February 6th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Louisa And The Missing Heiress by Anna Maclean


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Also by Anna Maclean:

Louisa and the Crystal Gazer, February 2012
Trade Size / e-Book (reprint)
Louisa and the Country Bachelor, October 2011
Trade Size (reprint)
Louisa And The Missing Heiress, June 2011
Paperback (reprint)
Louisa and the Crystal Gazer, May 2005
Mass Market Paperback
Louisa and the Missing Heiress, April 2004

Louisa And The Missing Heiress
Anna Maclean

"A tale of dark secrets, mysterious men, and heiresses in distress," Louisa May Alcott, is cast in the role of amateur sleuth-investigating crimes more heinous than anything she can imagine in her "blood and thunder" romances.

Louisa May Alcott Mystery #1
NAL Obsidian
June 2011
On Sale: June 7, 2011
Featuring: Louisa May Alcott
336 pages
ISBN: 0451233247
EAN: 9780451233240
Paperback (reprint)
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Mystery Historical

Long before she will achieve fame as the author of LITTLE WOMEN, Louisa May Alcott is writing stories of a more dark and mysterious nature. But nothing prepares her for the role of amateur detective she assumes when the body of her dear friend, wealthy newlywed Dorothy Wortham, is found floating in Boston's harbor.

It's well known that Dorothy's family didn't approve of her husband, a confirmed fortune hunter, but Louisa suspects that some deeper secret lies behind her friend's tragic murder...

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49 comments posted.

Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress

I can't think of any literary characters that I've imagined outside of their stories. I've always enjoyed creating my own characters to dream about, even when I was a small child.
(Ginger Hinson 2:18am June 15, 2011)

I never thought about the secret lives of many literary characters. I have wondered what Silvia Prath went through to enable her to write the way she did.
Kathleen Yohanna 2:39am June 15, 2011)

I do it all the time, especially with historical fiction. I become so immersed in the story I don't leave off when finished.
Mary Preston 2:53am June 15, 2011)

Reading Historical Fiction is like time traveling. And it has always been a habit of mine to imagine how a character appearing in a historical fiction novel would fit into the world of today. My favorite re-imagining is for "Mr. Darcy" from Pride & Prejudice and Louisa May Alcott's "Jo March".
Hira Hasnain 3:03am June 15, 2011)

I am always imagining characters and books that I like beyond "the end" and sometimes before "the beginning". I once wrote something about a childhood character after she was grown up. And, I too, admired both Jo and Louisa and wanted to be a writer the way they were.
Penny Mettert 3:05am June 15, 2011)

Yes, I totally have, but being rather uncreative it's more of a wondering what cool stuff they're up to than specific things. I like trying to image what could happen in the next book of a series if I'm waiting for it to come out.
Jessica Sutton 3:11am June 15, 2011)

I didn't know she wrote under other names, but after reading this I realized I didn't know a lot about her.
Theresa Norris 5:55am June 15, 2011)

I try not to imagine characters lives beyond the story. When I enjoy a particular
character I like to know that I will find that same character when I re-read the
story--like going to visit a distant friend, someone I can count on to be just as I
left them the last time I visited. If they grow and change in my mind then I find I
can't enjoy that character again, even in a different story.
Sandra Spilecki 6:22am June 15, 2011)

I certainly look forward to this one!
Marjorie Carmony 6:35am June 15, 2011)

I've never thought about it, but what an intriguing idea!
Margay Roberge 7:36am June 15, 2011)

Yes, I think it goes way back for me. I would say it started with the little house on the prairie series. I would think about how the characters lived.
Debbie Penny 8:05am June 15, 2011)

I'm always curious about the lives and personalities of my favorite authors, what
makes them tick and how they choose to write about such different subjects.
Thus, I know this would be a very interesting book to read!
Connie Fischer
[email protected]
Connie Fischer 8:08am June 15, 2011)

Silvana Moscato 8:16am June 15, 2011)

I do think about what experiences authors have had to bring originality to their characters and stories. I would be terrified to meet Stephen King in person; his stories are so scary, I just wonder how he came up with such ideas.
Jody Hollenbeck 8:30am June 15, 2011)

Any character I tend to imagine their lives even after I am done reading the book...it is fun!
Dawn Staniszeski 8:45am June 15, 2011)

Anna -

I am remember visiting the library in the little village I grew up in and checking out Louisa's books when I was 11 or 12 years old. The library was next to a park and I'd go sit under a tree and start reading. I spent many hours that summer under that tree reading her stories.

Thanks for bring her back to life with your series!
Jeanne Miro 9:22am June 15, 2011)

I think as I finish a book and reach "The End", it's too final for my imagination, for my head - I have always been like this, since I was a child. The idea of happily ever after in fairy tales needed to include pets, kids, travel, and more adventure - and remains true today. Well written characters in a book are lost friends (historical or contemporary), just because the pages are filled doesn't mean there isn't more out there.
Carla Carlson 9:37am June 15, 2011)

I can't say that I've ever imagined any characters having a life outside the covers of a book. I normally just read the book, and go on to the next one. If I was to take a character and think about it, though, it would be Stephanie Plum from Janet Evanovich's novels. She sounds like she would be a lot of fun to be around. I remember reading about Louisa May Alcott as a child as well, and you brought back a lot of memories for me this morning. I can't wait to read your book! I'm sure that I'll enjoy it.
Peggy Roberson 9:50am June 15, 2011)

This looks like it will be a great read. I have a huge tbr pile but can't help myself piling on more.
Michelle English 10:03am June 15, 2011)

I am going to have to find these "blood and thunder" stories! Yes, I have imagined or wished that characters would be real and be my friend or a hot man would be real so I could really fall for him!
Kelli Jo Calvert 10:29am June 15, 2011)

Oh, definitely! Sometimes I find myself wondering what they are up to months after finishing a book. That's the mark of a good writer who can flesh out the characters so much it's hard to believe they aren't real.
Karen Gervasi 10:50am June 15, 2011)

I never thought about it before but now that you mentioned it you've got me fantasizing about the lives of some of my favorite characters.

What a great concept. I would love to read your book. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
Holly Caulfield 10:53am June 15, 2011)

Currently reading the Jack Aubrey stories, I wonder what his 'out of story' story would be like. I know he's a great naval career guy, but what would his daily home life be like? Or those days at sea where he wasn't pursuing an enemy? And I would like to listen to him and Stephen sawing away at their instruments!
Susan Davco 11:32am June 15, 2011)

i am currently reading about the mythology and i have wondered what some of their "stories " would be now. the book sounds wonderful and i can't wait to read it.
Tammy Ramey 12:41pm June 15, 2011)

Like the sidekick angle, since it's good to have a sounding or a resounding board to bounce ideas of the times. Just like every comedian has a straight man or invites audience to react, so in fiction and regular life it's helpful to have another ear to listen, anchor and let you soar. Thank you for creating a beautiful storyline that continues Louisa's spirit.
Alyson Widen 12:45pm June 15, 2011)

I never would have expected an author to use a person like Louisa Mae Alcott as a character in a book. That's unique! At the same time, I have to admit there have been books where I tried to imagine what happened next in the lives of the character. You have just taken it to the next level.
Anna Speed 12:55pm June 15, 2011)

I frequently imagine what the remainder of the lives of characters in books that I liked would be.
Carol Gowett 1:11pm June 15, 2011)

Your book sounds delightful--I can't wait to read it. Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway; hope I win!!!
Nancy Wolfe 1:56pm June 15, 2011)

the book is great will do good that all it count the cover is great
Desiree Reilly 2:47pm June 15, 2011)

I love my life precariously through Historical Romance books!
Joanne Bozik 2:48pm June 15, 2011)

I frequently wish for more reads about entrancing, interesting characters most often confined to a single book and hope that authors will extend the adventures of such characters. As a wishful reader, it is so easy to imagine more life for characters who have been securely tethered to a single appearance.

How clever to star meticulous Alcott in an adventure compatible with her much published vast imagination and observations brought to life in other characters.

Please, please choose me for this gift as Alcott is a favorite of mine not only as a reader but as a librarian.
Carla Schuller 3:12pm June 15, 2011)

If I love a character I want to know what comes next. The best series can tell us.
Shirley Nienkark 3:23pm June 15, 2011)

Pride & Predjudice - I've just discovered there are all kinds of variations on this book - all "what if...". I think Louisa May Alcott would make wonderful what if stories.
Jeanne Sheats 3:28pm June 15, 2011)

Jessica Andersen writes the Nightkeeper novels about the 2012 end date. I can't help but look at the real history of the Mayans and the blood sacrifices and way of life then and wondering if I were of that time and culture what my life would have been like. Then the air conditioner kicks on and I'm glad to be here and now.
Christina Harrison 4:14pm June 15, 2011)

Instead of them out of the covers, I see myself in the covers with them.
Debra Simning-Chapman 4:22pm June 15, 2011)

What a great giveaway, would love to read the book
about Louisa May Alcott. Yes, I did wonder about
my fav. book Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte daily
life. I thought about the windy moors of Yorkshire,
England. I seem to pick up Jane Eyre ever year or so
and continue to marvel at her writing style.
Then, I happen to come across this amazing book "The
secret diaries of Charlotte Bronte, by Syrie James.
Alot of my question were answered in Syrie James's
informative book. I feel that there is truth in the book
and it seems to make Charlotte come alive.
Good for you in creating this delightful book of yours.
Dayle Butler 4:40pm June 15, 2011)

My imagination is so limited, thank goodness for people like you
MaryEllen Hanneman 5:08pm June 15, 2011)

I love my local library system and our family's cards get lots of mileage.
They have a great Bollywood movie collection and, being originally from
India, I am drawn to movies/books:
. about India
. set in India
. by South Asian directors/authors

I often think about what happens to the characters in the book I am
currently reading or have already read. I find myself wanting to Merton the
characters irl.
Mona Garg 5:08pm June 15, 2011)

Jane Eyre life was too hard in the beginning,I would have changed that.
Deb Pelletier 5:48pm June 15, 2011)

I've at times wondered what the characters would be up to if there where more books with the characters. Haven't thought of them outside of the pages.
Leni Kaye 7:14pm June 15, 2011)

If I'm really drawn to the characters in a book I always wonder what happens after the last page and hate to see it end.
Sounds like an interesting read.
Good luck and happy writing!
Tracie Travis 7:48pm June 15, 2011)

Yes, I have imagined what happens AFTER the end of the story :) The more vivid the character, the more likely I think about them
Adriane Coros 7:58pm June 15, 2011)

I often wonder when reading a biography about a famous person, if they would have taken the different road in their life, what would have happened. I never thought about
any literary characters coming to life between the pages.
Rosemary Simm 8:36pm June 15, 2011)

What a neat concept for the story. It is so interesting how things have changed for women and yet have stayed so much the same.
Jennifer Beyer 9:47pm June 15, 2011)

what great comments about how 'real' fictional characters can begin to feel. I used to (still do!) hang out at the library and think of all those people and in all those books, and want to get to know them all.
thanks for letting me visit and chat!
Anna Masclean 10:08pm June 15, 2011)

That's a great storyline. I have always like Little Women although I wish that Jo had an easier time. And poor Beth! :(

I daydream about Darcy all the time when I was first Pride and Prejudice. :)
May Pau 10:16pm June 15, 2011)

Definitely! Mr. Darcy is primary. I've also imagined Queen Victoria sleuthing in her youth.
Molly Wilsbacher 11:49pm June 15, 2011)

fellow readers, thanks so much for all the intriguing comments! Now I'm thinking about all the characters I'd love to meet in real life...Rhett Butler, of course, Cadfael, and Sherlock! Fresh fiction, thanks for hosting me. This was great!
Anna Masclean 7:50pm June 16, 2011)

Considering that I'm severely creatively challenged, I regretfully say no to the question. However, I'm happy to read anyone else's offerings.
Sigrun Schulz 11:18pm June 16, 2011)

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