latter stages of pregnancy. Maybe the everything else--at least the morning sickness doesn't usually last as long. =) Actually, though, I'd prefer to be one of those chipper ladies like my sister-in-law who don't experience many symptoms. As for writing a book in the meantime, you would have thought I learned my lesson. But I still love both writing and babies. ;)
Ashley March 11:29pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Tara! As a lover of languages myself, I think that is so *cool*! I think learning them is very difficult, but as a lover of words and other cultures I think the challenge is a lot of fun. To me, though, the key has always been continuing to practice the language. Of course, right now with a 1 yo and a 2 yo, I'm struggling just with the English language. =)
Ashley March 11:31pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Maureen! Aw, thank you. =) To tell you the truth, I don't know how I did get anything accomplished. Thank goodness I have a wonderful husband who helps me so much. =) And I know exactly what you mean about the History Channel--reading historical romances has also made me more interested in watching period films and reading historical biographies. I just wish more of the History Channel would feature actual history!
Ashley March 11:36pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Lisa! *huge smile* I think your comment might be one of my most favorite comments ever. A huge congratulations on your anniversary, and I wish you many, many more to come! =)
Ashley March 11:37pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Dawn! Lol--I think we all wish that. ;) At least, I wish I had a maid and a chef. ;) And someone to watch my kids every so often so I could go on a date with my husband would be nice, too. And I've always wanted to ride horses and wear beautiful ballgowns. Okay...there are apparently a lot of ways I'd like my life to be like romance novels. =)
Ashley March 11:40pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Lynn! Thanks so much for your comment. =) I wonder if those of you who have visited England after reading historical romance novels find that the real-life landmarks mentioned in the novels live up to your expectations.
Ashley March 11:42pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Diane! Nice to see you again. =) Have you found yourself wishing to read more about places that aren't very common in historical romances that you'd still like to visit?
Ashley March 11:45pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Sue! Thanks so much for your comment! I agree that romance novels are primarily an escape for me--at this time in my life, specifically an escape from the toddler tantrums ;)--but I have, for example, found myself interested in learning how to play the piano after reading a character who played well. Things like that definitely inspire me if I connect with the characters the author has written.
Ashley March 11:47pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Anna! It's true what they say about time and memory... Even now it doesn't seem that it could have been that bad. This is why I think I should have recorded myself daily, just so I could have an audio/visual reminder. ;) And I agree with you--reading historical romance novels in particular has made me wish to go visit the actual places mentioned. Hope you have a great weekend! =)
Ashley March 11:49pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Birgit! =) Yes to the hope that romance novels give! Not just for those of us who are single and wish for our own Mr. Darcy, but also to those of who are already married and need to know that we can get over temporary marital issues. Thanks so much for visiting with me today. =)
Ashley March 11:51pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Colleen! Thank you very much. =) I hope when my daughter grows up she'll be able to read the book and will enjoy it. She better. ;)
Ashley March 11:54pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Jennifer! Thank you!! And congratulations on beginning your own writing journey--I'm so excited for you! =D And I don't know much about paranormal romance, but I know we definitely need more medieval romances. Can't wait to read your books. =)
Ashley March 11:56pm October 28, 2011)

Glad everything turned out ok with your pregnancy and that you have two healthy children. I know all about the pain that you went through. I'm also very glad that you were able to finish the book, I'm looking forward to reading it.
Lisa White 11:58pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Theresa! Lol... I think my issue was more about trying to get my characters not to fall asleep all the time. I was sooo TIRED. =) And your husband sounds absolutely wonderful--the perfect alpha hero with the soft beta mushiness inside. =)
Ashley March 11:58pm October 28, 2011)

Hi Peggy! =) Welcome to the romance genre--I think you'll find that not only are the books so much more than just the covers (and I hope you love historical romance as much as I do!), but the romance community consists of some of the most wonderful and generous people online and in real life. I'm so happy to have you with us, and if you do get a chance to read my books, I hope you enjoy them! I'm so sorry to hear about your medical condition, but am glad to know that it's possible to ease the pain with medication. And thank you for the congratulations on Emily. =) She is truly one of the joys of my life.
Ashley March 12:12pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Erin! Thank you for your comment! If you do get a chance to read ROMANCING THE COUNTESS, I truly hope you enjoy it. =) As for the pregnancy, you're right--but I have a feeling that the time she covered herself in poo when in the swing will probably be even greater blackmail material. Especially since we got pictures. ;) Hope you have a great weekend!
Ashley March 12:14pm October 29, 2011)

I've learned to stand up for myself from my reading.
Lisa Kendall 12:24pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Gayle! I've often wondered the same thing about authors with kids out of the house--now it makes complete sense. =) I long for the day when the kids are in school and I'm able to go to bed at a decent hour instead of after midnight (I work/write after the kids go to bed). Good luck with the giveaway. ;)
Ashley March 12:25pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Beth! I'm with you 100%--if I can't go to England, then the beach is a very acceptable substitution. =) Thanks for visiting with me today!
Ashley March 12:27pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Na! Lol. Thanks! Yes, as of next Saturday I will have a 2 year old and a 1 year old. Fortunately, my husband is some kind of wonderful and is very helpful with the girls and the house. As for men in historical romances... I'd love to see a hero actually try to handle the kids himself instead of automatically running for a governess or wife to help him. Hmm. Speaking of ideas for new novels... =)
Ashley March 12:29pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Linda! Thanks so much for your comment! I'm very glad you enjoyed the post. =) And though the pregnancy honestly sucked, I do feel fortunate that I was able to get pregnant and my daughter was born healthy. It's difficult to complain about any of that when I know there are some women who don't get either of those experiences. And as for the castles on TV--I LOVE those shows! I haven't seen one for a very long time, but when I find them on I'm glued to the couch. =) Wish there were more!
Ashley March 12:32pm October 29, 2011)

Hello Maribeth! I wasn't able to catch Eloisa's FB posts every day, but I really enjoyed reading them when I could. I love that her FB posts read almost like poetry--you know that she really spends time on them and is thoughtful about it. Unlike me at this point in my life, where I just drive by on social media while hoping the children don't color on the walls in the minute I'm gone. ;) I hope to visit Paris one day...especially after reading Joanna Bourne's novels, I'm dying to go! If you do get a chance to read my books, I hope you enjoy them. =) Thanks for trying a new author!
Ashley March 12:35pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Deb! Thanks so much for your comment! It does make me wonder how many of the tourists in Britain each year are avid historical romance readers. ;)
Ashley March 12:37pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Sharon! Lol--great comment! It's the most wonderful addiction in the world, isn't it? Thank goodness I discovered my Kindle--I can start a new book as soon as I finish one. =) And I hope your children don't read your comment on this blog; you might find yourself soon overrun by grandkids. ;)
Ashley March 12:40pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Shelli! Oh, that's wonderful! Thanks so much for stopping by to comment. =) Sandy actually emailed me about her experience--and I can't even *imagine* how much more a body aches with twins! Good luck with the giveaway, and I hope you have a great weekend! =)
Ashley March 12:42pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Lisa White! Thank you very much. =) Although I'm happy to entertain my FB readers with the terrifying stories of my children (such as when the baby smeared poop all over herself while in the baby swing), the truth is that I love being a mom, and it was all worth it. In fact, whether we get pregnant again or adopt in the future, I really do want more. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. =)
Ashley March 12:44pm October 29, 2011)

Although I can't admit this in full confirmation, I am certain that my love of period romance novels played a part in my decision to marry a handsome man I barely knew at the Kensington Registry in London.
Carla Schuller 12:45pm October 29, 2011)

Hi Lisa Kendall! That's exactly what I said in one of my earlier comments. Glad to know I'm not alone. =)
Ashley March 12:46pm October 29, 2011)

Lol @ Carla! I love it! =) I wish I knew more of the story--it sounds wonderfully romantic, and would be even better if you could confirm he had a British accent. ;)
Ashley March 12:47pm October 29, 2011)

@Ashley.....He is a TALL Texan.....sorry to disappoint about the accent. However, the story could inspire a novel!
Carla Schuller 12:58pm October 29, 2011)

I visited Ardmore, Ireland after reading a Nora Roberts trilogy. :)
MaryAnne Banks 9:57am October 29, 2011)

Ashley, I'm so glad you were able to finish! Don't enter me in the contest. I'm just popping in to say "Hi."
G S Moch 11:24am October 29, 2011)

While my own reading hasn't inspired me to do something specific, I guess my husband's has. Our daughter is named after a character in the Dragonlance series but with a spelling switch. It's kind of neat that she is now reading the series.

One of my best friends is going through a rough pregnancy right now. Near complete bedrest. I just mailed her off a second huge box of books. My sister is also pregnant but without the medical issues. She can fall asleep at the drop of a hat though.
Lynda Smith 11:23pm October 29, 2011)

Hi, Ashley! You mention how much you love British humor. Oh my, I do
believe that The Brits have a lockup on humor. Sometimes it's dry and you
have to think a moment before you get it, but when you do, it's really a good
laugh. Yes, I do love everything British!

Connie Fischer
[email protected]
Connie Fischer 1:00pm October 30, 2011)

A newborn and a book, you do have it together getting things done. It still makes me laugh when people call and ask if I was busy after twins.
Alyson Widen 4:57pm October 31, 2011)

Oh wow, pat on the back to you for completing such a wonderful book during all
of that. I was on bed rest for three months before my twins were born and I
could do nothing, was never comfortable, and was an emotional wreck. I can't
even contemplate trying to produce something worth while during that time! And
you did, Romancing the Countess is wonderful!
Lexi Hansen 10:32pm November 3, 2011)

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