Carina Press
July 2010
On Sale: June 28, 2010
Featuring: Honovi; Aiyana
ISBN: 1426890397 EAN: 9781426890390 e-Book
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Romance Historical
Aiyana isn't like the other girls of the White Ant Clan.
Instead of keeping house, she longs to compete on the Ball
Court with her best friend Honovi and the other boys.
Instead of marriage, she daydreams of traveling beyond the
mountains that surround her small village. Only Honovi
knows and shares her forbidden wish, though Aiyana doesn't
realize her friend has a secret wish of his own... When Aiyana's father arranges her marriage to a man she
hardly knows, she takes the advice of a tribal elder: run!
In fleeing, she falls into the hands of Spanish raiders
and finds herself being taken over the mountains against
her will. Now Aiyana's on a quest to return to the very
place she once dreamed of escaping. And she'll do whatever
it takes to survive and find her way back to the people
she loves.
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53 comments posted.
Re: Captive Spirit
That history has always intrigued me also. Totally abandoning your land? Where did they go? (Joanne Reynolds 6:20am October 19, 2010)
Trivia is such a wonder source of info. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 8:57am October 19, 2010)
Hi Joanne,
Although there are lots of theories, no one knows with certainty where the Hohokam went. They simply vanished. (Liz Fichera 9:47am October 19, 2010)
Hi Marjorie,
I agree! I HEART trivia! :-) Thanks for your kind words. (Liz Fichera 9:47am October 19, 2010)
I am so intrigued, something had to have happened I mean if they died someone would have found bodies or bones by now. The researcher in me is piqued to no end. (Joanna St. James 10:02am October 19, 2010)
Hi Joanna,
Keep in mind that they came to the desert around 300 BC and vanished around 1500 AD. What little remained of their civilization can be found at a very cool place called the Phoenix Heard Museum, though you can still see some of their petroglyphs on the rocks around Phoenix, along with a pit house in Casa Grande which is south of Phoenix. You'll see some of the petroglyphs in the book trailer above. (Liz Fichera 10:32am October 19, 2010)
"Those who have gone," leads into so many interesting highways and byways...always thought provoking - (Jl Welling 10:49am October 19, 2010)
Absolutely fascinating. (Carolina Valdez 11:16am October 19, 2010)
Hi Jl,
I always loved that Pima translation for the Hohokam! It has always intrigued me. (Liz Fichera 11:17am October 19, 2010)
Hi Carolina,
Thank you! I think so too! (Liz Fichera 11:18am October 19, 2010)
Keep up the good work! (Sharon Engel 12:53pm October 19, 2010)
beautiful vistas love trailer ;) (April Strength 1:07pm October 19, 2010)
Thank you Sharon and April!
April, the photos in the book trailer were taken very near my home in Phoenix. Much of the desert is still the same way it was centuries ago. (Liz Fichera 1:11pm October 19, 2010)
I grew up in Phoenix and would love to read your take on its history (Cj Swier 1:12pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Cj,
So nice to meet another Phoenician! I actually grew up in Chicago but I love my adopted state. The Native American history that surrounds Phoenix, and the whole state, really, continues to fascinate me. (Liz Fichera 1:15pm October 19, 2010)
I too have an amazing amount of trivia stored somewhere in my brain that pops out at times. Years ago I traveled thru that part of the country and was intrigued by the story. Where did they go? (Elizabeth Parzino 1:16pm October 19, 2010)
There are all sorts of theories but no one knows why they vanished. But vanish, they did. If I had to guess, I'd say that joined up with the Pima Indians but it would still be just a guess. (Liz Fichera 1:26pm October 19, 2010)
Sounds like an interesting piece of history! Thanks for sharing your post with us! (Colleen Conklin 1:48pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Colleen,
And thank you! So glad to be here today. (Liz Fichera 1:56pm October 19, 2010)
CAPTIVE SPIRIT is a fabulous book. One afternoon, I had to stop everything and read it. Really well-written and the characters are unforgettable. This book is a fabulous treat. (Susanna Ives 2:37pm October 19, 2010)
I love stuff like this...I love watching documentaries about history and especially ancient history.
I would love to be able to win this book.
Valerie in Germany (Valerie Bongards 2:40pm October 19, 2010)
The book looks great. (Pam Howell 2:46pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Susanna,
I HEART you! :-) (Liz Fichera 3:27pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Valerie,
Me, too! I love reading (and writing) historicals. It's always cool to escape to another time and place. (Liz Fichera 3:28pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Pam,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Appreciate your kind words, too. (Liz Fichera 3:28pm October 19, 2010)
This sounds like something I might enjoy. Love legends and history . . . (Chrizette Bayman 3:35pm October 19, 2010)
Cool. (John Fry 6:53pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Chrizette and John,
Thanks for stopping by! The Hohokam Indians were a cool society. Very advanced for the time and the area. (Liz Fichera 6:57pm October 19, 2010)
Are they the same as the Anastazi or is it just a similar story? (Karin Tillotson 8:13pm October 19, 2010)
I love having some history involved in my books! (Brenda Rupp 8:19pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Karen,
The Anasazi were a separate ancient people. They existed in the northern part of the state. Their story is different from the Hohokam. (Liz Fichera 8:23pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Brenda,
Me, too! I love historicals. A cool escape. (Liz Fichera 8:24pm October 19, 2010)
I love Native American history, & their stories. I believe their culture has alot to teach us if we are willing to listen. Can't wait to read this book. (S W 8:32pm October 19, 2010)
This is new trivia for me. Now I want to know more. (Lisa Garrett 8:36pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Sandi,
Native American history is what makes Arizona so special, in my opinion. (Liz Fichera 8:46pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Lisa,
Glad you found something new today. :-) There's plenty to learn about the Hohokam. (Liz Fichera 8:47pm October 19, 2010)
Have been hearing about CAPTIVE SPIRIT the past few months. I have been interested in books set in this time period. Stories of early cultures and peoples in the Americas give us a feel for what came before and how the native cultures developed over the centuries. (Patricia Barraclough 9:00pm October 19, 2010)
Have never heard of the Hohokam indians until now. I see how their mystery could inspire a great book (Sheila True 9:11pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Patricia,
So cool to hear that you've heard of the book! :-) The Hohokam truly were the original Phoenicians. They were quite advanced for their time; some of their canals are still in existence today, 500+ years later! (Liz Fichera 9:34pm October 19, 2010)
Hi Sheila,
The Hohokam are truly what inspired me to write this novel. So full of mystery. (Liz Fichera 9:34pm October 19, 2010)
What an interesting story about the Hohokam. Bet the book is good. (Vikki Parman 9:37pm October 19, 2010)
I find Native American history very interesting--and these Indians have such a good unsolved mystery involved with them, (Sue Farrell 10:02pm October 19, 2010)
I am part (1/4)Native American and I read anything I can get my hands on tahtis about Native American history. Nice to have another to read. (Vickie Hightower 10:14pm October 19, 2010)
How interesting. Never heard of them and now will have to google and read more about it. Kind of cool. (Vicki Hancock 11:08pm October 19, 2010)
Wow. Thanks for all of the great comments and kind words today. I had fun blogging with you! (Liz Fichera 12:13pm October 20, 2010)
I tend to have the same 'thing' with random bits of trivia. I have had a number of instances where a topic comes up and I will chime in with some random fact. It's always nice to run across a tidbit that has such potential, though! I'm looking forward to picking this up. (Jennifer Bird 12:44pm October 20, 2010)
This was very interesting thank you. (Mary Preston 3:26am October 20, 2010)
I've always been fascinated by Native Americans, and it's terrible that this particular tribe vanished without a trace!! Such a shame for a thriving group of society!! I have to read your book, due to my curiosity as well as fascination. I, like you, have bits of trivia stored in my brain, and never know when one of these tidbits pop out. It does come in handy for conversation, as well as games!! lol (Peggy Roberson 10:19am October 20, 2010)
this sounds very intriguing (Debbi Shaw 10:39am October 20, 2010)
I am the same way - I always say I am a rich source of useless information! This sound very intriguing about the Hohokam Indians! (Kelli Jo Calvert 12:02pm October 20, 2010)
The Serpant Indian Mounds in Ohio fascinate me along with most tidbits about Native Americans. I also learned about the Indians displace in Falmouth, Massachusetts, while staying in Cape Cod and enjoying the coast and digging for mussels. We also had a bat that flew down the chimney and had to open up every window and door to allow for escape. (Alyson Widen 8:49pm October 20, 2010)
I always love legends and myths of ancient races. The mystery of their disappearance intrigue me. The Bermunda Triangle fascinates me. They are mysteries, I would love to solved as a hobby. (Kai Wong 9:19pm October 20, 2010)
sound like a great book count me in (Desiree Reilly 10:17pm October 20, 2010)
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