A Case for the Cookie Baker, June 2021
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A Case for the Toy Maker, November 2020
A Case for the Yarn Maker, April 2020
A Case for the Winemaker, February 2020
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Bet Me to Stay, July 2019
A Holiday Peak Valentine, February 2019
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New Year's at Holiday Peak, December 2018
Christmas at Holiday Peak, November 2018
All I Want Is You, April 2017
Christmas with the Marine, October 2016
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Branded, September 2016
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Make Mine a Marine, July 2016
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Her Sexy Marine Valentine, March 2016
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Baby's Got Bite, August 2015
Baby's Got Bite, August 2015
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Tycoon Reunion, February 2014
Mission: Seduction, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Lions, Tigers and Sexy Bears, Oh My!, July 2013
Take It Like A Vamp, May 2013
Hardcover / e-Book
A Riveting Affair, April 2013
Date by Mistake, March 2013
All I Want For Christmas..., December 2012
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Take it Like a Vamp, August 2012
Spirited, February 2012
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Model Marine, November 2011
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Truth And Dare, May 2011
She Who Dares, Wins, April 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Take Me If You Dare, February 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Dragons Prefer Blondes, July 2009
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Dreams & Desires, Vol. 3, February 2009
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The Demon King and I, November 2008
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Charmed & Ready, August 2008
Dreams & Desires, February 2008
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Like a Charm, February 2008
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Charmed & Dangerous, December 2007
Charmed & Deadly, June 2007
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Dreams and Desires, March 2007
Dreams and Desires, March 2007
Dreams and Desires, March 2007
Charmed & Ready, September 2006
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Charmed & Dangerous, September 2005
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Alias Assumed: Sex, Lies and SD-6, August 2005
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Five Seasons of Angel, November 2004
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Joss Whedon, May 2001
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Dangerous times call for sexy maneuvers
Harlequin Blaze
February 2010
On Sale: February 1, 2010
Featuring: Mariska Stonegate; Jackson
224 pages ISBN: 0373795270 EAN: 9780373795277 Mass Market Paperback
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Romance Erotica Sensual | Romance Contemporary
For Mariska Stonegate, the gorgeous guy she's now met is
everything she's looking for in a man—hot, hot and…oh,
right. Hot. And just because every pore of his body screams
danger and sex doesn't mean she's getting herself into too
much trouble…. But Mr. Thomas isn't who he says he is. In fact, his real
name is Jackson—no last names, please—and he's a burned CIA
agent on the run. And he'll do just about anything to stay
alive…including seducing Mariska one hot, steamy night at a
No awards found for this book.
63 comments posted.
Re: Take Me If You Dare
This is an impressive list of books. Will have to add some to my to buy list. Thanks for the update. (Brenda Hill 2:51pm February 7, 2010)
So many nominees and award winners have made outrageous speeches that the Academy Awards have become political soap boxes, not what they were intended to become. I don't watch them. (Gladys Paradowski 4:58am February 23, 2010)
Thanks Sara. :) (Candy Havens 7:45pm February 23, 2010)
I haven't seen Blindside so I don't know about Bullock's performance, but I agree that Streep nailed Julia Child. The Hurt Locker was amazing. I'm really cheering for it for best picture and I thought Jeremy Renner's performance was exactly what the role called for.
See you at the Magnolia! I had a blast at the event last year. (Summer Sharp 7:57pm February 23, 2010)
Great commentary, Candace. I'm a fan of Quentin Tarantino as well. Thanks for your insights into the films, many that I haven't had a chance to see yet. You helped me decide in which ones I would like to invest my time. (June Faver 7:59pm February 23, 2010)
Summer, I'm so happy you're coming out!
June, I love Quentin too!
Sara, I've never met her, but she made me cry a little watching the Baftas with her plea for peaceful resolutions. :) (Candy Havens 8:10pm February 23, 2010)
I just realized I hadn't gotten around to seeing most of these movies yet, looks like I have the kind of homework I like. But I have always loved Bullock and Streep and hope one of them wins. (Sara Edmonds 8:28pm February 23, 2010)
I have a feeling that Avatar will probably take home a lot. Yes, it's the retelling of Pocahontas or any other story where a foreign country invades and takes over, but hopefully it will get today's youth thinking about the future of the world. A movie with this great of a production, graphics, story and sound deserves to be a winner and not glossed over. (Ethan Nahte' 8:30pm February 23, 2010)
Sara E., it's looking good for Bullock.
Ethan, Avatar is a wonderful film. It could take home a ton of prizes. Depends on the mood of the voters. A month ago I would have said it was a shoe-in for Best Pic, I can't say that now. (Candy Havens 8:32pm February 23, 2010)
Great picks. What do you think of having 10 best picture nominees? (Maria Munoz 8:46pm February 23, 2010)
I don't watch the awards but to tell you the truth I haven't even seen any of these movies. (Diane Sadler 9:03pm February 23, 2010)
I love the OSCARS. I'd watch it for the gowns alone. I do like to see who & what gets the big awards. (Mary Preston 9:22pm February 23, 2010)
Please enter me in your fantastic contest and I love to enter and win the contests on freshfiction daily. God bless, Cecilia [email protected] (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 9:29pm February 23, 2010)
I've only seen one of the movies for best picture so I can't weigh in.I am with you in hopes that Colin Firth wins for best actor.Thanks for your blog it gives me an idea of what I should see. (Catherine Myers 9:38pm February 23, 2010)
Great evaluation of the movies and actors. I am not a big movie goer and have not seen any of the ones nominated. I will probably watch part of the Oscars just out of curiosity. (Patricia Barraclough 9:59pm February 23, 2010)
I hope Hurt Locker wins best picture. (Deb Pelletier 10:26pm February 23, 2010)
Mary, you and me both on the gowns!
Catherine, you are welcome.
Patricia, there are always the clothes and hot guys. :)
Deb, IT's a very good possibility. (Candy Havens 10:48pm February 23, 2010)
I am hoping Sandra Bullock wins because Blind Side was such an inspirational story and movie. (Tamara Bennington 11:50pm February 23, 2010)
Well, of all the films you listed, I've only seen "Inglorious Basterds", and my only statement is if the war had really gone that way, a lot fewer people would have died, and it would have been a couple of years shorter! Great premise, and nowhere near as bloody as my girlfriend had thought it was going to be (even though she hid her eyes a couple of times!).
My choice for top in all the fields? "Whip It!" Roller derby rocks, even on a banked track!! And Barrymore did a good job both directing and doing her own actual skating. It shows a pretty accurate account of the Derby life, on the track, at least. Most of the rest of it is just Hollywood fluff, but the skating is pretty close to the real deal. Yeah, it's not up for any awards, but overall, it is a pretty good and authentic movie about Derby, and it's nice to be properly represented for once by Hollywood.
Lynn, aka Boxy, The Box Officer, Mad Rollin' Dolls, Madison, Wisconsin (Lynn Rettig 1:35am February 24, 2010)
Me, I just read the next day's news to see the results. (Lisa Richards 5:12am February 24, 2010)
Lynn, I loved Whip It too. I wish that film had received the attention it deserved. (Candy Havens 9:21am February 24, 2010)
love the oscars, haven't seen any of the films this year though --- $$ prevent actually going to see movies on the big screen anymore-- and dvd rentals are usually for the kids, but love to watch for the gowns (Kelly Holt 2:01am February 25, 2010)
I don't usually see any grown up movies. No time and the kids aren't old enough yet. So the only movie on the list I saw was 'UP'. Great movie. Love Sandra Bullock in anything. (Tracy Brown 6:46pm March 5, 2010)
I agree that Meryl Streep really nailed Julia. She's a great actress in my book. (Christine Schultz 7:07pm March 5, 2010)
I love to watch the red carpet procession. I try not to jinx my favorites by giving any predictions. That would be the kiss of death. (Rosemary Krejsa 7:55pm March 5, 2010)
I'm a sci-fi fan so I am hoping Avatar wins. (Sherry Russell 8:18pm March 5, 2010)
I don't understand the Best Picture push for Avatar. Is is a visually stunning achievement and should win for something in that vein. But the story is unoriginal and insultingly anti-business and anti-military. I don't believe Avatar is more creative than what Cameron did in the Terminator series decades ago. True sci-fi fans should consider another viewing of Star Trek. (G S Moch 9:24pm March 5, 2010)
Please enter me in your fantastic contest on freshfiction.com which I try to enter every day. I have even won some prizes on this great website. Thanks and God bless, Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez [email protected] (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 9:41pm March 5, 2010)
I'd like to see Sandra Bullock win for The Blind Side. (Lisa Johnson 3:59am March 6, 2010)
I know the Oscars are supposed to be about peer recognition, but I wish they'd also include a sampling of everyday moviegoers to help round things out. I'd love to be asked my opinion on all these movies. :) (Deborah Anderson 5:22am March 6, 2010)
although i dont watch the awards, i do hope that avatar wins. (Paulette Dubois 6:55am March 6, 2010)
I haven't seen any of the nominated films, but will be watching the awards. I will finally catch the films through Netflix when they are released. Thanks for sharing your input on the films and the awards. (Joanne Reynolds 7:33am March 6, 2010)
I haven't seen any of those movies. I have to wait until I see them on tv... (Minna Puustinen 8:31am March 6, 2010)
I love watching the Academy Awards even if I don't get to see the movies beforehand and this year, I'd love to see Sandra Bullock and Jeff Bridges win. Long overdue. (Margay Roberge 9:21am March 6, 2010)
Saw the Hurt Locker, thought it was a excellent movie. Hope it wins. (Pat Wilson 9:39am March 6, 2010)
I love to see all the gowns.And what they will say when they win (Patricia Kasner 11:50am March 6, 2010)
Awards shows bore me...I never watch... (Diane Pollock 11:51am March 6, 2010)
I haven't seen any of the nominated films, so I don't have any opinions. I don't watch award shows either. I don't have the time to spare! (Cheryl Bradley 12:01pm March 6, 2010)
I never see any of the current movies, yet I love watching the Academy Awards! I tape the show every year so I can fast-forward through boring speeches (or rewind when the host says something in relation to the last comment). My favorite part would be what the host(s) bring to the show. I'm very much looking forward to watching Steve and Alec co-host. (Elaine Seymour 12:06pm March 6, 2010)
Just watched Inglogious Bastards, and that one definitely gets my vote. (Cathy MacDonald 1:14pm March 6, 2010)
I love Inglourious Bastards. It's funny that it is based a a true story. I wouldn't have thought it was on factual information.
UP is another of my favorite movie. A few of my friends just didn't understand the movie that life is the greatest journey and not the trips that we wanted to take. (Kai Wong 1:32pm March 6, 2010)
i so want up to win...i loved that movie! actually, i have yet to not like a pixar movie.... (Kisah Jackson 2:23pm March 6, 2010)
I love UP too. I hope Colin Firth wins best actor!!!!!!!!!1 (Catherine Myers 3:55pm March 6, 2010)
I'd love to win! (Sue Ellen Williams 6:24pm March 6, 2010)
I hate to admit it but I am a hopeless awards show junkie. I love to watch all the hoopla & watch the stars as they walk up the red carpet. Of course I also dream about owning some of those gowns or a piece of jewelery - wouldn't it be wonderful!
Like you I like to snuggle up in a comfy pair of PJ's, grab some popcorn and waste my evening in front of the tube even though it's pretty predictable.
I think "Avatar" will take Best Picture - awesome job making this one!
I also loved Sandra Bullock in "The Blind Side", one of the better movies I've enjoyed this past while.
Loved reading every one's choices. (Kimberly Bartlett 7:15pm March 6, 2010)
The only movies I have watched have been 'The Hurt Locker' and 'Julie and Julia' both fabulous in there own way - Julia was NAILED by Streep (Patricia Mangum 7:56pm March 6, 2010)
I love watching the Oscars. It is so much fun to see who wins, but the part I enjoy most is seeing what everyone is wearing! (Cheryl Castings 8:18pm March 6, 2010)
I don't know who will win but I do enjoy watching what they ladies wear. (Shirley Kulesza 8:56pm March 6, 2010)
I used to watch all the shows. Now I only watch bits and pieces of them,, but I do like watching the shows afterwards that show what all everyone wore. (Amanda Nalley 12:57pm March 7, 2010)
I haven't seen that many of the nominees but I feel that Avatar will win the best picture because it was so different. (Maureen Emmons 6:58am March 7, 2010)
I agree with pretty much all of your choices. Thanks for saying that "Precious" wasn't a very well made film because as much as I love the fact that it tackled the subject matter it did, I was disappointed in the film. It never quite came together for me. I loved "Up in the Air" and "An Education," but I really want to see "Hurt Locker" or "Inglorious Basterds" win. If I have to choose, I would pick "Hurt Locker." Not sure about the two host thing tonight, but hopefully it will make for a fun show. (Michelle St. James 9:05am March 7, 2010)
I'm hopeful that Kathryn Bigelow wins best director. I also hope that Avatar wins best picture. I'm usually more of historical romance fan (Go Young Victoria for all categories it is nominated in!), but Avatar moved me like no other film had in a long time. I'm not a big sci-fi fan and I hated the Lord of the Rings series, but I absolutely loved Avatar. Maybe it's the "yoga" in me. :) (MaryAnne Banks 12:28pm March 7, 2010)
I actually haven't been able to see most of the movies, so I don't have a preference. With two little ones, I usually see movies when they come out on DVD. Thanks for your thoughts and the opportunity to win though! (Melissa Maringer 3:17pm March 7, 2010)
I really liked Sandra Bullock so she has my vote. (Deborah Lary 5:19pm March 7, 2010)
I love Sandra Bullock...besides that it would be great to see some less Hollywood movies take the awards. (Darci Paice 5:50pm March 7, 2010)
Hi Candace, Great chat. I love watching the awards. I also make my picks then sit and watch how many I have right. Well will talk to you soon... I'm in your write chat group. thanks again, (Heidi Shafer-Wilson 6:33pm March 7, 2010)
Congrats to all the Oscar winners! I'm amazed that today's director winner is the first woman to win it. We woman still have so many barriers to break. (Jung Ja Ahn 12:29pm March 8, 2010)
I've only seen 1 of the movies nominated :( (Raelena Pavey 1:26pm March 12, 2010)
For the most part everyone behaved unusually well. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 5:24pm March 13, 2010)
Jeff Bridges in Crazy Hearts is the best. What a Great Movie. (Rebecca Booth 11:20pm March 13, 2010)
I'm so glad that Sandra Bullock won this year. (Ginger Hinson 1:08am March 14, 2010)
I just saw Inglourious Basterds last night on DVD. I loved the irony and the smart conversations that go into the movie.
I already seen UP in the theater. The animation gives a very good theme and plot in the storyline that is so very true to our reality that we always forget that living life is the greatest journey into itself. We often think that taking a trip is the adventure, we are looking for and forget about the people we meet and the simplicity of things.
I'm looking forward in seeing the Blide Side and Avator on DVD. (Kai Wong 2:26pm March 14, 2010)
love tweeting with you can't wait for dancing with the stars (Jean Sagarese 6:50pm March 14, 2010)
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