February 10th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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Since your web browser does not support JavaScript, here is a non-JavaScript version of the image slideshow:

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Patricia Barraclough

Features & Posts

A HOT Time In Florida
June 14, 2010

Spring Fling - A Chapter At A Time
March 22, 2009

609 comments posted.

Re: Love Under Protection (12:25pm March 26, 2020):

I would hit the museums - American Museum of Natural
History, National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Ellis
Island National Museum of Immigration, The Cloisters, The
Metropolitan Museum of Art. I would like to visit Central
Park and the Bronx Zoo. If possible, it would be nice to see
a good Broadway show.

Re: Tempest (1:16am March 25, 2020):

You have listed many books I had not heard of as well as
several I have been interested in. I came to the romance
genre late, in my 50's. My introduction was Julie Garwood's
historical books. They tend to be my comfort reads.
repeat reads over the years. Two of Kat Martin's historicals
are also repeat reads. I have many books on my keeper
shelf (more like a room) is full of books I loved and really
would love to read again. Time is just not my friend. There
are so many new books out there to explore. Even self-
isolating isn't helping me get more read.

Re: The Operator (1:04am March 14, 2020):

We had a party line for several years when I was a child. I will
plead guilty to listening in a bit a few times when I picked up
the phone to make a call and someone was already on the line.

Re: You Had Me at Wolf (1:36am February 28, 2020):

Part of what I like is the ability to become something entirely
different from their human selves. I like their certainty when
they meet their fated mate. Wouldn't it be nice as a human to
be so certain about a relationship when you meet someone?

Re: An Inconvenient Duke (11:52pm February 26, 2020):

In historical romance I want a window into the time period with
details as accurate as possible without it turning into a history
lecture. I want strong heroes who are honorable and
susceptible to a woman who knows her own mind and is willing
to take risks for those she cares about.

Re: Calling on Quinn (10:20pm February 25, 2020):

I like salty and sweet. Your box of salted caramels would not
be safe here. I have not replaced mine because I just can't
resist them. I will mx salty pretzels and something sweet -
caramels maybe. Quinn and the Blackhart series to come
sound like good reads.

Re: A SEAL Always Wins (4:17pm February 24, 2020):

Holly, you have the perfect background for doing both
historical and contemporary stories about Texas. With a
hero or heroine in uniform exhibits a sense of duty and
heroism not usually found in civilian life. They have pledged
themselves to protect and defend, following a code that has
them doing just that. Some tend to live hard not figuring
they have a future, but when they find the right person to
share their life with, they make devoted, supportive
spouses. I have my military hero and wouldn't trade him for

Re: In Search of Truth (1:59pm February 24, 2020):

I forgot to ask, is this the end of the series, or will there be
more books.

Re: In Search of Truth (1:58pm February 24, 2020):

P - Persistent - If there is something I really want, I will plan
and work for it, pretty much as long as it takes to get there.
In high school, I heard President Kennedy talk about and
establish the Peace Corps. I decided right then it was
something I was going to do. It took years - finishing high
school and then getting my degree in college, but 3 weeks
after graduation from college I left for Peace Corps training.
Those 3 years were a wonderful experience. More recently,
we had been planning to travel to Alaska, a bucket list trip.
# years ago I had started planning the trip when I developed
a detached retina. That wiped out the summer with
surgeries, etc. The following Spring I resumed planning and
was diagnosed with an autoimmune-neurological disease.
That took much to adjust to and figure out where I went
from there. This past Spring, I resumed planning our trip.
My treatments had stabilized my symptoms and before
things got worse, I decided we were going. We spent 2 1/2
months on the road and had a fantastic trip. I am now
looking at another bucket list trip next year to Ireland,
Scotland, and England if I can figure out how to get my
weekly treatments while overseas. It takes a suitcase to
carry everything for the treatments, but if I can get enough
week's worth, I can make it work. Even when I end up with a
walker or wheelchair, I will still keep going.

Re: Veiled in Smoke (3:45am February 20, 2020):

Chicago is in the top 3 cities I want to visit in the US. My
niece is moving there next month, so hopefully we will be
able to finally get there. Thank you so much for giving these
sites to visit to discover the history of the fire. They are the
types of things we look for when we travel. Veiled In Smoke
sounds like a good book.

Re: The Solid Grounds Coffee Company (2:09am February 14, 2020):

I would love to share a cup with my mother. I was overseas
in the Peace Corps for 3 years, and made it home only 3
weeks before she died unexpectedly of cancer that had just
been diagnosed. She was only 47. We had become best
friends before I left and I still miss her dearly even though it
has been decades since she passed. I would like to share
with her her children's and grandchildren's weddings, none
of which she was able to attend. She never got to meet her
grandchildren or great grandchildren. Coffee wouldn't be
long enough but I would give anything to be able to do it
and let her know how much we love and miss her.

Re: Beach Haven (2:00am February 14, 2020):

This sounds like such a delightful read. I love the ditzy fairy
reference. I can relate.
For a romantic vacation, I would like to spend a couple
months traveling around Ireland, Scotland, and England. We
can work on tracing our ancestors, explore the history and
beautiful countryside. We could relax and take out time to
just be and enjoy. I am trying to figure out how to do that
next year. We too a 2 1/2 month trip in our RV from TN to
Alaska and back. It was wonderful and we actually relaxed
and had a great time.
I just might try these biscuits. We love crab and cheese, so
these should be good.

Re: The Winter Companion (1:11am February 13, 2020):

I love cookies. Molasses/ginger snaps cookies are favorites.
An all time favorite I haven't made in a long time are "The
Worlds Best Cookie." They were called such by a friend's
mom who made them for us when I was visiting during
college (over 5 decades ago) and they are quite good. They
are large cookies that are a combination of chocolate chip
and oatmeal cookies. With raisins, walnuts, chocolate
chips, and oatmeal addd to the dough, they are a filling and
delicious snack.
I usually don't worry about how long cookies will keep,
because they are gone within a few days. I do keep them in
an airtight container and I would think they would freeze
pretty well.

Re: Highland Sword (12:57pm February 13, 2020):

I used to bee pretty good at both. The past few years, we
have been so busy we seem to be eating on the run, with no
schedule, or time to cook. Too many nights we just give up
and grab a bowl of cereal. We relish the times we can fix a
nice meal. I love scones, but have not had any with
molasses, which I love. I am hoping I get a chance to make
these tomorrow so we can have them Valentine Day

Re: Storm from the East (12:28pm February 13, 2020):

I think some cooked down apples , like a chunky applesauce,
with a touch of cinnamon and brown sugar would be a good
topping. Over it all, a large dollop of whipped cream would
finish it nicely.

Re: Fair Weather Enemies (1:46am February 12, 2020):

I like having a window into a different time and place. I prefer
books that are factually accurate not just stories that could be
set just about anywhere or anytime. It is interesting to see
how society functioned differently and how the rules of society
differed in different time periods.

Re: Forbidden Promises (1:02am February 11, 2020):

Thank you for the recipe.
I enjoy a Beauty and the Beast, wounded hero (or heroine) type
of story.

Re: Once Upon a Sunset (12:57pm February 11, 2020):

When we want a special, romantic dinner, we usually go for
surf and turf. A nice steak and a lobster tail, baked potato, nice
salad, and cheesecake for dessert. Add a nice wine and coffee
and I am happy.

Re: Forever Strong (1:49am February 10, 2020):

We never enjoy fighting the crowds at restaurants on
Valentine's Day. We prefer to stay home and prepare a special
dinner, usually surf and turf, with nice wine and whatever
special dessert we decide to make.

Re: Defending Zara (1:39am February 10, 2020):

That is a very hard question. It is a toss up between Heath
Bars and Rolos with HeatheBars having the lead.

Re: Wicked Cowboy Wolf (5:46am February 2, 2020):

Shifters are my favorites in the paranormal world. I am not really sure why. Having the ability to call on a hidden part of yourself to help in a situation may be a part of it. A hidden strength and alter ego to deal with difficult situations is something we could all use.

Re: Lucky Chance Cowboy (5:17am January 31, 2020):

I guess my favorite pop culture dog would be the first one I remember, Rin Tin Tin. That was the first dog I remember. We never really had a dog for a pet when I was a child. Since I married, we have had 10 dogs and fostered many litters for the local animal shelter.

Re: Cold Nose, Warm Heart (4:41am January 31, 2020):

We have had LOTS of pets of all sorts: dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, snakes, rodents of various types, chickens, etc. By far, dogs are our favorites. We have had about a dozen and fostered many litters for the local animal shelter. Of all the dogs we have had, our favorite was our black lab mix and next would be our beagle mix. If we were to get another, it would be a lab, likely with a beagle playmate. But that will be after our current dog is no longer with us.

Re: Whiteout (3:06am January 31, 2020):

I grew up on the Canadian border, so am used to snow and cold. I have been stranded in blizzards several times and have no desire to repeat the experience any time soon. If by being stranded, you mean inside, I would make sure there was a sufficient fuel supply for heat, food, and a well stocked library. If outside, I would be desperately be trying to make a snow shelter and would hopefully have some means to keep warm - sleeping bag, warm clothing, a heat source of some type (even a candle). A supply of food and some hope of being rescued would certainly be desirable. If none of the above were possible, I would expect to be found as a popsicle some time in the future.

Re: Inherent Truth (12:38pm January 27, 2020):

I love series and it is so hard to pick a favorite. In historical romance, Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series and Jennifer Blake's Masters at Arms series are favorites. In romantic suspense, Katie Ruggle's series set in the Rockies and auto buys.

Re: Secret Mountain Hideout (1:26am January 25, 2020):

Characters, plot, and setting are all important. They have to work well together for there to be a good story. You can have good characters, but if they don't fit in the setting or the plot does not suit them, the story won't work. The same is true for plot and setting. The characters need to fit them or the story will be lacking.

Re: Malfunction (12:26pm January 23, 2020):

The original 3 Star Wars movies are favorites. The Lord of The Rings trilogy was fascinating and incredible to watch. I enjoyed Asimov's I, ROBOT and FOUNDATION series.

Re: A Cowboy Never Quits (2:42am January 3, 2020):

We lived in Colorado Springs for 3 years and it was the best
assignment my husband had in his Air Force career. I
actually love the weather. I grew up in northern New York
on the Canadian border. The cold, snow, ice, dirty slushy
mess on the warmish days and in Spring were what I
disliked the most. In Colorado, we would get a couple feet
of snow and a week later it had evaporated and was 70
degrees. You can also hit a blizzard in the mountains in July
and drive out of it as you go lower in altitude. Anyway, it
was our first exposure to the real West and we explored as
much of the area as we could. There is a different attitude -
a bit more respect and courtesy, care for the land and their
animals, they work hard and rodeos prove they play hard.
People are more open. They tend to be what they are and
you can take it or leave it. A bit of honesty few aren't used
to much any more. We travel out West whenever we can.
We miss it.

Re: Pathfinder (12:30pm January 2, 2020):

There is something special about the West. Back then it
was a chance for a fresh start. Where you could prove the
type of person you were, or wanted to be, without the
preconceived view of you from your past. Hard work
counted for something. The opportunity to build something
for yourself and your family was there. Even women could
build a life that often was not available to them in the
Eastern part if the nation. There were many dangers from
the land, the weather, and the evil people wanting to take
whatever they could get. We lived in Colorado for several
years and there is still the feel of independence, working
hard, and a certain respect for others and the land. The
western romances give us an opportunity to step back and
get the feel of being there during that time period.

Re: The One for You (12:24pm January 1, 2020):

My resolutions for this year are the same as always. To try
and get my house in order and start to down size.
(Hopeless) Get more exercise and start doing yoga again.
(Possible) Travel more - maybe we will get to Ireland and
Scotland this year. (Very likely) Read more (Definitely) Try
not to stay up so late on the computer (Maybe)

Re: Risk It All (12:11pm December 31, 2019):

Mountains, most definitely. I grew up in the Adirondack
Mountains of NY, lived in Northern Maine in those
mountains, then the Rockies in Colorado, and now live in the
foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We lived in Colorado
Springs, CO for 3 years and loved every minute. Best
assignment my husband had during his AF career. We
would have loved to stay longer or retire there, but it didn't
work out. We go back out West to the Rockies whenever we
can. I love that you have set your series in that area. It
makes them more enjoyable for me.

Re: A Wedding in December (12:13pm December 7, 2019):

Mountain lodges in winter are wonderful. We have been
snowed in to our own houses multiple times. When we lived
in Colorado, we made sure we had a wood stove so we
could keep the house heated. We are in the foothills of the
Blue Ridge Mountains in TN now, but again we made certain
to have a wood stove. Our power went out frequently when
we first moved here so the stove came in handy for heating
and cooking. We had oil lamps which work well for reading
and normal daily things. There is something comforting
about deep snow and the silence it brings. It brings out the
child in us all. We just can't resist going out to play in it. I
miss the snowy winters of the Northern New York
Adirondack Mountains where I grew up.

Re: Wish Upon a Cowboy (2:46am November 29, 2019):

Ranching is hard work and has to be something you love.
It requires lots of dedication and a willingness to take a few
chances. It is hard to imagine how devastating it would be
to have an honest mistake put something you love in
jeopardy. Dyslexia is insidious. It is getting easier to be
diagnosed and try to make accommodations for it, but it
isn't something that can be cured. Our daughter wasn't
diagnosed until she was in 6th grade and back then there
was little that could be done. She still has issues. Harper
has to be a strong woman to have survived prison and still
be willing and able to fight for the life she wants. WISH
UPON A COWBOY sounds like a story that has just what I
like: strong characters and a well developed story.

Re: The Goddess Gets Her Guy (12:59pm November 23, 2019):

I love the sound of this book. Thank you for the excerpt.
Also, thank you so much for presenting us with a couple
that have a few years on them. Being over 50 doesn't mean
that your life stops and companionship and love are no
longer a factor in your life. There is a market of us women
of a certain age who appreciate stories we can more
realistically relate to. Thank you for the giveaway. Also
thank you for your time in the Red Cross. We volunteer
with the RC and have for years. We do Disaster and Service
To The Armed Forces, including No Vet Dies Alone. Your
line of work was so necessary, especially in big disasters.

Re: Virgin River (12:38pm November 23, 2019):

First, I am disappointed the series is on Netflix which we do
not get.
There are many good contemporary book series that would
make good movie series/TV series. I would like to go back a
bit and have them do The Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth
Hoyt set in 1700 England.

Re: Wolf Rebel (9:08pm November 21, 2019):

Fellow Disney lover here. I go back much further than you
do, but so does the program. Initially Peter Pan was my
favorite. I used to make up stories of our nightly adventures
to tell my younger siblings. Beauty and the Beast is my all
time favorite. I am sure the library may have something to
do with it, but it is also my favorite story trope. Little
Mermaid and Tarzan are favorites, especially for the music.
We have been lucky enough to have taken our family to
Disney many times over the years, but only because we
never had to pay for it. The first time we went was 3 weeks
after they opened right after we got engaged. We had
friends who worked or were retired from Disney World.
They used to b able to bring in 3 people a day with park
hopper passes. Their rules have since changed and our
friends have passed away. Our daughter does have a
couple of friends who work there so she and her family are
covered. There are several new areas opened up - Star
Wars: Galaxy's Edge and Pandora – The World of Avatar. It
has been several years since we have been, so hopefully we
can make it soon. We will also have to be defectors and hit
the Harry Potter worlds at that other place.

Re: Puppy Christmas (1:44am November 17, 2019):

loved it. This selection of Christmas books you are giving
away sound enjoyable and would likely land in my Christmas
bookcase to reread every year.
For Christmas, Santa should bring me safe travels for our
children and their families who will be traveling here for the
holidays and enjoyable times together.

Re: The Reluctant Rake (1:24am October 31, 2019):

I enjoy historical fiction and the many time periods it covers. It is
difficult to pick just one to stay in. I would like to be able to visit
them all and stay for a short time to experience them. The one I
wouldn't mind remaining in would be the late 1800's. Society was
changing, inventions were making life a bit easier and interesting for
many, women were beginning to gain a bit more independence and
control over their lives. I would like to spend my time in the
American West. It was still a bit untamed with possibilities for
adventure were everywhere while a more settled life was possible in
the cities and towns.
Thank you for sharing excerpts from these two stories. They both
sound enjoyable.

Re: Always Look Twice (1:43am October 11, 2019):

Microwave nachos are definitely a thing. I started making them over 35
years ago for a quick lunch - just chips and cheese with a sliced apple
on the side. Now we throw olives, peppers, meat, etc. on the chips,
cover with cheese and zap.

Re: A Christmas Home (1:12am October 11, 2019):

I will definitely be trying Aromatic Beef Stew. Beef stew is a favorite
and adding a variation to the usual stew. They are all interesting and
sound good. I will likely try all of them at some time.

Re: Always Look Twice (1:02am October 11, 2019):

Fall is my favorite season. I love the change to cool crisp days and all
the fresh produce that ripens in the Fall.

Re: Always Look Twice (1:00am October 11, 2019):

Our family loves mac and cheese. This is an interesting variation. I like
recipes I can play with and this one is open to all sorts of add ins if I
feel like it.

Re: Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas (1:19am October 10, 2019):

Thank so much for sharing . I love stews and often make them
during winter, I will be giving this recipe a try come winter.
There is something special about those who grow up in the open
country. They learn a sense of honor, to love the land, hard work
and responsibility at an early age. If you want someone capable and
caring, go find yourself a cowboy.

Re: Heiress Gone Wild (2:40am October 3, 2019):

I do beef stew, a chicken in cream sauce recipe, and a beef Bar-B-Q in
my crockpot.
Heiress Gone Wild sounds like it will be another one of your enjoyable

Re: Capturing the Heart of a Rock Star (12:44pm September 11, 2019):

I have lived around the country and small town America is where I
belong. I enjoy large metropolitan areas for what they have to offer,
but the pace of life in small towns is much more compatible to my
style. I can always visit the city for what it offers. I believe most
people deserve a second chance. It may not work out, but it is
worth trying. As for the bad boy image, many aren't really that bad
if you look deeply enough. Makes them all the more worth the
second look.

Re: How to Cross a Marquess (12:14pm August 29, 2019):

I like enemy to lovers story lines. The realization that they have both
changed and can actually be friends is always enjoyable.

Re: Moon Water (11:04pm August 23, 2019):

I grew up in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York and share
your love of the mountains and what they have to offer the soul. We
have lived in the Rocky Mountains and now live along the Blue Ridge
Mountains in NE TN. Nature and our elders have much to offer and
teach each of us. We need to be more open and listen to them.

Re: Unbreak Me (10:47pm August 20, 2019):

LJ is a special man indeed. He knows the way to show the woman he is interested in just what kind of a man he is. So often romance is considered in terms of the physical. That does not show you what type of person he is and what is n his heart.

Re: The Time for Murder is Meow (12:46pm August 12, 2019):

I think we would be a good match. My life is chaotic and I often
need a good read to help me chill. A good mystery which is a bit on
the light side - in gory intensity, not suspense - with a touch of
romance is often just what I need. We have had several cats over
the years. Our daughters each had their cat growing up. One is in
between cats at the moment. The other has 4 inside cats and about
6 outside cats.

Re: The Book Charmer (1:43am August 9, 2019):

The Book Charmer sounds like a delightful read. I was the children's
librarian in a small county library. One of the things I enjoyed most
was finding the right book for a person. I worked the desk, ordered
the romance books in addition to the children's selections, and for a
while delivered books to shut-ins. I have always been pretty good at
figuring out what book someone would enjoy and it is rewarding
when they tell me how much they enjoyed a book. A few don't
initially trust the recommendation, but why would you suggest a
book if you didn't thin they would enjoy it.

Re: On the Market (2:32am August 7, 2019):

Books are a favorite gift for me to give. I have 4 on the table right now
that will be gifts. I have put gift baskets together for silent auctions for
several groups. I usually start with a book or several and build the
items in the basket around the book's theme. It is great fun to do.

Re: Love at First Bark (8:50pm July 30, 2019):

Dogs can be such an important part of our lives. We have had about
10 dogs over the last 40 years not counting the litters we fostered
for the animal shelter. (I will never take a liter of 9 terriers and their
mom again. Longest 6 weeks we ever had. They are the yappiest
little things. They did all get adopted out.) We are currently down to
just two, both our son's, but they have been with us their entire 10
and 7 years. Both are pit bulls and like all our other dogs, rescues.
When we are ready to get our own dog again, it will likely be a lab
and or a beagle. They were our favorite dogs and both plus one
other made it to 17 years old. In the meantime, we will keep our
son's dogs until he is ready to move them to his new house and
hope they get along with his new wife's 2 dogs. If not, they are
ours a bit longer. I will have to be happy with visiting and
volunteering at the animal shelter.
"Disabled" dogs present their own special challenges (one of our
son's has a broken back) but they can make the extra care so worth
it. They just need to find that special person who is waiting out
there for them.

Re: A SEAL Never Quits (8:31pm July 30, 2019):

There is definitely a special bond within military units. My husband
was in the Air Force and "we" reluctantly retired after 24 years. It is
a special way of life and not everyone is suited for it. The FB111 was
a special airplane and the people that flew it special crews. There
were only two bases where they were stationed and a small group of
people on the 2 man crews. It has been over 30 years since we left
the active 111 family and the planes are no longer in the inventory.
The crews still get together every 2 years and it is like it has only
been a short time since seeing each other. The reunion is in 2
weeks and we are looking forward to it. Small specialized units
build an especially close relationship among the members. It
sounds like you have done a good job of depicting that. I look
forward to reading this series.

Re: Last Chance Rodeo (6:35pm July 30, 2019):

What a wonderful post. We came through your territory just a few
weeks ago. We were on the homeward swing of a 2 1/2 month trip
to Alaska. We came through Browning the Friday the Rodeo started.
I wanted to stop, but was outvoted. We haven't been to a rodeo in
years. I looked up pow wows later and discovered there was one in
conjunction with the rodeo. I am so disappointed we missed both
and the town's museum. I am not sure when I will be able to travel
that way again, but that would be the perfect weekend. We were
introduced to rodeos and western life when we lived in Colorado
Springs over 30 years ago. For this Yankee it was a wonderful new
world to explore. Last Chance Rodeo sounds like an excellent read.
I always look forward to traveling back out West, even if it is in the
pages of a book. I hope the release is a big success.

Re: Fast Lane (9:41pm July 26, 2019):

What diverse sub-genres you write. People involved in the racing and
custom car business are a breed apart. Marty Calhoun and his children
sound like special people. I hope you are able to give them all their
own stories soon.

Re: The Sweetest Things (8:54pm July 26, 2019):

My mother's family would attend midnight mass together every
Christmas. Not a big deal, except she is one of 9 children and my
aunts and uncles all had large families. We are talking 50+ people
attending together. Afterwards we went to my grandparents house
for brunch. I have no idea how we all managed to fit into the house,
but we managed and had a great time. 20 adults and 40 to 50
children can certainly make for a festive time.

Re: American Duchess (12:38pm April 18, 2019):

We live about an hour from the Biltmore, the Vanderbilt home, in
Asheville, NC and have visited it several times. We visited the
mansions in Newport, RI. It is very obvious that their life styles and
priorities were very different from the rest of us. Their wealth
allowed them to be patrons of the arts, even if was to enhance their
mansions in competition with one another. It is sad the number of
mansions that were razed during and after the depression. So much
art was lost. Marrying off daughters to gain a noble title in the
family was just another form of competition among them. It is really
sad that their children, mostly daughters, were considered
commodities to be used to advance the family's position and
influence. Even more sad is the predatory actions of British royalty
on the hunt for a rich American girl to solve their financial problems.
To be married for just your family's money and not for yourself must
have been crushing for most of them. How very sad for Consuelo
to have such a mercenary mother.

Re: Foul Play on Words (6:58pm April 9, 2019):

Humor is a necessary element in any book I read. Maybe not in non-
fiction, but it can help, too. Everyday people can have rather
chaotic lives (our family can attest to that) and there are times it is
hard to believe what is happening. At times, a suspension of
disbelief has helped many of us get through the day. Keep writing
books that are fun and quirky.

Re: A Shot of Murder (6:44pm April 9, 2019):

Very interesting post. I hope your books contain the same sense of
humor and snarky attitude this post did. We live in Tennessee. The
home of Mountain Dew and Jack Daniels.I was a librarian for years
at a small county library. The books most stolen here have to do
with witch craft (for private collections) and books like Harry Potter
and those on evolution ( censorship by theft). We replaced Harry
Potter Book One 10 times and had many complaints about
indoctrinating the children in Satan's ways. They also complained
about graphic novels. How dare we put graphic things on the
shelves for young people. Of course they had no idea what graphic
novels were.
Anyway, my favorite whiskey is Bushmill's Irish Whiskey. I love to fix
Irish coffee.
A SHOT OF MURDER sounds good, but I do prefer my whiskey
without the added ingredient found in theirs.

Re: Death Blow (6:13pm April 9, 2019):

I do believe we would be a good match. I grew up reading mysteries
and suspense. I still enjoy a good, tense suspense to keep me up at
night and keep me wondering how it will turn out. Good character
development is important to me for both major and minor characters.
It makes the story a richer experience.

Re: A Phoenix Is Forever (12:28pm March 29, 2019):

I did not discover romance until my 50's. I would sneak a look at the
blurbs and the stories sounded interesting, but the bodice ripper
covers put me off. I finally found a printing of Julie Garwood's
historical romances with covers featuring lovely fabrics and jeweled
broaches. I loved them and never looked back. I still don't like the
bodice ripper type covers, only now half naked men seem to be the
vogue. There are many well written romances out there, but the
stigma of the genre remains. When I was the children's librarian at
the county library, everyone else who worked there definitely DID
NOT read romance, so I got the job of ordering. They all read J. D.
Robb, Iris Johansen, Lisa Gardner, and several other authors who
write romantic suspense. The misconception of what are really
romance books and their quality is wide spread. People don't realize
how much research good authors put in to suspense and historical
romance among others.
Off book topic, thank you for serving as a Red Cross nurse. I am a
R.C. disaster volunteer and a R. C. Service to the Armed Forces
volunteer. I have called on our nurses many times to help clients
with ordering replacement medications and devices. I actually had
to call one tonight for a family of 6 who had a house fire. It is so
helpful to have them to take care of that part of a call.
Thank you for the giveaway. Have a great Spring. It will eventually
get to New Hampshire.

Re: A Lord Apart (2:10am March 27, 2019):

Family histories can be fascinating. I am so lucky it became a
passion of one of my brothers. He has done extensive research and
is even teaching classes. Too bad I don't live closely enough to
attend them. He has discovered our roots go back to the original
french settlers in Canada. There were women dowered by the king
sent over to marry and help establish permanent settlements to
counter English encroachment. These women were called the
King's Daughters (filles du roi). There were about 800 of them sent
over from 1663 and 1673. There are 20 of these women in the
different branches of our family tree on both sides of the family. On
my father's side, There is an Irish family which came to Canada
during the Potato Famine. Parts of both sides of the family
eventually settled in Northern New York. My brother keeps
unearthing interesting details and stories of our ancestors.

Re: The Summer Cottage (1:42am March 27, 2019):

What a nice excerpt. My family had an old camp on a small lake in
the N. Y. Adirondack Mountains. It wasn't much, but we couldn't
wait until we got up there. There is just something magical about a
place like it and Creaky Cottage. We didn't have the "rules" but the
effect and idea was the same. I went there year round, having
fought the snow storms which were not as bad as lake effect snow,
but still not not fun. There was ice skating and ice fishing on the
lake, and hikes in the snow through the woods. This is a book I will
enjoy and am looking forward to reading.

Re: In Her Sights (7:19pm March 25, 2019):

I live Kathy Ruggle's books. I am currently working on the K-9 Unit
series and look forward to this new series. We lived in Colorado for 3
years and she definitely has the feel of the area in her books. It is a
wonderful place and we miss it. She was definitely My best "new
author" find a year or so ago.

Re: Taming Her Mate (1:13am March 24, 2019):

Shifter stories give an author the opportunity to add extra elements to the story
they would not be ablate if the characters were just ordinary people. Being able to
blend characteristics of the shifter animal with those of a strong hero or heroine as
well as evil villains makes for exciting stories.

Re: It's Getting Scot in Here (1:25am February 28, 2019):

Highland romances are what attracted me to the genre and I do love them. This
sounds like it will be an good series. Amelia-Rose and Nial are two strong
characters. Their contest of wills on their way to their HEA should be most
enjoyable. Thank you for the giveaway.

Re: Let Me Love You (12:53pm February 28, 2019):

I enjoy series that revolve around the same place, events, or agency. Having a
variety of authors doing the series adds a nice variety of voices and styles. I hope
your part of Tennessee didn't get flooded. We still have one Red Cross shelter
open here for those who can't get back into their homes.

Re: Just Once (11:57pm January 19, 2019):

I think we would be a nice match. This story, JUST ONCE, intrigues me. It
sounds like a heart breaking situation. Knowing families dealing with brain
injuries and forms of dementia, things can and do change so unexpectedly.
My free time is spent with family or on the phone with them. In addition, I
volunteer and spend time with other volunteers discussing programs, problems,
and helping new volunteers to the different programs.
I always keep a box of tissues handy when I read or watch movies. I cry easily,
even at happy parts.
I was lucky to find my true and forever love. We will celebrate our 47th
anniversary this year.
I have heard of the books you listed as recent reads but have not yet read them.
After checking them out, BEFORE WE WERE YOURS will be one of the next
books I read.
I have not seen or read THE NOTEBOOK. Actually I don't think I have seen any
of the movies based on his books. After reading more about the movie and the
book, I think I will have to read/see it.

Re: A Bound Heart (10:34pm January 19, 2019):

How wonderful that you have family history to draw upon for inspiration for your
books. Situations changed so rapidly for people in the past. Much faster than
they tend to do today, and there was so little recourse to rectify the situations.
We are planning a trip cross country to Alaska and back. It will be the third
summer we have planned the trip. Medical issues bumped us out the past two
years. We have our fingers crossed it won't happen again. We have a few
short trips planned for March to Williamsburg, VA, and to Charleston, SC in
April. We are going to conferences in both places. Both are only 5 to 7 hours
from home. Next year we hope to go to Scotland, Ireland, and England.

Re: Texas Legacy (2:26am January 17, 2019):

I am getting the stories I have wanted for side characters. Linda Broday had
women hiding in a canyon in her Men Of Legend series. She has now started a
new series that will give some of these women their HEA. Their situations are
so dire because their families have committed them to an asylum even though
there is nothing really wrong with them. They have escaped and must hide like
outlaws to keep from being sent back.
I look forward to new Lorraine Heath western set books. I have enjoyed her
books for many years.

Re: The Conspiracy (2:13am January 17, 2019):

I have enjoyed Kat Martin books since discovering the historical many years ago. I
have really enjoyed the suspense books since that sub-genre was my first love. I
have a shelf of keepers from all the types of books she writes. This one sounds
like another good addition to her body of work.

Re: Night Of The Flood (12:28pm January 3, 2019):

Some of my favorite traditions we don’t do anymore. It is a matter of time and
place. I mentioned one on an earlier post this week about Santa and Christmas
The on I really miss is one we had when I was a child. My mother’s family went
to midnight mass together, then went to my grandparents’ for brunch
afterwards. I still can’t figure out how we all fit into their house. She was one of
9 children and I had over 60 cousins. It was total chaos with that many children,
but in a good way. We would get home after 2 am and somehow Santa had
come. We would open our presents and then go to bed. I realize now how smart
that was. We could all sleep in after such a late night. If one of us woke up early,
the gifts were open and we could play with them without waiting for anyone
else. Christmas day we would go to my Dad’s parents and have Christmas
dinner. He was one of 7 siblings, but there were only 10 grandchildren on that
side of the family, 6 from my family. Much time has gone by. The grandparents
are gone, my dad and all his siblings are gone, my mother, many of her siblings
are gone, and even some of the cousins are gone. We have moved all over the
country and have children and grandchildren of our own. I would have liked to
do it with our family, but all the children usually do not get to our house until
after Christmas. We do have our Christmas dinner together , just not on
Christmas day. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

Re: Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish (12:53pm December 12, 2018):

I love Christmas stories and have a bookcase of keepers. I try to reread many
each year, but find so many good new ones every year, it is hard to keep up.
Christmas Moon by Elizabeth Lane is a favorite. I also have many anthologies
which are big favorites. I do believe that 'TIS THE SEASON will be joining them.
I love the general feeling of happiness, camaraderie, and helpfulness. The
outpouring of generosity and helpfulness is reassuring. It gives me hope that
the feelings will extend past the holidays and make a better future for us all.

Re: Decoy Date (12:15pm December 12, 2018):

I totally understand the "disaster area" type of working. I don't write, but when I
am working on projects or organizing things, it usually looks like a tornado hit. You
can't sort things and organize them without spreading them out all over. I always
end up making a much bigger mess before things are the way they should be. I
firmly believe the end result is worth the mess.

Re: You Had Me at Cowboy (12:33pm December 4, 2018):

Being the responsible one has many drawbacks and sometimes few of the
perks. I can understand Mason's reluctance to open himself to being hurt.
Tessa is just "doing her job," but is opening herself and Mason to heartbreak.
How is she going to handle the backlash when he finds out the truth? Can she
convince him that her feelings aren't the same as they were when she decided
on her plan? YOU HAD ME AT COWBOY sounds like an enjoyable read.

Re: Earl to the Rescue (1:03am November 28, 2018):

Gwendeline sounds like a sweet young woman, one who definitely feels like she is
being thrown in amongst the wolves. The excerpt gives enough information to
make me wonder just what has been said about her and what her situations is.
Also, how are the Earl and his mother involved. Excellent hook.

Re: My Forever Home (12:50pm November 27, 2018):

Love your sunroom. Sadly (from) the first thing that struck me was the lack of
clutter. Sadly it is something I am struggling with. My daughter had a Maine
Coon cat and he was gorgeous. They are wonderful cats. We have had rescue
pets for over 40 years. We have fostered litters for our local animal shelter and
kept a puppy from both the first and the last litter.Not counting the many
puppies in litters, we have had about a dozen dogs over the years. We are
down to 2 rescues now. We have had cats, rabbits, and a ball python who were
all rescues. We did rescue and rehabilitation for a bit. Finding the right home
for animals is so important. They bring people together and add so much to
your life. MY FOREVER HOME sounds like it will be a good story with people I
will be glad I met.

Re: Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses (1:44am November 1, 2018):

I am glad you listened to your friend. It is true that they often see things you don't. We can follow these insights to see where they take us. It is nice to see what talents we can discover and develop.

Re: Cowboy Christmas Jubilee (1:27am November 1, 2018):

This story sounds like it incorporates some of my favorite story elements. The small towns in their own way become characters in the stories. The West is a special place which gives certain characteristics to the people who are born and live there. Thirdly, Christmas. There is just something special about that time of the year. It gives a certain air that promises more and that things will be better.

Re: Wolf Rising (1:10am November 1, 2018):

Good excerpt. It leads into how confusing and dangerous such a shift in one's life can be. Attraction to another is enough to contend with. Having a total change in your being and life is another thing all together.

Re: Wild On My Mind (10:11pm October 3, 2018):

Well run zoos are a joy to visit and good education for the whole family. They are
becoming more important every day. Loss of habitat, poaching, interbreeding are
all threats to many species. Good breeding programs and management of zoo
populations may be the last hope of many species.

Re: A Billionaire Wolf for Christmas (12:15pm October 1, 2018):

The instances I can think of all involve our children. Our oldest daughter was
just in kindergarten at the time and our other daughter was a baby. We had
talked about swimming lessons and I said I would pick her up for lessons when
they started. She thought that meant it started the next day and did not get on
the school bus to come home. The bus came, the stop was across the street
form the house, but she didn't come to the house. I called a few neighbors to
see if she had gone home with their children. No luck. I called the school and
she wasn't there. They called back to say the teacher had taken her out to the
bus. I called the security police (we lived on an Air Force base) to let them
know and have them look for her in case she got off at a different bus stop. I
also had them contact the city police. It was mid-January and about 10
degrees. I called my husband, but he was at work in a place he couldn't leave. I
didn't dare leave the house in case she came home. After what seemed like an
eternity but was likely only 30 to 45 minutes or so, I got a phone call from a
man at a local garage. It seems she had tried to walk home and they found her
in the snowbank outside their shop. She was so cold and frightened, they
couldn't understand what she said until she warmed up a little. A Sgt. from the
base had been there when they found her and helped out. He brought her
home (I never got the chance to say no, she wasn't supposed to get in cars with
strangers). It was such a relief to have her back. You want to hug them
because you are happy and punish them for what they did. This was back in
1978 or '79. Concern was there, but if it happened in today's world, I would be
in full panic mode. What was really sad, was she walked right by my
grandmother's (her great grandmother's) house and didn't realize it. It was just
a block from the school.

Re: More Than a Phoenix (12:52pm September 28, 2018):

You certainly took a winding road to your romance writing career. Even with
librarians, romance doesn't get the respect it deserves. I was the children's
librarian in a small county library. I ordered the romance books. No one else
would admit to reading romance. Oddly enough, they read Nora Roberts, J. D.
Rob, Diana Gabaldon, and many more who are romance authors. As with
anything else, there are good and not so good practitioners of the trade. It has
always been case of finding the good ones and spreading the word.

Re: Rocky Mountain Cowboy Christmas (1:01am September 26, 2018):

I have no doubt this will be a wonderful book. I fell in love with your writing style
and vulnerable characters in your Search and Rescue Series. Camille and Steve
are so very different and so very right for each other.

Re: Mistletoe in Texas (12:43pm September 26, 2018):

Strong women can be intimidating. When they find the man who isn't intimidated,
understands and appreciates them, they are both in for a promising future.

Re: How the Earl Entices (11:56pm September 13, 2018):

Every society has its rules and restrictions. If you lived in them, you needed to
know what they were so you could obey them and know how to get around them.
Even today there are a few rules still left that need to be worked around.
I enjoy reading the historicals of any era, partly to discover the societal rules and
to see how they will be broken.

Re: Cowboy Charm School (12:07pm September 6, 2018):

When I was looking at colleges and trying to decide what to study, I was
considering archeology. (It wasn't really an option for financial reasons, but I
was interested.) My dad told me it was a stupid choice because everything had
already been found. I look at all that has been discovered since 1964 (my that
was long ago) and do wish I had been involved in some of it. There is still so
much more out there.

Re: Last Chance Cowboys: The Rancher (2:46am March 30, 2018):

They work hard at a job which is really a way of life they love. It isn't an easy life,
but the rewards are more than financial. It isn't a way of life for everyone, but for
those it does fit, it is the best there is. It is the kind of job that involves the whole

Re: Flight of the White Wolf (2:32am March 30, 2018):

I am not afraid to fly, but there have been times I have been concerned. Anymore,
it depends on the mood I am in when I get on the plane.

Re: Real Earls Break the Rules (8:58pm November 27, 2016):

I don't like any one type of heroine. It all depends on the story which one will fit
best. Of the ones you listed, the Bluestocking would be my favorite. A lady
down on her luck is another favorite.

Re: A Promise of Fire (10:20pm August 14, 2016):

A couple of years ago I read Impatient with Desire: The Lost Journal of Tamsen
Donner by Gabrielle Burton. It is a fictionalized look at the Donner Party trip
through her eyes and journal entries. She was someone I would have been
friends with. Had we lived back then, I would have joined this character I
came to know, and traveled west with her. My heart broke for her as the
party became snowbound and their world crumbled around them. Knowing
what was going to happen, I put the book aside for several weeks. I was not
ready to say goodbye to a friend. I cried my way through the last two

Re: Viking Warrior Rising (9:49pm August 14, 2016):

First, congratulations on your nominations. What an honor. Like the
Olympics, just to be good enough to compete is a win. A medal or award is
frosting on the cake.
I am glad to see you venture in a slightly differently direction for your books.
It is always interesting to experience the worlds and characters authors create
for their stories. There aren't that many paranormal books that deal with the
Norse myths, Gods, Vikings and Valkyries. I will be looking for VIKING
WARRIOR RISING and those that follow.

Re: Every Time with a Highlander (9:09pm August 14, 2016):

It has been so long since we have not had total chaos ruling our lives, I have
no idea what unstructured time is, other than anything can and will happen.
A perfect weekend would be one where the phone didn't ring with someone
needing something or sick and in the hospital (our life lately in both cases).
We would have a quick breakfast and head into the mountains to go hiking.
Nothing strenuous, just easy and enjoyable. We go to church on Saturday
evenings, so we would stop for dinner at a favorite restaurant before going to
church. In the evening, we could watch one of the many DVD's I keep getting
and never have time to watch. For a change my husband won't fall asleep
before 9. We are also of an age. On Sunday, my husband gets up early and
fixes breakfast (the way most Sunday's start). We have a relaxed breakfast and
watch the Sunday morning news and commentary programs. We would go for
a walk in the afternoon. At some point in the afternoon, we would call our
children to see how their week went and what the plans are for the upcoming
week. Sunday afternoon we would grill something for dinner and relax out on
the porch. If there is nothing exciting on TV, we would spend the evening
Time to ourselves is something we have not been able to manage lately. We
are hoping for some the end of Sept. Maybe we can run away.

Re: May the Best Man Win (12:58pm August 5, 2016):

Enemies to friends is always a fun story line. These two seem to be well
matched. Good luck with the series. I am so glad your humor comes out in the

Re: Gone Too Deep (12:50pm August 5, 2016):

They are all wonderful reasons to care for someone. There is a solidity about
him, a reliability, an honesty. What more could anyone want in someone they

Re: A Scandalous Adventure (12:45pm August 5, 2016):

You can tell we are women of a certain age. I didn't have the luxury of going
to the movies that often, but I remember the features and routine well. My
husband did indeed spend his Saturdays much like you did and enjoyed every
minute of it. He was a popcorn person, however. I love adventure movies. A
good Western, a jungle adventure, or Knights in shining armor all suit me just

Re: Grilling the Subject (12:24pm August 5, 2016):

7 cup salad is easy to make and easy to double & triple if you wish. It is a
fruit salad, but not overly sweet like so many are. You use one cup of each go
the 7 ingredients: sour cream, cottage cheese, shredded or flaked coconut,
mini marshmallows, well drained crushed pineapple, fruit cocktail (no juice),
and chopped pecans. Mix together all ingredients and refrigerate. Is better
after sitting a day or so. I am going to try your pudding recipe.

Re: His Prairie Sweetheart (11:47pm August 4, 2016):

John Wayne would be a favorite over Clint Eastwood. However, Tom Selleck
beats out both of them.
I have enjoyed westerns both on TV and in books. Can't beat a good cowboy

Re: Trouble Walks In (11:31pm August 4, 2016):

I really like the sound of TROUBLE WALKS IN. It will be in my TBR Mountain
before long. Right now I am trying to catch up on a few mail order bride
books. I also have Diana Gabaldon’s DRAGONFLY IN AMBER on my shelf. I
usually read the book before watching the movie, but couldn't find my copy. I
bought another one and will bring it on vacation to relax and read. I haven't
had much time to read this summer and need to sort through my books to see
what I will read first.

Re: The California Gold Rush Romance Collection (2:00am July 26, 2016):

We have had pets for the last 40+ years. First it was a dog, then a cat, then
various rodents. Over the years, we have had a large number and variety of
pets. All important to one or more family members. Currently we are down
to 3 dogs, a peacock, and a ball python. The snake and the peacock are
mine. The dogs are our son's, but they adore my husband. They all have
their moments, but we love them anyway.

Re: Fire Danger (1:48am July 26, 2016):

I like that you are writing about different creatures than we usually see in
paranormal stories. There is such a great store of beings in folklore that you will
not run out of ideas any time soon.

Re: Almost Like Being in Love (10:37pm July 1, 2016):

For me it would be the mountains. Both my husband and I love the
mountains. We grew up in New York's Adirondack Mountains with a view of
Vermont's Green Mountains and New Hampshire's White Mountains. When we
first got married we lived in northern Maine near their mountains. We lived in
Colorado Springs with Pike's Peak the view from our deck. We now live in the
Blue Ridge Mountains. It is in our blood and we love mountains.
That being said, we have had some wonderful times on the coast. We are not
sandy beach sun lovers. We love the rocky coasts of the Northeast and
Northwest. There is a rugged beauty to it. It has that in common with the
mountains which is probably why we like it.

Re: Miss Darcy's New Companion (10:23pm July 1, 2016):

Pride and Prejudice is my favorite of Miss Austen's books.
The covers reflect a feeling of the period. The cover for Miss Darcy's New
Companion is my favorite.

Re: Bride of a Distant Isle (8:44pm March 29, 2016):

Meant to mention that the BRIDE OF A DISTANT ISLE sounds like it will be a good,
dramatic read. Best wishes for a successful release.

Re: Bride of a Distant Isle (8:43pm March 29, 2016):

I enjoy a good gothic romance every so often. I have a box of old ones I can
dig into when the mood strikes. Du Maurier's REBECCA is a favorite. I
enjoyed Victoria Holt's books and got Mary Stewart's books, but haven't read
many. There is just something about an innocent, young woman in a
questionable situation, a "hero" that you really aren't too sure about, and kind
of a spooky, sometimes supernatural element. Great reading on a dark and
stormy night.

Re: Wanting More (5:56pm March 29, 2016):

Happy Birthday! I know where you are coming from. I,too, was asked for my
ID well into my 30"s. Savor it. There are many times I wish that youthful look
was still present. At almost twice your age, I have learned to enjoy every
stage and do it on my terms. I was always the odd one and finally decided I
was good with it. I enjoy who I am and if they can't appreciate it, it is their
problem. That doesn't mean I have an in-your-face attitude. It is just more
of a live-and-let-live point of view. We would all be better off if we learned
to appreciate what is special about each other.
Enjoy your sons and rowdy rescue dogs. The time with your family when they
are young is so short. The dust bunnies aren't going anywhere. They will
grow and reproduce without your help. Beating them back on occasion is
enough for now.
You are fortunate to have the job you do. Indulging my inner Peter Pan and
vivid imagination was always something I wanted to do.

Re: An Amish Market (12:47pm February 29, 2016):

Silent auctions are common in our part of the country. Several organizations I
work with and volunteer for have them several times a year to raise funds. Our
church usually has a silent auction during their Fall Festival, as do many of the
other churches in the area.

Re: An Amish Market (12:43pm February 29, 2016):

I am so sorry you have been fighting such terrible health problems. You are
so lucky to have a truly special man to help you through the days and nights.
For me it is important to have someone who is honorable and has a sense of
humor. It helps a lot when you have the same interests. We will have been
married 44 years in June, and I couldn't have picked a much better soul mate.
It is so important that a couple love and understand each other. It makes the
rough spots in life easier to get through, and makes the good times so much

Re: Montana Wild (10:37pm January 20, 2016):

I have done it. I joined the Peace Corps fresh out of college. I had never been
far from home, I attended college in my home town and student taught about
5 hours away. As a sheltered girl in a small, dura, Northeastl town, I went to
San Francisco for training and then to the other side of the world for three
years. It was an incredible experience. When I returned, I married a high
school friend who was in the Air Force. We never were stationed overseas, but
we had some wonderful assignments. From northern Maine then New York,
we went to Colorado, then Sacramento, CA, and then Washington, DC. We
have been lucky enough to experience many different locales. I appreciate
what the big cities have to offer, but I need to be out in the country. We now
live in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I still enjoy visiting the cities and do it often.
However, my favorite trips are out in nature, the West being a favorite place to
explore. We have been to Montana and it is spectacular. Colorado, Wyoming,
and Montana have been our favorite trips.

Re: Taken by the Highlander (2:08am December 30, 2015):

I had to look up the Stonehaven Fireball event. It seems like a wonderful way
to ring in the new year. We generally don't do much of anything. My husband
gets up early for work and doesn't stay up late. I usually watch the ball drop
in Times Square on TV, then go to bed. This year, we are both working on a
fund raiser New Year's Eve party for our local Honor Flight group. I still may
ring it in without my husband. He said we are going in separate vehicles and
he will likely leave early. He gets up at 4 to 4:30AM for work and going to
bed early is a hard habit to break. Soon he will be retiring and hopefully his
sleep schedule will change.

Re: First Time With A Highlander (10:53pm October 15, 2015):

I have "attended" some of the release parties on Facebook, but not had the
pleasure of attending one in person. It must be a great feeling to have your
work out there for us to enjoy. Try not to second guess yourself too much
after the book comes out. There is very little in life we don't feel we could
have done differently or improved. I have never been disappointed with any
of your books. I am sure this one will be just as satisfying.

Re: Forever His Texas Bride (10:12pm October 15, 2015):

It is unfortunate that some people concentrate on differences and set
themselves above others based on those differences. Past experiences with
the "others" may have been bad, but one must not judge all by those few.
Prejudice and hate are ugly things and should not be tolerated.
I am really looking forward to Brett's story. I thoroughly enjoyed the first two
books in the series and know this one will be as good. Thanks for the peek
into the story.

Re: Royal Flush (11:09pm September 7, 2015):

We haven't been to Las Vegas since 1983. It certainly isn't the same place
now. Back the, Circus Circus was the only place to bring children and had
only a circus act in the center of the casino. None of the big, showy casinos
were there. If you weren't interested in gambling or cheap buffets, there
wasn't much for you to do. We hope to go back some time soon to take in all
that has been developed since.

Re: The Girl in the Glass (10:57pm September 7, 2015):

The will the-won't they works for several books, but after a time, you begin to
wonder if they really are interested in each other. I think some would become of
the question and might give up on the series. For me, as long as the stories are
interesting, I'll keep reading.

Re: The Good Neighbor (10:51pm September 7, 2015):

I think the most important part is to not feel guilty for taking that special time
for myself. I enjoy working in my gardens, something I haven't had much of a
chance to do this year due to injuries, and I have missed it. Working in the
garden is pleasing for me and the results are something others can enjoy.

Re: A Geek Girl's Guide to Murder (10:41pm September 7, 2015):

I attended my first Ren Faire south of Nashville. Their facility is great and we had
a wonderful time.
My first loves, however are Celtic Festivals/Highland Games. We attend several
each year. Another favorite are Native American POW WOWs. We enjoy both so
very much.

Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon (1:52am October 20, 2013):

I like a touch of intrigue and danger in the books I read. Humor is also a
favorite. Every once in a while, I like something that is light and humorous, but
most of my reading has the suspense and danger elements.

Re: The Outlaw Knight (9:56pm September 29, 2013):

Thank you for the interesting post. The Medieval era was such a time of
upheaval and shifting loyalties/rules. I have always appreciated the research you
put into your books and the details you include. I look forward to reading THE
OUTLAW KNIGHT. Best wishes for a successful release.

Re: Written in the Stars (3:56pm August 28, 2013):

Sherrill and Patricia, I believe that that one look, one date can be all it takes.
I met my now husband our junior year in high school. We sat near each other
in chemistry and bumped into each other throughout school. His father died
that year and his family moved when school finished. We wrote two or three
times a year, but that is all. No dating, nothing more than casual friends in
school. Seven years later, he is in the Air Force stationed at the same base in
CA as my cousin's husband. I stopped by on my way home in NY State for a
months break after 2 1/2 years in the Peace Corps before going back to finish
the third year. My cousin invited him over for dinner, he took us all out to
dinner the next night, and came by to say good-bye when I left. He stopped
by my family's home for a couple hours on his way to his new assignment.
Five months later, he shows up in the village in the Philippines where I am
assigned and proposes. We never did date before that. I made him wait for
an answer until I got home a few months later and the wedding was delayed
for almost a year because he was sent to Vietnam. However, I don't think
there was ever any doubt in our minds after seeing each other the first time in
seven years that we were meant for each other. 42 years later we are still
going strong and looking forward to many more happy years together.

Re: Love Him or Leave Him (3:23pm August 28, 2013):

In a way it is a shame that the naive, nice, trusting heroine is looked down
upon. Don't get me wrong, I like the strong, snarky, self-confident heroines,
but not everyone can be that way. Naive shouldn't equate with weak and
unworthy and doesn't mean she won't stand up for herself when necessary.
There is lots of room for a variety of heroines,so lets enjoy them all.

Best wishes for a successful release of LOVE HIM OR LEAVE HIM.

Re: Once Upon A Tartan (11:53pm August 15, 2013):

My best skill would be my imagination. Unfortunately my ability to stay on
task and finish on time are sorely lacking. I have a tendency to take much
longer to say what needs to be said. If I were a lawyer, my summations would
probably put everyone to sleep.

Thanks for the insight into the similarities between writing and being a
lawyer. You made some good points. I have a few of your books and look
forward to reading ONCE UPON A TARTAN. I hope the release is going well.

Re: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir (4:06pm July 23, 2013):

Lucky you! My dream is to own a little cottage in Ireland. I've never been
there, but it is our ancestral home and I have been anxious to visit. Our next
big trip will be to Ireland and Scotland. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find
such a place in our family's county.
I hope you and your husband get to go over soon to spend some time in the
cottage. I hope too you get a chance to spend some quality writing time there
with or without your husband. Away time can be good for both of you. Good
luck with the Irish Getaway and your writing. Bless your husband for being
such an understanding and supportive guy.

Re: Lady Vivian Defies A Duke (12:18pm May 24, 2013):

I do love series. It is nice to revisit those friends you made in earlier books.
There have been so many series I have enjoyed, it is hard to remember. The
most recent I finished was Jennifer Blake's Masters At Arms. It did a great job
of portraying the setting, 1840's New Orleans, to the point that if you were
even a little familiar with NOLA, you knew right where they were standing in
some of the scenes. She also did a nice job of following up on characters in
previous books.

Re: Detour to Dusk (10:45pm April 28, 2013):

Nice to see a story that treats vampires as more predatory species and less
cuddly friends. Interesting premise of early origins and the means taken to
survive. Should be an interesting and intense read.

Re: Her Knight's Quest (12:45pm March 15, 2013):

There have been a few stories I have read that concentrate on only the hero
and heroine and do very little development of secondary characters. These
books were always meant to be stand alone books and the difficulties facing
the main characters was as major a focus as the couple's relationship. These
were short books and it worked well for the type of story they were. That
being said, I like books that are rich in place and characters. Good secondary
characters make a book/story richer. They make you want to spend more
time with them and find out more about them. I like series both for the
opportunity to learn more about secondary characters I have come to like and
to follow up with characters who have already had their story told.

Keep letting them speak to you and lead your story on. It will help make your
books richer experiences for all of us.

Re: The Geek Girl And The Scandous Earl (12:00pm March 15, 2013):

Congratulations, Gina. The fact that the story pretty much sold itself is
something to be proud of. I enjoy time travel books and this one sounds like a
lot of fun. I look forward to reading it and seeing just what happens to your
Geek Girl and her Earl.
Best of luck with your writing career.

Re: The Mistress Memoirs (1:32am February 20, 2013):

Long separations that result in misunderstandings, acts of necessity for
survival, and heartfelt reunions are always good for a story. This interview
raises some questions. Why did he have to leave the country for such a long
time? How come he doesn't know what his brothers have been up to? How
come he was away looking for his enemy when that individual was obviously
around at home to step into our heroes place when he left?

It seems there is only one way to find the answer to these questions, read the
book. Sounds like it will be fun with a bit of danger thrown in.

Re: Once Again A Bride (5:08pm February 7, 2013):

I was more of an earth child than anything else, but my husband to be was
interested in antiques. We went to auctions and junk shops before we got
married and have never stopped. It was a good way at the time to get good
furniture cheaply. My how times have changed. We were a military family and
lived primarily in base housing. We were furnishing a victorian era house we
hoped to some day own. We are now retired and have spent the last 20 years
renovating the 1898 victorian farm house we found. We may be done some
day. The house was in terrible shape, but sound. The wonderful thing is all
our furniture fits the feel of the house as do the family pieces we have. My
personal favorite is a spindle platform cradle that I got from my paternal
grandparents. Our grandchildren are the 6th generation of our family to use
it. My favorite from my husband's side of the family are two paintings in
gilded frames of flocks of sheep and a lovely and delicate dressing table and
chair. All came from auctions his mother attended when he was in high
school. Oh, for the days when you could get a victorian oval, walnut side
table for about $20. Our bedroom set is a carved oak Eastlake style bed and
matching dresser with mirror, both in perfect condition. Price $80.

I look forward to reading ONCE AGAIN A BRIDE.

Re: Lady Eve's Indiscretion (4:46pm February 7, 2013):

I too was in love with horses as a girl. I got a figurine on my 16th birthday
cake and that was it. It is just as well. I have since discovered that I am not
really a horse person. I am much more suited to reading about them. Our
second daughter is and was a pretty good rider until she was thrown and it
messed up her hip. They have an old stallion, but he is just living out his time
at pasture.

You are so right about your dreams. You may not be able to get exactly what
you want, but you'll never know unless you try. Take that first step and keep
trying. You may discover something else along the way. No one ever said
your dreams had to unfold in a straight line.

Re: The Autumn Bride (11:29pm January 31, 2013):

I do not currently belong to a reading group. I sometimes analyze the books I
am reading, but most of the time, I read for enjoyment. If I really enjoy a
book, I do tend to look at just why it was so good.
]I worked at a small rural county library for several years. One of the best
parts of the job was being able to talk with patrons about books and make
suggestions for their next book or author. We would sometimes compare
notes on a book and I always tried to see what they thought of it. That is one
of the things I miss the most about the job. It was nice being able to order
books for different collections. I was the children's librarian, but also the only
one that would admit to reading romance, so I had a lot of input into what
was being ordered.
I have heard wonderful things about THE AUTUMN BRIDE and look forward to
reading it.

Re: Waltz With A Stranger (1:52am December 21, 2012):

One of the fictional families I have enjoyed has bee Stephanie Laurens' Cynster
Family. This extended family has given me many enjoyable reads.

Going in another direction, I enjoyed TV's THE WALTONS, a very different type of
family indeed.

Re: Deliver Me From Temptation (1:42am December 21, 2012):

Great excerpt. I am still sampling the paranormal genre, and this is one I
definitely want to read.
I hope it does well for you.

Re: Taming the Outback (1:11pm November 25, 2012):

Feisty is a good word. Yes I like feisty heroines, but not those who are overly
pushy and too sure of themselves. I like them to retain a certain amount of

Re: Holiday in Crimson (12:18pm November 25, 2012):

Our first Christmas after getting married is one we'll never forget. It was
during the Vietnam war and my husband was on a B-52 crew on Guam. I was
there, but leaving for his mom's with him scheduled to leave and be home by
Christmas. We were just getting ready to head out for dinner then have him
take me to the airport, when his pilot's wife showed up informing him all
crews were being recalled and restricted to the base. No dinner and a quick
good-bye. We did a quick gift exchange before he left - pearls for me and
the sales slip for a canoe for him. They started bombing Hanoi the next day.
His mom and I waited and worried as B-52's were being shot down.
Wonderful man that he is, he called every time to assure us it wasn't him. We
did get to celebrate Christmas when he got home in January. MY best
Christmas/birthday present ever.

Re: Going To The Bad (10:21pm August 4, 2012):

Loosing those we love is part of life and it is often has a major impact on our
lives. Hate to say it, but he had to go some time. Using that passing at the
perfect time for your characters growth and development adds much to the
story. He will be missed, but even that is important to the story and her growth.
I hope GOING TO THE BAD does well for you.

Re: Creating Fate (5:26pm July 23, 2012):

I know just what you mean about the separation. Military families find out
early on. My husband was shipped out 5 weeks after we got married. I
discovered I was pregnant a month or so later, and lost the baby 3 months
after that. Hard when you barely feel married and he is in Vietnam. There
were more separations over the years, but that first one was the hardest.
When B-52s started bombing Hanoi and getting shot down, I was in Florida
with his mom and our 4 month old daughter. With no way to find out if he
was OK, we sat and waited. That day, and everyday afterwards during that
time, he would call to tell us he was OK and not on one of the crews lost. It
showed just how considerate he was and made me love him more.
You are so right about the control issue. When they are gone, you are mom
and dad, and the schedule is built around you and the kids. You find out just
how capable you are and can run things your way. When they come back,
there is that readjustment period where he is reintegrated into everyones lives
and schedules. It is now time to make decisions as a couple and not a
"single" parent. Not easy and lots of couples don't survive it. The longer and
more frequent, the more difficult the task. If you work at it, it will make you
a stronger couple. You learn to appreciate each other and relish the time

Re: Honorable Rancher (10:52pm June 20, 2012):

As the oldest of 6 children born rather close together, books were the one
thing I could escape to. II made up and told bedtime stories to my siblings.
For myself, I read Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys for starters. On Saturdays,
I would go to the library and spend most of the day. Most of the books I read
there were nonfiction - science, history, archeology, etc. I have always like
suspense and historical fiction. I discovered romances in my 50's. I still read
the others, but the historical romances and romantic suspense are my
favorites. Books can take me anywhere and give me experiences vicariously
that I would never have the opportunity to have. I always have at least one
book going and am lost if I don't have anything to read.

Re: Grill Me, Baby (12:23pm June 17, 2012):

My paternal grandmother made poached eggs on toast whenever I stayed
overnight with them. I loved it there, but it never tasted as good anywhere
else. My maternal grandmother made the best rice pudding I have ever had.
No one in the family seems to have the recipe, so I have been buying
cookbooks from the 30's and 40's to try and find it. I have found a couple of
good possibilities.
There were the filled cookies my paternal grandmother made at Christmas
that I loved. Luckily, she gave me the recipe and they turn out just like hers.
At Christmas my mom made a cake roll with walnuts. cherries and dates in it.
She died unexpectedly and my stepmother threw out all her recipes (as well as
all our baby and family pictures). Several family members have given me what
they think the recipe is, but they aren't the same.
For a family meal, my favorite was always a chuck pot roast with onions,
potatoes, carrots, and gravy. I make it for our family whenever I can.
Thanks for sending us down memory lane.

Re: The Wedding Beat (1:43am May 14, 2012):

THE WEDDING BEAT sounds like it will be an enjoyable read. Perfect for
Spring and Summer.
I don't know that I ever really had any wedding dreams. I was too busy
working my way through college for that. Then I went overseas for 3 years
and pushed it to the back of my mind. My husband took me by surprise when
he proposed. We discussed our wedding and planned it the way we
wanted.Everythng wame off a z

Re: Under Fire (12:22pm May 14, 2012):

Sorry I didn't see this sooner. I love THE MILITARY WIFE. It is so true. My DH
was in the Air Force for 24 years. During Vietnam, we did not have the
community support the families have now. Even with that support, it is a
difficult role and not for everyone. We loved it, most of the time. You make
friends unlike any you will ever make on the outside. There is a common
bond and understanding that it is difficult for an civilian to understand. We
just met up with friends we hadn't seen in nearly 30 years and it was truly like
it was only yesterday that we had last seen them. I hope UNDER FIRE does
well. Best of luck with your writting career.

Re: Tempting the Best Man (6:11pm May 4, 2012):

As long as Ya books stay YA appropriate there isn't a problem. I was a
children's librarian and had to be very careful about what i put in the YA
collection. Admittedly I live in an overly conservative area, they kept stealing
our Harry Potter books and Twilight didn't fair much better, but there is still a
line that should not be crossed. A student or parent should feel confident a
YA book at the library will be "safe and appropriate." If they want to heat
things up, they can check out something from the adult section. They do and
parents approve. It is a matter of "truth in labeling" more than anything

Re: Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal (5:57pm May 4, 2012):

First let me say that your cover artist does lovely covers for you. All have
been wonderful.
I was in a no win situation years ago with my family. My mother had died and
my dad remarried a real nutcase. I got married 3 weeks before my dad and
my husband shipped out to Vietnam 5 weeks after our wedding. Shortly after
he left I discovered I was pregnant. My siblings were calling me daily telling
me of all the terrible things the stepmother was doing (all true), them my dad
would call complaining my siblings were interfering with his marriage, and my
stepmother would call and complain about all of them. I tried my best to get
them all to see the other's point of view and understand. Nothing worked.

After a year of this, I finally threw up my hand and gave up. You can't make
people grow up or understand. I told them I still loved them all and wasn't
going to take sides. Deal with it yourselves. They weren't happy with me, but
they all eventually got over it. I am the oldest sibling and the "problem
solver." Sometimes you can't solve a problem. It has to take care of itself.

Re: The Proposal (5:39pm May 4, 2012):

This will be a series I will enjoy. Wounded heroes make the best kind. There is
so much room for love, healing, and growth for the characters involved. I will be
looking for it.
Good luck with the release of THE PROPOSAL. I hope it does well for you.

Re: Darkest Caress (5:31pm May 4, 2012):

That really would have been a goose bump moment. I have felt a very close
connection to Native American sites we have visited. Both NAtive American
and Celtic music touch my soul. Family lore says there are both Native
American and Celtic blood lines our past. I hadn't considered a DNA test to
find out for sure what our background is. This does sound like an interesting
world you have created. Will keep my eyes open for this series when I go
book shopping.

Re: Vigilare (1:31am April 7, 2012):

I wouldn't want to see a female lead be tough in a mean way or one that put
down others. I am reading a book now with a heroine with a big chip in her
shoulder. It is almost too much. If anyone tries to help or even be nice to
her, she jumps down their throat. She is pushing the limit, but of course part
of the story is her discovering she doesn't have to be on the defensive all the
I think women have been held back for so long they seem to be bursting out
now. Being the quiet, little woman waiting to be saved is an image we will no
longer accept. The reality is that it wasn't true very often in history and isn't
true now. There are many capable women out there and men have been
threatened by them. Looking at women in leadership roles and the response
to them is an indication. If they take an action a male would, they are pushy.
If they are assertive, they are bitches. If they are introspective or
compassionate, they are hormonal.
Only secure men can accept women as equals and it doesn't look like there
are enough of those around.
thanks for an interesting post.

Re: In Search of Lucy (11:20pm March 31, 2012):

I love road trips. I like to read about them too, but taking them is best. I am
the one in our family that plans our trips. You never know what you will see
or who you will meet along the way. We never get lost. Those little detours
when we are trying to find where we were headed are bonus tours. We have
found some awesome things this way. One time driving through Iowa, we
got tired of the flat (we have taken that route several times), so I told my
husband to take the next exit and turn right. We ended up in Canada, then
back to the US at St. Paul, and on down to Omaha which was our original
destination. We had planned to go to S. Dakota. Flexibility is always a good

Re: Stud (12:58pm February 9, 2012):

The Harry Potter movies did a very good job of faithfully bring the books to
The worse job done was when Hallmark took Julie Garwood's Clayborne series
and made it into Rose Hill. Except for the opening scene and the names of
the characters, NOTHING was the same. They took 3 good books and turned
them into a cliche filled piece. People may have liked it, but if they knew the
books, the were disappointed. It took me 3 years to get a copy of the tape,
and I wanted to burn it after watching it.

Re: Banshee Charmer (8:59pm January 23, 2012):

Tall, dark and handsome is always good, however, like you to me humor is a necessary element. Life and the situations the characters in the books find themselves in are serious enough. A bit of humor helps keep them sane.

Re: Amazon Heat (8:51pm January 23, 2012):

Anthologies are a favorite. Novellas are the perfect length for a quick read. I have read them of vartying lengths. I don't mind short ones (60 pages or so) as long as the characters and plot are developed and handled well.
AMAZON HEAT sounds good. I hope its release is going well.

Re: Made For Marriage (8:48pm January 17, 2012):

Great post and excellent advice for those who are trying to get their work published. Not bering in "the Business" I won't be any help. I think you pretty much covered all the bases. The only other thing I have read from other authors, is to enter as many contests as you can and whatever else you can do so you can get your work out there and seen.
Thanks for an interesting post.

Re: Hot Rain (10:12pm January 4, 2012):

I am old enough that on-line dating wasn't a factor or an option. I have a
nephew who met his wife online. They corresponded for a while, finally met,
and married. They have a teenaged daughter and what appears to be a solid
marriage, so I know it can work. However, I do know several people who have
not had good experiences with online dating. Some of them would not have
done well even if the relationship had developed the old fashioned way.

As long as the individuals are cautious and honest, it is as good a way as any
to meet someone. People can lie about who they are in person just as well as
on line. How many times have you heard "he/she wasn't the person I thought
he/she was."

I will be looking for HOT RAIN. I love a good romantic suspense.

Re: Sleight Of Paw (8:27pm December 18, 2011):

I, too, hate to have my picture taken. My soon to be hjusband took a picture of me - I was up on the porch and he was standing on the ground. I have a great "up my nose" shot. Better yet, I'm cross-eyed.

Re: The King's Mistress (8:06pm December 18, 2011):

I am a bit late, but I did want to thank you for your informative ost. I was familiar with the traditions from the Celts on, but not the a=earlier ones. I have enjoyed your books.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2012.

Re: Wild Thing (11:02pm December 5, 2011):

The whole opposites thing is used often in books. As different as we are on the
outside, deep down we all want the same thing - to be safe, loved, and
Thanks for an interesting post.

Re: Hushed (10:00pm December 5, 2011):

I prefer stories where the romance is a part of the story but not what is
necessarily what drives the plot. I like intrigue and more going on. Straight
relationship stories with not much else going on other than sex are not at all
interesting to me.
Most of all, it must be well written, have interesting characters, and an
intriguing plot.

Re: Genie Knows Best (2:42pm November 10, 2011):

Judi, I have your Mer trilogy and loved it. Humor is so very necessary in life
and there is just too little of it. A story can have serious elements, but told
tongue-in-cheek and with humor thrown in, it is all the more enjoyable. I
look forward to this Genie series and whatever you come up with next.

Best of luck with the release of GENIE KNOWS BEST.

Re: Attracted to Fire (12:28pm October 18, 2011):

What a great gift pack. My grandson loves hot stuff. Serve the jalepno honey
spread mixed with cream cheese on toast or crackers. We have visited :a few
places in Texas, but to go bac, for more. Ther is so much to se.w

Re: Against The Storm (12:01pm October 18, 2011):

How lucky for all of us that publishers finally saw the light and picked you up. It
is a difficult business to be in. The image of an author sitting at their desk in a
book lined study collecting royalty checks is true for very few,
I have enjoyed your book for many years and look forward to reading yje
AGAINST series,

Re: Too Hot To Touch (10:35pm August 3, 2011):

It has been so long ago I can't remember. The first one I can remember was a
fellow student in college. He told me our different religions would preclude a
relationship. We were always good friends, but it never developed into

Re: Notorious (1:50am July 29, 2011):

It would definitely be to travel. I can't get enough of traveling and seeing what
countries, cultures and Mother Nature have to offer. It isn't fair that men should
have all the fun and experiences. Luckily my husband also likes to travel.
Unfortunately in our "old age" we are slowing down a bit. We'll just have to take
it a bit easier and take longer to see everything.

Re: The Dark Enquiry (7:47pm June 26, 2011):

I have heard before that the image of the Victorians was a bit off the mark.
Your excellent post confirms what I have heard and more. I think in most eras
there have always been at least a small part of society that doesn't quite fit the
mold. In the case of the Victorians, the mold is not what we thought.

Re: Forced to Kill (1:29am June 4, 2011):

Thank you for a very interesting and informative post. Many people don't
realize the research and preparation that goes into writing good fiction. It is
a necessity to give the books the feel of authenticity. You are correct in
putting in enough to give an accurate picture of what is going on without the
information dump that could go along with it. I love audio books. My
husband doesn't have much time to read, so it has become the best way we
can share the reading experience and both "read" a book.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Re: The Gin & Chowder Club (11:21pm May 30, 2011):

It tears me up to read books or watch movies that have these heartbreaking
scenes in them. That being said, they make for memorable stories that we love
in spite of the heartbreak.
Thanks for a post that reminded me of some of my favorite movies.

Re: Deadly Promises (2:50pm May 16, 2011):

Have enjoyed several books with SEALs as main characters. Suzanne
Brockmann's series comes to mind first. Yes they are special. A story with a
SEAL as the hero is bound to be good. SEAL and hero are pretty much
interchangeable words.

Re: Wickedly Charming (2:16pm May 16, 2011):

What a wonderfully different approach. I am so glad Deb Werksman
recognized a good, if different, thing when she saw it. This totally different
approach to fairy tale characters with all too human adult problems should
make for enjoyable reading.
Best of luck with the release of WICKEDLY CHARMING and with UTTERLY
CHARMING this Fall.

Re: Hidden Embers (8:08pm April 22, 2011):

Fall is my favorite season. There is just something about the crisp air, the fall
colors, the smell of leaves and smoke in the air.
That being said, I do love Spring. I am still amazed by the number of
different greens this time of year. New grass, new leaves, plants coming up,
dark evergreens all make for a wonderful Spring patchwork when I look out
my window.

Re: Laird of Darkness (11:30pm March 23, 2011):

Cookie cutter heroines do get boring. There should be variety because that is
what there is in life. Realistically, not all women conformed to or met the
standards that were expected of them in any time period. Having someone
outside the mold gives the author many more possibilities for the directions the
story may take.

Re: Breaking the Rules (12:43pm February 13, 2011):

I have heard of the VELVET GLOVE, but have never ordered it. I had only heard
of champagne before my daughter went to college. She added 3 more to my
vocabulary. I am sure if I showed her or my son the list (he works at a bar) they
would know them.
I'll stick with a glass of wine and maybe an Irish Coffee after dinner.

Re: The Color of Heaven (1:30pm February 9, 2011):

What a generous offer. Thank you for the download.
It is a shame the publishing industry pigeonholes authors and has a hard
time seeing a different side of them. I've never understood the logic of
having an author change their name when writing in a different genre. They
claim it is not to confuse the reader. If I like the way an author writes in one
genre, there is a good chance I will like their writing in another. We aren't
always aware of different pen names and are missing out on something we
might enjoy. I am glad you finally got THE COLOR OF HEAVEN published.

Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (12:39pm February 9, 2011):

I think the appeal of the bad boy is a bit like that of the cute little boy caught
with his hand in the cookie jar. He throws you that smile that you just can't
resist. You know he is a devil, but he is still a sweetheart inside. As he gets
older, it just takes the special person to find that "sweetness" and make him
realize it is time to settle down with "the one."
There is a big difference between the Bad Boy and a bad person. The Bad Boy
in romances is rarely a bad person. He may be a bit misguided, rude,
arrogant, and need a good swift kick in the butt, however he isn't evil.

Re: Deadly Ties (10:10pm February 7, 2011):

Domestic abuse is something many people don't understand. I have known
several such relationships, both physically and emotionally abusive. Two in
emotionally abusive relationships had families that were supportive and
helped them get out. I think they are almost harder to recognize than the
physically abusive. In one, the husband was a teacher, well liked and well
respected. Many who knew him didn't believe what the wife said. Too many
women feel they have no options. They have either been threatened or
convinced they are so worthless no one else would ever want them.
Sorry, it is a soapbox I have been on many, many times. I look forward to
reading DEADLY TIES.

Re: These Things Hidden (11:13am February 6, 2011):

A good mother tries to raise her children as the individuals they are,
encouraging them to dream and to follow those dreams. I too was one of 6
children (the oldest) and had a mom who often worked outside the home and
still managed to be there for us and have dinner on the table for family
dinners every night.
One of my favorite memories is sitting out on our lawn one night, bundled up
in blankets and sleeping bags. We lived out in the country with little or no
light pollution (this was MANY years ago before yard security lights) and the
stars in the sky were incredible. We had hot chocolate and watched a lunar
eclipse. It was an awe inspiring experience. It may have been a school
night, but she felt this experience was more important than an early bed time.
Unfortunately, she died of cancer at 47 and never got to see more than one
child married and none of her grandchildren. A great loss for us all. She
would have been a wonderful grandmother.
Thanks for bringing back good memories.

Re: Mercy Kill (7:30pm January 10, 2011):

I don't really think it empowers me. It certainly makes me think about the
situation and how the characters deal with it. However, often it just illustrates
how easily we can be victimized and how powerless many of us are to defend or
protect ourselves. Not a very comforting thought. Seeing the characters handle
the situation and "win" is reassuring.

Re: The Fire In Ember (7:21pm January 10, 2011):

I love them. Don't need princesses per se, but your last paragraph highlights
exactly what those princess stories have added for us to draw from when we let
our imaginations wander. Westerns and Medievals are favorites. This sounds
like one I will enjoy.

Re: I Dream of Genies (7:00pm January 10, 2011):

Another delightful series. I have your mer series and can't wait to get the genie
series and read it. It is delightful to have the wit and humor you inject into the
Good luck with the release.

Re: Wolf Fever (9:45pm December 15, 2010):

Lots of hot tea with lemon and honey, hot steamy showers, and lots of bed
rest. I usually take Tylenol and stay warm too. Don't forget the chicken
noodle soup.
Haven't had a bad case of the flue since 1976 and hope I don't get it that
badly again. I had a 1 and a 2 year old and my husband was out of town. I
had to have my aunt come and stay with me for three days. I've never been
that sick before or since. I didn't need that much help when I had my babies.

Hope you have a great Holiday Season.

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (8:57pm December 15, 2010):

Good grief, you just proved you are human. It shouldn't be too big a deal to

Re: Motor City Witch (7:52pm November 26, 2010):

When you think of it, the "rust belt" traits you listed do lend themselves to the
urban fantasy genre. With the influx of paranormal inhabitants, both good and
bad, a revival could be instigated and supported. Sounds like a good series.

Re: The Christmas Clock (2:13am November 15, 2010):

Sounds like a book I need to read. My
dear mother-in-law also suffered
from this terrible disease and it broke
our hearts. She was robbed of time
with her grandchildren and great
grandchildren. We lost the gift of her
presence. Her two sisters also died
from it. Every time my husband has a
"senior moment", which do come more
frequently, he gets worried. I am glad
you were able to finally find the
elements to pull the story together.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season.

Re: The 4th Victim (2:04am November 15, 2010):

Sounds like a wonderful weekend.
Hopefully, some year I'll be able to make

Re: Holiday Affair (8:38am November 2, 2010):

I used to try to do the super Christmas thing, but no more. I was actually rather successful with the great decorations and baking for a while. Moving into an 1898 house that needed to be totally gutted and renovated, cured that. We are still working on the house and tripping over boxes. It is kind of hard to decorate when you can't find the decorations and don't have any room for a tree.
I look forward to being able to decorate and bake again, but it will be in a much more relaxed way.

Re: Simply Irresistible (8:01pm October 29, 2010):

My kind of story. I like the premise of the series and the first couple is a favorite pairing. I look forwar to reading SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE.

Re: An Accidental Seduction (9:42pm October 28, 2010):

We can never have too many heroes. A pony is as goosd as any. When we were kids, our neighbor's collie mix spent aq lot of time at our house with us kids. It was very protective of us. One day when the youngest was crawling towards a stack of rocks near our patio. The dog placed himself between the baby and the rocks not letting her anywhere near them.
My favorite fictional hero is Nathaniel from LAST OF THE MOHICANS - the movie. He is everything I look for i n a hero - brave, honorable, a man of his word.
thanks for an interesting post.

Re: Mr. Darcy's Obsession (9:08pm October 28, 2010):

As you said, a common point of interest in a book will unite any two strangers. it is an easy jump off point for conversation.
Thanks for an interesting post.

Re: Crossing the Lion (8:22pm October 24, 2010):

It takes a lot of discipline to make yourself stay on task. I am not writing, but I have a major project I am working on. It is not going any where as fast as it should. A big part of the problem is my distractability. There is always something else I seem to need or want to be doing.

Re: A Darcy Christmas (10:01pm October 22, 2010):

I have been fascinated by the number of Darcy inspired books that have come out lately. This sounds like it will be a good one.
Little Women was a great family story. The girls are older, but you still see growth and the relationships.

Re: Twilight Hunger (12:56pm October 21, 2010):

Have read several of your books and
now have quite a few on my TBR shelf.
I'll have to check the reading order.
The list will also help me fill in the
blanks so I can look for the books I
don't have. I prefer to read books in
order if I can.
Thanks for the interesting post.

Re: The Making of a Gentleman (9:36pm October 20, 2010):

I always enjoy when a place or past
time I am familiar with is featured in a
story. It gives a personal connection
to the story and characters.
I also like books that touch on topics I
am unfamiliar with. What a great way
to learn a bit about something new.

Re: Captive Spirit (9:00pm October 19, 2010):

Have been hearing about CAPTIVE
SPIRIT the past few months. I have
been interested in books set in this
time period. Stories of early cultures
and peoples in the Americas give us a
feel for what came before and how the
native cultures developed over the

Re: Grave Witch (12:23pm October 17, 2010):

Very interesting approach. The Grim
Reaper was my first thought, but then
and their angel of death was a pretty
nice looking guy. Kindly and benign
and not the smirky type. He wouldn't
work well in you books, a bit too

Re: Highland Hellcat (12:14pm October 17, 2010):

I used to drink only tea, but after our
son was born, coffee became a
necessity. I still enjoy tea and also
have a full cabinet of it. I keep several
varieties of decaf for my daughters.
Neither one can handle caffeine. I also
make sure I have a rich cocoa mix for
my oldest daughter. She is picky
about her hot chocolate and always
makes it with warm milk.

Re: Silver Serenade (8:53pm October 14, 2010):

Tyrone is a perfectly awful villain. No
redeeming traits are evident. Can a
bad guy be too bad?
One of the villains that was
memorable for me was Magua in Last
Of The Mohicans. Thinking of the
movie, he came across as a vicious,
heartless and cruel man. He did have
a reason for being bitter, but he went
a bit further than necessary. His
detachment from the feelings of
others is frightening.

Re: The Secret History Of The Pink Carnation (11:42pm October 12, 2010):

Great post. Most interesting. "History as
it should have been." It does add
something to historical fiction. I have the
first two books in the series and look
forward to reading them all.

Re: Sazerac Seduction (5:40pm October 10, 2010):

I had known him since high school,
but hadn't seen him in 7 years. We
had kept in touch with a few letters a
year. I met him again at an Air Force
base where I was visiting a cousin. He
has a great smile and striking blue
eyes. He has always been polite and
considerate. This is most evident
when he is dealing with his elders. He
respects their years and their
experience. After his father died he
became the man of the house at 17.
He tried to lessen his mom's burdens
when he could. She once told me she
loved coming home from a long, tiring
day at work and smelling fresh bread
baking. He became a great cook back
then. We may be getting on in years,
but thinking about him always brings
a smile to my lips.

Re: Two Lethal Lies (1:23pm October 10, 2010):

Interesting site. I don't watch enough
movies to know who the current actors
are. looking at those listed, I know
few of the younger ones. I think it is
more valid for the author to cast their
books. They know what they saw in
the characters as they wrote them. It
would give us more of an insight as to
who the character is supposed to be.
Our castings are just our impressions
of who these characters could be. I
guess in a way that does give the
author some feedback about their
descriptions and development of their

Re: The 2nd Lie (10:03pm October 8, 2010):

The fight against Domestic Abuse is
most important. The number of men,
women, and children who die each
year from it can not be tolerated. If
you know someone who is in an
abusive situation, encourage them to
get help. It isn't easy and it takes
time, but better to try than let
something happen to them. If you
suspect abuse, report it to the

Re: Lord Lightning (9:14pm October 7, 2010):

Congratulations on you book. I hope
the release goes well.
I have a friend that is interested in
astrology and reads her and her
husband's charts. She doesn't usually
do readings for others, but has
offered. I haven't yet taken her up on

Re: Friday Mornings At Nine (5:36pm October 5, 2010):

What if can be a dangerous game to
play. Unless our current situation is
really a disaster, why want something
different. I am content in my marriage
of 38 years. I am sure the path would
have been different with someone
else, but the path I took had some
wonderful surprises and still does. I
don't think any relationship doesn't
have a few bumps in the road, but
unless they are major wrecks, it's OK.

As for romantic films, PRIDE AND
MOHICANS are perfect for me.

The 60's and 70's had some great
songs. The first one that comes to
mind for me is TIME IN A BOTTLE. It
says so much about the relationship. I
love it.

Re: The Spy Who Saved Christmas (12:20pm October 5, 2010):

My hobbies are reading, gardening,
crafts, sewing, traveling, history,a little
bit of everything. Writing, playing
piano, and painting are things I wish I
could do. They take talent which I
have discovered I don't have. I can
still appreciate the results of those
with talent.
I have checked your back list and there
are several books there I plan to read.
I Read the Intrigues and can't believe I
have missed yours. Will fix that soon.

Re: Building Magic (9:08am October 3, 2010):

They say variety is the spice of life. Your spicey pancakes seem to be proving that.

Re: Dark Road To Darjeeling (9:04am October 3, 2010):

Actually, I try to bring the book with me. Whenever we travel, I try to select books that pertain to the places we are going. For example, we were going to Northern Maine and staying at a ski liogde in the Fall. I had been reading Janet Chapman's Highlander books which take place in that general vacinity. I had just gotten the fourth book, so I took all four, reread the first three (to my husband while he was driving) and then read the fourth to him. It was kind of neat to be where the story was taking place. On our trips out West, I have historical westerns to read and non-fiction on the pioneers, Lewis and Clark, the texas Rangers, mail order brides, whatever seems most appropriate for the trip.
So many books are coming out with recipies, it is easy to celebrate finishing the book by making some of them.

Re: The Spurned Viscountess (12:58pm October 1, 2010):

I've always loved Gothic Romances. Victoria Holt has always been a favorite. I have a box of old gothics I picked up at book sales and yard sales. Every once in a while, when the mood strikes, I'll pull one out and read it.

Re: Sinful in Satin (12:56pm October 1, 2010):

I've always been a vivid dreamer. I am usually myself in the dreams. When I was younger, there were a couple of dreams that repeated everyonce in a while. Dreaming of flying was one that I had frequently in my youth. Guess I'm too grounded any more.
I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, and even though I know I'm dreaming, I'm not remembering them as much as usual. What am I missing?

Re: When Wicked Craves (1:06pm September 29, 2010):

I haven't tried many paranormals. I've
been sampling the different types, but
haven't tried your style yet. It is amazing
the different worlds and characters you
can create.

Re: Until Emie (10:59pm September 28, 2010):

I'm pretty much into the individual
himself. Professors can be sexy -
Indiana Jones comes to mind - both in
and out of the classroom. Any man is
sexy when he is out there spending
time with his children, holding his
Sexy is an inner thing that shows
through their actions. A body building
hunk isn't sexy if he isn't a nice person

Re: The Bride's Necklace (10:48pm September 28, 2010):

I have never been a fan of clutch
covers. It is what kept me from buying
romances all those years. One day I
found Julie Garwood's books with
covers that had jeweled broaches on a
fabric background. Similar to your
necklace covers above. I just checked
my shelf and realized none of your
covers are clutch covers. Part of what
attracted me to them I'm sure. I have
MIDNIGHT RIDER and the first two of
the necklace books. I really need
more time to work on my TBR
I like the covers for your new series. I
like not being able to see the eyes. I
like that they aren't bare chested and
in danger of loosing their pants. I
really don't get the appeal of those
Keep writing your wonderful books.

Re: One Touch of Scandal (11:58pm September 26, 2010):

My Goodie List is a lot shorter than my
To Do List. I think anything is shorter
than my To Do List. My first treat
would be to just goof off for the day,
hop in the car with my DH and take a
drive in the country somewhere we
haven't been before.
Another treat would be to go tho the
book store. I should really just browse
though since a major part of my To Do
List is sorting through all the books in
my house. (I'm finding books I never
even heard of let alone remember

Great cause to support. We have two
rescue cats.

Re: The Echo of Violence (1:22pm September 25, 2010):

It is sad that recent events provide so
much material for suspense novels.
The world has always been a
dangerous place, but not on the scale
it seems to be now. Sadly, it is even
becoming harder to tell who the good
guys are.

Re: Love Me (5:36pm September 24, 2010):

I want the covers to reflect the
characters. If the heroine is rounded
or full figured and they use an
anorexic chic, it is really irritating.
You don't have to be a size 0 to be
pretty. I like both types of covers if
they are tastefully done. Is it me, but
are the pant getting lower? Some of
these guys better not sneeze or the
cover goes to x-rated real quickly. I
like something to be left to the

I prefer real books to e-books. Of
course I don't have an E-reader. I still
like the feel of paper and substance a
book gives.

Re: Venom (12:09pm September 23, 2010):

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is by far the
best thing Disney ever did, or for that
matter just about anyone else. I have
the Broadway soundtrack and play it
constantly. The richness of the voices
makes it much better than the one
from the movie.
My other favorite movies are LAST OF
CRUSADE. All three have driving non-
stop action and good, strong
characters with intense relationships.
The play between Indy and his Dad is
On TV, I like BONES and the two NCIC
Zoe Archer's new series is intriguing.
It must be the Indiana Jones thing on
the cover of WARRIOR.
I really haven't read much in the
paranormal and urban fantasy fields.
Most TV shows in that vein haven't
appealed. I think I spook too easily.

Good luck with the release of VENOM.

Re: For the King's Favor (12:31pm September 23, 2010):

I very much appreciate your attention
to detail and accuracy. I choose
historical fiction to read because I
want to learn something about the
time and people as well as have a
story to read. The details are
important. Part of the reason I read
historicals is to learn something. If
the author can't take the time to make
sure he or she is correct in the details,
there will be a lot of misinformed
people out there.

Re: Petals From The Sky (11:33pm September 20, 2010):

It is interesting how cultural perspective affects the way a life choice is seen. A certain life style may be accepted and admired in one culture, but considered inappropriate in others. Your books sound most interesting.

Re: Feline Fatale (12:52pm September 17, 2010):

We didn't have any pets when I was a
kid, except for a cat who adopted us
and stayed there for 15+ years.
My married life has been another
matter. We have had just about
everything. Dogs, cats, rabbits, mice,
rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs,
snakes, turtles, chickens, ducks have
all made an appearance at one time or
another. We have done animal rescue
and rehab, usually with baby birds,
rabbits and one squirrel. We did
foster care for the local animal shelter,
keeping young puppies until they were
old enough to adopt out. We have also
taken care of older dogs who were
traumatized. We have a 14 year old
lab from our first foster litter and a10
year old terrier from out last foster
litter. All of the dogs we have had
over the years have been rescue dogs.
At present, between my daughter's
house and ours, we have: 9 dog ( i
have 3 plus one showed up on our
porch yesterday and won't leave. he
makes 10) ,20 +- cats (strays keep
having litters in her barn. I have 2.), 2
horses, 7 llamas. 2 sheep, 4 goats, i
pig, a rabbit, ducks, chickens and 2
frogs. At my house in addition to the
cats and dogs, I have a ball python
and 6 peacocks. I have gotten very
good about saying no to any more,
although the little dog that showed up
yesterday is a real sweetheart.

Good luck with all your series. I'll be
looking for them.

Re: Burning Up (10:17am September 15, 2010):

I am a late comer to the genre. I
didn't pick up and read a romance
until well into my 40's. I will say that
the covers were the biggest drawback.
Those bodice-ripper covers didn't
appeal, still don't. I found Julie
Garwood's THE PRIZE at a thrift store.
It had a cover with a jeweled broach
and swath of fabric on the cover. I
took it home and devoured it. I
bought every book she had out, at
that time just historicals. I started
getting historicals and even broke
down and suffered through "those"
covers to read some good authors. I
am now a confirmed romance reader.
I still prefer historical romance, but
like the romantic suspense,
paranormals, and contemporary.

Re: Rebel (10:07am September 15, 2010):

I have enjoyed you historicals for
years. This is quite a switch for you.
It sounds like you had fun with it.
Always good to stretch yourself
creatively. I haven't yet read any of
the fallen angel books that are out
there and only one or two of the
apocalyptic time books. I have one
series on my shelf now waiting for the
last book before I start it. I prefer to
read a series in "one sitting" rather
than stretch it out waiting for the next
book. You get much more out of the
story arc and characters that way
IMHO. I like the sound of you world
and story line. Your knights in
shining armor and damsels in distress
have just changed appearance a bit. I
am certain they will be great.

Re: Just One Taste (2:47pm September 13, 2010):

I would love to attend a readers
conference, but no luck yet. There are
some 5 to 7 hours away, but no luck
getting to one yet. Maybe some day

Re: Warrior (2:07pm September 11, 2010):

I got a box of wonderful books
yesterday and will be starting one of
KING by Susan Holloway Scott is one I
have been looking forward to plus a
blog I follow will be having a
discussion of it next week. Don't think
I can read that fast.
I don't have an ereader yet either. I
am fighting it. I have won several
ebooks and am not sure what to do. I
don't want to sit at the computer to
read them. Like you I enjoy the paper
format and seeing those books on the
shelf bring back good memories. I am
also terribly un-tech savvy. I haven't
figured out all I can do on my
computer or net book yet. Why add
one more gadget that will be under

Re: Stolen Son (10:55pm September 10, 2010):

True heroes struggle every day to face
life's challenges the best they can.
They refuse to give up even when
they know the odds are against them.
It is much more difficult to maintain
your courage over an extended period
of time dealing with personal and
family difficulties than it is to react in
the short term to a dangerous
The warrior who will rescue the
maiden from the bad guy is no more
or less heroic than the man who will
will marry the one he loves and
struggle to provide her and their
family a good life.

Re: Desperate Deeds (9:50pm September 8, 2010):

You can not be old enough to have
watched Mission Impossible, I Spy,
and Man From Uncle when they first
came out. You must have been in
preschool. I watched them in High
School and College. They were
favorites. I never missed a show and
had crushes of one sort or another on
them all.
Now I am seeing a pattern. From
REBECCA to Victoria Holt, Phyllis
Whitney, and Mary Sterwart, then on to
Helen MacInnes. Then I moved on to
the many wonderful suspense authors
out there today.
I want suspense, danger, the heart
pounding action of the chase and
evading the bad guys. The slow
deliberate work of figuring out what
the bad guys are up to and working to
foil them and bring them to justice. I
do want the romance and HEA, but I
like the relationship to build slowly
and make rational and intellectual
sense as well as romantic sense.

Re: Warrior (9:11pm September 6, 2010):

Zoe, you had me at the cover. I didn't
even have to read the blurb to know I
wanted this book. The covers for the
rest of this series are awesome. I am a
history, travel, suspense and high
adventure lover. A touch of
paranormal is a bonus. I am an
Indiana Jones fan and this book cover
certainly taps into that. No accident
I'm sure. This is a series I will
definitely be getting.

Re: Royal Blood (10:45pm September 4, 2010):

I love books with a sense of humor.
We all take things much too seriously
and things are serious enough in the
real world. You can have a serious
story but include wit and humor.
I have not yet read either of the series
but the ROYAL SPYNESS books sound
like some I will enjoy.

I always thought I should become an
author. All those research trips I'd just
have to take to Scotland, Ireland, Bali,
Hawaii....and they would be tax
deductible. Unfortunately at some
point I'd have to actually have to
produce a book. Minor problem.

Re: From The Dead (10:30pm September 4, 2010):

My paternal grandmother was quits
the woman. She held the family
together through the Depression. She
met my grandfather when they were
both working at the mill. She used
scraps from there to make quilts for
her children's beds (I still have 2 or 3
of them). They weren't fancy quilts,
just squares, but they did the job. She
always had a garden and canned her
own vegetables. She survived my
grandfather by about 8 years. She
stayed in her own house and lived
alone until the end. She did all her
own house work, yard work, and kept
the vegetable garden. I can't ever
remember her being sick. She was
having an irregular heart beat so they
put her in the hospital for tests. The
tests were fine and they were going to
send her home for Christmas. She was
standing in the hall talking to the
nurse when she fell into the nurses
arms, dead. It was actually a good
way for her to go. She led an active,
healthy life and didn't have to suffer as
an invalid and lose her independence.

Re: Thrilled to Death (12:55pm September 3, 2010):

I agree. A good crime novel has
suspense, intrigue and real characters. I
read many types of books and enjoy
coming across the good ones, no matter
what genre they are from.

Re: Atlantis Betrayed (4:31pm August 31, 2010):

Good luck with the move. It will be an
exciting adventure. Take advantage of
every opportunity that you can while
As for de-stressing, try to keep things
simple. We were career Air Force, but
weren't lucky enough to have an
overseas assignment. I always moved
too much stuff. That being said, leave
things that are important to you -
antiques, etc- here either with
someone you trust or in good, safe
storage. You are better off having a
huge yard sale (too much trouble for
me when trying to move) or contacting
a local charity that can use you stuff.
We always give our household stuff to
Catholic Charities which has a
transitional housing program open to
anyone who needs help. Housing in
Japan is small and you won't need
much. The bonus to that is you can
furnish your place there with local
items and them bring them home with

The key is to simplify. Bring as little as
you need, take advantage of the local
culture in both decorating and travel,
and enjoy yourself. Getting rid of stuff
on this end that can be easily replaced
when you get back is a very freeing
experience. It is that much less you
have to worry about. As long as the
major things like passports, shots, and
travel arrangements are in place,
things will be fine.

Re: Guarding Grace (6:43pm August 30, 2010):

That is certainly an interesting topic
for discussion. A vampire wanting a
Cialis moment? Can the little blue pill
increase blood pressure and redirect
what isn't there? A transfusion of
fluids prior to a night of romance
could help.
It seems you can pretty much make up
your own rules for your paranormal
world. It is fiction, unless you have a
vampire hiding in your basement, and
anything is possible, you just have to
write it.
The paranormal/urban fantasy field
has expanded so greatly in the past
few years. The variety of creatures,
worlds, and situations is amazing. It
seems no matter what type of story
you want it is out there. I'm still
sampling what is out there trying to
see what I like best.

Re: Dark Warrior Untamed (10:01pm August 27, 2010):

The first romances I ever read were
Julie Garwood's historicals. Her
highland warriors were men of honor:
brave, tender, someone you can trust
with your life. She always gave them
a heroine who would give them a run
for their money : )

Re: Deadly Fear (10:44pm August 26, 2010):

Getting into a killer's mind isn't a
pleasant thought. I'm not sure I want
to know how they think. Of course, it
makes the story that much better if
you know what they are thinking and
why, and what the twisted logic is for
what they do. I think the most
frightening thing is they are human
and something any of us has the
potential of being. When we read
paranormals, I don't think it is as hard
to see into the monster's mind and
follow his or her thoughts. They are
"other" and not us, so in a way we
don't have to be as afraid of them
because we can't become them.

Thanks for an interesting post.

Re: Bond With Me (10:01pm August 25, 2010):

The cover raises all kinds of questions.
It is certainly intriguing. Russia has
always projected a "dark" image. It is
foreign, remote, cold and powerful.
The Alphas are usually depicted the
same way. I am very curious about
your book and will be looking for it.

Re: Assassin's Heart (5:09pm August 24, 2010):

We could certainly be given second or
third or however many chances at life.
No great knowledge of previous lives
on my part, but there are times when I
feel a closeness to a place or event
that is a familiarity I can't explain. Why
not? There are many unexplained
phenomenon. I have had dreams and
premonitions of things that have
happened (the first one was on my 5th
birthday). I have felt and heard things
as they happened. Can't explain it and
don't really want to.
I think many of us have these same
abilities when we are young, but we
don't develop them either because we
don't realize we have them or because
our family doesn't want to believe they
exist. In my case, I was punished for
relating my dream and upsetting my
family. I had seen my young uncle who
was in Korea killed in my dream and
knew he was dead. They got the
telegram that afternoon. If it isn't
acceptable, you bury it and try to
ignore it. It is still there, but not as
well developed as it could have been.

I love the sound of both of these
books. I look forward to reading them.

Re: Don't Cry (10:04pm August 23, 2010):

My TBr pile is a mountain. I buy books
when I find them. When we went to
Florida in June, I came home with 100
new books. I didn't realize I had so
many until someone asked. It is hard
to resist when you go to a flea market
or thrift store and there are so many
you like. I have over 40 bookcases in
my house, most double stacked and
30 to 40 boxes still to be unpacked -
no room on the shelves. I try to read
and pass the books along, but I have
many keeper authors and books. I
also collect old books.

Re: Seduced by the Wolf (9:49pm August 23, 2010):

You did a good job of keeping it G-
rated. Not everyone has a mind that
wanders into R territory, even when
innuendo might send them there.
I haven't read many werewolf books.
This sounds interesting.
Good luck with the release of
December release of WOLF FEVER.

Re: Nemesis (10:14pm August 21, 2010):

In the summer, I read lots of Harlequin
Intrigues and Historicals or the
comparable Silhouette books. Our
schedule is chaotic. I don't have time
to sit around and get serious about
substantive books. That is OK. I have
some authors in these series I enjoy.
Once the cooler weather settles in,
that will be the perfect time to curl up
with something warm to drink and a
good, serious book.

Re: Whisper Kiss (9:50pm August 21, 2010):

I think the trait would be the ability to
breath fire. Many other "creatures"
have the other traits, but none that I
know of breath fire.

As far as what pulls me into a story, it
is well drawn characters and a well
developed and executed story.

This sounds like a good series. I look
froward to reading it.

Re: The Star Necklace (9:28pm August 18, 2010):

What is in the air over there? A blush
worthy trip : ) No nude story. Have
been mooned a few times - usually
teen boys. When I was in the Peace
Corps, I was riding in a horse drawn
taxi type vehicle. We passed a young
man standing on the side of the road
waving his "wares" at the passing
Thanks for the smile. Read this to my
husband. He got a kick out of the kilt
antics. Thank Heaven he doesn't go
commando when he wears his. After
this story though, I'll keep a better
watch on him : )

Re: Hero (7:13pm August 18, 2010):

I just heard about this book yesterday.
I have not read any of this series.
Actually, I haven't read any Science
Fiction in quite a few years. After
reading the description of this book
and the excerpt, I need to remedy

Reviews can be hard. I remember
getting very upset over evaluations of
volunteer activities. You need to
realize that not everything is
someone's cup of tea and they don't
care for a particular style or genre.
Take it for what it is worth. I read
reviews to help make selections for
myself and for book order
recommendations for a library. I
always read as many as I can because
there is usually one that will pan the
book and someone who feels it is the
best books ever written. Toss out the
high and low and see what the general
consensus is.

Best of luck with the release of Hero.

Re: Rule's Bride (11:35pm August 16, 2010):

Series are a favorite, for many of the
reasons you mentioned. What I don't
like is waiting month or a year for the
next book in a series to come out. I
usually wait until they are all out
before even starting the series. Your
release schedule for The Raines
Brothers books is perfect.
Have enjoyed your books for years. I
look forward to this new series.

Re: Roast Mortem (10:44pm August 14, 2010):

Firefighters are everyone's heroes.
Where I grew up they did pancake
breakfasts with fresh maple syrup to
raise money. Pancake breakfasts at
home are always special. Now that the
kids are grown and gone, we don't
have them very often. May have to
whip up a batch tomorrow.

Re: Mission of Hope (10:31pm August 14, 2010):

Sounds like a good story. A disaster
brings out the best and worst in man.
We don't know what we are capable of
until we are put to the test.
Best of luck with the release of

Re: Hell, Yeah (10:56am August 12, 2010):

Travis, who are you? Why are you in
Mingus and how did you manage to
land in Cathy's back yard.
Sounds like a fun series. Will be
checking it out once I dig through
some of my TBR pile. Of course I'll
have to read I LOVE THIS BAR first.
Need to do things in order. Wouldn't
want to miss out on anything.

Re: A Highland Duchess (10:44am August 12, 2010):

I love hearing the different processes
and paths authors use to get their
books on paper (or computer). The
number that decided to be authors
when they were just children is
fascinating. I enjoy your books and
would hate to think I would have
missed those stories if you had failed
to follow your dream. Heres hoping
those characters and stories continue
to develop for you.

Re: The 1st Wife (10:26pm August 9, 2010):

Not this week, but my old boss was
one of those people. When she hired
me, she outlined what needed to be
done and then opened the door to let
me do whatever else I could. Working
in a small library is exciting,
frustrating, and in this case was
wonderful. I got to know and work
with some great people. I got to
develop and implement new programs.
We had an eight year run where she
took the library from one that had
about 20 patrons a day and no out
reach to one with 150+ patrons most
days and many in house and outreach
programs. Our library was known in
the region for doing much with a
small budget. It was because of the
dedication of the employees. She
retired and things changed as they
tend to. Small town politics kicked
in. The vision for the library took a
180 degree shift. It is now a building
with books and no soul. My programs
were cut 2 weeks after she left. I was
relieved of my job. Both of which my
old boss later told me she expected.
It was nice to be able to spread my
wings and see what we could do. I am
finding much of my self-image was
tied to that job. I am now trying to
redirect my energy. There are a lot of
projects to get caught up on. My old
boss calls every few weeks to talk and
see how things are going. She now
lives 8 hours away. We all need
friends that encourage us to be
everything we are capable of. We all
need that pep talk every once in a

Re: The Quick and the Thread (2:17am August 8, 2010):

Unfortunately, most people don't
realize how much effort goes into
setting up for a signing or an expo
event. Having done displays and
booths at events, it is discouraging to
either be ignored or have no people
show up.
Hope you have more of the good
experiences than the bad.

Re: Such A Pretty Face (9:00pm August 5, 2010):

Wow, that last paragraph throws a lot
out there. I can't wait to see how it all
fits together. Loosing a large amount
of weight won't solve your problems.
You are still you and unless you deal
with the factors that resulted in the
weight gain, you will have problems of
some sort. The weight can still come
back, it will just take a while.

Re: The Smuggler And The Society Bride (11:49pm August 4, 2010):

I guess I like to see the characters
overcome hardship and roadblocks to
get to their HEA. I want more than just
a relationship story. I want a bit of
intrigue and suspense. Throw in a bit
of danger and a misunderstanding or
two to spice things up.
Have enjoyed your books and look
forward to reading this one.

Re: The Goddess of Fried Okra (9:58pm August 3, 2010):

My last boss was a friend and a boss.
She hired me and let me develop
programs and spread my wings. It
was nice having someone believe in
me and let me put my ideas into
action. Not many are like that. When
she retired, I found out just how lucky
I had been.

Re: Veil Of Night (8:53pm July 31, 2010):

What a wonderful time. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Re: Monster in Miniature (8:39pm July 31, 2010):

I cruise the shelves at stores and libraries lookingnat all the books. I will read just about anything. It just needs to sound like a good story with good characters. At the library where I worked, we shelved fiction by the authors name. Since all genres are mixed, people are exposed to everything. It helps them discover authors they may otherwise not try.

Cozy mysteries are becoming more popular. A good thing.

Re: The Ark (12:03pm July 30, 2010):

Anymore, it seems no matter how much you stretch your imagination, reality either follows you or is there to greet you.

Re: Barely A Lady (9:00pm July 28, 2010):

OK, since we have opened the door to cartoons, my favorite villian is Gaston from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. He is handsome, the women in town are all drooling after him, and the men admire him. He is a self important, braggart who will do anything, no matterr how vile, to get what he wants. He is the type that hides how evil he is well.
Good post.

Re: Knight Of Passion (12:48pm July 24, 2010):

I have your first two books in this
series. I've just been waiting for this
one before I start. Once I start reading
a series, I have no patience to wait for
the next book. So, most of the time,
I'll wait for them all to be out before
reading them. It keeps the continuing
characters and the story arc fresh in
my mind.
Congratulations on the awards your
books have already garnered and best
of luck with the ones you have been
nominated for. Best of all, are the
readers response to your books. I
have heard nothing but wonderful
things about them. It has made it
hard waiting for book 3.
I believe your next series will involve
Highlanders. I hope so. My very first
romances were Julie Garwood's
medieval and Highlander books.
Those settings are my favorites.
Readers shouldn't stress about your
heroines. They should know you
would only give the hero the best he
deserves : )

Re: The Tutor (1:20pm July 22, 2010):

Now I'm curious. He may be the Tutor,
but if they are so great together, is she
really going to marry her "dry as toast"
fiance? What a waste.

Re: Tomb With A View (3:34pm July 20, 2010):

I don't tell ghost stories, but we do
have several that live with us in this
house. Everyone except my husband
has experienced them. I'll have to
check out this series. I haven't read
much in the paranormal field. There is
so much out there, it is a matter of
finding what appeals to my tastes.

Re: Moonshine (3:24pm July 20, 2010):

You are so right. Good characters can
not exist in a vacuum. They need
more that the villain to make their
personality come across. Friends or
sidekicks bring out the different sides
of their personality and tell the reader
who this character really is.
Like the excerpt. We all need friends
like this.

Re: Ice Cold (9:10pm July 18, 2010):

I am so jealous. I was planning to at
least be at the signing this year, but
the flood took care of that. I have
non-refundable reservations in
Nashville for RWA which of course had
to be moved to Orlando. I just heard
of RWA last year before the conference
and was excited to find it would be
only 5 hours from home. Maybe some
year I'll make it. There are a few
authors whose sites I visit regularly
(Emily Bryan for one) that I wanted to
meet. With the number of authors
there I am sure I would be able to at
least see many of the authors I admire.

I'll think of you while I sit around
doing nothing in Nashville, wishing I
were there. I've invited my daughter
and grandchildren to come and join
me. That means a week of sitting
around the pool which is not
something I usually do.

Have a great time.

Re: Suck It, Wonder Woman! (9:47pm July 17, 2010):

Interesting how very different crowds
can be. A little scary some times, but
they aren't always what they seem. We
ended up among a group of bikers one
day. A bit intimidating until we
realized a couple of them were retired
military like us and many were baby
boomer professionals.
Sounds like it was interesting among
the geeks.

Re: Revenge for Old Times' Sake (12:15pm July 17, 2010):

If you are a people watcher, you will
rarely get bored. If they want a private
conversation, they shouldn't be carrying
it on in a public place for everyone to

Re: Fortunate Harbor (12:32pm July 15, 2010):

Friends are important. We don't
realize just how much until we loose
them or are too far away to be with
them much. When you live in a place
where you are considered an outsider
and excluded, the friendships, even
casual ones, you once took for
granted take on a very different
import. Treasure your friends,
hopefully you'll never know how much
you will miss them.

Re: Murder in the Abstract (12:45pm July 14, 2010):

I think the bad boy brings out the
mothering instincts in most women.
We should know better, but once he
throws you that dimpled smile, you
think he can't be all bad. We can
change him, give him what he needs to
settle down and behave himself.
Right. We will never learn or give up
Sounds good.

Re: To Conquer a Highlander (10:01pm July 13, 2010):

I collect books and bookmarks among
other things. I have way too many
books. I have collected old books
since finding my first one (an 1865
book on being a housewife and
mother) when I was in High School. I
have a mini-library in my house, well
not so mini. I have over 40 bookcases
and 30 to 40 boxes of books. I of
course have my keeper books. The
"regular" books I read and then send
them on their way. The problem is, I
am finding books faster than I can
read them.
I also sew and am staying as far away
from fabric stores as I can. Not
enough time to sew. Most of what I
have sewn in the past few years have
been costumes or regalia for pow-
wows. I am hoping that our house will
be finished soon (an 18 year
remodeling project) so I can get into
my sewing room to finish some old
projects and start some new ones. A
highland outfit for me is next. My
husband finally got his tartan kilt, etc.
I have the scarf, so I need a skirt,
blouse, etc to go with it. Civil War
outfits are next.

I love the sound of TO CONQUER A
HIGHLANDER. My kind of story. It
will probably find its way onto my
keeper bookcases with all the other

Re: Ice Cold (7:50pm July 13, 2010):

Had to look up the Dugway Incident
before commenting. It is hard to
believe that intelligent people would
even consider open air testing using
the methods and quantities they did.

What scares me? The dark, heights,
and spiders. All of which I have
learned to deal with. Just don't make
me deal them when I am overtired. At
that point, a noise will wipe me out.

Even though I can be easily creeped
out, I love a good suspense. Your
books always deliver.

Re: The 1st Wife (12:43pm July 10, 2010):

I think it would be hard not to have a
part of you or what you know show up
in your books. It is natural. The old
saying, Write what you know, would
certainly reflect that. I am watching
for your books. Best of luck with the
rest of the series.

Re: The Wild Irish Sea (9:53pm July 8, 2010):

The cottage on the Irish coast is a
dream of mine. I know it idealized,
but I could certainly handle it. I have
my own hero to take along, so we are
all set.
Sounds like a great story. I like the
romances I read to have mystery and
suspense. It makes them that much
Congratulations on the book and good
luck with the release.

Re: Crush On You (3:18pm July 6, 2010):

I do like friends to lovers stories. As you said, they already know each other so well. It sounds like I will enjoy Clare and Gil's story.

My husband and I were casual friends for a year in high school and wrote each other a couple of times a year for 7 years after that. We weren't close friends who knew everything about each other, just friends. When we saw each other briefly after 7 years, he came half way around the world 4 months later to propose. A shock, yes, but not an upsetting one. I think knowing someone outside a romantic relationship builds a firmer foundation for that relationship. I think it is true that you should like someone as well as love them.

Re: Home is Where the Bark is (2:31pm July 5, 2010):

We have had many pets over the years. We currently have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 snake, and 7 peacocks (3 are chicks just a week old). Olivia, is a 14 year old lab mix. She is such a sweetheart. I'm afraid she won't be around too much longer. She will be sorely missed. We have an 8 year old terrier mutt that is an absolute nut. She has that annoying terrier yap and bounced all over the place. She is a goofy, funny, wonderful little dog.

Re: Unchained (2:22pm July 5, 2010):

You certainly can't pick your relatives or often how you get along with them. Family is dictated by more than just birth. There are those who become family and are treated as such. I accept people for whom and what they are. None of us is perfect and we can't expect it of anyone else.
My favorite family tradition was getting together for Christmas midnight mass, then going to one set of grandparents for brunch afterwards. We would then go home and open our presents and go back to bed. Christmas Day, we would go to the other grandparents' house. We all live too far away to maintain that tradition and our children don't live close enough to do it. It is unfortunate because it was such an important extended family time.
I like the sound of your series. RAVENOUS is on my TBR Mountain. Hopefully I can read the two books together.

Re: A Cutthroat Business (7:14pm July 3, 2010):

I always did wonder about realtors who met strange people in empty houses, sometimes at night. Perfect setting for an unhappy ending.
The books sound like fun, I am enjoying (needing) books with a sense of humor.
Best of luck with both of your series.

Re: Dark Embers (5:38pm July 3, 2010):

No rasl favorites. However, the are a few I am not fond of like zombies and demons. It depends on the story and the character development whether or not I like a particular character.

Re: Her Sheik Protector (8:40am July 2, 2010):

First lines really do help set a story up.
Julie Garwood is an author who has
great first lines in her books.
"They meant to kill him." Honor's
"But for the gerace of God and an
untied shoelace, she would have died
with the others that day." Come The
"Bad things always happen during the
night." Ransom
"Donald MacAlister didn't die easy."
The Wedding

Re: The Fire Lord's Lover (12:30pm July 1, 2010):

Interesting post. I love little tid-bits.

Re: Rapture Untamed (8:25pm June 29, 2010):

I love series. I love stand alone books,
too, but series allow for greater
character and plot development. I like
to know what happens to characters
after a book ends. This allows us to
follow them for a longer time and if
they are not the main characters in the
next book at least be able to check in
and see what they are up to. Following
a series can be a problem. Finding
and reading book 2 or 4 before you
realize it is a series or having to wait
so long for the next book in the
Some of the series I have enjoyed:
Julie Kenner's demon hunting soccer
mom, Janet Chapman's Highlanders,
Karen Moning's Highlanders, Christine
Feehan's Drake Sisters, to name a few.

Re: The Master & the Muses (1:15pm June 29, 2010):

The physical "beauty" of the character
isn't high on the list. It is the inner
character that is most important. In a
heroine or hero, I look for an
honorable and honest individual.
They don't have to be perfect and may
have to grow greatly during the story,
but in the end they are a good person.
In the end, they should do what is
right for the greater good, not just for
their own self interest. They can have
a variety of character flaws, but basic
goodness and honor must be present.

Re: Fatal Affair (4:08pm June 27, 2010):

He must have a good heart. It may be
buried in a cynical shell, but that is
OK. He must be reliable, have a sense
of humor (though not be funny). He
must have an ingrained sense of honor
and morality.
Someone who is full of himself and
doesn't respect others is an automatic

Re: Dark Flame (1:46pm June 27, 2010):

Welcome, Becky. What an exciting
time for you. You couldn't have a
much better place to find out how
things work. It should be fun and an
interesting time for you. Best of all,
you get to meet authors and read
books. What more could we ask for?

Re: Hidden Wives (9:39pm June 26, 2010):

I haven't had time to read for a while
until recently. I'm on my second book
this week. They have been OK, but
they are not grabbing me. I have a
terrific TBR shelf, but haven't hit it yet.
Partly because I don't really have time
to get wrapped up in a book that I just
can't put down. Another part of it, is I
have been looking forward to reading
these books and don't want to be
The last book I read that grabbed me
Gabrielle Burton. It is about the
Donner party. Not light summer
reading, although reading about
people caught in the snow may appeal
to some who are suffering in this heat.
The main character, Tamsen Donner,
became a friend and if I had met her
in the 1846, I would have gone with
them on their trek to California . I
didn't want to finish the book. This is
historical fiction. I knew how it would
end. Somehow, I felt I could keep
them alive a little longer if I didn't
finish the book. It was like loosing a
good friend. It was such a good book.
I want to find another that draws me
in. There are some good prospects on
that shelf, I just need to take the leap
and try one.

Re: Sworn To Protect (11:11pm June 25, 2010):

Sound like great books. I like the books
I read to have strong heroines. Mystery,
suspense, and intrigue are all important
too. Sounds like your books fill the bill.

Re: The Devil She Knows (8:40pm June 22, 2010):

It truly depends on the hero. With
some, their identity is tied to a place,
as in your examples. With others,
their personalities and sense of
purpose is so strong they are bigger
than a place. No matter where they
find themselves, they will take over
and do what needs to be done. Either
one works, it all depends on the story
and the character.

Re: Summer Sanctuary (9:40pm June 21, 2010):

Go For It!
Every year I would put out displays for
Banned Book Week and people would
be very surprised at the books on the
list I posted. The books I pulled for
the display spent most of the time
checked out.
I worked in a small county library in
rural TN - a rather conservative area.
The first Harry Potter book was
replaced over 8 times the first year or
two. Some were checked out and kept
and some were taken so no one could
read it. With each Potter book I would
have people come to the desk to
complain about our carrying the book.
Of course none of them had actually
read it. They were just repeating what
was being said in their church. Before
I lost my job, they were complaining
about all the vampire and paranormal
Censorship by theft was a big
problem. We had 3 books on Darwin,
but didn't realize they were missing
until someone tried to check them out.
I checked the records and none had
ever been checked out. Chances are
they were taken as soon as they were
put out.
I talked to my children's groups about
censorship all the time. I had three
children from a conservative family in
my group. They were among the ones
not allowed to read Harry Potter - evil,
magic, wizards, dragons. Their
cousins were allowed to read them and
watch the movies. They were surprise
at the books on the banned list. The
son who was in 6th grade made the
best comment I had heard in a long
time. He said, "Our parents can tell us
what to read, but they don't have the
right to tell anyone else what they can
read." Everyone is entitled to their
own beliefs and tastes. Those are no
one else's business. That applies to
everyone. So if your tastes go to
christian fiction, enjoy. There are
some very good authors in that genre.
However, if someone else prefers
romance or paranormal, that is also
their right and you shouldn't be giving
them a hard time.
I r

Re: Smooth Talking Stranger (8:30pm June 20, 2010):

As usual, our children and their
families came over and we grilled and
ate on the porch. We got back from
vacation last week, so we went over
some the the things (books) we
brought back. Was a nice relaxed
Afraid I can't think of any books
primarily about dads in a crucial role.
I know I have read them, but at the
moment I am drawing a blank. (must
be because all those dishes are
waiting for me and the kitchen needs
to be cleaned up.)
Hope everyone had a great Father's

Re: The Lies We Told (10:21pm June 18, 2010):

This sounds like a good story line.
Liked the video. You are right, movie
videos are much easier to put
together. The characters and story are
already there in pictures, you just
need to pick and choose what you
want. With your book video, you must
go through the casting process and
make the pictures that highlight your
story. Some videos miss the mark.
Yours is nicely done.
Good luck with this book. Your books
are popular at our library.

Re: Stolen Son (9:49pm June 18, 2010):

The inciting incident isn't necessary
for all stories, but it can make a big
difference in one. It doesn't guarantee
a great story, but a major
event/transition point sets things up
for a good writer or director to make a
really good one. You have mentioned
three of my favorite stories. A major
event can totally change your priorities
and take a closer look at your life.
Good post.

Re: Dragon Unmasked (8:31pm June 16, 2010):

I am suffering a reading drought right
now. I was reading about 3 books a
week when I was working. I lost my
job in February and ended up
spending more time on the computer.
The author and book blogs I visited for
my job were mine to explore as long
as I wanted. I discovered more sites
and spent more time on the computer.
Now I have little time left for reading.
We just went on vacation for two
weeks and I brought a bag of books as
usual plus books on CD. I read only a
few pages and listened to most of the
book. I also bought books (100 of
them, I counted today). You can take
the librarian out of the library, but you
can't take the library out of the
librarian, or her house. I'm trying to
set more time aside for reading. I
enjoy it so much. I read just about
everything and enjoy most of it.

Re: Hidden Wives (7:54pm June 13, 2010):

This story has a setting of interest. Few stories deal with this topic. A secretive abd closed society that keeps outsiders away. I am looking forward to reading HIDDEN WIVES.

Re: Seducing the Knight (7:44pm June 13, 2010):

Sounds great. This is one my favorite time periods. Using a different setting for the story makes it even more appealing.

Re: The 1st Wife (10:25am June 9, 2010):

I also grew up in a small town. I have lived in both small towns an big cities. There is so much good about both ways of life. I like the pace of life in the small towns, but the cities have so much to offer. We lived in suburban DC for 5 years. We took advantage of it when we were there and our kids were the perfect age. We go back now to take in what we missed because it wouldn't appeal to the kids or what is new since we left. I like the sound of your new series. Best of luck with it.

Re: Ancient Whispers (7:37pm May 31, 2010):

First of all, congratulations on your
win and debut novel. It certainly took
stamina to hang in there and face the
public critiques and voting.

I was always very shy. Even in college
I managed to get out of the public
speaking course required for all
teachers. I paid for that. I joined the
Peace Corps and found myself in a
very public position overseas. Working
with classes and workshops for
teachers was no problem. However,
within a few months of arriving on
assignment I was introduced to the
entire town and led to podium to give
a speech. I discovered that day that
your knees really to shake and knock.
If I had not had the podium to hold on
to, I would have not been able to
stand. I really don't think I have ever
been so nervous. I survived and
public speaking doesn't bother me

Re: Blown Away (8:04pm May 30, 2010):

I tend to wait until the whole trilogy is
out before I sit down to read them.
For a three or four book series this
works. This way the characters and
story arc are fresh and I don't loose
any of the thread of the plots and
sub-plots running through the books.
I am waiting for the rest of Stephanie
Laurens BLACK COBRA 4 book series
to come out so I can sit down and read

Re: Dead in the Family (1:35pm May 29, 2010):

I haven't had time to think about my
summer reading yet. I have
HAUNTING BEAUTY by Erin Quinn on
the shelf and the sequel HAUNTING
WARRIOR sounds really good. Also
Leanna Renee Hieber's second book ,
PERSEPHONE PARKER, is out. I really
liked her first book, THE STRANGELY
PARKER, and will probably reread it
before reading Book 2. Donna Grant's
historical paranormal I'll probably pick
up. A contemporary I don't yet have
Chase. It sounds like it will be fun.
I have got to get my hands on Judi
Fennell's Mer Trilogy. It sounds really
good. Those should keep me busy : )

Re: The Journey Home (1:12pm May 29, 2010):

I know just what you mean. We always
think we'll have more time than we do.
My step mother threw away all my
mother's recipes in one of her crazy
rages and none of my siblings had
gotten any of mom's recipes before
she died (at 47, of course we had more
time). I've gotten a few of mom's
recipes from my aunts, but they just
aren't the same. I've purchased
dozens of old cookbooks trying to find
recipes that match some of my
grandmothers' dishes. I've come to
the conclusion that it is more than the
ingredients that count. There is
something personal that gets added to
the mix and there is no way to
duplicate that.

Re: Die Twice (10:16pm May 28, 2010):

This is a series I'll have to check out.
Always looking for new suspense

Re: His At Night (10:04pm May 25, 2010):

You have hit the reason I read and love
historicals. My favorite authors are
those who include the very little
details you mentioned. I want to know
the little details of everyday life for all
levels of society. Ken Follett's PILLARS
END cover two time periods. They
deal with everyday life, politics, the
church, medicine, commerce, the
plague, apprenticeship, building
bridges and churches, the list goes
on. It is well researched and full of
details. Both were wonderful books
and a treat for someone who loves
those little details.
I'll be checking out your books.
Thanks for the interesting information
in this post.

Re: Band Of Angels (3:14pm May 25, 2010):

Bolting, I love the term. My husband
was an Air Force brat and then in the
Air Force himself. I was from a family
where all the relative lived in the same
town and nobody left. I bolted first
chance I got. First Peace Corps
training across the country in San
Francisco (as far from Upstate New
York in so many ways as you could
get) for training and then to the
Philippines for 3 years. I travel all over
the country every opportunity I had. At
the end of my tour, I had a three
month trip planned from Singapore, to
Indonesia & Bali, Malaysia, Thailand,
India, then through the Middle East. I
made it as far as Bali, then back to
Singapore before getting new my
Mother was dying and I flew home.
Would love to do that trip, but I am
almost 40 years older, and it wouldn't
be the same.
I married an Air Force man figuring my
travels would continue. Two years
after our wedding, he was transfered
to my home town where we spend the
next 7 years. Not part of my plan. Wr
had 3 more good assignments -
Colorado, Sacramento, CA and
Washington DC. We retired to
Tennessee Which was half way
between our families. Sounded good
at the time, but it is 12 hours to one
and 15 hours to the other. We are
kind of stuck, can't afford to move.
We do however travel whenever we
can. We took advantage of all the
places we lived, seeing as much of the
country as we could. We are now
either revisiting places we liked or
exploring new places. We are finally
going to the Everglades and Key West
in a few weeks. Just in time for the oil
spill and hurricane.
I can be packed and ready to go at a
moments notice and am more than
willing to do so. My DH will probably
retire in a couple years (if the house is
paid off), then look out. We are
bolting for Scotland, Ireland, England
on our first trip and then where ever
else we might feel like going.

Re: Sex And The Single Earl (5:50pm May 21, 2010):

Small towns are great. Yes everyone
knows your business, but that can be
a good thing. People are less likely to
misbehave if they think people they
know will find out about it. Of
course, there is not a whole lot of
privacy and gossips can make more of
something than it is.
I'd still rather have that than the
impersonal treatment in a really large

Re: The White Shadow Saga (5:35pm May 21, 2010):

You brought out some very good
points for the aspiring author. Self-
publishing may be the "short-cut" to
getting published, but it isn't the
easiest way to be successful. The job
is only half finished.
Good advice for anyone who is
promoting a product or business.

Re: Lover's Knot (5:21pm May 21, 2010):

Amazing how clear things can become in
that half light state when our
consciousness is half in the dream world
and half awakened.

Re: On Folly Beach (3:02am May 19, 2010):

I am so sorry you lost your
Grandmother. You were lucky to have
had her in your life for so long. I too
come from a large family. It is
wonderful and chaotic when everyone
gets together. A few have started
compiling family histories and photos.
We are all spread out today, that we
are missing a very important part of
family life. When I grew up, my great
grandmother, all 4 of my
grandparents, my Mother's 8 siblings
and Dad's 6 siblings, plus the
multitude of cousins all lived in the
same area. Add to that a large
number of great aunts & uncles and
some second cousins, and we were
quite a crowd. There was always
someone around (we averaged 15
cousins at our house most weekends)
and you got to know the generations
and hear the family stories. We do not
live close to any family and my
children and grandchildren barely
know any of their relatives. We have
tried, but it has been a long time since
everyone could travel to a family get
together. It is really a loss that can't
be replaced. There is the feeling of
being a part of something and truly

Re: Web Of Lies (10:21pm May 17, 2010):

Urban fantasy gives an author a lot of
leeway to do pretty much what they
want. You get to create your own
world and the rules for that world.
And as you said, you get to throw in
action, magic, drama and romance.
Pretty cool. Can't beat that for a good
job to have.

I read almost everything but horror
and extreme erotica. I like a good
suspense novel. I love historical
romance and historical fiction. I like
intrigue, suspense, strong characters
and a well developed plot.

Re: A Thread So Thin (7:20pm May 16, 2010):

I had imaginary friends, they inhabited
the stories I made up and told my
siblings when I was a child. They are
still there in the stories i make up in
my mind today. Haven't made it to
paper yet. Maybe one day

Re: Silent Truth (3:15pm May 15, 2010):

Oh man, I wish I could go. It sounds like
a terrific time. We already have 3 trips
planned for the rest of this year. Maybe
next year. You have some great authors
lined up.

Re: Small Change (3:08pm May 15, 2010):

We all need our friends to help us
make it through life. sometimes it is
for little things. Sometimes it is for
major challenges. And sometimes it
for the major disasters that befall us.
It is great to know they will be there
for us.

Re: Getting In (12:04pm May 14, 2010):

My daughter has worked in college
admissions for a little over 10 years
now. First at a state university and
now at a community college. Oddly
enough the community college is a
more mature and professional place.
Knowing some of her experiences, I
am sure no matter what you have in
your book isn't far from the truth.
In addition, I remember our trips
looking for colleges when she was a
senior. I'm sure I'm in there too.
This sounds like a book she would

Re: Silent Truth (8:41pm May 11, 2010):

Sounds like a good suspense. The
choices needed to be made when a life
is in danger are difficult. Who knows
what choice we would make if faced
with it. I have WHISPERED LIES waiting
to be read.
I look forward to reading which
sounds like a great series.

Re: A Thread So Thin (9:12pm May 8, 2010):

I will read just about anything, except
erotica. The YA genre has certainly
boomed lately. Not only is the market
flooded with YA books, but the quality
of the writing is for the most part very
good. Yes, they are YA stories not
adult books, but many of them are still
good reads. I read for a lot of
different reasons and enjoy many type
of books. YA has a place in the
market and on my reading list. I think
those authors that are writing YA as
well as adult won't "defect" to the YA
camp leaving their adult readers
stranded. Just like authors who write
in a variety of adult genre and do well
in all of them, these authors can add
YA to their body of work and still keep
up with their adult works.

Re: The Jaguar Prince (11:48pm May 7, 2010):

Cute. But it is true. You do get the
sounds of nature. Of course it is
mating season for our peacocks right
now. They are really noisy and I can't
hope they would fly away. They don't
bother me anymore, but I'm not sure
about the neighbors. My son is
threatening them with being Mother's
Day dinner. Then their noise sets off
the neighbors' dogs and ours join in.
The cows in the pasture join in and on
some days (nights) the donkey down
the road joins in. I don't even want to
know what type of shifters are waiting
out there.

Re: Rumor Has It (11:46pm May 6, 2010):

Sounds like a fun read. I have lived in
small town most of my life, do now. It
is so true that little goes unnoticed.
That has its advantages, but also its
drawbacks. Rumors do get started
and for some unknown reason are
really hard to stop.
Good luck with the release of the
Cute cover.

Re: In Shelter Cove (11:56pm May 4, 2010):

In any genre, I like heroes who are
tortured. They have been falsely
accused, had a great loss, are
struggling to do what is right.
Something is trying to crush their
spirit. They are strong individuals that
are fighting to prove themselves or are
ignoring falsehoods that are trying to
destroy them.

Re: His Border Bride (11:46pm May 3, 2010):

My favorite hero is also a Highlander.
It is Brodick Buchanon from RANSOM
by Julie Garwood. All of her heroes are
wonderful, but he and Gillian, the
heroine , are special. He is a bit of a
rogue, but has a vera good heart.

Re: Think Twice (10:29pm May 2, 2010):

No books I would say to avoid. I
didn't get to read much in April, only 3
or 4 books. Finished BREAKING DAWN
by Stephenie Meyer. It took a few
unexpected turns, but was good. I
read two books in a series by Carla
Neggers and will definitely be reading
the last one. I read THE WIDOW and

Re: Blood Of The Demon (8:59am April 30, 2010):

I am still in the sampling stage of
reading paranormal. There is such a
wide variety of sub-genre and
directions the books are taking it is
rather exciting. You can take you
pick, dark and creepy, light and fun,
or a blend of the two. With the variety
of story lines out there anyone should
be able to find something they like.
The quality of authors is encouraging.
There are some not so good books out
there, but for the most part, no matter
what you are looking for you will find
it written well. Rather than leave a
class of books you enjoyed, look
around and try some new authors and
new story lines. Tired of vampires,
there are witches, genies, angels,
mermen (and women), ghosts,
demons, fairies, the list goes on. This
field is one of the most dynamic in
the business at the moment.

Re: The Fallen (8:41am April 30, 2010):

So many readers consider characters a
reflection of the authors. I would
hate to think what that says about
some authors when you consider some
of the books and characters out there.
I love a good suspense and your books
have characters very much tied into
today's critical issues.

Re: Just Like Me, Only Better (10:17pm April 27, 2010):

Lets face it, the image of authors, at
least with people I know, is that you
are successful and financially secure
once that book gets published and
sales are made. You can just keep
pumping out more books and filling
your bank account. No problem. Lets
face it, unless you are familiar with the
publishing business, you have no clue
what it really is like. Most people,
even aspiring authors, think you write
your book and in a few months it is on
the shelf, you have people lined up
buying it and waiting for you to sign it,
and the money starts rolling in. They
don't realize how many years it can
take to get something published and
how much of the book's sale price they
will really get as profit.
I guess all those adjectives you listed
apply for good reason.

Re: A Thread So Thin (9:56pm April 27, 2010):

I joined the Peace Corps and was to
leave a month after graduating from
college. A week or so before I was
scheduled to leave, Our old 4-H agent
(and one of my references for the
Peace Corps) offered me my dream job
- develop 5 outdoor classrooms, write
the curriculums, and run the program
for a school district on Long Island. I
went with the Peace Corps because I
had already made a commitment and
had some training. The other job
would have been fantastic, but with
budget cuts, who knows how long I
would have had it. I met some
wonderful people and had some
fantastic experiences. I made the
right choice.

Re: The Teaberry Strangler (10:36pm April 25, 2010):

There are a few authors and series
from other authors that I just have to
have - Karen Moning, Janet Chapman,
Julie Garwood, Christina Dodd, among
others. There are, however many
other authors whose books I search
out and read at the library. That was
one of the things I loved about
working at the library. You knew
when books were coming out (and
often got it first) and I could introduce
authors to people. We discovered
Laura Childs about 3 years ago and
have made sure all her books are on
the shelf.

Re: Rule's Bride (11:06pm April 23, 2010):

Love your books, Kat. The first of
yours that I read were PERFECT SIN
and WICKED PROMISE. I still have
more of yours on my TBR shelf. I
think what I like most about your
heroes is that they are not always the
nicest people. Their goodness comes
out in the story, but it takes a while
for it to work its way to the surface.
No pretty boy nice guys so far in what
I've read. Your characters are always
complex and the plots have many
twists and turns. This series sounds
good. I'll definitely be looking for it.

Re: Beautiful People (10:40pm April 21, 2010):

Very funny. I do like your sense of
I like dry wit and the sense of the
ridiculous. Having a character who is
clueless and innocently making
comments which can readily be taken
in a way other than they were meant is
funny. She/he usually doesn't have a
clue what they said, or they only
realize it after it has been said. Funny
for everyone else, but embarrassing
for the individual. Been there, done
that. Call me clueless : )

Re: Maid for the Millionaire (10:13pm April 20, 2010):

We should all celebrate those
milestones of our lives. The more
spectacular the better. As you get
older, each milestone is even more
important. I think people forget to
just celebrate life and all the little
things that make it worth living.
Those milestones become times for us
to look where we have been and where
we are going. Then we can decide it
the path we are taking is what we
want, or if we need a little detour or a
whole new direction. Enjoy writing
your books for us to enjoy.

Re: Silent Truth (9:34pm April 19, 2010):

My passion has changed over the
years. Other than my family, my
passion has always been working with
children. I've always done something
with them in some capacity. Until
recently I was a children's librarian
which allowed me to combine with my
other passion, books. I am suffering
from children withdrawal at the
moment, but at least I am surrounded
by books. I am working with my
grandson and am trying to work out
something with his homeschool group
so I can teach and introduce them to
new books. May be a little problem
there, I think my daughter is afraid to
expose them to me. I am probably too
liberal and open for them.

Re: Building Iphone Apps With Html, CSS, And Javascript (12:56pm April 18, 2010):

My whole house is a book stash : )
There have been a few times lately
when I have felt I needed to read a
particular book because I really should
write a review and I wasn't in the
mood for it. I keep looking at the
shelves of books with others calling
my name. I have a bunch of books
waiting for me now but I am reading
BREAKING DAWN by Stephenie Meyer
because I really want to finish the
Twilight series. I am enjoying it, but
am worrying about what I'll read next.
I have a feeling no mater what I
choose, I'll be wishing I were reading
something else.
I wish I could read one book a day. I
hoped to gi

Re: The Firefighter's Secret Baby (10:27pm April 16, 2010):

I have been waiting for this books
since reading the excerpt last year
during your DARK LEGACY lead up
blogs. I haven't read the rest of your
Atlanta Heroes series, but by the
sound of things I'd better remedy that.
Good luck with the release.

Re: The Mage In Black (11:22pm April 12, 2010):

I lived in the library when I was a kid
all the way though college. I've always
either had access to a library, or had
my own at home. I am the oldest of 6
and the library was my way to get
some peace and quiet. I lived for
Nancy Drew (my aunt had the
complete collection from when she
was younger) and other mysteries. My
other love was science and archeology.
My daughter and her son are both
dyslexic, so it has been frustrating
trying to get them to love books.
Audio books have been a godsend for
him in particular. I've gotten him the
Hardy Boy sets that have the book on
CD and the book so he can follow

Re: Big Bad Wolf (11:21pm April 11, 2010):

I like reading series, but I can't
imagine why they would present the
story out of order. It really confuses
things way to much. As you said, if
you are constantly trying to figure out
who is who or what happened to
someone it detracts from the story. I
have no problem with reworking a
story, but put it in order within the
series. You want us to follow your
series, don't make us need a map and

Re: If I Were Your Woman (10:24pm April 9, 2010):

These topics need to be dealt with.
Those people that must deal with these
problems still have lives and still deserve
a happily ever after. Keep writing away
tackling those touchy topics.

Re: Reunion (11:18pm April 8, 2010):

Have enjoyed your books for years.
Have not read any of the Nocturne's
though. I have only read paranormals
the past year or so. The WARRIORS
FOR THE LIGHT series sounds like
something I would enjoy. Will have to
search out the first 3 and keep an eye
out for the new one.
That necklace is truly spectacular. I'm
heading to the internet to find out
more about it. Would prefer to go to
Peru to see it : )
Good luck with the release of the rest
of the series.

Re: My Own Personal Soap Opera (9:27am April 7, 2010):

Loved the post. Humor really is
relative. What we find humorous
varies so much from person to person.
I have never gotten the male "locker
room" humor. To me it is just not
funny. Crude, often, but to me not
funny. Slapstick humor makes me
groan more than laugh. I like farce,
situational humor.
Your books sound like fun reads and
these days we all need those.

Re: On Shadow Beach (9:05am April 7, 2010):

The "bodice ripper" covers never
appealed. I don't mind couples, but
lets keep their clothes on. Landscape
covers like yours are good, as are
covers that have items that pertain to
the story. I don't know why, but I like
the current trend of not showing full
heads/faces. I think it is the eyes say
much about a person and I still like to
create what the characters look like in
my head.

Re: Just Fooling Around (7:39pm April 5, 2010):

Our son-in-law is a postal carrier.
They showed up to sort mail at 6:30 or
7AM as usual. The postmaster told
them they would have to watch a 30
minute training film before being able
to start sorting for the day. Amid
much grumbling, the film started as all
post office training films do. A couple
of minutes into the film, their post
master's face popped onto the picture
with a big smile and "April Fools, get
to work and have a good day."

Re: Lake Magic (1:20pm April 5, 2010):

Last month I finished listening to
ELDEST by Paolini I'm not working
anymore, so my drive time for audio
books is gone.
author Beverly Kendall. It is historical
romance. I enjoyed it. A good first
book. Personal preference, but this is
a relationship book and I prefer books
that have more than the relationship
as the driving plot line.
THE ANGEL by Carla Neggers. Good
suspense. It is the second book in a
series. It stands alone, but I liked the
other characters and am almost
finished with book one, THE WIDOW.
I will definitely be reading book 3, THE
I may not be working, but I certainly
am not getting much reading done.

Re: The Darcy Cousins (1:04pm April 5, 2010):

Monica, look at what you wrote - "now
that you have created them, they will
go their own way, and you can't do a
thing to stop them." That statement is
a perfect description of a child and
they are yours. What it sounds like, is
if you would listen to them in the first
place, you would save yourself a lot of
work and rewriting. I have to smile
when authors say they were trying to
write a story a certain way but their
characters would not let them.
Maybe they are real on some other
plane of existence and writers are just
channeling them. (Don't know where
that thought came from. With what is
being written out there, that is a scary

Re: A Certain Wolfish Charm (12:48pm April 1, 2010):

The book sounds like fun. I hadn't
heard of those drinks before my
daughter went to college and came
home to tell me about them. Zombies
were the thing when I was in college,
back in the Dark Ages. I have seen a
few reviews for A CERTAIN WOLFISH
CHARM and they have been good.
I can't imagine trying to craft a story
with a cowriter, but it have obviously
worked for you. I look forward to
reading this book. Good luck with the
next one.

Re: Flirting With Forever (8:32pm March 29, 2010):

I love time travel books. I have gotten
very behind in my reading. SEDUCING
MR DARCY is still on my TBR pile as
are all of Diana Gabaldon's books.
To Buy List. They all sound like fun in
addition to being good stories.

Re: Big Girl (9:00pm March 22, 2010):

The first adult novel I read was an
historical, LYDIA BAILEY by Kenneth
Roberts. I think Victoria Holt was next.
The first real romance author I read, was
Julie Garwood.

Re: Something About You (8:40pm March 22, 2010):

Sounds like a good story. what made
you decide to make it a humorous
thriller? Murder usually is not a
humorous situation. I like a snarky
relationship between the protagonists
of a story. It adds a bit of spice.

Re: Do They Know I'm Running? (8:27pm March 22, 2010):

Music is a very good image to use and
relate to for fiction. The colors, flow and
character of music lend themselves to the
movement of a story.

Re: The Highlander's Sword (8:24pm March 22, 2010):

The Scottish Highlands and men in kilts -
that right there is the start to a good
story. Have seen reviews of this book
and it sounds like one I want to read.

Re: Forget Me Not (8:21pm March 22, 2010):

Whimsey is good. People need to not take
themselves too seriously once in a while.

Re: The Stolen Crown (8:19pm March 22, 2010):

Have heard many good things about
this book. I expect accurate historic
details in the historical fiction I read.
Susan, it is obvious you take your
research seriously.
That will make the book that much

Re: SEALed with a Ring (3:20am March 15, 2010):

I have seen this book on may sites. all
I've read about it sounds good. It
sounds like the kind of book to pick
up when you need to escape into a
modern, alpha military hero romance.
Don't we all need one of those every
once in a while.

Re: The You I Never Knew (2:28am March 15, 2010):

I prefer to laugh. I like serious books,
but tear jerkers give me a headache. If
you want to cry, try Karen Kingsbury's
OCEANS APART. Susan Elizabeth
Phillips' WHAT I DID FOR LOVE has
many smiles, but is in the end a
serious book in its own way.

Re: The Stolen Crown (2:22am March 15, 2010):

I have started reading more historical
fiction lately. I've read historical
romance for years and have always
preferred those that were accurate in
their historical and daily life details.
Historical fiction promises that and
more. I've heard of this book on
several other sites and look forward to
reading it.

Re: Plaster And Poison (1:16am March 5, 2010):

How great for you and your story that
this name was there and popped out
at you. Not only that, but his death
was a murder. As you said, it is
enough to give you chills. I hope you
do find out more details about him.

Re: Truly, Madly (10:49pm March 3, 2010):

I believe it can happen. It was sort of
love at second sight for us. We went
to high school together for a year or
so, then didn't see each other for 7
years. He was one of many friends
whose fathers were stationed at the
nearby Air Base. I wrote to several of
them once or twice a year after
graduation. I say him briefly after 7
years while stopping to visit my cousin
. He showed up 5 month later and
proposed. No dating, we just realized
we were right for each other when we
first met again.

Re: Lake Magic (12:58pm March 3, 2010):

Sounds like a good book. I usually wait
until the whole series is out . I'll don't
like waiting for the next book in a series
to come out.
Good luck with the release.

Re: Seeing Red (1:14am March 1, 2010):

February was not the best of months.
My commute wasn't that long, so I am
still working on ELDEST by Paolini - 2
more discs to go (there are 20). I lost
my job mid-month so my drive time
has dried up. I have a very large pile
of audio books. Will have to set up a
time and place to listen to them in the
house. Finished PERCY JACKSON AND
Jackson, Beverly Barton and Wendi
Corsi Staub and started then put down
ANGEL by Carla Neggers. I'll pick it
back up when I finish MOST LIKELY
which has been good. I'm in the mood
for an historical romance, so I'll be
checking my TBR pile for one.

Re: The Mane Squeeze (1:03am March 1, 2010):

I was a children's librarian until a
week or so ago. I found myself
reading junior, middle school and YA
books just to keep current with what
was out there. I also did deliveries to
seniors, so was checking out authors
they might like. Then I was in charge
of the library book club so was
reading and selecting books for that.
Now I am going to be able to attack
my TBR pile and read something for
me. Not that I didn't enjoy the kids
books. I'm actually working on three
series I started in both J and YA. I'm
currently reading MOST LIKELY TO DIE
by Lisa Jackson, Beverly Barton and
Wendi Corsi Staub. Next will be an
historical romance.

Re: Cowboy Trouble (2:23am February 28, 2010):

I love the sound of your story. I like
serious, but lately a sense of humor
has been needed. Independent, sassy,
and funny are a good break from
work, a bad economy, and now
Funny you should mention a heroine
with a disability. There are a few
books out there with them, but not
many. Catherine Anderson has one
confined to a wheelchair in PHANTOM
WALTZ, but off hand, I can't think of
any others. There are many books
with scarred and injured heroes, but
one gets the impression that a woman
can't be desirable if she is likewise
afflicted. You can be smart, sassy,
capable, have a sense of humor, and
be sexy even if you need a cane to
walk or have other problems.

Re: The Texan's Happily-Ever-After (8:49pm February 25, 2010):

Karen, Glad you are back to dealing
with real issues. It is important to
bring these things and how to deal
with them to light. Date rape is
something that is still not taken
seriously by many law enforcement
officials. That said, you deal with 3
issues in this book. It sounds like a
good read. I look forward to it.

Re: Easter Promises (12:49pm February 25, 2010):

I'll have to get this book for my
daughter. She will enjoy it. We are
pretty careful with our animals, the are
all doomed to non-reproductive lives
when they join the family whether they
are, dogs, cats, sheep, goats, or
My passion is reading. Hard to choose
just one topic. It really depends on my

Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (10:30pm February 23, 2010):

Like anthologies. They are good for a
quick read and sampling authors. I like
your aunt's way of dealing with snakes. It
is what we'd do. Like the sound of

Re: Take Me If You Dare (9:59pm February 23, 2010):

Great evaluation of the movies and
actors. I am not a big movie goer and
have not seen any of the ones nominated.
I will probably watch part of the Oscars
just out of curiosity.

Re: Fantasy in Death (9:52pm February 23, 2010):

Can't believe there have been 30 books
in this series. I don't know how she does
it, producing so many books under both
her names.

Re: Kayla's Daddy (9:06pm February 18, 2010):

I guess you have to listen to the voices in
your head. If a book needs to be written,
you'd better do it. Sounds like it will be a
good series.

Re: Lights, Camera...Kiss The Boss (8:54pm February 18, 2010):

Why not have an environmental/nature
based romance. The genre has been
approached from just about every other
direction. Keep those ideas coming.
Good luck with the release.

Re: Accidentally Demonic (8:47pm February 18, 2010):

Sounds like fun. I like my paranormal
with a sense of humor.

Re: Viking in Love (1:11am February 4, 2010):

Sounds like great fun. Wouldn't have
thought of the Dixie Chicks as a
Viking inspiration, but why not. The
story line certainly works. I've read a
few viking stories over the years and
their portrayal of the Vikings was
evenly split. They were either
presented as blood thirsty invaders or
intelligent, caring explorers. I'll be
checking out your Viking books,
especially Viking In Love.

Re: Dangerous Highlander (7:15pm January 5, 2010):

This sounds like it will be a good series.
A little magic, Druids and men in kilts.
What more could we want?

Re: The Beautiful Being (1:36am December 17, 2009):

I have an acquaintance who finished
her first book last spring. She was
collecting rejection letters and getting
rather upset. I don't think she
realized how hard it is to get
published. She is still upset she hasn't
gotten any offers.

Re: Knit The Season (1:02am November 28, 2009):

We are just organizing a book club at our
small library. The Friday Night Knitting
Club sounds like a good candidate for
one of our picks. Will enter for the book
club "visit" if we do.

Re: Over My Dead Body (12:51pm November 28, 2009):

I nominate the library where I work.
As with most small libraries, our
funding is lacking. I do what I can to
make the pennies stretch, but there
are always more books than I have
money for. I am the children's
librarian, but help select and purchase
for the whole library.

Re: A Father For Jesse (12:46pm November 28, 2009):

Free is good, especially this time of the

Re: Take Me For A Ride (9:58pm November 25, 2009):

When my sister first started cooking,
she decided to make a cake. She
saved back some of the batter, divided
it into smaller bowls while the cake
was baking, and added different food
coloring to each bowl. When the cake
cooled, she "frosted" it with a rainbow
of raw cake batter. It was interesting.
None of us knew what the frosting was
until we ate it. The sad thing was she
didn't believe us when we told her that
wasn't the way it was done.
Hope everyone has a great

Re: Prime Evil (12:49pm November 22, 2009):

I have stories in my head but don't write
them down. There are times when the
plots change, or I revisit them and try
them different ways. If I wrote them
down, they might stay the same.

Re: The Monuments Men (12:51pm November 21, 2009):

Had heard of these people a year or so
ago. It is truly sad when a culture's
works are stolen, destroyed, or lost.
These people did the world a service
by making sure these great works are
available to share for many, many

Re: The Splendor Falls (11:22pm November 19, 2009):

Have not yet read it, but it certainly
sounds like one I need to check out for
our library. Will have to check on her
other books too. She sounds really good.

Re: Dark Legacy (2:08am November 19, 2009):

Followed your blog tour and your posts
before DARK LEGACY came out. like the
plot premise. Look forward to the second
book in the series.

Re: Men Of The Otherworld (2:06am November 19, 2009):

I vote for Charles.

Re: Over My Dead Body (1:25am November 17, 2009):

You are so right. I was lucky to have
two very different grandmothers, but
they were both good cooks and knew
how to make due. There were 9
children in my Mom's family and 7 in
my Dad's. I know things were tight
many times. I'm the oldest of 6 and
my Mom was a wonder at getting
meals on the table. I love to cook and
taught all our children early on how to
cook. Now that they are grown and
out of the house I don't cook much.
My husband, also a good cook, gets
home from work before I do, so most
of the time he fixes dinner. I look
forward to the holidays and all the
cooking it entails. I remember all the
wonderful family get-togethers. I can
close my eyes now and smell
Christmas dinner at my
grandmother's. I really cherish those
times and miss them.

Re: Prime Evil (1:15am November 17, 2009):

Nice article on the evolution of the
vampire stories. It is interesting the
many variations that are out there in the
worlds built by authors.

Re: Dead Pan (11:27pm November 15, 2009):

Am glad to see your book will come out
in large print. Our library is always
looking for more series to put out for our
patrons who need large print. Good luck
with the releases.

Re: Kill Zone (1:20am November 14, 2009):

What a lovely post. You are so right
about putting things off and waiting
for the time to be right. I spent the
time as a military wife putting things
off. We retired because my husband
had cancer and I was working full time
for the first time. For one reason or
another, things were delayed. I'm at
the point now where I'm at the edge of
it's too late. I have enjoyed most of
what I've done, but exploring a few
possibilities, like writing, were left
I think I'll aim for the Fairy Godmother
slot. That really would be a great

Re: Love You To Death (2:21am November 13, 2009):

Appearances aren't everything. A nice
body can hide a rotten soul. Nice looking
helps, but it is the inner person that I am
drawn to.

Re: Willoughby's Return (2:16am November 13, 2009):

You have certainly done your research
which is good for us. Such detail
makes the stories so much more real.
I think I'd like a nice day dress and
wrap. Ball gowns are lovely, but I'd
like something more practical.

Re: Children of the Night (8:21pm November 11, 2009):

Never really read any vampire books
until a few years ago. Have read some
of Christine Feehan's and Maggie
Shayne's books and the Twilight
series. Enjoyed them all. Am sampling
more paranormal books lately, so I'm
sure I'll be "seeing" more vampires.

Re: Bunco Babes Gone Wild (7:47pm November 11, 2009):

Didn't take the quiz, but would think
there would be a little of each Bunco
Babe in us all with one being a bit
more dominant.
Good luck with the release of BUNCO

Re: Spinning Forward (8:33pm November 10, 2009):

You were wise to do what was right for
you. As with anything, when it is time, it
is time. Best of luck with your release. I
wish you all the best on this and your
future books.

Re: Wild Blue Under (12:52pm November 10, 2009):

I had no idea this book had such a
sense of humor. It will be a nice
change of pace. We all take ourselves
much too seriously. These books will
obviously not be what I had expected
them to be. They'll be better.
Good luck with the release of WILD

Re: Kindred In Death (12:38pm November 10, 2009):

Holds are down a little at our library,
but I don't think is is so much the
price of the book as much as the fact
that people seem to be really busy.
We are a small library with a small
budget. We get only one copy of a
book. Usually some one will donate a
second copy of the best sellers so the
waiting time is reduced a little.
I like series and will follow them as
long as the characters and the plot
line stay fresh.

Re: Rainwater (9:30pm November 7, 2009):

Lovely video. I'll have to check and
make sure we got this one in at our
library. I'm pretty sure you are a
standing order, but I need to make
sure. If we don't have it, you can be
sure our patrons will let us know.
I watch a lot of book videos and like
them. There are some very good ones
out there, and some that they should
have forgotten about putting out. The
best I've seen lately was for a western
romance. I like yours: short, sweet
and to the point. Amazing what you
can do on short notice.
Good luck with the releases on all your
new books.

Re: One Lucky Cowboy (12:23pm November 6, 2009):

I know a book is great when I find myself
laughing like a fool when I'm by myself.
It is a joy to find one of those, they are
just too rare. We all need more
opportunities to laugh.

Re: The Wrong Side of Dead (12:10pm November 5, 2009):

Nice trailer. Too each his own as far
as the marriage is concerned. There
are a lot of odd marriages out there.
This one could well be better than
several I know of.
Good luck with THE WRONG SIDE OF
DEAD. Will be checking on your books
for our library. We need some more
suspense authors.

Re: Killjoy (11:58pm November 4, 2009):

There are lots of good villains (that
doesn't sound right) out there. My
"favorite" is Magua from LAST OF THE
MOHICANS. He has his reasons for being
nasty, but he is cold heartedly brutal.

Re: Captive Desires (11:54pm November 2, 2009):

So true. Anyone who participates in
the arts and "performs" is a magician.
Dancers, singers, potters, writers,
painters, sculptors, to mention a few
all change our lives and transport us
with their work. Just think how dull
our lives would be without them.

Re: Remembering Ashby (1:09am November 1, 2009):

What a powerful excerpt. The best part,
and a great hook, you have no idea
where this story is going next. Will
certainly want to read this one.

Re: Haunted (1:51am October 31, 2009):

I'm only familiar with the witches in
Practical Magic and Molly Weasley.
The witches in Hocus Pocus were a lot
of fun. Bette Midler outdid herself. Of
course there are a lot of witches in the
fiction out there right now. And we
get to enjoy as many of them as we

Re: Final Approach (1:45am October 31, 2009):

Funny, but I use the same tactics you
do with the candy. If I bought early,
the candy never made it to Halloween.
I got stuff the kids like, but my
husband wouldn't touch.
Unfortunately, I have a sweet tooth
and like almost anything. Never did
the recycle thing unless the kids got
home early. They would sort their own
candy and give me what they didn't
Good luck with your book. Hope it
leads to a successful writing career.

Re: What The Duke Desires (2:29am October 30, 2009):

I enjoy family series. Family can be
loosely defined. One of my favorite
family series is Julie Garwood's Rose
Trilogy (For the Roses, The Clayborne
Brides, and Come the Spring). The are
family in the strongest sense of the
word, but none share the same
parents We recently returned from an
Air Force unit reunion. It is a relatively
small group of people, and some of
the best people We've ever known. We
only see them every 2 years, but it
always seems like just yesterday we
were together. Family is what you
make it, and a strong bond is one of
the most important things.

Re: Mr. Darcy Vampyre (12:44pm October 29, 2009):

An interesting variation on a story. I like
the traits you give your evil vampires.
Well, like isn't exactly correct. The traits
you give the story more body and variety.
Interesting blog.

Re: The Pelican Brief (12:03pm October 28, 2009):

Unless there is a reason for a specific
ethnicity for a role, I think open
casting is a good practice. As long as
you get the essence of the character
from the performance it doesn't
matter so much what they look like. I
can think of some movies where they
cast a name actor for a part because
of his/her fame and they just didn't fit
the part. It changes the feel of the

Re: Silver Silence (11:55pm October 27, 2009):

Have enjoyed your books. SILVER
SILENCE sounds like it will be another
great one. Can't wait to read it.

Re: My Unfair Lady (1:59am October 27, 2009):

Nice letter. Will be looking for your
books. Love finding new authors.

Re: Fool Moon (9:36pm October 25, 2009):

While we were on vacation a few years
ago, our son was attacked by a bear
behind our house. We go home 2 days
later about 2 in the morning. About
4AM our 3 dogs went crazy barking
and trying to get through the front
door and the window in our bedroom.
We could hear something banging
around outside, knocking the furniture
off. I got up and turned the porch
light on. Was the bear back? No, a
cow had gotten out of the neighbor's
pasture and was stuck on the porch
trying to get off. Short night.

Re: Santa Honey (1:40am October 24, 2009):

You are right to be concerned. Some
may look at the e-book as the savior
to the business, but it is more likely
going to speed the decline. It is much
easier to distribute an ebook with the
author getting nothing. I read of
successful authors being dropped,
being told to what to write, and in one
case, a planned 10 book series was cut
after books. It is disturbing to think
of the publishing business collapsing.
What would we do without our books?
I certainly have no answers, but there
has to be some way to stop the viral
spread of pirated ebooks. In the
publishing world, we need them to
relax a little and realize that cutting
back on what they offer will not
reduce their losses or increase their

Re: Possess Me At Midnight (11:39pm October 22, 2009):

Wonderful series, Shayla. You may get
100 different descriptions of what love
is or how to tell if two people are in
love, but we know it when we see or
read it. It is just a little different for
each person and you wonderful
authors keep showing us in your
books. Keep writing those strong
stories and bringing your characters

Re: A Marquis To Marry (11:03pm October 15, 2009):

Sounds like a good trilogy. I enjoy
historicals that have a family link and a
link to real events. Will be looking for
your Duke and Marquis and waiting for
the Earl in April.

Re: Soulless (8:36pm October 13, 2009):

Steam punk makes me think of THE TIME MACHINE and 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, if my understanding of the genre is correct. Have heard about it a bit lately, but not read it.

Re: The Hunt (10:27pm October 12, 2009):

Sounds like you have a great start to your new career. It is so hard to have to start over. You have done well.

Re: The Promise (10:21pm October 12, 2009):

I want to read everything. When I find an author I like, I get all their books and try to start at the beggining of their works. I currently have boxes of books by authors (new and old friends) that I want to read. I know there are a lot of good writers out there I haven't found yet. I'll keep sampling all the authors and genres I can and know I'll find ones I like.

Re: A Hollywood Ending (10:12pm October 12, 2009):

Julie Gqarwood has always been a favorite. Have enjoyed Nora Roberts, Johanna Lindsay, Linda Lael Miller, Jo Putney, Patricia Rice, and many, many more. Hated to name any, because I knew I'd leave someone out.

Re: In Love with Losers (7:46pm October 9, 2009):

Keep up with your writing, LaToya. One needs to do what they love. If we can influence and inspire people for the better while we do it, the all the better.

Re: The Lute And The Liar (12:19pm October 9, 2009):

You are so right. The old saying "write what you know" really doesn't apply to what so many writers are doing today. The paranormal genre is only one example. Good research and/or a good imagination can fill in a lot of blanks and open a lot of doors for both author and reader.
Good luck with your books.

Re: Out Of The Darkness (12:13pm October 9, 2009):

A big change for you. Am sure you are enjoying it. I used to wonder why authors wrote under a variety of names, but now understand. It can be confusing to pick up a book by a favorite authors and end up in an entirely different genre.
Good luck.

Re: Can't Stand the Heat (10:24pm October 6, 2009):

A Christmas short story with Adam sounds like a wonderful way to put a little joy into the season.

Re: Love You To Death (10:59pm October 5, 2009):

Wow, you are one busy lady. This book sounds very good. Love a good suspense and yiu nprovide it.

Re: Demon Ex Machina (10:51pm October 5, 2009):

I have been waiting soooo long for DEMON EX MACHINA. It is waiting for me when we get home from vacation. Will we have to wait another year for the next book in the series? Look forward to your new series.

Re: Hex In High Heels (12:30pm October 3, 2009):

This book sounds like a fun romp! Don't know how I've missed this series, but it sounds like a lot of fun. I'll be looking for it.

Re: Angel Lane (2:36pm October 1, 2009):

Sounds like fun. I never throw anything out. Even if it doesn't look right, it can still taste good. You are going to eat it, not look at it.
Look forward to reading your book. It sounds like an enjoyable read.

Re: A Dark Love (7:06pm September 30, 2009):

Does anyone ever listen when we tell them the guy is all wrong? Seldom. My daughter's first husband was such a case. We tried to hint and say something. He was verbally abusive. Even his mother told her not to marry him. We lost a small fortune when he cancelled the wedding a few weeks before it was scheduled. Hated to loose the money, but glad to loose him. Unfortunately, our daughter wouldn't give up and they got married by a justice of the peace 8 months later and then told us. It lasted about 2 years. The only good thing to come out of that marriage was our grandson.
Good luck with your new book.

Re: Bluegrass Christmas (11:03pm September 29, 2009):

Quirky is good. It is good to recognize all parts of our personalities, even the ones we don't particularly want to claim. Sounds like a good Chriatmas story.

Re: Lucky Break (10:50pm September 29, 2009):

Love books with a sense of humor. We all need that, now more than ever. I've always liked the beauty and the beast type scenario. It doesn't lend itself to humor as well as some others, but I like it.

Re: Lakeshore Christmas (9:31pm September 27, 2009):

I know how you feel. I'm not a writer, I'm a librarian. I plan activities, prepare snacks, and print handouts. No one shows up. The publicity was fine, but no one shows up.
Even local authors may only attract a few relatives. I do displays at local events and sit forever with few interested in finding out about the library and what it has to offer.
I have gone to signings and wish more would be close by. We are on a trip to Texas and hope to come across a signing or 2 by the many authors there.

Re: The Accidental Family (10:29pm September 23, 2009):

Oh, the sleepless nights. It has been a
long while, but I had 2 our of three
that didn't believe in sleeping. Freddie
isn't that bad. You'll learn to work
around him and your daughter's
schedule. Enjoy them while you can.
My youngest is 26 and I can't believe it
has been that long since he'd wake up
at 3 AM and be good to go for the

Re: Oscar Wilde And The Dead Man's Smile (10:50pm September 22, 2009):

I work at a small county library. We
have many patrons who like mysteries
and I am always looking for new series
to get for them. This one just might
fill the bill. I'll have to get the first
one, read it and have a few of the
patrons try it. I've started many new to
us series that way.
Good luck with the books, they sound

Re: A Christmas Ball (1:00am September 22, 2009):

4. Fondest Christmas memory - The
way we celebrated Christmas when I
was a child. My Mother's family would
all attend midnight mass together
then go to my grandparents house for
breakfast afterwards. Since my mom
had 8 brothers and sisters and they all
had 3 to 6 children, it was a great
crowd. We would then go home and
open our presents or sometimes wait
until we got a little sleep first. On
Christmas Day, we went to my Father's
parents' house for Christmas dinner.
My grandparents' house wasn't very
big, but we managed to fit the 16
family members in. It was a lovely day
and presents weren't the focus. The
families were just too large to get gifts
for everyone. We gave our
grandparents gifts and our immediate
family, but that was all. No one felt
left out or cheated. Now all the
families are scattered around the
country and the grandparents as well
as our parents are gone. Sadly there is
no way to carry out that tradition

Re: What I Did For Love (9:07pm September 19, 2009):

No real rituals here. I read whenever
and where ever I can. I have a book
open at all meals. I read while we
watch TV, unless it is something I
don't want to miss, then I only read
during commercials. I rarely get a
chance to just sit back and do nothing
but read unless it is late at night.
Then I may end up reading until 2 or 3
in the morning and still have to get up
for work in the morning. But it has to
be a really good book for that to

Re: Audrey's Door (7:19pm September 18, 2009):

Adults that try to over protect children
are doing them no favors. We don't
have to expose them to really awful
things, but they should be aware that
bad things do happen and be taught
how to protect themselves. Teens
tend to have a jaded view of things .
They know the world isn't perfect and
want to explore the possibilities. Too
many adults have a tendency to put
their head in the sand. Bad things
won't go away if we ignore them.

Re: I Can Make You Love Me (12:31pm September 18, 2009):

Know of one case where a mother lost
custody because she was a drug user
and had her boyfriends with her while
her 3 year old was in the room. The
father petitioned to have her parental
rights terminated and he won. The
little girl was adopted by his older
brother (the father was young). She
was in a healthy family and happy.
About 3 years later, the mother
petitioned the court in another state
to regain custody of her daughter. The
old judge went by the outdated
thought that a child belongs with the
mother and reversed the earlier ruling
over objections of the father, adoptive
parents, and the doctor. The father,
not wanting her to be subjected to the
open sex, drug use and neglect, took
her from his brothers house and
disappeared until she was 18. Every
once in a while he would call a family
member to let everyone know they
were OK. It was a heartbreaking
situation and I still am not sure what
the right course of action should have
been. Everyone lost so much.

Re: Beast Warrior (12:00pm September 17, 2009):

What an interesting lesson on wolves
and werewolves.
Unfortunately, the wolf is still
misunderstood and under attack. Our
environment needs the predators to
remain healthy.

Re: Treasure Of The Golden Cheetah (12:08pm September 9, 2009):

As in many of the examples you gave,
people doing what needed to be done
is what made them special. Being
recognized for it made them larger
than life. Live your life to the fullest,
that will qualify you.

Re: Table Manners (1:54am September 8, 2009):

I'll be working in the yard. There is so
much I haven't had time to do. Have
started The Strangely Beautiful Tale of
Miss Percy Parker and am loving it.

Re: Tears Of Pearl (11:22pm September 2, 2009):

Excellent post. There is so much out
there to read and explore. I traveled
alone while in the Peace Corps and on
my trip home from my assignment.
That was cut short after only 10 days.
I managed Singapore, Indonesia and
Bali before getting word my mother
was dying. I had planned a 3 month
trip (the length of time my passport
was good) through Southeast Asia,
India. and the Middle East. Hope to
get there some day. Traveling on a
shoe string like I was, I was very much
on the economy. I stayed in $2 a
night local establishments and ate at
street vendors and local cafes.
Traveling alone does have its draw
backs and there were a few times I
was concerned. However, in my three
years in the PC and on my short trip, it
was a great experience. You always
run into others traveling like you are
and you usually are not completely
alone. I can relate to these ladies and
do see how they could do what they
did. People were always willing to
share their country and culture with
those who were truly interested.
I will definitely bee looking for this
series. I don't think our library has
them, but since I do some of the
ordering, I can take care of that, once
we get some more book money. We
are a very poorly funded library (less
than one tenth the average national
per capita funding).

Re: The Sari Shop Widow (11:26pm September 1, 2009):

Cultural traits add a wonderful
dimension to a story. The same
situation will play out very differently
depending on the backgrounds of
those involved.
Good luck with your books. More
power to you for starting writing at an
"older age", and doing such a good
job of it.

Re: Within Striking Distance (10:03pm August 31, 2009):

Cute and all too true. I'm not an
author, but since discovering author
sites on the web (for my job of course,
I work at a library), I am suffering the
same symptoms. I don't get much
time at work to check out the sites, so
every evening, here I sit for hours. I
used to sit for hours in the evening
reading. Now my TBR pile is growing
and I'm trying to figure out how to
read more and visit more sites. Who
needs sleep?

Re: Red Hot Lies (8:59pm August 30, 2009):

In all honesty, I don't pay any attention
to whether or not a book is written in
first person. If a book is good it is
I just did some checking and I think
Daphne du Maurier's REBECCA is
written in first person. It is one of my
favorite books. It may be a little dated
but still good.
I just realized the book I am reading
now is in first person. It is WOULD-BE
WITCH by Kimberly Frost. It is a fun
read and I'm enjoying it.

Re: Dragons Prefer Blondes (12:11pm August 29, 2009):

It is always interesting listening to
authors talk about their craft and their
books. Their approaches vary as do
their thought processes. Often they
reveal interesting details about the
reason for a particular story or writing
in a particular genre. People are
interesting and authors are really

Re: Haunting Beauty (11:47am August 29, 2009):

The one thing I would change would
be moving to where we are now. It is
a nice area and the people are
friendly, but our son has never fit in.
He was in 4th grade when we moved
here and was not accepted in the
school. At such a formative time in
his life, it made a difference and not
for the best. He is 26 now and still a
lost soul.

Re: The Treasures Of Venice (11:10pm August 27, 2009):

September has always been my
favorite month. For some reason, I
remember and celebrate our
engagement, Sept. 25, as much or
more than our wedding anniversary. I
think I celebrate the season more so
than a special day. In spring, I look
forward to that time when the fields
and trees are a wide range of fresh
bright greens. In September, It is just
the cool briskness, the smell of the
leaves, the turning of the leaves, and
bushels of apples. It is the perfect
time to celebrate just being alive!

Re: Feels Like The First Time (8:44pm August 26, 2009):

The first costume that came to mind
was Mother Goose. It was my nick
name in High School, I always seemed
to have a trail of little kids during
activities. I'm now a children's
librarian. I made a costume and just
recently got the wig. Might wear it for
Halloween at the library this year.

Re: Air Time (8:20pm August 26, 2009):

Congratulations on your new release.
I'm sure it will do well.
I met my husband in high school
chemistry class. I'm sure I had other
classes with him, but that is the only
one I remember. He moved the end of
that year and we wrote a few times
every year. We were just friends (I was
one of the guys and wrote to several of
the guys who moved - their dads were
stationed at the nearby Air Force
base). After college, I went into the
Peace Corps for 3 years and he joined
the AF. When I came back to the
States , I stopped at a base in CA to
visit a cousin and recover from jet lag
before heading home to NY. He was
at that base and we met for dinner
with my cousin and her husband. I
returned to the Philippines to finish
my Peace Corps stint. He showed up
for the town fiesta 5 months later and
asked me to marry him. We had never
dated and only seen each other 5
times in 7 years. I couldn't think of a
good reason to say no, so when I got
back to the States, I said yes and we
got married about 9 months later (a
six month tour in Viet Nam got in the
way). It was a good choice, we
celebrated our 37th anniversary this
past June, have three great children
and a wonderful grandson. We were
friends first and I think that is very
important for marriage. Being "in
love" but not friends isn't as sound a
basis for a lasting marriage.

Re: In the Master's Bed (11:57pm August 24, 2009):

First of all, congratulations on your
new book. I always had mixed
feelings about back to school. As a
student, I looked forward to it. As a
parent I did too, but was sad to see
those carefree days with the kids end.
I enjoyed having them around.

Re: The Fixer Upper (11:19pm August 23, 2009):

I work at a library and there are still a
lot of people out there who think
romance works are "empty calories".
Unfortunately a goodly number of
those are my fellow employees. I am
the only one who admits to reading
romance. The other's claim they like
suspense or something more literate.
Most of what they read still falls in a
romance category, but they don't
realize it. My daughters gave me a
hard time for a while about the
romances I read. My son just rolls his
eyes. I get books on CD and my DH
and I both listen to them (we take
turns since he drives more than I do).
I've given him historical romance and
romantic suspense. He was pleasantly
surprised by the quality of the writing.
I don't just read romance. I read and
listen to everything except erotica and
horror. We just finished Ken Follett's
WITHOUT END (both fantastic!) and
now he is listening to one by Brad
Meltzer and I'm listening to RUMOR
HAS IT by Tami Hoag. I'll listen to
Meltzer's but Hoag's is a straight chic
lit romance and I know my DH won't
care for it. Yes some of it is escapism,
but we all need that once in a while.
Look at what people are watching on

Re: Gordath Wood (10:25pm August 22, 2009):

You are not alone. I could substitute
myself in your piece, except for
reading at stop lights - there aren't
any on my way to work. Besides I
always have a book on tape going in
my car. However, if I'm not the one
driving, I'm reading. I eat with a book
open. I cook with a book open.
As far as having the characters
invading my life, glad I'm not the only
nut. While I'm reading the book, I'm
thinking about it and the characters.
When I'm done with it, they live on in
continuing adventures. With really
good books, I don't want to let them
These two series sound very
interesting. Who needs sleep anyway?

Re: Skykeepers (2:03am August 22, 2009):

tonight. Unfortunately the store I went to
was out of DAWNKEEPERS. Can't wait to
start this series. Will have to wait to see
who I'd cast.

Re: To Tempt The Wolf (11:15pm August 20, 2009):

Good luck with your new book.
What would I write? I like the beauty
and the beast format. I think I'd write
the story the reverse of what we
usually get. The woman would be the
beast and the man the beauty. I'd like
to see how it would play out.

Re: Devil In My Bed (12:11pm August 20, 2009):

Fatherhood is so different for each
man. The common thread of a good
father is his truly caring for the child
and his or her future.
Your trilogy sounds delightful. I like
the books I read to have a sense of

Re: Tortured (10:42pm August 18, 2009):

Have seen many posts and heard many
good things about this book. It is on
my to buy list and I hope to get to it
The Dark Ages were a time (like too
many others) when you did what you
had to do to survive and prayed it
would work.
Congratulations on what sounds like a
great read!

Re: Beloved Vampire (11:55pm August 17, 2009):

Vampires are very much the thing
right now. I work at a small library
and have requests for more series all
the time. Haven't seen yours yet, but
will have to check it out. Since the
Anita Blake series is popular, yours
should be also.

Re: Smash Cut (1:25am August 16, 2009):

I'm a re-reader, but it is hard. Haven't
done it in a while because my TBR pile
has gotten so large. Sometimes when
I go back to favorite books, I'll read
just the scenes I really liked.
One good reason to re-read a good
book: when a book really grabs us, we
read through it in a day or too (if we
are lucky and don't need sleep). I've
found the second time I read a book I
love, I pick up details I missed the first
time in my rush to find out what
happened. The book ends up being
better the second time around. I'll
also read a book, then listen to it in
audio form. That often adds a
different dimension to it. I enjoyed
Nora Roberts' CIRCLE TRILOGY when I
read it. The book on CD is excellently
done and I enjoyed the books more
listening to them.

Re: Red Seas Under Red Skies (11:52pm August 15, 2009):

Haven't heard of any "cons" in our
area. However RWA will be 5 hours
away next year. It is really tempting to
clear my schedule, make reservations
and sign up as a volunteer. My
husband says "go for it" and I just
might. I work at a library, it could be
a job related trip.

Re: Trust Me (12:17pm August 15, 2009):

Had to laugh. Your blog is that of a
parent. Did I do this enough? Should
I have given the child a better name? I
should have spent more time with
him/her. I should have made sure
they took piano lessons. Will the
others like him/her? Are they ready
for the cold, cruel world? Have that
shot. What's done is done. Your baby
is going to have to stand on his own
two feet!

Re: Breaking Loose (10:48pm August 13, 2009):

I like romances because they afford
escape from our humdrum lives. We
can't go back in time and be with
those highlanders, knights, pirates,
cowboys, or whatever. We can't chase
criminals or deal with vampires and
shape shifters. We can certainly enjoy
being there vicariously and get to meet
wonderful characters while we're
So to all you romance writers, thank
you and keep up the good work!

Re: Whispers of the Dead (11:46pm August 12, 2009):

There are worse places to have your
picture taken. We once rented a
house out in the country directly
across the street from a cemetery. We
got a lot of smart remarks and dire
warnings. An elderly relative had the
best comment. "They'll be the
quietest neighbors you'll ever have."
They really were.

Re: Bad Moon Rising (11:13pm August 11, 2009):

Have had a few books signed, but all
have been by local or regional authors.
The advantage is you get time to visit
and don't have to fight a crowd. I
guess Cameron Judd, who is local, is
the biggest author I've had sign books.
We did have Joan Medlicott visit our
library and she signed a few of the
books on the shelf.

Re: The Perfect Couple (11:07pm August 11, 2009):

I am looking for The rest of Brenda's
books this week to fill in our library's
collection. I think it is a shame when
an author has done well for a company
that they are dropped. I understand
the economic forces involved, but a
successful track record should count
for something.

Re: Since the Surrender (10:49pm August 11, 2009):

Wonderful excerpt. Sounds like an
enjoyable book. Historicals are my

Re: Chosen To Die (10:03pm August 11, 2009):

Your books are full of suspense and well
written. I've introduced them to the
patrons of our library and they have
enjoyed them. Look forward to reading
your new one.

Re: Nothing But Scandal (10:30pm August 10, 2009):

I sometimes identify with the heroine or
another character. I remember the
characters in a book I like, male or
female, hero, heroine, or villain.

Re: It Happened One Night (1:00am August 1, 2009):

Our son's puppy was too smart for her
own good. She is a 7 month old pit
bull and as sweet as can be.
Unfortunately, she can open our storm
doors. About 3 weeks ago, she got
out while I was getting ready for work
and was hit by a car. A woman came
up and said she had called our vet and
they were sending someone out to
pick her up. It was animal control that
came for her. It was obvious that her
back was seriously injured and I asked
him if he had a board or blanket so we
could move her carefully. He said the
damage was done and picked her up
by the scruff of the neck and threw
her into the back of the truck saying it
was going to hurt. He got to the vet
before I did and never told them she
had an injured back. (sorry, I'm still
very angry at how callous he was.)
She was paralyzed and I was going to
have her put down. My husband
called our son at work and we decided
it was his decision. He took her home
and spent a rough few days nursing
her. It just broke my heart. However,
she has just amazed us all. She asked
to go out early on, so we knew those
nerves still worked. She started
wagging her tail and pulling herself
around. Our son made a wheelchair
thing for her, but hopefully she won't
need it. She is now standing and in
the last day or so, you can see her
muscles twitching in her right rear leg.
She may not regain full use of her
legs, but she is making amazing
progress. Today she even managed to
make it up a few stairs. It hasn't
slowed her down much. She is as
stubborn as our son. It has been an
experience watching her progress. I
don't think the vet is going to believe
it. With a broken leg and a crushed
vertebra it didn't look good.
I am so glad the decision was my
son's and that things are working out
so well.

Re: Red, White & Dead (10:18pm July 30, 2009):

You really had to work to get those books
out together. Why not write yourself into
a character. Who else do you know better
plus don't have to worry about

Re: Seduce Me (12:30pm July 30, 2009):

I agree with some of the other
commenters, too many authors are
throwing sex scenes into their books
and leaving out the romance. I read a
mystery a few month ago, and the
main characters were at it by chapter
three and they had just met. Sorry,
there is no romance in that. Not only
do the heroine and hero have to
seduce each other, the author must
seduce the reader into the story and
the relationship. Some authors are
forgetting that. The twelve steps you
listed are very good. Some authors
are barely getting past #2 before they
hit #12. You make some very good
points. Seduce Me should be very

Re: Face Time (11:09pm July 28, 2009):

It is hard not to be a mother to your
kids, and even harder to keep a good
balance. I've learned to keep my
opinions to myself, most of the time. I
try to be there for them when they
need me, but to wait until they want
my advice or help.
I remember the rough years when I
was a teen - I was much too
outspoken for my parents. However,
by the time I finished college, my
mom and I were friends. I went
overseas in the Peace Corps for 3
years right after graduation. I was so
looking forward to the adult
mother/daughter relationship. On my
trip home, I got word my mom was
dying. She died of cancer barely 3
weeks after I got home. That was 38
years ago and everyday I miss not
being able to share things with her.

Re: Seeing Red (11:20pm July 27, 2009):

There is nothing like small town living.
We have always lived just outside
town. The town we live near now has
3 festivals a year that are a lot of fun.
From May thru September, they have
free music concerts on Main Street.
Hundreds of people set up their chairs,
bring picnic suppers, and enjoy the
music and visiting with friends.

Re: Mackenzie's Legacy (9:47pm July 26, 2009):

Julie Garwood was the first romance
writer I read. She has several
historical books that are related. It
would be interesting to see how the
families fared and how the children of
those unions grew and what their
stories were. the history of those time
periods would have effected them so
very much.

Re: The Plight Of The Darcy Brothers (10:47pm July 24, 2009):

Pride and Prejudice is one of my
favorite books. Jane Austen gives such
a feel for the time period in her books.
As you said, there was little women
could do during that time other than
looking for a husband then keeping
the home fires burning one she got
one. I'll have to think about the
characters and who I'd like to see more
Both your books sound delightful.
When you love a book and the
characters, you hate to see their story
end. Four of the six of us who work at
our small library are Jane Austen fans.
I would love to win these books and
share them. I hope you continue this

Re: The Diva Takes The Cake (10:33pm July 23, 2009):

Checked out the "Mystery Lover's
Kitchen" site. Very nice. Looks like I
will be getting lots of good ideas
Your series sounds like fun. The
covers are lovely. Mysteries with hints
and recipes are very popular right
now. Your books will be a nice

Re: Waking Nightmare (10:29pm July 22, 2009):

When I have a bad day, I think about
retiring. I have no benefits, so retire
sort of means quit. I really like my job
(children's librarian) but I plan
programs and no one shows up. We
have all tried everything we can think
of to improve attendance, but so far
no luck. I would really like to stay
home and get this mess of a house
straightened and work in my garden.
We've been renovating since 1992 and
have been moving boxes and furniture
around forever. You kind of get used
to the mess. If I stopped working,
though, I would really miss the kids.

Re: Divorced, Desperate and Deceived (10:31pm July 21, 2009):

I love it! Someone else has days no
one really believes. As you well know,
some of this stuff you wouldn't make
up because people would accuse you
of going too far. We had a three day
run once that involved a bear
attacking our son in TN, us in CO
spending 1 1/2 hours on the phone
with officials in TN, getting into the
Knoxville, TN airport at midnight
about 20 minutes after the Florida
Gators beat UT. Not bad unless you
happen to be the only one on the
plane wearing a Gator shirt with
everyone else in UT orange. Then
there was the cow stuck on our porch
at 4 the next morning.
Your books sound like fun. Need to
keep one on hand for the next crisis.

Re: Bending The Rules (10:36pm July 20, 2009):

Afraid we are "sisters" in the way we
handle things. The best come backs
are always thought of too late.
Depending on how tired I am, I can
keep from getting weepy. Then again
sometimes not. Writing is actually a
great way to deal with this. As you
said, there is always the delete key
and you can put that great retort in
hours later.

Re: Black Hills (9:45pm July 19, 2009):

You gals are having way too much fun. I
so wish I was there. I want a Peaches
too. She is so cute.

Re: Swimsuit (11:07pm July 17, 2009):

We never know when we meet
someone, what the future will hold for
us. Who would have guessed when
you interviewed him so many years
ago that he would achieve the writing
success he has and you would be his
co-writer. I love your little story about
your tombstone. It is nice that you are
doing what you like and being
successful at it. That you are happy
and enjoying it is a bonus.

Re: Bluegrass Blessings (11:17pm July 16, 2009):

Laughing and crying are both good.
There has to be good plot and character
development. The story has to mean
something to me and cause me to care
about the characters.

Re: Earth Guys Are Easy (11:31pm July 15, 2009):

TIME IN A BOTTLE is a favorite. It just
says so much about the way you feel
about the one you truly love.
Congratulations on how well EARTH
GUYS ARE EASY has done.
Am glad you are enjoying your
veggies. We forgot to put in yellow
squash this year. Wait until your
tomatoes come in. Boil them down
and make sauce, then freeze. We
always have more than we can deal
with. Congratulations on the weight
loss. Keep up the good work.

Re: In The Garden Of Sin (9:43pm July 14, 2009):

Amazing what people seriously believed
in the not so distant past. Some if it
makes you wonder. And on dark and
stormy nights, you are not so sure they
weren't right.

Re: By Hook Or By Crook (9:28pm July 14, 2009):

Book series with a common theme are
very popular at our library. Most have
had menus and recipes as part of the
work. With the interest in needle
work, this series should do well, and a
little murder doesn't hurt.

Re: Mr. Perfect (11:12pm July 12, 2009):

Back again. I'm in the middle of Harry
Potter week at my library and should
have mentioned that series. All the Harry
Potter books have been very good. They
lived up to they hype and then some.

Re: Mr. Perfect (11:09pm July 12, 2009):

I read books that appeal to me.
Sometimes the reviews, etc. will point
me in the direction of a book, but I
have discovered the hype or even the
reputation of an author doesn't mean
it will be a good book. The last book I
picked up because of the reviews was
Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth and it's
sequel World Without End. They were
both better than I expected.

Re: The Beach House (10:49pm July 11, 2009):

Enjoy your RWA trip. I am so jealous.
Jane Green sounds like a wonderful
person. How wonderful for your
daughter. As difficult as it is to get
into college, anything that helps is
Good luck to her in school.

Re: Art Of Sensuality (11:16pm July 10, 2009):

I so wish I could be attending the RWA
Conference in DC. It is only 7 hours
away. I work as a children's librarian
in a small county library and this is not
the time of year to take off. One day
I'll get there.

Re: Object of Desire (9:28pm July 9, 2009):

Sounds like a good summer read.
Now all I need is the time to do some
reading. There is nothing like a
challenge and a little bit of danger to
put a little extra spark into a
relationship. Sounds like you did a
good job of including a lot oft\ that in
this story. Good luck with the release.

Re: Dragons Prefer Blondes (10:19pm July 8, 2009):

It would probably be Superman. I have
always wanted to fly. Had a crush on
Peter Pan when I was a kid.

Re: Greedy Bones (10:57pm July 7, 2009):

Many authors have mentioned that
their long term characters, locale seem
to take on a life of their own..
Characters seem to dictate their
stories. Hopefully, yours will continue
to take you, and us, through their

Re: Loving a Lost Lord (11:35pm July 6, 2009):

Your stories hit just the right notes for
me. Historicals allow you to, as you
say, go over the top with certain plot
elements. Modern communication and
speed of travel, really spoil a lot of
plot possibilities. Keep up the
wonderful writing. A touch of magic,
danger, romance and mischief make
your books a delight.

Re: The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society (3:39pm July 5, 2009):

Don't feel bad, I work at a library and
help do the ordering and I had never
Admittedly I deal primarily with
children's books, but I do some of the
adult ordering.
The Laurell K. Hamilton's Merry Gentry
Fey series didn't do it for me. There is
a good story line there, but I need
more in a book than everyone running
around with no clothes on, having
multiple partner sex, occasionally
being interrupted to fight the bad

Re: Wild Heart (10:11pm July 4, 2009):

Those of us who do not write have no
idea what goes on in the process to get a
book published. Thanks for the insight.

Re: Everywhere She Turns (12:43pm July 4, 2009):

Intrigues are my favorite Harlequin
series. I have quite a few of yours. I
have been following The Colby Agency
stories for years. I know they will
always be good. We aren't really
cutting back a lot. It is always the
small businesses that get hurt and
they can least afford it. We continue
to patronize the businesses we always
have. We have two reunions this year
- our 45th High School reunion in
August in Upstate New York (we
haven't had one since our 15th) and an
Air Force unit reunion in Ft. Worth, TX
in October. They are both going to be
more expensive than I would like, but
they are important to us. We'll just
have to economize on the trip best we
can and hope gas doesn't go out of
sight. The one advantage of our
taking vacation time is our daughter
gets to work more. She and my
husband are part time clerks at the
same post office. When we are gone,
she gets more hours. She is young
and has a family and can certainly use
the extra money.

Re: Love At First Flight (12:08pm July 4, 2009):

It is refreshing to have a nice guy hero.
The macho man bit has gotten a bit
tiring. It is much better to find out
your intended is not the right one
before the wedding than after. Good
luck with the book.

Re: Billionaire Prince, Pregnant Mistress (11:41pm July 2, 2009):

You are right. After a long day, a nice
relaxing read is just what I need.
Sometimes I want suspense, sometimes a
little magic, and sometimes a bit of
romance. Books are such great friends!

Re: A Stroke of Magic (9:31pm July 1, 2009):

Quirks give a person the personality
and character. Some can be annoying
- no matter what topic comes up, my
son-in-law know all about it (usually
not). some are endearing - one of my
co-workers likes to buy little gifts for
no reason.

Re: Happiness Key (10:45pm June 30, 2009):

The creative process - it can be
surprising how it works. Never seems to
be the same from author to author, and
sometimes for the same author. Sounds
like a good summer read.

Re: Loving a Lost Lord (11:30pm June 27, 2009):

I try to just immerse myself in the
story, but like you I start thinking
afterwards. There are just so many
plot lines out there and just so much
you can do with them, so there are
bound to be moments of de ja vous.
There is one really well known author
who was my first romance author and
still my favorite. One thing I noticed
early on was she has the same 3 sex
scenes in each of her books. The
names and the place are different but
that is all. I haven't had time to read
her last couple of books, so I don't
know if that is still the case. It really
isn't a problem, just funny.

Re: Redemption (10:07pm June 26, 2009):

Congratulations on your books. We
can't always follow the path we would
like, but that doesn't mean the one we
have to take will be so bad. I'm sure
you will get the chance to explore
those other books in time.

Re: The Scot And I (9:28pm June 25, 2009):

Your changing genres gradually
probably was the best way to do it.
Most fans can handle gradual change,
but a big shift may be a bit more than
they can take. If you wanted to, you
could do what many authors have
done and write in several genres
(either under one name or several). I
enjoy historicals with suspense and
adding a touch of the paranormal is
great. I will be looking for your books.

Re: The Best Of Everything (11:09pm June 24, 2009):

When we got married, my husband
handed me the checkbook and 37
years later I still have it. He was in the
Air Force and being sent overseas. He
couldn't take care of the bills, so it
was my job. I manage the finances,
but it is really a joint affair. I know
what we have and what we can afford.
Neither of us makes any large
purchases without consulting the
other unless it is an emergency.
Except I bought a house before he saw
it. It was an emergency, kind of, sort
of, well he did like it.
Finances damage more marriages than
a lot of other things. Your advice is
very good. I hope it gets out there and
people follow them. I'm making a
copy for one of our patrons who is
getting married soon.

Re: Seducing an Angel (11:17pm June 23, 2009):

Very good piece. Nice explanation of
the differences between romance and
love. Romance can be there, you can
enjoy it and appreciate it, but it won't
necessarily lead to love. A loving
relationship will survive the occasional
lack of romance because it goes much
deeper. Have enjoyed your books and
recommend them to our library
patrons when they are looking for
good "romance" books. I know they
will get more than they expected.

Re: Pulling The Trigger (12:16pm June 23, 2009):

Intrigue is my favorite Harlequin line.
The current blue cover with the
fingerprints is my preference. Your
Kansas City Finest series is one of my
favorites. The Colby Agency books
were good. Read the Thurlos. Always
pick up a Debra Webb book. Have read
a few of the 43 Light Street books. It
is too late to think, I can think of
stories, but not the title or authors.
Let us just say, I haven't met an
Intrigue I haven't liked.

Re: A Thread Of Truth (11:17pm June 21, 2009):

Rarely do I not finish a book I start. I
have noticed lately that there are a lot
more typos, misspellings, and
grammatical errors. One book I read
was so bad I took a red pen to it each
time I read it. Very annoying.
Poor story flow is another story. I'll
still read the book, but not enjoy it as
much. I might not pick up another
book by that author.
One thing I've noticed lately is authors
falling down at the end. Several books
have been suspenseful, good
character development, and good plot.
They author brings the story through
the climax of the plot and then falls
flat. It is almost like they finished the
big chase scene and lost interest in
finishing the story. It sort of spoils
the whole story.

Re: The Dragon Earl (10:48pm June 21, 2009):

What a wonderful event. I would be in
heaven. I love history which is one of
the reasons I read historical romance.
It is much more enjoyable learning
about the smuggling problem along
the English Coast by reading a
romance than by listening to a dry
lecture from a grouchy old man. I am
going to check their website and see
what the event is like. Would love to
attend in England. Of course, I'm not
a writer, but would love to sit there
and listen.

Re: Queen Takes King (10:39pm June 21, 2009):

The Historical Society Conference
looks like it was terrific. Something I
could enjoy.
Kind of scary that Gigi wrote the book
before it happened.
Shame on them for not having cake at
the signing.

Re: Dial Emmy For Murder (11:07pm June 20, 2009):

I can't imagine co-writing a book that
way. I know of several writing teams,
but most are married couples. Long
distance with someone with a different
"voice" seems difficult, especially when
your writing process and style are so
The differences I'm sure lend a special
flavor to the book.

Re: Bought (11:59pm June 19, 2009):

It's fiction folks. Of course, as you
said, there are people that do use real
people and situations in their writing.
It would be easy to see and use a
character trait in someone you know.
But to make that person your character
doesn't seem fair.

Re: Jump (12:00pm June 19, 2009):

I agree whole heartedly. If there are
not good characters that we care
about, no matter how much action you
put in there, it isn't going to work.
Loved Agatha Christie. She had
wonderful characters and was great at
plot development and suspense.
JUMP sounds quirky and good.

Re: Last Resort: Marriage (11:29pm June 17, 2009):

All of Julie Garwood's books are on my
keeper shelf. She has strong heroes
and spunky ladies that give them a
run for their money. The Wolf and The
Dove by Woodiwiss is also a favorite. I
guess I like strong women caught in
bad situations who manage to survive
and eventually conquer. The hero is
often as much a victim of
circumstance as the heroine and not
always very much of a good guy.

Re: Beyond The Code Of Conduct (10:39pm June 16, 2009):

I agree fully. My husband has little
time for reading. I have been bringing
books on tape/CD home and sharing
them with my husband for several
years. I read just about everything. I
started passing along books by Lisa
Gardner, Sandra Brown, Julie Garwood,
and Nora Roberts. He has enjoyed
them all. However, he did ask me to
warn him about sex scenes after he
nearly drove off the road on his way
home from work. Men just don't
multi-task well.

Re: From Friend To Father (11:55pm June 15, 2009):

I read romances to relax, see a
relationship grow, and yes the happily
ever after. There are also a lot of
excellent authors out there doing
romantic suspense.
I work at a county library and there
are lots of romance readers. Some of
the men have made snide comments
about the romance books. Although I
don't think any have used the word
trash, it has been implied. Since a lot
of these men read the little serial
westerns, I decided to read one and
compare their merits. It was good for
a laugh. Relationship? What's that.
Tall, dark, quiet, handsome cowboy
rides into town. Goes directly to
saloon. All eyes on him as he enters.
Lovely lady "with a great pair of
melons" (I choked) hits on him and
they head upstairs for a good time.
Not bad for 30 minutes in town. Bad
guys abusing women. Outlaw
compound outside of town. Local
lawman is worthless. Hero rides out to
single handedly defeat 15 or so bad
guys and rescue women and children.
He is captured, beaten and staked out.
Beaten to a pulp, tied hand and foot,
our hero gets free and takes out all
the bad guys. Return to town a hero.
Ride out of town with Miss Melons
fondly watching him go wishing for
one more great time in the sack.
PLEASE!!! Those guys should know
trash, they are reading it! This is not
to say all westerns are trash because
they are not. I read them too. But the
male equivalent to the Harlequins in
both action and western series
generally have plots that equate to
meaningless sex and lots of violence.
There may be a plot thrown in, but it
is weak.
I usually recommend a good book
written by a romance author that is in
the genre they usually read. They
usually really enjoy them. I've give my
husband lots of audio books (he
doesn't have much time to read and is
his car a lot) and he has enjoyed most
of them. He has asked me to warn
him if there are any really sexy

Re: Final Approach (1:16am June 9, 2009):

Guilty big time for number 1. My
husband will wake up at 2 or 3 and
inform me I do have to go to work in
the morning.
3 and 4 become one with the book and
the characters. Yeah dumb but hard
not to.
5-Don't have embarrass myself. I
work in a library so we talk books all
day. Yeah!
6- As long as I have a book, who cares
how long I have to wait.
8-Sometimes I cast characters, but not
too often. I was so upset with Tom
Hanks being cast for The Da Vinci
Code. Good actor, didn't fit the books
9-Yes I relate.
10-Just finished PILLARS OF THE
EARTH. thought about the book and
characters constantly while reading
the book. It had a very good last line,
but I didn't want it to end. I've started
the sequel WORLD WITHOUT END and
was initially upset because it was 200
years later and my friends weren't

Re: On Wings of the Morning (11:16pm June 7, 2009):

If all the book stores closed, I'd still
have enough books to last me for the
next co years or so. Am glad to hear
I'm not the only one with "storage
books". I'm trying not to save so
many, but it is hard. I love old books
and have a lot of them. I have 29 book
cases full to overflowing and probably
40 boxes to sort through. I can't keep
them all but don't want to get rid of
any. There really isn't any more room
for more bookshelves. My poor
husband has run out of room to build
any more. No more additions to the
house either. I work at a library and
that doesn't help. I just keep finding
more authors I like.

Re: The Red Pony (11:00pm June 7, 2009):

Read THE OUTSIDERS. Not sure why,
but never remember having to read
many of the classics. Did read BRAVE
NEW WORLD and 1984. Started WAR
AND PEACE at least 4 times and never
could get past page 100 or so.

Re: The Promise (11:42pm June 5, 2009):

Have been signed up for IMHO for a
month or so now. Also on your
website. Love historicals and yours are
a nice change of pace . You can't let
Peter languish in no man's land. I'm
looking forward to your "fairy tale."

Re: How To Seduce A Texan (9:16pm June 4, 2009):

Humor is good. There certainly isn't
enough of it in life. I love books that
make you laugh. I feel like an idiot
sitting by myself at 2 AM reading,
unable to stop laughing. I've woken
my husband a time or two. He just
stands there, shakes his head, and
goes back to bed. Laughter is good
for the soul and for your health.
If you think of it that way, you are
doing a public service.

Re: The Baby Bond (11:07pm June 3, 2009):

What a wonderful event. Would love to
go, but don't see it happening any
time soon. I work in a small library.
Wish I could convince them this would
be a worth while expense. Won't
happen, we don't have enough money
for books.
Am glad you enjoyed it. Good luck
with your next book. I might see you
at one of the future BEAs.

Re: Lucky Streak (10:39pm June 2, 2009):

He sounds much more forgiving than I
would be if conned in a similar manner.

Re: Lip Service (11:22pm June 1, 2009):

Travel, Travel, Travel. I'd love to be
able to spend 3 months or so in
Ireland, Scotland and England. Then
do the same in Southeast Asia. Then
Greece, Turkey and vicinity. My first
wish though would be to get my
house squared away. We bought a
victorian farm house in 1992. It
needed to be gutted and redone plus
we needed to repair the damage the
previous owners had done in their
hatchet job of remodeling/addition.
Can't believe someone could make
such a mess in less than a year. We
are almost done, but it is taking
forever and we are tired of fighting the
mess. Our biggest problem is we (I)
have too much stuff and I don't want
to part with much of it. We have done
most of the work ourselves and lived
in the house the whole time. I love it,
but want time to enjoy it. Last but
not least, I like to be a writer. At the
moment, I don't have the time and
probably not the talent. But hey, these
are wishes, so it counts.

Re: Believe (11:58pm May 31, 2009):

Love anthologies and prefer the ones
with shorter stories. I actually prefer
those with a variety of authors and
centered on a single topic. I keep one
in my car for those times I have to sit
around and wait. Want something I
can finish in a short time. Don't want
to start a longer book I may not get
back to any time soon. Just picked up
an old favorite today.

Re: A Thread Of Truth (10:41pm May 29, 2009):

I'll have to check out these books. I
work in a small county library and
these sound like the type of books our
ladies would like to read. It is so hard
to keep up with everything that comes
out. I love finding books I know our
patrons will enjoy. Even better if they
are right for our older patrons and are
available in large print.

Re: Beneath Bone Lake (12:11pm May 29, 2009):

Spiders. Can't deal with them. I am
getting better. I'm allergic to spider
bites, so that is my excuse. Snakes
are no problem - I like them (have a
ball python and take it to classrooms).
I did have to call a truce with spiders
while I was in the Peace Corps. They
were just too big to smash. In three
years I only killed one. It was in the
middle of the door to my room and
wouldn't let me out. An aggressive
poisonous one, it had its front legs
raised and its fangs displayed.
Smacked it good. The mosquito
netting was really more to keep
spiders from crawling into bed with me
at night. I'd wake up in the morning
and there would be one at eye level on
the wall.

Re: Master Of Craving (11:55pm May 27, 2009):

Romance is still selling well. Your sword
series sounds good. I'll have to look for

Re: A Little Light Magic (11:12pm May 26, 2009):

There is a lot to be said about birth
order. I am the oldest of 6 and have 3
children. My husband is also an oldest
- of 2. I tried not to have the birth
order thing happen with our children,
but no luck. My poor oldest one is way
too much like her parents.
Your book will be a big hit, I'm sure.
Good luck and keep those good
stories coming!

Re: The Accidental Lawman (6:19pm May 25, 2009):

First a question - do your books come
in large print? We have a large group
of readers at our library who love this
type of story. Many however need
large print. Too often I end up with
the first book in a series in paperback
or regular print then find the later
books in large print. Then I'm in
trouble because they all want to read
the other books in the series.
Sounds like an enjoyable read with a
bit of a sense of humor - both high on
my list of books to get.

Re: My Forbidden Desire (5:50pm May 25, 2009):

Never worried about it. I'm the one
reading and enjoying the story. You,
the writer, are the one stuck with
figuring it out. Or , just write around
the subject - no stories with pregnant
or newborn werewolves. Avoidance
being one policy. Then again, it is
your story do with it what you will.
Each author treats the paranormal lore
in a slightly different manner.

Re: The Warrior (9:06pm May 24, 2009):

I do both. I plan when I can. Our
son-in-law had surgery scheduled at
Duke and we were going down for the
week. Guess what - Fiddler On The
Roof with Topol was in town. No
question, we were going. Good thing
we didn't buy tickets. Got half way
there when our daughter called, in
tears, to tell us the operation was
postponed for a week. Rats! Selfish, I
know, but I so wanted to go and it
won't be showing anywhere else
close. I plan what to do and get most
of the time. However, I never pass up
a good deal if one comes along. So
far we haven't gone overboard and
done something we can't afford.

Re: Dragons Prefer Blondes (12:00pm May 24, 2009):

I'm actually a little of both. There are
some books I really should read for
work- I work in a small county library
in the children's section, but am also
the only employee who will admit to
reading romance. I read the kid's and
YA stuff - and like it. Like the
romance too and sample authors I
don't yet know. That being said, I will
sometimes walk by one of my many
stacks, boxes, or shelves of books and
grab one that fits the mood of the day
to just sit down and read.
No lists, just a feeling I really need to
read this book before I put it on the
shelf or see the movie (have not yet
spending too much time on the
computer to get much reading done!

Re: Saved By The Monarch (12:43pm May 22, 2009):

A day late again. I'm just not getting
home from work early enough. Love the
Intrigue line. It is my favorite of the

Re: Storm Glass (10:36pm May 21, 2009):

Glad to know emails get through, get
read, and are appreciated. Have
gotten a few from authors. It is a nice
way to ask questions and give
comments. Not everything needs to
be in a public blog. Writing is a
harder job than most people realize.
Enjoy it and keep up the good work.

Re: Killer Cuts (11:05pm May 20, 2009):

Good grief! There are so many good
books in this list, I truly don't know
where to start. Any of them would be
great. Thanks for the update on the

Re: Moonburn (11:30pm May 19, 2009):

It sounds to me like it is on the
border. I am glad you wrote a follow
up. It is nice to end on a happily ever
after note, but especially with the
characters you are dealing with , that
is not likely to be the case. If you like
a character, you like to revisit them to
see how they are doing.

Re: Kissing The Man Next Door (11:13pm May 18, 2009):

Never had a romance with a neighbor.
It seems like the things that could
cause real problems if it ended. If you
parted as friends, it might be a little
uncomfortable as you both move on
with your lives and new loves. It it
ended poorly, I would think one would
have to move. There would be too
many things that could cause
problems with relationships that

Re: Pretty in Plaid (11:13pm May 17, 2009):

Actually I fall into all three categories.
I prefer to be early and sit and read
while waiting. If that isn't possible, an
on time arrival is a must. Then we all
have the days where nothing goes
right and late is what we are stuck

Re: Mistress (9:15pm May 16, 2009):

When will people learn to take gentle
care of books? We have people bring
books back after the FIRST checkout
and they are destroyed. One boy
brought back 2 ruined books - one
had the spine broken and ripped and
about 20 pages were out. Several
people have brought their books in
soaking wet. What really gets me is
they get put out when you charge
them for the damage. We can't afford
to buy the book once, let alone replace
I usually don't have too much trouble
following characters, but I remember
one book where I had to put
everything on paper to keep the
characters and their relationships
straight. It won't keep me from
reading the book, but it does make it
less enjoyable.

Re: Taking Flight (1:13am May 16, 2009):

Since I read everything except horror
and erotica, I'm always defending my
choices to someone. the different
genres are not for everyone. There
isn't anything wrong with them, they
just appeal to different tastes. It all
depends what kind of a mood I'm in
as to what book I'll decide to read.

Re: The Infamous Rogue (11:14pm May 14, 2009):

The reunion is a good plot line. The
ability to revisit the past and try to
correct mistakes or do what should have
been done gives a story so many

Re: A Trace Of Smoke (10:38pm May 13, 2009):

Sounds like an interesting look at a
pivotal time in German history. We miss
so many threads that come together to
make the history we see.

Re: 6 Killer Bodies (10:52pm May 12, 2009):

Good list! We all know what we should
do, but doing it is so hard. Your
comments on deadlines are so true.
Amazing how we get more done the
last day or two before something is
due than we do the weeks prior.
Enjoy your rest.

Re: Let It Ride (12:03pm May 12, 2009):

Watched the two Medium shows
tonight. Was afraid it wasn't coming
back when they took so long to start it
up again. I'll read a bit more and do
yard work. I'll also catch up on the
shows I didn't watch because they
were on opposite my favorite shows.

Re: Dead And Gone (11:14pm May 9, 2009):

Agree with you about the Harry Potter
audio books. Dale is wonderful.
Another one that worked well was the
audio version of Nora Roberts'
Morigan's Cross trilogy. I read the
books and about a year later listen to
the audio version. I actually enjoyed
the audio version more. There are a
few other that match the characters
well. However, in most cases, the
movie or audio don't fit my picture of
who the characters are. Tom Hanks in
The Da Vinci Code just doesn't work. I
like him as an actor, but my picture of
that character was nowhere near Tom
Hanks. I'm just starting Angels and
Demons and am curious how his
image will intrude into the story.

Re: With a Twist (11:34pm May 8, 2009):

Patience - a hard to nurture virtue.
Harder for some than others.
Read the With A Twist excerpt. Sounds
like fun.

Re: Red Kiss (11:11pm May 7, 2009):

Wonderful excerpt. Am sure the rest of
the book will be the same. Have a
feeling it will go in a direction I don't

Re: Bunco Babes Tell All (9:28pm May 6, 2009):

Never played and as Dawn said, I
remember it being used in police
terminology. Sounds interesting and
fun. Good luck.

Re: Sea Lord (11:21pm May 5, 2009):

Sorry, kind of a PS. Sea Lord sounds like
a really interesting book.

Re: Sea Lord (11:20pm May 5, 2009):

Beauty and the Beast has always been
my favorite. The variations can be
endless. The "Beast" damaged and hurt
and the "Beauty" who sees past the
facade to the heart and soul
underneath. Works if you are a prince
or an auto mechanic/a princess or a
waitress. Exotic locals and characters
are nice, but real is OK too.

Re: Relentless (11:22pm May 4, 2009):

Relentless sounds like an interesting
book. I don't usually read futuristic
books, but if the story is good and well
written the location/time frame don't

Re: Comfort Food (4:30pm May 3, 2009):

Are you kidding. My life sounds like
yours. I have one book going at work,
2 at home, and one on CD in my car
(Pillars of the Earth - 32 CDs long- at
the moment). That is the norm. I
work at a small library and do some of
the purchasing so my list of books I
want to read before they go one the
shelf (I wish) is getting longer. Then
there are the 3 TBR shelves in the
family room not to mention the 16 or
so other bookcases in the house and
the boxes of books not yet unloaded.
Then 2 weeks ago, Harper Collins sent
me 5 books to be read and review by
May 1. They were YA and junior books,
but still took all my reading time.
They were really good, so now I have
at least 2 more authors to read. By
the time I finished, I was suffering
withdrawal from my historical fiction.
I really should get started on my
Spring Cleaning, but I just got Deanna
Raybourn's new book, Silent on the
Moor, and it is calling my name.

Re: Sunset Bay (10:22pm May 2, 2009):

I am so glad I discovered several
author sites and started following
them. Comments from authors on the
research they do for their stories, their
community involvement, and work
with other authors has been very
interesting. Knowing the research
background adds a richness to the
story. Haven't met any authors, but
that would certainly make me
interested in their work.

Re: Fight Fire With Fire (12:21pm May 2, 2009):

Wow! What an excerpt. You really did an
excellent job of writing those scenes.
Can't wait to read the rest of the book.
Nice job!

Re: Wild Heat (11:01pm April 30, 2009):

Hot shots are hard working individuals
that risk their lives every time they go
out. What better people to use a heroes
of romances.

Re: The Madness Of Lord Ian Mackenzie (11:24pm April 29, 2009):

It takes me so long to get to my
emails every night. Can't think of any
heroes off hand, but I do prefer those
that are a bit different. Perfect men
don't exist except in fiction and I'd
rather have those who are flawed and

Re: Enchanting the Beast (11:11pm April 28, 2009):

Never really thought about looking at
people that way. Now I'll have a hard
time not doing it. My husband would
be a bear, our son a puma. The
personality doesn't match, but I'd like
to be a bird. I'll be looking at my
coworkers in a different way
tomorrow. Look forward to reading
your books.

Re: Heartbreak River (9:12pm April 27, 2009):

Music is a big part of my life. I listen
whenever I can. Certain songs bring
back memories. Others express things
just the right way. Good luck with your

Re: Rescue Me (10:22pm April 24, 2009):

Sounds like a series I'll have to look
into. The type of stories I like. My
wishes seem to take the form of travel.
I'd really like to go to....... Have been
able to make several of those trips.
Now I'm wishing for a trip to Scotland
and Ireland. I'll have to start working
on making that one come true.

Re: Cleopatra's Perfume (9:48pm April 23, 2009):

An interesting piece of history I wasn't
familiar with. Thanks.

Re: The Secret Mistress Arrangement (9:16pm April 22, 2009):

Someone who is understanding and kind
(in his own way). Integrity is very
important. Strength of character and

Re: Killer Keepsakes (10:11pm April 21, 2009):

If it works for you, who cares. My idea
can come at any time - I never know.
Unfortunately, if I don't write it down
almost immediately there is a good
chance I won't remember when I need
it. For 2 days I've thought of
something I need to search on the
internet. Haven't written it down and
when I sit down at the computer ,
can't for the life of me remember what
it is. Look forward to checking out
your books.

Re: Take Me Two Times (10:24pm April 20, 2009):

These books sound like a wild ride. You
answered most of my questions above.
Good luck on the next book.

Re: The Promise (10:02pm April 19, 2009):

Don't know what my first books were,
but reading has always been very
important to me. I'm the oldest of six
- all very close in age. Every Saturday
starting when I was in third grade or
so, I'd walk into town as early as I
could and spend the day at the library.
I read mostly science books for a long
time and added Nancy Drew. I spent a
lot of time by myself at home and
would read a good part of the time.
The habit continued through high
school and college. In the Peace
Corps, volunteers were given library -
a box of about 25 books. We' read
what we liked and pass them around.
Reading was a lifeline at some times -
especially during rainy season. Today
I read for work - I work in a small
library. I try to keep up with both
children's and adult books. It has
been enjoyable finding new authors.
However I now have more books on
my TBR shelf than I'll ever be able to
read. I read just about anything
except horror and erotica. Still like
suspense, romance, and nonfiction

Re: While My Sister Sleeps (10:16pm April 17, 2009):

People forget that writers must do
much more that just write their books.
They must "sell" it to their publisher,
deal with cover issues, editors, and
then the PR to reach the buying
public. Your books are very good.
You are a standing order at our
library, usually with a waiting list
started when the patrons know a new
one is coming. Keep up the good
work. We appreciate your
communicating with "your public".

Re: Mastering The Marquess (11:35pm April 16, 2009):

As the oldest of 6, I always felt like the
odd man out. My relationship with my
middle sister wasn't all that great
when we were younger, but we both
have grown up and our good friends
now. My baby sister was never really
involved in the sibling rivalry thing - I
was out of college and overseas by the
time she was in 5th grade. Can
actually relate to the sisters in Pride
and Prejudice. They are all very
different and that is the way it should

Re: The Texas Twins (10:24pm April 15, 2009):

How could we function without lists.
My memory and organization have
been scattered lately and lists have
been a necessity. Of course I keep
loosing/misplacing them which
doesn't help. I think part of the appeal
of a list is getting to check things off
which makes you feel like something is
getting done.
Texas Twins sounds good. Will look
for it.

Re: The Heir's Scandalous Affair (11:42pm April 14, 2009):

I like series, but it is frustrating when
you find old books and can't find all
the books in a series. I work in a
library and we get donations all the
time. I've discovered some good
authors that way. However, someone
gave us 8 books in a 12 book series
and the last one is missing. The series
came out in the 80's I think so it will
be a challenge to find the rest. I'm in
trouble because I started some of our
patrons on the series. We've all
enjoyed seeing how the characters
grow and interconnect.

Re: Someone Like You (10:00pm April 13, 2009):

Series are a great idea. We enter a
world, are introduced to great
characters, and want to know more
about all of them. One book is never
enough to get to know everyone's
story. Great series allow us to enjoy
the characters and their world for a
while. We still may hate to see them
"leave", but at least have had a good
long time with them.

Re: Paradise Valley (4:29pm April 12, 2009):

I still prefer reading to going to a
movie. I enjoy movies and some need
to be seen on the big screen (Harry
Potter, Lord of the Rings). However
most others I'd rather watch at home.
Those I really like, I buy so I can watch
them over and over and end up
spending less than one trip to the
theater. Right now I'm reading Silent
In The Grace by Deanna Raybourn and
Wild Indigo by Sandi Ault. Will be
starting Julie Kenners Good Ghouls Do
at work (my lunch reading). My TBR
pile is getting way too high!

Re: The Accidental Human (4:19pm April 12, 2009):

Happy Easter and other Spring
Holidays. The cover does matter to
me. It was a long tim e before I
picked up a romance novel because of
the bodice ripper covers. The male
versions out now that leave very little
to the imagination aren't much better.
I work at a small county library with a
large church going, older lady
patronage. I have to think of them
when I put books on the shelf. If
these guy's pants get any lower, there
won't be anything left to the
imagination. It isn't necessary. If the
story is good and the author known,
the book will sell. Putting a half naked
man or woman on the cover won't
make the story any better. I'm not a
prude, I read these books. That said, I
read the back cover or cover flap to
see what the story is about - that is
more important than the cover. If the
story needs an overly sexy picture to
sell it, maybe it isn't worth reading.

Re: Unseen (3:46pm April 10, 2009):

We all have our own birthdays, but our
first daughter was born the day
between my mother's and her mother's
birthday - Nov. 7,8,9. Our son was
born the end of Nov. as were my
fraternal grandmother and my
husband's mother- 25,28,30. Was
going to say November was a busy
month, but in reality February was.
Which is odd, because our other
daughter was born Feb. 15 (know
when that happened - her dad came
home from 3 months overseas).
Only have one grandson. He is
great, but I want granddaughters to do
things with.
Good luck with your "solo" career. It
has gotten off to a good start.

Re: Last Gasp (10:13pm April 9, 2009):

I love suspense novels with a bit of
romance thrown in. I remember when
In Cold Blood came out. I lived in
rural upstate N. Y. and couldn't sleep
for days after reading it. I'm not so
skittish now, but a really good thriller
can still freak me out. Look forward
to reading your book.

Re: 4 Bodies And A Funeral (11:20pm April 8, 2009):

As with most jobs, they sound more
glamorous than they really are. People
forget about the hours of drudge work
involved to get the job done. If you love
your job, it is easier to deal with.

Re: Rewriting Monday (10:52pm April 7, 2009):

About your books, I work at a small
county library and your books are very
popular - especially the westerns. It is
great to find a new author, put their
books on the shelf, and see them be
appreciated. Keep up the good work
and know that you are enjoyed in this
little corner of TN.

Re: Rewriting Monday (10:45pm April 7, 2009):

I wish I had pursued a career. I like
my life, but there were things I would
have liked to do that didn't fit with the
path taken. As a military wife with
small children and a husband who
could leave at any minute, I focused
on making a stable home for the
children and acting as both parents
when necessary. I was a very good
student and should have gone for my
Masters. 37 years ago it wasn't as
easy to find a program that you could
study away from the college.

Re: Dragonbound (9:34pm April 6, 2009):

When a story finds you, write it. There
is no reason you can't keep a pen in
both worlds. If you are working on a
story and another intrudes, make
notes (mental or otherwise) on the
second that is pestering you. You do
a wonderful job with both your
historicals and fantasy, why not keep
them both. A trip back to Ragona is
something your fans will enjoy looking
forward to and it will be worth the
wait. Consider it your Regency Career
bonus - you get a trip to Fantasyland.

Re: Temptation Ridge (11:17pm April 4, 2009):

Yes, romances are sort of the sedative
for those of us who could have better
days. At times, we don't need to read
about chaos and suspense - we have
enough of our own. Something sweet,
not necessarily simple, and satisfying
- best of all it isn't fattening. What
more could one want to sooth the soul
when your 18 year old son walks into
the bedroom at 3 AM asking "Who's
going to take me to the hospital, I just
cut my finger off?" Too bad I forgot a
book that night. He's 26 now, I keep a
book in the car just in case, but he's
getting better at getting himself to the
emergency room. I wasn't even home
when the bear attacked him in the
back yard (wish I had been, he didn't
go to the hospital and should have).
We do earn every grey hair, don't we.

Re: The Wine Seekers (11:53pm April 3, 2009):

I would think some of an author's
characters would be what they wished
they could be or do.

Re: A World I Never Made (11:45pm April 2, 2009):

You are so correct. Suspense with no
great characters is rather flat. Both
are needed for a good story. I work at
a small county library and you are very
popular with our suspense readers.
We always make sure we have your
current books on the shelf. Thanks
for some great stroies.

Re: Red-Headed Stepchild (11:58pm April 1, 2009):

Glad to hear I wasn't the only one
afraid of things that might go bump in
the night. Afraid I'm still not over it
and I'm quite a bit older than you are.
Still can't watch horror movies. They
would give me nightmares for weeks.
I am getting better, but won't push my
luck. Like your idea of dealing with
your characters with a sense of humor.
We all need more of that and it
certainly doesn't hurt.

Re: The Inn at Eagle Point (10:02pm March 31, 2009):

The Chesapeake is a special area. Visited
it a few times, but would love to go back
now that the children are grown to really
enjoy a relaxing trip. Look forward to
your series, Sherryl.

Re: Lady Anne And The Howl In The Dark (10:57pm March 30, 2009):

Yes, yes, and yes. I grew up, and went to college in the same town, never traveled or got to do much different. Two weeks after graduation I left for the Peace Corps and spent 3 years on the other side of the world. Loved it. I'm always getting involved in one thing or another for either my job (children's librarian) or some other group. I'm constantly researching some new project or topic we'll be working on (cowboys, theater restoration, the arts, space, medieval life, pow wows, to name a few). It keeps life interesting. I love learning new stuff. Julie Garwood's were my first romance books. When she switched from historicals to modern suspense I was really upset. She is a great author and her FBI books are good. I just miss the historicals.

Re: Kiss Of Darkness (11:09pm March 27, 2009):

Cute idea for a blog. Enjoyed it. Had picked up one of your books to sample, but it is still on the TBR shelf. Will have to get to it soon and find the other ones. They sound good. Keep up the good work.

Re: Lords Of Corruption (12:07pm March 27, 2009):

Too true. What little traveling I was able to do on my way home from the Peace Corps in 1971 proved things were much the same as your experiences. You really can't make up some of the things that happen. I had three months planned, but got word my mother was dying and headed home after just two weeks (Sinapore, Indonesia,Bali). I can only imagine the wonderful and wierd experiences that awaited me in Southeast Asia, the Indian sub-continent, and the Middle East. I'd love to complete the trip someday, but I'm not 24 anymore and the world is a very different place.

Re: Night Life (12:53pm March 26, 2009):

A very informative piece. Had heard of Suzanne Simmons Guntrum's passing. Have read many of her books under most of her pen names. I was also looking forward to Night Hunter. She will be missed, especially by you, her friends and fellow writers.

Re: Too Rich and Too Dead (12:30pm March 26, 2009):

I am so jealous! I never got to travel as a child and have tried to make up for it in my adult life. My husband and I hit the road whenever we can. To bad I'm not a travel writer - couyld do so much more if someone else was paying for it. Sounds like a series that might go over well at the little library where I work. I'll check it out. Happy traveling.

Re: Pursuit (10:38pm March 25, 2009):

Have always enjoyed your books. Looks like you have 2 more winners.

Re: To Beguile A Beast (9:56pm March 23, 2009):

The variation on Beauty and the Beast
story is one of my favorites. This one
sounds like it will be an enjoyable read.
Have enjoyed your books.

Re: Evil In Carnations (9:20pm March 20, 2009):

Glad to hear you are recovering. It is
frightening just how fast our lives can
change and we have absolutely no
control over what happens. We don't
appreciate how important our health is
until something happens to it. As you
well know, no one realizes how bad it
can get until you are there. It puts a
whole new perspective on what is
important. Hope you continue to
improve. Keep up the good writing.

Re: Sophie's Secret (9:09pm March 19, 2009):

Have read a couple of the past More Than
Words. I love anthologies and the reason
behind these is excellent. Everyone
should buy one and support the causes.
Keep up the good writing.

Re: A Knife Edge (11:21pm March 17, 2009):

The topics/situations Vin Cooper gets
into seem to be serious enough. A
sense of humor is necessary to
survive. My husband is retired
military. A lot of the guys I met when
he was in were nice guys but being
politically correct wasn't high on the
list of their personality traits. In a
time of crisis, brash and cynical some
times work best. Life is serious
enough, approaching it with a sense of
humor is sometimes the only way to
hang in there.

Re: Would-Be Witch (11:44pm March 16, 2009):

Probably the Scottish Highlands. The
time period would be hard, they
always seemed to be at war. Before
the 1700's, since it would only be for
a couple of weeks. The late 1800's to
the first decade of the 1900's in just
about anywhere would be interesting.

Re: The Deepest Cut (10:09pm March 13, 2009):

Good advise. Am going to copy it and
give it to a friend who is trying to get
her first book published. Rules for
reading? If you have more than one
book going at the same time (I usually
have 3 or 4) make them different
genres. It is way to easy to have plots
and characters get confused. Right
now I have a James Paterson, a
western and a modern romance going
plus a couple of children's books.

Re: Intimate Beings (11:06pm March 12, 2009):

Kelli Jo - What a thought provoking
comment. It is sad to think that the
history of a person, a family, a town, a
relationship would just stop, as if it
never existed. It may not be written
down, but it should still be carried if
only in someone's heart or memory.
You would hope that in some way a
person's life was touched enough to
carry a part of "you" with it.

Re: Simple Wishes (8:54pm March 11, 2009):

Sounds like an interesting book. I
agree with you on the specialness of
handcrafted items. My husband and
son are both woodworkers and
blacksmiths. We have a wide variety of
interests few of which obviously
overlap. I can see how all of your
elements can come together.

Re: 4 Bodies And A Funeral (9:51pm March 10, 2009):

Yes. When I left the Peace Corps and
was taking time to travel home, I went
to Indonesia. The train I took across
the island arrived about midnight or
so. The only way to get to town was
by pedicab. Other than the lights at
the station, there were none. I had no
idea how far it was to town, what
direction, or how much it should cost.
It was pitch dark, no one knew where I
was or was expecting me. When we
got to the compound where I was
staying and woke someone up to let
me in, there was a problem. I didn't
have change to pay the driver and he
thought I was trying to cheat him. He
didn't know enough english to
understand what I was trying to
explain. Luckily the owner of the place
I was staying woke up enough to
explain it him and take care of things.
We (P. C. Volunteers) tended to stay in
out of the way places, not tourist
hotels. For $2 a night you didn't get
much even in 1971. I am careful
most of the time. Actually, I follow all
the suggestions you had in your piece.

Re: Fury Calls (10:15pm March 9, 2009):

Read Holiday With a Vampire. Am
curious to see what happens with the
characters. Happy Birthday and keep up
the good writing.

Re: Summer On Blossom Street (10:00pm March 8, 2009):

I get involved in most of the books I
read, and usually relate to one
character. Just finished Dakota Born,
by Debbie Macomber. I can relate to
the town and several of the characters.
I usually relate to historical characters
more than contemporary ones. Our
whole family seems to have been born
in the wrong century.

Re: Scandal (11:12pm March 7, 2009):

I love historicals. Most authors take
time to research the time and place of
their story and in a way turn it into a
bit of a history lesson. In some cases,
I've followed up with research about
something mentioned in a romance.
My first romance was Julie Garwood's
The Prize. It was the first of many and
a to read bookcase (actually several)
that keeps getting more full.

Re: Book of Sudoku (11:05pm March 7, 2009):

I work in a small library and you
wouldn't believe what happens to
books. We had one returned with a
piece of baloney in it for a bookmark.
Books come back with split spines
after only one use. I had one lady tell
me the first thing she does with a new
book is to open it and bend it back so
the covers meet. I lost four teen
books in one week. One girl brought 2
books in soaking wet with no
explanation. A boy brought in two
books with the spines broken and
pages ripped out. What really hurt
was it was the first time each book
had been checked out. It is true they
don't make books like they used to,
but people need to be more careful. It
is really sad that most people don't
care and give you a hard time about
replacing the book. Most don't realize
how poorly funded most libraries are.

Re: Safe By His Side (9:43pm March 5, 2009):

I like both light paranormal and dark.
It depends on my mood which I read
at any time. Like you the love/hate is
exercise. Dieting is a biggie too.
Housework isn't so bad, I just don't
get much time to do it. We've been
renovating the victorian we live in for
the last 16 years and there are boxes
all over. I need a week or so to just
lock myself in and dig into the mess.

Re: Fury Calls (10:02pm March 4, 2009):

Enjoyed Holiday With A Vampire. Look
forward to reading more in The Calling
Series. If an author isn't involved with
his/her characters, it shows and the
story suffers. The more involved, the
better you know them and the more
"realistic" the stories. Keep up the
good writing.

Re: The Better To Hold You (9:38pm March 3, 2009):

I've been sharing books on tape/CD
with my husband. Good writers are
good writers no matter what the
genre. Some are suspense novels,
some "kids" books, some nonfiction,
and of course romance. Except for
almost driving off the road during a
rather unexpected and detailed sex
scene (guess I should have warned
him), he has for the most part enjoyed
all I've thrown his way. On one trip, I
read four books in a series to him
while we were driving (Janet
Chapman). We happened to be visiting
the area the stories took place. He
finally caught on that I was skipping
sections (too embarrassed to read
them out loud). Sorry, if he wants the
juicy parts, he'll have to read them

Re: Bride By Command (10:02pm March 2, 2009):

Beauty and the Beast is my all time
favorite. It reminds us to look beyond
appearances and into the heart of
everyone. Don't be too hasty to judge

Re: The C.O.O. Must Marry (9:51pm February 27, 2009):

Actually my long journey has been
tied to my husband's. We were friends
in high school and went our separate
ways. I followed my dream of joining
the Peace Corps and he ended up in
the Air Force. Seven years since we
had last seen each other, we met up
again and got married. 38 years later
our journey is going strong with lots
of laughs, tears and happiness along
the way. ( A successful marriage and
family seem to be harder to come by
every year.) We are looking forward to
a longer journey still.

Re: Kisses Like A Devil (9:09pm February 26, 2009):

I really, really want to go to Ireland and
Scotland - home of my ancestors. My
husbands ancestors came from
England, so we'd stop there. A far
away place I'd like to return to is Bali.
It is truly a place out of time (of course
I was there 38 years ago.). More
recently, we were in Wyoming and
Montana. Would like to go back there
and see what we didn't have time to
visit. Some day - Chaco Canyon. Did
I mention I love to travel and want to
go everywhere and see everything.
Just need to find a spare million or so.

Re: The Wine Seekers (9:58pm February 17, 2009):

Funny how so much of our life
revolves around food. Special meals
with family and friends. Those special
places you find when you are
traveling. We made a 250 mile detour
on a trip to go back to a really good
homemade ice cream parlor in Maine.
We found a wonderful winery in
central Tennessee. We can usually find
a reason once a year to head that way
and buy a case. We enjoy the trip and
have at least 12 good meals with good
wine, and even better company.

Re: Secret Fantasy (10:12pm February 14, 2009):

Yes, I tend to buy my own gifts, as does
my husband. Not all the time, but the
older we get, the less we need, so we get
what we need/want after telling each
other "guess what you're getting me."

Re: Millionaire's Secret Seduction (9:21pm February 12, 2009):

Fagin from the movie Oliver. He never
was truly evil, just a flawed human. You
couldn't approve of him, but he brought a
smile to your face.

Re: The Concubine (9:10pm February 12, 2009):

Jade, thank you for hosting the blog
contest. Look forward to reading "The

Re: Bluegrass Courtship (8:42pm February 11, 2009):

Anyone who can survive a major
renovation unscathed is doing well.
Our Victorian farm house that we
bought in 1992 needed a lot of work -
as in rip everything out and start over.
It really was/is a nice house, but it
hadn't been taken care of and had had
had a bad remodeling effort started.
That did more damage than 100 years.
We're still working on it and my
husband and I are still talking to each
other. We're almost done (have been
saying that for years!) We still love
and other and even love the house.

Re: The Man She Married (8:53pm February 10, 2009):

Thank you for the quotes. I use them at
the library where I work. These will go
up on my display tomorrow. Thanks and
have a good Valentines Day.

Re: The Courtier's Secret (10:36pm February 9, 2009):

I agree with you 100%. A character is
just that, a description. The plot is
what brings them to life. Without a
strong union of two quality elements,
you have a mundane work. You seem
to have picked a rich time period to
work with.

Re: The Secret Life of Bees (6:00pm February 8, 2009):

I like to read the book first, but don't
always get to do it. I do know it can
be a great disappointment when they
don't match well. Hallmark took Julie
Garwood's For the Roses series and
turned it into a movie - Rose Hill -
and I have never been so furious in my
life. Except for the opening scene and
the name of the characters, NOTHING
was the same. To say they butchered
the books and used every western
cliche in Hollywood would be an
understatement. (Do I sound upset?)
You expect a few differences, but not
to loose the essence of the original
story .

Re: Made To Be Broken (1:09pm February 7, 2009):

I finished Inkheart this week (I'm a
children's librarian). I was impressed
how rich the language is. Look
forward to reading the other two. I
just started Kim Lenox's "Night Falls
Darkly." First of hers I've read and am
finding it interesting. Have a long list
of must reads. Robyn Carr and Carla
Neggers have been on it for a while.
Have a feeling they will be someone I'll
have to tell my boss to put on the
shelves. I love introducing our patrons
to new authors. It is a small county
library and there are a lot of authors
for me to add. We have a lot of
suspense and romance lovers.

Re: A Lie For A Lie (8:53pm February 6, 2009):

I can see why you like to return to
"your town and characters". You
spend a lot of time and effort to create
them. Who would want to leave them
after just one story. As a reader,it is
enjoyable to revisit your characters.
We hate to leave them after one story
and thank you for keeping them

Re: The Temptation Of The Night Jasmine (10:08pm February 5, 2009):

I've always liked the strong silent type.
They do what needs to be done, suffer in
silence, and can take what life throws at

Re: The Secret Agent's Surprises (10:24pm February 4, 2009):

You've done well. Nothing is better
than being able to use your talents
doing something you really enjoy. The
bonus is being able to make a living of
it. We can't all be so lucky. You are in
a field with some other really great
people and as you said, you've been
lucky enough to meet some of them. I
wish you much future success and

Re: A Desirable Husband (8:56pm February 3, 2009):

I've read several of your books over
the years. I always have Regency
books on hand. They make a pleasant
read and a nice break from serial
killers, vampires and oversexed
couples. I enjoy many different genres
and historicals are a big part of it.

Re: The Diary of Cozette (10:43pm February 2, 2009):

I like characters with quiet dignity and
strength. The are not the flashy heros,
they are the ones who struggle, live and
conquer their situation.

Re: The Magic Knot (8:41pm January 30, 2009):

I prefer the rural setting. It sort of
gives more magical leeway to the plot.
Cities give a more gritty hard feeling
to a story. Lets face it, misty moors,
cobbled villages, shadowed forests
and flowered meadows are wonderful
settings for romance and magic - no
matter what the year.

Re: Evil Without A Face (7:38pm January 29, 2009):

Home computer supervision is
important, but there are other ways
kids can get on line. They can find
friends who are not supervised and go
to internet cafes. Most public libraries
have computers with internet access.
At the small library where I work, you
must be 18 to access sites such as
Facebook and MySpace. Our firewall
also makes an over ride necessary for
sites with "adult" content. It is not
perfect, but it is a start. Some parents
don't want the controls. Some have
even come in with their children,
gotten the over ride, and then turned
the computer over to their child and
left. They see the "fun" aspect of the
chatrooms, etc. and don't want to hear
about the dangers. Before the
firewalls were installed, we did have
one 13 or 14 year old who was
conversing with a man and trying to
set up a meeting. We can't stop the
over 18 set, but we have tried to
explain to some of the young women
the chances they are taking, but they
don't want to hear it. We can have
them get off sites that are visually
offensive, but the written word is
another matter. We don't want to
become the internet use police, but
the lack of common sense by some
users is scary.

Re: Darkness Unknown (8:03pm January 28, 2009):

Another new series to explore! I work
in a small county library and it is hard
keeping up with all my favorite
authors. There are so many of you out
there that are good. I enjoy finding
new authors and introducing them to
our patrons. I look forward to reading
your Paladin books.

Re: Thread of Fear (4:10pm January 24, 2009):

I work at a small county library. We do
have a book club use our meeting
room. I, however, participate in sort of
an running book club with our
patrons. We share books we've read,
suggest what others may like, and
patrons suggest new authors they'd
like us to get. I get to pick up new
authors and introduce them to
patrons. It's a lot of fun and since
there is no meeting time we are
including a lot of people that would
never join a "real" reading group.
We've all discovered some good new
books. I like being able to talk with
people with a wide variety of tastes in
books. Through us they are sharing
with people they've never met. It's
great fun. I love my job!

Re: Thread of Fear (8:58pm January 21, 2009):

Nancy Drew was a favorite. In high
school I found Mary O'Hara' trilogy MY
lot of time reading books on
archeology and scientific discoveries
and exploration.

Re: Ringing In Murder (8:22pm January 20, 2009):

We have just "discovered" you at our
small county library. We did order
your christmas book in 2007 and some
time this year my boss discovered your
series. It is hard in a library as small
as ours (with a small budget) to add
new authors, but you are definitely
one. Everyone who has checked one
of your books out has enjoyed the
read. We are slowly adding to our
collection and hope to have them all
soon. Keep up the good writing!

Re: Talk Me Down (8:40pm January 19, 2009):

I agree with you on the historicals. Yes
there are pirates, highwaymen and forced
marriages, but in the current context,
there isn't much romantic about them.

Re: Heart Of Courage (12:44pm January 12, 2009):

Have read your historicals in the past
and really enjoyed them. You do a
very good job of setting the tone for
the period in which the story happens.
Your characters are rich and wonderful
to get to know. They are "real" and I
find myself invested in the turmoil of
their lives. I find myself going back to
my favorite books just to read certain
scenes. Keep up the good writing.

Re: Out of This World Lover (7:46pm January 11, 2009):

Yes, I have a large collection of
anthologies and am always picking up
more. Most are really good stories. I
can pick one up and start a story late
and still finish it at a reasonable hour
rather than stay up late trying to read
just one more chapter.

Re: Smoke Screen (4:38pm January 11, 2009):

Yes, there are authors I just have to
have. Julie Garwood was the very first
romance author I ever read and I had
to have all her books. Got a little upset
when she left her historicals to do
modern FBI, but couldn't stay mad
long. Janet Chapman, Karen Moning,
Kathy Reichs, Julia Spencer-Fleming,
Julie Kenner, and a few series from
Catherine Coulter and Nora Roberts
are also keepers. There are lots of
other authors that are must have's, but
I'm forcing myself not to hold on to
them. I work at a small county library,
so I have access to all the books I
need, plus I do a lot of the purchasing,
so if I find a new author, I just make
sure to order them and look for all the
backlist titles. There are still backlists
of so many authors I'm trying to work
my way through. Then of course there
are the authors I'm just now
discovering. There are still boxes of
books here at the house that must be
read before they go to the library. As
the saying goes "So many books, so
little tome."

Re: The Vorkosigan Companion (8:24pm January 1, 2009):

Love to read and generally have a book
at work, one at home, a book on CD in
the car, and a children's book all going
at the same time. I'm always looking
for new authors and new books by old
favorites. There is just never enough
time to read all the great books out

Re: Kissing Games Of The World (10:46pm December 30, 2008):

Enjoyed your description of having your
characters find you and give you their
story. They are obviously doing a good
job. Keep up the good work and keep
your "door"(?) open for your next story.

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