Jack Morgan came home to the Morgans’ Texas ranch on
family business—not to get roped into marriage. But he’s
finding it impossible to steer clear of his attraction to
angelic Cricket Jasper. Now the virtuous deacon is
pregnant…with triplets!
The sexy rodeo rider has always been in Cricket’s secret
prayers. But she never dreamed she’d be having Jack’s
babies! She knows the firstborn Morgan son came home to
things right with his estranged father. Now he’s about to
become a father.
What will it take to make a family man out of this
rover? Because if three babies and the love of a good
aren’t enough to settle down this lonesome cowboy, nothing
will be!
Haven't a favorite one. But love reading westerns and cowboy love stories. (Kantu Malhotra 11:22am May 26, 2015)
No one in particular, but I do favour Jack. (Deb Philippon 2:29pm May 26, 2015)
No favorite. (Wilma Frana 3:11pm May 26, 2015)
No favourite. (Lynn Rettig 4:37pm May 26, 2015)
Well I don't actually have one but I'd love to read the books and get one. (Linda Henderson 4:47pm May 26, 2015)
Wow Tina, that was some interview with Harve Stewart. I like all the PBR riders, it take a lot of nerve to do what they do. Thanks, for the chance to win. (Lois Imel 4:54pm May 26, 2015)
don't have a favorite bull rider. (Angela Parrish 5:21pm May 26, 2015)
I don't have a favorite bull rider - don't know much about them. But Harve sounds awesome!! (Lily Shah 6:03pm May 26, 2015)
I do not have a fav as I am not a Rodeo watcher. I just wish them all luck since they have chosen a very difficult and dangerous profession. (Tina Ullrich 7:31pm May 26, 2015)
I don't have a favorite, but I'll be looking out for Harve now! (Marcy Shuler 1:18am May 27, 2015)
All of them! (Nancy Ludvik 9:48am May 27, 2015)
no favorite (Mary C 10:43am May 27, 2015)
how can I pick just 1???? Love 'em all (Kimberley Coover 1:48pm May 27, 2015)
At the moment, it's Matt Triplett. I'm about to go check out Harve Stewart ;) (Val Pearson 7:59pm May 27, 2015)
No favorite. I just love watching them all. (Sharon Mitchell 3:01am May 28, 2015)
Harve is a cutie! I wish him the best of luck on his rides! (Diane Sallans 3:03pm May 28, 2015)
I don't have a favorite but I have an admiration for all those guys that can stay on any length of time. (Nancy Luebke 4:47pm May 28, 2015)
Zane please! (Denise Austin 5:21pm May 29, 2015)
Bull riding is my favorite event. (Vicki Clevinger 7:56pm May 29, 2015)
Such a dangerous sport! Must admire someone who puts it all on the line! I've never been to a genuine rodeo, but I've seen events on TV. I have no favorite. Thanks for the opportunity! (Marcia Berbeza 11:41pm May 29, 2015)