A Case for the Cookie Baker, June 2021
Paperback / e-Book
A Case for the Toy Maker, November 2020
A Case for the Yarn Maker, April 2020
A Case for the Winemaker, February 2020
Paperback / e-Book
Bet Me to Stay, July 2019
A Holiday Peak Valentine, February 2019
Paperback / e-Book
New Year's at Holiday Peak, December 2018
Christmas at Holiday Peak, November 2018
All I Want Is You, April 2017
Christmas with the Marine, October 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Branded, September 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Make Mine a Marine, July 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Her Sexy Marine Valentine, March 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Baby's Got Bite, August 2015
Baby's Got Bite, August 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Tycoon Reunion, February 2014
Mission: Seduction, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Lions, Tigers and Sexy Bears, Oh My!, July 2013
Take It Like A Vamp, May 2013
Hardcover / e-Book
A Riveting Affair, April 2013
Date by Mistake, March 2013
All I Want For Christmas..., December 2012
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Take it Like a Vamp, August 2012
Spirited, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Model Marine, November 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Truth And Dare, May 2011
She Who Dares, Wins, April 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Take Me If You Dare, February 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Dragons Prefer Blondes, July 2009
Trade Size
Dreams & Desires, Vol. 3, February 2009
Trade Size
The Demon King and I, November 2008
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Charmed & Ready, August 2008
Dreams & Desires, February 2008
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Like a Charm, February 2008
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Charmed & Dangerous, December 2007
Charmed & Deadly, June 2007
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Dreams and Desires, March 2007
Dreams and Desires, March 2007
Dreams and Desires, March 2007
Charmed & Ready, September 2006
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Charmed & Dangerous, September 2005
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Alias Assumed: Sex, Lies and SD-6, August 2005
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Five Seasons of Angel, November 2004
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Joss Whedon, May 2001
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Fighting evil in four-inch Pradas...
Caruthers Sisters #2
July 2009
On Sale: July 7, 2009
Featuring: Ginjin; Alex Caruthers; Jake
304 pages ISBN: 0425227804 EAN: 9780425227800 Trade Size
Add to Wish List
Romance Paranormal | Fantasy Urban
Second in the paranormal series featuring the Caruthers
sisters, party girls who save the world—between
Alex Caruthers is a sassy socialite
who knows when it’s time to turn in her dancing shoes and
kick some serious dragon booty. But when Ginjin—the dragon
warrior who’s tried to kill her numerous times—chooses her
as his mate, Alex finds herself in a situation that’s too
hot to handle.
For help she turns to Jake, head of
Caruthers security—and a total hottie in a suit—and asks him
to pose as her boyfriend. Their relationship might be fake,
but Alex can’t deny that one touch from Jake makes her burn
hotter than any dragon could.
No awards found for this book. Caruthers Sisters
112 comments posted.
Re: Dragons Prefer Blondes
I am a seat of the pants reader. I don't plan a read, I just grab a book that looks good and go with it! They are so many to choose from today so its a hard to decide what to read! (Gail Hurt 11:15am May 23, 2009)
I enjoy browsing and then pouncing upon a book that I discover. That makes the hunt more enjoyable. (Sharon Berger 11:19am May 23, 2009)
I think I'm somewhere in between. If I see some buzz about a particular book and it catches my interest, I will plan to go get it and read it. But then there are times when I just like to browse and find something cool that I have to read. So although I think book clubs are cool, I don't know if I could completely run with the pack and read assigned books without being distracted by a new one. (Margay Roberge 11:53am May 23, 2009)
I definitely keep a list of my (ever-growing) list of authors/books to be read, with the book title, author and release date. Otherwisse, how do you know you're not going to miss something wonderful? (G S Moch 1:15pm May 23, 2009)
Im in the middle. I have a list of upcoming releases but I dont plan what I will read and when. I read whatever sounds good at the time I am ready to start a new book. (Donna Simmonds 2:10pm May 23, 2009)
I've come across a lot of great books by chance, that I've totally loved, but mostly I am a planner. I have a list of upcoming books from my favorite authors and haunt the bookstores until their release dates. Then its a quiet room and a day of reading. (Cathy MacDonald 2:56pm May 23, 2009)
I thought that I must be the only person who could never decide what I would be reading next. I'd rush out and buy a specific book that I just had to read immediately, but when I sat down to begin reading, another book would be in my hands. I think that indecision is just part of the fun of being a book reader. (Rosemary Krejsa 3:06pm May 23, 2009)
I am a little bit of both. If I see a book I like I buy it and either read it right away or put it on my TBR list. I also like to watch for books that I have been notified about so I can pick them up. (Judy Anderson 3:30pm May 23, 2009)
Like Judy, I'm a little of both. When one of my favorite authors comes across my desk, I devor it first even if the publishing date is down the line and I have books that are due (or past due) ahead of it. But, I don't make lists about reading. Everyday things, yes, like call exterminator, make deposit, yada yada. If I had Linda Howards new one I'd be in hog-heaven. (Betty Cox 4:14pm May 23, 2009)
that should be devour.... (Betty Cox 4:15pm May 23, 2009)
I like to know what is coming but I'm more a fly by the seat of my pants sort of person.
I usually try to read review books first but I am behind there too! (Sandi Shilhanek 4:20pm May 23, 2009)
I'm aware of books that are coming out that interest me and plan to get them, but since I have a huge TBR pile, when it comes time to pick a new book to read, I grab whatever strikes my fancy at that moment. (Barbara Elness 4:27pm May 23, 2009)
I'm a browser who reads anything especially if the first page is a grabber. (Alyson Widen 4:46pm May 23, 2009)
I am a planner and a seat of my pants reader. I like to know when my fav authors new books are coming out and plan to read them at my first opportunity, but other times I like to pick up a book by authors I don't know and take a chance. (Carrie Divine 5:20pm May 23, 2009)
I usually start off with a list of books, until I get to the store.Then it's four or five more books that I didn't plan on buying. I try to read a book in one or two days. I also have to smuggle them into the house so my husband doesn't see all of them. (Evelyn Day 5:27pm May 23, 2009)
I guess like the poster above, I fall in the middle. I buy my RT every month and keep a huge notebook of new releases I want to buy & read. But my TBR is ever-growing and I'm always behind. Also I buy & read from the shelves as I come across books & authors that are new to me and look interesting or authors I come across via word of mouth from my DorothyL mystery list I subscribe to or those that friends tell me about. Of course I also scour the 'net, subscribe to blogs, lists, read Fresh Fiction and other sites as well. Nothing like feeding the addiction, hmmm? LOL I need a shirt that reads "Book-a-holic with serious habit", I'm running out of shelf room in my house, but I know that won't stop me! As for what I read first, it is whatever strikes my fancy on any given day, it may be a brand new release I've been drooling to get or I may pull a book out of the TBR, especially if I've been waiting to begin say a trilogy, as I will wait to get all three books in hand so that I can read all three one after the other. That way I don't forget things as I read. (Kay Martinez 5:40pm May 23, 2009)
I read many different genres so I try to switch up what I'm reading after every book I finish. (Teresa Warner 5:47pm May 23, 2009)
For reading, I'm definitely a pantser. For buying, I'm an "after-the-fact" lister. By that, I mean that I've started an excel file of books in a certain genre that I read, so that I don't re-buy one I already have. And yes, I DO carry that list with me in my purse. Of course, I have to update it regularly. Between myself and my best girlfriend, we trade books back and forth so much, that making a TBR list, and trying to stick to it, would be utterly impossible! I am about ready to start making lists of the rest of my books, as I am starting to re-buy on a couple of authors. Luckily, my friend is always willing to have the duplicates, and vice versa!!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 6:10pm May 23, 2009)
I always know when my favorite authors have books coming out and I buy them but sometimes it's just not what I want to read right then so I pick up something that looks good at the moment and save my must buy for when I will enjoy it most. (Barbara Baugh 7:18pm May 23, 2009)
Anymore, I can't keep up with new releases. :) But if something I really want to read is coming out, I'll make note of it. (Virginia Hendricks 9:36pm May 23, 2009)
I'm probably somewhere in the middle. I do keep a book list with what I've read & what I'd like to read. Then, when I go to the library or bookstore, I can choose what I might like off the list. (Cheryl Snyder 11:25pm May 23, 2009)
I'm actually a little of both. There are some books I really should read for work- I work in a small county library in the children's section, but am also the only employee who will admit to reading romance. I read the kid's and YA stuff - and like it. Like the romance too and sample authors I don't yet know. That being said, I will sometimes walk by one of my many stacks, boxes, or shelves of books and grab one that fits the mood of the day to just sit down and read. No lists, just a feeling I really need to read this book before I put it on the shelf or see the movie (have not yet finished ANGELS AND DEMONS or even started HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE. And now I'm spending too much time on the computer to get much reading done! (Patricia Barraclough 12:00pm May 24, 2009)
I'm a little of both. I have autobuy authors that I have release dates for, but I also surf and love to discover new authors. Then I'll start at book #1 and work my way through their backlist... (Nancy Geary 8:01am May 24, 2009)
I always decide which book to read when it's time to start a new one. Sometimes, I have a specific genre in mind or a certain length of book. Other times, I just grab what looks good at the time. (LuAnn Morgan 12:51pm May 24, 2009)
I am so addicted to reading that I am actually a little of both! (Cheryl Castings 3:58pm May 24, 2009)
I'm in between: I have a wish list of books with their release dates so I know when to go and purchase them; however I read them when I feel like that particular book strikes me (Diane Sadler 7:02pm May 24, 2009)
I'm a planner, I read books from my favorite authors when they come out but will also change genres if something catches my eye. (Vikki Parman 10:32pm May 24, 2009)
Thanks for the reminder on Facebook. I would like to think I'm a planner since I really need to start budgeting my book purchases, but that never seems to happen. I need to snag one of those upcoming book release lists at Borders cause I have no idea what is coming out when anymore. Thanks for the heads up on the Linda Howard book. (Summer Sharp 11:27pm May 24, 2009)
I'm a bit of both actually. I have a couple of lists of books I want to read and I usually know when the next book by my favorite author is coming out but I'm very moody. I have to be in the mood to read something so I can't be very meticulous or else I won't enjoy the book as much. (Jennifer Lalley 2:45pm May 26, 2009)
In a way, I am both. I try to find out when my favorite authors will have their next book out and make plans to buy it, but I also read everything else that catches my attention. (Patsy Hagen 2:46pm May 26, 2009)
I'm a little bit of both; I always keep track of when my favs have books coming out and read them as soon as I can, just not necessarily in any order; but I also find new authors and just have to read them also. I don't "plan" reading time, I just make it work! I read in any down time, I read at lunch, if I'm traveling and someone else is driving, I read then. I've even bought reading lights to keep on reading on the road or when camping and didn't remember a book light! (Kelli Jo Calvert 5:19pm May 27, 2009)
It depends on my mood... I think though that I am more of a seat of my pants kinda girl... (Colleen Conklin 1:55pm May 29, 2009)
I have some of the books you mentioned today in my TBR pile and I have read Kiss and Hell by Dakota Cassidy; you're right it was funny and I enjoyed it. I haven't seen your book at the stores yet but I'm keeping my eyes open (Diane Sadler 6:49pm July 5, 2009)
Both? Really? They are so different in personality. The Big Boy Scout or the Dark Knight? Me, I like my men a little darker in personality. Besides, I wouldn't want to end up a gossip piece in the Daily Planet. (V Scott 7:01am July 8, 2009)
I'd choose Batman too and for the same reasons. I love dark and brooding heroes and I love that he is a real man. Plus I have pictures of Christian Bale coming to my mind and grrrrr... I can't possibly chose another superhero !!! (Joeelle Jappissont 8:05am July 8, 2009)
I would choose X-Men's Wolverine. :) (Crystal Broyles 8:34am July 8, 2009)
You guys made me laugh. And I think Wolverine is also a good choice, though I worry about those claws when he loses control. ;-) (Candy Havens 9:24am July 8, 2009)
Batman all the way. (Heather Long 9:27am July 8, 2009)
Oh I'm a Wolverine girl too Phwoar! or Zorro - does he count? (Sarah Keery 9:30am July 8, 2009)
What a question - I definitely have to go with Batman :) I do like both, but I've always liked Batman just a little bit more :D And yes, breakfast for sure! (Elle C 9:31am July 8, 2009)
Well, between Batman and Superman, I would pick Batman. But if I could pick any super hero, definitely Wolverine. ;) (Donna Locklin 9:49am July 8, 2009)
I'm also for the underdog, so count me in for Superman. I mean look at those shoulders and the tight little..... anyway, he was a farm boy and I have a soft spot for those too. (Dottie Taylor 10:43am July 8, 2009)
Have to agree with Dottie - definitely Superman. Fun question though! (Kara Conrad 10:49am July 8, 2009)
I knew that the fact I wasn't up on Superhero, and action movies would someday bite me on the bottom, and here it is someday! I have no idea who I'd pick because I don't know enough about anyone! (Sandi Shilhanek 10:49am July 8, 2009)
Women aren't the only ones who dream along these lines. When I was a teen, I had a 'thing' for Batgirl -- the Barbara Gordon version. There was just something about the idea of the secret wild life of a librarian... (Jim Scardelis 11:07am July 8, 2009)
Maybe AquaMan, because I bet dude has got something to prove. :)
But between Superman and Batman, I'm a Batman girl. I like a bad boy and Superman is just too squeaky-clean for me. (Wendy Watson 11:29am July 8, 2009)
Oh, I'm so glad Superman is finally getting some action. I was so worried about him. :-) (Candy Havens 11:37am July 8, 2009)
I would have to say mine is Superman. When I was a kid, I would rush home from kindergarten to watch Mighty Mouse and George Reeves as Superman. I loved them both. I think it was the cape and the flying. Cause my next love was Dracula. But yeah, Superman for sure. (JoAnn Yakemawiz 11:48am July 8, 2009)
I'm with Sandy - I don't know about any of the Superheros. (Anne Jones 12:20pm July 8, 2009)
I've got to go with the Wolverine group--but only if he looks like Hugh Jackman :-)
But if I had to choose between Superman and Batman, I'd go with Superman. That whole alien thing makes him WAY more interesting. (Deborah Blake 12:26pm July 8, 2009)
Wolverine for sure! Maybe Aquaman or Robin if he's anything like Chris O'Donnell! (Kelli Jo Calvert 12:37pm July 8, 2009)
I definitely choose Superman (as portrayed by Tom Welling in Smallville) - Yum. The Green Arrow from that show is pretty yummilicious too. (Michelle Ratledge 3:37pm July 8, 2009)
ooh you said any superhero so I'll go with Wolverine or gambit from the xman. (Pam Kinsey 3:59pm July 8, 2009)
I would pick gambit I just love him (Dawn Owens 4:13pm July 8, 2009)
I confess I'm not one who's into superheroes much so I found one that I was told about that was a cowboy in the comics, called Sanders! He saved people on stagecoaches :) He would be my pick. They should put his comics out again! (Cathie Morton 4:28pm July 8, 2009)
Superman. Batman has way too many wierd enemies! (Karin Tillotson 8:30pm July 8, 2009)
I'd pick Batman. I was a big fan of Adam West's portrayal of Batman (I've always liked my men a bit mature ;-) I was a teen at the time.
I do remember watching George Reeves' Superman and enjoyed that as well.
LOVE your books! (Kay Martinez 8:30pm July 8, 2009)
Superman---I mean, the Super must stand for something, right? (G S Moch 9:20pm July 8, 2009)
Well if I had to chose it would be Superman from Smallville, also!! (Martha Lawson 10:04pm July 8, 2009)
It would probably be Superman. I have always wanted to fly. Had a crush on Peter Pan when I was a kid. (Patricia Barraclough 10:19pm July 8, 2009)
Batman for sure. (Donna Simmonds 11:53pm July 8, 2009)
out of the two it would be batman for me to.but for a diffrent one it would be Wolverine. [email protected] (Stacey Smith 2:36am July 9, 2009)
Definitely Batman. There's something about a tortured soul, as you said, and Superman seems, well, a little too perfect. Who could measure up? (Margay Roberge 8:24am July 9, 2009)
Definitely Batman! Superman is too much of a goodie-goodie. And besides, Batman from the Justice League cartoon is gorgeously drawn. (Jody Faltys 1:47pm July 9, 2009)
Hmm superheroes! :D I think I would pick Batman... (Colleen Conklin 2:39pm July 9, 2009)
I'd be all over Wolverine (Bridget Hopper 3:42pm July 9, 2009)
You guys, I had way more fun with this than I ever expected! Thanks so much for playing along. :-) (Candy Havens 4:01pm July 9, 2009)
I have no pattern to my reading. I have more books thanI can read. but continue to buy more. (Janet Duffey 9:46pm July 9, 2009)
After looking at the listing of superheros in Wikipedia, I have to choose Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Now there is a dark and dangerous soul that can't seem to get a break in the relationship arena. He would treasure the one he wins and fight tooth and nail to protect them. I see a lot of passion there. (Loa Ledbetter 2:17am July 10, 2009)
Adam West played Batman a Looooong time ago and after seeing him on Family Guy, he is definately out. Superman wa just too clean-cut, so he's out, too. Wolverine...now that's a super-hero. (Patsy Hagen 12:21pm July 12, 2009)
All of them sound good. Can't I have them all?! (Roxane Wade 2:54pm July 13, 2009)
it would have to be Batman. I love a man with a little mystery to him. dont for get super sexy voice and body. he would surely fit in the Tall dark & handsome catagory wouldn't you say? oh and dont for get he's utterly Wealthy! cha ching. (April Kirby 8:50am July 16, 2009)
I'd choose Batman (but I wouldn't mind Wolverine, either!) (Cheryl Snyder 1:40pm July 16, 2009)
I've read all three of these ladies books and had quite a few good laughs (Diane Sadler 7:59pm August 25, 2009)
Thanks for sharing the pics. Candy is just as funny and pretty in person as she looks in these photos! (Deborah Blake 8:36pm August 28, 2009)
Hey I like the trailer, looks like they're having a wonderful conversation, but I didn't have any sound? (Diane Sadler 10:06pm August 28, 2009)
I don't watch interviews very often have lots of thing to do all the time and don't have much time on my hands but thease are some author I have been wanting to no more about.I just love paranormal and I no I will love there book .I have been getting some of there books but i like to get all of a set before I read them so i have not read them yet.because I dont have all of them yet but im working on it. [email protected] (Stacey Smith 4:33am August 29, 2009)
I might try to catch some of these for some of my favorite authors when I have time. Right now, though, my sound card doesn't work, so can't work for me. (Pamela Pellini 5:56am August 29, 2009)
I haven't ever really heard too many interviews, but the few that I have listened to have fascinated me. I really can't believe that some people have the ability to write so well that they can keep your attention for so many pages and that you want to keep turning the page. Authors inspire me. (Joanne Reynolds 7:56am August 29, 2009)
I don't think that I have watched any interviews. I do like to read author interviews though. It is always amazing to me where the idea's come from, how the authors prefer to work, etc. (Amy M. 9:09am August 29, 2009)
I prefer to read author interviews myself. (Karen Haas 10:27am August 29, 2009)
Yes I watched the interview but I also like to watch trailers for the books, it's unbelievable how that can catch your interest and give you an excuse to try the book (Diane Sadler 10:48am August 29, 2009)
Sometimes I watch the interviews and they do give interesting insight into the writing process and the series the author is talking about. I especially enjoy watching author duos talk about their collaboration. I imagine it's got to be hard to write in tandem with someone else. (Jennifer Haag 10:53am August 29, 2009)
Whether in person or taped on TV or DVD, I'm intrigued by the interplay going on between interviewer and interviewee. Authors on Charlie Rose always reveal a glimpse of daily life that supports and nourishes their souls, making space for the self-contract of writing and honoring the time necessary to compose the craft. (Alyson Widen 10:59am August 29, 2009)
I've watched some author interviews on their websites or places like Borders.com and I thought they were pretty interesting. I guess it all depends on the author and what they have to talk about it (that makes me watch them). Margay (Margay Roberge 11:16am August 29, 2009)
I prefer to read interviews. I love to watch trailers, but I prefer to read interviews. (Phyllis Lamken 11:33am August 29, 2009)
It is always interesting listening to authors talk about their craft and their books. Their approaches vary as do their thought processes. Often they reveal interesting details about the reason for a particular story or writing in a particular genre. People are interesting and authors are really interesting. (Patricia Barraclough 12:11pm August 29, 2009)
I don't watch TV interviews very often, I have to much to do. I don't watch TV much anyways. I think I could get into something like this with my favorite authors. My spair time I try to get reading in. (Gail Hurt 12:18pm August 29, 2009)
Paranormal is my favorite genre and I'd love to read all of the featured books. I'd read the phone book if Candace Havens wrote it! I've loved her previous books. (Kay Martinez 1:28pm August 29, 2009)
If its one of my favourite authors, I search them on yoututbe from time to time but mostly I read author interviews from blog sites. (Jenny Ng 1:31pm August 29, 2009)
I don't really watch intervviews often due to lack of time. The few I have watched have been done well and have given me better insight into the author. Since I am more of a visual then an sudio person I learn more from a written interview than a spoken one. (Cherie Japp 1:35pm August 29, 2009)
I watch them if I find them and have the time. I read a lot more interviews than I watch. If they talk about a certain book I have read I will feel more connected but if its just a general interview it doesnt affect me much except if i like it I will look at their books with a bit more interest. (Donna Simmonds 2:25pm August 29, 2009)
I watch interviews when I find them on authors' websites, newsletters, special e-mails or e-mails. Some of the trailers they have for they'er books are very good just like movie trailers. These make me try new authors' books. (Jeanette Bowman 2:58pm August 29, 2009)
I love to read interviews, authors are such interesting people. Their ideas and passion for their craft shows up everytime. It makes me want to buy whatever they're selling. (Theresa Buckholtz 5:16pm August 29, 2009)
I love reading author interviews. Its nice to see that they are just like us albeit a little more creative sometimes. I think getting this insight helps m to appreciate them more. (Breia Brickey 5:37pm August 29, 2009)
I prefer reading interviews to watching them. However, if I'm really interested in the interviewee and/or the subject he/she is talking about, I'll watch. (Mary Anne Landers 8:34pm August 29, 2009)
I really like to watch interviews of Authors whose chats I've been to, that's just so kewl. I feel I've gotten to know them just a little bit and seeing them on an interview adds to it, you get to put a face, voice and personality to a name. Now how kewl is that?!? (Sharon Knight 10:12pm August 29, 2009)
I don't have the patience to watch an author interview. I prefer to read them. (Sue Ahn 11:08pm August 29, 2009)
I have seen a few interviews and liked them, but I read many more interviews than I have watched. I like knowing more about an author and how a particular character or story came to be written. (Ruby Davis 12:48pm August 30, 2009)
I very rarely watch interviews, just don't watch TV anymore. Too many good books to read instead. I do read the author interviews [really like those], and I check out Gena Showalters "Author Talk". I would watch ones here, that's a good idea. (Jo Ann Jansing 12:07pm August 30, 2009)
Prefer to read reviews.
[email protected] (Katherine Reese 12:32pm August 30, 2009)
I unfortunately have never been or seen an author Interview But I do get to read them I love to get to know the Author I am reading. (Ann w 1:03pm August 30, 2009)
I like interviews where the interviewer is able to make it seem like the two are just talking, like friends over lunch. (Caroline Kolb 4:14pm August 30, 2009)
great interview. I love dakotas interviews too. (Pam Kinsey 7:32pm August 30, 2009)
I don't watch a lot of TV and I don't watch any blog videos. I have dial up and I get kicked off or the loading process takes forever. I do read blog interviews and I like knowing where the ayuhtor is coming from. (Laurie Gommermann 8:23am September 4, 2009)
Of late I have read mostly blog interview my TBR list is becoming endless love to get a heads up on New Authors. (Ann w 5:33pm September 25, 2009)
I have a wish list done on my computer with authors, titles and release dates for the books I know I want to read; but there's always the ones you find when walking in the bookstore and are just browsing! (Diane Sadler 9:32pm September 26, 2009)
These books look like a lot of fun! I would love to read them! (Brenda Rupp 9:40pm December 27, 2009)
If I get the link emailed to me I usually take a look at them, but I am rarely on the computer and rarely watch TV so it would be after the fact most likely. (Cindi Mitchell 4:16am May 7, 2011)
You know it's bad when the first thing I check in my morning computer time is fresh fiction instead of the news. I love the way you interact with the authors. What fun! (Renee Brown 11:54am May 8, 2011)
More and more I am getting into the youtube realm of things, it makes me feel more connected and I love that authors are blogging and doing these types of activities to bring their readers in, I think it strengthens their fan base. (Darci Paice 3:26pm May 8, 2011)
I still got to use to blogging!! lol (Lynn Lanzon 7:52pm May 8, 2011)
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