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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Haunting Beauty by Erin Quinn


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Also by Erin Quinn:

The Three Fates Of Ryan Love, February 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Seductive Supernaturals, November 2014
The Five Deaths Of Roxanne Love, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Haunting Embrace, October 2011
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Haunting Beauty, September 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Echoes, August 2011
Echoes, August 2011
Haunting Desire, April 2011
Trade Size / e-Book
Haunting Warrior, May 2010
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Haunting Beauty, August 2009
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Haunting Beauty
Erin Quinn

Fear of the unknown has never been so seductive.

Mists of Ireland #1
Berkley Sensation
August 2009
On Sale: August 4, 2009
Featuring: Danni; Sean Ballogh
368 pages
ISBN: 0425228177
EAN: 9780425228173
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Romance Paranormal

Danni always believed she was an abandoned child. Then the seductive Sean Ballogh appears out of nowhere with a startling story challenging everything Danni thought was true. He claims that Danni’s family has been searching for her ever since she disappeared twenty years ago. He’s come to bring her home to Ireland.

Now, Danni must rewrite history to save her family, to fight a force more evil than she ever imagined, and to reunite herself with the man she was destined for—or risk living forever in time as nothing more than an ethereal memory, a tragic and haunting beauty.

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38 comments posted.

Re: Haunting Beauty

This sounds a little like Quantum Leap (I loved that program!) but I don't know that it is necessarily a good thing to be in a position to 'do over' what went wrong in the past. But that's just MHO!
(Karen Haas 11:28am August 27, 2009)

I think I agree with Karen's comment about it not necessarily being a good thing so maybe if I had to do a do-over, I'd pick something that wouldn't change things too much like fitting in one more visit to my uncle when he was in the hospital.
Jacqueline Lam 12:02pm August 28, 2009)

This is a difficult question, if I knew what I knew now 10 years ago, I would do anything in my power to save someone close to me. But in the meantime, a lot of my friends and people I don't even knew, told me through my experience they started to appreciate their loved ones. This is difficult, my heart thinks if I could change everything, I could have saved my loved one, but my mind is telling me, you don't go and change the circle of life. In reality no, but I would love to read your book.
Hannelie Eloff 12:25pm August 28, 2009)

I dont know. I guess it depends on what I think my biggest mistake was at the time I was offered the chance.
Donna Simmonds 1:13am August 28, 2009)

Wow, what a question! I can think of plenty of things I did and wish I hadn't. And many more I didn't do and wish I had.

However, I believe just about every action has varying consequences---some good, some bad, some in between. But most are combinations of the above in all sorts of mixtures. Therefore, preventing an action with undesirable effects will also eliminate its desirable effects.

It all gets pretty complicated. At any rate, we can't change the past, just the future. That's what I'm focusing on.

And I'm looking forward to HAUNTING BEAUTY. I can already tell it's got a marvellous cover! Thank you, Erin Quinn.
Mary Anne Landers 2:46am August 28, 2009)

I would If I could keep my memeryof the stuff that I had went true that way I would keep on change my past and make my life what it should have been if i had been smart when i was young.
[email protected]
Stacey Smith 4:43am August 28, 2009)

There are definitely some things I would have done differently if I had the chance to. I think most of us have wished to have second chances.
Jane Cheung 4:47am August 28, 2009)

There was an instance in the past where I could have stopped someone from making the leap back into an addiction and didn't really do everything in my power to stop it. That is the moment in time that I would change, if it was possible. Would love the opportunity to read one of your books. Thank you.
Joanne Reynolds 6:40am August 28, 2009)

This is a tough one for me to answer because I believe in chaos theory. Would the change you made only effect that line or would it blossom out to the rest of the world? Sure there are moments I would like to change from my past but, what would I lose or gain in my present by doing that? Which change would only be minor?
V Scott 7:18am August 28, 2009)

Haunting Beauty sounds sooo good. Can't wait to read it.

As for the question, though are definitely things in the past I'd handle differently totday, I'm not sure I'd want the chance. I really don't want to spend time reliving the past - I'd rather use what I've learned to make the present a better place.
Kara Conrad 8:03am August 28, 2009)

Yes there are somethings that if I had the chance to do over I would and hopefully I wouldn't make the same mistakes again.
Sherry Strode 8:34am August 28, 2009)

Haunting Beauty sounds wonderful; I can't wait to read it.

Yes, I would certainly do MANY things differently, if I had the chance.
Tracey Dent 9:20am August 28, 2009)

If I could get a do-over I most certainly would change somethings if I had the chance.
Gigi Hicks 9:37am August 28, 2009)

I wouldn't want to change the past. Would my life be better? I don't know but I love who I am today and my previous mistakes helped me become that person. 'Haunting Beauty' sounds like a wonderful book. Congratulations!
Rosemary Krejsa 9:46am August 28, 2009)

I don't think I would change anything for fear that I would lose the people in my life now.
Maureen Emmons 9:52am August 28, 2009)

I would not have wasted my time dating a loser the whole time I was in college.
Crystal Broyles 10:21am August 28, 2009)

Tempting, but no, I don't think I change a thing.
G S Moch 12:11pm August 28, 2009)

As tempting as it would be to change things, I hope I'd resist as who knows if things really would be better, what else in the cosmos would be affected. Look at Lost, everytime they try to change things, more problems happen.
Pamela Pellini 12:42pm August 28, 2009)

I don't think I have made any "big mistakes" in my life but if I could have a do over I would definately go for it. I wold change little things that I did or happened to me.
Jenny Ng 12:48pm August 28, 2009)

My daughter has dilated cardiomyopathy. She was not born with it, but got sick and her body attacked her heart rather than the virus. For a long time I made myself crazy thinking if I had taken her earlier to the doctor, would we have avoided all of this. After repeated info from the doctors, I was told that it would not have mattered, because they would have told me she had the flu and to take her home. That whole experience has changed my thinking.

That is my whole...what if experience. I live in the present now, and try to keep moving forward, taking care of that little girl and her crazy brothers :)

Good topic, this one makes you stop and think :)
Amy M. 12:49pm August 28, 2009)

I am SO wanting to read Haunting Beauty! From the very first time I read about it in my RT, it has intrigued me.

As to your question, there are definately some things I'd love an opportunity to go back and change. One person I loved *so* much, I'd have given anything to just have one more chance to see him, speak with him. But there are other choices I've made that if undone would affect too many others, so those I'd leave alone. I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't gone through those experiences.
Kay Martinez 12:51pm August 28, 2009)

I think all of us have a few regrets, big or small. I do, yes it would be nice to change them. I guess we take our chances in life and we are who we are because of them.
Theresa Buckholtz 1:01pm August 28, 2009)

It's so interesting to see all of your comments! I struggled answering this question for myself even after writing a book about it.

When I look back at all the pivitol moments of my life I can see how they all led me to the point I am at here and now--and I like the person that's come out of that. Changing the past would also change who I am and maybe the person I'd be without all those experiences wouldn't be someone I liked...and then again, maybe she'd better. thinner... richer.... Okay, back to square one. Would I change....
Erin Quinn 1:14pm August 28, 2009)

Yes I would love to change a lot of things in my past! The problem is we don't get do overs.
Gail Hurt 1:55pm August 28, 2009)

What about fate?
Does our life depend on predestination or choice?
Fanny Vanwinge 3:11pm August 28, 2009)

I think I play the "What If..." game on a weekly basis (some weeks on a daily basis at this time), and I choose a different "Do Over" Point each time. I might not be where I am now, but hopefully I would be in a better position than now. Then I stop dreaming and deal with life. Thank Heavens for authors and books to take us out of the mundane!
Deb Carr 5:50pm August 28, 2009)

I don't think I'd change anything. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Although I've regretted some things, I've learned from them, soooo guess you should just leave fate alone!
JoAnn White 7:30pm August 28, 2009)

I can't wait to read Haunting Beauty, it sounds wonderful. No, I don't think I'd change anything, I think you need to learn and hopefully grow from your mistakes.
Martha Lawson 8:58pm August 28, 2009)

There is only one thing that would make me wonder if I would, but since that is something that changed my life I don't think so; it made me more aware of myself as a person and now I wouldn't change it
Diane Sadler 10:03pm August 28, 2009)

Oh where to start... the one thing I regret
is not having made deeper connections
with friends and family in the past. A lot
of those friends are gone from my life
Sue Ahn 10:56pm August 28, 2009)

I wouldn't know where to begin, so "Nope, can't change a thing because then everything else would change and perhaps me, too."
Alyson Widen 12:28pm August 29, 2009)

I definately would go back and change a decision I made when I was younger. I try not to live in the past, but sometimes it comes back to bite me in the butt! We make choices, good, bad, or indifferent, and have to live with them. And you do your best with those decisions.
DeeAnn Szymanski 11:04am August 29, 2009)

The one thing I would change would
be moving to where we are now. It is
a nice area and the people are
friendly, but our son has never fit in.
He was in 4th grade when we moved
here and was not accepted in the
school. At such a formative time in
his life, it made a difference and not
for the best. He is 26 now and still a
lost soul.
Patricia Barraclough 11:47am August 29, 2009)

This has been so fun blogging and reading all the comments. I think we're split, 50/50 on whether we would change something. I guess it depends on how big a mistake was made, right?

Patricia--quit worrying about that decision to move and how it impacted your son. For all you know, the kids in 4th grade at the old school would have made his life miserable there. I have daughters, but I know that 4th-6th grades were brutal for them and they didn't change schools. It's just an age when kids go whacky for awhile. Your son is probably a stronger person for the strife and one day he'll find that lost soul. :)
Erin Quinn 12:06pm August 29, 2009)

If I could there is only one time I would want to change is when my mother-in-law died. She was like mother to me,but would I still have the wonderful grandchild today if I change the past? alwats thought that if you change one path another one opens up that would be different then one hoped for to happen.
Jeanette Bowman 2:47pm August 29, 2009)

I can't think of one single thing I would change, maybe pick a different ajo in college. Everything make me, me so why change it.
Breia Brickey 5:53pm August 29, 2009)

That would be a different major in college. Man my typing sucks.
Breia Brickey 5:56pm August 29, 2009)

People always want to re-live the past and thru rose colored glasses think that it would be wonderful..WRONG...usually the past should stay there. I wouldn't change a thing, what you've lived thru makes you who you are.
Elizabeth Parzino 2:40pm September 2, 2009)

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