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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

The Tutor by Hope C. Tarr


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Also by Hope C. Tarr:

Irish Eyes, December 2023
Paperback / e-Book
Claimed by the Rogue, March 2014
The Cinderella Seduction, November 2013
The Cinderella Makeover, March 2013
A Cinderella Christmas Carol, December 2012
Operation Cinderella, October 2012
A Rogue's Pleasure, August 2010
My Lord Jack, July 2010
e-Book (reprint)
The Tutor, July 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Twelve Nights (Harlequin Blaze), December 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Every Breath You Take..., January 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Bound To Please, July 2008
Mass Market Paperback
Untamed, February 2008
Mass Market Paperback
Strokes Of Midnight, December 2007
Enslaved, November 2007
The Haunting, April 2007
It's a Wonderfully Sexy Life, December 2006
Vanquished, July 2006
Tempting, August 2002
My Lord Jack, May 2002
A Rogue's Pleasure, November 2000

The Tutor
Hope C. Tarr

Harlequin Blaze
July 2010
On Sale: July 1, 2010
Featuring: Lady Bea Lindsey; Ralph Sylvester
274 pages
ISBN: 0373795564
EAN: 9780373795567
Mass Market Paperback
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Romance Erotica Sensual | Romance Historical

"I wish you to tutor me in...sex."

Lady Bea Lindsey is desperate. She's newly engaged to a very nice but dull gentleman and is fully aware that if she wants any joy in her marriage bed, she'll have to call the shots. But first she needs to be taught. And who better to instruct her than irresistibly sexy rogue Ralph Sylvester?

Ralph is surprised by Bea's request, but he can't turn down the woman he's lusted after for the past nine months. He agrees on one condition. For the next seven days and nights, Bea must relinquish total control to him. No pleasure will be off-limits, no act of lovemaking forbidden, no desire too shocking.

It's every man's fantasy... until the student surpasses the teacher...

No awards found for this book.


59 comments posted.

Re: The Tutor

OMG 7 whole sexy days and nights in my near future... I am not sure what I would do!!! If anything I would definitely spend it with a very HOT guy. It's has to be no holds barred type action, so I can relive the memories for the rest of my life. What a fortune cookie that would make:)
(Yadira Alonzo 7:24pm July 20, 2010)

Wow, Having 7 of the hottest nights, even for memory keeping, that would be awesome! What fun to be able to write something like this! Will have to read this for sure!
Joanne Reynolds 6:20am July 21, 2010)

One hot night in a row would be a treat for me!! I watched my hubby sleep on our wedding night lol
Mary Lynn Hayes 10:46am July 21, 2010)

I don't know is I could handle 7 "hot" nights but I sure would give it a try.
Pat Wilson 10:52am July 21, 2010)

Good morning, everyone. Thanks so much for stopping by with such sweet cyber hellos. I'll be checking in throughout the day, so any questions about THE TUTOR, or my reissues with Carina Press, MY LORD JACK and A ROGUE'S PLEASURE, fire away! :)
Hope Tarr 11:37am July 21, 2010)

Yadira, that's genius. Sexy fortune cookies would be so cool. Usually I get ones that tell me I should work harder, be more patient blah blah blah. All of that's probably true, OK definitely true, but not nearly so much fun.
Hope Tarr 11:39am July 21, 2010)

Oh, Mary Lynn! Sounds like you have the premise for a romantic comedy if nothing else. And hopefully the rest of the honeymoon made up for it. ;)
Hope Tarr 11:40am July 21, 2010)

LOL, Pat. I believe I'd soldier on, too.
Hope Tarr 11:41am July 21, 2010)

Thanks, Joanne. I must admit, I had quite a good time writing THE TUTOR. I hope you enjoy it. It's meant to be a fun, sexy, fast read with enough Victoriana and Scottish stuffs to satisfy history buffs. :)
Hope Tarr 11:43am July 21, 2010)

I love that Blaze has a
historical line now!! And
sometimes I wish my hubby had
his own copy of the Kama Sutra,
Erin Thompson 11:44am July 21, 2010)

Book sounds very good. Would like to win a copy.
Mj Chesick 11:47am July 21, 2010)

Having read and loved all your previous Victorian-set novels, Hope, I am sure that you will wonderfully depict the poignant desperation of your heroine as she faces a life-time without the sensual satisfaction she craves. Can't wait to read The Tutor! Good luck with Lord Jack and your new relationship with Carina Press.
Lise Horton 1:22pm July 21, 2010)

7 hot nights! Sounds like a steamy read!
Chantel Williams 1:50pm July 21, 2010)

Oooh 7 nights... sounds great... loved MY LORD JACK and A ROGUE’S PLEASURE!!!
Colleen Conklin 1:56pm July 21, 2010)

No matter the time, the place or the circumstances, I always find that wicked works wonders. Ultimately, it's what frees all our cravings and desires. Here's looking forward to some pleasure!
Sabine Hope 2:37pm July 21, 2010)

I could go for 7 hot nights. My protags would go for that too, in between murder and mayhem!

Tanya Goodwin 2:51pm July 21, 2010)

Congrats on the new release, Hope. Anything involving the Kama Sutra is sure to be educational and fun.
Jane Cheung 3:25pm July 21, 2010)

Too funny, Erin, and too true. I actually read, okay, skimmed, the text translated by Sir Richard Burton (not the late actor);). Some of it is pretty dry and there's a lot of advice that's not particularly sexual but more on how to live. And of course, it was written for men. But then those other parts...;)
Hope Tarr 3:30pm July 21, 2010)

Thanks, Tanya. I think sex breaks sound like a good idea for sure. I always loved TV shows like "Hart to Hart" where the husband and wife teamed up to solve mysteries and crimes or as spies. Keeps the sexual tension high.
Hope Tarr 3:32pm July 21, 2010)

"Wicked works wonders..." Sabine, I am totally stealing this. ;) Good last name, btw.
Hope Tarr 3:33pm July 21, 2010)

Well, Colleen, as they say, I tries. I've always written steamy but a few of my friends who've read THE TUTOR were a little shocked, so I'm not sure if it's so much a departure as it is an evolution. For sure I couldn't have gotten a romance publisher for it back in '99 when I first sold.
Hope Tarr 3:35pm July 21, 2010)

Thanks, Lise. What a lovely thing to say. I really love the Victorian period, particularly the latter part--1880's/90's when so much of the landscape of life was changing, not only technologically but socially.
Hope Tarr 3:37pm July 21, 2010)

Good luck, MJ.
Hope Tarr 3:38pm July 21, 2010)

Sounds like an incredibly fun, sexy read! I guess I'd do the same as most people and enjoy those amazing nights while they last
Sarah Dewbery 4:19pm July 21, 2010)

7 hot nights, I have to read this book!
Cheryl Lynne 5:47pm July 21, 2010)

The Tutor sounds fantastic. What would I do? I guess I'd enjoy the heck out of the seven days and hope something would change in the future, if not I guess it would have to last me.
Barbara Elness 6:05pm July 21, 2010)

Isn't the saying something like, "it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all"? It's better to have those seven sexy days and nights so that there will be warm memories at least.

"The Tuor" sounds delicious. Now, I'm going to have to dig the copy of "Kama Sutra" from storage...
S Tieh 7:02pm July 21, 2010)

I heartily agree about the better to have loved and lost... I've always erred on the side of not regretting what I *didn't" do, and Bea's choice reflects that. Fortunately THE TUTOR is a romance novel, so without giving up any spoilers, it ends HAPPILY. :)
Hope Tarr 7:47pm July 21, 2010)

Sounds like a sound plan, Barbara. A bird in hand and all that. :)
Hope Tarr 7:50pm July 21, 2010)

I say too, enjoy it while it lasts!
Lisa Garrett 8:19pm July 21, 2010)

I would learn some warm up exercises, so I don't pull a muscle!
Pam Howell 8:33pm July 21, 2010)

Not sure I could handle seven nights in a row but would give it a good try LOL! Looking forward to reading this.
Teresa Ward 8:34pm July 21, 2010)

This is one hot book. I have not read any of your books but now have you on my new autors list and wish list.
Looking forward to reading. I don't think I would survive 7 nights in a month, or a yr, so certainly not 7 nights straight. lol
Brenda Hill 9:56pm July 21, 2010)

Oh boy,7 nights and Karma Sutra. I'm getting hot and bothered (in a good way). Love your book.
Kai Wong 10:01pm July 21, 2010)

Good thinking, Pam. They don't call it "cross training" for nothing. ;)

That's the spirit, Teresa. Take one for the team.

Brenda, I say make like the Nike ads and "Just Do IT." ;)

Kai, the best of all compliments. Thank you!
Hope Tarr 11:28pm July 21, 2010)

Ah, that wonderful age of 21! And sexy nights to look forward to! The book has to be a winner.
Gladys Paradowski 12:33pm July 22, 2010)

Just noticed you are one day ahead of Texas. It is still July 21st here.
Gladys Paradowski 12:37pm July 22, 2010)

Thanks, Gladys. Here's hoping. Honestly, I wouldn't want to be 21 again but as for those seven sexy days n' nights, well, they're not limited to any age. I'll take 'em. :)
Hope Tarr 2:34am July 22, 2010)

Sounds like a great read; one that would go well with wine and chocolate!
Darci Paice 2:59am July 22, 2010)

Decisions, decisions, WOW!!!!
Marjorie Carmony 10:00am July 22, 2010)

I could go for 7 hot nights with my hubby.
Julie Swaney 12:26pm July 22, 2010)

I would really love to read this book, sounds like a scorcher!!!

And only 7 days and night to last for the rest of my life?? Oh, that's a difficult one, and I'm only 21? Tough, tough!!!

in Germany
Valerie Bongards 1:00pm July 22, 2010)

this would be like christmas in july
Debbi Shaw 1:02pm July 22, 2010)

7 hot Nights and days too !!
What an idea< I'm sure there are people who get that kind of stuff but not me and I'd LOVE to give it a try. I enjoy your books keep them coming
Vickie Hightower 1:04pm July 22, 2010)

Now I'm curious. He may be the Tutor,
but if they are so great together, is she
really going to marry her "dry as toast"
fiance? What a waste.
Patricia Barraclough 1:20pm July 22, 2010)

Sounds like a steamy one.
Cheryl Greenleaf 1:55pm July 22, 2010)

At the risk of coming off as coy, Patricia, you'll have to read the book and find out. ;)
Hope Tarr 2:23pm July 22, 2010)

Julie, that's so sweet! I love it when married folk say stuffs like that.
Hope Tarr 2:24pm July 22, 2010)

LOL, Darci, doesn't *everything* go well with chocolate and wine? Note: not really a question.
Hope Tarr 2:26pm July 22, 2010)

Per Darci's comment, last week I saw some poor, resigned looking young man trolling the NYC streets wearing one of those advertorial sandwich boards in the midst of the 95 degrees plus heat. He was promoting a new wine shop that had just opened. The slogan:

"Sex is better with wine."

Of course sex without wine works too, but I thought it was great.
Hope Tarr 2:28pm July 22, 2010)

Hi Vickie! As they say, never say never. ((wink))
Hope Tarr 2:30pm July 22, 2010)

Fortunately, Valerie, you don't have to choose. God be willing, you have decades and decades and decades (and more decades) to have seven sexy days and nights. Goodness, by the time you're my age, you'll be worn to a nub--a very happy nub, tho. Think Smiley Face. :)
Hope Tarr 2:32pm July 22, 2010)

Goodness, that's sounds so good.
I'm on my way to Carina to ck out the rest....Thanks!
Ivy Truitt 5:41pm July 22, 2010)

Hello Hope, Please enter me in your fantastic contest and please let me know when I am a winner too! I love entering and winning contests from freshfiction.com
May GOD bless you always, Cecilia
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 5:53pm July 22, 2010)

Hi Cecilia, Thanks for the nice blessing. I'll take it and gladly! Re entering, you're entering automatically when you post a comment, so you should be all set.
Hope Tarr 6:10pm July 22, 2010)

Cool, Ivy, I hope you enjoy 'em. :)
Hope Tarr 6:10pm July 22, 2010)

I LOVE the premise. The Tutor sounds like a brilliant & FUN read.
Mary Preston 7:18pm July 22, 2010)

What an interesting twist to a love story, and what a hot way to tell it as well!! It sure would make a warm summer day even hotter!! Cant wait to read it!! Your way with words has me hooked, and your on my list of books for the rest of the summer. Thanks!
Peggy Roberson 10:21pm July 22, 2010)

Congratulations to my blog contest winner, Mary Lynn. Mary Lynn, I'll be snail mailing your copy of VANQUISHED...anon, which is to say on Monday. ;)

To everyone who commented, thanks so very much for the lovely comments and all 'round generous support. Last but not least...

Hope Tarr 4:20pm July 23, 2010)

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