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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society
Mary Ann Shaffer

Dial Press
May 2009
On Sale: May 19, 2009
304 pages
ISBN: 0385341008
EAN: 9780385341004
Paperback (reprint)
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Historical | Fiction

“I wonder how the book got to Guernsey? Perhaps there is some sort of secret homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.”

January 1946: London is emerging from the shadow of the Second World War, and writer Juliet Ashton is looking for her next book subject. Who could imagine that she would find it in a letter from a man she’s never met, a native of the island of Guernsey, who has come across her name written inside a book by Charles Lamb….

As Juliet and her new correspondent exchange letters, Juliet is drawn into the world of this man and his friends—and what a wonderfully eccentric world it is. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society—born as a spur-of-the-moment alibi when its members were discovered breaking curfew by the Germans occupying their island—boasts a charming, funny, deeply human cast of characters, from pig farmers to phrenologists, literature lovers all.

Juliet begins a remarkable correspondence with the society’s members, learning about their island, their taste in books, and the impact the recent German occupation has had on their lives. Captivated by their stories, she sets sail for Guernsey, and what she finds will change her forever.

Written with warmth and humor as a series of letters, this novel is a celebration of the written word in all its guises, and of finding connection in the most surprising ways.

No awards found for this book.


76 comments posted.

Re: The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society

For me Memoirs of a Geshia and The Poisonwood Bible. The were ok, but they did not speak to me as they did to others.
(Lissa Oehlberg 10:40am July 5, 2009)

The Da Vinci Code didn't live up to it's hype for me.
Sarah Keery 10:55am July 5, 2009)

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay was longer, dryer and angstier than I wanted it to be.
Jody Wallace 11:07am July 5, 2009)

After reading the Twilight Series, and being totally addicted - and wanting the series to continue, actually going through withdrawl - read The Host, also by Stephanie Meyer. Very disappointed. Doesn't even compare to the Twilight Series -
Katherine Reese 11:11am July 5, 2009)

I just finished "Season of Strangers" by Kat Martin. I've enjoyed all her books until this one and it was so boring I actually posted a comment. Never heard of this book Sandi until now, but the title alone says "forget it."
Ilene Pedersen 11:32am July 5, 2009)

I remember reading Breathing room by Susan Elizabeth Phillips and just not enjoying it all. I read it because I have enjoyed her books before this one and because everyone who had read it before me just raved about it to no end. But, it did nothing for me at all. That was the second book that I didn't care for inspite of the hype. The first time this had happened to me was when I read a book by an author I've never read before. It was Improper English by Katie MacAlister. Everyone raved about it. So I got it thinking it would be great to read a new author. It wasn't so great for me.
Debbie Beverley 11:47am July 5, 2009)

For me it was the same book,
Guernsey, I enjoyed it well
enough while I was reading it
but I felt like the characters
never fully developed and I so
wanted to love them more.
Meredith Link 11:51am July 5, 2009)

I read part of the first book
of the Anita Blake series....
I couldn't get into it at
all... the writing just didn't
draw me in. I know everyone
really really likes them, but
they didn't do it for me. And
I have never heard of the book
you are talking about at all.
Melissa Tackett 11:53am July 5, 2009)

I loved The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, but then again, I was fortunate to read it before the hype. I think you make a very intriguing point about books, however. Once a book gets too much hype, it just does not interest me. I loved Harry Potter but after a certain point, well, the hype is just so much that I no longer have much interesting reading it and probably won't, at least not until all the hype has worn off. I guess when a book gets so much hype it feels like there is little left to discover. In one sense, reading is a quiet, personal experience for me so maybe that is why. Too much hype and book talk can detract from that unique experience I find between the book and me as reader. Great topic, Sandi!
Merri Crawford 11:55am July 5, 2009)

I haven't read many of the books mentioned thus far. I did however try a book by Katie MacAlister,
and while all my friends thought it was just hysterical, and loved it, I had a hard time finishing it.

A friend emailed me off this blog and said it was a great topic but she didn't feel she could post
because she's not had a book disappoint her because she doesnt' buy by hype. I told her I often
don't buy because of the hype, but do tend to move things up because of the hype. A book that got
a lot of hype and I finally decided I had to read because of it was Mr. Perfect by Linda Howard. I
loved it!

Another I read because of the hype was Dark Lover. I fully expected to hate it because I'm not
typically a paranormal reader. I surprised myself with how fast I read it, and how much I enjoyed it,
but the second in the series dragged, and I've yet to find myself with the motivation to want to read
the third.
Sandi Shilhanek 11:56am July 5, 2009)

The Da Vinci Code didn't do much for me and The Twilight Series didn't either I only listened not read Twilight Series which had I read the books I'm not sure I would have even gotten through the first, I've been looking at GL&PPS and may still read it but with the knowledge I don't have to fall in love with in LOL
Barbs Ferris 11:56am July 5, 2009)

I would have to say Hornet's Nest by Patricia Cornwell. I love her Kay Scarpetta novels! I was unable to get into this book.
Kimberley Coover 12:05pm July 5, 2009)

Kimberley, I didn't really like Hornest's Nest or Southern Cross by Cornwell either...I absolutely love her Scarpetta series though...I must say that there are few books in my library that I buy because of hype...I firmly believe in the "don't believe the hype" mantra from the late 80s, so I buy a book based on whether it grabs me or not...the same goes for music and movies...I don't focus on other people's opinion and base everything I read, see and listen to off my own opinion...as we all know, everyone won't like the same things, and what a dull world it would be if this was the case...

Anyway, back to the topic...the one book I bought because the cover interested me was Water for Elephants...it is the first and only book I started and never finished...sad to say, it did nothing for me...

Sandi love the Black Dagger Brotherhood and Wrath is my man...Dark Lover all the way...

Peace and love,
Paula R.
Paula Robinson 12:27pm July 5, 2009)

The Da Vinci Code had no appeal to me. The Secret Life of Bees wasn't Great for me like everyone else seemed to be exclaiming, but after recently seeing the movie & loving it -- I feel maybe I wan't in the mood for it. I tried one Anita Blake book, it was just so-so for me, and didn't inspire me to read on. I have Guernsey (& yes I do know where it is -- I visited nearby Isle of Jersey when i was 16) and have plans to read it this year so can't comment yet. As always, Sandi, love your topics!
Pam Nolan 12:27pm July 5, 2009)

Actually it was the Twilight series for me. I prequalify YA before I let my then newly turned teen read them. The first one was ok, but unfortunately the others fell flat for me.
Nicole Hicks 12:30pm July 5, 2009)

For me it was Nora Roberts Death series.. after all the fun stuff she wrote could not get into it.. but am willing to try again some day.
Dona West 12:31pm July 5, 2009)

I agree with Merri Crawford - I read Guernsey before the hype and enjoyed it for the
lovely, "quiet" book that it was. I think hype can be the death of a good book. I'm always
cautious to gush about a book. Same goes for movies.
There's a quote (can't remember who first said it) that goes something like "no two people
read the same book." Very true.
Great topic, Sandi!
Mary Hundley 12:42pm July 5, 2009)

It's not just book hype, but also author hype. I just finished Fern Michaels' Under the Radar and I was disappointed with it. There were too many loose ends that didn't go anywhere. It seemed as though she was in a hurry to get the book out - maybe because of the subject matter . If it would have been the first book in the series I wouldn't have read any more.
Karin Tillotson 1:04pm July 5, 2009)

Without question, it was the DaVinci code. I guess I felt it was too fictional.
Margie Whitten 1:05pm July 5, 2009)

What I did for Love by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I always enjoy her books and she doesnt write very many. There was not much of a plot and the characters I found to be very annoying - the heroine put up with a lot of nonsense from the hero. So sorry to have say this, but you asked...LOL.
Pat Lieberman 1:21pm July 5, 2009)

Janet Evanvich had a holiday book in the Stephanie Plum series, I could only read 10 pages.
Vikki Parman 1:33pm July 5, 2009)

I attempted to read the "Twilight" series. All of my adult friends were ooohhing and aaahhing over it. Struggled through the first one, and just couldn't read any more. I guess I like "stronger" female roles - she was WAY too needy for me...
Laura Bruhns 1:33pm July 5, 2009)

I finished Moloka'i by Alan Brennert this past week....and I found it tedious and uninspiring. Quite to the contrary of most opionions I've read....Now, that "potato peel" book is one I worried about for months before picking up. I shy away from hyped books, as a rule. But, it fell into place with me immediately and I ended up loving it. Go figure. I had to give JD Robb's "In Death" series a couple of tries before I made it past the first one and I'm now first in line when a new one comes out.
Twilight was a snoozer for me. Could vamps get any more boring? And when you've seen Angel in the Buffy series, how can you even compare him to Edward, I ask?!
All in all, I'm a firm believer in each book having its own "rhythm" and that rhythm having to match my mood before I "love" it....I try not to think of any book as a "bad" book and try to make a conscious effort to NOT steer any reader away from something I didn't personally like....
Cindy Ferrell 1:34pm July 5, 2009)

I just bought and read the GL&PPS last month, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I remember the hype about it from last year, and was interested then, but it wasn't in the cards then. Having said that, books I'm disappointed in? The last Harry Potter. It just didn't grab me the way the others did - it was too easy to put it down and do something else, read something else. I finished it, but .... Also, I never really got the hype for the Twilight series. It's not that I'm not into vampires, since I really enjoy the series featuring Sookie and Co. (although NOT the TV series - the very idea of that just totally turned me off!), maybe because it's set in an area of the country I'm familiar with (Louisiana and Mississippi), wheras the Twilight series isn't. I really don't know, but I'm about the only one on one of my book lists who HASN'T read it. And I'm not planning to, either.

I did like the DaVinci Code, both book and movie, maybe because I'd already read similar novels with that theme, and enjoyed them. It's a thought-provoking theme, even if you don't agree with how the author presents his/her version. I do plan on reading more of his work.

As Cindy says above, books have their own rhythm, and you either get the rhythm or you don't get it.

So, my $.02, for what it's worth.


Lynn Rettig 2:08pm July 5, 2009)

"Finger Lickin Fifteen" by Janet Evanovich the brand new Stephanie Plum adventure. Was the same old rehashed,not funny anymore story. Used to love the Stephanie Plum books but author has lost her magic touch. I also hated the Da Vinci Code. Have to chuckle to myself when I see it for sale on several yard sale tables. I also will only buy John Grisham books at yard sales. His last couple weren't that great.
Donna Petrilla 2:39pm July 5, 2009)

I haven't read Da Vinci Code or Twilight books. I keep hemming and hawing about listening to them, but keep seeing that so many
people whose opinions I trust think the books were so-so and I don't have time to read or listen to things I don't think I'll truly enjoy.

I was pleasantly surprised when I loved the first In Death book, but the whole series has been ups and downs as I think many long term
series might be.

Forgive me for not remembering who, but I just finished What I Did For Love by SEP, and while it was a pleasant enough read I find that
like Match Me If You Can I found myself caring more for the secondary characters than the primary ones. I've been trying to see if she
has a new one forthcoming, and haven't found anything! Wonder how often she releases.

As for Evanovich. I read books 1-7 all in a row, and personally found them to be less than funny somewhere between book 4 and 5. I
have for sure read 8 and maybe 9, but I'm behind. Debating with myself about listening or reading the rest. For sure won't be rushing
out to be the new one in hardback since I'm so behind.

Thanks to all for your opinions and posting here today!
Sandi Shilhanek 2:55pm July 5, 2009)

"Morning Light" by Catherine Anderson was a let down to me. I enjoyed her Coulter Family books which segued to the Harrigan Family stories. However "Morning Light" was too religious, too preachy for me. The combination of religion and the heroine's psychic abilities were a bit much. I finished the book but was apprehensive about reading the next story, "Star Bright". Luckily, Ms. Anderson was not nearly as heavy handed with the Catholicism in that book.
Jill Hayden 3:19pm July 5, 2009)

I'd have to add the last two Janet Evanovich books to this lists of let downs. I think that series, at least for me, has run its course. I also tried The Appeal by John Grisham when it first came out. To me it was very dull. This is a great topic. It's interesting to see what works and doesn't work for people!
Kara Conrad 3:29pm July 5, 2009)

The biggest example that I can think of is Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley. It was the sequel to GWTW.
Cheryl Castings 3:37pm July 5, 2009)

Don't feel bad, I work at a library and
help do the ordering and I had never
Admittedly I deal primarily with
children's books, but I do some of the
adult ordering.
The Laurell K. Hamilton's Merry Gentry
Fey series didn't do it for me. There is
a good story line there, but I need
more in a book than everyone running
around with no clothes on, having
multiple partner sex, occasionally
being interrupted to fight the bad
Patricia Barraclough 3:39pm July 5, 2009)

I have it in my TBR. One book that always gets alot of attention is the Diana Gabadalon Outlander series. I tried reading it but couldn't get through the first book.
Yvonne Hering 4:07pm July 5, 2009)

For me it would be DEWEY THE SMALL-TOWN LIBRARY CAT WHO TOUCHED THE WORLD ~ cute and touching book, but I didn't think it was ALL that like the comments I had read about it.
Christy Hawkes 5:24pm July 5, 2009)

I don't recall titles of books. Sorry. It used to be that if I didn't really like how a book was going, I'd still read the entire book (grimacing along the way) -- all because "I PAID for it; I'm going to READ it!" Not anymore. Now that I'm a whopping 50 years of age, if I don't like the plot line (it could be too slow for my liking), the language (I'm not into continually crude dialogue), or even the characters, I chuck the book in the recycling box. I don't send it to my friends. I'm quite "frugal" in my day-to-day life, but my time is worth more than that.
Elaine Seymour 5:28pm July 5, 2009)

I don't like saying that I didn't enjoy a book but I definitely recently read one that I didn't enjoy at all. I don't even want to mention the title here.
Joyce Mandle 6:33pm July 5, 2009)

I tried to read several books by Margaret Atwood since she has been recommended to me quite often bu I simply could not read her books. She is a talented writer but her style is not for me
Diane Sadler 6:42pm July 5, 2009)

This is really a good topic Sandi. I agree with what someone said that a lot of authors get a lot of hype and their books don't live up to that hype. Or more likely they will have a new book coming out and on past performance it will get raves.
The book that I found did not live up to the hype was Susan Wiggs' book The Ocean Between Us. I know a lot of people loved and raved about this book but it did not do it for me. Sorry everyone who loved it! It was the first book I ever read by her and almost caused me not to read anymore but fortunely this year I read The Horsemaster's Daughter and loved it.
Mary Perry 6:44pm July 5, 2009)

Mary, I'm sorry that you didn't like The Ocean Between Us because I loved that one!

Elaine, I still more often than not feel that I need to finish every book I've read, but i have given up on two in the last couple of years.

Cheryl, I'm sorry Dark Lover didn't work for you, but it makes me feel better that I haven't managed to get past the let down of the second one.
Sandi Shilhanek 6:50pm July 5, 2009)

Janet Evanovich Plum series did not work for me. I kept reading how good, how funny so I read the first two books which was enough! I cannot imagine working through 15 of them!! I have read a couple of her other titles that made me laugh and were good very light reading. I am a big Nora Roberts fan but do not care for her J.D. Robb books. I read two or three of them and have not read any more. Her Visions in White was most enjoyable for me. It was reminiscent of the books that got me hooked on reading anything Nora writes.

There are other books by authors I normally read that haven't been as good but I won't go into more than I've already mentioned.

Sandi, good subject matter as always. Thanks for keeping us in good discussions.
Donna McClure 7:05pm July 5, 2009)

I loved all the Patricia Cornwell Novels (Scarpetta series) Except the last few (trace, predator and book of the dead) I was totally bored! Maybe it was just a case of same ole same ole!
Rebekah Taylor 7:48pm July 5, 2009)

Demons and Angels was a bit far fetched for me.
MaryEllen Hanneman 7:57pm July 5, 2009)

I was surprised when I couldn't finish a hyped nonfiction book, Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. And I tried twice. It's a well written biography about the author's childhood experiences of being homeless.
Mary Matthews 9:09pm July 5, 2009)

I wasn't going to mention any books that I didn't particulary like but I have to agree about Morning Light by CA. I didn't like all the religion and preachiness in the book, but overall I did like the book, even if i did think it was not one of her better ones. Thankfully, her newest one was awesome! Sometimes, if I think the book will be could and I'm just not in the mood for that genre, I will put it down and come back to it. If I still can't get into after 50 or 60 pages, I just put it into the swap pile!
Martha Lawson 9:38pm July 5, 2009)

I usually like most books I read, but I did not like My Sisters Keeper. Everyone I know loved it, but I just could not get into it.
Julie Harper 9:46pm July 5, 2009)

I couldn't get into the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton..I've tried twice but just havn't been able to. I've even met Laurell and she's a lot of fun...but just couldn't do the series. :(
Rachael Grime 10:08pm July 5, 2009)

I've got to say the Poisonwood Bible was like that for me. I heard so much good stuff about it, that I was so disappointed reading it that I didn't even finish it.
Renee Grandinetti 10:27pm July 5, 2009)

Having been a Sherrilyn Kenyon fan for
quite a few years, it was one of her
more recent installments of of the Dark
Huner series- Dream Warrior that was a
disappointment for me.
Jen Boyer 10:36pm July 5, 2009)

Having been a Sherrilyn Kenyon fan for
quite a few years, it was one of her
more recent installments of of the Dark
Hunter series- Dream Warrior that was a
disappointment for me.
Jen Boyer 10:38pm July 5, 2009)

I didn't care for The English Patient--book or movie.
G S Moch 10:38pm July 5, 2009)

As usual, a great subject, Sandi.

Truthfully, I've never even heard of most of the books mentioned here. Guess I live too far north. . .

I almost hate to mention the title, because I'm not real sure of it, but Dating Can Be Deadly by Wendy Roberts did nothing for me. It was because of the language. I struggled through almost a third of the book before I finally gave up, all because quite a few friends had raved about it. The story line was great, and had I been able to handle all the 4-letter words, I'd likely have loved it.

When the Blaze line came out, I listened to all the hype, and bought me a Blaze book. I don't remember the title or author, but the couple was in bed together by page 3, and didn't resurface until the story ended. It had no story line at all. It simply didn't go anywhere. So when I saw the titles of a mini-series in that line that caught my eye, I really struggled with a decision to buy them. In the end I did, and that series is now on my keeper shelf.

I lent Lakeside Cottage by Susan Wiggs to my daughter (I haven't even read it yet) and she said it didn't go anywhere. She didn't finish it. So now it isn't moving up my TBR pile very fast. Yet, I've loved everything else I've read of SW.
Donna Breitkreuz 10:52pm July 5, 2009)

I don't believe hype, yet read reviews and then read books and decide for myself whether the book had something worthy or not.
Alyson Widen 11:19pm July 5, 2009)

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who
didn't get into the DaVinchi Code.
Mary McCoy 11:25pm July 5, 2009)

I have to say that one series I just couldn't get into was the Twilight series. I tried, but there was just something about it that prevented me from enjoying it. So, I really only got about halfway through the first book before I gave up.
Karin Theisen 1:11am July 6, 2009)

So, I must be writing from the hole in
the ground because I never heard of
the book that failed me was THE
Maggi Savage 1:30am July 6, 2009)

The books by gerry Bartlett i was hoping for a set of books that i could not but down but this set of books where all right but not as good as i was hoping for.from [email protected]
Stacey Smith 4:06am July 6, 2009)

Maggie, I had totally forgotten about Bridges of Madison County, but that was another I read because of the hype, and was sure I would
love because it sounded like such a me book. I read it and went huh? I read another book by the same author before all the hype and
went huh again? Haven't read him again.

I hope I didn't insult anyone who hasn't heard of Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society because I really thought that everyone had
to have seen it mentioned somewhere, or at least seen it on the promotional tables at the bookstores.
Sandi Shilhanek 5:45am July 6, 2009)

Totally agree, Bridges of
Madison county was an extreme
disappointment for me. I was
even raised in Iowa. For some
reason that escaped me, it
struck a chord with so many.
Betty Dennis 8:27am July 6, 2009)

It's not often that I dislike a book or find it hard to get through, but one does stand out. I happened to see 'The White City' by Alec Michod. I thought that might be a good read, a little history of the World's Fair in Chicago; since I'm a native of Chi-town I took a chance. It was so hard for me to get through; in fact I never did finish it. I'm sure that others found it wonderful, I just couldn't engage. I guess I'll stick to the romance, paranormal and urban fantasy genres;-)
Gail Siuba 8:49am July 6, 2009)

I could not get into the Betsy queen of the Undead books.Which was weird because I really liked the Wyndham Werewolf series.
Anne Clark 10:38am July 6, 2009)

The Bell Jar
Bridget Hopper 12:46pm July 6, 2009)

Neil Gaiman's Graveyard book. It has won all kinds of YA prizes. It was a decent book, but not great. I just didn't connect with the main character.
Edith Isaacs 12:52pm July 6, 2009)

I seldom read a book that I don't enjoy, but sometimes leave them until I am more in the mood for a particular type of book. I haven't read the Twilight series, but my daughters have enjoyed it. I think I have just read too many vampire novels to add any more.
The Painted House by John Grisham was not a good read for me although it got good reviews.
What I really enjoy is a book that more than lives up to my expectations. They are a wonderful find.
Ruby Davis 1:44pm July 6, 2009)

Hey Sandi!!!

Funny enough, I can't think of any titles--I tend to avoid stuff that gets tons of hype but I'm weird like that!

That said, I thought I read somewhere that Gurnsey was written in letter-style (correct name escapes me), and that usually doesn't work for me so I skipped it despite the fact it sounded really good!
Amie Stuart 1:48pm July 6, 2009)

Michelle Rowe. I had a friend tell me over and over I would love her books. I have tried a couple and ended up putting them back down fairly quickly. Just couldn't get into them.
Jessica Whitfield 4:50pm July 6, 2009)

I'm with Kimberly on this one ... Hornet's Nest by Patricia Cornwall was just not up to par. I almost didn't go back to reading her others (the Scarpetta series) which I really do enjoy.
Sandy Miresse 8:32pm July 6, 2009)

If I start a book & it seems tedious, I try to give it a chance to turn around. But if it remains too slow, out it goes to the library sell room. I have forgotten the names.. for me, they were easily forgotten!! For a book that IS bad!!
Jean Merriott 9:39pm July 6, 2009)

Lately, I have read a lot of books that were labeled "thrillers" or "romantic suspense" and they really weren't either. The one book everyone was raving about that I just could not get into was Reunion by Teresa Fowler.
I usually scan the book and read the last couple of chapters of a book I don't like. I figure I owe it to the author to at least read most of it.
Joy Isley 1:50pm July 7, 2009)

I kow there have been a few books that have not held my interest long enough for me to finish them, but I really don't remember the names of who they are by.
Patsy Hagen 2:48pm July 7, 2009)

The book I could not really feel much over was THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY..but I liked the movie. It could had been just me or bad timing but I tried reading the book twice and could never get to the end of it. Susan L.
Susan Leech 4:00pm July 7, 2009)

A book?Try several.Three that come to mind are The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie, The Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R. Donaldson, and Far Slayer's Story by Fred Saberhagen. There are other books but these are the ones that annoyed and frustrated me the most. All these books are by authors who had previously been published and should have been better. Authors who don't improve as they continue to publish should find a different job or better editors. There would probably be fewer disappointed readers.
Lorna Thomas 1:14am July 8, 2009)

I'll be honest the book you just mentioned, I've never heard of. I just recently read a book that I don't know if there was any hype about it but the blurb for me didn't fit my expectations. I prefer not to mention the book. Have a great day.
Roberta Harwell 9:16pm July 8, 2009)

For me there were two authors I couldn't get into no matter how hard I tried. Those were Jane Green and Sue Grafton. I don't know why I didn't like them, I just didn't.
Maggie Roso 9:37pm July 8, 2009)

Add me to the list of never heard of this book. Its not even a title that would catch my eye.

Lorna, as a huge Dame Agatha fan, you should check out her autobiography. She wrote the book where Piorot dies a good 20-25 years before it was published. The publishers didn't want to give up their gold mine. So, blaming the editors might be the way to go. Also, she fell into writing by accident. She had a pretty interesting life.

The only book I can think of that didn't work for me was That was Then, This is Now by S.E. Hinton. I was 12 or 13 when I read it and it was at the time they were making all her books into movies. I read the whole book, but the ending really bothered me, so I gave my copy away. Still have my copies of the 3 they made into movies though.

Its been really interesting to see what everyone says. Great topic!
Amanda Reeder-erdly 11:02pm July 8, 2009)

Twilight - while it was interesting enough, I didn't think it was truly special. I'm finding I have the same opinion while reading the second book in this series, too...
Susan Davco 10:30am July 9, 2009)

For me, it was "Peony In Love". The book was okay, but I found many of the images disturbing.
Cheryl Snyder 10:37am July 11, 2009)

I couldn't get into Beth Kery's DARING TIME. It just couldn't hold my attention but I have read some wonderful reviews for her work.
Leslie Gladnick 5:24pm July 12, 2009)

For me it was Philippa
"The Other Queen". I loved all
her books on Henry VIII's
wives and was so disappointed
in this book. Will never
assume that every book by a
beloved author will be great.
Lisa Richards 7:36pm October 28, 2009)

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