The latest Southern novel from the acclaimed bestselling
and award- winning author of The Memory of Water.
To most people, Folly Beach, South Carolina,
is simply the last barrier island before the Atlantic. To
some, it's a sanctuary, which is why Janie Hamilton's mother
encourages her to buy the local book store, Folly's Finds,
hoping it will distract Janie from the loss of her husband
in Afghanistan.
Janie is at first resistant, but
intrigued after finding love letters and an image of a
beautiful bottle tree in a box of used books from Folly's
Finds, and decides to take the plunge. The store's seller
insists on one condition: Janie must allow Lulu, the late
owner's elderly sister, to continue selling her bottle trees
from its back yard. Historically, bottle trees were brought
by African slaves to the American South, and Janie had grown
up with one in her backyard, and it has always been a symbol
of refuge to her.
Janie generally ignores Lulu as
she sifts through the love letters, wanting to learn more.
But the more she discovers of the letters' authors, the
closer she feels to Lulu. As details of a possible murder
and a mysterious disappearance during World War II are
revealed, the two women discover that circumstances beyond
their control, sixty years apart, have brought them
together, here on Folly Beach. And it is here that their
war-ravaged hearts can find hope for a second chance...
Karen this certainly sounds great. I love ties with the past and it's antiquities. I have never heard of a bottle tree and this promises a great mystery set in the South. (Susan Lathen 6:12am May 18, 2010)
Your "second" life sounds just as fascinating as your first one. Hope that you maintain both sides of your life and enjoy doing them both! (Joanne Reynolds 6:28am May 18, 2010)
I love looking through old family photos. These people came before me & brought me to where I am today. (Mary Preston 8:11am May 18, 2010)
It's a good day whenever you learn something new!! Although I am sorry for your loss, I share your passion for collecting old photographs of the family, as well as tidbits about the relatives. It's good to keep them on record for future generations, as well as you using them for ideas for your books. Great idea!! Can't wait to read them! (Peggy Roberson 8:32am May 18, 2010)
i have been tracing our families' geneaiogies for some years. I love it when I find a story there. Like your grandmother, my mother's generation is now gone. I am the matriarch and there is a lot I don't know when the others ask me. I wish I had started saving the stories much earlier! (Karin Tillotson 8:55am May 18, 2010)
Family, not necessarily relatives, is what it is all about. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 8:58am May 18, 2010)
My grandmother had a bottle tree outside by her porch and all the glass were in the process of changing colors it was wonderful.I also love to scrap but do not have the time, Your book sounds good and I plan to add it to my read list. (Vickie Hightower 9:16am May 18, 2010)
Hi, Karen!
Sorry about the loss of your grandmother, but glad to hear you had your family around you minus your hubby and daughter who got snowed in.
I also love old photographs. Wish I had retained all of the information about past relatives that was told to me. Unfortunately the photos I received from my dad after his death last year didn't have any writing on the back of them, so I had to guess.
I love family reunions. We have one on my side of the family the end of May. Really looking forward to it.
Thanks so much for your article and giveaway! (Cathy Phillips 9:32am May 18, 2010)
My grandmother was very special to me as well. My mother would send me to the island of Puerto Rico, in the summer, to be with her. I learn so much with her. I was #6 of 7 kids, my mom did not have much time, but my grandmother always did. I went 3 different times in my life before she left this world and my last time I was a young adult and learn even more of her great talents and skills. She was specal and the memories will always be mine. (Cynthia Plaza-Harney 9:39am May 18, 2010)
I is wonderful to know where we come from; I come from a line of Vikings and to see how your past; the past of family reflects on you. I for one take great pride in my "people" Vikings amd the Swedish. Proud people, Tuff people. It would be great to read your books. (Kathy Vallee 9:44am May 18, 2010)
Hi. You're a new writer for me. This book sounds intriguing. I'll look for it. elainec (Elaine Carlini-Davis 11:09am May 18, 2010)
Karen--My mother helped treat U-Boat victims in a make-shift hospital in South Louisiana early in WWII. The boat had come up the Gulf of Mexico. Like you, I recall being very surprised when I first learned how far the Germans came. FYI, I love your Tradd and Legare Street books. They are absolutely wonderful. (G S Moch 11:21am May 18, 2010)
Nothing like trips home to bring back the memories. I was fortunate in that I was able to be with my grandmother (and my mother) the last week of my grandmother's life. (Shannon Scott 12:05pm May 18, 2010)
I love looking through our old pictures. I wish I knew everyone in them. (Linda Kish 12:09pm May 18, 2010)
I love the cover photos where were they taken? (Catherine Myers 12:28pm May 18, 2010)
I'm happy your basement treasures were not ruined in the flood. I had 2 aunts who had a bottle tree. When I was young I would alway touch the bottles. One of the aunts was a bottle collector, so they were able to change out the bottles according to the holiday. (Sandra Dickey 12:38pm May 18, 2010)
Wish I had more photos of my grandparents... she had some of when they were younger, but my uncle threw them out... what a loss and waste. (Colleen Conklin 1:04pm May 18, 2010)
I enjoy reading alot of new books, summer is coming and I can't wait to sit outside and listen to the birds and read some good books! (Lisa Walinski 2:01pm May 18, 2010)
So many warm memories of my grandmother..this weekend I made potato salad (her recipe) and served it in her green salad bowl that she always used to use. Memories, sweet memories... (Patricia (Pat) Pascale 2:07pm May 18, 2010)
You're books sound interesting. I think that stories that include a lot of details and inspiration from the authors' own lives are usually the ones that I feel most connected to the characters. (Jacqueline Cook 2:28pm May 18, 2010)
My Grandmother who helped raise me died when I was in the 5th grade , I am now 75, and I miss her as much today as then. I am now reading Angel's Peak and I want you to know that I have stayed up 4 nights this week and was almost late for work(Library) while getting to this book. Could not put them down!! Love Virgin River and all the people who live there and will be moving there.
Liz (Liz Campbell 2:41pm May 18, 2010)
Having a large extended family must be really fun for a writer what with all the different potential characters and situations. :)
The problem I have with old photographs is that many times no one bothered writing on the back who the people in the photo were and when it was taken. It would make sorting old family photos easier, especially if the only person who would know is recently deceased. (S Tieh 2:52pm May 18, 2010)
It's wonderful that you can pick up tidbits of information (local history, family stories, etc, and weave them into your writing. I think it is great that you can use those experiences to enrich your characters. I also love looking at family photos, both old and new! (Marguerite Guinn 3:18pm May 18, 2010)
I can't wait to grab a copy of ON FOLLY BEACH, it sounds fantasic and I think it's facinating to hear how the story began to come together as a story idea for you. I'll be looking for your book!! Thanks! (Dena King 3:35pm May 18, 2010)
On Folly Beach is just the type of book I love to read. I am looking forward to reading it. (Barbara Andersen 3:40pm May 18, 2010)
Karen this sounds wonderful. My husband and I have had a family chart done for his side. Still working on mine. My daughter, like you is an avid scrapbooker and has done 1 for each year of her 4 children. She has also done dvd's of pictures from all of the family members for birthdays and such. I love anything from the past. (Cindy Olp 4:21pm May 18, 2010)
I lost my dad in November and now it is the photos of him I go to when I want to see him... There is just something special about them!!! (Brandy Blake 4:30pm May 18, 2010)
My grandmother passed away several years ago and I still miss her. (Sherry Russell 5:22pm May 18, 2010)
There is nothing like family so attend every event you can and take many pics. I think making a scrapbook about your grandmother is wonderful. My daughter has plans to do this for my Mom who passed away in Jul 06 at 85 and Dad who passed away Dec 92'. So many memories will be put on paper with pics for all to see. The family is sending in pics they have to share.. (Brenda Hill 5:50pm May 18, 2010)
I love the story line of On Folly Beach. I loved to talk to my Grandmother about things in her life and still go through old letters and journals that she kept. (Lori Duhoski 6:02pm May 18, 2010)
Family is what life is all about! I would love to read these stories, they sound like wonderful reads. Please enter me! Also I would love to go to the KY book festival (Gail Hurt 6:31pm May 18, 2010)
I love books of this type! I would love to read yours. (Lisa Garrett 8:26pm May 18, 2010)
Sorry about the loss of your grandmother. Enjoy all your wonderful memories.
My almost 92 year aunt is very ill and has been the matriarch of our family for a long time now and family events have always centered around her. (Pat Lieberman 8:45pm May 18, 2010)
Pictures is what I would take if there is an evacutation. They are memories of the good and bad times but mostly of families and friends. (Kai Wong 9:22pm May 18, 2010)
sounds great (Sagrario Vigil 9:43pm May 18, 2010)
I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandmother, mine is 95 and stil working at the middle school 20 hours a week and driving! I don't know what I'll do when I lose her, but she has been great about keeping journals, pictures in albums by family's, has a family tree done, we found out we were related to June Carter Cash! Family is great! I love family reunions so much and keeping photographs! (Brenda Rupp 12:15pm May 19, 2010)
I wish I knew more about my family's history. A relative of my husband has made a book of his side of our family. Such family histories are so nice to have. Good luck at sorting threw the many photographs. (Gladys Paradowski 3:00am May 19, 2010)
I am so sorry you lost your Grandmother. You were lucky to have had her in your life for so long. I too come from a large family. It is wonderful and chaotic when everyone gets together. A few have started compiling family histories and photos. We are all spread out today, that we are missing a very important part of family life. When I grew up, my great grandmother, all 4 of my grandparents, my Mother's 8 siblings and Dad's 6 siblings, plus the multitude of cousins all lived in the same area. Add to that a large number of great aunts & uncles and some second cousins, and we were quite a crowd. There was always someone around (we averaged 15 cousins at our house most weekends) and you got to know the generations and hear the family stories. We do not live close to any family and my children and grandchildren barely know any of their relatives. We have tried, but it has been a long time since everyone could travel to a family get together. It is really a loss that can't be replaced. There is the feeling of being a part of something and truly belonging. (Patricia Barraclough 3:02am May 19, 2010)
I love scrapbooking but have become lazy and enjoy the online version where you can pick your backgrounds and easily scan letters, birthday cards and take photos of precious things to put in the books eg. those cool art projects that the kids make that I have no more room for :) (Darci Paice 3:05am May 19, 2010)
What a beautiful way to come up with an idea for a book, while surrounded by family and celebrating the long life of a loved one. I'd love to read the result! (Sandra Grauschopf 1:17pm May 19, 2010)
hello well i do not now waht to say ubt i lov eot hav eyour book and read it abn blog about it on mutly sites (Desiree Reilly 3:05pm May 19, 2010)
I wish I'd had more photos of family events as the older I get the more I'm forgetting. It's really important to record those events with photos, video and stories to pass on to the next generation. (Sue Ahn 11:48pm May 19, 2010)
I just added this book to my wish list. It sounds interesting. Thank you (Barbara Ryan 2:53pm August 15, 2010)
Interesting book. Sounds like a good read. Thank you for entering me into this giveaway. (Barbara Shelton 3:18am August 16, 2010)