The Cowboy's Triple Surprise, March 2017
Paperback / e-Book
Snowbound with Mr. Wrong, November 2016
The Lawman's Christmas Proposal, December 2015
Paperback / e-Book
A Rancher of Her Own, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
The Cowboy's Little Surprise, April 2015
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Texan's Little Secret, August 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Rancher at Risk, January 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Honorable Rancher, August 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Rodeo Man's Daughter, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
A Rancher's Pride, May 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Family Matters, October 2010
Paperback / e-Book
Best Of Cowboys Bundle, December 2007
Court Me, Cowboy, November 2006
The Sheriff's Son, September 2006
Flagman's Folly #2
Harlequin American Romance
February 2012
On Sale: February 1, 2012
Featuring: Caleb Cantrell; Tess LaSalle
224 pages ISBN: 0373753950 EAN: 9780373753956 Kindle: B006IIX7JE Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Series | Romance Contemporary
When Caleb Cantrell left home as a dirt-poor teenager, he never thought he'd return as a wealthy rodeo star. As a matter of fact, he didn't think he'd return at all. The accident changed all that. It ended his career, nearly ended his life and rekindled a bitterness he thought he'd left in the dust long ago. To rebuild, Caleb has to go back to where it all began—back to Flagman's Folly, New Mexico, and back to his high-school sweetheart, Tess LaSalle. But a ten-year-old secret stands between them, one that could hurt everyone Tess loves, especially her daughter…their daughter…the one Caleb never knew existed. No rodeo ever required the courage Caleb needs now—to forgive, to forget and to start over again…if it's not already too late.
No awards found for this book. Flagman's Folly
62 comments posted.
Re: The Rodeo Man's Daughter
I never went to my reunion but you have me thinking about the next one coming up. I think it would be a lot of fun And very interesting. I'm going to put a Big check next to it. These books sound wonderful and good reading. I also live in the Southwest and at our front door if you watch you can see a large lizard come out of his hiding spot and the little ones that like to hang on the kitchen window screen, I love to watch them. Enjoy your writing, Thanks. (Margie Gagarin 1:12am March 1, 2012)
I have never had much success with reunions but I love reading about them. :) Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 1:27am March 1, 2012)
I hate reunions. They are always so depressing. I have heard such sad stories at reunions. Who has died, who is down on their luck and people with broken dreams. I avoid them now as much as possible. (Kathleen Yohanna 2:20am March 1, 2012)
I have never been to a reunion. Thanks for the giveaway! (Natasha Donohoo 2:32am March 1, 2012)
Because I am chronically ill, I don't get excited about reunions. Everyone else is there with all their accomplishments and I have nothing to add but my latest doctor visit or test! It makes me feel like my life is not as important as theirs. However, that is the beauty of books, we can lose ourselves in the story and live vicariously through the characters. I am interested in this one in particular because he appears to suffer from a physical ailment from his accident that causes him to feel "less" than others. I would like to see how this turns out for Caleb. Thanks for the chance to enter to win a copy and thanks for writing it! (Maureen Hayes 5:48am March 1, 2012)
This looks like a fun book. The characters all sound really interesting. (Chelsea Knestrick 5:55am March 1, 2012)
Class or family reunions are wonderful occasions. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:44am March 1, 2012)
A major class reunion is coming up for me this fall. Haven't made up my mind if I want to go or not. Thanks for the chance to win one of your books! (Becky Darmogray 8:28am March 1, 2012)
Hi! And thanks for all the comments already this morning.
I'm looking forward to chatting!
Right now, I'm at crunch point on a deadline, so I'll be responding to a few comments. Then, later today, I'll be returning to catch up and hang out.
Here we go... (Barbara White Daille 8:29am March 1, 2012)
Hi, Margie - it really is funny to watch those little lizards, isn't it? And they're so cute!
Good luck with your reunion. Hope you have a great time!
And thanks for the kind words about the book. I hope you'll take a look at it.
Thanks for being our very first commenter! (Barbara White Daille 8:32am March 1, 2012)
Tracie - I know what you mean. There are many things I prefer just reading about. LOL
Thanks for the good wishes! (Barbara White Daille 8:33am March 1, 2012)
Kathleen - yes, some of the stories can be so sad, can't they? Luckily, there are often wonderful ones, too, about people who have had good fortune and are raising happy families, etc. If people are lucky, the good will outweigh the bad--at least for most of the reunions. (Barbara White Daille 8:39am March 1, 2012)
Natasha - then you have something to look forward to!
Hope your first reunion is a great experience. (Barbara White Daille 8:40am March 1, 2012)
I see other comments but don't want to rush through my replies, so please forgive me for ducking back to my deadline. I'll be with y'all again later. Keep those comments and stories coming! (Barbara White Daille 8:42am March 1, 2012)
I dread my reunion. 20 years in a couple months. I went to a very small private school, and for two reasons I think I will not go...1. I was with my high school sweetheart throughout high school and beyond and I don't want to deal with his drama. 2. If I wanted to see my classmates I would have stayed friends with them over the years or messaged them on Facebook. I did go to my 5th, and was so disappointed .. skins don't change, neither do vicious people. (Carla Carlson 9:44am March 1, 2012)
We don't really have class reunions in England, but I love to read about them. (Barbara Hanson 10:08am March 1, 2012)
I don't do class reunions. That is ancient history. (Pam Howell 10:31am March 1, 2012)
I am not into reunions. I feel people would like to relive the past when they go to them. The true friends stays with you through out your life. (Edna Willadsen 11:45am March 1, 2012)
This sounds like such a good read. I love when the hero comes back into town to prove hisself and ends up falling in love when he least expects it. Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway! (Rhonda Dennis 12:05pm March 1, 2012)
I have not had any reunions, but I did take my parents to my fathers 40th class reunion. I bought them both outfits and was able to play dress up with them. I paid for them to have a hotel suite at the hotel they had their reunion at. The next day I picked them up and took them to a local diner where the told me about all the people they saw and how a group came back to their room and spent until 3am with them talking, drinking and remembering those who are no longer here. I was so proud to have been able to give them that. I had the best time just hearing them tell me all about it. (Lorraine Rodriguez 12:24pm March 1, 2012)
Class and family reunions can be fun. It's a time to get together with people you haven't seen in a long time and discover some exciting things that have taken place in their lives. RANCHER'S PRIDE sounds interesting. (Anna Speed 12:51pm March 1, 2012)
I'm back and ready to jump into with replies! Thanks for your comments. (Barbara White Daille 4:01pm March 1, 2012)
I love finding new to me authors to read... thanks for sharing today... I will have to keep my eyes out for your books! (Colleen Conklin 4:11pm March 1, 2012)
Hi, Maureen - I so agree about being able to live vicariously through the characters. I think we learn from them, too--or at least, I do. And romances are especially valuable because those lessons are about our feelings and emotions.
As for the reunions, some are better than others, depending on what links the group--family, school, sports team, bridge club, etc. You know what I mean?
FYI, the giveaway book is A RANCHER'S PRIDE, in which the hero learns he's the daddy of a four-year-old daughter who is deaf.
In THE RODEO MAN'S DAUGHTER, I don't dwell on Caleb's physical condition (because after all, every person is so much more than that) but it definitely is part of his character.
If you happen to win A RANCHER'S PRIDE or pick up either of the books, I do hope you enjoy them!
Thanks for your comments! (Barbara White Daille 4:15pm March 1, 2012)
Chelsea - thanks so much! I will say I had a ton of fun writing this book, as I do with all my stories.
I love to add matchmakers and quirky characters. And kids--who are always a hoot all by themselves. LOL (Barbara White Daille 4:17pm March 1, 2012)
Marjorie - you sound like a very good older friend of mine who is *always* ready for her next reunion! And she's up to her...60th, I think, with her grade school.
I know it's hard for her to have to find out about those who are no longer with us, but each reunion gives the class opportunity to celebrate those who are gone and reaffirm their lifelong friendships with those who are left.
May all your reunions be wonderful! (Barbara White Daille 4:23pm March 1, 2012)
Becky - I think if you'll keep reading the comments for this blog, you might have made up your mind by the end. LOL
And you're welcome regarding the giveaway--my pleasure! (Barbara White Daille 4:25pm March 1, 2012)
Barbara - I love to read about reunions, too--as Marjorie said, living vicariously.
And that's another thing about books, of course, is that they open our eyes to other worlds--and other eras. For example, Regency England.
Bet you'll get to a reunion before I get back to that time. ;) (Barbara White Daille 4:31pm March 1, 2012)
Carla - there definitely are pros and cons to every situation. For some of us, reunions are just not in the picture.
(And apologies--I replied to you out of order!) (Barbara White Daille 4:33pm March 1, 2012)
Since I just responded to someone out of order, now's probably a good time for me to stop and say:
I don't plan to leave anyone out. I'll get to all messages. If I somehow accidentally skip yours, please give me another shout! (Barbara White Daille 4:34pm March 1, 2012)
Pam - to each her own!
And I have a friend who feels exactly the same way. (Barbara White Daille 4:36pm March 1, 2012)
Hi, Edna - that definitely is a point.
My friend who is up to her 65th or so reunion has been very, very fortunate. (Barbara White Daille 4:39pm March 1, 2012)
Hi, Rhonda - thanks so much for the comment! I love those stories, too. It's just so great to see things work out and for the hero to have his happy ending. (Barbara White Daille 4:41pm March 1, 2012)
orraine, you have me in tears. I'm happy for you that you were able to do that for your parents, and I know it must've been a gift beyond compare for them.
What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing. (Barbara White Daille 4:43pm March 1, 2012)
Hi, Anna - reunions do make a great way to catch up, and some people like them especially because of the chance to see each other in person once in a while.
I'm glad you like the sound of the book--thanks so much! (Barbara White Daille 4:48pm March 1, 2012)
Colleen - you're very welcome.
And if you look for the books, I sincerely hope you enjoy them. (Barbara White Daille 4:49pm March 1, 2012)
Caught up for now. Will be back later.
Thanks to everyone who dropped in so far! (Barbara White Daille 4:50pm March 1, 2012)
Second chance/reunion stories are one of my favorite tropes. I like that the hero and heroine are older and wiser and finally ready to go after what they missed the first time around. (Stacie Deramo 5:07pm March 1, 2012)
Reunions are filled with memories and some good even. It's fun to contrast what was with what is now. It would be great to be a few pounds lighter and not think I'm heavy. (Alyson Widen 5:49pm March 1, 2012)
I've been avoiding my class reunions because I married my high school sweetheart, and we've since divorced, so I would have to run into him there with his second wife. So many couples in our class that met in high school and married, are divorced now. My close friends, both in our class that married and became our next-door neighbors, divorced after moving to another state. Both she and I, were pregnant with our first child at our 5th Reunion, and we both had 3 children, and both our husbands left us for their new love affairs they had at their jobs! She remarried; I did not. I have trust issues now, since too many men cheat. I love reunions and seeing everyone, and hopefully, I'll get up the nerve to attend one of them again, if they have one this summer. I've only been to one rodeo and I love horses and cowboys and reading cowboy romances (their like an addiction with me). I'm currently reading one by Jodi Thomas, and hope to win yours! (Linda Luinstra 6:42pm March 1, 2012)
Stacie - so true! It's as though the characters have to learn the hard way before they can appreciate what they've lost.
Thanks for posting. (Barbara White Daille 6:44pm March 1, 2012)
Alyson - I do know what you mean. There's such a big difference between past and present! And sometimes it can be a shock in either direction. LOL
And chances are, more than a few people wish the same thing you (and I) do. (Barbara White Daille 6:47pm March 1, 2012)
Linda - that's a sad story, for both you and your friend. I'm sorry to hear it.
I hope that someday you are able to go back to your reunions.
As for the cowboy stories, they're a good addiction to have. I love reading--and writing--'em. (Barbara White Daille 6:52pm March 1, 2012)
Some reunions are more fun than others. (Cheryl McEwen 6:53pm March 1, 2012)
I love cowboys and I never had a good reunion so no more for me. My 5 yr High School reunion was awful the only person I had anything in common with was one of my old teachers we were both divorced and going through custody battles. Everyone else had just come out of college. Our lives were no where near the same. (Patti Paonessa 7:03pm March 1, 2012)
i cant wait to go back to my reunion (Ann Unger 9:14pm March 1, 2012)
Cheryl - I think you're right! (Barbara White Daille 9:28pm March 1, 2012)
Patti - that's too bad about your experience.
It must have been interesting to connect so well (though for not-so-good reasons) with a former teacher. (Barbara White Daille 9:30pm March 1, 2012)
Ann - so funny how we're seeing two sides of the same coin here today! Hope you have fun. (Barbara White Daille 9:32pm March 1, 2012)
I went to one reunion and then skipped the next one. Everyone I wanted to see I kept in touch with throughout the years and still do. Seemed like the rest were trying to see who could one up the others. I think most of the class members have since grown up more since the first reunion by what I have seen through online sites so maybe I will go to the next reunion. It might actually be alot more fun! (Wendy Hulbert 10:17pm March 1, 2012)
Wendy - you could be right! I think *many* people haven't grown up enough to go to their first few reunions!
Hope you have fun at the next one. (Barbara White Daille 10:39pm March 1, 2012)
LL - thanks so much! I'm glad you like the sound of the book and appreciate your comment. (Barbara White Daille 7:29am March 2, 2012)
I have been to everyone of my Class Reunions. Moving away to another state I have always looked forward to going back home and getting together with friends and family. (Pam Alderson 9:49am March 2, 2012)
Pam - that is awesome! There are so many people who have never been to one.
And you're right--it's a good opportunity to catch up.
Thanks for posting. (Barbara White Daille 10:20am March 2, 2012)
I wish that I could have gotten in on the contest. I was busy going through tests at the doctors all day, and got in too late, and too exhausted to check in. As for reunions, I found that the class reunions aren't as scary as I thought they would be. The "click" had actually come up to me, a nobody, and taken me into their fold, and I had a wonderful time every time I went to one of my reunions. We were all just one and the same group as we grew older. As for family reunions, that's a bit of a touchy one. My one side of the family is huge, and you can sense the animosity, and feel the coldness from certain people a mile away!! I'm the type of person that doesn't care that much, so I approach them anyway, and try to strike up a conversation with them. Sometimes it works, and if it doesn't, then I feel it's their loss. Your book sounds enchanting, and I would love to read it!! You have a way a drawing a reader in. Congratulations on your book!! (Peggy Roberson 9:52pm March 2, 2012)
Peggy - that's a wonderful class reunion story, and I'm glad you have that to look forward to now. It sounds like you do what you can at the family reunions, too.
Thanks so much for your kind words about my book! I appreciate your thoughts very much. (Barbara White Daille 10:37pm March 2, 2012)
I have never been to a reunion, unless you count family. (Mary Preston 5:08am March 3, 2012)
I wonder if Facebook, etc. will change the dynamics of class reunions... I keep in touch with a lot of former classmates via FB.. and I don't have to pay for a hotel room, etc.. (Cate Sparks 6:49am March 3, 2012)
Mary - I would definitely count family as a reunion, so it looks as though you qualify. ;) (Barbara White Daille 9:21am March 3, 2012)
Cate - that's a very good point. In some cases, people will probably not feel the need to go to reunions because they keep in touch--and can make plans to get together--on their own.
In other cases, maybe where people live far apart from each other, I'd guess it would make reunions even more fun, because if you've kept in contact, you could have so much more to talk about. (Barbara White Daille 9:23am March 3, 2012)
We have a high school reunion every five years, and I've only missed one. I love catching up with old friends. Seems like life gets in the way of staying as connected as we might like,
Your excerpt is great. Makes me want to read the book. (Jaden Terrell 12:15pm March 3, 2012)
Jaden - it's interesting to see how people have responded to this question with such opposite experiences. I'm glad yours were all good ones.
Glad you liked the excerpt! If you read the book, I hope you enjoy it. (Barbara White Daille 5:12pm March 3, 2012)
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