The Duke Has Done It Again, June 2024
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The Duke's Best Friend, September 2023
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A Gentleman Ought to Know, March 2023
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Blame It on the Earl, September 2022
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Earl on the Run, March 2022
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The Duke Who Loved Me, September 2021
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When You Give a Rogue a Rebel, April 2021
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Earl's Well That Ends Well, January 2021
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A Favor for the Prince, July 2020
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A Duke Too Far, May 2020
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The Reluctant Rake, November 2019
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How to Cross a Marquess, August 2019
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A Lord Apart, April 2019
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Earl to the Rescue, December 2018
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Brave New Earl, August 2018
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The Duke Knows Best, December 2017
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Last Gentleman Standing, September 2017
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Nothing Like a Duke, May 2017
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Lord Sebastian's Secret, January 2017
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What the Duke Doesn't Know, September 2016
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Heir To The Duke, January 2016
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First Season / Bride to Be, October 2015
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A Radical Arrangement, August 2015
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Married To A Perfect Stranger, March 2015
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The Bride Insists, March 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Once Again A Bride, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Who says second chances aren't possible?
February 2013
On Sale: February 1, 2013
Featuring: Charlotte Rutherford Wylde; Sir Alec Wylde
416 pages ISBN: 1402276729 EAN: 9781402276729 Kindle: B009RXJ2ZA Paperback / e-Book
Add to Wish List
Romance Historical
Pushed by her dying father into a marriage with one of his
friends, Charlotte Rutherford Wylde finds herself bound to
an old man who disdains and ignores her. Desperately
miserable, Charlotte considers taking drastic action, but
before she can confront him, her husband is murdered int he
dark London streets. wearied and widowed, Charlotte also
discovers that her dead husband has spent the fortune she
brought him, leaving her nearly penniless. And most
astonishing of all, Charlotte discovers he had an entire
family he never mentioned. The fashionable Wyldes are as surprised to hear of
Charlotte's existence as she is of theirs. To the
charismatic Sir Alec Wylde, she is at first just another
obligation in his overburdened life. He has to grapple with
his dead relative's shady business dealing, an attempted
robber, and a suspicious Bow Street Runner. But it's not
long before Alec realizes that there is nothing he would
rather do than cherish the entrancing Widow Wylde. However,
secrets from both their pasts have different plans altogether...
No awards found for this book.
56 comments posted.
Re: Once Again A Bride
i too have desk but its my grandparents and it roots me back to them and the times they grew up in so i can have what i have today (Lisa Fitzgibbons 5:49am February 7, 2013)
Treasures passed down from our parents, our grandparents are the things that help define our space and provide strong links to our heritage. (Chris Coulson 6:08am February 7, 2013)
We live in a log home that my husbands great grandfather built in 1842. We love and treasure it. Some of the logs are 21" wide. Congratulations on your appreciation of the desk, and your creativeness. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:23am February 7, 2013)
We have cats, which are not furniture but have quite an effect on our living space! I also brought some items from the house where I grew up and they help me to remember those times. Such as paintings and this computer desk. (Clare O'Beara 7:11am February 7, 2013)
We when we move into this house I HATED IT!!! Totally...the lay-out is awful, but I guess you get what you get when your husband picks a house more for a garage and the acres than the actual house. Thus, I've torn up carpet in the bathrooms, painted pink walls and put cabinets where I can to make it mine and you know this house has turned on me...it's gone from my hubby's little monster to "It's my House you don't like move!"...LOL I would love to find a desk like yours ....there are a bunch of shops like that around here but none have any that SCREAM..."Take me home...you REALLY WANT ME", one day I will. On that day it will go in the little corner right by the window looking out to the trees :) (Billie Gaskill 7:18am February 7, 2013)
I have my grandmothers chair, my mom sat in that chair waiting for my dad to get off the bus every day, if he didn't get off, it meant he had duty that night, he was in the Navy.. I am 60 years old.. I sat in my grandmothers lap in that chair and I fed my granddaughter in that chair.. love the history.. Rosemary [email protected] (Rosemary Foley 8:23am February 7, 2013)
Mostly family pictures - they really help to keep me grounded! (Felicia Ciaudelli 8:35am February 7, 2013)
I have about five bookcases...they're all full. That lets me know I'm home. :-D (Karin Anderson 8:53am February 7, 2013)
I love to read your books and can hardly wait to get your new one.My spare bedroom has been turned into a sewing room.my husband sur prised me with a sewing desk for Valentines day a couplyears ago. Itis my Pride and joy. (June Leas 8:56am February 7, 2013)
My little family is still doing a bit too much moving so I don't have anything that is really me. (Alyn Yang 9:04am February 7, 2013)
I have many "old" items in my house that my grandkids love to find and treasure. (Mary Hay 9:36am February 7, 2013)
Can hardly wait to read your new book. I have my grandma's cookie jar. When I get a cookie wonderful memories abound. (Debbie Rudder 9:41am February 7, 2013)
I have a desk that my dad made for me when i was 16 yrs old. I still have it today! (May Pau 10:22am February 7, 2013)
I've got a typing table my father in-law used to use. As he was one of the smartest and kindest men I've ever known I enjoy the feeling of him looking over my shoulder. (Donna Antonio 10:28am February 7, 2013)
I love a wedding story.....romance and love.....lisakhutson at cox. net (Lisa Hutson 10:59am February 7, 2013)
Can't wait to read it! :) (Melissa Roma 11:08am February 7, 2013)
I love the sounds of your desk - and love the name of the shop where you purchased it: Aunt Teeks. Very clever. Your book sounds great - and I'd LOVE to win. Thanks for the chance. (Nancy Reynolds 11:10am February 7, 2013)
I love these stories about household items! (Jane Ashford 11:24am February 7, 2013)
I find the ocean very calming. Every new office I go to, and there have been quite a few, I always want a picture of the ocean there or a picture that reminds me of the ocean like lighthouse pictures. I love Andrew Wyeth's muted colors, also. I have a framed print of his Wind from the Sea in my office now. When I get stressed, I just look at it, and I feel so very much better. :) (Sandy Fielder 11:34am February 7, 2013)
The book sounds interesting, I'd love to read it. (Wilma Frana 11:42am February 7, 2013)
Would love to read this book. Thanks for a chance to win. (Darla Zimmer 11:49am February 7, 2013)
My grandmother's rocking chair and curio cabinets... love knowing they were with my grandmother for years... and I look at them and remember her. (Colleen Conklin 12:10pm February 7, 2013)
I am so thrilled that I'm not alone when I hear about other people picking up "vibes" from touching other pieces of furniture or going into old buildings and feeling what other people might have felt who lived there. I don't actually mean it in a psychic sense, but in a "feel good" kind of way that helps you along through your day or with what you're doing. Anyway, you asked about what touches you use in your house. I love to use hand-made items such as afghans that I made, or doilies that were handed down to me. I have a small lamp that was used by my Grandmother, as well as an old radio that was used by another Grandmother. I love older items, but my house is very eclectic. I also love crystals, and have a cabinet with different shaped crystals inside. I love when the sun hits it each day, and the colors bounce around the living room!! I am looking forward to reading your book very much, because I love reading about English history, and any books having to do with English lifestyle in general. The book you wrote is at the top of my TBR list, and I have to get my hands on it somehow!! (Peggy Roberson 12:31pm February 7, 2013)
I have given up certain styles to incorporate my DH, at first he felt as though there was no "stamp" of him around the house. I feel as though the intermingle of style and taste has made this a true home for both of us. I keep his childhood memories and mine out, I have my collections all about, and although I have three bookcases filled, he has one for his books and nit nacs. I have liberty to design certain places and have with a Movie themed family room (where my GWTW stands out) and a LOTR guest room with murals and elven writing. (Carla Carlson 12:45pm February 7, 2013)
Hi I have several pieces of furniture that has been passed down - makes my home feel very eclectic with all these different mix matched things. Thanks (Pam Brewer 12:58pm February 7, 2013)
Other than family photos most of the things in my home are items from my mother and grandmother. I find comfort when I look at these everyday since they are both gone. (Julie Parrish 1:36pm February 7, 2013)
Thanks for the giveaway! I don't think there is much around my house like that although I do have some paintings around the house that a family friend painted that are really nice. (Chelsea Knestrick 1:43pm February 7, 2013)
The cover alone drew me in. Sounds like a great read. (Alisha Woods 1:55pm February 7, 2013)
I've put my stamp on my house with my bookcases of books and my curio cabinet full of Boyd's Bears treasure boxes. (Carolyn Overholser 2:55pm February 7, 2013)
A 1890's table given to me by a next-door neighbor. (Doris Losey 4:01pm February 7, 2013)
what a nice post, thanks for this chance too (Debbi Shaw 4:02pm February 7, 2013)
Yes, I love to get things passed down from my parents and grandparents and will treasure them always. Thanks for the fantastic contest and I would love to win and read this interesting book. Thanks, Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 4:50pm February 7, 2013)
I was more of an earth child than anything else, but my husband to be was interested in antiques. We went to auctions and junk shops before we got married and have never stopped. It was a good way at the time to get good furniture cheaply. My how times have changed. We were a military family and lived primarily in base housing. We were furnishing a victorian era house we hoped to some day own. We are now retired and have spent the last 20 years renovating the 1898 victorian farm house we found. We may be done some day. The house was in terrible shape, but sound. The wonderful thing is all our furniture fits the feel of the house as do the family pieces we have. My personal favorite is a spindle platform cradle that I got from my paternal grandparents. Our grandchildren are the 6th generation of our family to use it. My favorite from my husband's side of the family are two paintings in gilded frames of flocks of sheep and a lovely and delicate dressing table and chair. All came from auctions his mother attended when he was in high school. Oh, for the days when you could get a victorian oval, walnut side table for about $20. Our bedroom set is a carved oak Eastlake style bed and matching dresser with mirror, both in perfect condition. Price $80.
I look forward to reading ONCE AGAIN A BRIDE. (Patricia Barraclough 5:08pm February 7, 2013)
I have a portuguese hand painted vase that my mother-in-law gave me that fits just so in one of our built ins - perfect. That, a swedish flag that was my grandfather's, and the original artwork I collect really defines my space. (Celina K 5:25pm February 7, 2013)
I have a lovely roll top desk and curio cabinet from my mother. Love historical romance and look forward to reading Once Again a Bride. (Bonnie H 5:26pm February 7, 2013)
It was so interesting to read you. Like you, I love the feel of 19th,(or early 20th Century)furnitures and antiques in my home.
I have a set of three furnitures, made up in wood, very solid wood, that I got from my grandmother, who herself bought it in 1920 from a very old person who built himself the set many years before. (about mid 1850's)
There is something about the atmosphere these furnitures, items brings, that comforts and ispires me. I also have an ancien beautiful clock,(still from my grandmother, before she past away), in wood. It has some minor scratches and tears, but I love it for its sentimental value. Those objects are very dear to my heart. Oh, and the clock still works! these precious things adds warmth to the home. The minor scratches or imperfection, to me, brings it a real authenticity.
As for the book, I already like Charlotte. What a great storyline. Thank you for sharing. (Judith Venne 7:20pm February 7, 2013)
I have my grandmother's secretary that once held all my little girl treasures and dreams. (Sheila True 8:20pm February 7, 2013)
I just wanted to say this book sounds intriguing. (Sandra Van Coevering 9:33pm February 7, 2013)
My family has always moved around so there is little that makes me feel grounded. I can say that my family, are the ones that shapes me the most. (Lazydrag0n Puff 10:03pm February 7, 2013)
Something that helps me stay grounded is my parent's Campbell mint-green wind-up clock. It's gentle ticking has stayed with me through studies and work, never letting me miss an important date, never failing to wake me up in the morning, nor lull me to sleep at night. It's sturdy, reliable, and it has helped me stay connected to the present, as well as the past. Time has always fascinated me, it's a comfort, knowing when I am, as well as where. Each morning I wind up my clock again, never certain of what will follow, and determined not to live any of it with regrets. (Deana Kruseman 10:10pm February 7, 2013)
I have a lot of antiques in my home, mostly handed down from my father and mother and a beloved aunt. I love them. We have friends who have a totally modern home and to me it is "cold." I will admit my home is much harder to keep dusted amd polished. (Gladys Paradowski 10:51pm February 7, 2013)
I think I would go crazy if I had to move into a house like the one Charlotte had to. I like our home to feel warm, cozy and comfortable. We like to sit back and relax, not live a museum of show pieces. Most of our furnishings have been well loved, in other words, broken in, worn out, comfy and full of character. (Lisa White 11:16pm February 7, 2013)
We have some very special pictures as well as items in our home that have been passed down through the century in our home and each has a special place not only in our home but also in our hearts.
Two such pictures are of my maternal grandmother and of my Dad when he was about 4 years old. The unusual thing is that both pictures have the exact same frame even though my maternal grandmother and my Dad lived in different far away towns in New York. Both pictures are from somewhere around 1915 - 1920. Another picture is one my mother painted from a picture my Dad took with a brownie camera of the woods on a snowy day and it always reminds me of Robert Frost poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.
We also have an old sea chest and a banjo that my Dad got while on his adventure on a ship after he finished High School and went on as a crew member and set sail. He bought both from an seaman who wanted some money to go on shore leave. I love that the trunk has a place inside to store bottles! We also have the telegraph message my Dad received from his father when he had sent home a message that he wasn't coming home he was going to the "east". It's a telegram from his father and bluntly says: Son, you are going to college!" His trip ended and he graduated from Union College in up-state New York!
We also have an old Seth Thomas clock that was my maternal Grandmother's that had tynetype photos hidden inside of relatives but there are no notations written on the back so we'll never know exactly who they are.
The most unusual are some old letters from a husband writing back to his wife who lived in New England of his trip to the west coast to pan for gold. He talks about what is now around Buffalo, NY as the western frontier and fighting the Indians as well as being a Judge for a while "out west" (who knows where) and constant exclamations of how surprised he is that his "poor dear (Jeanne Miro 11:30pm February 7, 2013)
I don't have any one thing that defines my surroundings. I think it's more the people in my family that defines our home. (Anita H 11:33pm February 7, 2013)
Being surrounded with the things I grew up with helps me to see where I've come from and helps me to see where I want to go. Thanks for the contest! (Ada H. 11:37pm February 7, 2013)
I lost alot of things due to water damage, but I hope to pass on trinkets to my kids. Let them start the passing down of memories. (Michelle Schafer 11:39pm February 7, 2013)
I have the desk that my grandfather has used when I was little. I find my grandfather's desk helps remind me of simpler time, when life wasn't so complicated. (Kai Wong 12:27pm February 8, 2013)
I have a roll top desk which I love. I also have several bookcases full of wonderful books. (Rita Wray 10:22am February 8, 2013)
I have a china cabinet and a rocking chair that belonged to my grandparents---I cherish them very much. (Sue Farrell 10:54am February 8, 2013)
i have a lot of great books and some liv room furniture from my aunt. (Pat Lieberman 11:12am February 8, 2013)
I have my father's desk that he bought in the 1920's. When I'm gone it will go to my oldest son. (Sheila Mulholland 1:26pm February 8, 2013)
These are all such great stories about family things. (Jane Ashford 3:34pm February 8, 2013)
My memories of events in this house make me happy. I have never loved the house itself, but the neighborhood is great. (Ann Sheiring 10:48pm February 8, 2013)
For me it would be the photographs I have. (Mary Preston 4:27am February 9, 2013)
It's too bad your nineteenth century desk can't talk! Wouldn't it be fascinating to find out who originally owned it and where it came from? Some of my most cherished things are old handmade quilts and many doilies and potholders with crochet work made by our grandmothers and a very old rocker with the leather tooled seat (which my father-in-law found in a barn in pieces over 45 yrs. ago). I also have a couple of very old cuckoo clocks from Germany that I love and cherish. Loved reading all the blogs on this today! (Linda Luinstra 5:33pm February 9, 2013)
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