Only Rogue Actions, October 2025
A Touch of Treachery, September 2025
Only Cold Depths, November 2024
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
The Bigtime Series, June 2024
The Bigtime Series, May 2024
Only Hard Problems, February 2024
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Stings and Stones, November 2023
Paperback / e-Book
Spider and Frost, October 2023
Only Good Enemies, July 2023
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Heart Stings, May 2023
Paperback / e-Book
Conquer the Kingdom, March 2023
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Sugar Plum Spies, November 2022
e-Book / audiobook
Only Bad Options, October 2022
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Dirty Deeds 2, June 2022
Tear Down the Throne, May 2022
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Write Your Own Cake, February 2022
A Sense of Danger, November 2021
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Capture the Crown, July 2021
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Last Strand, March 2021
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
The Beauty of Being a Beast, February 2021
A Sense of Danger, November 2020
Audio / e-Book / audiobook
Crush the King, March 2020
Paperback / e-Book / audiobook
Spartan Destiny, January 2020
Sharpest Sting, October 2019
Paperback / e-Book
Protect the Prince, July 2019
Paperback / e-Book
Winter's Web, March 2019
Spartan Promise, January 2019
Paperback / e-Book
Haints and Hobwebs, December 2018
e-Book (reprint)
Seasons of Sorcery, November 2018
Kill the Queen, October 2018
Paperback / e-Book
Venom in the Veins, June 2018
Spartan Heart, December 2017
Snared, May 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Unraveled, September 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Unwanted, July 2016
Bright Blaze of Magic, May 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Bitter Bite, March 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Dark Heart of Magic, November 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Spider's Trap, August 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Fandemic, June 2015
Cold Burn of Magic, May 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Black Widow, December 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Black Widow, December 2014
Audio / e-Book
Poison Promise, August 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Killer Frost, March 2014
Paperback / e-Book
The Spider, January 2014
Paperback / e-Book
The Bigtime Series, December 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Heart Of Venom, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Carniepunk, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Kiss of Venom, August 2013
Midnight Frost, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Spartan Frost, July 2013
Deadly Sting, April 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Crimson Frost, January 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Widow's Web, September 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Nightingale, July 2012
Dark Frost, June 2012
Trade Size / e-Book
By A Thread, March 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Thread of Death, February 2012
Kiss Of Frost, December 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Spider's Revenge, October 2011
Paperback / e-Book
A Karma Girl Christmas, September 2011
Entangled, a Paranormal Anthology, September 2011
Touch Of Frost, August 2011
Trade Size
Jinx, July 2011
e-Book (reprint)
Hot Mama, July 2011
e-Book (reprint)
Karma Girl, June 2011
e-Book (reprint)
Tangled Threads, May 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Venom, October 2010
Paperback / e-Book
Web Of Lies, June 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Spider's Bite, February 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Jinx, September 2008
Paperback / e-Book
Hot Mama, August 2008
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Karma Girl, July 2008
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Hot Mama, November 2007
Trade Size / e-Book
Karma Girl, May 2007
Trade Size / e-Book
She might look good, but she's all bad.
Elemental Assassin #2
June 2010
On Sale: May 25, 2010
Featuring: Gin Blanco
384 pages ISBN: 143914799X EAN: 9781439147993 Kindle: B003KN3M6S Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Add to Wish List
Fantasy Urban
Curiosity is definitely going to get me dead one of these
days. Probably real soon. I'm Gin
Blanco. You might know me as the Spider, the most
feared assassin in the South. I’m retired now, but trouble
still has a way of finding me. Like the other day when two
punks tried to rob my popular barbecue joint, the Pork Pit.
Then there was the barrage of gunfire on the restaurant.
Only, for once, those kill shots weren’t aimed at me. They
were meant for Violet Fox. Ever since I agreed to help
Violet and her grandfather protect their property from an
evil coalmining tycoon, I’m beginning to wonder if I’m
really retired. So is Detective Donovan Caine. The only
honest cop in Ashland is having a real hard time reconciling
his attraction to me with his Boy Scout mentality. And I can
barely keep my hands off his sexy body. What can I say? I’m
a Stone elemental with a little Ice magic thrown in, but my
heart isn’t made of solid rock. Luckily, Gin Blanco always
gets her man . . . dead or alive.
No awards found for this book. Elemental Assassin
51 comments posted.
Re: Web Of Lies
These books sound so awesome! Imagination gone so wild! (Joanne Reynolds 6:24am May 17, 2010)
Paranormal still is a favorite but urban fantasy can seem to exist one big city over. The heroine can take of herself and make space for her loved ones. (Lindsey Ekland 6:34am May 17, 2010)
My favorite is historical fiction because I just love history, but I like paranormal and urban fantasy also. Thanks for having this giveaway! (Lisa Garrett 7:26am May 17, 2010)
While I love my Paranormal Romance I love my Urban Fantasy more because I get more satisfaction. (Ruth Thompson 8:46am May 17, 2010)
I like a wide range of romance:historical futuristic, magical and urban fantasy. I get bored if I read the same genre too many books in a row so like to have a varied choice to meet my fancy of the time. Your book sounds just my cup of tea, can't wait to read it. (Barbara Hanson 8:59am May 17, 2010)
I just LOVE your books. I am almost finished with KARMA GIRL and I LOVE it!!! The next one that I am going to read is Hot Mama. Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!! (Andrew Grigaliunas 9:10am May 17, 2010)
I equally like paranormal romance and histrocial romance. (Sherry Russell 9:43am May 17, 2010)
I can't wait to start reading this series. I sounds perfect. (Caitlin Usignol 10:20am May 17, 2010)
Western romance is one of my favorites because of the way the romance is tied into what is going on the the town and lives of the people. (Leni Kaye 10:32am May 17, 2010)
Hello to Everyone!! If you have not started reading any of Jennifer's books, I highly recommend starting with Karma Girl. You will love it!!
My fav genre is contemporary romance, followed closely behind is historical romance, then sci-fi/fantasy. Jennifer has become one of my fav authors so far!! (Andrew Grigaliunas 10:36am May 17, 2010)
It used to be historical romance, but these days it is definitely urban fantasy. Jen's books are great and recently finished the 1st in the Gin Blanco series and it was AWESOME (Jennifer Rayment 11:06am May 17, 2010)
Hi Jennifer. I loved Spider's Bite. My favorite genres are paranormal and urban fantasy. Love the kick butt heroines, alpha males, and fabulous world building. (Crystal Broyles 11:08am May 17, 2010)
Ahh! It's impossible for me to pick a favorite genre! I have favorites across the board. Certain urban fantasy and paranormal romance books have only become my faves in the last 2 1/2 years. I friggin' loved Spider's Bite and I can't wait to see what's next for Gin! (Jacqueline Cook 11:34am May 17, 2010)
I love the variety of genres as long as I get a taste of romance... :) (Colleen Conklin 11:52am May 17, 2010)
I like all kinds of genres. Among my favorites are books that combine action, romance and humor. Spider's Bite was wonderful--among the best I've read this year. Those of you who haven't read it yet need to run right out and get it. I'm so looking forward to Web of Lies. And P.S. to Jennifer--I love the extra Gin short stories on your website. (G S Moch 12:32pm May 17, 2010)
very interesting sounding, a must read (Debbi Shaw 12:33pm May 17, 2010)
Hi Jennifer, I've never met a book I wouldn't read. Sure some "grab" more than others and I'm really looking forward to getting acquainted with yours. (Elizabeth Parzino 1:42pm May 17, 2010)
I also read anything that I can get my hands on. Sounds really good. (Tonya Atchley 1:47pm May 17, 2010)
My favorite genre is Romantic Suspense, but believe me, I read a little bit of everything!! (Kelli Jo Calvert 3:16pm May 17, 2010)
I like many types of genres, mostly I appreciate good writing. I like thrillers and paranormal horror in particular. Also sci fi, and some chick lit. See I told you I like many varied types.... (Vikki Parman 3:28pm May 17, 2010)
I love historical novels, which can include most anything. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 3:32pm May 17, 2010)
Historical romance pushes all the right buttons with me. I read and enjoy many genres. (Mary Preston 3:59pm May 17, 2010)
My favorites are currently paranormal and urban fantasy...precisely for the same reasons you mentioned you loved writing them. (G. Bisbjerg 4:01pm May 17, 2010)
I will read almost anything. But, some days I don't really want to have to think, so I want a 'soft' story that will just entertain me. Other days a good mystery or adventure. I have a stack of TBR books and select the one that best fits my mood that day :>) (Karin Tillotson 4:11pm May 17, 2010)
I usually read fiction because I can find myself getting lost in the storylines. I like to be entertained by a book, be it one that makes me laugh, or brings me to tears, as long as it keeps me interested. (Peggy Roberson 4:39pm May 17, 2010)
I love romances. My favorite is historical, but I love them all as long as they have a good story, great hero and heroine, and a touch of humor. I have never read anything of yours, but would love to read this series. The books sound wonderful. (Cathy Phillips 4:40pm May 17, 2010)
So looking forward to this I loved Spiders Bite (Emma Dowdeswell 5:47pm May 17, 2010)
This sounds like an interesting read!Romantic suspense, thrillers and mysteries! But I am known to read just about anything I can get my hands n. LOL (JoAnn White 6:01pm May 17, 2010)
I love to read in general --hard to pick one favorite category -- I probably read urban fantasy the most but it really is just what suits my mood best from memoirs, chick lit, history etc.... BTW just finished reading Spider Bites and can't wait to see what happens next. (Kelly Holt 6:05pm May 17, 2010)
I love urban fantasy and paranormal fantasy. I loved Spider Bites. Can't wait to read Web of Lies. (Julie Swaney 7:14pm May 17, 2010)
My fav is Paranormal but urban fantasy is a really close second, I have just found your books and am loving your style of wrighting and am looking forward to reading more of your work. (Vickie Hightower 7:29pm May 17, 2010)
Web Of Lies has a great title, I know a few who practice this deceit. Power in the female form has been repressed for years. Thanks for making a noticeable difference. (Alyson Widen 7:32pm May 17, 2010)
Paranormal is my favorite along with romantic suspense. (Diane Sadler 8:12pm May 17, 2010)
I have always love sci-fi fantasy. You are in another world where their realty reacts differently from our and magic exists. (Kai Wong 8:39pm May 17, 2010)
I love historical paranormal. I'm not really into vampire stuff, but I really like strong female characters and a little bit of magic. The older the better - 14-15th century. (MaryAnne Banks 9:28pm May 17, 2010)
Urban fantasy gives an author a lot of leeway to do pretty much what they want. You get to create your own world and the rules for that world. And as you said, you get to throw in action, magic, drama and romance. Pretty cool. Can't beat that for a good job to have.
I read almost everything but horror and extreme erotica. I like a good suspense novel. I love historical romance and historical fiction. I like intrigue, suspense, strong characters and a well developed plot. (Patricia Barraclough 10:21pm May 17, 2010)
I still like romance to be the star of a book so I like contemporary first, then a mix of everything else for variety. (Sue Ahn 10:52pm May 17, 2010)
My favorite genry is contemporary, but I have started to explore other types of late. (Gladys Paradowski 10:52pm May 17, 2010)
It's more what genres I don't read. That would be religious, political, or self help. (Lisa Richards 10:58pm May 17, 2010)
I have 2 current favorite genres (I change periodically, lol). YA Paranormal & Urban Fantasy. I love the magical/supernatural element included in both genres. I feel they let the author have a little more "room" with world building & plot without me having to read through an epic fantasy (I've never finished one!.. that wasn't YA,lol).
Thanks for the giveaway! Christa (C Holland 12:27pm May 18, 2010)
I love historicals but lately I've been reading more PNR and would love to try urban fantasy and your new book. I'm always on the lookout for great reads!!! (Mitzi Hinkey 1:25am May 18, 2010)
I love paranormal, historical romance, science fiction and fantasy. (Marlene Breakfield 1:56am May 18, 2010)
Hi! I don't stick to any one genre; I switch around. I would read a couple of books in one genre and then switch to another for the next couple of books. That way, it's always fresh to me. (S Tieh 2:04am May 18, 2010)
Hi, everyone. I just wanted to say thanks again for stopping by and commenting. You guys made a lot of great points. It's always fun talking about something you love, isn't it? ;-)
And thanks for all the great comments about Spider's Bite and my other books. They really made my day! (Jennifer Estep 8:54am May 18, 2010)
I read all the time since my MS has gotten so bad read has become an escape for me I really love adding new authors to my list and yours look like the kind of books I would pick up and have a very hard time putting done (Kathy Vallee 9:51am May 18, 2010)
My favoriet genre is urban fantasy. But I also read other types of fantasy, sci-fi, and mysteries.
I really enjoyed Spider's Bite and am waiting impatiently for Web of Lies to come out. (Sandy Giden 10:03am May 18, 2010)
I like a variety -- but you can't beat a good old-fashioned who dunnit. (Shannon Scott 12:04pm May 18, 2010)
I love to read thrillers. I like the tension of the stories and don't get bored with them. (Linda Kish 12:10pm May 18, 2010)
I like all romance but romantic suspence is my favorite. When and how will the hero and heroine finally get together, who dunnit, etc. I enjoyed Karma Girl. (Sandra Dickey 12:41pm May 18, 2010)
I just finished Spider's Bite and loved it. Cant' wait to read Web of Lies. Thank you so much for these books. (Lena Lee 1:37pm May 18, 2010)
Thanks for the chance to win the book. It's one I am looking forward to reading and would love own. (Barbara Andersen 4:47pm May 18, 2010)
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