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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

The Texas Twins by Tina Leonard


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Also by Tina Leonard:

The Trouble with Twins, September 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Last of the Red-Hot Heroes, September 2016
Burned by a Kiss, March 2016
The Cowboy SEAL's Triplets, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Last of the Red-Hot Riders, June 2015
Heart of a Bull Rider, April 2015
The Bull Rider's Twins, April 2015
One Wild Bull Rider, April 2015
A Family for the Bull Rider, April 2015
The Twins' Rodeo Rider, February 2015
Paperback / e-Book
The SEAL?s Holiday Babies, November 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Last of the Red-Hot Cowboys, July 2014
The Rebel Cowboy?s Quadruplets, July 2014
Paperback / e-Book
More Than Expected, March 2014
Paperback (reprint)
Her Callahan Family Man, January 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Desperado, December 2013
A Callahan Christmas Miracle, November 2013
Paperback / e-Book
It Takes Two, October 2013
Never Say Never, August 2013
Callahan Cowboy Triplets, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
His Callahan Bride's Baby, April 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Hotter Than Hot, March 2013
Hotter Than Texas, March 2013
A Callahan Outlaw's Twins, January 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Christmas in Texas, November 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Cowboy Soldier's Sons, September 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Renegade Cowboy Returns, July 2012
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
A Callahan Wedding, May 2012
Paperback / e-Book
A Father's Vow, May 2012
e-Book (reprint)
Cowboy Sam's Quadruplets, March 2012
Paperback / e-Book
His Valentine Triplets, January 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Cowboy's Bonus Baby, July 2011
Frisco Joe's Fiancee & Laredo's Sassy Sweetheart, June 2011
Paperback (reprint)
The Cowboy's Triplets, May 2011
The Cowboy From Christmas Past, November 2009
Mass Market Paperback
The Texas Twins, June 2009
Mass Market Paperback
The Triplets' Rodeo Man, March 2009
Mass Market Paperback
The Secret Agent's Surprises, February 2009
Mass Market Paperback
The Texas Ranger's Twins, January 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Christmas Getaway, November 2008
Mass Market Paperback
Texas Lullaby, June 2008
Her Secret Sons, March 2007
The Christmas Twins, November 2006
My Baby, My Bride, September 2006
Mason's Marriage, May 2006
Last's Temptation, March 2006
Christmas, Texas Style, November 2005
Crockett's Seduction, September 2005
Belonging to Bandera, June 2005
Archer's Angels, February 2005
Catching Calhoun, December 2004
Frisco Joe's Fiancee, July 2003

The Texas Twins
Tina Leonard

June 2009
On Sale: June 9, 2009
Featuring: John Carruth; Chloe Winters; Jake Fitzgerald
224 pages
ISBN: 0373752679
EAN: 9780373752676
Mass Market Paperback
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Romance Contemporary

The Billionaire
When New York billionaire John Carruth is summoned to No Chance, Texas, to save the local rodeo, he has no idea he is going home. Now the long-lost twin to the town's favorite son is determined to win over the people he left behind— and capture the heart of Chloe Winters, a Texan who has her own ideas of what it means to be part of a small town!

The Bull Rider
Jake Fitzgerald, champion bull rider, didn't know he had another half. John may be kin, but he's still a stranger in these parts. With his billionaire brother hell-bent on changing Jake's world, Jake knows he has to take a stand. Will he choose family—or will he take a chance on Erin O'Donovan, a woman who has always meant family to him?

Read An Excerpt

No awards found for this book.


73 comments posted.

Re: The Texas Twins

My cousins and friends exchange books and author's web sites. I would write the information down on my TBR list. As for lists - I have to have a master list to tell me what is on the other lists! :>)
(Karin Tillotson 1:23pm April 15, 2009)

Texas Twins sounds interesting - may have to pick it up! And, oh, yeah, titles and covers influence purchases of authors I don't know!!
Kelli Jo Calvert 1:47pm April 15, 2009)

Do what you love and the recognition may or may not follow -- but then you won't care if you are doing what you love.
Shannon Scott 3:55pm April 15, 2009)

I don't usually make lists. I've found that if I forget to put something on a list, I'll forget completely to do it. It's much easier for me to have a little note to myself or just simply remember.
LuAnn Morgan 8:43pm April 15, 2009)

How could we function without lists.
My memory and organization have
been scattered lately and lists have
been a necessity. Of course I keep
loosing/misplacing them which
doesn't help. I think part of the appeal
of a list is getting to check things off
which makes you feel like something is
getting done.
Texas Twins sounds good. Will look
for it.
Patricia Barraclough 10:24pm April 15, 2009)

Sounds like a great book I like the westerns.
Penney Wilfort 7:17pm May 4, 2009)

Hey Tina! What a great article! I'm such a packrat, I could never have told my dad to throw out my old writings! More power to you for being able to do that! Looking forward to reading the Texas Twins next month.

Aloha, Snookie
Snookie Mello 11:27pm May 11, 2009)

Hi Tina!! :) Happy to see you here at Freshfiction!

I'm not a writer but your words ring true on so many levels. Hang on to your dreams because LIFE is a journey!

I haven't seen that John Wayne movie...but I do love me some John Wayne. Just a few days ago I caught an old JW movie and even though I'm not much on older movies, I stayed on that channel for the entire time. Kind of surprised myself! :)

Great blog post and looking forward to your newest story. It looks great!
Rachael Grime 11:59pm May 11, 2009)

Hi Tina! As always it is great to hear another one of your "life" stories; always a pleasure.

Hugs, Sally
Sally Grabham 8:51am May 12, 2009)

I'm a packrat, too, unfortunately. I have a hard time throwing anything away.

I came across a poem that I had written in 8th grade and had forgotten. I was surprised that it was really not bad at all, so you might have been surprised at the books your father found. It would have been interesting to see whether you might have incorporated any of those ideas, which you'd long forgotten, into some of the books you've written since your grandmother suggested you write.
Jan Vautard 9:19am May 12, 2009)

I enjoyed your article, too often we throw out our dreams before really giving them a try. Glad you are published.
Vikki Parman 9:34am May 12, 2009)


Loved the article. Like you, reading has gotten me through some really tough times. It is my favorite thing to do!
Josie Roetemeyer 2:18pm May 12, 2009)

I love heroes. My biggest hero growing up was my dad, and after that was my teachers. They never get credit for half of what they do, and put up with so much for so little.
Nancy Gilliland 8:32pm May 14, 2009)

Dear Tina, love the moveie "Quit man with John Wayne, loved that it was about Ireland, where my great gran=paerents cam fronm ,remebr in family they talked about when I rish people first cam to U.S. they had signs up :Irish need Not Apply" How amazing that today we don't see those signs and how exciting that America has changed even to have an Afican-Ameican President in my time is amazing. love your books My heroes were my dad who served in World War 11 and raised seven childern 6 girls nd one son who we loved, never went without food and my Mother nevere had to work. Her job was to raise us and and my Dad, life isn't like that anymore especially today I still need to work. Times have changed but believe womaen love more deeply then men, thank you for listening, Sincerly,Agatha Sherry Townsend my maiden name was Sherry but was McSherry ewhen they came from Ireland a very proud people.
Agatha Townsend 6:01am May 16, 2009)

I enjoyed the article. The Quiet Man is one of my favorite old movies, loved Maureen O'Hara's fiesty role. The heroes that most impress me today are the men and women serving in the armed forces - which is appropriate on a Memorial Day weekend.
Barbara Elness 4:10pm May 23, 2009)

Hi Tina! I agree with you, reading has
gotten me through many a rough spot.
Love the Hemingway quote!
Mary McCoy 11:34pm May 23, 2009)

Hi Tina! I enjoyed your article and I want to send all good wishes to the unfortunate family you mentioned at the beginning. I hope the man's doctors can figure out what is wrong and help him.

Something else you wrote really struck me. I have always been an avid reader but for the life of me, could not concentrate when my children were small. How on earth did you concentrate on a book with a baby screaming in your ear?
Sara Denluck 3:01am May 24, 2009)

I have always liked most of the John Wayne movies, and I can imagine him talking to the men.
My cousin was paralyzed suddenly like the dad in your article. It turned out to be a staph infection in his spine and he had no warning that he was ill. He is still in a wheelchair, but has recovered a lot more use of his body than the doctors expected.
Ruby Davis 2:10am May 30, 2009)

Hi Tina - Thanks for the thoughtful commentary regarding reading. Books have always been there for me during both the good times and the bad times. Haven't seen the John Wayne film you mentioned but I always turn to The Shawshank Redemption when I need a movie to inspire me!
Steve Ellis 6:01pm May 31, 2009)

The Texas Twins: I could just eat them up with a spoon.
Mary Preston 3:19am June 2, 2009)

ow i love puzzles it's the one's whit colers that are to much the same that get me but lots of colers that i can get.grad torino my step dad wants that movie i sent for it for him it looks like some thing that he will like.
Stacey Smith 4:08am June 2, 2009)

My favorite authors can never write as fast as I read...one good reason to revisit old favorites and classics.
Shannon Scott 5:58pm June 3, 2009)

I love clint eastwood, grand torino was one of the best movies of the year in my opionion.
Kelly Marker 10:55am June 4, 2009)

I really liked your article, I love clint eastwood. I think gran torino was one of his best movies ever, it should win an oscar.
Kelly Marker 10:58am June 4, 2009)

We all try and be patient but it is never easy especially when we want our favorite things to be ours immediately.
Rosemary Krejsa 2:45pm June 4, 2009)

Hi, Mary! I thought the cover artist did a great job! The models are wonderful. I love the art dept!
Hi, Stacey! Puzzles are so awesome, aren't they?? And I really did love Gran Torino--it's salty, but heartwarming.
Hey, Shannon!! I love classics everything, and I put my orders in for my fave authors' books months before they are available! I'm a collector!!
Hi, Kelly!! You know, I think you're right: Gran Torino was one of the best movies of the year. My husband was all antsy one night, and I said, "Come on, I'm taking you to the movies," and he said, "What are we seeing?" and I said, "Gran Torino," and he said, "What's that? I never heard of it," and I said, "Never mind, you'll enjoy it," and I kept looking over at him, and he really did like it! He's a submarine, boom-boom, gore kind of movie guy, so I was glad he liked this one! Clint was great.
Hi, Rosemary!! I am never patient when it comes to books. I will never be an e-book girl, either, I guess; I want to hold everything in my hand and store it on my shelves and read it again later!! :)

Tina Leonard 6:51pm June 4, 2009)

Some things I can be patient with, but not books. I always seem to read them too fast, then I can't wait for the next one. Puzzles drive me nuts. I just can't handle the length of time it takes to finish them ..
Jo Ann Jansing 8:18pm June 4, 2009)

Hi, Jo!!
I think it took me about three weeks to finish the first Thomas Kinkade puzzle! I had to be really, really patient--not my forte!! lol But then, I started a second one. My friends needed to borrow my puzzle table twice for confirmation parites and such, and I kept having to move the puzzle frame onto the vacuum box lid--the only thing big enough to keep it while they used my table--and so now, I think I'll just put all the frame into a baggie and start over on a new puzzle!! Books--I am a book hog. I used to keep all my sheets behind my bedroom door so I could use the linen closet for my books!!! I can never wait when my most-fave authors have something new. One time, my husband bought me an ARC for my anniversary off of Ebay!! (Later, I went and bought the book, because it was so good)! Books just speak to me.
Tina Leonard 8:41pm June 4, 2009)

I might have to read Goodbye, Mr. Chips. It sounds fascinating.
Kelly Marker 10:44am June 5, 2009)

Thanks for the great article,
I may have to read Goodbye, Mr. Chips, it sounds fascinating!
Kelly Marker 10:52am June 5, 2009)

I agree, authors don't write fast enough. Luckily I have so many favorites, I still always have a huge TBR pile, so it's okay.
Barbara Elness 5:04pm June 6, 2009)

I so want my authors to already have the
next book waiting. I can't wait to read
your book
Val Pearson 5:08pm June 7, 2009)

I loved James Stewart in the movie version of Mr. Smith goes to Washington. He was a wonderful actor!
Caroline Kolb 8:15pm June 7, 2009)

I love anticipation: a new book, a new movie, a new recipe, opening gifts etc. We saw Gran Torino at the theatre..Clint has still got it!
Annette Cunningham 9:11am June 8, 2009)

Patience...a very difficult virtue!
Diane Pollock 11:01am June 8, 2009)

I love the cover! I laughed about your difficulty with the M&M puzzle--I had wanted to purchase a similar one for my mother (knowing full well it would frustrate her). James Stewart is one of my all-time favorite actors, btw...
Laura Merrill 2:47pm June 8, 2009)

Hey Tina, this is Lela! So nice to hear a story about yourself. You need to do that more often. I find I get lost in myself reading too. I was a latchkey kid myself. My brother was 10 yrs older than me and left right after graduation for Colorado. I haunted the library until they were sick of me! LOL Not really they were really glad to help and I read so many books I nearly ran out in the children's section so the librarian, Mrs Allen sent me to Mary Stewart, Victoria Holt, and Phyllis Whitney. I fell in love with them and I was only about 10 or 12. I always was ahead of myself a little. I love books! Could just lay down and waller in 'em. LOL As I often tell you, write more books--we're awaitin'.
Lela Fox 4:32pm June 8, 2009)

I love discovering new authors. The anticipation of a brand new book is absolutely exhilarating!! I will spend an entire afternoon reading the whole book. . I‘ve been known to order every book by that author after I finish just so I have them for future reading . I spend quite a bit of time reading and watching movies because I am retired on disability. I just ordered Gran Torino, it seems as though I am in for a treat the movie arrives tomorrow!!!
Michele Molesky 7:25pm June 8, 2009)

Candy McCormick, June 9
I truly admire anyone that has such talent to be a writer. I can't imagine constantly having to come up with new ideas, and new topics. I love to read, god bless all authors for their dedication to writing.
Candy McCormick 9:54am June 9, 2009)

If I know there are going to be "sequels" to a book, I wait till the whole set is out to read even the first one. If you have to wait six months or so in between, you've forgotten half the story (or, at least, someone as old as I has).
Louise Pledge 11:53am June 9, 2009)

I really liked Gran Torino too. I have liked Clint Eastwwod throughout his whole career...but I admit I have a soft spot for Bridges of Madison County.
Mari M. 2:40pm June 9, 2009)

I'm a puzzle fanatic, too. I usually do 2 (1000 pieces) a week.
Karen Barnett 9:41pm June 9, 2009)

I find that the more I have to do the less patience I have.
Maureen Emmons 5:27am June 10, 2009)

I love to do puzzles & usually I'm a very patient person. Puzzles help bring our extended family together. When we're together for the holidays or on vacation, we spend a lot of time building puzzles & talking about life!
Cheryl Snyder 12:55pm June 10, 2009)

I, too, tend to be a pack rat. As a result, I live in constant clutter & chaos. I'm in the process of trying to dig out! But, to escape it, I go read a good book for a little while - then I'm ready to take it on again.
Cheryl Snyder 1:00pm June 10, 2009)

Tina received your e-mail today talking about summer, I too shaved my springer spaniel for summers past what Nac loved the most was his yearly baby wading pool. Nac would stretch out in it with his head upturned just watching squirrels and birds with his tail slapping the water.
Susan Lathen 1:45pm June 10, 2009)

Hey Tina - your friend, Jane
I am one who loves puzzles and in all my life I have found only one I gave up on. It was a field of daisies and I was seeing daisies in my sleep. I just could finish it.
Wanted you to know I am a member of fresh fiction and visit monthly. Glad to see you here.
I would love to win.
Jane Squires 6:08pm June 11, 2009)

The one drawback to being a speed-reading biblioholic is the way that I inhale books. Then, because writers are human and oh, have lives, I have to wait & wait for the next book to come out. I feel your pain.
Arlene Medder 5:57pm June 13, 2009)

My wife is absolutely NUTS over your books!

Oh, that's a good thing!!!
Gary Watts 12:03pm June 14, 2009)

I haven't seen Gran Torino yet, but am looking forward to the DVD release. Clint Eastwood is awesome!
Cherie Michalec 3:07pm June 14, 2009)

I love the back ground on your book cover it makes the men stand out amazingly
Tabatha Basham 6:45pm June 15, 2009)

You sound like my sister---she doesn't
have much patience either. I, on the
other hand, once waited 4 hours for a
Kimberly Bea 1:50am June 17, 2009)

Clint Eastwood found out that in order to get movies made from scripts he liked he would have to start his own production company. I'm a Clint Eastwood fan because he figured out a way to make the movies he thinks are worth making. I'm not a big fan of his personal life, but I'm sure I don't know everything. There are usually two sides to every story, and sometimes more than that.
Cindy Rankin 12:26pm June 17, 2009)

I just saw Gran Torino & loved it. I never met an Eastwood film I didn't like!

I love on-line crossword & jigsaw puzzles too.
Karen Haas 1:10pm June 18, 2009)

I love this cover Tina
Pat Wood 11:14pm June 18, 2009)

Great cover! I haven't read "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" in years. I'll definitely have to pull it out, and thanks for the tip on "Gran Torino." I'm not the biggest Eastwood fan, so I might have missed it.
Michelle St. James 11:42am June 19, 2009)

I can't resist the lure of a complicated
puzzle, much like I can't put down a
good book.
Sue Ahn 7:49pm June 20, 2009)

Puzzles can be puzzling!
Kim Wetmore 3:00pm June 22, 2009)

It IS hard to wait for the next book in a series! Lately, a few of my favorite authors have published back-to-back books in a series, and that has been a treat!
Cheryl Castings 9:36pm June 23, 2009)

Patience and sequels don't always go together,especially if you don't know how many books there are in a series.Even if there are a set number of books you have to worry about spoilers from reviewers or friends. I have tried not to read books in a trilogy,etc where I know the next book hasn't been published yet only to have people discussing plot points.I would rather read a book and remember it until the sequel comes out than know a plot point that I then search for in the book.
Lorna Thomas 12:29pm June 25, 2009)

Love puzzles of any sort! That and books!
Joanne Reynolds 7:07am June 25, 2009)

LOVE the book cover..LOL
Marjana Kaly 11:37pm June 25, 2009)

Hi Tina! So love that cover and won't be missing that story! Love your books! My mom used to have a small table set up with a puzzle on it. I would always see her go and work on it each day in the evening and I joined in and it became a tradition for us to do! I've since did a couple myself and did the background gluing to put them in a frame! I miss doing one, I have to soon!
Cathie Morton 10:14pm June 28, 2009)

I grew up doing jigsaw puzzles with my mother and sister. I still like them now and then. And I love to read. My books are starting to stack up all over the spare bedroom and my bookcases are full....need more bookcases!!!
Ruby Davis 11:17pm June 28, 2009)

My dining room table is frequently unavailable becaues the current puzzle is covering it. Luckily my husband is patient with me.
Sharon Mitchell 4:02pm June 30, 2009)

Wow - thinking back to all the great days of constructing puzzles. Tina - You have brought back many memories!!
Steve Ellis 10:58pm June 30, 2009)

I honestly can't say if I ever knew what I really wanted to be. My daughter however was always struggling with maths and in grade 4 she had this amazing teacher who used fun methods to teach math and that's when my daughter decided she would be a teacher to help kids like her who have a harder time comprehending such subjects
Diane Sadler 5:22pm July 1, 2009)

Are rockers or bands ever really innocent? Heh I wasnt sure if I would want to see The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button but I think I will look into it.
Tabatha Basham 9:03pm July 2, 2009)

Your contest sounds interesting.
Patsy Hagen 9:55pm July 2, 2009)


That really sounds like some adventure.
I almost don't know whether to believe it or not.

Makes my life seems drab and dismal !

Carol Thompson 5:42am July 3, 2009)

Have you ever watched Felicity? Your story sounds a bit like that, with the show Greek thrown in as well. It seems like you had a great time in college, which is how it should be.
Barbara Elness 12:13pm July 3, 2009)


An interesting article. Glad you volunteered to get the woman her fried chicken. . . My Mom would "swipe" things that I wrote and I would always wonder what happen to it. I never knew until I was married and live in a faraway state from her.
Susan Mahaffey 11:43am January 11, 2010)

I absolutely could not function without making lists. I even have all my u.n. and pw. to all my banks bookclubs,sites, just etc.in a little phone book. Am finding as I go along how many address books it will take. lol When to go to a doctor?.....where's my note.......what day are we planning my grandson's b-day party. Lists! Lists! Lists! Keep looking for ur books! Ur one of my fave.
Lela Fox 10:45pm May 28, 2011)

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