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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

A Thread So Thin by Marie Bostwick


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Also by Marie Bostwick:

The Book Club for Troublesome Women, May 2025
Trade Size / e-Book / audiobook
Esme Cahill Fails Spectacularly, June 2023
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
The Restoration of Celia Fairchild, March 2021
Paperback / e-Book
Hope on the Inside, April 2019
Trade Size / e-Book
Just in Time, April 2018
Trade Size / e-Book
A Single Thread, February 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
The Promise Girls, April 2017
Trade Size / e-Book
The Second Sister, February 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
From Here To Home, April 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Between Heaven and Texas, February 2016
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
The Second Sister, April 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Apart at the Seams, May 2014
Trade Size / e-Book
Secret Santa, November 2013
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Between Heaven And Texas, May 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Ties That Bind, May 2012
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Threading the Needle, June 2011
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A Thread So Thin, May 2010
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Snow Angels, November 2009
A Thread Of Truth, June 2009
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A Single Thread, November 2008
Trade Size / e-Book
On Wings of the Morning, November 2007
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Comfort and Joy, November 2007
River's Edge, September 2006
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Fields of Gold, September 2005
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A Thread So Thin
Marie Bostwick

Cobbled Court #3
May 2010
On Sale: April 27, 2010
Featuring: Liza; Garrett
352 pages
ISBN: 0758232160
EAN: 9780758232168
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Romance Contemporary

New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick crafts a timesless tale of friendship, love, and the choices we must make in their name...

While New Bern, Connecticut, lies under a blanket of snow, the Cobbled Court Quilt Shop remains a cozy haven for its owner, Evelyn Dixon, and her friends. Evelyn relishes winter's slower pace--besides, internet sales are hopping, thanks to her son Garrett's efforts. In addition to helping out at the shop, Garrett has also been patiently waiting for his girlfriend, Liza, to finish art school in New York City. But as much as Evelyn loves Liza, she wonders if it's a good idea for her son to be so serious, so soon, with a young woman who's just getting ready to spread her wings...

Liza's wondering the same thing--especially after Garrett rolls out the red carpet for a super-romantic New Year's Eve--complete with marriage proposal. Garrett's the closest thing to perfect she's ever known, but what about her own imperfections? The only happy marriage Liza has ever seen is her Aunt Abigail's, and it took her decades to tie the knot. Soon, Liza is not only struggling with her own fears, but with the mixed reactions of her friends and family. And when she finds herself torn between a rare career opportunity and her love for Garrett, Liza must grasp at the thinnest of threads--and pray it holds...

No awards found for this book.

Cobbled Court


96 comments posted.

Re: A Thread So Thin

Wow... sounds like a great read. I'm excited about learning about this new book.
(Donna Holmberg 12:06pm April 26, 2010)

Looking forward to reading.
Sherry Russell 8:56am April 26, 2010)

I hope I wouldn't change anything. The choices I've made--good and bad--are what's made me, me. Thanks for an interesting post.
G S Moch 11:20am April 26, 2010)

There is a few things I have done it my life I would do over different if I had the chance. I would change a few thing in my life! We all make bad choices in life sometime and would like to change them.
Gail Hurt 11:33am April 26, 2010)

I think that there are always some regrets, that in hind site we would change if we could
Jeanine Lesperance 12:29pm April 26, 2010)

Looking back, there are some things I would have liked to have done differently, but they can not be changed...
Colleen Conklin 1:27pm April 26, 2010)

Are there things in my life I wish I could change? For sure! I tell people all the time about them, and some of
them my friends consider shocking. However the life I lead is the one I'm leading because of the choices I
made, so I guess I'll take the choices I made because overall I'd say it's going fairly well.

Can't wait to read the new title! I'm also excited you'll be in Dallas and I'll have the chance to meet you.
Sandi Shilhanek 4:52pm April 26, 2010)

I have made decisions in the past that I would love to undo. Not possible so I moved on & just got on with it.
Mary Preston 5:31pm April 26, 2010)

Sounds like a very interesting read!
Lori Roche 5:43pm April 26, 2010)

Even though there were some choices that I wish I had done differently, They are what makes me me now. Maybe I wouldn't like the person I would have been or the life I would have lived.
Karin Tillotson 5:50pm April 26, 2010)

I try hard to think things thrugh before making a decision. I know I don't always make the right one...and hind sight being 20/20...I think I would love to go back and change my choice....but then again, maybe not.
Mitzi Hinkey 6:03pm April 26, 2010)

I think if I went back to change any decision, it would be what I majored in in college.
Kelli Jo Calvert 6:07pm April 26, 2010)

Hind sight is always 20/20 and we all have made some bad choices but I wouldn't want to change anything in my life, even if I had the chance. I love who I am today.
Rosemary Krejsa 6:20pm April 26, 2010)

I'm sure each of us has made a decision at some point in our lives that we wish we hadn't but we wouldn't want to change it now no matter what.
Diane Sadler 6:23pm April 26, 2010)

My decision is that I truly enjoy your Cobbled Court series.
Marjorie Carmony 7:00pm April 26, 2010)

Second guessing yourself takes a lot of energy away from your present day. Reliving the past is like Ground Hog's Day, the movie, in an ever circling loop.
Alyson Widen 7:06pm April 26, 2010)

Hello Marie, Please enter me in your fantastic contest. I love entering and winning contests from FreshFiction.com too!
God Bless YOU, Cecilia
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:27pm April 26, 2010)

Who doesn't have choices they
wished they could undo? The
problem that would cause would
be you'd probably never be
satisfied as others decisions
also effect yours.
Lisa Richards 9:08pm April 26, 2010)

Well I don't know where to begin... there are so many things I wish I would have done differently, Not that I have a bad life because I DO NOT but maybe if i would have waited on things I would have more material things now BUT I have LOVE instead so ya know I don't think I would change much of anything after all.... good topic!!!
Brandy Blake 9:15pm April 26, 2010)

I try never to look back, the choices I made were made with all the information I had at the time, more information and I might have made the decisions differently, but we don't have that. I always say hind sight is 20/20. Please enter me in the contest! Thank you!
Brenda Rupp 9:20pm April 26, 2010)

I have some regrets in my life like everyone else, but I'm sure that if I lived my life over, I would make the same choices, not knowing what I do now. My life is a happy one and I love who I am today.
Cathy Phillips 9:25pm April 26, 2010)

I took the opportunity to travel and work abroad in an exchange program for college students and the recently graduated. People thought I was crazy not to try to jump into a job and begin on a career. It ended up that I met and married while abroad and then travelled various countries due to his work. It was exciting and challenging. Am glad I did things that way.
G. Bisbjerg 10:32pm April 26, 2010)

I joined the Peace Corps and was to
leave a month after graduating from
college. A week or so before I was
scheduled to leave, Our old 4-H agent
(and one of my references for the
Peace Corps) offered me my dream job
- develop 5 outdoor classrooms, write
the curriculums, and run the program
for a school district on Long Island. I
went with the Peace Corps because I
had already made a commitment and
had some training. The other job
would have been fantastic, but with
budget cuts, who knows how long I
would have had it. I met some
wonderful people and had some
fantastic experiences. I made the
right choice.
Patricia Barraclough 9:56pm April 27, 2010)

I've made many choices in my life, some good and some bad, but each choice has let me to where and who I am today. I regret very few of my decisions to such a point that I'd go back and change them knowing that making that change would cause other changes and might prevent me from having the many joys I've also experienced in my life.
Donna Holmberg 1:25am April 28, 2010)

Now that I am retired, there are many things that would have made things easier for me. But I love my family so, i would not want to lose them--so i guess it's do it all the same.
Barbara Studer 1:31am April 28, 2010)

Thank you for your post, Marie. Judging by all the comments, you've provoked a lot of thought.

It's easy for me to look back and see a great many choices I made that I now regret. But---and it's a big but---I made these choices because it was my karma to do so. All that happened couldn't have happened any other way.

All I can change is what's ahead. And I'm working on it right now. That's the best I can do. That's the best anyone can do.

Keep up the good work!
Mary Anne Landers 2:27am April 29, 2010)

I really enjoyed your post. I don't think I have ever read YA, not even when I was a Young Adult. They seem to be a bit young for my tastes.
Patsy Hagen 12:32pm May 8, 2010)

I don't read YA now. Now, as in, maybe some day in the future. My reason is that it forces some small amount of discipline on the quantity of books I have. I know I'm missing some great reads, but my TBR stack is so huge! I know if I read one, then I'll want to read another and another...
G S Moch 12:34pm May 8, 2010)

I have started to read some YA, but still stick with the other genres I enjoy...
Colleen Conklin 1:18pm May 8, 2010)

I have to say that on a whole I don't read a lot of YA novels (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Twilight withstanding) but I am finding more of them are starting to tell the type of stories that appeal to me. I think though they are also the ones that parents often argue aren't maybe geared correctly to the age group they are trying to hit. I love a good story but in the end if I am trying to get through books and have to pick between an adult or YA novel, I will probably save the YA novel for later.
Felicia Sparks 1:47pm May 8, 2010)

I like to read YA books. It helps me understand the grandkids. I feel like such a dinosaur sometimes! lol
Hannah Beck 1:56pm May 8, 2010)

What A Great Question To Ponder. Actually I Love Reading YA Books. I Love Reading All Kinds Of Books And Genre's. It Is Nice To Read A Hot And Steamy Book But It Is Also Nice To Read A Book That Has Angst And Longing But Maybe not The Actually Getting Of A Certain Person. YA Doesn't Havc To Be A Taboo For Some Books. We Need To Embrace Them More You Just Might Be Pleasantly Surprised By Them.
Raquel Vega-Grieder 1:58pm May 8, 2010)

Great post! I like to read YA books! I think they are well written and when I get one I read it then pass it on to my niece. I am trying to get her to read more!
Gail Hurt 2:14pm May 8, 2010)

Reading a plethora of books, occasionally YA books are in the mix. They remind me of youthful notions and how people aren't pigeon-holed in their thinking quite yet. They're still in formation.
Alyson Widen 2:16pm May 8, 2010)

I have been reading YA books lately. Some of the plots and storylines are outdoing the adult books (not to mentioned that they are cleaner).

I remember when I was in public schools that there were not a lot of YA books. They are alot more interesting.
Kai Wong 2:25pm May 8, 2010)

Great post! I love YA books! But then again, I love books! I love Harry Potter, I love the Twilight series, and I love the House of Night series to name a few. Seeing a pattern? You should. I love all books but I have gotten "addicted" to anything with a paranormal twist to it! I guess there's also the "pattern" that I enjoy reading series. Every once in a while, though, I like to read a non-series book & those are NEVER YA books. Regardless, I love <3 reading!
Dawn Detkowski 2:47pm May 8, 2010)

I read the back of cereal boxes, so, of course, I read YA. I also started reading everything my daughter read when she was small so she thinks I should still read what she reads! :>)
Karin Tillotson 2:58pm May 8, 2010)

Thanks for the great post. I read YA books but only because I enjoy variety in my reading. I don't necessarily drift to a favorite author's YA books just because I enjoy their adult books. I guess it's just what hits my fancy when I'm looking for a new book to read.
Cheryl Snyder 3:05pm May 8, 2010)

I must confess that I am not familiar with YA.
Marjorie Carmony 3:09pm May 8, 2010)

I've been seeing so much YA fiction that I'm seriously tempted.
Jung Ja Ahn 3:43pm May 8, 2010)

I have Young Adults in the house so YES I read YA. I'm not going to miss out because of my age.
Mary Preston 4:32pm May 8, 2010)

I've read some...what better way to find out what the younger generation is into. I find some very interesting, and as long as they have a plot and ending that is plausable I'm game! Great post!
JoAnn White 4:55pm May 8, 2010)

Thanks for all the great contest
Catherine Myers 5:12pm May 8, 2010)

I read YA and enjoy alot of it but I have YA's in my home and read everything thay do so I know what thay are reading. And I would tall all to at least try a YA book you might just be pleased and enjoy it.
Vickie Hightower 6:27pm May 8, 2010)

I read everything, I usually end up reading the YA books before my girls get to it, lol.
Brandy Blake 7:33pm May 8, 2010)

I have recently started reading alot of YA and the reason I think that is, is because some tend to have more innocense and less bedroom scenes. I remember being a teenager and having crushes and just the feeling of getting butterflies by only holding hands or a quick kiss made it seem so much more.....well just more. I think when we all grow up and get married we have less of those days. I guess what I'm trying to say is its nice to travel back and remember what it was once to be young and carefree. Where a person's biggest worry was a test or two boys having a crush on you at the same time.
Kate Mobley 8:02pm May 8, 2010)

I do like to read YA and I pass them on to the girls in my neighborhood. I have two boys so I give boys stuff to them. It is nice to be known as a big reader to my boys friends.
Cynthia Plaza-Harney 8:25pm May 8, 2010)

I have read some YA but not much; I usually find more than enough adult books to keep me reading.
Diane Sadler 8:30pm May 8, 2010)

Hello Sara, Please enter me in your fantastic contest. I love to enter and win contests from FreshFiction.com
God Bless You, Cecilia
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:33pm May 8, 2010)

I will read just about anything, except
erotica. The YA genre has certainly
boomed lately. Not only is the market
flooded with YA books, but the quality
of the writing is for the most part very
good. Yes, they are YA stories not
adult books, but many of them are still
good reads. I read for a lot of
different reasons and enjoy many type
of books. YA has a place in the
market and on my reading list. I think
those authors that are writing YA as
well as adult won't "defect" to the YA
camp leaving their adult readers
stranded. Just like authors who write
in a variety of adult genre and do well
in all of them, these authors can add
YA to their body of work and still keep
up with their adult works.
Patricia Barraclough 9:12pm May 8, 2010)

I do read YA. I love having a variety of genres to choose from on my reading pile. I am fine with authors branching out and trying to write YA. They should be allowed to stretch their wings and try something new. I just would like them not to forget their other books.
Cherie Japp 9:38pm May 8, 2010)

I have found many, many YA
books that I have fallen in
love with. Why? Writers of YA
have learned that you have to
get to the point fast. You
don't spend half the book
trying to figure out what the
story is about. Adult book
writers tend to gradually
build the story- which I like
to but YA's want it
immediately. They are the NOW
generation, texting, IMing and
they are not use to waiting.
Lisa Richards 9:40pm May 8, 2010)

I love YA my oldest daughter claims my maturity level stopped at age 21 and somewhere along the way we switched roles. I enjoy YA because I can read the story without worrying my jaw is going to drop over a eye opening passage. Though I am eclectic in my reading habits YA are much more relaxing to me.
Susan Lathen 10:33pm May 8, 2010)

I just don't where to start as there seems
to be such a glut of YA books with so
many adult fiction authors having
switched over.
Sue Ahn 10:49pm May 8, 2010)

I read some YA books, Twilight saga would be the first to come to mind. I read what I like regardless of what others think.
Vikki Parman 12:01pm May 9, 2010)

A pox on you for even suggesting that Nora Roberts would take time away from writing the books I love so much to write YA books... shame, shame, shame. Don't you know that if you say it, then it might come true. Don't DO that to ME! LOL

YA books are ok, but so many of them are pure drivel that is either so over the top or so washed out that even the young adults don't want to read it for long. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, and the Twilight series is one of them, but in general I find that the YA books are simply not "enough" to keep me going.
Donna Holmberg 2:26am May 9, 2010)

Maybe I need to do more scouting of YA books though, because so many of the other readers here seem to think they're ok. Maybe someone can do a post on the best of the YA books so I can check them out. On my own, it seems like I'm only finding the 2nd rate stuff.
Donna Holmberg 2:28am May 9, 2010)

I like more adult stories and would be disappointed without a HEA.
Gladys Paradowski 5:15am May 9, 2010)

My mother is a YA fan and often shares books with my daughter. When they get chatting about the books they have just read it is like listening to a foreign language. I like my daughter explaining them to me rather then reading YA and because of this, this is how she revises for exams - we talk about the subject and even if it is one I know I still ask questions as she talks as if I do not have a clue. She revises really well this way and is doing well - I am so proud.
Barbara Hanson 7:18am May 9, 2010)

I would love to win either of these books. Thanks for offering them. I don't think I have ever read a Y.A. I have been hoarding away books for my young granddaughter.

Happy Mother's Day.
Pat Lieberman 8:31am May 9, 2010)

I read YA books as I work part time at our local Library and need to help our patrons with a new book selection. Love the Harry Potter series
Teresa Ward 2:21pm May 9, 2010)

I started reading YA when my daughter was a young teen. Parents should always educate themselves about what their children are likely to find on bookstore shelves and library shelves! YA books are not always what they appear to be....
Having said that, many of the YA books I have read were just as good as many of the adult titles I've enjoyed.
Rose Mills 1:57pm May 10, 2010)

I read way more YA books than adult books, but I do review them for my friends who have children. I switch off because after a couple of downer YA books ("Tender Morsels" by Margo Lanagan, "Split" by Swati Avasthi), I seriously need to read something with a HEA ending!
S Tieh 9:16pm May 10, 2010)

I had not thought about reading YA books; but I am glad you mentioned it. It is something I will check out. thanks:)
Barbara Studer 11:15pm May 10, 2010)

I don't read YA, but I would if I had a daughter. I personally like more mature stories. Hope that authors will continue to write both genre's since they are different and unique to each other.
Purna Ripke 12:34pm May 11, 2010)

Yes I did have one. I guess in many ways I still do, since I tend to find myself talking to myself. ROFL.

As for authors, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jude Deveraux, some of Judith McNaught's book, Toni Blake's Destiny Series, Larissa Ione, Donna Grant's Highlanders(um exactly how many times rereading one book does it take before you are labeled insane? There is a difference in readig the print and ebook verisons though right?), Sue-Ellen Welfonder, Collen Coble,...........there are others, tons of them. Carly Phillips Hot Zone books always make me laugh..... but yeah if I need a friend I'll often turn to books for that need.

Some books I swear I know more about them than I do real life people. Is that bad?

Wilma Keel 11:11am May 16, 2010)

When I'm too tired or stressed to deal with a new book, I pull out my old favorites for comfort and (imaginary) friendship. Going way back- Jo Beverly, Loretta Chase, Evelyn Crowe, Jennifer Cruise. More recent favorites are Robyn Carr and Shelly Laurensten.
Maria Munoz 12:06pm May 16, 2010)

I've never had an imaginary friend...I've always had books. How fortunate is that?
Cindy Ferrell 1:01pm May 16, 2010)

Sandi--as always an interesting topic. I did have an imaginary friend. I grew up with three brothers so I needed one! Not sure when she left. I also always had books. Now-a-days my dh and dd are my best friends and I still have my books. I would have to say Linda Lael Miller and Nora are best friend kind of writers. They never disappoint and one of their books is always available to read. As for new friends, I would say Donna Alward,a new author who I recently discovered.
Mary Perry 1:43pm May 16, 2010)

Never had an imaginary friend that I can remember when I was growing up! I had a best friend though from a very young age! Now I think my books are my best friend, they intertain me!
Gail Hurt 1:59pm May 16, 2010)

I never had an imaginary friend, but I had many imaginative day dreams where I always had certain friends and of course the ever faithful hero/friend.

When I want to recapture those feelings I often am pulled toward heart-tugging books by Sharon Sala, Catherine Anderson and some new authors such as Robyn Carr and Christy Reese. Their books always include tortured souls and Hero/Herione like stories. If I had a talent for writing I would write in a similar vein.

Plug for Christy Reese- newish author who I absolutely love. She has written two trilogies with tortured characters who come out strong and independent.
Tina Sporer 2:16pm May 16, 2010)

My husband is my best friend. We have married for 25 years and I don't know what I would do without him. I love him more each day. He is always there for me. He would do anything for me.
Julie Swaney 2:29pm May 16, 2010)

I do not remember having an imaginary friend... I was big on playing out characters, but do not recall an imaginary friend.
Colleen Conklin 2:29pm May 16, 2010)

Dude, wait... you mean they're supposed to go AWAY? LOL But more seriously, my imaginary friend turned into my very favorite character to write about as an adult. The best part is, my real-life best friend has grown up with me and my imaginary friend... so it's a lot of fun to still have them both around. :)
Amy Inholt 2:36pm May 16, 2010)

Although I didn't have an imaginery friend, my imagination took off on adventures anyways to make regular life more interesting. My best friend is one who wants to hear my news of the day and in turn, I hear hers. It's a comfort thing.
Alyson Widen 2:49pm May 16, 2010)

I never had an imaginary friend but I've always had books, book, and more books. Been in love with Mr. Darcy since I was 18! My books are my escape and I like too many authors to list. But I started with Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt as a teenager and young mother. Now I've moved on and read a lot of different authors and genres, historicals still being my favorite.
Trudy Miner 3:22pm May 16, 2010)

I never had one. I was the oldest of the 'kids' (brother, cousins) and it was my job to take care of them. However my younger brother had a friend he called Koonkie (sp?). We even set a place at the table for Koonkie!
Karin Tillotson 3:39pm May 16, 2010)

Not one imaginary friend but many, generally characters from books, movies & TV.
Mary Preston 3:50pm May 16, 2010)

I had an imaginary friend when I was young. My sister had one too. I suppose we all need that place to go to in our hearts and minds where we are loved and accepted unconditionally.

My job is extremely stressful and by the end of most days, I'm exhausted and not up to any confrontation, problems or drama. I slip into the pages of my beloved books and think of nothing but the friends I've made with the characters and authors. I'd love a tight knit group of frinds as in THURSDAYS AT EIGHT by Debbie Macomber. They are just the best. I always know I'll enjoy my vist with my "friends" Lisa Kleypas, Susan Wiggs, Sherryl Woods and Robyn Carr.

A friend commented to me yesterday that books were my life. They may not be my entire life, but they certainly make it more pleasant.
Jill Hayden 3:54pm May 16, 2010)

Cool! I actually got here on a Sunday. Hopefully it will happen oftener after this. {:-)

Wendy, you're not alone -- I always talk to myself, too, but they say you're okay until you start answering yourself. {;-)

Mary, I know Donna Alward personally, and she will be tickled pink to know that you consider her a friend. BTW, she's on facebook -- Donna Alward, Romance Author, if you want to look her up.

I'm not sure if I had an imaginary friend or not, but I did act out imaginary plots, etc. I love the hometown feel of Janet Tronstad's "Dry Creek" series, and Nora Robert's Donovan Legacy is another good place to "visit". I have so many favorite authors that I love to visit with there is no way I could list them all.

Julie, 25 years -- that's GREAT!!! My husband and I just celebrated our 44th anniversary last week. He totally surprised me by coming home early and taking me out to supper. {:-) I don't know what I would do without him, either. {:-)

Sandi, wonderful topic, as usual. I'd be ripping my hair out trying to come up with a new topic each week. You do a wonderful job of it! {:-)
Donna Breitkreuz 4:12pm May 16, 2010)

Hi Sandi.

To the best of my knowledge I did not have an imaginary friend! Maybe my memory just can't dig up that information!! :-) My youngest daughter did have an imaginary friend. Like others here I turn to books to tune out the world or just because I love to read. Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors to reread as is Jill Shalvis. I don't reread much as I am to busy trying to keep up with all the new books by authors that I love!
One of my friends has been in my life almost 50 years, I don't know what I would do without her. We have been through marriage, divorce, children, step-children (hers), deaths of parents and or spouse and have remained friends through all the ups & downs. We celebrate big & small things and cry when something saddens us. It is great having a friend like that.
Everyone have a good week.
Donna McClure 4:40pm May 16, 2010)

I had imaginary friends, they inhabited
the stories I made up and told my
siblings when I was a child. They are
still there in the stories i make up in
my mind today. Haven't made it to
paper yet. Maybe one day
Patricia Barraclough 7:20pm May 16, 2010)

Brandy Blake 8:46pm May 16, 2010)

No I can't remember having an imaginary friends. I had lots of Barbie dolls and loved playing with them, with cousins and friends, but that's about it.
Diane Sadler 8:52pm May 16, 2010)

I didn't have an imaginary friend per se. I had books from my youngest age to lose myself in and dream of what might be. That is as close as an imaginary friend as I can speak of.
Brenda Rupp 9:20pm May 16, 2010)

Nope no imaginary friends either.
Books always supplied
someone(Nancy Drew) to solve a
mystery with.
Lisa Richards 9:40pm May 16, 2010)

Gladys Paradowski 9:45pm May 16, 2010)

Yes I had 2 imaginary friends, I really wonder why since there were other children in the family & in the neighborhood. You are right about finding authors that create worlds & characters that we readers love to return to. I've never really thought of them as imaginary friends but why not!
Pam Nolan 9:47pm May 16, 2010)

I never had an imaginary friend when I was a child, but I did know children who did and it sort of puzzled me because those imaginings seemed so real to them. But books are always my friends. I read all sorts of things and have recently read Robyn Carr's Moonlight Road, so I am familiar with the Virgin River you mentioned. I keep trying new authors and different types of stories. I enjoy most of them and I certainly enjoy reading.
Gladys Paradowski 9:49pm May 16, 2010)

I did the imaginary deal. Don't think so much as one person, but more a generalization. Also, lots of playing Barbies by myself - the joys of being an only child who happened to be a bit hyper and very talkative. I did have books though, from a young age. Still my favorite escape. Nora R and Agatha C being my top favs and for laughs, its Peanuts! I am all about Snoopy:)

I have some long time friends I can always count on, plus my hubby and girls. I might not need an imaginary friend anymore, but would I possibly do without my books?
Amanda Reeder-erdly 11:19pm May 16, 2010)

I don't recall having any imaginary friends growing up.
Debbie Beverley 1:11am May 17, 2010)

I did have an imaginary friend when I was growing up. Sometimes I still wonder if I still have one now. Sometimes if I really enjoy a character in a book, they can at times be a temporary imaginary friend when I need someone to talk to.
Michelle Sauer 2:35am May 17, 2010)

I did not have a imaginary friend but did have alot of brothers and sisters so I always havd a body to play with or a friens when needed we are a close family but now when I need to escape I lookto aithers like Christine Feehan ,Linda Howerd and Jean Johnson are just a few thatseen to take me away from my stresses when needed.I also enjoy Cheryl Brooks. Love this topic it made me think about how bllessed I am to have a great childhood :)
Vickie Hightower 11:27am May 17, 2010)

I agree with the ladies that talk to themselves. That might raise some eyebrows to my children if i say i am not talking to myself--just to my imaginary friend. thank goodness for our book friends
Barbara Studer 6:40pm May 17, 2010)

I had three sisters so no need for imaginary friends...lol
Joy Hoormann 6:45pm May 17, 2010)

I never had an imaginary friend, but I imagined a woman who looked like and was born in the same place as the woman I married ten years later.

Ray Getzinger 8:05pm May 18, 2010)

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